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95.16% Mixed HD / Chapter 413: 181-190

Chapter 413: 181-190

Chapter 181 For Our Wives!

"He is right! I caught my wife coming back from the Palace a year ago! I didn't think much of it since she said it was nothing but what if it was the King who invited her?"

"Me too! Mine even admitted that the King flirted with her and then scolded me for being less manly than him! Those two must have fucked!"

"Damn!!! My wife even took our teen daughter with her! No wonder they could barely walk on their way back! They claimed they were just tired from the long walk! Now I know the truth!"

One story after another spilled slowly getting out of control with the Dwarfs completely turning their sides while aiming their hammers at their King. Xuefeng wasn't really sure if that was the case but he was willing to take this bet, knowing the possibility.

What else was the King supposed to do when everything else was handled by servants and his people? The only free entertainment was naturally copulation with his wives or in this case, everyone's wives.

"That isn't all!" Xuefeng called out, adding fuel to the flames. "Not only has he been fucking your wives and daughters on the side, now he wants to start a war! All you want is peaceful life yet he wants to fight Dragons that don't even bother you at all! How is that even logical! We don't want a war!"

"YEAH!!!" the Dwarfs called out firmly while banging their hammers against their shields.

"Is this the King we want?!" Xuefeng continued, his words sounding from within the group as if he was fighting with them.

"NO!!!" the Dwarfs replied together,

"Then take him down!!! For our wives! For our daughters! For our FUTURE!" Xuefeng cried out on top of his lungs. "CHARGE!!!"

"YEAH!!!" the Dwarfs cried together and listened flawlessly.

The King of Dwarfs already lost control of his people, giving them the perfect opportunity to strike.

"Go! Now!" Xuefeng called out to Drakos and Golden Queen. He didn't even need to tell them what to do as it was quite obvious.

They both transformed into their Dragon form and shot forward, snatching the cage from the middle of the chaos. The Dwarfs didn't seem to care, fully focused on the attack.

Unfortunately, it wasn't an even fight.

With King of Dwarfs being twice their size, combined with the special Armor, there was no way they could beat him.

"Stupid bastards! So what if I fucked your wives?! I'm the King! All your women are mine and always will be!" King of Dwarfs finally admitted amid the chaos, fighting back against his own. "Now die! I don't need traitors in my Race!"


With a first strike of the King's Mallet, the bloodbath began. The Dwarfs surrounded him striking furiously but their hammers didn't even leave a dent in his armor.

"Auntie!" Pearl called out happily as they released her, rubbing her Dragon cheek against Golden Queen. "Thank you for saving me~"

"It was all Xuefeng job," Golden Queen replied honestly as she gazed into his eyes. "You should definitely thank him later but let's get out of here first."

As they talked, Dwarf's dead bodies pilled all over the floor, with one added each time the King of Dwarfs swung his mallet.

"If we leave him alive, he will definitely get his revenge, framing us for those deaths," Wu pointed out. "We need to kill him. There is no other option."

"Don't worry, I never planned to," Xuefeng assured as he watched the deaths happen. Although it was painful to watch so much blood spill, he didn't want to risk battling with tens of Dwarfs swinging their hammers around.

"Wu and your guards, go to the elevator and dig out a backup exit for us. Drakos, Bella and Pearl, go help them," Xuefeng ordered calmly. "Miss Golden, you will come with me."

Since the armor King of Dwarfs wore was fire-proof, Drakos and Pearl would only disturb them and provide no firepower. He left Wu behind as his second brain, knowing she will make the right decisions at the right time.

"Alright, let's help," Xuefeng called out and charged forward with Lightning Dragon following closely behind. Although he didn't want chaos, they needed few witnesses alive.

"Move aside!" Xuefeng cried out from behind, blasting the Dwarfs aside with the wind. "We are here to help!"

King of Dwarfs didn't hesitate and rushed towards the closest Dwarf, ignoring them completely but Xuefeng wasn't alone.

"Don't think about it!" Golden Queen cried out, sending a massive chain of Lightning from her maw.

He quickly blocked it with his shield but he was still pushed back, almost knocking him to the ground.

"You little lizard! No matter what you do, you will all die today!" King of Dwarfs yelled madly, rushing at them again.

Although he had tough armor, his helmet was nothing like that, having holes for the eyes which made it an easy target. Xuefeng didn't want to prolong the battle, ending it with just one clean strike, when King of Dwarfs suddenly turned.

Instead of them, he targeted a lever, pulling on it just before he got stuck with another Lightning chain.

Thud! Thud!

Two hidden doors opened with a bang and Dwarf immediately spilled out like a swarm of bugs. When they saw blood and dead Dwarfs all around the floor, they didn't question who was responsible, instantly directing their hatred at Golden Queen and him.


King of Dwarfs' cry awakened their fury even further as they charged at them madly.

"Xuefeng!" Golden Queen called out worriedly, but Xuefeng had only one order for her.

"Run with the rest! I will catch up!"

He swiftly controlled all of his Water Qi in the cavern and directed it to the floor.


Thick ice grew underneath the Dwarfs' feet, causing everyone to slip. Xuefeng didn't hesitate and teleported after the escaping King of Dwarfs who was already on the retreat, slashing at his neck in front of everyone.


Chapter 182 Pearl

"Protect the King!"

The Dwarfs cried out when they heard their King's painful scream but the damage was already done. Blood spilled everywhere as Xuefeng's Dragon Edge sliced through the gap between the armor and King of Dwarfs' helmet. Xuefeng's blade didn't even stop on his muscles, cutting through flawlessly.

Xuefeng wasn't done though.

He bounced off the King's back and cut once again while exploding his Qi right inside the cut.


Xuefeng only heard an explosion as he was already flying back, not bothering to turn and watch the damage he caused. Let's just say, he knew there wouldn't be anything nice to see.

A large thud afterward only confirmed the fate of the King of Dwarfs but that was just the start. Watching the bloodshot eyes of the Dwarfs who watched him kill their king, explaining their reasoning wouldn't convince them on the spot.

"Ask the witness! It's your King who killed your own! When you understand it, send a representative to meet us!" Xuefeng announced and no longer paid their attention, letting them struggle to stand up on the ice.


Just as he was sure his team listened and left as he ordered, Xuefeng saw Golden Queen in her human form, waiting for him right before the elevator exit.

He didn't hesitate and snatched her mid-flight to not waste any time.

"Why are you still here?! When I order, you listen! I don't want to worry about you when I fight!" Xuefeng scolded as he swung his wings, heading up the elevator shaft.

"Hey! I was covering for you! What if you didn't make it?" Golden Queen argued back but she didn't leave his arms, wrapping her own around his neck instead. "Also, I'm supposed to be the one who protects you, not the other way around."

"Either I survive or not, that's my problem to worry about. Since I wanted to make it quick, checking on you will only distract me. Next time listen to my commands," Xuefeng replied, pinching her on the cheek. "I don't want to see any of my friends suffer."

She opened her mouth to counter him, but no words came out as if she was contemplating his words. Golden Queen rubbed the spot he just pinched and asked, "Since when do you worry so much about me? I can take care of myself. You didn't even see one-tenth of my strength."

