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92.85% Mixed HD / Chapter 403: 81-90

Chapter 403: 81-90

Chapter 81 Little Liu

In the World of Cultivation, just as the name suggested, the most important was Cultivation but it wasn't just one world limited to Heaven Realm and Earth Realm. It was a complex of hundreds of Main Realms spilled all over the Space where strength ruled.

The strong were always praying on the weak and to stop that, the weak could only work hard to become strong as well. Unfortunately, it wasn't always the case. Sometimes working hard was just not enough as the environment was favoring strong Cultivators.

No matter how much some people trained, there would always be someone stronger with already established power.

Xuefeng and Tianshi cultivated hard for the tournament.

Four Devils trained their new gang, managing the camp to prepare it for the next day's departure.

Yiren and Lisa traveled back to the Hidden Leaf Village with the new addition to their team, sleeping in Yiren's arms.

Nuwa cultivated and improved her soul despite hating this boring activity, treating it as a chore but when thinking of Xuefeng, she could only suck it in and continue.

Wu began spreading her influence in the Trade Union, earning people's respect with her experience.

While all of them pushed forward and increased their power, something out of their power was happening in the Upper Realm. It wasn't a surprise that the Upper Realm controlled the Lower Realms in one way or another and this time wasn't different. Even if Xuefeng acted low-key and hid his activities as much as he could, his presence was like a giant sun for the Upper Realm.

"Master, we found it. We detected the Elemental Bracelet activity in the Heaven Realm. Shall we pursue the new Elemental Bracelet Holder? It seems he didn't collect many Elemental Stones yet as its power is still relatively low, so we can still claim it easily."

A servant came in front of the wooden throne, kneeling on the floor as he reported. They were in the forest with a throne room engraved directly inside one of the trees. The upper half of the throne was filled with darkness but a person's legs and arms were visible. He sat on the throne without any movement and only his voice resounded within the room.

"Finally… The day has come… Is Little Liu still in the Heaven Realm or do I need to send my Avatar down?"

The voice was manly and deep, sounding profound as if the person experienced a lot in their life. The Servant even shuddered at the sheer pressure coming from it, even though there was no malicious intent in it.

"Master's Disciple is still in the Heaven Realm. He is preparing to break through to the God Realm. It should still take him a few months or up to a year to do so," the Server replied in detail. "Should I notify him?"

"Yes. Ask him to help you get it before he Ascends to the God Realm," the Master ordered. "My Avatar is still busy searching for the third Stone."

"I will pass the message to Disciple Liu then," the Servant replied, touching the floor with his forehead. He didn't leave till his master let him.

"Go. I want to see the Elemental Bracelet soon. My two babies cannot wait anymore."

The Servant couldn't avoid glancing at the two giant crystals on his masters' fingers as he raised himself to leave. Those were his master's two babies.

Ether and Earth Elemental Stones.

Those two weren't the only ones who had similar conversations. Many already knew about the appearance of the Elemental Bracelet as it was the only Godly Treasure currently on loose, with no owner yet confirmed. The moment Xuefeng used it for the first time in the Heaven Realm, tens of Cultivators got alarmed, beginning to act.

After all, the potential immortality after collecting all Elemental Stones was enough to entice everyone. Even if it was just a rumor if they can control all Elements, can anyone ever kill them? The power was just too much to ignore.

When the Servant left his Master's room in the tree, he didn't leave far away, flying to his own dwelling instead. He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes. Qi instantly burst out from his body and formed into himself, creating a perfect replica of him. Without moving, he severed part of his soul and let it flow inside the clone.

"Seems good I guess," the clone spoke in the Servant's voice as it opened its eyes.

The main perk of reaching the Celestial Stage was Spirit Severing ability, allowing one to split part of their soul away without hurting it. One could place this piece inside their clone, creating an avatar that looked exactly like them and could function as long as it had enough Qi.

There was little difference between a normal clone and an Avatar. Both had similar capabilities with the only difference being the control distance. A clone could be manipulated only at a certain distance while the Avatar could even move to a different Realm and still be manageable. The Soul inside the clone's body made it more independent.

"Let's see… Spirit Land Heaven Realm…" the Servant muttered as his main body pulled out a portable teleportation station in the form of a flat disk, and threw it on the floor.

Instantly, the space above the disk rippled, creating a portal which closed right when the clone hopped inside of it. Entering the Heaven Realm wasn't hard. All one needed was a suppressed Cultivation to that of a Celestial Stage and they were ready to go.

Heavens tried to regulate the unfair rules of the Realms by not letting anyone stronger enter or stay inside the Lower Realms but there were still ways to cheat it, using an Avatar for example. After all, even with their suppressed Cultivation, their skills and experience stayed the same.


"Hmmm? Elemental Bracelet?" Sect Master Liu couldn't help but frown at the strange order coming from his master. "Can't he get it by himself? Doesn't he know I'm in the middle of breaking through?"

Sect Master Liu wasn't an old man like Xuefeng imagined but instead a grown man of healthy build with his face not having even one wrinkle. It was firm and spotless with the look of someone in his early thirties.

He was just in the middle of his cleansing baths when he spotted an intruder breaking through into his personal territory. Only his daughter and Mia could come even near his house and the intruder's presence was much different than theirs.

Jumping out of the herbal bath, Sect Master Liu couldn't help but curse, knowing all the expensive herbs would go to waste. He only cursed more when he recognized the person, realizing he wasted the herbs for nothing.

It was the Servant of his Old Master.

"Yes, Master knows very well but Master's Avatar is currently busy searching for the third Elemental Stone so he asked you to help me get it for him before you Ascend to the God Realm," the Servant explained, showing a bitter expression. It was obvious based on Sect Master Liu's face that he didn't want to do it.

"Damn, who does he think I am? I'm busy Cultivating!" Sect Master Liu exploded with anger. "I don't care about the Elemental Bracelet one bit. It's a Master who is stupidly obsessed about it. If he stopped wasting his time with it, he would have surpass his peers a long time ago."

Sect Master Liu's eyes showed no greed as he wasn't a fool. Anyone who desired the Elemental Bracelet was clearly suicidal. He would rather give up the overwhelming power in exchange for being left alone by tens of other experts that would try to hunt him down.

"Disciple Liu, you know how Master is. We can't do anything else other than listening to him. If not for the limitations and the lack of resources, I would do it by myself. Disciple Liu has House of Dragons that can help us localize our target, I don't," the Servant said with a shrug. "I'm sure Master will reward you with some skill once you complete the mission. On the other hand, he will definitely be disappointed if you reject helping me."

"Damn it! Wasting my time again…" Sect Master Liu cursed as his fist tightened. "Where is that Elemental Bracelet right now?"

Sect Master Liu was mad but there was nothing he could do. Even though he hated his Master's guts, he helped him a lot by teaching him back in the days so that was the least he could do to help him. The only issue, it wasn't the first time his Master asked him for favors.

Sect Master Liu was already done being ordered, especially with the status he had in the Heaven Realm.

"I pinpointed the location to the Water Land Capital. I know it's still a wide range but that's the most I can do," the Servant informed.

"This is the last favor I'm giving him. Tell Master not to ask me anything anymore. I will reject it," Sect Master Liu called out firmly.

