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93.54% Mixed HD / Chapter 406: 111-120

Chapter 406: 111-120

Chapter 111 Where Is She?

'I couldn't kill her on stage. I'm sorry.'

Being faster than the boyish lady, Tianshi reached the lobby first, hugging into Xuefeng's chest without even releasing her wings. He naturally accepted her into his arms and wrapped his arms around her head, rubbing it affectionately.

'You did well, my love. You surprised me. I didn't expect you would master such a powerful art in so little time. I'm proud of you.'

'I'm happy. Now I can fight alongside you and protect you,' Tianshi said as she tightened her hug. 'Don't worry, this wife will not let anyone hurt you.'

'You are cute,' Xuefeng replied simply as he kissed her head before lifting her chin up. 'But this is my job. I'm your white knight and you are my Queen. That will never change.'

He leaned down and tapped on her lips with his own.

'I will give you a better reward once you win all three matches. For now, I might be a bit busy,' Xuefeng said as he looked to the side, his gaze turning frosty.

The boyish lady happened to land in the Waiting Lobby and their glances met. His killing gaze caused her to immediately turned away and walk to the exit without even stopping to chat with anyone. Her annoyance at her loss was obvious.

'She needs to die…' Ming's voice returned to his mind before she appeared next to them. 'If you don't do it, I will.'

She seemed more than angry as if she just wanted to destroy the whole place.

'What happened?'

'She killed her Fate Spirit,' Ming replied straightforwardly, causing Xuefeng and Tianshi to frown. 'I can't feel the Fate Spirit presence in her body. Unless she has some powerful Artefact that masks everything, there is only one explanation. What's more, it has been dead for a while. That's why you can only feel the Fate Qi but no Fate Spirit presence.'

'It's them again… It seems it's more popular than we thought,' Tianshi commented.

Ming gripped on Xuefeng's sleeve.

'I want to kill them all…' Ming expressed. 'I want to burn their soul and make them suffer… No one can save them…'

Xuefeng knew very well how much it meant to Ming. After all, she was the mother of all Fate Spirits. She gave birth to them. She created them. Everyone would feel the same after learning their children were being murdered.

'Don't worry. Leave it to me,' Xuefeng assured as he gazed at the back of the leaving boyish lady. 'You stay with Tianshi. I will find out the truth.'

The Organization that found a way to kill Fate Spirits inside the Fate Holders without harming them was definitely one of their top enemies. Just thinking of losing either Ling or Ming made his blood boil.

Xuefeng turned invisible, wanting to follow his target when he heard Ming's plea.

'Do me a favor and don't leave anything. The moment she killed her Fate Spirit, there is no place for her in this world. Heaven's won't welcome her in the Middle Heaven.'

'That was my plan from the very beginning,' Xuefeng muttered, leaving the Waiting Lobby.



Blood splashed all over the floor as the boyish lady smashed into the wall. Her limbs were bending in unnatural positions as her throat touched a dark blue edge of the blade with red droplets dripping down.

"Talk," Xuefeng ordered coldly. "Who was it and where can I find them."

They were in the middle of the hallway but the whole room was filled with mist, blocking the sight of his killing.


The boyish lady spat out blood, trying to hit him with it but Xuefeng dodged it easily.

"Why would I tell you? I'm going to die anyway," the boyish lady replied with a grin, her teeth all red from blood. "If you kiss my ass, maybe I will tell you."

"I wanted to give you a less painful death but it seems you want to die in tortures," Xuefeng said with a shrug and grabbed on her wrist with her body fully under his control. "If you try to stall for time, no one is going to come. They won't hear your screams either."

'Do it,' Xuefeng ordered and the lady's facial expression changed immediately.

"Aaaaaarrrghh!!" She screamed on top of her lungs till he blocked her mouth, suppressing it to simple muffles. Her muscles tensed and her eyes widened as she stared with fear at her arm.

Only she knew how much pain she was in. Her arm slowly lost its color, turning white as a lotus flower before it slowly disappeared, decomposing into powder from the tip of her fingers, all the way to her shoulder. Her whole arm was gone within seconds and her eyes rolled in pain.

"Talk. If you don't, I will make your whole body disappear, together with your soul and you won't be able to reincarnate. You will be gone forever," Xuefeng threatened. "I don't care what happens to you, so the choice is with you."

The smirk was already gone from the boyish lady's face, replaced with fear and pain. Xuefeng didn't even want to imagine how it felt but from Ling's explanation, he knew the lady would never recover from such a wound.

If she simply lost a chunk of her soul in a fight, it was possible to heal but Ling's ability completely removed that option, making the soul unable to recover.

"I-I will talk… B-but I don't know much…" the lady stuttered, her voice cracking in fear. The pain should have already passed but the damage was already done.

"How did you find them? Who are they? How did you kill your Fate Spirit?" Xuefeng questioned sternly.

"They contacted me themselves… I don't know who they are. All of them had black cloaks on and I don't even remember what happened. They drugged me and when I woke up, my Fate Spirit was already gone," the boyish lady explained. "If I didn't do it, I'm sure I would be dead by now. My Fate Qi was already running out."

"So you have no information whatsoever," Xuefeng muttered and reached out to her second arm when she cried out to stop him.

"Wait, I know something! They all had a snake tattoo on their forefinger. I noticed it as they gave me the pill. It happened when I was in Earth Land Capital. They took me outside the Capital while blindfolded, but I could feel we were going underground, so it has to be an underground base," the boyish lady recounted. "That's all I know. Just kill me, safe me tortures."

"I cannot do that," Xuefeng replied honestly.

"W-what…? But I told everything I know! What else do you want to know?!" The boyish lady cried out.

Xuefeng looked at her, void of any pity or emotions.

"Someone really close to me wants you gone completely," Xuefeng replied coldly and reached out, grabbing the lady's forehead.


Her scream ended as soon as it started with her body slowly vanishing till there was nothing left aside from the boyish lady's clothes and Storage Rings.

'Baby, I'm scared…' Ling muttered softly. 'My ability—'

'Don't worry, we are not going to use it often. Only against those who deserve the worst,' Xuefeng assured as he picked up the boyish lady's belongings.

'It is still scary. I can make Fate Holders disappear within seconds…' Ling continued till Xuefeng closed his eyes and suddenly appeared inside Ling's space, hugging the worried beauty into his arms.

"Everything will be alright. You are the owner of your ability. As long as you control yourself, nothing bad will happen. I'm with you," Xuefeng muttered while looking into Ling's eyes and kissed her gently, giving her the warmth she needed.

Her Fate Ability was something even her father, the King of Heavens, feared the most, wanting to get rid of her the moment her ability got discovered. How could he leave a monster like her, the only person that could possibly challenge him?

Xuefeng found that reason one of the main theories why the Fate Kingdom, home to all Fate Spirits, was closed. This way, Ming can never bring Ling back.

"You know you are the best husband ever?" Ling asked, finally smiling at him.

"You are my wifey. Of course, I will do my best for you," Xuefeng expressed, leaning over to kiss her again when he froze, hearing footsteps in the real world.

"Go, I'm fine already," Ling called out, pushing him away but he fought back, pulling her closer for one last deep kiss. Nothing could stop him when their lips were meant to taste each other's love.

His mind returned back to his body and he found himself surrounded by various Arena Members, together with the Main Judge, staring sternly at Xuefeng.

"We sensed the signs of battle. Where is she?"

Chapter 112 Power Struggle

"Who are you talking about? I don't understand."

Xuefeng turned his head to the side with his eyebrows raised, feigning innocence.

"Your wife's opponent. Did you see her?" Sir Liu questioned. "She left the arena and you disappeared together with her."

There wasn't a clear suspicion coming from his mouth but it was clear as the sky Xuefeng was the main suspect. If they wanted to find her, they would at least search around compared to surrounding him immediately. Moreover, how could they not know what happened after seeing so much blood on the wall?

"Yes, I saw her," Xuefeng answered honestly, blinking his eyes as if he did nothing wrong. "Is there a problem?"

