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95.85% Mixed HD / Chapter 416: 211-220

Chapter 416: 211-220

Chapter 211 Soul Power Merging

"Still nothing?" Yiren asked as she watched Xuefeng from up close.

Xuefeng took another Cursed Fragment at the end of the twelfth section but nothing changed. No matter how much he tried to match the pieces together, it was all for naught.

"Yup, nothing. I hoped that maybe some of the fragments would eventually fit together but none of them does. Not sure what to think about it," Xuefeng replied with a sigh.

Yiren cheered with a bright smile and gave his palm a rub.

"Don't worry, you will figure it out soon," she assured lovingly before glancing down at the Cursed Fragment. "Can I touch it?"

"Sure," Xuefeng nodded and passed her one of the fragments. "Be careful though. We are still not sure what it does."

Yiren took it carefully and observed it all around as Xuefeng explained, "We tried to use Elemental Qi and even Fate Qi to maybe awaken something from within but the metal doesn't even absorb any type of Qi."

"Mhmm, I see. Can I have the other fragment too?"

Xuefeng only smiled at Yiren's curiosity and passed the second fragment to her. He had full trust in her and even if she dropped them, he was ready to catch them so he wasn't worried.

Yiren inspected the two fragments and tried to match the two metal fragments somehow, causing Xuefeng to laugh.

"Hah, baby, I already tried every possible combina—"

His smile died halfway through when something changed.

"Oh! It works!" Yiren exclaimed as two fragments suddenly brightened and merged like two liquid metals. It changed shape into a completely different fragment, this time much bigger and angular.


Both Ming and Ling cried out in shock while Xuefeng was left speechless, his expression changing between amazement and admiration. They have been struggling this whole time while Yiren didn't even need ten seconds to discover the fragment secrets.

"Yiren! What did you do?!" Xuefeng called out excitedly as he embraced her and grabbed the fragment. The texture was the same aside from the more cubic-like structure.

"Oh… Did I break it?" Yiren muttered with a saddened expression. "I just wanted to help…"

"No, no! You did great!" Xuefeng assured as he kissed her deeply, realizing he must have been too explosive.

She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and claimed her reward without hurrying. The rest were still picking up their Treasure rooms, so they had time left for themselves.

"What happened?"

Nuwa was the first to notice their celebration and approached them, but Xuefeng didn't release Yiren until she was fully satisfied.

"You know how much I love you?" Xuefeng confessed as he rubbed their noses together. "I realized I should say it more often."

"Hehe, I love you too," Yiren giggled as she rubbed his ear. "Did you forget we are connected? I can feel what you feel. If you stopped loving us, I would already ask if there is something wrong."

"Mhmm, that won't happen," Xuefeng promised with a kiss and finally pulled away, showing Nuwa the bigger fragment.

"Oh, did you finally connect it? How did you do it?" Nuwa asked in surprise, but Xuefeng simply glanced at Yiren, also wanting to know the same.

"I also don't know how I did it, though. I simply tried to glue the two pieces together with my Soul Power, and then it started shining before it merged," Yiren explained innocently.

'Soul Power? Quick, try with another fragment,' Ming suggested urgently while Xuefeng was already on it.

"So just glue it together?" Xuefeng asked as he grabbed two fragments and channeled his Soul Power through his bloodline.

It wrapped around the fragments, lifting and bumping them together, but no matter how much he tried, nothing happened.

"Let me try," Nuwa suggested as she took over the fragments, but she frowned right after, failing miserably. Both of them looked at Yiren, who simply reached out for the fragments with a smile.

The moment Yiren touched the Cursed Fragments, they shone brightly and instantly merged as if to tease them both.

"See? Like this," Yiren displayed the bigger fragment happily. "Should I help with all the fragments?"

She seemed so excited to help him that Xuefeng didn't hesitate and pulled out all the fragments he collected so far. Sure enough, Yiren didn't even need a minute to connect them all, creating a head-sized metal fragment.

'Wait, what if it's not the matter of how but who?' Ling proposed an explanation. 'You and Nuwa both tried, but only Yiren succeeded. Maybe it depends on what kind of Soul is used? If we assume that metal has consciousness or even behaves like an Artefact, maybe it chooses who is worthy of being its master?'

'So there is a chance I was rejected, and Yiren was chosen? I don't really mind as long as we can get this treasure,' Xuefeng replied, not even slightly jealous. His wives' strength was his strength as well.

'It's just the theory, though. We won't know for sure unless you reach the top. For now, let's just ask Yiren to help you,' Ming suggested.

"Yiren, how about you stay with me for now and help me merge the fragments?" Xuefeng questioned right away, and Yiren couldn't help but start jumping cutely.

"Yes!" Yiren called out happily, but then she wondered worriedly, "But what if I can't handle the pressure and continue to follow you?"

"We will worry when that happens. You should still be good to go, right?"

They were already on the one hundred twenty-ninth floor, and even he could feel the pressure building up. Naturally, his body was tempered by his Regeneration Ability for much longer than his wives, so it was much easier for him. Not even counting Ming's blessing that rebuilt his bodily structure.

"Mhmm, I'm still good. Our bloodline is a little bit stronger than that of humans," Yiren nodded and offered to give back the Fragment.

"No, you hold it for now. You can give it back when you can't handle the pressure anymore," Xuefeng decided as he patted her on the head. "Alright, let's get going."

As they talked, his wives grouped up one by one, and they could continue to climb further. Unfortunately, it soon came the time they had to say goodbye.

Lisa and Wu were the second to stop, giving up just ten floors later. Even though Xuefeng improved their constitution, there were limits to the strength of a human body.

The next to follow were Wen, Shan, Yi, and Tianshi, stopping ten floors after them. Wuying reached the barrier of one hundred and fifty floor, retiring only after Xuefeng asked her to. He couldn't allow her to suffer, seeing how much she struggled even to walk.

"So it seems it's just the seven of us left," Xuefeng counted as he gave Mona a scratch under her chin. She already had five fluffy tails rubbing against his back and neck, recovering much faster than he anticipated.

All left had a stronger bloodline which gave their body additional resistance, but he could see the group slowed down with each floor reached. The only one who didn't seem to struggle was surprisingly Yiren which gave him a sudden idea.

Chapter 212 Pure Soul

"Damn… This guy already entered the top one hundred in the Dragon Steps. It won't be long till he reaches the top ten at this point. His wives seemed to be the ones who ended their run since their ranking stopped advancing as well. I almost thought they are monsters as well."

The commotion outside was growing in size as Xuefeng's group reached new heights. It wasn't yet an event that would alarm the whole House of Dragons but it was really close. Every time someone was getting close to the active record, the surroundings of the Dragon Tower turned into a massive watch party.

It reached the point where the food sellers were flying around to sell their goods while the Law Enforcement monitored the space.

"This is just the beginning. His climb didn't even start," Ryan said confidently as he pointed at the tower. "I will snap my fingers and they will continue climbing!"


Rose's eyesight followed his hand but for a good few seconds, nothing happened. The Dragon Tower light didn't even move.

"Well, this looked much cooler in my head," Ryan muttered embarrassedly as he scratched his head when the crowds exploded with cries.

The golden light on the Dragon Sculpture continued to move but this time something was different. It moved up too quickly!

Sixteenth section…

Seventeenth section...

Eighteenth section…

Xuefeng's ranking also flew to the top as he no longer stopped for long, increasing his lead between the rest.