"It doesn't matter," Xuefeng muttered, heading towards the entrance. "Even if you were ten times stronger, I would still block a strike for you. Risking my life makes me more at ease than letting people I care about to take that risk."

Golden Queen turned silent, suddenly loosening her grip around him. He thought she wanted to leave his embrace but he didn't mind that. Unfortunately, just when he thought of releasing her, they saw multiple angry Dwarfs come from the opposite direction.

"Hold tight!" Xuefeng called out as he gripped her strongly, smoothly dodging the hammers heading their way. The corridor was quite narrow compared to the previous cavern so he couldn't simply fly above their heads.

"You are so unfair…" Golden Queen murmured as she hid her face in his neck but he didn't have time to question what he meant.

"Kill!" the Dwarfs cried out, spilling out from different corridors and openings but Xuefeng was too fast. He didn't want to kill anyone so he simply maneuvered between the Dwarfs only to fly out of the main entrance.

"Xuefeng!" Wu called out from the sky, suspended together with everyone.

"Is everyone alright?" Xuefeng asked concerned but after a quick scan with his eyes, he relaxed, seeing no signs of battle. His eyes stopped at a new person he has never seen before, but he quickly figured the woman's origin.

Pearl, the female Dragon they risked their lives to save.

He was surprised by how young she looked, her features being that of a teen around eighteen years old, just short to his own. From head to toe, she was black, with only her skin being pale, creating an interesting contrast.

"That's what I wanted to ask too," Wu commented as they approached and gazed at Golden Queen. "Is she alright? Why is she clinging to you?"

"Right, you can let go of me already. We are safe," Xuefeng suggested as he patted her on the back and pointed behind him at the crowd of Dwarfs spilling out of their Kingdom. "We had to escape from them, so I carried her out with me. The King of Dwarfs is dead so they currently pissed at me. Let's give them time to calm down and figure out what really happened from the witnesses."

Pearl's black eyes opened wide at that and changed the topic, her head tilting to the side.

"Cousin? Since when are you so comfortable hugging other men? Should I tell Uncle about it?" Pearl asked confused. "I'm sure you were fast enough to escape on your own since no one can match your speed. Unless something changed."

Golden Queen trembled and quickly released him, glaring at her little cousin.

"I used up a lot of Qi in the battle so I let him carry me. Is that a problem?" Golden Queen asked sternly but Pearl wasn't even moved, only grinning

"Sure, sure, I believe you. Don't worry, I can't blame you. He is so manly even I wish I could cuddle him," Pearl announced shamelessly as she approached them and extended her hand to him. "Hello, I'm Pearl. Thank you for saving me. I owe you favor so ask me anything and I will do it without hesitation."

Their eyes locked as he shook her hand and she winked at him. He couldn't help but smell another trouble.

"You are welcome. You don't need to owe me anything, I did it for your Cousin since she asked me to help. You should be thanking her instead," Xuefeng replied casually.

"Oh, but you handled it so well. I'm really impressed," Pearl admitted as she gave his body a look over. "Can I call you by your name perhaps?"

Chapter 183 Argument

"Pearl, what are you doing?" Golden Queen questioned suspiciously as she pulled her cousin back. "If you are trying to flirt with him, I will save you the trouble. He is not interested."

"Huh? Cousin? You can't be serious, right? It's not flirting. I'm just being friendly to the person who saved my life," Pearl defended, sounding overly offended by her words. "Isn't that normal behavior?"

"I know you well, so spare me your poor acting," Golden Queen rolled her eyes. "I would like to remind you that you have a fiance waiting for you in the Dragon Realm."

'Here we go again…' Xuefeng muttered in his mind, contemplating if he should stop them but decided to let it be for now. There was something about women arguing that made it entertaining to watch.

"Tsk, don't mention him," Pearl snickered, rolling her clear black eyes. "That's already in the past. We broke up a few months ago. How else would I be allowed to travel around Heaven Realm on my own? Right now I'm looking for a new chapter in my life. Maybe I can find love in here? Who knows."

Pearled ignored Golden Queen and gazed back at Xuefeng, repeating a question from earlier. "So can I call you Xuefeng? It's okay if you prefer Sir."

"Sure, I don't mind. Friends of my friends are my friends. I actually prefer being called by my name," Xuefeng replied casually, causing her to brighten.

"Alright! Xuefeng it is!" Pearl announced happily. "My offer from before still stands. If there is anything I can do for you, I will do it with no questions asked. That's the least I can do to repay you."

Xuefeng scratched his head, knowing exactly what she meant. Her look of interest was enough to tell him she wanted him. Too bad, telling women he is not interested didn't really work well. It only makes them even more eager to chase him.

'It starts to be annoying that all women want our husband. Don't you think we should do something about it Ling?' Ming questioned, scaring him.

'Yes, I fully agree. The game has been too easy for him lately,' Ling confirmed, scaring him even more. Who knew what would happen if those two got involved.

'Hey, hey, don't worry. I'm in full control right now. I'm happy with what I have and the love I receive,' Xuefeng assured. 'All my focus is on improving my Cultivation Base and breaking through together with my wives. We don't really have much time.'

'It's good you know that. It's not like we forbid you from loving other people, but everything comes down to merits. I doubt she would provide us any value,' Ming commented with brutal honesty but Xuefeng had to disagree.

'Sometimes it's not all about value. Love doesn't happen based on how much one can provide. You just love without looking at anything else, wanting the person to stay by your side and just her presence alone is enough.'

"Xuefeng?" Pearl asked, making him realize he just went silent for a while. He opened his mouth to speak but Golden Queen commented first on his place.

"He already said it's fine. You don't owe him anything so you are free to go. Xuefeng already has multiple beautiful wives by his side, so it's a lost battle for you."

"Hey, even Miss Wu is not saying anything, because she knows I'm just trying to be nice. Why are you getting so defensive? He is not your husband, so you can't speak for him," Pearl countered annoyed, causing Xuefeng to finally react.

"I'm sorry, I was talking with my Fate Spirits about something," Xuefeng admitted as he gazed at the two cousins. "Anyway, what is this argument even about? I didn't want anything from you but I got an idea now. Pearl, how about you repay me by not reacting to your cousin's provocation? This way we can focus on what's at hand."

Pearl smiled at that. "Sure! She always teases me so I couldn't help but fight back. If that disturbs you I will just ignore her."

"Hey—" Golden Queen protested but Xuefeng cut her off, gently holding onto her chin.

"I don't want to hear any arguments. Be a good girl and don't fight with her. Got it?"

His firmness worked like magic, causing Golden Queen to give in unhappily.

"Ugh, fine," Golden Queen pouted as she demanded in return, "but I want to talk to you about something later."

"Sure, once we are done here," Xuefeng agreed casually, not really putting too much thought into it. "We still need to wait for my wives to arrive before we move, so we can take it easy. We will probably stay here overnight."

Golden Queen's eyes brightened and she pulled away with a smile. "Alright, we can talk during our session later."

Pearl, on the other hand, squinted her eyes as she observed the two suspiciously. She was about to speak up when Wu finally moved, flying up to Xuefeng's arms.

