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88.7% Mixed HD / Chapter 385: 884-899

Chapter 385: 884-899

Chapter 884 Cheng Xiaochen

After Elder Mu left the place, Su Yang turned to look at the disciples she'd left behind to look after him so he wouldn't run away and spoke, "Do you ladies want a chair?"

"No, thank you." They quickly refused his offer.

Su Yang shrugged and proceeded to sit back down and close his eyes, completely ignoring the disciples.

A few minutes later, one of them suddenly asked, "Does the Yin Qi also contain Celestial Qi?"

While the Glacial Fairy Manor only accepted female disciples and had no need for Yin Qi, she was still curious about its quality.

"No, it doesn't contain any Celestial Qi. However, it was taken from a maiden who's an Ancient Sovereign, and she's even a Ghost Cat." Su Yang said, deliberately not saying 'Phantom Cat' even though it would surely attract more attention.

"W-What?! Yin Qi from a Ghost Cat who still has her Pure Yin Essence intact?! And she's even an Ancient Sovereign?!"

The ladies there expressed even more shock than before about the Yang Qi containing Celestial Qi.

Ghost Cats are incredibly rare magical beasts that roam the Four Divine Heavens, and their incredible speed and undetectable aura make it near impossible to see them, much less catch them and extract their Yin Qi.

In terms of value, Xiao Rong's Yin Qi is definitely more valuable than even Su Yang's Yang Qi at this moment! And by a large margin at that!

Suddenly, someone in the distance that had overheard Su Yang's words approached the store and said, "Can you prove that it belongs to a Ghost Cat? The Yin Qi you're selling."

Su Yang turned to look at this middle-aged man who didn't look like a dual cultivator.

He then smiled and said, "Because of its rarity, only those who have experienced Ghost Cat Yin Qi before would be able to tell the difference."

"Unfortunately, this means I have no real methods to prove that it belongs to a Ghost Cat, so you'll have to take my word for it."


The middle-aged man didn't immediately curse Su Yang because what he said was right and logical. Unless someone has experienced Ghost Cat Yin Qi before, they wouldn't be able to tell whether it's real or not.

If someone inexperienced were to sample Xiao Rong's Yin Qi right now, they'd only be able to tell that it's extremely high-quality, but that would be the extent of their evaluation.

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man spoke again, "How much do you want for one of these bottles?"

"100 high-quality spirit stones each," Su Yang responded in a calm voice.

"O-One hundred?!" The Glacial Fairy Manor disciples were shocked after hearing the price that was 100 times more expensive than the Yang Qi.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "If you could prove that they indeed belong to a Ghost Cat, I'd be more than willing to buy it, but alas, you have no proof…"

The middle-aged man then turned around and walked away.

Su Yang didn't say anything and allowed the middle-aged man to leave without trying to persuade him.

After all, he never really expected Xiao Rong's Yin Qi to sell so easily. Furthermore, he already had enough spirit stones to use the teleport, and he was just keeping the store open just in case someone actually wants to buy Xiao Rong's Yin Qi.

In the world of dual cultivation, mens' Yang Qi is sold more than females' Yin Qi because most men prefer to obtain their Yin Qi in the act whilst many female dual cultivators in the Divine Heavens are picky with their partner, not to mention the ones that want to cultivate like dual cultivators without sacrificing their body, so they buy Yang Qi to improve their cultivation instead.

In other words, male dual cultivators don't care if they have to 'sacrifice' their body for dual cultivation since they enjoy sticking their sword inside women and consider it as an honor, so they usually don't buy Yin Qi. Some even consider buying Yin Qi a disgrace since that usually meant they were unable to find any partners and had to resort to buying Yin Qi.

Meanwhile, for the female dual cultivators, if they can dual cultivate without sacrificing or dirtying their body, they'd do so in a heartbeat, and only females that truly enjoy having sex would become real dual cultivators.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, two days have passed since Su Yang opened up his shop.

Near the end of the second day, Elder Mu returned to his shop with a blissful look on her face, and she'd even brought a new face with her.

"Is this where you bought the Yang Qi?" This newcomer asked Elder Mu.

"That is correct, Sect Master." Elder Mu responded in a respectful manner.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows when he saw this beautiful woman that could easily rival even the top beauties in the previous world, as he recognized her face.

"So you're still the Sect Master, huh?" Su Yang mumbled in a low and nostalgic voice.

"Excuse me?" The woman turned to look at Su Yang with a puzzled look on her face.

"I mean— you must be the Sect Master of the Glacial Fairy Manor, Cheng Xiaochen, right?"

"That's right," she nodded, completely unaware of who she was looking at.

"You're the one who sold these Yang Qi, right?" Cheng Xiaochen showed him one of the bottles Elder Mu had purchased from his store.

"Indeed," he said.