"See, I told you!" Ryan called out happily as he saw the results, causing Rose and his friend to roll their eyes. His ranking just fell to second place but Ryan didn't even blink.

Nineteenth section…

Twentieth section…

Twenty-fifth section…

When Xuefeng finally reached the active record, everyone was losing their mind. What was even more surprising was the second name that suddenly launched to the very top.

[1. Liu Xuefeng]

[2. Liu Yiren]

He wasn't alone!

One of his wives was following him but even she seemed to have fallen behind, separating from Xuefeng's climb.

Thirtieth section…

Fortieth section…

Fiftieth section…

"He is about to break the all-time record! The Five Hundred Floor Barrier!"

The rate he was climbing was so fast and smooth, everyone was anticipating today they would witness the history.

Too bad.

"Why is he not moving? Could this be the end?" Rose wondered as they watched Xuefeng stay on the same floor for the last five minutes.

"Maybe. Who knows what is inside that floor. The last guy who reached it didn't reveal to anyone exactly why he failed. From what I read, he only said his heart wasn't pure enough but I don't know what it meant," Ryan pointed out.

"Hmm, maybe only certain people can move to the upper floors?" Rose asked when her eyes suddenly widened as she watched the tower. "He is going down!"

Her cry alarmed the surrounding cultivators and they all looked each other in the eyes.


They didn't hesitate and dove down from the sky with the same idea in mind. Be the first to meet Xuefeng once he leaves the Dragon Tower!

"Let's go too," Ryan suggested as he grabbed Rose into his arms and teleported away.

"Don't push! Stay back or I will start giving out punishments!"

The Dragon Tower Elders already created a barrier surrounding the tower entrance while the whole base floor was emptied with all trades halted. They had to ensure the top disciples would be safely escorted.

After all, any treasure above the two-hundredth floor was enough to cause chaos and no one was capable of stopping a battle of thousands of Cultivators once it began.

Naturally, Ryan didn't give a fuck about any of this, passing through the barrier of elders without care.

"Hey! We said no—" the Dragon Tower Elder called out sternly but stopped himself when he realized who it was.

"Don't worry Elder Wang, I won't cause trouble," Ryan called out happily and sneaked inside. Even though he dropped to third place, his name was already well known in the Sect and with that came certain privileges.

Sure enough, Xinyu was already there on the base floor while waiting for the rest of her group.

"Xinyu! Congrats on your climb!" Ryan called out from the distance, but Xinyu only acknowledged him with a nod.

"Thanks, but I was the first to drop so I don't consider it a successful run," Xinyu admitted with a shrug. "What are you doing here? I ordered a lockdown."

"Hehe, you know such things won't stop me," Ryan chuckled as he glanced at Rose, rubbing her arm. "Have you met Rose?"

"Good Morning, Miss Xinyu," Rose greeted with a bow, recognizing the difference in status.

"Morning," Xinyu replied casually and shifted back to Ryan. "If you came here to meet Xuefeng then you will have to wait for some time."

Ryan raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't he already coming down?"

"Heh," Xinyu smirked. "Xuefeng doesn't make empty promises. If he said he will reach the top, he will."


*Five minutes earlier*

"Okay, what the fuck is this?" Xuefeng finally cursed as he slammed his Dragon Edge against the floor.

He has been climbing with incredible pace and the increasing Dragon Tower pressure didn't bother him as much. He was pushing forward with excitement, thinking he was going to claim the top of the tower within the next minutes yet his dreams got crushed.

Right when he was supposed to break the all-time record, he was met with the indestructible barrier at the stairs leading to the five hundredth floor.

'Calm down, it seems like any physical attacks don't have any impact whatsoever,' Ming commented after Xuefeng unleashed a barrage of his power on the barrier. 'We should try with Soul attacks.'

Xuefeng didn't wait and reached out to the barrier with his Soul Power, hoping to pierce through but he was surprised yet again.


A sudden pain assaulted his Soul, forcing him to withdraw.

'Doesn't work…' Xuefeng muttered dejectedly. Did he reach this far just to be blocked?

'Can you touch it? I will do some tests,' Ming proposed, but once she was done, she didn't have any good news. 'This barrier is not autonomous. Something must be controlling it and blocking us on purpose. It behaves like a living organism, increasing the defense wherever you strike it.'

'Even if it's controlled by the Tower Spirit, there should be a way to go past it.'

Just as he thought, something within the barrier shifted. The Qi changed in color and formed into letters, then words, and a clear sentence in front of him.

[Only pure souls can pass through. You can't open the Heavenly Gate with darkness in your heart.]


Xuefeng was left speechless by the text alone but when his wives heard about it, they didn't spare him either.

'Oh, well. I guess you tried. You tied the record which is still good. Are you coming back down now?'


Chapter 213 Eat Me

'Is there really no other way?' Xuefeng wondered. 'It seems like those Cursed Fragments also react the same way.'

'Yeah, they don't want to accept someone this perverted,' Ming agreed, causing Xuefeng to roll his eyes.

'Since when am I perverted? I'm perfectly normal. It's you all who want to eat me whenever I'm close,' Xuefeng countered innocently.

'So if I walk in front of you fully naked, you won't grab me and think of eating me?' Nuwa teased, causing Xuefeng's mind to wander.

How could he not? Any of his wives were tempting enough full clothed. How could he resist if they seduced him with their sexy curves?

'I'm sure he is already ravaging Nuwa against the wall in his mind. Naughty,' Wen commented, catching him red-handed.


They knew him too well!

'Alright, alright, let's think about how to solve this problem instead of exposing your husband,' Xuefeng changed the subject, knowing he couldn't win against them. 'If Cursed Fragments work the same way as this barrier, then Yiren should be pure enough to pass. The only problem is the pressure on this floor which she can't handle.'

'I'm sorry... I'm too weak... I will work harder so I can help you more,' Yiren apologized cutely.

Everyone couldn't help but melt inside. She was just too pure!

'Wait! I got an idea,' Ming suddenly exclaimed. 'Aren't you two connected by Bloodline with each other? Maybe we can use this connection to pretend you are Yiren?'

Xuefeng couldn't really wrap his mind around it but he was open to all suggestions. 'Can you even do that?'

'I don't know yet, but we will find out,' Ming muttered deep in thought. 'Your connection is special since not only does it connect your bloodline but also your Soul. If we can find the piece of Yiren's Soul in your own, maybe we can trick the Dragon Tower Spirit.'

She didn't even ask his permission as she announced, 'It might hurt a little so bear with it.'


She didn't hold back at all as she dove right into it. Xuefeng felt like his soul was ripped apart but thankfully it stopped just as fast.

'I found it!' Ming announced excitedly. 'Small part of your Souls merged when Yiren transferred her bloodline to you. Since it's now part of your Soul, you can use Yiren's fragment freely. The Dragon Tower Spirit should recognize how pure it is and let you inside.'

Xuefeng tested her theory without questions.


The barrier popped like a bubble.

'Seriously…?' Xuefeng rolled his eyes. 'Why is this Dragon Tower Spirit so obsessed with pure Souls? Is it because he doesn't want anyone malicious to claim its best Artefact?'

He didn't wait for an answer and stepped on the stairs. The pressure surrounding him increased drastically but it was still manageable.

'Hehe, let the climb begin agai—'


His words were cut off mid-way as a sudden force slammed him like a hammer. Before he even realized what happened, he was already sliding on the floor.