"Can you tell us where is she now then?" Sir Liu questioned, his lip twitching. "We have something to ask her."

He didn't seem to expect a straightforward answer from Xuefeng that made all the staff speechless.

"Oh, I guess that won't be possible. I killed her just now."

He declared it as if killing was an everyday thing for him, as easy as harvesting fruits from the tree.

Before Sir Liu could say anything, Xuefeng added, "Is that against the rules? She already dropped out of the tournament so she is not protected by anyone. Does it matter if I kill her now or later? She was already dead when she cursed at my wife."

"She is protected by the Water Land Capital, just like every ordinary citizen," Sir Liu reminded with his eyebrows knitted. "You killing her violates the rules within the Capital."

Xuefeng couldn't help but smile. "Sir, with all due respect, if I want to kill someone, no one can stop me. In the worst-case scenario, I will just leave the Capital. If anyone tries to stop me, I will just kill them as well. Isn't it how this world works? The ones with strength dictate the rules. Today it is me, tomorrow it will be someone else."

With that said, he walked towards Sir Liu, stopping in front of him.

"Also, are you sure you want to stop me? There are many who would rage if they found out I was disqualified from the tournament. The whole Arena or even the Capital would become a mess once I'm gone," Xuefeng muttered quietly. "What if I exposed all the shady business behind the scenes? What would the public say? Wouldn't they boycott the whole tournament?"

The Arena staff looked at each other in confusion, causing Sir Liu to admit defeat.

"Fine, I will forgive you this kill. Just refrain from blooding your hands outside of the stage."

Xuefeng shrugged and walked out of the encirclement, heading back to the Waiting Lobby.

"I'm sorry but I can't promise that. I plan to kill all Fate Holders I can find. It's a rare opportunity to get so much free Fate Qi. Why would I spare them? Life is brutal."

Sir Liu could do nothing but watch him leave, his mind filled with complicated thoughts. Who was this guy and why was he so different from others?

"Sir? Should we watch and stop him once he attempts to kill someone again? I'm guessing we don't pursue him about this…?" One of the Arena Staff questioned as he pointed at the blood on the wall.

"Just clean up the scene and ignore him. Let him do what he wants," Sir Liu ordered. "This is how the world works. The strong eat the weak and get even stronger."

A clever light reflected in Sir Liu's eyes as he suddenly vanished from the spot, appearing right behind his niece on the Platform.

"Huh? Uncle?" Liu Xinyu questioned as she turned around. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to see my niece, can't I?" Uncle Liu said casually and returned to the topic troubling his mind. "Anyway, follow me to my office."

He disappeared again but when his eyes opened, his Liu Xinyu was already waiting for him.

"What happened?" She questioned with a frown.

"I need to go as another match is starting soon but I just wanted to tell you something about Xuefeng," Uncle Liu explained, making Liu Xinyu visually tensed. He couldn't help but tease her about it.

"Hehe? Did you already fall for him to cause such a reaction?"

"I swear, even if you are my uncle, I will beat you up," Liu Xinyu warned. "I didn't fall for anyone."

"Then maybe you should," Uncle Liu replied straightforwardly.

"What? Why so suddenly…?" Liu Xinyu asked with her eyes widened.

"Something tells me he will reach high. You should cling to him or at least hug his thigh. I'm not joking," Uncle Liu suggested. "At the very least, you will be safe with him."

Liu Xinyu knitted her eyebrows. "Are you telling me I'm not enough to protect myself?"

"No, that's not it. He is just different. You will understand once you meet him," Uncle Liu said mysteriously. "Anyway, I'm off."

He didn't hesitate and left the confused Xinyu to her own thoughts. Just based on her expression, one could tell her Uncle messed up the calmness in her mind.

"Liu Xuefeng…"


"Nice! To think Tianshi got so powerful."

Watching the replay of Tianshi's match, Wu couldn't help but be proud and happy. She didn't expect her to master such a strong Art. She already regretted she missed Xuefeng's first match, but Tianshi's battle cheered her up.

"Miss Wu! You have an important meeting in five minutes!"

Just as she wanted to watch more, waiting for the second round of matches to start to finally see Xuefeng, her grandpa's Secretary came over with bad news.

"What?! I cleared my afternoon for today already!" Wu called out with a frown, not expecting it. After learning about the broadcast, she immediately finished all the matters at hand to free herself.

"Miss Wu, although you don't have any meetings yourself, your grandfather had some old appointments. As he is away, all his responsibilities fall on you." Secretary explained. "I know you want to watch your husband but this business deal is really important."

"Ughh!" Wu grunted as she glanced at the screen and then back. It should still take some time till everyone finishes their matches in the first round. If she hurries, she might have time to come back on time.

"How long will it take?"

"At most twenty minutes. The other party is already being led to your office," Secretary replied, noting a checkmark on her notepad. "I already told you will arrive in five minutes. I'm sorry, Miss Wu."

"Fine! Let's handle it fast!" Wu called out as she snapped at the two guards that followed her since she arrived. "Let's go."

For her, nothing was more important than Xuefeng. Forget the Trade Union. Even if she had to destroy it all, she would still choose him.

"Good Morning, General Manager Wu!"

She was passing through the Trade Union reception when she stopped, hearing a weird greeting. Everyone knew they should call her Miss Wu instead of using her title.

"Who are you?" Wu questioned coldly seeing a stranger by the counter. "This is the first time I see you here."

Although Wu was in the Trade Union for only a few days, she was serious in her job. She already knew all employees after reading through their profiles. She didn't like to work with people she didn't approve.

"Uhm…" The lady immediately panicked, looking at Secretary for help.

"She is a recent employee we hired. She started her work today so it's understandable that Miss Wu doesn't recognize her," Secretary explained.

"Why I don't know about it? Where is the other lady? I didn't approve of this change," Wu questioned Secretary immediately. "I specifically told you I want to know everything. Don't tell me you fired someone without my permission?"

The autocratic tone in Wu's voice made the atmosphere tense. Everyone stopped working, gazing at the scene.

"Miss Wu, I was about to inform you about it after your meeting…" Secretary answered with a bitter smile. "You were busy with all the meetings, so I handled it myself. It just happens we like to exchange people with different branches. The lady wasn't fired but instead got promoted as a team leader in the Blood Land Capital Branch. She accepted the promotion on her own will."

It definitely sounded reasonable but Wu didn't seem entirely convinced. Noticing the other employees look at each other strangely, it was obvious something was wrong. She opened her mouth to speak but Secretary cut her off, speaking out.

"Actually, due to the shortage of capable staff, I planned to promote most of the staff from the headquarters and move them to the branches to improve the quality of staff there. To grow as a whole, we need to be strong on all fronts and capable people are hard to find. The various Presidents across eight lands were bugging us to send some of our staff to help handle the branches. I wanted to inform you about it today but as I said, Miss Wu was busy."

Wu didn't even look at the Secretary, not really used to having one, and asked the staff directly, "Did all of you receive the same offer from the Secretary?"

All of them nodded cautiously.

"Do you wish to accept it or any of you want to remain here?" Wu questioned again. "I'm sure all of you have families and friends in the Capital."

The staff quickly brightened but Secretary followed up in protest.

"Miss Wu, I already applied for the promotions, informed the other branches and the replacements are on the way. Pulling out on such a matter would bring a lot of proble—"

"Did I ask you a question?" Wu cut her off coldly. "Why are you speaking instead of them? No matter what you did, I have the last say."

With Secretary silenced, Wu turned to the staff and repeated, "So, what is your answer?"

"Miss Wu! We want to stay!"

Chapter 113 Battle of Schemers

"Miss Wu, can we talk in private? This is not a subject we should discuss in public."

The Secretary tried to divert the attention but Wu was just getting started, smelling something dirty going on.

"No, I want to listen to them," Wu replied with her palm raised to stop her. "Am I hearing it right? You don't want to leave the Capital but you are forced to do it? Were you threatened to be fired?"