"I have tested the Yang Qi, and they all indeed contain a hint of Celestial Qi. I know you have already sold out, but do you think I can pre-order more? We'll even pay double the price for each bottle." Cheng Xiaochen proposed.

"Thank you for the offer. Unfortunately, I don't know when I will receive more stock from that person, so I will have to decline your offer. I'm sorry, even though you came all the way here." Su Yang said to her.

"I see… Well, it was worth a try. Anyways, if you somehow get your hands on more of them, come to my Glacial Fairy Manor. We'll not only buy your entire stock but we'll even slip in some bonus service for you." Cheng Xiaochen said to him.

Chapter 885 Some Things Never Change

"I will definitely keep that in mind." Su Yang said after hearing Cheng Xiaochen's offer.

Sometime later, Cheng Xiaochen left with Elder Mu and the other disciples.

Once they left the place, Su Yang sighed, "It was really nice seeing you again, Cheng Xiaochen."

Even though he knew that he had returned to the Four Divine Heavens, it still felt somewhat surreal to him. However, after seeing Cheng Xiaochen, an old friend, Su Yang felt more relieved, as her existence confirmed that he had indeed made it back home.

Su Yang and Xiao Rong continued to sit around for another day until their time at the bazaar were up, but alas, Xiao Rong's Yin Qi remained unsold, as it was too precious and rare.

'Even though we couldn't sell her Yin Qi, at least we have enough funds to use the teleport now.' Su Yang thought to himself.

Sometime later, Su Yang returned to the Registration Hall to hand in their medallion.

"Thank you. If you don't mind, can you share with us what you've managed to sell and how much you earned? This is only for statistical purposes. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," said the receptionist.

"I don't mind. I sold 70 bottles of Yang Qi for 70 high-grade spirit stones." Su Yang said to her.

"Y-Yang Qi?" The receptionist raised her eyebrows.

Although it's not the weirdest thing sold before in their place, it was definitely shocking how much he earned from it.

"Thank you for the information. If you ever wish to return, our Stellar Bazaar will always be open for you." The receptionist said to him.

Su Yang and Xiao Rong left the building and then the city shortly after.

Once they were outside, Su Yang took Xiao Rong into the air with the flying treasure and began making their way to the Red Win City for their teleport formation.

However, a few minutes into their journey, Xiao Rong's eyebrows twitched when she noticed a presence following them from a distance.

"Master, we're being followed," she said to him.

"Interesting… Who is it?" He asked.

"It's that man who asked about the Yin Qi," she said.

"That Divine Origin Realm middle-aged man, huh? Just pretend you don't notice him. If he does anything funny, kill him, but don't make a scene when you're doing it." Su Yang said to her.

Xiao Rong nodded.

Thus, they continued their journey whilst ignoring the man who was following them.

A few hours later, the middle-aged man suddenly decided to stop hiding and appeared before them.

"Hm? Did you change your mind and decide to buy the Yin Qi in the end?" Su Yang asked him, acting ignorantly.

The middle-aged man laughed at Su Yang's words before speaking in a cold voice, "Yes, I have changed my mind. I will be taking those Yin Qi off your hands now. However, I won't be paying you for them."

Su Yang acted surprised and said, "What? They're not for free! If you want them, you'll have to pay for them! 1,000 high-grade spirit stones each!"

"One thousand? You said it was only for 100 high-grade spirit stones!" The middle-aged man quickly said.

"Hmm? Did I say that? Sorry, I forgot." Su Yang shrugged, and he continued, "I have bad memories, after all."

"Enough yapping! Hurry up and give me those bottles unless you want a painful death!" The middle-aged man shouted at him.

However, Su Yang remained calm and said, "You don't seem like a dual cultivator. Why do you need my Yin Qi?"

"Hmph! Since you're going to die anyway, I don't mind telling you. I need them because—"

The middle-aged man suddenly stopped midway through his speech and disappeared from his spot, appearing in front of Su Yang with a sword in his grasp and ready to separate Su Yang's head from his body.

"Die for me, you damn pig!"

However, before the middle-aged man's sword could travel an inch, Xiao Rong's eyes flickered with killing intent.


The middle-aged man suddenly stopped moving and coughed up a mouthful of blood, his face with a look of disbelief.

It happened in an instant, but the middle-aged man felt his heart being crushed by an invisible force before he died.

"Haaa…" Su Yang sighed in a calm manner, "The moment I saw your greedy eyes back at the bazaar, I knew you would do something stupid. Even though 2,000 years have passed, there are things that will never change, and that is human nature."

After the middle-aged man's lifeless body landed on the ground, Su Yang went down and searched his corpse, retrieving whatever valuables he had on his body.

"Just ten high-grade spirit stones and a Heaven-grade sword? You're more broke than I'd anticipated." Su Yang shook his head, taking only the spirit stones and the sword before leaving everything else behind.