[Only pure Souls can open the Heavenly Gate!]

Words reappeared on the barrier, reminding Xuefeng that his dirty soul wasn't welcomed.

"Damn," Xuefeng cursed as he slowly lifted himself up. He wasn't prepared to be attacked so he didn't even defend himself.

"Is this how you welcome guests?" Xuefeng asked sarcastically but he was of course ignored.

'Well, at least we confirmed that someone is controlling this place,' Ling cheered up.

'Let me try again,' Xuefeng muttered as he returned back without hesitation.

This time he was prepared when the Spirit's force struck him again. He held his ground as he slowly advanced but he eventually stopped, going back down without forcing his way through.

'I can proceed further but I should go all out and improve my strength further first,' Xuefeng decided. 'Where are you guys? I am coming down to you.'

'I think Mona and I are the only ones still climbing. We reached the twenty-seventh section but I am reaching my limits,' Katherine replied first, his purpose being too obvious. 'Are you planning to…'

She didn't finish her words and he didn't reveal his plans either, coming down instead.


It took Xuefeng a few minutes but eventually, their eyes met once again. Katherine couldn't help but blush a little at his burning gaze.

Even though she wasn't a beginner in those matters, she still felt slightly nervous thinking about what's about to happen. It was still their first time connecting.

"I didn't want our first time to happen in such circumstances," Xuefeng explained apologetically as he approached her. "I didn't want your Heat of the Dragon to be my motivation for us to get closer. You deserve more."

"It's alright… I was the one who proposed it first so you shouldn't feel guilty," Katherine replied as she tried to calm down. Her efforts were fruitless as she still shivered when he grabbed her hands into his.

She forgot about the pressure that has been bothering her as only his presence was in her mind.


Mona seemed oblivious to their special moment as she jumped onto his shoulder, breaking the scene. Her eight fluffy tails almost choked him but it was her way of greeting.

"I am close to creating my ninth tail but I would prefer to rest for now. This sudden recovery was too fast. Can I rest with big sisters?" Mona asked as she licked him.

"Sure, they will take care of you," Xuefeng replied as he kissed her forehead. Her body disappeared right after, leaving the two alone.

"Come with me," Xuefeng ordered with a smile and pulled her to one of the empty rooms.

A scene of being pressed against the wall appeared in her mind. They didn't continue earlier which left her wanting for more.

She was ready to be pushed and go right into it when Xuefeng pulled her into his embrace instead. He wasn't in a hurry as he first looked into her eyes and caressed her face.

"The least I can do is make this moment memorable," Xuefeng muttered as he aimed his palm at the floor.


Katherine watched in surprise as a soft cloud appeared out of thin air and he placed her gently on top while laying next to her.

"Is it comfortable?"

That question was enough to let her female instinct take over her as she wrapped her arms around his head and drowned him with an avalanche of kisses.

"Yes, it is. Now eat me before I eat you myself..."

Chapter 214 Dragon Awakened (**)

Katherine didn't need to ask him twice.

"How do you want me to eat you?" Xuefeng asked as he already slid his hand through the cuts of her dress. He grabbed her butt firmly and pulled her closer till their hips rubbed together.

"Why do you ask questions?" Katherine scolded. "You lost your chance. Now it's my turn to eat you."


His shirt lost all buttons as she split it apart, revealing his muscled chest. They were inside the Dragon Tower which still pressured their bodies this whole time. His muscles were all tensed and hard but Katherine didn't seem to mind.

"You taste so good…" She muttered between kissing his neck and caressing his abs. "I was waiting to eat you for days…"

"The pressure doesn't bother you?" Xuefeng wondered while exploring her body, moving his fingers onto her waist and then chest.

Katherine smiled in response and looked up, teasing his lips with her teeth.

"It makes everything spicier," she replied before sliding her hands into his pants. "Imagine how tight I will be inside…"

"You are about to awaken a Dragon," Xuefeng announced, feeling her hands wrap around him. She teased him with her gaze and licked his lips while constantly stroking and rubbing.

"You already awakened one," Katherine replied softly and suddenly slid down to his legs, leaving a trail of kisses behind.


Katherine left a bite through his pants and licked his erection all around. Her eyes brightened when she pulled down his pants and saw him all hard and ready. She grasped onto his pants and licked him with no hands.

"So hard just from my tongue… Truly worthy to call it a Dragon…" Katherine muttered, swallowing him with unusual eagerness and passion. Her tongue wiggled on his base as he poked the end of her throat, wanting to go deeper and deeper.

There was no need for any commands or orders, Katherine knew what both of them wanted. He held her golden hair while she stripped him of his pants before getting rid of her dress.

"I want it," Katherine expressed her desire, climbing onto him again. She didn't even wait for his reply as she locked his lips with hers and aimed him inside her.

She momentarily trembled as he pierced all the way in, but she wasn't the only one affected.

Katherine was burning hot!

He felt as if he just entered hell filled with flames instead of the lightning storm he already expected. It hurt him much more too, especially since it attacked his most sensitive organ.

"Mhmm!" Xuefeng alarmed as he pulled her face away but then he realized something.

"Is this the Heat of the Dragon?"

"I'm sorry… I was supposed to control it at the start but you distracted me," Katherine apologized as she breathed hurriedly. "You are so big you actually stretched me to the limits…"

As she spoke, the burning lowered substantially till it didn't hurt as much.

"So you can minimize it, I see," Xuefeng commented as he embraced her, letting her get used to his size. "How does it work?"

"The burning you feel is basically the Heat of the Dragon doing its work. We have to stay connected till the burning fills your whole body," Katherine explained. "It will improve your constitution and let you endure more pressure. Even though my innate Element is Lightning, I'm still a Dragon. Flames run through my veins."

"Does the strength of the burning matter?" Xuefeng wondered, causing Katherine to look at him worriedly.

"It does, but the additional effects are minimal while it will hurt you a lot…" she replied while caressing his face. "I don't want you to feel any pain during our first time. I want us to enjoy and have a nice memory of this moment."

Katherine kissed him strongly as if she wanted him to forget about this idea and started moving to please him. Too bad, Xuefeng already made up his mind.

"Katherine," Xuefeng mouthed her name as he pulled her lips away. "Don't worry about me and give me all you got. It doesn't hurt as much as you think. I have high pain tolerance already."

"..." Katherine gazed at him upset but sighed right after, knowing he already decided. "I will slowly increase the heat then. Tell me if it hurts you and I will stop."

She resumed her riding as she watched his face to keep an eye on him. The burning was getting stronger with each second, slowly spreading around his body till every muscle and every cell was on fire. He remained cool on the outside but inside he was screaming in pain.

'Fuuuck!' Xuefeng cursed. 'This Artefact better be worth it!'

'Hold on! It's working!' Ming reassured to cheer him up. 'The more pain the better! Focus on Katherine and think about the pleasure!'

He finally couldn't hold back and he grimaced in pain, alarming Katherine.

"I knew it, you are only pretending to be fine…" Katherine complained as she checked his forehead with her palm. "You are too hot! I will lower—"

"Don't!" Xuefeng cut her off. "I can handle it! Let's continue."


He smacked her butt for his own pleasure and helped with his own thrusts. His mind cleared as Xuefeng filled it with desire.


Katherine moaned from his rampage and grasped onto his ears to bring him even more pleasure. This was the first time Xuefeng was countering his pain using sex.