"I will pass him the message," the servant nodded. "When are we leaving?"

"We?" Sect Master Liu raised his eyebrows. "You are not going anywhere. You will stay here and wait for the good news. I'm always working solo. If I see you leave the mountain, I will kill you first and Master can forget about the Elemental Bracelet."

"…" the servant didn't seem to know how to comment but Sect Master Liu didn't let him. He left his house and smacked forward with his palm. Bright golden light spread out and created a barrier surrounding the whole house, locking the Servant inside.

"Fuck…" Sect Master Liu cursed once again under his nose as he flew away, not bothered about the Servant anymore before crying out at the sky. "My Queen, I am out! Come meet me!"

Chapter 82 Golden Queen

Elder Yang was on the way back to Liu Xinyu's mansion when the sky shuddered, bursting with golden lightning. He jumped, startled, but his mind quickly filled with ecstasy.

"Sect Master Liu is out of seclusion!" Elder Yang exclaimed happily, speeding up towards Lin Xinyu's mansion. It was quite obvious that Sect Master Liu would first visit his daughter after leaving as he had the habit of doing so it was the only way to catch him before he leaves.

Sect Master Liu's Golden Dragon was special, having two Elements at her disposal. Aside from the natural Fire Element, she inherited at birth, she also mastered Lightning Element, making her a power to be feared. It was one of the main reason why Sect Master Liu was considered the strongest Cultivator in the Heaven Realm.


Golden flash skipped past the mountain slope right above Elder Yang with lighting bursting out in all directions. It was a Golden Dragon!

"It's here! Golden Queen!" Elder Yang called out excitedly as he looked up in the sky, following the Golden Queen with his gaze. She flew up the steep hill only to disappear in the clouds.

Sect Master Liu's mountain consisted of two parts, the lower part reserved for his daughter while the higher for Sect Master Liu. Golden Queen, also being his wife, didn't live with them, having a whole forest for herself right on the side. The whole territory was massive but for Cultivators like Sect Master Liu, it was barely enough.

Only the Lower part was accessible for the Elders like him.

"Miss Liu! Your Father is stepping down the mountain!" Elder Yang informed through the door as he knocked but he quickly realized no one was home. He hoped to catch Liu Xinyu before she left but it seemed he was too late.


A sudden Dragon's cry from above pulled Elder Yang out of his thoughts. He smiled brightly and looked above, waiting for the Sect Master Liu to arrive.


The ground trembled as the Dragon stomped on the ground, its massive legs sinking into the earth. Elder Yang was always amazed every time he saw this majestic creature.

Her golden eyes glared at Elder Yang before ignoring him, looking away.

"Sect Master Liu! Welcome back!" Elder Yang called out with a bow, seeing his Sect Master staring at him.

"Elder Yang, long time no see. Did you see my daughter? I can't seem to feel her presence," Sect Master Liu asked as he nodded in greeting.

"I know exactly where she is! Earlier this morning she told me to register two new disciples and I just came back with good news. I thought I can catch Miss Liu before she departs but it seems Miss Liu already left. She should be in the Water Land Capital right now, meeting with them," Elder Yang reported to the point.

Sect Master Liu raised his brows.

"Two new disciples?"

"Yes. Miss Liu recruited two disciples in Sect Master Liu's name and I must say, they are pretty impressive, as expected of Miss Liu's eye. One of them, Liu Xuefeng, even has the status of Trade Union President Wu's grandson-in-law," Elder Yang informed, surprising Sect Master Liu even more.

"Liu Xuefeng, huh?" Sect Master Liu repeated out loud, "She is in the Water Land Capital, right? Perfect. I will go there to meet them."

Sect Master Liu didn't hesitate and sat comfortably on his Golden Queen, looking as if he was about to depart right away.

"Sect Master Liu, do you wish to call a general meeting? A lot of things happened since the last time—" Elder Yang tried to stop him but Sect Master Liu cut him off. "No need. I was supposed to visit Water Land anyway to gather some rare materials, so I don't have time. As my daughter is there, I will simply visit her on the way."

"Shall I keep those two as Sect Master Liu's Disciples?" Elder Yang questioned in hurry. "Both of them have Golden Dragon Disciple Tokens."

"If my daughter thought they are worthy, keep them for now. I will test them on my own once I arrive in the Water Land," Sect Master Liu called out right before the Dragoness set off.


The Golden Queen was already tens of meters above the ground when her body wrapped in thick golden lightning.


As if a thunder strike, the Golden Queen launched herself forward, blinking away in a split second. Together with her, Sect Master Liu was gone as well.

"Whoa…" Elder Yang muttered, amazed by the majestic ability. "If only I could find and tame a powerful beast like her…"

Sect Master Liu's Golden Queen could literally turn herself into lightning, skipping through the skies with extreme speed.

"I doubt they will even need more than two days to reach the Water Land Capital. Sect Master Liu is really the strongest…" Elder Yang commented as he flew down the mountain, ready to share the good news with the rest of the Elders.

Recalling his promise to President Wu, he also pulled out a Communication Crystal, ready to send him a message.

"Hehe, he will be shocked at the good news."


"Fuck! He really became a Sect Master Liu's disciple!"

President Wu was in the middle of getting it on with his secretary after a long day when he received a message from Elder Yang, confirming his suspicions.

"What happened…?" Secretary asked breathless, finally able to escape from President Wu's embrace.

"It turns out Xuefeng was recruited by Sect Master Liu's daughter in his name. Sect Master Liu even left the seclusion and will meet with him to evaluate his skills. If this bastard can pull Sect Master Liu to his side, it's all over," President Wu explained as he sat down, pouring himself a glass of strong liquor.

"President Wu… I think it might be the time to finally accept him as your grandson-in-law," Secretary suggested softly as she sat as well, buttoning her shirt at the same time. "With his skills, Sect Master Liu will definitely protect him. It's better to pull him on our side earlier than later. I already worked closely with Miss Wu today and she is amazing. She would be a great addition to the Trade Union. It's better if we accept her on good terms instead of fighting with her."

"You are right. She will definitely try to take over the headquarters and use her newly gained influence to find Xuefeng. I might as well do it myself and take the credit," President Wu commented and gulped down the glass in one go.

"Let's do it."

Chapter 83 Change of Plans

Secretary raised her brows at President Wu's quick decision but brightened right after. "That's great! Shall I order the preparation of the flying ship?"

"Yes, but you will stay here," President Wu ordered, standing up from the sofa. "I need you on the spot to control my granddaughter while I'm away. Who knows what she will do when I cannot stop her anymore."

Secretary didn't seem happy about this decision as she stepped forward, hugging President Wu's arm into her chest. "Won't President Wu feel lonely without me?" She asked seductively, causing President Wu to pull her into his arms while smacking her butt.

"Of course I will! But I can't let my feelings control me. It's for the greater good. We can't let Xuefeng join House of Dragons before his relationship with Trade Union is solid," President Wu explained before adding as he gripped her firmly. "Once I'm back, we will continue what we started. We will have the whole night for ourselves."

Secretary didn't let out any voice of complaint, quite the opposite, she was enjoying it. "Yes Master~" She whispered into his ear in agreement, letting his hands roam freely. "President Wu… You changed your decision quite fast. What made you change your mind?"