"I want to make an offer to the Dwarfs. How long do you think they will take to get back to us?" Wu questioned curiously as she looked down at the Dwarf Kingdom. Dwarfs were still raging down below but they were too high to be threatened with any attack.

"What do you plan to offer?" Xuefeng wondered. "Since they have no King now, the strongest fighters will probably fight to become the new leader. If you can strike a deal with them, you should create nice cooperation for Trade Union."

"Well, I will probably begin the negotiations but leave the rest to my Grandpa. Since we are back together, I don't think I can take care of Trade Union's business anymore. I will naturally stay and travel with you," Wu informed.

One look into her eyes and he knew she already decided on it a long time ago. Even though she loved managing companies, he still preferred her to stay by his side.

"Alright, let's hope the Dwarfs won't take too long," Xuefeng nodded, kissing her gently in front of everyone. She was his wife, getting the most privileges.

"Xuefeng?" Pearl suddenly called out once they finished. "Do you mind if I stay with you for a while?"

Chapter 184 Trade

"You want to stay with us?" Xuefeng repeated the question, wanting to understand her request more clearly. Traveling with them and being with him were two different matters.

"Yes. I don't really have anything better to do right now and it would fun to travel in a group. I'm usually wandering on my own but I realized it's better to have someone who can cover for you in case of an emergency," Pearl explained with her face full of expectations. "What do you think? I promise I can be useful."

Xuefeng glanced at everyone's faces, trying to figure out their position in this matter. Bella was expressionless but when their eyes met, she shook her head. Drakos didn't seem satisfied from the start, staying grumpy this whole time as he stared at Pearl's back.

"Look, it just happens that we won't be traveling much in the near future, so you won't have much fun staying with us," Xuefeng began, trying to reject her as nicely as possible.

"Oh, where are you going later then?" Pearl questioned eagerly.

"We will visit Spirit Land Capital and then stay in the House of Dragons, making use of their facilities to Cultivate. Only boring stuff," Xuefeng answered honestly. "If you really want to come with us, I don't really mind it but we will separate in the Spirit Land Capital."

Counting all the members of his group, it was a lot of heads to worry about and Xuefeng really didn't need another one. Hearing daily arguments between the cousins and the rest wasn't exactly his hobby either.

"Good enough for me," Pearl accepted happily, "I just want to make new friends before I need to return to the Dragon Realm. I'm sure my parents are already worried about me."

"If you wanted to make friends, why was I getting shit from you by just breathing?" Drakos asked as he rolled his eyes at her response.

"Because I was trapped in a cage, stressed and starved for a week? How do you expect a fragile woman like me to act normal in those conditions?" Pearl countered, acting pitiful. "I was already on the brink of my limits. If not for Xuefeng, who knows what would happen."

"Talking about being starved, I'm hungry. I will go hunt for something to eat first," Pearl added as she glanced at Golden Queen. "Cousin, would you mind coming with me? There is something I want to talk to you about."

"I think we already said everything that needs to be said. I'm not in the mood for another argument," Golden Queen rejected, but Pearl only smiled, flying away while turning herself into her Dragon form.

"It's a shame then. I was sure you want to discuss something, Katherine," Pearl called out casually without turning back.

When Golden Queen heard the name, she froze, squinting her eyes at Pearl. She glanced at Xuefeng with a complicated expression and excused herself.

"I will be back soon. Don't leave without me."

"Alright, take your time," Xuefeng replied, with a wave, not stopping them at all.

They were big girls who could take care of themselves. He would only hesitate if they were his wives which didn't have high chances of happening.

'Could it be that her real name is Katherine?' Xuefeng thought casually but quickly ignored it, focusing on the beauty in his arms.

"My love, do you want to sit on the edge of your flying ship and tell me how were you the past weeks? I heard you were in danger?"


"Hey! What was that?" Golden Queen called out as she chased after Pearl.

"What? Is something wrong?" Pearl asked back with a chuckle as she dove from the sky, catching a large grass eater from the ground.

Her claws pierced through the beast's belly but it was the high-altitude that eventually killed the beast, becoming food for the hungry Dragon.

"That name is only reserved for my husband," Golden Queen argued as she landed next to Pearl. "Even he doesn't call me that anymore."

Pearl ripped a big chunk of meat, swallowing it whole.

"Oh, really? Watching you two cuddle and hug so passionately, I thought he must be your new lover already. To think you still didn't tell him your real name," Pearl commented before giving Golden Queen an amused gaze. "Does your husband know that you are cheating on him?"

"I'm not cheating on anyone. Xuefeng is helping remove a Curse for me and my husband knows about it. He was the one who insisted on it anyway," Golden Queen countered before squinting her eyes. "Anyway, this has nothing to do with you. You should mind your own business."

"You think I am blind? I could see right through you from the very start," Pearl pointed out, ripping off another leg. "You had the same look on your face when you fell for your husband. You thought he is the best in the world."

"I don't know what are you talking about," Golden Queen shrugged. "If you think I'm going to admit to anything then you are mistaken. I'm not at fault anywhere."

"Maybe you are not just yet, but I know you well. You are slowly planning an attack and when you do, the prey doesn't escape from the net. You did it once and you will do it again," Pearl noticed.

Golden Queen didn't comment, causing Pearl to continue on her own.

"Don't get me wrong, I can actually see why are you doing this. I only just met Xuefeng and he already got me hooked. If I was in your place, I would also change ships."

"Where are you heading with this?" Golden Queen asked, not giving Pearl any information to work with.

"I was lying when I said my engagement is over. It's far from over," Pearl confessed, suddenly turning herself back into her Human Form. "He is the reason why I don't want to go back to the Dragon Realm. Once I return, he will probably lock me out of jealousy."

"What do you mean? I thought he is nice?" Golden Queen asked confused. The last time she left, the two were great together.

"Yeah, 'were'," Pearl emphasized. "He changed right after you felt. I couldn't talk to any other men else he would get mad and beat them up. I was finally fed up with him and ran away. This whole time in Heaven Realm I was actually searching for a man who can protect me, just like you got Liu."

"Xuefeng is not the one," Golden Queen informed defensively.

"I know. I figured it out by the way he treated me," Pearl admitted with a shrug. "I thought I can move him but I guess I'm not good enough. That's why I thought of something else."

"What is it?"

Pearl smirked, biting on her lip.

"If you like Xuefeng so much, how about you give me your husband back?"

Chapter 185 Secret to Courting Women

"So you are the one who will represent the Dwarf Kingdom from now on?" Wu questioned as she approached the leading Dwarf. Although he looked young, he was still the tallest from the group while already carrying a crown on his head.

"Yes. I'm the King's first son and I will take over his duties from today onward," the leading Dwarf nodded respectfully as he glanced at Xuefeng. "We already interrogated the witnesses and found out about my Father's wrongdoings. Don't worry, we will not blame Sir for killing him."

"I don't see any hatred in your eyes. It seems you didn't like your father that much," Xuefeng commented. He had to make sure she was safe so he naturally followed her.

"That's true. I actually want to thank Sir for killing him. It is not because I can easily take over the Kingdom now but because he wasn't really a model father. With the way he treated my mom and all his lovers, I am content with this outcome," the leading Dwarf explained casually. "We can move to the negotiations Sir was talking about. The Dwarf Kingdom would like to cooperate with Trade Union."