One of the male employees stood forward and complained, "Miss Wu, it's either we move or we will be replaced by someone else. We just learned about it this morning and we don't even have time to discuss it with our families. Is this how we are treated after years of work?"

Secretary immediately counterattacked.

"It has always been like this. If we want to promote you all to a higher position, we need to see if you can manage in any situation. Moving out within a day is one of the tests. If you are resolute enough and want to climb on the ladder, such setback won't bother you."

She didn't stop and added, "It's not like we are asking you to move out forever. After one or two years you would be back in the headquarters, taking over one of the higher positions. Are we that bad for promoting you? It's all written in the contract we gave you. I'm sure you didn't read it all carefully."

With Secretary's words, the employees began to hesitate. Even for Wu such promotion seemed normal. The things that rubbed her wrong were the lack of choice the employees received and lack of communication. Why was everything rushed without her knowledge?

Wu gazed at the Secretary and seeing her calmness, she could tell who was the culprit behind it.

"I agree this is a good opportunity but I am against such an aggressive approach. No one will be forced to move out against their will, you have my word. If you want to stay in the Headquarters, Trade Union will definitely not fire you," Wu assured openly. "Why would we fire someone we wanted to promote in the first place? That would be ridiculous. Don't you think so Secretary?"

Her question got ignored as the Secretary asked with her brows knitted, "What about the new employees coming to the headquarters? Although we don't want to make the exchange mandatory, we need to vacant some spots to bring new blood. It is harsh but we have no other choice if we have the Trade Union future in mind."

"Don't worry, there is plenty of work available. We will find them something suitable," Wu said confidently. "We will not force our employees to move out against their will. We didn't spend so much effort into teaching them just to let them go."

"As you wish, Miss Wu," Secretary agreed after a brief pause.

"Please go to my office and inform the client I will arrive shortly. I will settle this matter first," Wu ordered.

Secretary didn't complain anymore, bowing slightly as she walked away, "Yes, Miss Wu."

"And one more thing," Wu stopped her after a few steps. "All changes have to go through me. I won't tolerate it again if this repeats without my knowledge."

Secretary grew visually annoyed but she still smiled with a nod, "Of course."

With her gone, Wu turned to the silent employees and suggested, "I will give you a day to think about what you want to do. Go home after work and discuss it with your family. I will respect your decision and you won't be treated worse if you decline. Everyone has their reasons. For now, just focus on your tasks."

They all instantly brightened with gratitude.

"Thank you, Miss Wu!"

Wu only smiled in response and gazed at her two bodyguards.

"Follow me."

They looked at each other confused as they would follow her anyway and caught up with her as she already walked in the same direction as the Secretary. She didn't walk up the stairs to her office though but entered one of the conference rooms on the way.

"What do you think?" She questioned right after the doors closed. Even a dumb man would realize what she was talking about.

"Secretary should have informed Miss Wu before the change but she has an excuse why she didn't. Usually, she was the one who handled matters like those without President Wu need for approval. But, although she settled such cases, they didn't happen often," one of the guards explained.

He paused before continuing, "It is quite a coincidence the entire floor of management is being replaced in a single day, right after President Wu departs. It's a big change, so she would normally need his approval for this. With Miss Wu taking the charge, Secretary would require your permission instead. I'm not sure how she pulled it off without it."

"Damn, I knew something was off…" Wu cursed. She could sense a plot from a mile away. "Did you notice anything weird lately?"

The two thought for a moment before both of them paled as if they realized something bad at the same time.

"Tell me," Wu demanded, frowning. She wasn't scared of any challenges.

"For some reason, we felt like there are a lot of new faces within the guards today. We didn't pay it much attention as the guards change every now and then. Our task is protecting Miss Wu and we focused on that," the two admitted while hesitating. "What if—"

"—Secretary is behind all of it and tries to forcefully take over the Headquarters?" Wu finished for them, her face turning grim.

The two guards weren't any better, sweating from just the thought of it.

"This is not good… She has more than enough connections to make it happen…" the guard muttered worriedly.

"Huh? Really?" Wu asked in surprise. "Isn't she just a Secretary?"

"She is more than a Secretary," the guards replied while scratching their heads. "She is more like President Wu's hidden lover. Everyone already knows about it but we don't speak about it. How else would she get so much power, acting as she pleases in President Wu's name?"

"She must have been planning this for a while… First, she sacrificed her body to gain my grandpa's trust, then build up her power in the Trade Union over the years only to strike while he is away," Wu theory-crafted.

"But how can she keep the power like this? Once President Wu comes back, he will get it back. She can't control all branches from the headquarters alone. They are almost as big as the headquarters and equally powerful. Once President Wu calls for help, all powerful experts will arrive and kill her. One cannot simply self-proclaim as a Trade Union President. They need to be approved by all other Presidents," the guard countered.

"Maybe she is not after the power? What else does Trade Union have that she could want?" Wu asked and her mind flashed her with an ideal answer.

"Treasures." Both she and the guards said it at the same time.

"Trade Union's money is safely stored in the Central Bank, so it's hard to claim. Treasures are much easier in comparison. She only requires the key to the Treasury which only President Wu has."

"He didn't pass it to me and I doubt he would pass it to her else she wouldn't need to scheme. She could just enter inside and steal the treasures," Wu said convinced.

"So her target must be the high-tier Treasures, but she can't just break into the treasury else everyone would stop her. Even if she has a way to do so, she needs to first exchange all the employees with her own people. Everything makes sense now."

The guards breathed out deeply.

"Miss Wu, are you sure this is exactly what Secretary wants? Maybe she just forgot to inform you about it?" The guard asked in hesitation. "If Miss Wu's theory turned out to be true, this would be a really scary development…"

"I am ninety percent sure. I can tell she is a schemer. I met a lot of them in my life." Wu nodded confidently. "What's more, she will probably try to catch me and use me as her backup plan. The client is probably an excuse to lure me into a trap. If there was an important meeting scheduled, my Grandpa would have told me about it."

"Trap…?" the guards' eyes widened. "Secretary is not that stupid. She wouldn't hurt you, Miss Wu. If she did, the whole Trade Union would hunt her down and President Wu wouldn't stop till she is dead. It is not really a smart move."

"Oh, she won't hurt me but that's her only backup. I'm probably the only one my Grandpa cares about. She would only release me once she is safe and her robbery is successful," Wu suggested with a smile, acting as if she didn't talk about her own kidnapping.

"Miss Wu… What do we do then?" the guards questioned. "Miss Wu must have a plan while being so calm. Shall we contact President Wu?"

Wu immediately shook her head.

"No need. We can handle it by ourselves. It just happens that she chose the wrong person to mess with. Someone, who is an even bigger schemer than her. Hehe."

Chapter 114 Faceless Man


The doors to the office shut as Wu's guard left. The smile on Secretary's face disappeared in a blink, replaced with annoyance.

"Damn… This bitch definitely suspects something now," Secretary cursed as she resisted punching the wall. "I knew she isn't stupid, but I didn't expect we would be found out so fast."

Turning around, her facial expression made a drastic turn, becoming apologetic and pitiful. She walked back to the office desk and muttered softly as she stood by the master chair, "I'm sorry, Master… I failed you."

She wasn't alone in the room. Aside from her, a short fatty in fancy clothes sat down in front of the main desk but she didn't even glance at him as if he was a ghost. Fatty's face was permeated with fear. He seemed like he wanted to run away but something kept him in place. Only his eyes moved around in panic.

"It's okay… I'm not mad."

A cold yet cool voice assured her as a black smoke started coming out from the inside of the chair. A slim body of a human formed from it till it got more solid, becoming an actual figure. The only thing it lacked was a face, still blurry and black.

The man extended his arm to Secretary in an inviting gesture and beckoned with his pale finger, ordering, "Lean closer."

She didn't hesitate, but one could feel the tension in her body as her face neared his hand.

"M-master…" She pleaded, his fingers wrapping around her neck. Thankfully, he only squeezed it gently before traveling upwards, caressing her cheek with his forefinger.