"Well, it's not like we have a choice. My initial plan of giving Elemental Bracelet to Little Wu and then use Trade Union power to gather all the remaining Elemental Stones is over. I don't think I can do that anymore with Xuefeng getting Sect Master Liu's help and my granddaughter scheming against me," President Wu explained as he kissed Secretary on the neck. "The best we can do is regaining my granddaughter's trust by accepting Xuefeng."

"Mhmm… President Wu, don't plan on betraying him later, right? It will for sure destroy Miss Wu's life. She will hate you and use everything to destroy you. I know she is that kind of woman just based on my first day with her. She will not stop before she achieves her goal and family ties won't matter at that time," Secretary pointed out, causing President Wu to lose his passion.

He pulled away from her and sighed, drinking straight from the bottle.

"I guess my granddaughter inherited my genes… I wanted to protect her from all the experts eying the Elemental Bracelet but it seems she wants to follow her own path. It will be quite a bloodbath if I force her into anything…" President Wu said softly.

Many knew about his possession of the Fire Elemental Stone for years but he was still safe. After all, no one wanted to risk fighting the whole Trade Union just to get the stone. It was definitely a tricky situation, knowing the power in the Heaven Realm was capped at Celestial Stage. If one wanted to fight him for the Stone, they had to use Celestial Stage strength to beat him.

The question was, how can they do it when President Wu had multiple Celestial Stage cultivators protecting him at all times?

Because of that, many already considered him as the last stone to collect as everyone knew exactly where it was but at the same time, how could they collect all other stones when most were not even inside the Heaven Realm. Once someone Ascends, they couldn't go back unless they use an Avatar but even then, they couldn't use the power of Elemental Bracelet to assist them.

President Wu was considering all ins and outs to provide the safety for him and Wu when Secretary quickly dove into his arms once again, almost spilling President Wu's liquor. "President Wu! I love that you finally understood this. She will definitely reach further by herself. That's her inner personality and we can't change it."

President Wu was still depressed about the outcome but he pretended to smile instead, hugging her gently. "Mhmm, you are right. I will go talk with her about it now, while you settle the flying ship."

"President Wu, I'm sure Miss Wu won't accept it easily, worrying that you might do something bad to her husband. I suggest you take Miss Nuwa with you to calm Miss Wu down," Secretary proposed, snuggling into President Wu's chest.

"No worries, I already planned to do exactly that. This Queen is quite hard to deal with but it should be fine," President Wu assured.

"If I am to stay, should I report everything I do and decide?" Secretary questioned one last time as he was about to leave.

"No need," President Wu shook his head. "I trust your judgment. Only report to me if something really bad happens."


Right as he pulled away, his body teleported away, leaving Secretary alone in the office. He couldn't see anymore but she was overjoyed. She made sure he was gone before Secretary chuckled, pulling out a recording crystal from her pocket.

She poured Spirit Qi inside of it and suddenly, a scene from a moment ago played out, using their voice.

"If I am to stay, should I report everything I do and decide?"

"No need, I trust your judgment. Only report to me if something really bad happens."

Secretary grinned when she cut the recording.

"I worked so hard for this… The time has finally come to act."


"Huh? What are you planning?"

When Wu heard her grandpa's plans, she quickly assumed something was wrong. There was no way her grandpa suddenly became a good person.

She was in her new office with Nuwa as a company and ate dinner with her when President Wu appeared out of nowhere, causing them to almost spill their food everywhere.

"Where is he now? We are going with you," Wu called out firmly without much hesitation. Xuefeng was more important to her than some Trade Union.

"Wait, don't be in such a hurry," President Wu stopped her. "Didn't you just become a General Manager just as you wanted? You want to leave right after you started?"

"Of course. I will leave anything for Xuefeng. I still don't trust you and you want to go meet with Xuefeng, telling me you will bring him back? As if I let you do that," Wu called out firmly, glaring at her grandpa. "Tell me, where is he?"

"Okay, okay, calm down," President Wu chilled the tension. "He is currently in the Water Land Capital. I admit that it was my mistake by forcing you but now I'm willing to redeem myself. If you really don't trust me, you can ask your friend to follow me."

When Nuwa was mentioned, she gazed at Wu, exchanging glances with her. Both knew it was too risky to separate from each other but at the same time, they couldn't let her grandpa go without supervision.

"I will go," Nuwa decided. "I'm already bored with cultivation anyway and wanted to go out. If I were to stay here longer doing the same thing, I would go crazy."

She didn't stop and added, "I will bring him back safely as soon as I can."

Only then did Wu nod her head after a moment of hesitation.


Chapter 84 Red Cloud Sec

"Everyone, this is your chance to redeem yourself! You will no longer be just normal bandits! From now on, we will only rob big fishes! Are you ready?!"

After the whole afternoon and evening of rigorous professional training performed by Wuying, it was finally morning, the time to depart on the bandits' first coordinated mission under new leadership. It would be the Four Devils first group mission as well but they were confident of their abilities.

Wuying's voice was like a thunderclap, awakening the sleepy bandits who were still tired after yesterday's training. Their eyes snapped open as they raised their weapons in the air.


The Four Devils knew the bandits were a bit hesitant and wary of them but the moment they showed their strength and seriousness, it seemed as if something clicked in the bandits' minds. They finally believed they can achieve much more than just simple robbing and extortions.

Fifty men lined up in the main plaza of the small Bandit Camp while the rest observed from the side or peeked from the windows. Many of the wives seemed worried about their departing husbands but no one protested the high-risk mission. They already accepted their husband's profession and accepted all the risks.

"Remember all the strategy we came up with. Execute it perfectly and all of us will bath in Upgrade Fragments and numerous treasures. All fifty of you will receive equal rewards and elevate your power even further," Wuying called out to encourage them only to glance to the side at the bitter bandits who were not chosen for this mission.

"The rest of you! Just because you were not chosen doesn't mean you can slack. Once we are back, everyone will receive the training. This is just the start! We will share our knowledge and skills with you but we expect ultimate loyalty! Anyone who doesn't follow the rules and can't slack will be kicked out from the camp. We want to expand as quickly as we can and for that, we need everyone's help," Wuying announced.

Despite Wuying's overbearing attitude and pressure, no one complained. This was exactly what one would expect from the leader, firm control, and power. Most bandits were mostly interested in Wuying's promise of skills and knowledge but the goal was much bigger than just individual growth.

Four Devils' plan involved more than just controlling a small Bandit Camp.

Seeing that everyone got her message, Wuying flicked with her finger to call Maw to her side.

"Yes, Miss Wuying?"

Maw had even more respect in the Bandit Camp compared to the actual ex-boss so he was perfect to stay and coordinate the people in their absence. He seemed to be one of the few who actually cared about the prosperity of their community.

"Here." Wuying passed him a simple Storage Ring. "I noted down all the instructions inside. I want you to prepare everything before we return."

Maw nodded in understanding as he checked the content but his eyes widened right away, looking at Wuying in shock.

"Miss Wuying… This… Is that even possible with our limited resources?" Maw questioned but Wuying assured him immediately, "Don't worry about it. Just work according to my orders and everything will be good. We already analyzed everything."

Wuying didn't give Maw time to refute her as she turned her back to him, crying out to her underlings, "Let's depart!"