The beasts in the area will eventually find the man's corpse and eat it, so there was no need for him to do anything about it.

Su Yang returned to the flying boat and continued their journey shortly after.

"Here you go, Xiao Rong. I saved a few just for you." Su Yang said as he retrieved a bottle of his Yang Qi that had supposedly been sold out.

"Thank you, Master!" Xiao Rong accepted the bottle and immediately began drinking the contents.

And even though she drank it as slow as she could, the bottle became empty moments later.

A few days later, they arrived at the Red Wind City, and they could already see the massive teleport formation even before entering the city from the skies.

After descending to the ground, Su Yang said to Xiao Rong before approaching the city.

"Go inside my Dantian for now. If we go like this, it'll cost twice as much since we're two people."

Xiao Rong nodded and went inside his Dantian.

Once he paid the entrance fees, Su Yang went straight to the center of the city where the teleport formation was located.

Some more hours later, he arrived at the scene, and it was a spacious area with a large stage in the middle of the city. On the stage was a complicated formation as well as a massive mirror made of jade with its center empty.

"It's been a while since I have seen one of these…" Su Yang mumbled with a smile on his face.

Chapter 886 Tranquil Spirit Valley

After arriving at the teleport formation in the Red Wind City, Su Yang had to wait for a couple of hours in line before it was their turn.

Once it was his turn, Su Yang approached the stage, where an old man was working.

"Put your hands on the crystal ball over there. If you're a wanted criminal, we won't be able to let you use the teleporter." The old man said to him.

Su Yang nodded and approached the large crystal ball beside the old man, feeling a little nervous inside.

A few moments later, the crystal ball shone a white light.

"Alright, you're clean. Where would you like to go?" The old man asked him after confirming that he was not a wanted criminal.

"The Qiang Province. Tranquil Bamboo City." Su Yang said.

The old man nodded and did some calculations before speaking, "That would be 40 high-grade spirit stones."

Once Su Yang handed over the money and the old man counted the exact amount, he said to Su Yang, "Stand before the teleporter. Once I activate the teleport formation, you'll have ten seconds to enter the portal before it deactivates."

Su Yang nodded his head, and the old man activated the formation.

A few moments later, the empty space in the center of the jade mirror began twisting and turning until there was a dark portal there.

"It's open now." The old man said.

Su Yang wasted no time and immediately jumped into the portal, disappearing from the Red Wind City.

After entering the portal, Su Yang was greeted by the wormhole scenery again.

Of course, it didn't take him weeks to reach the other side this time around, only a couple of minutes.

After exiting the wormhole, Su Yang found himself walking outside the portal in the Tranquil Bamboo City.

"Tranquil Bamboo City… It's still the same as always…" Su Yang mumbled as he looked around with a nostalgic expression on his face.

"Hey, fatty! Get off the platform! We have places to be!" Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

Su Yang then snapped out of his daze and walked off the stage in a calm manner despite the glares he was getting from the people there.

Once he left the platform, Su Yang proceeded to make his way outside the city, but he wasn't in a hurry, and he even made weird turns that would make his trip twice as long.

It was obvious that Su Yang had some sort of sentimental feeling for this place.

After taking a few hours just to get out of the city, Su Yang retrieved his flying boat and left the place.

Xiao Rong came out of his Dantian shortly after they left the city.

"Where are we going now, Master?" She asked him after a few days of traveling.

"To where I was born— my home." Su Yang said in a calm voice.

After a few more days of traveling and passing by countless mountains, Su Yang descended the flying boat in front of this small city. In fact, the place was more of a village than a city.

However, Su Yang didn't enter the city. He merely stood in front of it and glared at it without moving for many minutes before he turned around and walked towards the wilderness.

Xiao Rong didn't say anything and followed him.

A couple more hours later, Su Yang finally stopped moving as they arrived at this large cabin in the middle of nowhere.

"Xiao Rong, don't move around carelessly. There are countless traps in this place that could easily kill the two of us if activated." Su Yang said to her.

Xiao Rong nodded her head. Although she couldn't tell where the traps were located, she felt an obnoxious feeling from this place that kept her legs frozen.

Su Yang then proceeded to stand there and silently stare at the place again.

After many minutes of silence, he spoke, "I don't see the formations in this place tampered with so we should be fine. Follow my exact movements."

Xiao Rong nodded and followed closely behind him.

Su Yang approached the cabin, walking in a weird pattern instead of just walking straight to the cabin.

Xiao Rong followed his every movement until they reached the doorstep that took longer than one would have expected.

Once they reached the doors, Su Yang made some symbols with his hands before tapping the door.

A formation that had been hidden suddenly appeared, and Su Yang took almost half an hour to deactivate this formation.

Even though he was the one who'd created it, it required a lot of effort and almost all of his spiritual energy to deactivate it temporarily.