"What do I have with you…? I asked you to bring her here. The task wasn't hard, right?" He asked calmly, his long black nail making a dent in her skin.

"It wasn't…" Secretary confirmed. Her skin paling more with each second.

"Then why you failed such a simple task…?" The faceless man asked again, this time more serious, his voice soaked in death.


"Master… I did everything you asked me to. I began taking over the Trade Union and asked Miss Wu to come over for a meeting, but—"

Her mouth got shut down by a cold finger mushing against her lips.

"Shhh… No excuses," the faceless man whispered. "Your failed your task. You deserve punishment."

Secretary blushed at his words and looked at him with a pleading look. Unfortunately, no matter how pitiful she was, her master didn't spare her.

"Master…" Secretary muttered softly, her cheeks reddening but the faceless man's nail traveled down without stop. It grazed her chin, passed her neck before meeting her uniform, a white shirt with a tight suit jacket.


The top button popped out just as his finger touched it, revealing her collar-bones.

Pop! Pop!

Another two buttons shoot out, causing her tight chest to reveal its full size.

Just when the faceless man's hand sneaked inside, Secretary wailed pitifully, "Master… We are not alone…"

The faceless man froze and turned his head at the Fatty.

"Does he distract you? Sure, let me get rid of him first," he said casually but he didn't retreat his hand, continuing to reach forward and embraced his prize.


As she moaned softly, he raised his second hand and black smoke leaked out, heading straight towards the fatty. His small figure couldn't move but his eyes were rolling and shivering at the sight of it.

"My servant said you are a nuisance," he muttered as his smoke covered fatty's body and swallowed him whole. It got smaller and smaller till the smoke returned back into man's palm.

Fatty was gone as if the smoke ate him, ceasing his existence.

"Now nothing will disturb us, right?"

As he asked, Secretary's body flew up on its own and landed on his lap, embraced tightly right after.

"Mhmm..." Secretary nodded, knowing she was unable to fight back.

Her master was shameless, so he didn't hesitate and used her body for his own pleasure.

"Master... Even if they suspect me, they won't guess our true goal..." Secretary tried to distract him. "I'm sure she thinks we are after the treasures of Trade Union."

"I only want her. Bring her to me and I will return your freedom," the Faceless man promised as he burst her shirt apart. She could feel her body getting hotter and hotter with each second.

"I will. Trust me, Master," Secretary assured. "Miss Wu is too prideful to inform her Grandpa about our scheme. She will try to stop us by herself. By tomorrow everything should be ready. When she tries to stop us, you can easily claim her."

"Good girl," the faceless man praised. "If I get what I want, not only will I free you, I will also reward you. Work hard."

Each time he repeated the word 'free', the Secretary couldn't help but brighten, recovering the lost hope. She almost forgot what it feels like being free and capable of making her own decisions.

How many years has it been?

"Master... I was wondering. You wanted me to get Fire Stone from President Wu but you suddenly switched your attention to Miss Wu. Is it because you want to use her to get both Stones at the same time?" Secretary questioned, feeling her Master's hands getting impatient.

Thankfully, she managed to halt his advance.

"Oh, my servant is pretty smart. You make me want to keep you much longer," the faceless man said impressed. "How do you know?"

"I learned from the Water Land Tournament that Miss Wu's husband has the Elemental Bracelet with Air Stone," Secretary replied, finally able to breathe at ease.

"That's true. I can kill two birds with one stone. Even if he doesn't sacrifice his life for her, he will come to fight me on my terms. That is enough for me. All those fools will fight with each other while I will simply lure him into my trap, haha!" the faceless man explained while laughing.

"Master, if you want to achieve that, I need to continue my tasks. If I don't take control of the Trade Union, we will need to face the power of the Trade Union assisting her. It will be a waste of time for such a supreme master like you," Secretary suggested. "I will not disappoint you once again."

"True… I don't wish to waste my Qi on randoms," the faceless man muttered and let go of her unwillingly. "Fine, go. Call me once you are done."

Secretary didn't hesitate and hopped out of his lap only to find out he turned into black smoke, sinking back in the chair.

A relief filled her body but then an uncomfortable pressure around her neck reminded her of her situation. She will never be free unless her Master wants her to.

A single tear dropped from her eye as she walked out, ready to finish the task and regain her freedom.


Swoosh! Clank! Swoosh!

Air whistled as swords clashed. Hits barely dodged and metal edges chipped away from constant strikes. Tears and sweat dropped on the dusty ground as pain numbed the muscles of the golden-haired woman.

She could barely move yet she pushed herself to the limits, striking her opponent with a constant barrage of attacks.


A painful moan left her mouth as she defended against one last exchange which pushed her back, almost throwing her off her feet.

"Enough, Sister Jiao, you are exhausted," her opponent announced, putting the sword back to her scabbard. "We have been training for two hours already."

"Hu… Hu… I'm fine… I can train more… After a moment of break…" Jiao muttered while puffing, completely and utterly exhausted. Her head was feeling heavy, her blond strands all dusty and oily from sweat.

"You are barely standing. Your legs will give up any secon—"


She didn't even need to finish when Jiao fell, falling down to the ground with no strength left.

"Ugh… Dandan, how can you be so strong…" Jiao grunted, staring at her Senior Sister.

If it was some normal training ground, Jiao wouldn't break a sweat but this wasn't a normal battle. The pressure force inside the training grounds was multiplied, making even walking a hard task. Even after three years of training, she could barely handle two-hour sparring but she knew she was improving.

Still, looking at her sisters who could break the walls with a single punch and didn't even need to depend on Qi to fight, Jiao had a long way to go. Her Sect Sister didn't even feel the pressure, acting like they just started.

"I have been training for almost fifteen years. You are still a newbie," Dandan called out with a smirk, brushing through her short black hair. "Let's take a shower before we are called for dinner."

Jiao sighed. Although her arts were strong, she couldn't really depend on them in the environment filled with Earth Qi. She could leave and train in the Water Land but she decided against it, wanting to improve her physique first. Once her Qi ran out, at least she could have a chance to fight back.

What's more, she could return the favor for saving her life and help the White Lotus Sect flourish.

"Come on, get up," Dandan said as she pulled her up and fed her a pill after which Jiao felt a little better.

"Ahh… Cold showers are amazing…"

When cold water dropped on her face, Jiao couldn't help but moan with pleasure. The showers in the training ground became her everyday relief. She planned to shower for a long time when someone came in while called out sweetly.

"Sister Jiao! Sister Dandan! There is a Tournament in the Water Land! Do you want to watch it with us?"

Jiao didn't budge. Nothing would make her move away early from the cold water she loved.

"Is it any interesting?" Dandan asked curiously as she flexed her muscles.

"Yes! There is one handsome boy that shocked everyone. Not only he is a hottie, but he is also super powerful! He has an Elemental Bracelet and killed his opponents with just one strike! No one can beat him!" the lady called out excitedly.

Even Jiao raised her eyebrow.

"Oh! What's his name?" Dandan asked interested.

"Liu Xuefeng!"


A figure rushed out from the training grounds in a blink.

"Sister Jiao! Where you going?! You are still naked!"

Chapter 115 His Wife

Jiao didn't even hear her Junior Sister as her body moved on its own, rushing past her out of the training room.

'Is it really him…? Did he finally come…?' Jiao wondered, her face displaying a spectacle of emotions.

Jiao never forgot about the man that changed her life, being the sole reason for her improvement. She wanted to prove to him she could change, improve to the limits of the sky and show she can stand by his side.

Normally she would think it was a coincidence, someone of the same name, but so much time has passed. The man that just didn't wish to leave her memory, was bound to Ascend to the Heaven Realm by now. Who else but him could create such achievements?

"Sister Jiao! Put on some clothes! There are guests watching with us!" Senior Sister called out after her, striking some clarity into Jiao's mind.

She didn't stop running, acting as if she wasn't tired at all, and finally used the coldness she has been limiting this whole time.


Water Qi shot out from her palm creating an ice block that launched forward in the corridor.