"Don't disappoint me," Wuying muttered to Maw before disappearing from the spot, appearing on a giant white tiger with its wings spread out.

It was Lulu, Xiao Wen's Tamed Beast which followed her since a cub. She has been slowly advancing in ranks the past three years they were training. Although she didn't reach the God Stage yet, being still in the Rank Nine, she was still useful in transportation which allowed them to save energy and resources.

"Good girl," Xiao Wen praised Lulu with a side scratch as the whole group launched in the sky. All four of them sat on Lulu's back, hugging each other to fit all together.

"What is the plan exactly?" Princess Shan asked curiously, getting to the main topic they needed to discuss.

The whole group of bandits thought they had all the plans ready beforehand but in reality, they didn't discuss anything about the actual robbing. All they knew was how to enter the Sect and where was the treasury.

How were they supposed to trick all the guards and elders?

How to pass through all the disciples with their unknown faces?

What if they meet the disciples that escaped from their grasp when they attacked?

How to break into the treasury?

There were many questions they didn't have a clear answer to. All they could do was improvise and adapt to the situation at hand.

"How about I sneak inside with Yi and you two handle the front battle. You two are better at creating a scene while we can sneak around and act innocent," Wuying proposed.

All three nodded as it was the most optimal but it was still a risky play.

"I thought so too but are you sure you can do it? We can also leave Xiao Wen alone and go in with the three of us," Princess Shan suggested instead. "I don't know what we would do if you two got captured."

"I don't mind staying alone," Xiao Wen pointed out. "I can always escape while being outside but you will be inside the Sect. It is not bad to have an additional backup."

They already did their calculations yesterday evening. It would take them too much time to get enough resources to cultivate and be strong to travel safely and search for Xuefeng. They couldn't just go adventure and search the whole Heaven Realm for him. They were already put on the blacklist by a few nearby Sects so they would be quickly hunted down if they continued to rob by themselves.

Choosing this path, they could only create their own army and use it till they are strong enough. None of them wanted to wait months till they can reunite with Xuefeng so they had to hurry with their plans. Robbing one of the smaller Sects was risky but also most profitable.

"Don't worry, we will be good with just the two of us. You need backup as well in case any experts attack you," Wuying decided as she hugged Xiao Wen in front of her.

"Let's do it!"


It was a sunny and hard working day for the Red Cloud Sect, knowing the main shipment of Spirit Herbs was arriving today. The guards by the main gate were already sweating buckets under the sun, tired from checking all the goods brought in by the merchants.

"Gosh, finally break time. The second shift should com—" the guard muttered tiredly only to cut midway, spotting two beauties approaching the gates. He poked his partner with an elbow and both waited for them to approach, brightening when they saw the familiar Disciple Tokens.

Chapter 85 Infiltration

"Welcome to the Sect, Junior Sisters," the two guards called out from afar, stopping in front of Wuying and Yi. "I don't really recognize you two though. You must be new, right?"

Wuying and Yi smiled brightly as they approached, looking around the place with an excited look and finally gazed at the two guards. Both of the girls bowed slightly, greeting, "Good afternoon, Senior Brothers. What a beautiful day, isn't it?"

They wore a normal every day dresses with an addition of light cloaks, unbuttoned at the front to show their figure. The two Sect Disciples were decent enough not to stare directly at their bodies even though they seemed really tempted to.

"Not as beautiful as you," one of them complimented, finally giving them a look-over, admiring their beauty. "I doubt any female in the Sect can compare to you two."

"Aww… Senior Brother is really sweet," Yi muttered softly, putting a strand of her silver hair behind her ear before glancing at them from below. Her innocent and sexy look was enough to make the two stare blankly at her.

The girls' hair was messily falling yet still somehow aligning itself into a perfectly balanced look. Even if they changed their hairstyle, they couldn't alter their facial features so they could only hope the investigation about the Disciples' death didn't go far. Without any recording, it was almost impossible to remember all the details of their looks to replicate it later.

"Why do you say we are new disciples?" Wuying asked curiously, breaking the men's daze.

"Well… Our Sect is not that big so we know everyone and seeing your beauty, there is no way we could forget. You don't have the Sect's uniform as well and you look around curiously. That's why I thought you must be new," Senior Brother explained only to propose, "If you need help, we can lead you to the Register Office so you can become official disciples. We are off our shift just now anyway."

"That's quite observant of you," Wuying praised with a smile, "But I and my sister are already official disciples. It's just that we were away from the Sect due to personal matters and just came back. You see…"

Wuying paused, glancing at Yi in hesitation but she assured Wuying with a rub on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I don't want to hide it. There is nothing shameful in my story… It's just sad."

"Oh… Were you met with any danger?" Senior Brothers asked as their smiles disappeared, replaced with worry.

"Well… long story short, my sister was dating one guy even before we joined the Sect. He didn't get into Red Cloud Sect so their contact cut until one day when he requested to join him on a certain mission. As my sister was a dummy and lovesick, she naturally agreed, wanting to meet him again. Thank Heavens I followed her and was able to react in time. If not, it would end it tragedy…" Wuying narrated before a single tear dropped from her eye, drying on her cheek as it fell.

She blushed and hid her face under the hood, hugging Yi's face into her chest.

"I don't know what I would do if they ended up hurting you..." Wuying muttered, sniffing without letting her go.

Both Senior Brother's faces darkened.

"Can we talk on the way? It's not a long story but it will take a moment…" Wuying questioned softly as she began to walk towards the gate, hiding Yi in her chest the whole time.

"Of course!" Senior Brothers agreed momentarily and brightened when they saw two other men approach them. "Our shift is here so we are free now. We will lead the way for you."

"Thank you… Both of you are really kind to us sisters… I was already losing hope but there are still some good men out there," Wuying acknowledged the help and slowly walked forward, heading to the gate.

One of the Senior Brothers quickly skipped in front of them, leading the way while the other moved to the two newcomers who gazed at them confused.

On the outside, Wuying and Yi looked like two lost souls, saddened by the brutality of the world but on the inside, they were cursing their bad luck.

How can they be this unlucky to meet one of the cultivators who escaped from their hunt before they even entered the Sect? She recognized the blond buzz cut from the man that almost tasted her blade just two days ago.

"You arrived at the perfect moment! Good luck with the shift," Senior Brother called out to the newcomers only to rush after the rest.

"Something happened?" The buzz cut man called out after him as he stared at Wuying and Yi's back but they were covered by cloaks, not giving him much information.

Wuying acted quickly and covered their faces before they could see them but she was still worried they could see Yi's hair as it was only wrapped by Wuying's arms. Just in case they needed to run, Wuying observed the two scene closely.

"They are our beautiful Junior Sisters who returned to the Sect just now. Don't worry, we will take care of them," Senior Brother assured, causing the buzz cut man to finally look away in envy, walking away.

Only when Wuying entered the Sect did she uncover her hood and released Yi.

"I'm sorry, I got a little emotional," Wuying lied skillfully as she wiped her eyes as she stopped next to the tall wall surrounding the whole Sect. "Thank you for your support."

"It is only natural. It's all in the past so don't think about it…" Senior Brothers assured, fully convinced by their act.