"Damn it!" Xuefeng cursed again and suddenly rolled on the cloud to get on top of her.

"Baby— ahh!!"

Katherine didn't have the chance to react as he pounced on her like a tiger, pounding with all his strength while his teeth sank into her breast. Her nails grazed on his tensed back but the pain was nowhere close to the flames filling his body.

'Just a bit more!' Ming announced but her voice passed through his mind unnoticed. He ignored everything besides his prey he was eating alive.


Xuefeng sucked on her lips as he finally burst inside her yet he didn't stop not did he give Katherine a break. Her limbs were wrapped around him tightly as her body constantly trembled from his attacks, experiencing the longest orgasm of her life.

Once. Twice. Thrice.

He poured all he got uncontrollably as he turned into a beast. He didn't feel pain anymore, just hunger for more with Katherine as his food.

Her thighs, her breasts, her lips, and bottom were all his to taste and swallow.

Her moans were his trophy while her tremors his win.

"I love you!!"

Chapter 215 Is this the End? (**)

Her scream of joy was the start of another round of love and passion but the more time passed, the better Xuefeng felt. His body grew stronger with each thrust and dive until the pain no longer bothered him. Pleasure momentarily overwhelmed his mind and he poured everything he got into Katherine.

"Mhmm… You slowed down…" Katherine breathed out as Xuefeng perfected each move. "It feels different…"

"You don't like it?" Xuefeng asked lovingly as he slowed down his movements even more before he continued to kiss her neck passionately.

"I do… It feels more like making love than just— Ahh… Give me more…"

Her moans were like a melody to his ears, but she didn't need to ask him. He already planned to give her the pleasure she wouldn't forget.

"I'm sorry… I was too rough earlier," Xuefeng whispered, kissing his way to her lips. "Shall we start again?"

Katherine's eyes widened at the question, her nails gripping onto his shoulders. Even though her brain was telling her more, her body was already at its limits, still shivering from the constant ecstasy.

"You came so much already…" Katherine muttered worriedly but Xuefeng locked her lips again while trailing his hand alongside her body.

"One more time…" Xuefeng suggested as he gently caressed her thigh. "Let me fill you one last time. Let's finish together."

He kissed her one more time before he drew away, unwrapping Katherine's legs from his waist. Her mouth opened in a soft moan as he pulled out. She couldn't take her eyes off his erection as he displayed it on top of her stomach.

"Uhmm, can I…?" Katherine questioned as she stared but then she moved on her own, crawling towards his crotch before he could seize her again.

"Katherine…" Xuefeng muttered her name as she grasped him strongly, stroking with her tongue licking and lips sucking.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist myself…" Katherine explained while teasing his tip with her own. "It just looks so delicious."

She gave him a smile and kissed her way up to his lips. She didn't stop mushing their tongues together until he smacked her butt and threw her down on the cloud bed.

"Come baby," Katherine invited with a teasing wink, causing Xuefeng to purse his lips. She knew how to pique his interest.

Instead of covering her body with his own, he grabbed her legs and turned her to the side, sliding inside her at an angle.

"Your Heat of the Dragon is more amazing than I thought. I feel like all the pressure disappeared," Xuefeng commented as he thrusted freely. He couldn't help but caress her breasts that bounced with each push.

He underestimated the effects of the Dragon Bloodline, not expecting it to have such a big impact.

"Mhmm, I'm glad. Since you accepted all the pain, the effects should be much better," Katherine informed. "I also improved even further. You poured so much in me that maybe I can climb a few floors more."

"Hehe, then I guess I should give you some more," Xuefeng chuckled, laying down behind her while embracing her.


Both their hips synced movements as she rubbed his ear in reward for the passionate kisses.

He could hear both her breathing and heartbeat speed up while her body got hotter with each second. Even though they didn't know each other for long, they already had this connection that couldn't be replicated easily.

"I—" Katherine spoke but Xuefeng cut her off.

"Me too…"

There was nothing else to be said. Their bodies trembled together as their hot breaths mixed once again, silencing the screams of pleasure that filled the room.

Xuefeng didn't let go of her till she stabilized, able to move and function again.

"I wish we could stay like this forever…" Katherine muttered as she turned around, hugging into Xuefeng's chest.

"Hah, maybe not forever. Do you want me to die?" Xuefeng questioned playfully as he displayed his Elemental Bracelet. "I need to fill up this beauty before it kills me."

"Yeah… You will either die or become the strongest expert in the Cultivation World…" Katherine replied with a sigh. "I really hope it's the latter."

"Of course it will be. You don't trust your man?" Xuefeng asked with a soft caress on her cheek.

"You think I would be your woman if I didn't believe in you?" Katherine asked back while leaning on his palm. "I wish we could stay here longer but you should go. Don't make everyone wait and take over this tower. Promise me you will claim the very top."

"Consider it done baby," Xuefeng replied confidently as he kissed her deeply. He lifted them both up after and helped her dress up, compulsorily feeling up her body.

He didn't care how long people were waiting for him as his woman's experience was his priority.

"See you later then?" Katherine called out as they left the room together. "I will take my time moving up, maybe I can reach another section and fine myself a nice Lightning Art."

"Hehe, alright!" Xuefeng nodded as he kissed her for the last time and dashed towards the stairs. The burst of air flipped Katherine's hair but he was already gone, unable to see her loving smile.

'Whoa… My body feels so light!' Xuefeng exclaimed in his mind. With each leap he crossed multiple steps as if the pressure was non-existent, feeling even more grateful to Katherine.

He jumped the floors like a maniac, charging to the top once again.

'Yiren, are you sure you are okay?' Xuefeng asked before he made a full effort to focus on his goal. He had Ling checking up on her while he was in his beast zone but he wanted to check himself.

'Dummy, don't think about me right now!' Yiren scolded but he could hear she was happy in her voice. 'I'm good now, so focus on climbing!'

'On it!'

He reached the five hundred floor mark and passed through the already broken barrier like a storm, not even caring about the Spirit that targeted him. The pressure multiplied but he was already prepared, remaining steady on his legs.

'Let me see what kind of secret those Cursed Fragments hold!'

Six Hundred!

Seven Hundred!

Eight Hundred!

Xuefeng was slowing down as the pressure multiplied by tens of times but that was not everything he got.

"Titan Bloodline!" Xuefeng yelled as his body transformed, bulging up with his blood boiling.

Ling channeled his regeneration, burning their Fate Qi but it was too important to give up. Ming already gave him her ultimate blessing, but that only could push him up so far.

Nine Hundred Floor!

Xuefeng didn't even know how big of the sensation he was causing outside the Dragon Tower. Everyone was holding down their breaths as they watched the Dragon sculpture light up at the heights they have never seen before.

It was not a joke anymore.

It was not a dream either.

This was the history and they were part of it! They were watching the moment that everyone would remember for thousands of years!

The whole area was dead silent as all eyes were looking up at the skies when everyone simultaneously gulped.

"Is this the end?!"

The question wasn't loud but it resounded like thunder. Xuefeng was already slowing down when he reached the record-breaking nine hundred and fiftieth floor, his pace becoming that of a snail.

"Don't tell me he reached so high only to fail…?"

Chapter 216 Final Struggle

"Damn it!"

Xuefeng's curses were growing stronger with each step as he struggled to place even one. Once he broke through the nine hundred and fiftith floor, the pressure increase was just too much.