Wu smiled brightly.

"Perfect. I have a proposal for you then," Wu began, going straight to the topic. "I want to include the Dwarf Kingdom into our supply chain. Not only that, we will provide you materials you can't find in the Metal Land and help you sell your Artefacts all around the world. This will boost your profits and improve Dwarf Kingdom status in the Heaven Realm."

The Leading Dwarf raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"This deal sounds really amazing to us. What does Trade Union get from it for Miss to offer such great terms?"

"We will naturally share the profits, but that's not all," Wu replied calmly. "We planned to expand into Metal Land for a while already, so this cooperation will help us achieve that. We want to take advantage of Dwarf Kingdom knowledge and experience to expand while providing equal benefits."

"Sure, I would love to know more details," the Leading Dwarf nodded excitedly. "I always wanted to cooperate with humans but my father was never fond of that idea."

'If only the previous King of Dwarfs was like this. None of this would happen,' Xuefeng muttered but then glanced at Wu by his side and changed his mind. 'Well, at least I got to meet her earlier. Everything worked well in the end.'

"Alright. My grandpa, President Wu of the Trade Union, will arrive here by tomorrow morning. He will coordinate this trade with you," Wu explained as she grabbed Xuefeng's hand. "For now, you should handle your own matters. I'm sure there is a big mess in your Kingdom that requires your attention."

"That's true…" the Leading Dwarf admitted helplessly. "We will contact President Wu tomorrow then. Farewell."

They only turned their backs to them when Xuefeng pulled Wu into his arms and flew up, returning back to the Flying Ship.

"You were amazing," Xuefeng praised as he kissed her head. "You handled it well."

"Thanks, but it's nothing," Wu acknowledged humbly. "You are the one who killed the King of Dwarfs and minimized their deaths. If you didn't convince Dwarfs to turn against their King, more would die for sure."

"Heh, let's just say we both did a good job," Xuefeng admitted, landing on the Flying Ship's board. Although it wasn't empty, they were met with an awkward silence.

"Welcome back~" Bella greeted, showing a smile as she stared at Xuefeng cheerfully. "How did it go?"

When Drakos saw that change, he immediately rolled his eyes.

"Bella, how many times do I have to say that I'm sorry? I admitted it was my fault already, what else can I do?" Drakos complained pitifully.

Too bad, Bella didn't even acknowledge his existence anymore.

"Xuefeng, I don't why, but I keep hearing this annoying buzzing around me. Can you help me stop it somehow? I tried to tolerate it but I don't want to hear it anymore."

"Yikes…" Xuefeng cringed, not expecting Drakos would still struggle with this issue. If it was him, he would have solved it in a blink.

Wu seemed to think the same as she proposed on the spot, "Xuefeng, how about you talk with Drakos on the side while I stay with Bella?"

"Sure," Xuefeng nodded and flew away while giving Drakos a glance. "Follow me."

Drakos hesitated but still followed him, stopping some far away from the Flying Ship.

"You are really an idiot, aren't you?" Xuefeng scolded speechlessly. "How did you make her hate you this much? Weren't you both on a good path?"

"Ugh! Just tell me what do I do," Drakos grunted, rubbing his eyes in frustration. "I'm not like you who has been flirting and taking over women all your life. I have been alone since forever, always fighting for survival. How do I know what to do?"

"Okay, okay, chill for now," Xuefeng calmed him down. "Come closer, I will tell you a secret to courting women."

Drakos raised his eyebrows, leaning over.

"It doesn't matter what you say, it's all about what you do," Xuefeng said with a smile. "Right now, no matter what you say, Bella won't give a damn. You hurt her so now you got to suffer. Give her some time to calm down and then show her you actually care about her. She will ignore you for a while but eventually notice the effort you put in."

"What if she doesn't?" Drakos asked like a newbie.

"If she still ignores you then stop everything all together. She would already get used to you and once you are gone, she will think something is missing. Once she realizes it's you, she will chase you instead," Xuefeng explained as he scratched his head. "It's kind of toxic and I would never use it myself, but I don't think you have any other choice."

"Hmm… Alright. I will give her some time then," Drakos decided after a short thought.

Xuefeng only patted him on the shoulder and returned back to the girls. To his surprise, they were talking about him. He was sure Wu would be helping with the issue involving Drakos.

"Xuefeng is still the same as back in Earth Realm. If only you saw how he handled the Ruler of the Realm and turned the whole public in the Capital against him," Wu muttered with her back facing him.

"Yeah, I wish I met him much earlier…" Bella replied with a sigh as she gazed at Xuefeng dreamily. "Welcome back Xuefeng~"

Before Wu could turn around, he already hugged her from behind. He was about to question them when he sensed movement from the side, seeing two beauties return.

He only returned the smile from Bella, not really thinking too much about it.

"Everything alright?" Xuefeng called out to Golden Queen as they landed.

"Yeah, we had a little chat," Golden Queen nodded casually as she observed Xuefeng for a few seconds before shooting a question.

"I need to call my Husband. Do you mind joining?"

Chapter 186 Katherine

"Will you tell me what is this all about?" Xuefeng questioned as he sat down next to Pearl on the bed. "Aren't you just reporting what we are doing?"

Golden Queen requested it would be just him and Pearl in the room so he was a little bit suspicious. He didn't mind it at first, but something wasn't right. What was there to talk about that required everyone else to leave?

"It's not really about you. I just want you to be here for me just in case," Golden Queen replied as she pulled out a Communication Crystal. "Remember when I told you I will contact my husband about this sudden trip? Well, I didn't do that yet and my husband has been trying to contact me this whole time. I'm sure he will be pissed off a little."

Xuefeng's eyes widened, not thinking she would be this irresponsible. He already expected Sect Master Liu to explode on the call.

'Why do I have to suffer as well?!' Xuefeng called out in his mind but it was too late to run away.

The call already connected.

"Katherine! Do you realize how many times I have called you?!" Sect Master Liu cried out immediately, his tone showing how frustrated he was. "Where are you now? What are you doing? My brother mentioned you left to save Xuefeng's friend. Why didn't you call me earlier?"

The number of questions Sect Master Liu asked her caused Golden Queen to rub her forehead as she took a deep breath.

"Liu, calm down. I just didn't have time since the situation played out too quickly," Golden Queen replied patiently. "We had to decide on the spot and since you were not there, I came along with them."

Golden Queen glanced at Xuefeng and sat down right by his side, their arms touching closely. He didn't want to disturb the call so he sat still, not really minding this much physical contact from her.

"That still doesn't explain why you didn't pick up my calls," Sect Master Liu muttered unhappily. "Anyway, I'm already on my way to the Dwarf Kingdom. I took a few Teleports and I'm currently flying there. We should arrive at the same time."

Golden Queen didn't even look surprised at his reaction.

"Well, you don't need to hurry. The situation is already under control," Golden Queen informed as she reached to Xuefeng's palm, forcefully seizing it. "We already saved Xuefeng's friend and killed the King of Dwarfs who tried to stop us."

Xuefeng raised his eyebrows, questioning her with his gaze, but she ignored his silent protests. Sect Master Liu was already responding.