"Mhmm…" Wuying nodded, calming herself down with deep breaths. "It's just that when I think that man tried to lure my sister and then use her body to pay off his debt, I'm can't help but get worried."

"Damn, bastard…" Senior Brothers immediately cursed, their fists tightening. "Who is he? We will avenge you."

"It's alright… My sister already killed them, so all we can do is just forget about it. I spent a few years healing my wounds and I am finally back to pursue my Cultivation once again," Yi said with a bright smile, showing she was over it. "Talking about cultivation, would you mind showing us the way to the Treasury or somewhere we can exchange resources? It has been a while since we have been here so we totally forgot our way. We don't have a good sense of direction."

"Of course! It just happens we need to report to the Treasury after our shift so we can lead the way for you. Please, follow us."

The first part of the plan went somewhat smooth if not counting the bad luck at the start but infiltrating inside was the easiest. The real problem stood with the actual robbery, escape, and most importantly, diversion.

Chapter 86 Diversion

"Alright, we got the signal! Everyone get ready."

The moment Xiao Wen's Communication Crystal vibrated, she quickly assembled everyone. All fifty Bandits stood up abruptly, getting into a serious mood. They were far away from the Sect, waiting for the signal from Wuying to start the diversion act. In case they were any patrols, they had to stay away from the Sect to not get caught beforehand.

Xiao Wen pulled out the Communication Crystal and listened to the recorded message. Her eyes widened and lips curved the more she listened to it.

"Change of plans!" Xiao Wen announced. "We are going old style! Quick, follow me!"


As Wuying and Yi followed the two Senior Brothers, they couldn't help but nod their heads in approval. The Sect was surprisingly neat, with clean streets and stone houses with similar decorations which were probably meant for the Disciples. As it wasn't a Big Sect, it was more cramped, trying to fit all disciples but Disciples still had some place to move around.

There weren't any mountains in the area where the Sects liked to build their bases but the girls could see a clear elevation of terrain the deeper they went inside. Naturally, the Senior Brothers spent their time to explain everything to them as if they just arrived for the first time in the Sect.

"We are currently in the middle area of the Sect, the place where most Senior Disciples like us live. Compared to normal houses in the lower area where disciples live together, ours have more rooms and we don't need to live in groups. Every Senior Disciple has their own house with an alchemy and cultivation room that boosts your Cultivation speed. Of course, if one wants to create a better Core, they need to Cultivate in different branches of the Sect all around the Heaven Realm."

"Mhmm, we know," Wuying nodded in understanding. "We already plan to travel around and gather a few Elements. We two are quite ambitious."

"Hehe, that's only natural," Senior Brothers nodded before proposing as they smiled at each other. "If you want, we can travel with you. I'm sure you need someone to fight along with you if any Bandits come your way and we are free lately."

"Really…? Can you really do that for us?" Yi asked with her eyes brightened.

"Of course, how can we let you two go out unprotected. Heaven Realm is full of danger," Senior Brothers assured with care. One was even bold enough to reach out and place his hand on Yi's shoulder but she quickly dodged, moving up to Wuying as if she didn't notice.

"Shall we accept? It will be much safer," Yi called out excitedly as she grabbed Wuying's hands.

Wuying gave the two a glanced before calming the situation, suggesting instead, "How about we get to know each other first on a deeper level? We just met so we can't fully trust each other… We can chat more after we settle our Cultivation Resources."

The two Senior Brothers couldn't be happier with such a solution, smiling from ear to ear. They were average looking with not that high Cultivation Talent, yet they managed to chat with two beauties. It was their lucky day.

"Perfect! Actually, the Treasury is right ahead of us. With enough contraction points, you can buy all Spirit Herbs, Spirit Artefacts, Cultivation Resources, and even Upgrade Fragments!" Senior Brother called out as he pointed in front of him but when they followed his finger, all they saw was carts full of goods, waiting in front of a big pavilion.

"Ugh, right. Today is the weekly goods delivery… The Treasury will be closed for another hour until everything is categorized and locked securely. I almost forget about it," Senior Brother rubbed his forehead only to freeze when he heard Wuying's worried question.

"So we won't be able to get our resources…?"

"No, no! Don't worry!" Senior Brothers immediately shook their heads assuring at the same time. "We have special access so we can skip this ban. Just follow us."

It was clear that they suddenly got stressed but Wuying and Yi didn't mind, following them inside the building. There were almost no Disciples in the area aside from multiple guards who were supervising the merchants carrying their goods inside the building, stacking them on the pile, and a few staff who carried them further into the Treasury.

Most rare Spirit Herbs couldn't be held inside the Storage Rings for safer keeping as they would quickly wither, so they were all held in special boxes.

Aside from Disciples, one Elder man with a board and a pen were counting all the goods as they passed by the doors. When Wuying saw their pitiful defenses, she was already holding back her smirk. Although the Elder seemed powerful, they could easily take him out with an element of surprise. Most of the Elders rarely fight, used to the office lives in the Sect.

"You two! Why are you dilly-dallying?! Come here and help carry the goods into the Treasury!"

Just as they entered, the Elder spotted them, scolding the guys loudly before glancing at Wuying and Yi who stood patiently behind them. He seemed quite taken aback by their beauty but that was it, he quickly scolded them as well.

"You two! The Treasury is closed for another hour! Don't you know the rules?!"

The two Senior Brothers quickly stepped forward, blocking the girls with their own bodies as they explained, "Elder, we brought them inside as they wanted to trade and get some Cultivation Resources. They are our Junior Sisters who just—"

"As if I give a crap," the Elder cut them off. "Rules are rules. Get to work now or else—"

He paused right after himself, frowning as he pulled out a Communication Crystal from his Storage Ring. The Elder was already annoyed yet the message seemed to piss him off even more.

"Bandits? So close to the Sect? Are they fucking tired of living?!" Elder cursed under his nose before gazing at the two Senior Brothers, ordering hurriedly, "More than fifty Bandits attacked our merchants on the way to the Sect! Call your Senior Brothers and rush to help them! I still need to take care of the matters on hand."

With such an emergency, they couldn't say no anymore.

"Yes, Elder!" Senior Brothers acknowledged as they swiftly turned to Wuying and Yi, showing a bitter smile. "Please, wait for us here. We will be back soon."

"Don't worry about us, go help them!" Yi urged, causing them to nod firmly and rush out from the Treasury.

"You two are new, right?" the Elder questioned the girls right after the guys left. "Do you want to earn some Contribution Points by carrying the goods? We are behind on time."

Wuying smirked, dropping her cloak to the floor with Yi following suit.

"Sure! We were about to help ourselves anyway."

Chapter 87 Robbery

"Huh? Help yourself?"

The elder and the guards got confused at Wuying's words but she didn't wait for them to understand. Patting their chests, Wuying and Yi's dresses disappeared, revealing their tight black leather gear, perfect for swift battles.


Yi's body suddenly exploded into thousands of stars, filling up the whole lobby while Wuying vanished from the spot. At that moment, the Elder realized something was wrong but it was too late.


Screams filled the lobby as Yi appeared behind the guards, slashing at their legs which instantly put them on the floor with blood gushing out. Instead of falling on the floor, it transformed midair, flying towards the Elder where Wuying appeared, her daggers already cutting at his wrist.