"Let's go. We don't have much time inside before the formation reactivates. If that happens, both of us are screwed." Su Yang said as he entered the building.

Even though thousands of years have passed since he last visited this place, the inside remained completely clean without even a speck of dust in sight.

"I'm home." Su Yang mumbled in a low voice after his entrance.

After entering the building, Su Yang walked straight to the bedroom, where a medium-sized bed with only enough room for two existed.

He then walked to the center of the room and lowered his body until his knees were touching the cold floor.

After taking a deep breath, Su Yang suddenly retrieved a sword and stabbed it into the floor before removing some of it.

Once enough was removed, Su Yang reached his hands inside and retrieved a black pouch.

The instant he had this black pouch in his grasp, Su Yang immediately felt safer in this chaotic world.

"Okay, we can leave now." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong after quickly fixing the floor.

Su Yang then left the place with Xiao Rong without even looking inside the black pouch.

Once they were outside, Su Yang left the cabin with Xiao Rong and began making his way back to the city.

As they walked away from the cabin, Su Yang said in a calm voice, "This place is called the Tranquil Spirit Valley. I lived here for a good hundred years until my first wife passed, and that cabin was created by the two of us a few years after our marriage."

Su Yang introduced the place and some of his histories with it to Xiao Rong.

Chapter 887 Statue

"This is the Tranquil Bamboo City, and it is also where I first met my wife. Things have changed drastically since then, but this place used to be at war with the neighboring cities, and my wife was a general for this city." Su Yang said as he stood before the city walls.

"Who was your first wife, Master?" Xiao Rong asked him.

"Her name was Meiqi, and after our marriage, she took my surname, becoming Su Meiqi," he said.

"Meiqi was a powerful general who fought in the frontlines. Her bravery knew no limits, not to mention her beauty. Unfortunately, she was only fated to reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so she passed from old age. That's when I left this place to explore the world."

"Tranquil Bamboo City… It's been a few thousand years since I've been to this place."

An overwhelming feeling surged from a place in Su Yang's heart that he'd kept sealed for thousands of years.

If he was even slightly less experienced with controlling his emotions at this moment, he would've probably shed a few tears by now.

"Let's go, Xiao Rong. I will give you a tour around this place before we continue our journey since this is a rare opportunity and I don't know when we'll return to this place." Su Yang said to her.

Xiao Rong nodded and followed closely behind Su Yang as they approached the city entrance.

"Are you here to visit or stay? Personal or business?" The guard asked them when they got close to the entrance.

"Visit. Personal." Su Yang said.

"That would be 50 low-grade spirit stones for each person." The guard then said.

Su Yang quickly handed 100 low-grade spirit stones to the guard.

Once he'd counted the spirit stones, the guard handed Su Yang and Xiao Rong a copper token.

"You have seven days inside. That token will break once your time is up, and if you're caught without a token inside the city, you will be fined heavily. If you still decide to stay after that, you will be looking at a few years of imprisonment. Do you have any questions for me?"

"No." Su Yang said. They will be gone long before the token even expires.

"This place has changed a lot since I left. It wouldn't have cost even a single spirit stone to enter this city before, yet it costs 50 now, and we only get to stay for seven days. Either it's inflation or something happened to this city." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong after they entered the city.

Unbeknownst to Su Yang, the reason for the hike in prices was because of him, as it was widespread knowledge that Su Yang grew up in this city, and after his death, many people flocked to this place, treating it like some sort of tourist site, hence the increased price.

"Although thousands of years have passed since I last visited this place, I still remember every street and building like it's on the back of my hands."

A gentle smile appeared on Su Yang's face as he wandered the city with Xiao Rong, even giving her some backstory to some of the buildings.

"You see that building over there? It used to be a dumpling shop back when I still lived here. It was one of the cheapest places in this place, yet the food was on par with even the luxurious restaurants. I remember coming here often when I was still in training. Unfortunately, they closed down after the owner was killed during a robbery."

"Ah, I personally pursued the killer until I had his head in my grasp, and that took me a couple of weeks. I miss that old man's soup dumplings even now."

"That building over there used to sell weapons and even some cultivation techniques— it's where I learned my first sword technique, which was also the same technique I used to defeat Meiqi and conquer her heart."

"As for that building there— the one with the red sign— it used to be a small training dojo. I had spent countless hours honing my sword mastery there. The place still stood even after Meiqi passed away, but unfortunately, shortly after I left the city, the master of the dojo had offended an expert who tore the entire place down the next day."

"Oh, that building over there—"

Su Yang spoke about many things in a manner that Xiao Rong has never seen before, and it gave a weird feeling in her heart that she doesn't fully understand, but it was not an uncomfortable feeling.

Su Yang also talked more than he normally would, and he would go on to talk nonstop as they spent almost an entire day touring the city, almost like he was reciting an extremely long script.