"What…? You killed the King of Dwarfs? First off, how did you even get there so fast? You should still be in the flying ship, unless—"

He paused as Golden Queen squeezed Xuefeng's hand and admitted, "Yes, I flew here. The rest should arrive by tomorrow morning."

"Why would you risk your life and fight the King of Dwarfs alone?!" Sect Master Liu scolded instantly. "Katherine! What if something happened to you? You don't need to put your life on the line for Xuefeng's friend!"

Xuefeng didn't like where this was going, but he didn't have much choice.

"Alone? Don't worry, I wasn't alone. I took Xuefeng with me and we grouped up with—"

"Wait, what?!" Sect Master Liu cut her off. "You flew there with Xuefeng?! You let him ride you?!"

The anger in his voice was understandable. Even Xuefeng would be pissed off if any of his wives touched another man on purpose other than killing them.

"Hey, we didn't have any other choice. Right when I wanted to contact you, I learn there was someone else locked up in Dwarf Kingdom's prison. I couldn't wait and had to come with the rescue," Golden Queen explained calmly before passing the Communication Crystal to Pearl who has been watching with a smile this whole time.

"Who is it that would make you commit—"

Sect Master Liu's voice got cut off this time as Pearl finally spoke up.

"Hey Liu~"

Xuefeng expected to be blamed for this one but Sect Master Liu suddenly turned quiet, surprising him. He glanced at Golden Queen but she was already leaning over to him, placing her finger on his lips.

"Did I just hear Pearl? There is no way, right?" Sect Master Liu asked cautiously.

"Yes, it's me. I was the one who got imprisoned by the Dwarfs, please, don't be mad at Katherine," Pearl replied sweetly. "If not for her and Xuefeng, I would be dead. I cannot thank them enough for coming to save me right on time."

"I see… I knew it had to be someone important," Sect Master Liu muttered, regaining his calmness. "Katherine, I'm sorry for raising my voice. I guess if it's Pearl then I can understand it."

Xuefeng found his reaction weird and even Golden Queen rolled her eyes at him.

"Next time think before you shout at me. Even if it wasn't her but Xuefeng's friend that I wanted to help, if I decide on something, you have no right to scold me. I'm free to do whatever I want," Golden Queen reacted sharply.

"You are right, I'm sorry. I overreacted. Don't be mad at me," Sect Master Liu apologized again but Golden Queen ignored it.

"We will be here till tomorrow. If you can't arrive till then, we will meet each other in the Spirit Land Capital."

"Oh, don't worry, I will be there soon!" Sect Master Liu assured, ending the call on his own. "See you later! Love you!"

The moment the call disconnected, Pearl quickly stood up and walked out, smiling at the two of them.

"I will leave you two alone. Enjoy."

Xuefeng didn't hesitate and pulled away, shrugging Golden Queen off.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

It was obvious those two were up to something and he didn't like it.

"Mhmm, I have many things I want to tell you," Golden Queen replied gently as she got closer again. "Maybe I should start with my name. I will answer your question if you can call me Katherine from now on. Especially when we are all alone."

Xuefeng didn't really mind it.

"Alright, Katherine. I kind of want to know if something happened between you, your husband and Pearl?"

Chapter 187 Heat of the Dragon

"How about you tell your wife we will have a quick session right now so we can kill two birds with one stone?" Katherine suggested, laying down on the bed while stretching her whole body. "I will tell you everything as we cuddle."

Xuefeng squinted his eyes. He was about to pressure her to tell him right away when she added casually, "At least we will have some distraction and I won't have to think about my body getting hot. I don't want to make you uncomfortable once again."

He stared at her for a moment and she smiled sweetly, reaching out towards his pants.

"Unless you want to do it—" Katherine proposed but he caught her hand, putting it back as he cut her off.

"I will be right back. Don't go anywhere."

She watched him leave amused, throwing a casual comment after him, "How could I miss our session?"


Xuefeng didn't respond to her tease, closing the door behind him. Just as he expected, Pearl was waiting outside, leaning against the wall. She seemed surprised seeing him, looking down at his crotch and then back into his eyes.

"This fast?" she asked with a playful smirk.

Xuefeng couldn't help but feel offended, knowing exactly what she meant.

"Only my wives can experience that and no, me and Katherine are not like this," Xuefeng explained the obvious. "Anyway, are you lost? I think there should be a few free rooms you can use. Do you need help to find one?"

Pearl giggled as she walked up to him, fixing his shirt on his chest.

"I thought you were supposed to talk with Katherine. Are you trying to get some alone time with me instead?"

"Nope," Xuefeng rejected without hesitation. "I'm going back in a second. Just need to drop a word to my wife. Don't worry, I'm not here to hit on you."

Pearl sighed, pinching his chest boldly.

"I'm not worried about that silly. I would like it if you did since you are actually pretty cute. A proper snack I would say," Pearl admitted as she gave him a wink. "Too bad I'm not really in your league. I already know I don't have many chances with you. All I can offer is the Heat of a Dragon that you will never forget but hearing you have many wives, I'm sure you are already satisfied."

"Heat of a Dragon?" Xuefeng asked curiously, causing Pearl to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"What? Katherine didn't tell you about it?" Pearl questioned amused.

"No, she didn't. What is it?"

Xuefeng knew he will regret asking but he couldn't help himself.

"Have you ever wondered why so many Cultivators visit Dragon Realm? It's not the natural resources they are after but female Dragons instead," Pearl explained, sounding like she enjoyed his lack of knowledge. "I guess you two still didn't sleep together else you would know what I mean."

"You still didn't tell me what it is," Xuefeng commented as he finally pulled her away.

"I'm sure you already experienced the effects of different Bloodlines judging by your Elvish ears. Dragon Bloodline is the same, but it doesn't provide any active buffs. It's all passive."

As Pearl spoke, she bit on her lips and suggested playfully, "How about this, I will tell you everything I know about it but I'm not free. I want a kiss in return."

Xuefeng rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I knew there will be a catch," Xuefeng muttered, slowly walking away towards Wu's bedroom. "I will just ask Katherine in a bit."

"Are you sure she will tell you? It's actually a secret of our Race," Pearl called out after him, causing him to pause. "In my case, all I want is a soft kiss on the lips and you will know everything. I'm sure Katherine will demand a whole meal compared to my small dessert."

'Before you ask, I have no idea what this Heat of a Dragon is,' Ming commented right when he wanted to bother her. 'Every Race tries their best to hide the secrets of their Bloodline and Dragon Race was really secretive about it. From what I know, it is really hard to transfer Dragon Bloodline to a human. Even killing a Dragon doesn't guarantee that your body will accept their Bloodline.'

'Even Xinyu didn't inherit the bloodline from her mother so it proves a Dragon can only be born from two Dragons mating together,' Ling noticed, not giving Xuefeng much to work with.

"I guess I will ask Drak—" Xuefeng tried another route but he got cut off.

"He won't know anything about it," Pearl informed. "This is a secret only female Dragons knows and it only works in physical contact with humans. How do you expect Drakos to know it?"

Xuefeng had to admit she knew how to negotiate.

"So? A quick kiss?" Pearl repeated the proposal as she looked left and right as if checking for any witnesses.