He couldn't even draw his sword in time before his wrist got covered in blood and his body froze completely, losing control over his muscles.

"This is a robbery. If you want to live, be good and don't do anything stupid," Wuying announced as she extended her hand to the Staff of the treasury.

With their pitiful cultivation, their bodies twitched as blood inside their bodies went under Wuying's control. Even if they wanted to call for help, they couldn't even move. All guards had their arms tied behind their back as Earth Qi handcuffs glued their wrists together. Naturally, all their Storage Rings were already collected by her as well, not forgetting this little bit of change.

The robbery was a robbery, no one was spared.

The only ones left for the girls to take down were the merchants but they didn't really have the time to do so.


The doors to the building shut down, leaving the merchants in the dark. The only unlucky ones who were in the lobby were already taken down by Wuying, laying on the floor.

"Lead us to the Treasury and open it like a good boy," Wuying ordered as the Elder's body lifted in the air but the Elder wasn't cooperative.

He was frowning and constantly glaring at Wuying and when his lips got unlocked, he cursed at her, "Fuck you! No matter what you do to me, I will not open the Treasury!"

"Oh, really?" Wuying grinned at that response. "What if we torture all the staff and guards, cutting off their fingers one by one. I wonder how will you react when you hear the screams of the ladies you work with."

"The well-being of the Sect is more important. You will get nothing out of me," the Elder replied firmly, continuing to gaze coldly at Wuying. "You will die a dog death when Sect Master arrives."

"We will see about that," Wuying replied, looking up at Yi. "Sister, can you do the honors? Let's see how long can the resist."

Yi nodded and exploded into stars once again, using her Star Shaper ability to appear behind one of the Staff ladies and picked up the most beautiful one of them all, dragging her towards the Elder.

"Nooooooooo! Please! Ahhhhhh! Help me!" the Staff screamed, her face horrified, already sullied by tears but the Elder's lips were tied, not stopping them.

Yi threw her on the floor in front of them as a stone pillar burst from the floor. When the Staff's wrists got gripped and placed on the pillar, the screams just didn't want to stop.

"Do it," Wuying commanded and Yi put her sword against one of the ladies' fingers, ready to cut it.

The Elder finally couldn't stand the sight and looked away, making the Staff lady lose all hope.

"Ahhh!!" She screamed when Yi raised the sword to cut down, ready to lose her finger but Wuying called out in the last moment, stopping it, "Wait, I have a better idea."

The elder looked back and paled when he saw Wuying's dagger aiming at his crotch.

"Let's cut off his little friend and then force him to eat it," Wuying suggested and Yi acted immediately aiming her sword in between the Elder's legs.

"Do it."

The result was obvious.

"W-wait! I will do it!"


"Ladies to the left! Guys to the right! Pull out all your treasures and Storage Rings! Anyone who dilly-dallies will lose their head!" Xiao Wen ordered happily as she dictated the sides with her flaming sword.

The whole caravan was already under their control as the fifty bandits began claiming all the portable goods. Spirit Artefacts, Spirit Herbs, Spirit Rings, and even ID Cards. They took everything they got their hands on, cleaning the caravan completely.

On the ground, multiple disciples in the Red Cloud Sect's uniforms were stuck in the ice with just their heads sticking out. They didn't kill anyone so far with their main target being diversion and robbery.

"You are not going to get away with this!" One of the Senior Disciples shouted at them but Princess Shan quickly shut him down, tightening the ice around his neck.

"If you don't shut up, I will cover your heads as well. I wonder how long can you hold your breath."

The man quickly zipped his mouth but his expression told it all.

"Don't worry, he is just salty that a bunch of God Stage cultivators beat them. Honestly, I thought Immortal Stage cultivators with so much more Qi in them would be scary to deal with but it seems they still lack in the Arts department," Xiao Wen called out sarcastically before gazing at the distance.

They could already see a group of black dots coming from the distance. It was time to retreat.

"Blake! Take everyone back to the base!" Xiao Wen called out as she and Princess Shan flew up, ready to face the newcomers. "We will stall them."

"Yes!" Blake acknowledged, flying up with others quickly doing the same. "Follow me!"

On the way, Xiao Wen already explained the plan so all of them were familiar with it. They left with all the goods while leaving the two devils alone.

Meanwhile, the merchants didn't know what to do, looking at each other as if to see if someone was brave enough to escape first. If they all spread in all directions, they could escape easily. There were just two girls left. In the end, no one moved, gazing at the incoming rescue team.

Too bad, the closer their help was, the bigger grin appeared on Xiao Wen's face.

"I don't see any Celestial Cultivators. Let's have some fun then."

Chapter 88 Stalemate

With Wuying gone after she dragged the Elder to the Treasury, Yi stayed behind, taking care of the entrance under her Wuying's absence. When Yi looked at the lady laying on the ground, she couldn't help but sigh. She wasn't as brutal as Wuying but knew it was necessary to get their blackmail to look believable.

"Are you okay?" Yi questioned as she crouched next to the lady.

"Huh…?" the Staff lady was ultimately confused by the kind smile on Yi's face.

"Don't worry, we are just here to rob your Sect. We don't plan to kill anyone this time," Yi assured as she helped her up, letting the lady sit on the pillar that was supposed to bring her pain.

"This time?" the lady asked unconsciously.

"We don't kill unless someone fights back. At that point, we don't hesitate anymore. Either you kill or you get killed," Yi replied as she shrugged before frowning, gazing at the entrance.


Her body turned into stars and recreated by the entrance. Her ability let her use all the stars in the lobby as the extension of her body, using it to move from one place to another in a blink of an eye. It was one of the top ten abilities Fate Spirits had to offer, so its power would only grow even stronger.

She quickly scanned the outside with her Spirit Awareness only to have it pushed back by multiple Cultivators probing the inside of the Treasury.

They have been discovered.

"You are so fucked right now," one of the guards commented with a grin only to eat Yi's Air Bullet in the face which knocked a few of his teeth. Although Yi was more lenient, it didn't mean she would let others stomp on her.

Without hesitation, she vanished once again, releasing thousands upon thousands of new stardust, filling the whole lobby. It looked like a mist, restricting everyone's vision. She had to go all out to buy as much time as possible.

Inside the open Treasury, Wuying was already claiming all the treasures in sight, filling her Storage Ring to the brim. At first glance, one could tell the Sect wasn't in good shape but when compared to their old Liu Clan Treasury, it was still more equipped.

Naturally, Wuying wasn't merciless. She didn't take everything, knowing many lives depended on the Sect. Moreover, if she emptied the whole Treasury, the Sect would for sure hunt them down with full force. It wasn't worth it. Even if they still had some stock left in Sect Master's hands, the Red Cloud Sect wouldn't be able to swallow such loss.

Because of that, she planned on taking only one-fifth of everything, including the Upgrade Fragments they needed so much to improve. There were tens of thousands stored inside the back of the treasury but the moment she tried to touch them, an immense pressure assaulted her body and soul.

"Thief! Leave before I destroy your soul!" A loud male voice struck her but Wuying already expected it. Every Treasury had a Guardian Spirit, protecting the treasures inside.

Wuying quickly pulled out a crystal necklace and crushed it without hesitation.