'The Dragon Tower spirit is targeting you again!' Ming announced annoyed. 'The pressure shouldn't be this strong compared to the other floors.'

'Ugh! Help me fight it!' Xuefeng grunted, finally collapsing onto his knees. Even though he was on the stairs, they seemed so comfortable to lay down on.

Too bad, he knew that once he stops, he won't be able to get up again.

'We can't help you else this bish Spirit will kick you out of the tower,' Ling reminded. 'You need to use your physical strength to fight it.'

"Fuck!" Xuefeng cursed again through his tightened teeth.

His whole body was in horrible pain as the Titan Bloodline was running on fumes. The moment his fuel ends, the pressure will crush him.

He continued to climb on his four limbs despite his palms and knees hurting like a bitch when Ming suddenly exclaimed in his mind.

'Wait! I got an idea!'

Those were the words he wanted to hear.

'We can try burning your Titan Blood to create a burst of energy that can help you break through the last fifty floors. The only disadvantage is you will lose your Titan Bloodline,' Ming explained but Xuefeng didn't hesitate in his response.

'Do it!'

He didn't climb so far just to give up right at the very end.


Just as he shouted, his heart gave the loudest beat ever, pumping blood like mad. Juices of energy flowed through his veins as his body exploded with power.

'First drop!'

"Aaargh!!!" Xuefeng yelled on top of his lungs as he pounced forward like a tiger. Climbing the stairs like never before.




Xuefeng reached another Cursed Fragment door which he smashed like an ape, both hands slamming it into oblivion. He seized the Fragment and continued, using the momentum to cross as much as he could.

'Second drop!'

After twenty-five floors, Ming cried out again. Another wave of energy filled his body, pushing him to the limits. He noticed the efficiency was much lower but he didn't pay it any attention, breaking through one floor after another.

'Third drop! It's the last one! You can do it! Only ten floors left!'

Despite her cheering, Ming's voice was filled with pain. She could feel how horrible the condition of Xuefeng was.

He wasn't blinded either, the pain keeping his mind awake.

"Cough! Cough!"

Xuefeng spat out blood as he ran, his eyes all red and muscles trembling. There was a limit to how much one could take.


His legs moved on their own as a picture of his lovely Yiren appeared in his mind.

How much pain was he causing her? Was this artefact worthy of his wife's pain?


At the nine hundred ninety-ninth floor, Xuefeng finally collapsed. His sight was blurry, Titan Blood burned completely and his body pressed firmly against the ground. The force didn't even let him lift his finger.

He just wanted to rest. He wanted to rest so badly.


A soft voice resounded in his mind but he was too weak to even think of a response.

'Baby, are you okay? Talk to us!'

His wives' voices filled his mind but there was nothing he could do. His body was half-destroyed with his muscles raptured and blood slowly spilling onto the floor.

'Don't move for a moment. I will stop the bleeding first,' Ling ordered, doing everything in her power to regenerate his body and keep him alive.

'Damn, it's all my fault…' Ming admitted with guilt. 'I thought we can make it and then focus on recovery… The burning of Bloodline drops can bring marvelous power but the side effects are unpredictable.'

'Will he be okay?' Wuying questioned worriedly and they all received good news.

'His condition is stable. I stopped the bleeding and started the recovery of his muscles,' Ling reported before sighing. 'Unfortunately, that will take me at least a day to patch up and the time will only extend further the more he stays in the Dragon Tower. The pressure is ripping his muscles as soon as I repair them.'

'We almost made it… So close to the top...' Princess Shan muttered. 'Is there really no other… Nevermind.'

She didn't finish her sentence but everyone knew what she wanted to say. It was the pain to reach the very top and fail right at the end but Xuefeng's life was their priority.

'Is Yiren okay…?' Xuefeng finally spoke, recovering enough to form sentences in his mind.

'Mhmm, I'm okay. Lisa was next to me the whole time,' Yiren assured softly. 'Don't worry about me. I didn't feel any pain at all.'

'I'm glad… Cough!' Xuefeng replied, coughing madly as he found it hard to breathe. 'I'm sorry. I failed you all.'

'No! Don't say that! You did your best,' Yiren scolded. 'That's all that matters.'

'I didn't try hard enough… I was too laid back…' Xuefeng self-reflected before asking seriously, finishing Shan's question. 'Is there really no other way? We just need one more floor.'

'Even if we find a way…' Ming replied with a pause. 'Your body might not handle it. You already broke the limits by multi-fold.'

'Then what do you expect me to do? Get down and give up?' Xuefeng asked but his question brought a silence until the wife who stayed silent this whole time spoke up.

'Stop babying him. He can still do it,' Nuwa announced, awakening a wave of criticism from the rest.

'Nuwa! His body can't take it! He will—' Ming cried out, but Nuwa cut her off.

'Shut up! I know he can! I didn't marry a pussy!' Nuwa called out angrily before she cursed at him. 'Get up you bitch! Are you going to lay down on the ground forever?! You only have one floor to go! Get up and get to the top!'

'I know what you are doing but it won't work…' Xuefeng replied calmly. 'I can't—'

'Bullshit! You are just searching for excuses! Is this really the man I married?!' Nuwa yelled. 'What happened to Xuefeng that would laugh the death in the eyes?!'

Even though Xuefeng would rarely get angry, Nuwa was going overboard. 'Nuwa—'

'Don't speak my name! My Xuefeng would get up no matter what happened and achieve his goals! I don't recognize you! Where did you hide my man?!' Nuwa questioned madly, pushing Xuefeng's ego.

'I'm trying!' Xuefeng cried out as he tried to get up but the pain paralyzed his body again, bringing him back down. The muscles that Ling patched up ripped once again.

'You are not trying! If you were, you wouldn't let Yiren suffer so much! You would use the power stored deep within you and defeat this stupid tower!' Nuwa shouted, putting Xuefeng in shock. 'That's right! She lied to you! Her body is wiggling in pain this whole time! The more time you lay there, the more pain you give her!'

'Yiren!' Xuefeng cried out, imagining Yiren in the same situation as him.

'I'm sorry… I'm not strong enough… Ahhh!' Yiren wail reached his mind, finally crushing him.

'Yiren!!! Hang in there! It's not your fault!' Xuefeng shouted as his body cracked. Who knows where he found the power to get up onto his knees.

"Aaaaaarrghh!!! Move!!!" Xuefeng screamed on top of his lungs as he crawled forward, using the power of his will to ignore the pain. His eyes were brightening with white light but he still fell a few meters further.

"I can do it!!" Xuefeng lifted himself again but his will could only push him so much.


His arm broke in half and he tripped again, faceplanting into the stone floor. When he tried to use his other arm, it broke as well.

"Fuuuuuck!!" Xuefeng cursed, hopelessness and anger filling his mind.

He was angry at himself for being too weak. Too weak to protect and care.

'Please… Make it stop… It hurts….' Yiren begged, breaking the last bit of sanity in him.


Xuefeng let out a reverberating scream as his eyes turned white and mind blank, yet his body exploded with Hidden Power.

'He is using it!' Ming cried out in shock as Xuefeng rose from the floor and ran through the passage. 'He is using his Elvish Bloodline!'

Xuefeng reached the end and climbed the last set of stairs, leading into a Heavenly space filled with endless white light. He wasn't conscious when he finally crossed the last step and fell on the white cloud-like floor with all the pressure gone.