She gripped the corners of her short black skirt while looking up innocently and added quietly, "Don't tell anyone but it is actually my first kiss… I only proposed it since you are experienced."

He didn't even have the chance to respond when Pearl already leaned over with her eyes closed, standing up on her toes to match his height.


The way she acted, Xuefeng just couldn't reject her. With how much he did with Katherine, giving away one kiss wasn't that much of an issue.


The moment their lips touched, Pearl immediately moaned, reaching out to hold his face. Since it was her first kiss, he gave in this much, not wanting to ruin her experience. He slowly closed on her top lip, gently sucking as if time stopped for them.

"Hmmm?" Xuefeng suddenly frowned.

Pearl slid her fingers to the back and grasped onto his ears, rubbing them delicately. For the first time in his life, he actually felt real discomfort.

'It worked! It's not broken!' Xuefeng exclaimed in his mind. He thought it stopped working since Katherine was capable of bringing him pleasure but it turned out he was fine.

He didn't have time to contemplate as Pearl pulled away from the kiss and watched his reaction which wasn't really positive.

"Sigh… I guessed I'm not really compatible but I wanted to test it anyway. I guess I made a good decision," Pearl muttered dejectedly as she stepped back. "Thank you for this."

"Wait, what decision?" Xuefeng asked confused.

"You will find out soon," Pearl replied mysteriously as she walked away, stopping only after a few steps. "Oh, right, the Heat of the Dragon. I almost forgot."

She turned her head around and winked, "It's actually simple. Whenever a Human connects with a female Dragon, he will obtain a huge boost to their physique. It's almost an equivalent to having a Dragon Bloodline so as long as you keep tasting a Dragon, you can enjoy those benefits."

When she walked away, she added playfully.

"Do what you want with this information~"

Chapter 188 Come Clean

"It took you a while to return."

When Xuefeng came back to Katherine's bedroom, she was already waiting for him with a trap. Her shoes and dress were gone, replaced with his own white shirt she must have stolen from him. It was of course too big on her, but combined with her bare legs that rubbed together, she looked extremely sexy.

"What stopped you for so long? Wu didn't want you to come?" Katherine questioned as she supported herself on her elbows. Her look reminded him of the sex-depraved Nuwa who couldn't wait for her sexy time anymore.

"No, she was actually pretty chill," Xuefeng shook his head, walking up while slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Wu was busy chatting with Bella and they even asked him to give them some time to finish their gossiping.

"It was Pearl that stopped me," he added with a smile, causing Katherine to lift herself abruptly.

"Huh? What did you two talk about?" She asked suspiciously.

"Why do you want to know? It was a private conversation," Xuefeng replied with a shrug, but Katherine was clearly not satisfied with that answer.

She fired from the bed like a rock from a slingshot, reaching him in a split second. She stood on her toes and embraced his neck before he could even react, gripping on his hair in threatening manner.

"Tell me. I want to know what did she tell you," Katherine demanded, squinting her eyes at him as if she discovered a scheme. "No excuses."

"Whoa, you really are aggressive. I didn't even take off my shirt," Xuefeng commented amused and embraced her body. "What if I don't tell you? It's not like I have to."

Katherine immediately pulled on his hair, almost threatening to kiss him with how close she was.

"This is not a negotiation. I need to make sure she didn't tell you any lies," Katherine informed sternly. "I'm waiting."

Xuefeng wanted to laugh at her tough act. He wasn't a submissive man when it came to women, actually preferring to be in control.

"I think you forgot who you are talking to. You know I can be rough too?" Xuefeng reminded her before suddenly lifting up her shirt.


Her whole body shook as her butt took a direct hit, yet her expression remained firm, even curving the corners of her lips.

"No matter how many times you spank me, it won't do much. I think you forgot that I like it," Katherine commented. "I won't let you go unless you tell me."

"You know, if you were a good girl and just asked me nicely, I would already tell you," Xuefeng pointed out playfully. "Say please."

"You are rubbing on my butt as you wish. That should be enough of a payment for you," Katherine argued but Xuefeng only added his second palm, gripping her bottom to his heart content.

"You cling to me on your own accord. Any woman that does it automatically gives me permission to do anything I want with her body. Just cause I don't do it normally doesn't mean I don't have that right," Xuefeng explained as he scooped her panties to the middle and pulled on it as if to prove his point. "See?"

She was being rough with him so he could only pay her back with the same. Too bad, he didn't think it through to a full extend. Katherine's eyes widened from the pull and she immediately retaliated.


Katherine grasped onto his ears and rubbed it profusely, sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. His weak point reacted to her perfectly which reminded him why he has been cautious around her. No matter what he did, she would always win since he didn't want to cross the line with her.

He wanted to stop her but his lips were locked by her own, punishing him for challenging her. This time she didn't hesitate and mashed their lips together as if she tried to flatten and destroy his mouth. She hungrily pushed past his teeth to the moist space within and tasted him fully.

With no other choice left, Xuefeng lifted her up and slammed them against the bed, bouncing up and down till he created a small gap between their lips.

"Stop! No more," Xuefeng called out, but Katherine didn't give in, wrapping her arms and legs around him like a monkey.

"You can't win. I'm more stubborn than anyone," Katherine admitted as she breathed hurriedly. "Tell me now."

She wasn't frowning anymore, looking like she was enjoying their small exchange.

"Alright, alright, I will tell you," Xuefeng capitulated. "Just give me some space to breathe."

She listened this time, but didn't fully release him, her legs still locking his thighs and waist. She bit on her lip as she stared at him and licked it as if she wasn't satisfied yet.

'Damn, I'm stupid,' Xuefeng cursed, regretting playing with her. He already knew she was dangerous to deal with yet he still tried to tame her.

"It wasn't much. She was waiting outside the room so we chatted a bit and I asked her some questions," Xuefeng explained. "I wanted to know—"

"Wait…" Katherine cut him off, licking her lips once again. "Why can I taste her on you?"

Xuefeng's eyes widened but before he spoke, Katherine already leaned over, sniffing his body.

"I can even smell her scent on you… What did she do? Did she kiss you?" Katherine interrogated, turning into full detective mode.

"Bullshit. How can you know that?" Xuefeng questioned, not believing she could actually sense all of that.

"You think I don't know how Dragons smells like? I knew it, she did kiss you," Katherine guessed, rolling together on the bed as she cursed under her breath. "Damn it, I am going to kill her."

She pulled away, wanting to get off him but Xuefeng was faster, catching her arm in time. He jerked her back into his chest and squeezed tight, chaining her against her will.

"Can you calm down? I kissed her on my own," Xuefeng confessed. "She wanted a kiss for the information I wanted so I agreed. She didn't force me to anything and I'm actually glad she did. It helped me understand something that was troubling me."

He reached down towards her panties and fixed them for her before sliding his hand up onto her naked back.

"How about we stop playing around and talk normally as we begin our session?" Xuefeng proposed. "Now, I will release you and you will be a good girl, okay?"

"Okay…" Katherine nodded quietly, making him sigh in relief.

He thought it was over but when Katherine sat up on his waist, she looked at him pitifully while pouting as if he just hurt her.