Once they reached the center of the city, Su Yang finally stopped talking, but it was not because he'd run out of things to talk about.

Instead, the reason he stopped talking was because he was taken by surprise by something he saw there.

"Master… is that…?" Xiao Rong looked at this thing with raised eyebrows, as there was a massive statue of an exceedingly handsome man with a sword in his right hand, and he was also in a heroic pose.

"Since when did they make that? It was certainly not there right before I left the city…" Su Yang mumbled with a dumbfounded expression on his face as he stared at the statue that was clearly himself standing majestically in the middle of the city that he grew up in.

"Papa, who is that statue?" A young kid standing beside Su Yang suddenly asked his father.

"That is Su Yang. He's an Immortal who grew up in this city," said the kid's father.

"Wow! A true Immortal?! I also want to be like him!" The kid said.

"I wouldn't pick him as a role model…" The father suddenly said.

"Huh? Why not?" The kid tilted his head in a puzzled manner.

"While we cannot deny that he has countless achievements and was definitely beloved by countless people, he was also the most hated man in the Four Divine Heavens. With every person that adores him, two or more people would hate him."

"Eh? But he has a statue, right? Only beloved people would have a statue! Why do people hate him?"

"Let's just say he loved to steal things from people…" The father said with a bittersweet smile.

Chapter 888 What Are You Looking At?

After lingering around his own statue for a few minutes, Su Yang turned around and prepared to leave.

"Let's go, Xiao Rong." Su Yang said to her.

However, just as they prepared to leave, a figure suddenly descended from the heavens and approached the city.

When Su Yang felt this unfathomable pressure suddenly appear, he quickly turned around and said, "Xiao Rong, get on your knees and lower your head! Don't look up until I tell you to do so!"

Su Yang followed his own advice and got on one of his knees and lowered his head as though he was greeting someone important.

Xiao Rong followed Su Yang's movements and kneeled beside him.

When the other people saw what Su Yang was doing, they raised their eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

A moment later, loud noises that sounded like war drums suddenly resounded throughout the city.

When the people inside the city heard this signal, they all followed Su Yang by taking a knee and lowering their heads.

"Quickly! Get on your knees! An Immortal is coming!" The child's father said to him.

The young boy nodded and followed his father and got on his knees.

A few moments after everyone kneeled on the floor, a figure entered the city and flew straight towards the center.

This figure then stopped and hovered directly in front of the statue for many minutes without moving.

Of course, nobody in the city dared to lift their head this entire time, and it was so quiet in the city that one would think it was an abandoned city.

"Two thousand years… I waited for you for two thousand years just to find out that you'd died? Are you kidding me, Su Yang?" This figure suddenly mumbled in a low voice.

When Su Yang heard this voice, he subconsciously lifted his head to look at the figure in the sky despite knowing the risks.

Su Yang's eyes widened when he saw the peerless beauty hovering only a few meters in front of his statue, and memories began flowing into his head like a sudden gush of water.

And the moment Su Yang lifted his head to glance at the beauty, she turned to look at him with a frown on her face.

She then extended her hand and did a beckoning motion with her finger.

The next second, Su Yang's body began lifting off the ground and flew towards the beautiful lady.

'Don't move, Xiao Rong!' Su Yang commanded her through divine sense right as she prepared to protect him.

"What are you looking at, fatty?" The beautiful lady asked him in a cold voice that sent shivers down his spine, including the other people in that area.

Su Yang could feel his back soaked in cold sweats after hearing her voice. Whatever he says next will determine whether he lives or dies.

Of course, Su Yang didn't hesitate and opened his mouth.

"I apologize, Immortal Fairy. My head subconsciously lifted when I heard the sorrow in your voice, as it sounded like my mother during my father's funeral, who also passed away from grief shortly after." Su Yang responded with an apologetic smile on his face.

The beautiful lady's eyebrows twitched after hearing his unexpected words, and the anger in her heart subdued slightly.


After a moment of silence, the beautiful lady coldly snorted before waving her sleeves, sending Su Yang back to the ground without harming him.

Then she turned around and flew away without saying anything else.

Su Yang watched her disappear with a regretful glint in his eyes. As much as he wanted to tell that beautiful woman that he was alive, he couldn't muster the will to do so and allowed her to slip away.

Once the Immortal Fairy had completely disappeared from the place, the people there finally started lifting their heads and returning to their feet.

However, they immediately turned to look at Su Yang with unpleasant— even angry expressions on their faces.

"You fucking fatty! What's your deal?! You nearly got us all killed just now because you couldn't control yourself!" One of them cursed at him.

"Don't you know that you're not supposed to look at Immortals without permission?! You could've killed all of us!"

Everyone there began cursing at Su Yang angrily, but Su Yang didn't blame them, as it was truly his fault just now.

"Xiao Rong, let's go." Su Yang didn't linger in that place and quickly left with her.