Spirit Qi buzzed as a sudden barrier wrapped around Wuying, nullifying the pressure completely. She swiftly dashed towards the bags filled with Upgrade Fragments, grabbing one after another. She immediately envied Xuefeng who would just use his Bloodline Ability to sweep all the treasures at the same time.

But, Wuying had her own methods. Blood Qi lines flew out from her hands and began tightening around countless bags, pulling them to her for a quick claim. There were hundreds of them so Wuying didn't worry too much, taking whatever she could.

For the Sect of their size, it was still too little Upgrade Fragments so she guessed most wasn't even in the treasury.


Suddenly, the ground trembled with a big bang coming from the lobby, causing Wuying to turn around. She had trust in Yi's abilities but she couldn't help to worry for Yi, ditching the last few bags as she rushed back to the lobby.

Just as she thought, Yi was already in the middle of a battle with multiple Red Cloud Sect disciples that broke through inside the Treasury. Her slim hands swung the giant sword as it was nothing, wounding one cultivator after another but it didn't come without any sacrifice.

Her body got pierced multiple times in a short duration but she didn't even have a scratch. The weapons' edge passed through her body which only burst into stardust, returning to the original right after. They didn't seem to know how to handle Yi's ability at all.

"Sister! We are leaving!" Wuying called out as she rushed to battle, her Blood Lines mixing into Star Dust, instantly tangling around multiple opponents. She knew very well Yi couldn't endlessly use up her ability.

Fate Qi was not only harder to get but it also determined if she lived or not. Once her Fate Qi is emptied, her soul would be destroyed as well. Even if her ability was powerful, it was a double-edged sword.


Disciples cried out, dropping to the ground as Wuying cut their throats with one quick slash, dropping the idea of not killing anyone. Their lives were more important.

"Let's break through!" Wuying called out as she killed her way towards the entrance while Yi followed closely behind, collecting her stardust on the way.

When they saw the sun again, Wuying's heart sunk.

"Surrender or die! You cannot escape!"

Hundreds of Red Cloud Sect's robes filled both the skies and the ground, aiming their weapons and Arts at the Treasury entrance. Behind them, a thick barrier, locking down space in the whole area.

The Disciples seemed like they were ready to unleash all the power at any suspicious movement from them and Wuying knew it was enough to break through their defenses. They could handle a few Immortal Stage cultivators, but not a hundred or more.

"Wait!" Wuying cried out, displaying her Storage Rings. "If you move, I will detonate my Storage Ring, destroying all the Treasures we stole! Everything will be gone within seconds!"

The Disciples' faces paled, holding back. The whole scene froze, leading to an awkward stalemate.

Chapter 89 Escape

'Damn… They were pushed to a dead end. Should I help them?'

While everyone was tied in a staring battle, right above the barrier hovered a middle-aged man, observing the girls' robbery with his forehead full of sweat. His body covered a thin layer of gold hue, making him invisible to everyone and looked similar to that of all Fate Spirits, including Ling and Ming.

Although no one knew of his presence, Ming definitely knew them very well, being their Queen who secretly ordered them. All Fate Spirits came from one place called the Fate Kingdom, which was the true Ruler of all Worlds and Realms, controlling life and death as well as the whole Reincarnation Circle.

Unfortunately, one day it was closed from the inside without any warning, locking Ming and other Fate Spirits in the outside world. All they could do was follow the usual orders and keep the world running.

'What if I just help them a little? The old man is not here…' The Middle-aged man thought as he bit on his nail, not used to so much pressure.

Who would think two Guardians of the Middle Heaven where they handled all the souls would be suddenly ordered to babysit a few humans from the shadows. Moreover, he was even alone, left by his partner who stayed behind to observe Xiao Wen and Princess Shan. He had to make his own decision without any consultation, making him nervous.

He was following the girls everywhere under Ming's order to protect them but he could only act if their lives were in danger. Naturally, they already broke that rule a long time ago.

'We already gave them special Arts and skills… Father won't be upset if I just help them a little bit…' The Middle-aged man hesitated, gazing down at the scene.

When some Red Cloud Sect's Disciple moved a bit, Wuying threatened once again, "Stay back! Your Sect's Treasures are with me! One move and they will be gone!"

"You won't dare! Once you do, you both will die!" One of the Senior Brothers shouted back, aiming his bow at them. "You have no way out! Surrender and we might let you live!"

Wuying only grunted, glaring at them all without replying at all. It was obvious they were in a pretty bad situation.

'Fuck it! I can't let my Wuying get cornered like this!' the Middle-aged man cried out in his mind and finally decided.

Wuying was his favorite from Xuefeng's wives and he cheered for her the most. She had to be the best and strongest wife of his! None others should compare to her greatness!


Right as he extended his arm, the barrier blew up, sending flying all disciples who stayed any close. No one knew what was going on, gazing at the explosion but the girls didn't think much.

There was a giant hole in the barrier. It was their chance!

Wuying's eyes immediately brightened as she grabbed Yi's arm and they both vanished from the spot, blinking out of the encirclement. They appeared right outside of the barrier with their snow-white wings already spread behind their back, flying away towards the Sect's Entrance.

"They are escaping! Get them!" Red Cloud Sect's Disciples called out in panic, following closely behind but the Middle-aged man was celebrating, keeping up with the girls. As long as they used his subtle help without any bad after-effects, it was worth it.


Just as he thought everything was going well, a loud bird cry filled the sky.

'Oh shit! A Celestial Stage Cultivator!' the Middle-aged man cursed, recognizing the pressure. Black Falcon made from Air Qi carried an old man on its back, skipping through the sky with ultimate speed. It looked so full and vibrant as if it was a real creature.

Even if the girls continued to Teleport to speed up their escape, they would still be caught any time soon.

"Sect Master came!" Red Cloud Sect's Disciples shouted happily. "They are done for!"

Some even stopped chasing after the Sect Master overtook them. They would simply disturb him in catching the thieves.

The Sect Master held a giant bow and once he closed the distance, he pulled on the string, aiming at the girls. An Air Qi arrow spawned from his hand and he released it without hesitation.


The arrow pierced through the air, before its tip exploded, splitting into hundreds of small bullets that curved in an arc, chasing after the girls from all directions.

Wuying and Yi swiftly teleported away but the bullets followed right after them. Some of them bumped together, but instead of exploding, they simply bounced away, following after the target once again. They were like living objects, thinking for themselves.

No matter what the girls did, they couldn't lose them.

'Damn it…' The Middle-aged man cursed, finally moving.


The bullets exploded, covering the girls with a cloud of smoke. The old Sect Master smiled after a successful strike, lowering his bow and the Disciples began their cheering.

"Sect Master's Splitting Arrow never misses the target! Awe Sect Master!"

Hearing the cheers, the old Sect Master turned back to his cool self and flicked with his finger. "Silence!"

All Disciples momentarily quietened down, watching the Sect Master as he approached the cloud on his Falcon. No one dared to point out that the girls had a lot of Sect's Treasures on them which could potentially get damaged by Sect Master's power.

Then, something unusual happened. The Sect Master actually frowned, gazing at the cloud. Everyone thought it is a done deal with the girls dead but the closer the Sect Master approached, the worse was his expression.