"Hey, don't give me that look…" Xuefeng muttered, taking a deep breath, needing more fresh oxygen to deal with her.

"What did you want to know so badly that you couldn't come directly to me?" Katherine asked upset. "Anything she knows, I know too."

"She told me everything," Xuefeng replied casually, causing Katherine to freeze.

"Everything…?" Katherine questioned suspiciously as she grabbed onto his shirt. "I don't believe you. Don't try to trick me."

Xuefeng only shrugged, deciding to test her a little bit.

"Why else I would agree to a kiss? She even told me about the Heat of a Dragon," Xuefeng revealed as he grabbed on her wrists. "Were you going to tell me about it? Why would you hide such an important secret from me?"

"I didn't hide anything!" Katherine exclaimed, freeing herself of his grasp. "If I told you about it right away, you would think that I'm using my bloodline to get you. I didn't want that."

"Maybe, or maybe not. We will never find out. I wish you told me earlier. It's actually an important information," Xuefeng expressed with disappointed look.

"Of course I would eventually tell you, but I saved it for the time you can actually use it. I would not let you receive the Heat from any other Dragons, most especially not from Pearl," Katherine clarified before covering her face. "Ughh!!! I hate her!"

Xuefeng could feel the frustration in her voice, but before he revealed the truth, he had to learn the whole truth.

"Alright, don't curse her. I would learn sooner or later. Chop, chop. Come clean now," Xuefeng dictated as he patted her thighs. "I know everything already so I will know if you are lying. I want to hear what happened between you three and tell me about this plan of yours."

Katherine rubbed her eyes with an arm, hiding her expression from him.

"If you know everything then why are you asking me…? This is not funny…" Katherine muttered quietly, sniffing to herself.

'Is she going to cry…? What is she hiding…?' Xuefeng thought, confirming there was something she was hiding. Going this far, he couldn't go back anymore.

"It's because I want to hear it from you," Xuefeng replied as he lifted himself, pulling on her arms to reveal her face. "Look at me."

To his surprise, Katherine eyes were red and she avoided his gaze.

"If you ask me to repeat it… Does it mean you don't hate me?"

Chapter 189 When Player Gets Played

"Should I?" Xuefeng asked with a smile as he held her face, rubbing her cheek to calm her down. His curiosity already reached its limits.

What did she do for him to hate her?

"I don't know. I was worried you would but you seem fine," Katherine muttered as she covered his hand with her own. "Your hand feels warm… I like when you caress me…"

Their eyes locked together and her fingers tangled with his own. The way she gazed at him wasn't hard to figure out. He already saw this look before from his wives.

'Gosh, this is not going as I thought it will,' Xuefeng thought, knowing he might have overdone it.

Even though she had a husband, she already admitted that she loved him and now he was stepping into unknown grounds. If she knew he lied to her, it would only make the situation worse and he wouldn't learn anything.

Double down!

"Look," Xuefeng began, releasing her hands to take off his shirt. "I won't hate you if you admit to everything right now. Who knows, maybe Pearl didn't tell me the whole truth so I want to hear it from you."

Her eyes moved up and down on their own while her fingers grasped onto his abs. They were so close that he couldn't really avoid it.

"They look as if carved from metal, but when you touch them, they are not as hard. You are perfect for cuddling," Katherine commented as she scanned his body thoroughly. "I love it."

He was forced to seize her palms before they got too naughty and suggested, "How about you strip and we begin our session just as we planned?"

"Can you do it for me?" Katherine asked, hopping forward on his thighs to get closer to him. "Strip me."

"As much as I want to, it's best if you do it," Xuefeng rejected politely, keeping himself away from the temptations. "I will watch through. I wouldn't miss such a show."

His hands were already giving in to his habits, recalling how he smacked and caressed her butt. The deeper the hole, the harder it was to get out.

Too bad, Katherine didn't play by the script as usual.

"So you hate me in the end…?" Katherine turned sad, looking down all of a sudden. "I knew it… I will never be good enough…"

"Hey, hey, hey, I don't hate you—" Xuefeng denied immediately but Katherine cut him off midway.

"Prove it then. Take off my shirt for me," Katherine instructed, slapping his onto her thighs. "Why is that such an issue? It's not like you didn't see me naked already. You touched me everywhere and I give you my consent."

She leaned over to his ear and led his wrist, letting him slide deeper. "Aren't my thighs soft to touch? You can squeeze them too. You did it once and you enjoyed it."

He didn't even think about it when his fingers sank into her skin as if they forgot to listen to his orders.

"That's right…" Katherine rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek, before leaving a trail on his jawline. "Now we move even deeper… You reach my panties and your fingers tangle in them, wanting to take them off but you leave them alone, skimming up on my body…"

Katherine guided him in a whisper and she let go of his hands, raising her arms up so he can continue.

"It wasn't that hard, was it?" Katherine questioned playfully as she ordered again. "Finish it."

Xuefeng wasn't dumb. He knew exactly what she was doing. Her seduction wasn't bad, but she wasn't aware he was tricking her this whole time. He only acted to not blow his cover.

"I'm only doing it so we don't waste time," Xuefeng commented casually, finishing the task. He was already touching her directly so he just sped up without complicating things.

Her body was indeed smooth to the touch but so were his wives. The standard didn't go up from this experience but at least he enjoyed a little bit. He didn't stop on her bra, not falling for this trap and simply grasped her arms as if giving her a long massage.

"Heh," Xuefeng smirked, seeing her golden hair all messed up when they fell down from her shirt.

"Hah, do I look silly?" Katherine asked with a chuckle as she spread her straight strands, revealing a helpless look.

"You do," Xuefeng admitted honestly.

"How about you help me? I don't have a mirror to fix them."

It wouldn't be a lie if Xuefeng said he already expected such a request, his hands wishing to move on their own already.

"Be a good girl and don't move then," Xuefeng muttered as he gave in easily, wanting to change her hair a little.

He first combed them with his fingers before gathering them all in a ponytail while only leaving two single side bangs that gently fell on her face. Without any bands, he twisted her hair and bound it without even looking.

"How do you know how to tie hair like this?" Katherine questioned amazed, checking out his creation.

"I don't know, I saw it once and I learned it just in case I need to use it on my girlfriend in the future. I quite like this style," Xuefeng replied as he gave her a final finishing touch. "You look much better now."

"Do you mind if I wear it like this from now on?"

The combination of her bright smile and sexy ponytail did wonder for her.

"Sure, I don't mind," Xuefeng accepted it eagerly, knowing her hair wouldn't get into his face during their session. "Shall we start?"

"What about your pants?" Katherine pointed out as she gazed down at his crotch and instantly returned the favor. "Let me help you."

"Wait—" Xuefeng protested but she already leaned over, unbuttoning his pants. She pulled them down with one quick jerk before falling back down on his thighs with a smile on her face.

"See? It wasn't that bad," Katherine teased as she pushed him back against the bed while sliding forward, right on top of his resting soldier.

"Hey," Xuefeng warned but Katherine only winked as she flipped her hair to the front.

With a quiet pop, her bra unhooked from behind, releasing her breast for his view.

"Do you like the view?" Katherine asked playfully. "You can touch them directly if you want."