It exploded right after, bursting into thousands of snowflakes. Jiao didn't hesitate and jumped straight into the small storm.

"Whoa!" Senior Sisters exclaimed from behind. It was a rare sight to see snow in the land filled with a desert.


Jiao landed on the other side, this time walking in two icy boots, covering her ankles and calves. Her naked thighs now covered ice-blue skirt and her chest hid behind icy armor, shining with Water Qi hue.

In just a blink she turned into an Ice Goddess that descended to earth from a heavenly portal. Even her wet hair got a makeover, gaining a light blue touch to it.

"If only I could get ready this fast… Damn," Dandan cursed as she joined the rest but Jiao left them behind, rushing to the relaxation area of the house.

They were in the White Lotus Sect, one of the rare oasis in the Earth Land where the lack of water wasn't an issue. It was one of the reasons Jiao could survive there for so long.

Thanks to Dandan who was one of the Senior Disciples, she got to live in a spacious mansion with many cultivation necessities but they still needed to share it with a few other sisters.

When Jiao rushed to the relaxation area, she spotted tens of people, all watching the transmission on a floating screen. The face she yearned to see for so long wasn't there, replaced by some stats and the view of the crowds on the stands.

"Sister Jiao! You are fast. I sent Little Bear to bring you guys to chill with us, but didn't think you would—"

Her arrival alarmed a few sisters but Jiao cut them off, asking desperately, "Did Xuefeng fight already?!"

Senior Sisters' eyes widened at her enthusiasm but they quickly smiled, pointing at the screen.

"Hehe, it seems Little Bear told you about him. You are lucky, his third battle is about to start. Grab a seat and let's watch together."

Jiao only managed to collapse on the sofa, her legs giving up from the sprint when the crowd began calling his name.

"Xuefeng! Xuefeng! Xuefeng!"

Her body unconsciously leaned forward as if to see the screen closer. She kept getting hotter for some reason. Even the coldness of her outfit couldn't counter the burning feelings of desire inside her.

"Xuefen…" Jiao muttered out loud, her voice breaking at the end.

He was there, standing tall and confident on the stage.

It was him.

The very same Xuefeng she dreamed about every day and gave her the strength to push forward without stop.

"Sister Jiao, you look like you have fallen, haha," the Senior Sisters teased while laughing. "Is he that handsome?"

Jiao couldn't pull her gaze anyway from the screen but still replied, "He is the most handsome and the best man I ever met…"

The Senior Sisters paused.

"Wait, you met him? You two know each other?"

That question alarmed many sisters who were secretly giggling as Xuefeng's face came up on the screen.

"Yeah… I met him in the Earth Realm before I Ascended to Heaven Realm," Jiao replied as the commentator announced the match.

"Ladies and gentlemen! It's time for our last battle of the day! It's not just some battle… It's the battle of our favorite, the one and only… Liu Xuefeng!!!"

The crowd cried out like mad lions, jumping and screaming as if he was some kind of God of War. Jiao's heart skipped a beat as her mind lost its footing once again.


Did he already become famous…?

How long ago did he come here…?'

She hoped to surpass him, get some advantage by entering Heaven Realm sooner yet he was already competing, beating Heaven Realm's experts as if it was nothing…

Jiao wanted to punch him, punch his arm really good for always being so perfect but when she looked at his smile and his hand waving at her, she knew she wouldn't even lift her arm.

"And his opponent? Bai Lin! One of the ten masters of the heavy Mallet!"

When the Commentator's voice resounded once again, the cheers were far less, but he still received a standing ovation. A bull of a man, his muscles pulsing as he swung his mallet above his head while screaming his lungs out to pump himself up.

Xuefeng still had a smirk on his face, not even bothered to pull out his weapon.

'Why I am not even surprised…? Did your greatness already sank so deeply into my mind that I consider it obvious?' Jiao asked herself, finally realizing something.

She is never going to surpass him or even catch up to him. Definitely not by living peacefully in the Sect while training safely in the four walls. Xuefeng reached where he was by risking his life every day yet she once again found herself a safe place.

Would she even achieve anything here…?

"Sister Jiao, tell us!" Dandan's voice woke her up. "Were you two friends or lovers? Looking at your expression, I'm betting on the latter."

"I was his—"

Jiao paused, her brain unable to choose between the given answers. Were they even friends at this point? Did she deserve to even have such honor?

Jiao was neither of those but had one goal she wouldn't give up on.

"I want to be his wife."

Chapter 116 Last Battle

Senior Sisters almost choked when they heard her.

"Why did you leave him then?"

Jiao had a simple answer, not hiding it.

"I was too weak to stand by his side."

All Senior Sisters took a deep breath and nodded as if they understood her pain.

"Don't worry, one day you will meet him again and show him how you improved!" Dandan assured as she patted Jiao on the shoulder while sitting down next to her. "You have been grinding every day for three years already. I'm sure you can catch up with him in no time. I have never seen anyone else more hardworking than you."

"Hah," Jiao let out a hopeless snicker and looked back at the Tournament Stage. "Are you sure about that?"

Xuefeng and his opponent were already in their positions, ready to battle.

"Are you both ready?" the Main Judge asked, his voice transmitted from the main stage.

"Are you fighting me barehanded?" Bai Lin asked with a frown instead, gripping his heavy Mallet with both hands.

"I wish I can end this battle in a split second like the other two and go home to cuddle my wife to sleep but I don't want to disappoint the crowd. I can tell they are hungry for more, so I will play with you a little," Xuefeng replied with a shrug. "Let's see if you can make me draw my sword."

"Oof!" Dandan and the girls gasped. "Bold! I like him! Too bad he has a wife or I would snatch him for myself."

She then gazed at Jiao and added with a wink, "Of course you would be first in line to claim his heart."

Jiao only smiled bitterly, knowing how hard it was to actually become Xuefeng's wife. He had so many beauties around him, one better than the other that it was almost impossible to top them and impress him.

"Is his wife in the tournament as well?" Jiao questioned.

"Yeah! She was so powerful and beautiful! I remember her name was Xiao Tianshi. She can spawn gigantic golems and powerful barriers than no one can breakthrough!" Little Bear answered excitedly.

The girl's nickname came from her everyday outfit, mostly consisting of fluffy clothes. Even at the watch party, she wore a brown fluffy jacket and skirt, looking like a bear.

"So she also improved…" Jiao muttered with a sigh, already expecting it. Any woman who stood by Xuefeng's side was impressive. He pulled them along with them so whenever he got stronger, they benefited as well.

That was one of Jiao's regrets. If only she tried harder and continued to shamelessly follow him, she could also boost her strength together with everyone. She had more than enough time to understand she made a mistake.

"Sister Jiao, do you know her too?" Little Bear asked curiously after hearing Jiao's comment.

It brought her back from her self-pity hole as Jiao nodded, "Mhmm, I know her. She is a brown-haired beauty who is one of Xuefeng's first wives. She is really smart and elegant."

"How many wives he has?"

"Probably around ten," Jiao replied without even counting. She wouldn't be surprised if some other lady caught his eye in the Heaven Realm.

"I'm ready!" "Ready as well."

Hearing Xuefeng's cool voice, Jiao ignored the shocked girls and focused on the screen.

She already missed Xuefeng's banter because of the girls' chatting. Jiao didn't plan to miss even a second of his battle. She needed to learn how much behind in power she was to plan her training. There was no way she would give up on her goal.

"Everyone get ready! The last battle of the Elimination round is starting!" the commentator called out right before the gong set off.


Everyone expected an explosive match from the start so they grabbed their seats in anticipation but… nothing happened.

"Huh? What is he doing?"

While Bai Lin jumped back, going on full defense as if he expected Xuefeng to go on offense right away, the person in question stood still. He didn't even bother looking at his opponent as Xuefeng was glued to his bracelet, showing an ecstatic expression.

He began checking out his bracelet while looking around the stands as if he was searching for someone. Eventually, he gazed at the sky, his smile brighter than the sun.