Once they left the area, Xiao Rong asked him, "Master, why can't we look at the Immortals?"

"Because there's a chance that you might offend one just by looking at them wrongly, and Immortals are so powerful that they can erase an entire city as easy as breathing. There have been many situations where a mortal accidentally offends an Immortal, resulting in many innocent lives. In fact, it has happened so many times that it has become an unspoken rule that you cannot look at Immortals without their permission."

"Eventually, this unspoken rule became so common that it turned to logic. So whenever there's an Immortal, everyone would stop moving and lower their head so that they cannot accidentally offend one." Su Yang explained the situation to Xiao Rong.

"Of course, this rule only applies to mortals who are outside. You don't have to follow such a rule if you're inside a sect or some private property owned by another Immortal."

"I see…" Xiao Rong mumbled in a low voice.

"Welcome to the Four Divine Heavens, Xiao Rong." Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face.

"You'll get used to it soon."

"Anyways, I have one more place to go in this city before we can leave."

Sometime later, Su Yang led Xiao Rong to a large building somewhere in the city.

"So this place still stands even after 2 thousand years, huh?" Su Yang mumbled.

"Where are we?" Xiao Rong asked.

"This is where I used to live with Meiqi before we built the cabin outside the city," he said.

Chapter 889 Descendant

"Where Master used to live?" Xiao Rong turned to look at the large building that would qualify as a mansion before them.

Since Meiqi was a greatly respected individual, not to mention her contribution to the city as a general, she was given this large mansion to live in after she retired from the military, and that's where she and Su Yang lived for half of their marriage before moving to the cabin outside the city.

"I can sense people in there. Let's see who's living here at this moment." Su Yang approached the door after standing there for a few minutes.

After knocking on the door, Su Yang waited for a few moments before someone opened the door.

"How may I help you?"

An old man that appeared to be a servant greeted them at the door.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is currently living here?" Su Yang asked him.

The old man raised his eyebrows at Su Yang's sudden and suspicious question, and then he said, "That would be the Jiang Family. Is there anything we can do to help you… uh… Who are you?"

Su Yang showed a bright smile on his chubby face and said, "My name is Xiao Yang, and I would like to purchase this building from you."

The old man looked at him as though he was crazy before speaking, "I'm sorry, but this place is not for sale—"

Just as the old man tried to close the door on him, Su Yang placed his foot at the crack, keeping the door from closing, and he said, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves and come to a conclusion without the rest of the family."

The old man frowned and said, "I may only be a servant, but I am the most trusted servant in the entire family. I have worked with the Jiang Family for over 100 years. I think I know them better than you."

"Su Yang." Su Yang suddenly blurted out his name, dumbfounding the old man.

"I am a descendant of Su Yang, and I am here to reclaim his property. This place is owned by my ancestor, and according to my knowledge, he didn't sell this place. You may not have known this before, but now you do." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"Uhh…" The old man was speechless.

"G-Give me a moment… I will be right back…"

It was obvious that the old man was going to speak with the Jiang Family, so Su Yang didn't stop him from leaving.

Inside the building, the Jiang Family was filled with surprise after learning the situation from the old man.

"Su Yang's descendant has come to reclaim his property? How is that possible? I thought Su Yang didn't have any descendants!" The head of the Jiang Family exclaimed.

"I am also doubting his identity, Master Jiang. It is common knowledge that Su Yang was one of the most handsome men under the heavens, yet that fatty looked nothing like Su Yang. I highly doubt one of Su Yang's descendants would look so unpleasant to the eyes!" The old man said.

The head of the Jiang Family laughed and said, "You know what? He may be a fake, but I want some entertainment. Let him in. I want to see how he's going to make a fool out of himself."

The old man nodded before going back outside to let Su Yang inside.

"The Master would like to speak with you inside." The old man said to Su Yang outside.

Sometime later, Su Yang and Xiao Rong followed the old man to the room where the Jiang Family was waiting.

The Jiang Family nearly burst out laughing when they saw Su Yang's round appearance, and they were convinced that he was a fake and was only using Su Yang's name to obtain their property.

"Xiao Yang, right? Please, take a seat." The head of the Jiang Family pointed to the chairs across from him.

Once they were seated, he continued, "I'm Jiang Chen, head of the Jiang Family. I was told that you were Su Yang's descendant and would like to reclaim this property. Do you have any proof that you're Su Yang's descendant?"

"Proof, huh…" Su Yang closed his eyes to ponder.

"While I do not have any solid proof, I heard from my mother that there is a secret in this building that only Su Yang and his family would know," he said a moment later.

"W-What? A secret? What kind of secret?" The Jiang Family was surprised to hear this since they'd searched the entire building countless times throughout the years without finding anything.

"I don't know. I wasn't told any details." Su Yang shrugged.

Then he continued, "How about it? If I can find this treasure, would it be enough to prove that I am indeed Su Yang's descendant?"