Saying that, she crawled above him, their faces leveling up. He only needed to lift his arms a bit for a full course experience, but Xuefeng wasn't moved.

"You are beautiful, but I'm not doing anything with other people's wives," Xuefeng reminded and smacked her elbows, causing her to fall down onto his body. "Can you stop messing around?"

"Hmm, that's a good question," Katherine muttered as she wrapped her arms around his head, hovering right above his face. "I have a question."

"You are stalling this forever. I thought I was supposed to be the one listening to your explanation," Xuefeng pointed out with a roll of his eyes. "What is it?"

He expected something silly again but instead, she hit him hard.

"Did Pearl touch your ears?"

"Why?" Xuefeng asked defensively but looking at her smile, he realized he couldn't get away from it. "Yes, she did."

"Did it feel good like it does when I touch you?" Katherine continued right after, giving the tip of his ear a few rubs. "I know a few Elvish secrets so you can't lie about it."

"No, it didn't feel good and I told her that," Xuefeng answered honestly, causing her to smile even more. "Hey, don't think it means anything. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't."

"Oh, really? And here I thought it was a secret technique for Elvish lovers to pleasure themselves," Katherine commented sarcastically. "Tell me, are you secretly in love with me? It's okay if you do. I don't judge."


Xuefeng shot Fate Qi into her body without a warning, causing her to let out a moan which quickly suppressed by hiding in his neck.

"I'm not playing games anymore. Tell me what plan did you come up with her," Xuefeng commanded, letting Ling begin the session. "Hold still and talk."

"You want to know a secret…?" Katherine muttered, hugging into him comfortably. "I already figured out that you don't know anything. If she told you anything, you wouldn't be this calm."

"We will find out once I listen to your part," Xuefeng replied casually, not admitting to anything.

"Okay then. My decision is that I want to be with you," Katherine confessed simply.

"I already know that. It's im—"

"It's impossible because of my husband," Katherine finished for him, before questioning, "But what if we removed him from the picture? What if my husband left me willingly?"

Chapter 190 Katherine's Life Story

"Are you planning to kill him?" Xuefeng wondered, cutting himself off immediately. "Count me out. I'm not going to help you kill anyone. Especially not your husband."

"No, that's not what I meant. No one is going to die," Katherine assured, kissing him gently on the neck. "Look, even your bloodline thinks we are lovers already. We are cuddling, kissing, and teasing each other. The only reason you don't want to cross limits with me is because of my husband and a potential backlash from his side. I'm just saying it won't be a problem soon."

"That's not the only reason," Xuefeng denied. "What makes you think that you won't do the same to me once you are mine? What if someone better than me appears in your life? Will you change ships again? You did it once, might as well do it again. How can I be sure you don't leave me just like you plan on leaving your husband?"

"So you don't believe in mistakes? You don't believe that people can change?" Katherine asked back. "You don't know us. You have only seen the tip of an iceberg. Our relationship wasn't all sunshine and roses. I disliked many things he did, but you know what? I thought it's normal. I thought that's how every man is and I just need to accept it. Only after I met you, I realized that it's not normal. I realized that life can actually be fun and I can be excited about the future…"


She sobbed softly, cuddling closer to him.

"Hey, it's okay…" Xuefeng cheered up, rubbing her naked back. He couldn't help but feel guilty despite knowing it could all be an act.

Katherine remained silent for a moment before caressing his cheek while turning his face to look at her.

"Kiss me…"

She didn't force herself on him this time but instead waited for his answer, giving him a choice.

"Katherine…" Xuefeng mouthed her name, hoping she will spare him, but her eyes revealed how much she wanted it.

"You kissed Pearl… Kiss me like you kissed her and I will tell you everything…" Katherine pleaded, closing her eyes as she rubbed their noses together.

He couldn't find a reason to reject her, seeing how pitiful she looked.

"Just one…" Xuefeng warned, closing the distance between them.

His body and heart wanted her, yet his brain screamed no, colliding together. When he decided to give in this time, Katherine reacted with heated passion, melting into his lips while gripping on his hair.

She was surprised by the sudden presence of his tongue but joined in the erotic exchange without hesitation.

"Mhmm… I want more…" Katherine whispered, pushing the back of his head for a second dose.

"Answer me first. What did he do?" Xuefeng questioned before he collapsed at him. "With the way he acts and worries about you, I was sure he loves you and will do anything for you."

"Maybe he does. But the way he considers love is different from how I see it. When I met you, my views about love changed," Katherine explained, taking another bite of his top lip. "Love is not one-sided. Both parties need to put enough effort into the relationship to work. Thanks to you, I realized how one-sided it was in our case."

"What changed?" Xuefeng asked simply, reaching down to caress her bottom on instinct. Since she was stealing unwanted kisses, he was free to enjoy too.

"I thought I need to do everything and please him however I can, but watching you and your wives, I asked myself some questions. What about my happiness? Am I loving and enjoying my time with him? Why did I suffer and hated waking up? Why didn't I act earlier and follow my heart?" Katherine expressed, giving him some new thoughts.

Maybe she wasn't as happy as she looked with Sect Master Liu?

He remained silent, only hugging her while relaxing her body with his Regeneration Ability. She knew what he wanted to know.

"Sometimes it has been months of separation for us," Katherine began. "We have been together for a long time yet the time we spent together was limited. It was always either his Clan, Cultivation, or House of Dragons. I and Xinyu were never in the first place… Ah…"

She moaned as Ling's cleansing finally kicked in. Thankfully, Katherine didn't turn naughty and continued her life story.

"During our first few years, I couldn't complain. He was a good husband, taking care of me but when he became the Sect Master, everything changed. I started seeing him less and less. First, it was days, then weeks and months. While Xinyu was studying cultivation with various teachers, I was left alone."

She chuckled out of nowhere.

"Hah, I remember I would come to him like a puppy whenever he called me, thinking he really cares for me but it was all an illusion. I even thought I was just a tool to give him the Heat of the Dragon whenever his own lost its effects. I was close to giving up and returning back to Dragon Realm but guess what happened."

"What?" Xuefeng asked curiously, already invested in the story.

"Some time ago he proposed I should be more involved in his matters. Do you know how happy I was? All bad memories disappeared from my mind and I thought he was the best man in the world. I attended all his meetings, appeared in public with him, and even became his personal ride. Everything seemed perfect until the past repeated itself. He secluded himself for cultivation but this time I thought it was normal and accepted it."

Katherine caressed his ear, sending a wave of pleasure down his body.

"And then I met you, causing my world to crumble."

"How come?" Xuefeng wondered.

"I saw you always spend time with your wives, not letting them leave your side which made me realize I lived in a lie. It is not normal to ignore your wife. I shouldn't be unhappy or not looking forward to the future," Katherine replied, kissing him passionately for the last time. "Don't I deserve to be happy?"

"You do," Xuefeng agreed without hesitation. Learning about the reality, he couldn't really blame her anymore.

"So what do you plan to do now? Does it involve Pearl? Once she found out we are not compatible, she said she made the right decision," Xuefeng pointed out. "What did she meet by that?"

Katherine smiled helplessly at that question.

"This is the best part. Can you believe that I wasn't even the first woman he fell for? I'm just a consolation prize."

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