"Time-out! I need to settle something first!" Xuefeng called out to the judge without looking while showing a weird 'T' sign with his hands.

"What is he doing? Can you even pause a Tournament Battle?" Little Bear questioned innocently.

"I don't think so…" Dandan replied confused.

Bai Lin and the main judge were dumbfounded as well. They all followed Xuefeng's gaze and eventually, even the screen displayed the sky, showing nothing but the afternoon sky.

"Wait! There is something coming to the Arena! It's quite fast!" Little Bear cried out excitedly, pointing with her finger at a dark spot in the sky. Everyone wanted to know what could make Xuefeng so uninterested in his current fight. It was getting bigger and bigger till they could tell what it was by its shape.

"It's a Flying Ship!" The commentator informed.

A large flagship reached the air-zone above the arena in a blink of an eye before rapidly stopping. It spun in the spot before descending inside the arena.

"There is someone at the deck!" The commentator noticed and the camera wasn't any slower, displaying the person in full view.

"Nuwa!" Jiao explained as she almost jumped out of her seat. Although many years have passed, she still disliked the mean elf, getting annoyed whenever she saw her.

The Queen of Forrest Elves stood tall on the top of the flying ship while looking down at the Main Stage, her gaze locked with Xuefeng. The screen split in two, displaying the two lovers at the same time, making them look like their gaze was locked. One didn't need to be clever to notice the chemistry between them.

"Awwww… Whoever is managing the broadcast should definitely get a raise…" Dandan commented, causing everyone to nod.

Everyone thought they would witness some kind of reunion of lovers when Xuefeng's side screen widened, displaying Bai Lin readying his heavy Mallet for a strike. Xuefeng seemed completely unaware, creating his golden wings as if planning to fly towards his elvish beauty.

"Watch out!" Jiao cried out in worry as Bai Lin blinked to Xuefeng and smashed at his back with a shining Mallet.


Chapter 117 Look at Me like Xuefeng at Nuwa

The explosion rose the dust from the Main Stage, covering the two with a large cloud of dust. They expected Xuefeng to be blasted away but nothing happened.

"Oh no! Bai Lin attacked during the pause, trying to catch Xuefeng off guard! How could he disturb such a romantic moment?!" the Commentator called out upset only to change his statement right after, "Wait! I just received information from the higher-ups! Bai Lin's attack was completely fair! Apparently, there is no such thing as a Time-out in the Tournament!"

The crowd was just as shocked as the Commentator but most stayed silent, gazing at the cloud of dust to see what happened.

"I called for a time-out…" Xuefeng's cold voice broke through the dust. "Are you fucking deaf?"


With a shockwave of air from Sir Liu, the dust dispersed, displaying the two in an unusual position.

"Oh my…" the Commentator muttered, lost for words for a second before bursting with enthusiasm. "WHAT CAN'T HE DO?!"

Xuefeng glared at Bai Lin as he blocked Bai Lin's Mallet at his arm's length. It wouldn't be surprising if Xuefeng's arm wasn't human anymore.

It was a claw!

"Is that a Dragon Claw?!" the Commentator hyped. "How else will you surprise us Xuefeng?!"

"How did you react so soon?!" Bai Lin cried out baffled as he tried to jump away but he paused, his weapon stuck.

Xuefeng held the head of the mallet with his Dragon Claw, gripping it firmly. Bai Lin tried to pull it away but only his muscles trembled while the Mallet stayed unmoved. It didn't even budge!


Xuefeng squeezed the metal and his dragon fingers sank in with no ease. He made a giant imprint, turning the Mallet into scrap metal in a second before releasing it.

"Is this what you want? Don't worry, you won't need it soon anyway," Xuefeng assured as his second arm began to transform.

"Fuck you!" Bai Lin cursed.

He let go of his weapon and jumped away while sending tens of fireballs in Xuefeng's direction.


Xuefeng simply waved with his Dragon Claws and ripped them apart, blasting clouds of steam in all directions. Water Qi worked like a perfect counter to fire.

"Wait! Is that Qi Incarnation?! Don't tell me his Qi has the Essence of the Dragon?!" the Commentator exclaimed as the battle continued.

Bai Lin launched back, trying to get distance while preparing his second Mallet but he forgot who he was against.

Speed was Xuefeng's forte!


Xuefeng burst out from the steam like a lightning, appearing next to Bai Lin with his Dragon Claw formed into a fist.


A direct hit in the stomach.

"That's from the crowd!" Xuefeng cried out, sending Bai Lin flying with his second Mallet staying behind.

That wasn't all. Xuefeng disappeared from the spot, teleporting behind Bai Lin with another fist incoming.


A clean upper-cut.

"That's from me!" Xuefeng added, launching Bai Lin high in the sky.

Blinking above him once again, his Dragon Claw grew larger, leaking with power.

"Xuefeng is going to kill him!" the Commentator called out with pity, knowing another young talent would end up ten feet underground.

Unfortunately, no one else sided with Bai Lin. He provoked Xuefeng, so he had to pay the consequences.

"And that's for my Nuwa!"


It was the first time many saw someone break the records of speed. Too bad it would never be repeated by that individual.


Bai Lin smashed into the ground, sinking meters below as if his grave was already dug for him. Not many would survive three strikes of such power.

Xuefeng didn't even check if Bai Lin was dead or alive as his Golden Wings swung. His gaze locked with Nuwa once again as he headed straight towards the suspended Flying Ship.

The barrier protecting the Main Stage shone as he got close, reminding him of its existence but Xuefeng didn't care.


The barrier broke like a bubble as he ripped a hole for himself. A big smile appeared on Xuefeng's face as he finally reached the top of the Flying Ship, facing Nuwa right in front of her.


He didn't even say anything as his Dragon Claws dissipated and he dove into Nuwa's embrace, gripping her body tighter than Bai Lin's Mallet. Even she didn't seem to expect such a warm welcome.

"Nuwa… You come…"

Xuefeng's soft voice broad-casted across the Arena, complete opposite to his actions just a moment ago. All his fierceness and coldness was gone, replaced with love and gentleness.

"I missed you…"

His face displayed on the screen, showing tears of happiness that flowed on his cheeks. Even the toughest men were moved by such a scene. Many recalled scenes of their reunions, tearing up together with Xuefeng.

"Baby, I'm back… Let's not separate anymore. I can't live without you," Nuwa confessed, her arms sinking into his back as she returned the hug.

"I won't let it happen… If Heavens wants to split us again, I will destroy it," Xuefeng promised and pulled away ever so slightly to look into her eyes.

His genuine smile melted everyone's heart, including Nuwa's.

"Hey… Don't cry," Nuwa muttered as she reached up and wiped his tears away. "You will make me cry too. I'm already resisting."

"Hehe, it's okay," Xuefeng giggled as he pulled her closer. "I don't care about anything as long as we are together."

The crowd didn't need to wait long for the kiss to happen as Xuefeng's hand sneaked behind Nuwa's head and he quickly pulled her in.

"Awwww… I wish my wife looked at me like Xuefeng looks at Nuwa," the Commentator remarked. "Everyone! Let's cheer them with loud applause!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Everyone stood up, cheering in their own way while Xuefeng and Nuwa were locked in their own world, ignoring everything that happened around them.

The Commentator didn't know but his remark would become famous in the Water Land Capital, becoming a common saying in the future.


Just as everyone was invested in Xuefeng's love life, multiple experts in black uniforms flew out of the Flying Ship, circling it in a defensive stance. Before anyone could guess what was happening, they heard a mature voice.

"We finally meet, Xuefeng. Won't you come to greet your Grandfather-in-law?"

Chapter 118 Token Of Apology

"President Wu! It's President Wu from Trade Union!" the Commentator introduced the sudden visitor.

Most of the crowd was seeing the man for the first time while Xuefeng, on the other hand, already knew him very well.

He frowned and swiftly pulled Nuwa behind him while drawing his Dragon Edge. He aimed its tip at President Wu's head without hesitation, as if it was an instinct, protecting his dearest at all cost.