The Jiang Family looked at each other with perplexed looks on their faces.

"Even if you can find the treasure, that doesn't prove anything." Jiang Chen eventually said.

"If you don't have any actual evidence, I will have to ask you to leave."

As of this moment, Jiang Chen couldn't care less whether the fatty before him was Su Yang's descendant or not since there was a good chance that a treasure was hidden in this place, and a treasure belonging to Su Yang would most certainly be priceless!

"I see… What a pity. Looks like I will have to let my mother know that I've failed." Su Yang sighed as he stood up.

"W-Wait a moment… Your mother? Who is your mother?" Jiang Chen suddenly stopped him and asked.

And without any hesitation, Su Yang blurted out a random name. Of course, this person who is supposed to be his mother was an Immortal and also a woman who he'd cultivated with in the past.

When the Jiang Family heard this name, their complexions immediately paled.

"I-Impossible! She had a child with Su Yang?! How come nobody has heard about this?!" Jiang Chen was in disbelief.

Chapter 890 Qiang City

"B-Bullshit! There's no way you're her son! Show me some proof!" Jiang Chen was reluctant to believe Su Yang.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Very well. Then let me tell you about what my mother does on a daily basis and how some secrets about her sect that only she would know."

He then proceeded to talk about his 'mother' and made everything sound incredibly realistic and believable.

Furthermore, the way Su Yang talked without stopping or stuttering made everything even more believable, as a liar wouldn't be able to speak so casually and confidently.

"As for why nobody knows about my existence… Look at me. If you were my mother, would you dare to openly brag about having a pig like me? My mother is a goddess with countless admirers but look at me. I am the complete opposite." Su Yang sighed.

The Jiang Family was speechless by the time Su Yang was finished with his bullshit.

"Aiya… Forget it. I will just tell my mother to come here instead since you guys clearly don't believe a word I say. If I was a little bit more handsome, perhaps things would be different."

"Wait…" Jiang Chen stopped him.

"Why does your mother want this place? Is it because of the treasure in this place?"

"I don't know exactly why she wants this place, but my mother has been grieving ever since Su Yang's death, so maybe that has something to do with it." Su Yang shrugged.

Then he continued, "You know what? In order to compensate for your losses, I will give you these high-grade spirit stones."

Su Yang then placed twenty high-grade spirit stones on the table.

The Jiang Family was immediately dumbfounded by Su Yang's wasteful spending.

Even if this house used to belong to Su Yang in the past, it was definitely not worth 20 high-grade spirit stones.

With 20 high-grade spirit stones, they can move to an even bigger house and spend the rest of their lives there luxuriously.

Of course, that is if they didn't include the treasure in this place.

With that being said, if this unknown fatty is truly who he claims to be, it was definitely not worth offending his mother no matter what kind of treasure could be in this place.

In the end, it was only a house with some unknown treasure. If they refuse to leave and die as a result, it wouldn't matter what treasure was in this place, as dead people cannot use treasures.

After pondering for a few minutes, Jiang Chen grabbed the 20 high-grade spirit stones on the table and said, "Okay, this building is yours. Give us a few days to pack and leave."

Su Yang nodded with a calm smile on his face.

Sometime later, Jiang Chen handed Su Yang the keys to the house before Su Yang and Xiao Rong left the place.

"Master, is there really a treasure in that place? I couldn't sense any treasure." Xiao Rong said to him after they left.

"Ah, that was something I made up. Even though it could've backfired, it was worth a try, and it doesn't really matter if they were willing to leave or not since I have no use for that place. There's really nothing special about the building besides the sentimental feelings I have for it."

"As for being 'Su Yang's' descendant… Let's go with that from now on." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

Xiao Rong nodded.

Su Yang and Xiao Rong proceeded to spend a few days in a nearby hotel. They also renewed their tokens for another month while they waited.

A few days later, they returned to the building, and sure enough, the Jiang Family were no longer there, leaving the house completely empty.

"I don't know how they were able to occupy this house in the first place, but I'm glad it's back in my possession again." Su Yang looked around the building before cleaning the place up.

"Xiao Rong, let's spend a few days here before we leave."

Xiao Rong nodded.

Thus, the two of them spent a few more days in the house.

A week later, Su Yang and Xiao Rong left the house before leaving the city.

"Where are we going to go now, Master?"

"We're going to go get some information. Although 2,000 years isn't very long in the grand scheme of things, many things can change in such a short time. And the best place to obtain information would be the information brokers. Most of them are incredibly knowledgeable with some of them even knowing secrets that even most immortals are unaware of."

"Once I have information on some things, I will see where we should go from there."

Xiao Rong nodded as she entered the flying boat with him.

"When it comes to finding information brokers, the best place would be the Tower of Intelligence at Qiang Province's capital city— Qiang City."