'He did it…'

Chapter 217 Sena

"Mhmm… So soft..."

When Xuefeng regained his consciousness, he felt like he was in heaven. His head was lying between a pair of soft thighs as someone caressed his cheek.


When Xuefeng tried to move though, his body only responded with sharp pain and an unreal stiffness.

'My wife's thighs are still the best…' Xuefeng thought before pausing.

Wife's thighs?

That thought bounced back for another review and his head sank deeper, feeling the two softies with his ears. Those thighs seemed unfamiliar and the lady's sweet voice only confirmed his theory.


That voice definitely didn't belong to any of his wives. Xuefeng forced his eyes open but bright light immediately blinded him.

"Who are you...?" Xuefeng asked quietly, his throat feeling dry.

"My name? You can call me Sena. Don't worry, I won't hurt you," the lady assured as she pressed a metal bowl up to his lips. "Please don't move and drink some more. You will feel much better afterward."

The liquid was cold in his mouth but when it forced its way down his throat, it started burning his stomach.

"Cough, cough! Bitter…" Xuefeng cleared his throat right after, immediately feeling better despite the awful taste.

A warm feeling spread throughout his body as the pain began to lessen within seconds. He could sense his muscles shift and repair before setting in the right place, letting his body recover at a rapid pace.

"Thank you," Xuefeng muttered in gratitude. No matter who she was, she did help him get better.

Xuefeng opened his eyes again and finally saw his savor. She was like Yiren, sweet and innocent looking with a cheerful smile on her face. Her short white hair was split in the middle with her golden eyes observing him.

He couldn't help but think about his Fate Spirits, both looking familiar to her.

"You are welcome," Sena replied gently as she switched to massaging his temples. "Your body should feel brand new but if you are still feeling unwell, you can rest on my lap for some more time. They should feel softer for you than my pillow."

Xuefeng was going to object gentlemanly but her fingers just felt too good, relaxing his body even further.

"Can I know your name?" Sena asked curiously as she reached to his ears, rubbing them gently. "This is the first time I met an Elf. You are really handsome just as my teacher said."

When he sensed no discomfort, he almost felt like rolling his eyes. How often is this going to happen?

"Ehem," Xuefeng cleared his throat as he finally got up. "I'm Liu Xuefeng."

"Nice to meet you Xuefeng. What a nice name," Sena replied while sitting straight. Only then did Xuefeng realize that her dress was almost see-through, the translucent fabric barely covering her body.

Xuefeng already had many beautiful wives so he forced himself to look away from her, checking out the room instead.

"Where am I?" Xuefeng wondered out loud.

The cute girly bedroom with a large open balcony and pink curtains definitely didn't look like the top of the Dragon Tower. It was more like a Princess bedroom instead. Even the bed he laid on was pink and soft while the floor was made out of clouds.

'Ming? Ling?' Xuefeng called out for help but he was greeted by silence. It was Sena who came to his rescue, glad to be of help.

"I'm still curious about how you did it but you are currently in the Fate Kingdom," Sena introduced as she pointed at the window. "To be more specific, you are in the palace bedroom of Princess Sena. The view is quite nice from up here."

This was the first time Xuefeng's eyes widened so much.

"You kidding me, right?" Xuefeng asked in disbelief and pounced from the bed, dashing towards the balcony. "There is no way I—"

His speech froze as the view he expected to see was not there. Spirit Land Capital was nowhere to be seen and instead was replaced by something familiar.

Xuefeng already saw this land in Ling's space which she replicated from her memory. It was the exact same shape of valleys and hills with the difference of an actual city build in the area.

He quickly scanned the surroundings with his Spirit Awareness and sure enough, he only sensed Fate Qi in the air.

"I really entered the Fate Kingdom…" Xuefeng muttered, finally realizing why Ming and Ling were not responding to him. Either something was limiting them or they just didn't want to expose themselves.

"I was going to ask you how did you get here but then I noticed you were injured so I decided to help you first," Sena explained as she sat on the end of the bed. "Now that you are healed, I would like some explanation. You should know that the Fate Kingdom is closed and no one is allowed to either enter or leave. If my father were to learn that a member of another race sneaked inside, he would not be happy about it."

"Wait, I can explain," Xuefeng stopped her as he walked up to sit next to her. He couldn't help but sweat a bit after recalling the King of Fate Kingdom from Ling's memories.

That man was definitely on his kill list but that was not the time. He wasn't strong enough to kill him and he didn't even have Ling to help him. She was his only win condition. How else was he supposed to kill someone who was Immortal?

"Uff, that's great…" Sena sighed in relief. "I really don't want to tell my father. He will definitely get angry and hurt you. I don't sense any ill intent from you so I am sure you are a good man."

She reached out and grasped his hand. "It would also be great if you had a way to go back unnoticed as well. You can't stay here. It is almost the time for the Royal dinner and my father will—"

Knock, knock!

A loud knock on the door cut her off. She squeezed his hand in worry as they heard an announcement from the other side.

"Princess Sena, King requests you to accompany him for dinner."

Chapter 218 King of Heavens

"Ah! Please give me a moment! I will be ready soon!" Sena called out in panic before looking at him with worry. "Please, you need to return from where you came from… If my father finds you, I..."

Xuefeng felt bad for her, knowing she was genuinely concerned about him even though they just met. Unfortunately, he didn't have good news for both of them.

"Would you believe me if I said I don't know how?" Xuefeng revealed as he scratched the back of his head.

"Then… How did you get here in the first place?" Sena asked confused, not even questioning his words.

"Do you perhaps know Dragon Tower in Heaven's Realm?" Xuefeng wondered, not hiding anything from her. It was obvious he couldn't stay here and she was his only life ring.

"I don't… but I know Heaven Realm," Sena replied, finally letting go of his hand. Her nails were digging into his palm for a while already.

"That's enough. Dragon Tower is basically a tower filled with a thousand floors full of treasures. One can climb and collect one treasure every ten floors," Xuefeng explained in a whisper. "I just happened to reach the top floor, but when I did, I woke up here. I don't really remember how because I was unconscious."

"This…" Sena muttered skeptically, finally doubting his words.

"I know this sounds like a lie but it's the truth," Xuefeng promised as he pulled out two Cursed Fragments. "I was collecting those fragmen—"

"Princess Sena? Are you okay?" the guard cut him off. "I can hear someone else in the room."

This time Sena didn't reply immediately, glancing at Xuefeng's face first. She wasn't good at hiding her feelings as he could tell she was suspicious.

"Wait… I know what will convince you," Xuefeng paused her before it was too late. "Do you know about Heavenly Gate?"

Xuefeng didn't have anything else that could confirm his innocence and looking at her surprised expression, it seemed like his guess was correct.

"Princess Sena? If you don't reply I will be forced to ent—"

"No!" Sena stopped him as the knob started turning. "You can't enter! I'm changing my clothes!"

The knob instantly returned to its original position.

"I apologize Princess. Please take your time," the guard stepped back, making both of them sigh in relief. Xuefeng opened his mouth to talk when Sena jumped off the bed and rushed to her wardrobe filled with numerous dresses.

She pulled out a red summer dress and returned to him, throwing the dress on the bed.

"Did you come here through the Heavenly Gate? But how? It's supposed to be locked shut," Sena questioned as she stripped in front of him without shame. "I'm sorry, I need to change before the dinner. The guard won't dare to enter but he will definitely call for my father."