The Commentator exclaimed at Xuefeng's actions but Xuefeng had his reasons. How else would one react when a person who wanted to kill you this whole time appeared right in front of you?

"Oiii, is this how my grandson-in-law greets me?" President Wu asked with a smirk as he walked towards them only to stop, slashing forward with his hand to block a warning Wind Qi Blast from Xuefeng's swing of the blade.

"Where is Wu?" Xuefeng questioned Nuwa while keeping his gaze on the target. "Why would you come with him? He tried to repeatedly kill me."

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit!" the Commentator cursed in excitement. "Is this real?!"

The displays split once again, showing the sweet Xuefeng who turned domineering once again and his new target, this time his alleged grandfather-in-law. With the current scene, no one would claim this fact as certain.

"Don't worry, she is fine," Nuwa assured gently as she rubbed Xuefeng on the shoulder. "She is safely waiting for us in the Trade Union Headquarters. President Wu just gave me a lift so I could reunite with you."

Xuefeng didn't seem convinced at all.

"I don't trust him."

"Trust me then, we are fine. What's more, the feud between you two is already resolved. President Wu now understands what's best for his granddaughter's future," Nuwa explained only to gaze at President Wu as if giving him the stage and time to speak.

"I know our past was rough and it's mostly because of me, but I hope we can bury the hatchet," President Wu spoke calmly and suggested, "To prove I'm sincere, I want to offer you a token of apology."

He glanced at Nuwa and asked politely, "Miss Nuwa, would you like to help me? I don't want to provoke him any further."

Xuefeng squinted his eyes but before he could do anything, Nuwa kissed his cheek from the side and walked towards President Wu without Xuefeng's approval.


To everyone's surprise, President Wu reached up to his neck and took out a thin black chain. Hanging from it was a small red stone closed in a round metal cage. Although not everyone knew what it could possibly be, there was someone who had their back.

"Oh, my Heavens! Is that a Fire Stone?!" the Commentator cried out first, causing a big commotion within the crowd. "Is President Wu gifting his grandson-in-law another Elemental Stone? This is huge! Xuefeng will have two Elemental Stones in total! His power will skyrocket even more!"


As if that wasn't hard enough to swallow, a sudden explosion resounded from the Private Platform. A huge pressure escaped from within, blasting the windows and barriers covering it.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Hundreds of black-uniform Cultivators surrounded the stands in response, creating a gigantic circle of defense that blocked anyone from entering the battlegrounds.

They looked extremely similar to President Wu's guards but this time the crowd recognized them well. All of them had a familiar crest on their chest, representing the Water Land Capital.

"It's the Water Land Capital Special Forces! They are here to cease any battles! Are the experts from the Private Platform trying to cause trouble?!" the Commentator questioned loudly, adding oil to the fire.

It was easy to deduce as there was a thick wall of Special Forces surrounding the Platform as if they knew something troublesome could happen. Thankfully, after a few additional explosions, the Platform calmed down.

"It seems like nothing can stop Xuefeng from— Huh? What is that?"

The Commentator was about to return to Nuwa and President Wu when a mushroom-like translucent barrier grew from within the Main Stage. It passed the Flying Ship, swallowing everyone inside of it before expanding past the stands and the Arena itself.

"Space Domain!"

Those with Either Qi inside their bodies immediately felt the restriction with their bodies. The whole space was locked, preventing any form of teleportation. A harmless but at the same time scary Domain. The only person who could teleport inside this domain was the creator itself.

As if to answer to everyone's confusion, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared above the Arena and called out in a warning.

"I will not let anyone cause trouble inside my City."

Sir Liu! The Main Judge of the Tournament! The man was quickly recognized by everyone.

"Sir Liu is a true Master! With him protecting the Arena, no one will dare to mess around! As expected of the Main Judge!"


"Did you hear my uncle?" Liu Xinyu asked with a smile as she stood in front of multiple experts, her sword covered in fresh blood. "Now back off before I hurt you."

Her confidence and smile were enough to intimidate some of the troublemakers but the Dragon Clan member wasn't affected at all.

"Do you think I care? No one is going to stop me from leaving, especially a little girl like you!" Dragon Clan Member snapped angrily and turned to others. "We are sitting here like idiots while he gains new Stones, growing stronger in power. Wake up! We need to stop it! Either now or never!"

He was the one who started the rebellion, his power suddenly exploding outward. He wasn't the only one as others joined him as well, but thankfully, Liu Xinyu acted in time, stopping them before they left the Platform.

No matter how calm she acted, her heart was pounding inside. She already used one of her most powerful Arts, yet when multiple experts combined their power, she could only push them back and at most injure one. If it was just one of them, Liu Xinyu was sure she could take them on easily.

"Don't listen to him. He is going to get you killed. You can't stop them now. Just look at the defense outside," Liu Xinyu advised. "I will forgive you this one offense. Unless you want a fast trip back into your Original Body, I would suggest you sit down and wait for my father to arrive. He will decide what needs to be done."

"And where is he now?" The Elf lady asked. "The situation doesn't look good."

Liu Xinyu only shrugged.

"He will come. Don't worry."

Chapter 119 Fire Stone

"I will have to thank Sir Liu for the assistance," President Wu called out politely but Sir Liu only rolled his eyes.

"Did you have to do it in public? You really couldn't wait till you can settle it in private?"

"I'm helping you entertain this fantastic crowd," President Wu replied with a shrug before gazing at the stands and called out, "Am I right?!"


The crowd cheered on demand like his little puppets. Who wouldn't? The last segment of today's Tournament was extremely entertaining and it wasn't even over. There wasn't anyone who didn't anticipate what would happen next.

Will there be another battle but this time consisting of top-notch experts? If yes, that day would definitely become history and they would be part of it. There was only one person who seemed dissatisfied.

"Ouch! President Wu is trying to steal my job!" The commentator joked, pretending to be in pain which caused the crowd to laugh.

The person in question ignored it, turning to Nuwa who already approached him.

"Miss Nuwa, please," President Wu invited her as he presented the chain and the Fire Stone to her.

Nuwa didn't hesitate and grabbed the cage but only opened it, taking out the Fire Stone with her. There was a proud look on Nuwa's face as she walked towards Xuefeng but something always had to go wrong.


Xuefeng grimaced in pain as he dropped on his knees and clutched onto his right arm. The Elemental Bracelet shone brightly through his clothes till his sleeve evaporated and one of the top ten Godly Treasures revealed itself.

"Xuefeng!" Nuwa called out in worry as she rushed to him but that caused the bracelet to shine even brightly, swallowing them both within the golden light. It was even more blinding than the sun causing everyone to cover their eyes.

"What is going on?! Is the Elemental Bracelet exploding?!"


"Aaaargh!" Xuefeng finally screamed through his teeth, unable to hold it back anymore.

The pain was unbearable!

'What the fuck did I doooo?!' Xuefeng cursed in his mind, feeling as if his arm was about to explode. It wasn't just his arm. The pain was spreading to every part of his body.

'It's the Elemental Bracelet doing!' Ling informed hurriedly. 'From what I can sense, it's punishing you for stalling and not claiming the Fire Stone in time. Let me try to ease your pain a bit.'

As she said so, a refreshing relief spread around his body but it was quickly overwhelmed by the pain. The two were fighting with each other but it was clear who was winning.

'But why?? The Fire Stone is right in front of us! Why can't it wait for just a little more?' Xuefeng questioned baffled as he tried to move, getting the damn bracelet what it wanted.

Although it was still hard, he slowly got used to the pain, just enough to manipulate his body.

'Stop thinking why! Just hurry and get the Fire Stone!' Ling ordered upset, her mood clearly affected while seeing Xuefeng getting hurt.


As he lifted his head, searching for Nuwa, her voice reached him. She was crouching right in front of him, not bothered by the blinding light.

"F-fire… Stone!" Xuefeng mustered the power to say two words and extended his arm, exposing the eight empty sockets.

All she needed to do was put the Fire Stone in the right socket.