"Who are you?!" he suddenly cried out with the Falcon stopping a hundred meters away, re-aiming with his bow at the clearing cloud. "Why do you interfere and protect the thieves?!"

"Huh?" the Disciples were ultimately confused when they heard a dry laugh from the inside of the cloud.

"Huhuhu… How can I tell you when I don't know the answer myself? I just felt like it."

When the cloud fully dispersed, both the girls and the Red Cloud Sect was surprised.

It was a shiny Middle-aged man with his hand extended forward. It produced a golden shield that surrounded them all. The shield didn't even leave a mark on it, defending against a Celestial Stage Cultivator's attack as if it was nothing.

The old Sect Master frowned deepened.

"They stole our Sect's resources, killed my elders and disciple—"

"I don't give a crap. They are under my protection so you can piss off," The Middle-aged man called out with a shrug before threatening, "Unless you want me to wipe your Sect from existence."


How could the old Sect Master respond to that?

The Middle-aged man didn't care though and turned to the girls instead.

"Ladies, you are free to go. I will stop them from chasing after you."

"Thank you, Sir," Wuying acknowledged with a bow. "Can we know Sir's name so we can repay Sir in the future?"

The Middle-aged man shook his head. "There is no need to repay me. You will not see me ever again."

He knew very well his father will definitely find out after he used the power of Heavens to block the strike so he was already done for.

"Understood. Thank you again then," Wuying nodded and took Yi's hand, ready to leave when she stopped at last moment, turning her head away.

"Thank you for the Arts. I will use them well."

The Middle-aged man's eyes widened at that, causing Wuying to smile as if she found out a secret.

'Shit… Young girls these days… Too sneaky…'

Chapter 90 Qi Materialization

"Mhmm… Delicious…"

When Xuefeng finished one last Air Qi Upgrade Fragment, his arms unconsciously tightened around the slim body sitting on his lap. He sunk his face into Tianshi's lush black hair, inhaling her scent.

As she was still in the middle of Refining, he tried not to disturb her too much, only enjoying her softness. Tomorrow was the start of the tournament. They would be too busy to enjoy themselves, so he tried to make the best use of their time. He wanted to spend the last moment of freedom with his wives.

"Are you done…?" Tianshi asked softly after a while, her Upgrade Fragment losing its luster like all the other used pieces.

Since Xuefeng required Air Qi Upgrade Fragments, she was left with all the other fragments that they got from the shorty Bai. While Xuefeng was focusing on one Element, for now, she cultivated all at the same time, reaching the Second Refining with nine Elements.

"Mhmm, I am. I reached the Fourth Refining," Xuefeng nodded, snuggling his noses into her neck while his hands sneaked onto her chest, squeezing it firmly.

As she was done Refining, he didn't need to hold back anymore.

"Xuefeng…" Tianshi called out as she reached behind her to grasp onto his hair. "Why did you stop Refining then? We won't have time to refine our Qi later. You should still have more than three hundred Upgrade Fragments, right?"

"I decided against it. To reach the Fifth Refining, I need a Thousand Upgrade Fragments. We only have around four hundred, so I can't reach it anyway. It would be best to focus on something else for now," Xuefeng explained as he caressed her cheek, prompting her to rotate and face him instead. "What about you? Did you finish?"

"Yes, love. I finished as well," Tianshi replied as she naturally embraced him, her arms wrapping around his head. "What do you want to do then? By the way, how is your Qi? Fourth Refining is called Qi Materialization, right?"

"I honestly don't feel any different," Xuefeng pointed out. "My Air Qi just seems a bit more alive, that's all."


Just as she said it, two women slipped away from his body, appearing on both sides. Soft peaks immediately captured his arms as two pairs of hands fell on his chest and back, gripping him as if he belonged to them.

The two women were naturally Ming and Ling, joining them in the group hug.

"It's because you still didn't let your Qi awaken," Ming explained, grasping onto his wrist. He was enjoying Tianshi's bottom when Ming took it away.

"Awaken Qi?" Both Tianshi and Xuefeng questioned in confusion.

"Yes. When you enter the Qi Materialization stage, your Qi will behave as if it has a life on its own. As Qi comes from nature, it will search for its Beast Attribute. You can give your Qi a push in a certain direction but in the end, it's mostly predetermined based on your body properties," Ming described and suggested, "Although there is not much space here in the room, you can pull out your Air Qi and check."


Tianshi seemed like she wanted to move from his lap not to disturb him but he stopped her, pulling her back. He extended his hand to the side instead and created a ball of Air Qi on top of his palm.


He noticed the difference instantly. His Qi was calm inside his body but the moment it got outside, it started to get violent, getting out of his control.

"Calm down!" Xuefeng called out sternly and pressured his Qi with the power of his Elvish Bloodline. It only worked for a moment but it wasn't the long term solution.

The Qi kept getting agitated, wanting to shapeshift and form.

"Don't worry, let your Qi free. It's still bound to you so it cannot escape from your control," Ming assured and lead him. "Close your eyes and imagine what Beast you want to materialize."

He could only follow her advice, but what Beast did he really want? Thankfully, when he closed his eyes, he didn't need to think too much as one Beast stood out from them all.


The moment he imagined Drakos' colossal body, his palm began to vibrate with the Air Qi going wild. He unconsciously opened his eyes and saw the ball of Qi mutating, acting as if some kind of egg with a life inside of it that wanted to get out of it.

"Quick, pump more Air Qi into the mix."

Xuefeng didn't hesitate, unloading his Air Qi storage straight into the ball only to see something magical happen. The ball grew extremely slowly but he could still feel something sucking his Air Qi from the inside.

It was coming alive!

"The more refined the Qi, the more alive and real it will get. Once you improve it, even more, the Beast can become as if it was real," Ming added as she watched curiously. "What Beasts did you think of? It takes some time to materialize."

"A Dragon," Xuefeng replied honestly, causing Ming's eyes to widen.

"It would be amazing if you could materialize one of the High-ranked Beasts, but… I don't think you have enough Qi for it," Ming pointed out. "Once you materialize a Beast, it will be the same for all Elements, no matter what you use. As a Dragon has a more complicated build, it will require more Qi from you."

"How about this then?" Xuefeng questioned as he put his Elemental Bracelet to usage. Its only Air Elemental Stone lit up and the Air Qi ball covered his forearm.

It wiggled for a moment before forming into some kind of living gauntlet. It was full white with five claw-like fingers and acted as the extension of his arm.

"Wow…" the girls commented, seeing fully grown Dragon Claws adjusted to Xuefeng's arm.

"What do you think? My Qi almost run out as I pumped it into the materialization, so I thought it would be easier to try again after I gather more Qi," Xuefeng said as he moved his arm around. "Cool, right? It looks the same as the one Drakos created for me back in the days."

"Just the fact you can create one means you really will materialize a Dragon in the future. It should be because of Drakos's influence on your body that caused it…" Ling guessed.

"Maybe," Xuefeng only shrugged, and to the girl's surprise, he canceled the Air Qi Dragon Claw, sucking the Qi inside of his body.

He only smirked and kissed them one by one.

"This is not the time for that. Now we shall cultivate," Xuefeng announced and pulled out a familiar pill from his Storage Ring, displaying it in front of Tianshi.

"Do you want it?"

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