Xuefeng ignored her nakedness as his life was in danger.

"The Spirit from the Dragon Tower mentioned it and I think the Heavenly Gate was located on the top floor. When I entered it, I unintentionally passed through it and appeared in the Fate Kingdom," Xuefeng explained hurriedly. "I have no idea how to go back through. Can you help me?"

Xuefeng felt desperate but she was really the only person who could help him. If he tried to escape through the balcony, he would for sure get caught and interrogated.

"But how can I help?" Sena asked as she adjusted her casual dress. "I don't know a way to leave the Fate Kingdom. If I did, I would leave a long time ago…"

Sena looked outside the window with a lonely expression before shaking her head. "It's impossible. Only my father knows how to and I'm sure he will not help you. He is obsessed with keeping the Fate Kingdom locked, saying our lives are in danger but what about my mother and sister? She is still outside, unable to return."

'If only she knew that both of them were my Fate Spirits…' Xuefeng thought but kept silent, knowing she would never believe it unless he had proof.

"What will you do then? The moment you leave this room or my father comes here, you will be discovered. You are only protected right now because of the barrier surrounding my room. I installed it so no one can peek inside but it's not entirely soundproof," Sena explained, giving him a headache.

There was no way that Dragon Tower sent him here with no possible exit. There had to be a way to bring him back.

Xuefeng rubbed his chin with the Metal fragment in his hand when he froze, looking at the two objects.

Cursed Fragments!

Hope flashed in his eyes. "Sena, your Soul should be pure. Can you try to connect those fragments with your Soul? I think this might be the solution."

Sena was taken aback by the request but his excitement was enough to convince her. She grabbed the two fragments and looked at him innocently.

"Do I just press them toge—"Sena asked but stopped midway as the two fragments flew into each other and merged together, almost scaring her.

"Yes, perfect," Xuefeng cheered silently and began spilling the Cursed Fragments onto the bed. "Please help me connect them all. They should form into an Artefact."

"Sure," Sena nodded eagerly, happy to be of help. She began merging the fragments one by one, till only two metal cubes were left. When she pressed them together, something changed.


The metal cube vibrated before it escaped Sena's hands and hovered on its own. Metal parts shifted as if the cube was alive, suddenly forming a current of Fate Qi around it.

"It's sucking Fate Qi!" Sena exclaimed in surprise and covered her mouth, realizing she said it too loud.

"Princess Sena, are you okay?!" the guard questioned in panic.

"Yes, don't worry!" Sena called back but it was already too late, the guard announcing the bad news.

"Princess Sena, King will arrive any minute to pick you up personally."

"Oh no…" Sena muttered worriedly. "Xuefeng, hurry."

"Fuck, it's still charging…" Xuefeng cursed as he stared at the cube. "Come on, faster."

The cube was absorbing Fate Qi at a rapid pace, creating a small vortex from outside, but who knew when it will finish and if it can even help him.

Too bad, time wasn't on his side.

Knock, knock.

"Sena? It's your father. What is going on?" A deep voice questioned from outside and he didn't wait for the reply. "I'm going in."

The door swung open and the King of Heaven immediately locked his eyes on Xuefeng.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

Chapter 219 Bomb

The moment the King of Heaven glared at Xuefeng and extended his hand at him, Xuefeng knew he would have to reach for extreme measures to survive.


Sena screamed as Xuefeng pulled her into his arms with his Dragon Claw wrapped around her neck.

"Princess Sena!" the guards exclaimed from the corridor as they stormed inside after their King but Xuefeng yelled out coldly to stop them.

"Don't move or I will take her life! Good luck searching for her once she reincarnates!"

The guards froze momentarily but the King of Heaven wasn't fazed one bit, smiling as if he found Xuefeng amusing.

"You are hilarious thinking you can threaten the King of Heaven in his own Kingdom," King of Heaven said scornfully. "I created this world. The food you eat and the water you drink. All of it. A Mortal like you wouldn't be alive if not for me."

King of Heaven stretched his fingers and the Fate Qi in the room vibrated as if reacting to the call of its Ruler. He got distracted by Xuefeng's Artefact which constantly sucked Fate Qi despite his presence. Xuefeng could feel him try to manipulate Fate Qi away from it but his efforts were fruitless.

Xuefeng pursed his lips as his trash talk mode activated but Sena was first to respond.

"Father! Don't kill him! He is a good person and entered the Fate Kingdom by accident!" Sena defended despite having her neck grasped by him. "Let him go for me please!"

Her innocence reminded Xuefeng of Yiren who always tried to see good in people.

The King of Heaven masked his struggle and assured her, "Don't worry sweety, I will not kill him right away. He seems to know quite a bit about our race. I will first learn how a mortal like him entered my Kingdom and if it was really an accident, I might let him go depending on how cooperative he is."

Sena brightened at that response, almost jumping in place from happiness but Xuefeng held her tight. She was petite in size compared to Xuefeng so her body sank into his own as he held her arms and waist with one arm.

"Father, it was really an accident!" Sena repeated excitedly. "He came here through— Mhmm!"

"Shhh…" Xuefeng shushed her with one of his Dragon Claws. "I can talk for myself. You are stealing all the fun from me."

Xuefeng didn't actually need to threaten the King of Heaven with Sena but she was still useful in buying him more time. Now that Sena revealed she knows everything, she entangled herself too deeply in the matter. He couldn't let her go anymore.

"Let go of my daughter first, how about that? We will talk peacefully right after," King of Heaven suggested, causing Xuefeng to snicker openly.

"Tsk, you think I'm dumb? The moment I let go of her you will attack without hesitation. The only thing stopping you right now are the guards because you know how much they love her," Xuefeng announced as he observed the guards' expressions. "Bah, I can guess that the whole Fate Kingdom adores her. If you were to attack me and kill their beloved Princess in the process, everyone would hate you."

It wasn't hard to connect the dots. The guards' worried looks were too obvious.

The King of Heaven frowned as Fate Qi buzzed. "I don't believe that you are not afraid to die. All Mortals have one life and yours will end tod—"

"Hahahaha!" Xuefeng burst out laughing, throwing the King of Heaven off. "Come on! Do it! I dare you! Not only will my Soul self-destruct, killing Princess Sena but the whole Kingdom will explode too!"

Xuefeng's words were impactful enough to pause the King of Heaven's actions.

"Can you see this cube? The cube that you tried to manipulate but failed miserably?" Xuefeng asked as he pointed to the side. "It's a bomb and your sweet daughter helped me built it."

A flash passed through the King of Heaven's eyes as he glanced at his daughter who froze on the spot.

"I… I didn't know…" Sena muttered in shock, confirming his words for him.

"This bomb is so powerful that it can destroy the natural order of space within the Realm, causing it to collapse. The only downside is that it needs a lot of Fate Qi but once it's activated, only I can turn it off," Xuefeng bluffed with a grin. "Come on, kill me. I thought you said my life will end today?"

Xuefeng needed to stall for time till his cube was fully charged and bluffing was his most dangerous art. He didn't even know what he could use it for but knowing he climbed the Dragon Tower for it, he bet it wasn't useless. At the very least, he could use it to get out of there or at least provide him enough bargaining power to forcefully open the Heavenly Gate for him.

Thankfully, the fortune was by his side that day.

"Fine, what do you want?" the King of Heaven gave in as he lowered his arm. Bitter expressions appeared on the guards' faces as they didn't seem to expect such an outcome.