'Wait, didn't we have to collect the Elemental Stones in order? The second one should be the Water Stone, right?' Xuefeng questioned, realizing the order on the bracelet didn't match.

'Don't worry, the Elemental Bracelet Spirit won't give up on another Elemental Stone this easily,' Ling assured.

Nuwa quickly realized what he wanted and grabbed his hand, tying it with her fingers, and gently put the Fire Stone in the red socket.


A sudden suction ripped it away from her hand and slammed it in the socket on its own. The gears inside of it shifted and the Fire Stone moved right next to Wind Stone. Both of them shone as if greeting each other before the blinding light got sucked inside.

Everything ended as swiftly as if happened.

"Are you okay?" Nuwa asked just in case and Xuefeng stood up, pulled her up with him. "I'm okay, thank you."

The pain was all gone. He actually felt much better than before.

"That's great! I was so worried~" Nuwa dove into his arms, hugging him tightly like a loving wife.

When their lips met again, the crowd cheered again.

"Those two have no mercy on us. Their love called me single in a hundred languages and I am not even single!" the Commentator remarked, bringing out a smile from Nuwa. She didn't stop through, displaying her affection publicly without care.

Unfortunately, every good thing has to come to an end somewhere. Xuefeng was the first to pull away, pressing her into his chest. The Elemental Bracelet with two Elemental Stones was now in full view, teasing anyone who wished to have it.

"President Wu," Xuefeng called out, getting serious. "I don't know what are your intentions but I will accept this token. I will forgive you for your sins just because you took care of my wives, but I will not accept you as my grandfather-in-law just yet."

"Sigh… What times we are in where it's the grandson-in-law who accepts his grandfather, not the other way around," President Wu lamented but gave in right after. "Fine, fine, I don't mind. As long as the feud between us is settled."

Turning to Sir Liu, he added, "Now, shall we continue with this Tournament? We have disturbed it for long enough."

Sir Liu nodded and announced, "Please, all one hundred and twenty-eight participants who won your third-round matches, come up onto the Main Stage!"

"Go, it's you," Nuwa muttered but Xuefeng only smiled. "You think I will let go of you after you were gone for so long? You are going with me."

He embraced her waist and jumped down from the Flying Ship, landing gently on the dusty ground.

Only when he landed did he realize they forgot about someone who was standing in the Main Stage this whole time.

Just when everyone thought the drama ended and they moved to the boring stuff, another segment began.

"I protest! I didn't lose the final match!"

Chapter 120 Just Nuwa Things

"Huh? You didn't get enough beating earlier?"

Xuefeng rolled his eyes, not even wanting to bother with the clown but Bai Lin ignored him, gazing at the Main Judge.

"Sir Liu! This is not fair! You are breaking the rules of the Tournament! You didn't announce the victor, nor did you end the match. According to the rules, the match only ends once one of the participants is unable to fight or if one of the participants leaves the Stage!" Bai Lin explained.

He pointed at Xuefeng and announced, "As you can see, I can still battle while Xuefeng left the Main Stage before the match ended. This means, I'M THE VICTOR!"

"Tsk, I don't mind continuing the match and kill you properly," Xuefeng snickered but Bai Lin immediately protested.

"Too late! You had your chance! With your leaving, you forfeited the match. Hahahah! I won!" Bai Lin called out in laughter. "Sir Liu, please hurry and announce my victory! We can't let the crowd wait!"

When Bai Lin mentioned the crowd, it sparked quite a commotion. It was clear as sky who was stronger and everyone wanted to see Xuefeng in the Finals. No one wanted to see a loser who used rules to win instead of his strength.


The crowd quickly protested but Bai Lin ignored them, waiting for Sir Liu's decision.

"Oof! Is there a chance we won't see Xuefeng in the Final Round? Bai Lin seems to be right…" the Commentator said in worry.

It wasn't hard to guess people would die to see the Finals if Xuefeng was involved. Only half of the tickets for Finals were sold while the rest would only be released to buy after the Elimination Round. The Arena would earn millions just from the ticket sales as people would pay any price to see Xuefeng. Without him, the whole Finals would definitely flop.

"It is true that I didn't end the match, but it is because Xuefeng called for a timeout. Technically, those rules you are talking about won't apply as the match was on pause. Seeing you can still battle, we can continue the battle from where we left off," Sir Liu decided, making everyone sigh in relief.

Too bad, Bai Lin was there to refute it.

"Sir Liu! There is no such thing as a timeout in this Tournament but even if there is, you didn't approve it! The battle continued and you didn't stop us when he attacked me. This means there was no pause, to begin with! Afterward, he didn't ask for another pause and simply left the Main Stage while the battle was still ongoing. All rules applied at that moment so he lost the match by leaving!"

Putting on a stance of victory, he reminded righteously, "Once we start breaking the rules, why would we even make the rules in the first place? If Xuefeng became a victor, it will be an insult to all who follow the rules and wo—"

"Ugh!" A sudden grunt from Nuwa cut him off. "Can you just shut the fuck up already? You are annoying!"

She raised her arm without leaving Xuefeng's embrace and aimed her palm at Bai Lin. Her words made him visually mad, opening his mouth to speak when he froze. His face turned pale, expressionless and in the next second, his eyes rolled up.


He dropped on the ground like a log, not moving at all. It wasn't hard to guess what happened to him.

"I fixed it. Now he is dead. Problem solved," Nuwa announced with a shrug and returned to hugging Xuefeng, seeing his attention.

Everyone needed a few seconds to contemplate what just happened.

"W-what?!" the Commentator stuttered in shock. "H-he died? Just like that? Heavens!"

Was that even right? A non-participant killing so openly in front of everyone? There were bound to be complications!

While the crowd was dumbstruck, Sir Liu frowned, teleporting next to Bai Lin to check on him. He turned even grimmer once he confirmed Bai Lin's death.

"You shouldn't have acted. How will I explain it?" Sir Liu asked seriously. "His Soul is gone. Completely destroyed. Even if he was annoying, he didn't deserve such death."

"Oof!" the Commentator gasped in sync with the whole crowd. "Soul Art! She killed him using her Soul!"

"Oh, please, don't make me laugh," Nuwa rolled her eyes. "Do you think I care? I wanted him dead, so I killed him. As simple as that. Even if he won the match with his crappy rules, he is dead now, so naturally, Xuefeng needs to replace him for the Finals. Everything worked out in the end."

Before he spoke, Nuwa added, "Xuefeng is not at fault, it was me who killed him, so you can only punish me. Of course, I will resist, so you need to ask yourself how many lives you are willing to sacrifice for a dead man."

She glanced at the Special Forces in the sky and turned awkward. "Well, I wanted to help you get an estimate but need to ask you a question first. Is that all you have…?"

"…" Sir Liu was speechless.

"…" the crowd was speechless.

"…" the Commentator was speechless.

Sir Liu gazed at Xuefeng as if looking for help but Xuefeng only shrugged.

"Hey, don't look at me, even I can't control her."

"What do you expect me to say to Bai Lin's Clan once they complain to me?" Sir Liu questioned instead.

"Oh, if they have a problem, you can tell me. I will personally visit them," Nuwa replied casually before assuring with a cheerful smile, "Don't worry, I'm good at solving problems."

"…" The whole Arena was speechless!

"…" The whole Water Land Capital was speechless!

"…" Everyone watching at home was speechless!

"We already knew Xuefeng was powerful but who would have thought his wife surpassed him. Is that the standard for all of Xuefeng's wives?" the Commentator asked to break the tension.

Immediately, the screen displayed Tianshi and Ming, flying gracefully towards the Main Arena. Their faces were calm and collected as if Nuwa's power didn't shock them at all.

Behind them were all other hundred-plus participants. No one dared to come close to the two beauties. What if the Commentator was right?

"I will send them to you then. Case closed!" Sir Liu announced, washing his hands from all responsibility. "Someone come and take care of his bo—"


He didn't get to finish his words as sudden buzzing resounded in the sky.

"Looks like I missed quite a good show!"

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