For Xuefeng, it was just the beginning.

"Tell everyone here why did you close the Fate Kingdom," Xuefeng demanded.

"No," the King of Heaven denied instantly. "It involves the safety of my race."

"There will be no race once this bomb blows up," Xuefeng countered. "If you think I won't do it, think again. If I have a way of entering inside the Fate Kingdom, I naturally have a way of leaving as well. It all depends on you whether I take the bomb back with me or not."

The guards began to act visually stressed while the King of Heaven's remained silent.

"Father? Why are you silent? Just tell him," Sena wondered confused and Xuefeng answered in his stead.

"Because the reason your father locked the Fate Kingdom was to protect his own pathetic life."


Just as he spoke, the cube buzzed again as it finished charging on Fate Qi. It began acting strangely, its shape changing and shifting while constantly vibrating. Despite Xuefeng's offensive words, the King of Heaven and the guards stepped back.

"Hehe, seems like the bomb is ready to blow up. How about we have a real talk now?"

Chapter 220 Master of Deception

Sena shuddered at his words but Xuefeng assured her, not trying to antagonize the poor girl. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen if your father answers my questions honestly."

Even though Xuefeng was bluffing, the King of Heaven had no way of verifying it. What if he really had a bomb capable of disrupting the space of the Fate Realm? If Xuefeng had a way to break through their Heavenly Gate, it was definitely possible he could create a Fate Qi Bomb.

Not to mention that Xuefeng's life couldn't compare to the lives of the whole Kingdom. Even though their Souls were immortal, they could at most return to life with the help of Fate Holders. It wasn't something the King of Heaven would want.

"I locked my Fate Kingdom to protect my people," the King of Heaven lied again, causing Xuefeng to shake his head.

"That's a lie and we already established that. You locked your Kingdom to protect yourself," Xuefeng replied as he gazed at him sharply. "Now tell me, where is Sena's Mother?"

Although Xuefeng couldn't kill him now, he could at least have some small revenge for his wives and ruin the King of Heaven's comfortable life. The King of Heaven immediately frowned when he heard the question while Sena and the guards displayed saddened expressions.

"What does she have to do with anything? She is not here," the King of Heaven replied sharply but Xuefeng was already prepared.

Xuefeng canceled his Dragon Claw and extended his hand at the cube in a dramatic manner.

"I asked you a question. Don't push me to take drastic measures," Xuefeng spat coldly.

He wanted to check the cube's real purpose by touching it when the cube actually reacted to his call. A metal arm reached out to his palm and pressed against him. It was hot to the touch, almost burning his palm but Xuefeng's face showed no surprise, pretending it was all his doing.

His act quickly pissed off the King of Heaven as he clenched his fist, causing vibration in the air.

"You! I already told you she is not here. My wife left the Fate Kingdom a while ago and I don't know where she is right now," the King of Heaven replied angrily. "Stop with those games and say what you want!"

Xuefeng couldn't help but cringe at the King of Heaven's words. To think he still dared to refer to Ming as his wife after everything he did to her and Ling.

Looking into his eyes, Xuefeng could see the King of Heaven suspected that he knew something. Xuefeng already mentioned two big clues that lead to the King of Heaven dirty secret yet he still pretended as if he knew nothing.

The desire to end him grew in Xuefeng's heart and thankfully, the Cube was cooperating in that matter. It already started injecting Fate Qi into his body and Xuefeng was already familiar with this process.

It was imprinting itself on him and acknowledging him as its master! Every Artefact was bound to the Cultivator and this cube wasn't an exception.

Xuefeng felt a sting in his Soul before a stream of information forced its way into his mind.

"Hahaha!" After a short moment of silence, Xuefeng burst out laughing, confusing everyone in the room.

Multi-realm Teleportation Artefact!

Xuefeng couldn't ask for a more perfect Artefact in the current situation. He could now go all out and escape whenever he wanted to.

"Tsk, you asked me what I want?" Xuefeng asked with a snicker. "Let me show you what I want."

Xuefeng suddenly flipped Sena around to face him and picked her up while hugging her into his chest. Before she could figure out what happened, he was already jumping out through the balcony with the Cube following closely behind.

He flew above the palace where everyone could see and hear him clearly before whispering into Sena's ear.

"I was sent here by your mother. If you want to meet with Ming and Ling soon, confirm whatever I am going to say."

She momentarily trembled and looked at him in shock but Xuefeng didn't give her time to ask questions. The King of Heaven was already chasing after them.

"People of the Fate Kingdom!" Xuefeng's voice reverberated far and wide. "Come out and listen to Princess Sena's announcement!"

He grasped Sena's waists as if he was her man and let her stay by his side instead of hiding in his arms.

Just as he thought, he didn't need to wait long for the people to notice them. Princess Sena was indeed popular in the Fate Kingdom.

"Princess Sena came!"

"Who is the man beside her?"

"He is holding her waist and she doesn't object to it! Did our Princess find herself a man?"

People gossiped as they flew up from the streets and homes when the King of Heaven interfered.

"Don't listen to him! He kidnapped my daughter and now threatens her!"

His words created a commotion but Xuefeng was already prepared.

"Such disgusting lies just to hide the truth! Princess Sena, tell everyone! Am I threatening you?" Xuefeng asked in front of everyone, showing a sincere smile while he rubbed her side.

Thankfully, Sena didn't disappoint him.

"Don't worry everyone! I am not threatened by anyone. Please hear whatever he has to say!" Sena requested, calming down the crowds.

"Sena! Don't let him manipulate you!" the King of Heaven yelled but Sena ignored him.

"My name is Liu Xuefeng! I was hired by Princess Sena to find her mother, the Queen of the Fate Kingdom, and her sister, Princess Ling! I can proudly announce that I finally found them!" Xuefeng revealed.

"Lies!" the King of Heaven shouted back but Sena countered immediately. "It's the truth! I hired him!"

"The two of them want to return home but your bastard King keeps them locked away, unable to reunite with their loving race! How many years have they suffered?!" Xuefeng cried out with his voice full of pain.

"Shut up!" the King of Heaven shouted and finally exploded, reaching out to attack.

Too bad, he was against the master schemer, Lord Xuefeng.


Flames exploded in front of Xuefeng and Sena, swallowing them both.


The crowds cried in worry when Xuefeng flew out from the dark cloud with Sena in his arms. That didn't calm them down though.

"Oh no!!!"

"Princess Sena!!!"

Xuefeng's back was all black, charred from the flames while Sena was hidden within his arms. Despite being saved by him, she still suffered some injuries, small burns, and cuts visible on her body.

"He tried to kill us!!! He tried to kill his own daughter!!! Cough, cough!" Xuefeng yelled with a hoarse voice before coughing out blood. "He wants to silence us!!!"

Xuefeng could see the King of Heaven almost coughed up blood himself hearing his accusations.

"That wasn't me! He is framing me!" the King of Heaven explained but how could anyone believe him? All of them saw their King extend his arm at his own daughter and then the explosion blasted them away.

"How could you attack our Princess?! Our lovely Princess Sena! Your own daughter!" Xuefeng added fuel to the flames as the cube spun rapidly and turned into a metallic liquid that wrapped around their bodies.

"This place isn't safe! I'm taking Princess Sena away to her mother! Please stop this maniac before he kills us all!"

With those last words, the liquid covered his head and they both disappeared, leaving the King of Heaven with the angry crowd.

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