"In the Tower of Intelligence, you can find information about almost everything. Trying to look for a certain treasure? They will know the exact location. Looking for a specific technique? They will tell you where to go to obtain one. A missing person? They will find that person in less than a week. The brokers have connections around the Four Divine Heavens and are not to be trifled with."

Once they were in the sky, Su Yang commanded the flying ship to fly towards the south.

"This is going to take at least a week so make yourself comfortable." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong.

During the next couple of days, Su Yang and Xiao Rong would encounter multiple cultivators on their own flying treasures on their journey to Qiang City. It was such a weird feeling at first to see other flying treasures for Su Yang since he had gotten used to dominating the sky alone.

And the closer they got to Qiang City, the more cultivators they would encounter.

Exactly a week later, Su Yang and Xiao Rong arrived at Qiang City, where a massive tower could be seen piercing the heavens from inside the city even from hundreds of miles away.

Chapter 891 Tower of Intelligence

"Master, is that the Tower of Intelligence?" Xiao Rong asked him out of curiosity after seeing the domineering tower, as this is her first time seeing something like this before.

"Yes, that is the Tower of Intelligence. What do you think? Pretty cool, right?" Su Yang said.

Xiao Rong nodded.

"I think so."

"Although it's called the Tower of Intelligence, there are actually way more to that place than just the information brokers. Auction houses, marketplaces, bazaars, restaurants, weapon stores— it's everything in a single place." Su Yang said to her.

Sometime later, they descended from the sky and got off the flying boat.

After paying the entrance fees to the city, Su Yang and Xiao Rong made their way straight towards the heaven-piercing tower in the middle of the city.

A couple of hours later, they arrived at the bottom of the tower, where hundreds of people were either entering or leaving the tower, and it was like an endless stream of people.

Su Yang and Xiao Rong went to the left side of the tower, where the people were entering the tower from.

Once they were inside on the first floor, Su Yang said to Xiao Rong, "It's easy to get separated in this place so follow me closely."

Xiao Rong nodded and closed their distance until she was essentially hugging his body.

Inside the Tower of Intelligence, a single floor was as big as a small city in the Eastern Continent, and there were a grand total of 99 floors in the tower.

Fortunately for them, the information brokers they were looking for could be found from the first floor to the tenth floor.

There were plenty of information brokers available on the first floor— thousands of them in fact. However, Su Yang completely ignored these information brokers and walked right past them, walking straight to the portal that led them to the second floor.

"Master, why did you ignore the information brokers from before? I thought you were looking for them." Xiao Rong asked him.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Anyone can become an information broker here. It's important that we pick someone competent and reliable for the information. And I am not discrediting the information brokers from before, I simply don't know them enough to trust their information."

"The person we're going to has been working as an information broker for 50 thousand years, and she is incredibly reputable with many connections around the world. Hopefully, she is still working in this place, as she has always been my go-to person whenever it comes to getting information."

Su Yang led Xiao Rong all the way to the sixth floor, and he proceeded to look for a certain store.

After walking around the sixth floor for a couple of minutes, Su Yang stopped in front of a certain store. However, he didn't immediately go inside as there were too many people standing outside.

Seeing this queue, Su Yang was relieved, as this meant that the person he was looking for hasn't left.

Thus, they began waiting in line in front of this small store that had no sign or anything to advertise the place.

There were about a dozen people in the line, but the people were entering and leaving the store every few minutes, so it didn't take long before it was Su Yang's turn.

Inside the store was a single dimly lit room with two chairs and a table.

Of course, one of these chairs had already been occupied by a figure wearing dark robes that covered her figure and face.

Su Yang sat on the chair across from this figure and proceeded to stare at this figure in silence.

"What kind of information are you looking for?" The figure suddenly spoke in a beautiful voice that was very pleasant-sounding to the ears.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang spoke, "I want to know about the Su Family."

The figure visibly trembled after hearing Su Yang's request, and she even lifted her head a little to look at him under her hood.

"Who are you? Why are you asking about the Su Family?" She asked him.

Su Yang smiled and said in a calm voice, "I thought information brokers aren't supposed to ask their clients about their identity or why they want their information."


After a moment of silence, she said, "Due to the unprecedented situation with the Su Family, I cannot disclose any information about them until I confirm your identity and your purpose, and even then, I may not be able to tell you anything."

"Unprecedented situation?" Su Yang asked.

She nodded her head and said, "Under the Heavenly Emperor's order, nobody is allowed to bother the Su Family, especially after that fiasco that resulted in the downfall of one of the Ten Families."

'Oh, right… Lingxi told me about it.' Su Yang recalled his conversation with Tang Lingxi before arriving in this world.

After taking a deep breath, Su Yang said, "I am a descendant of Su Yang, Xiao Yang."

The information broker nearly fell off her chair after hearing his words.

"Y-You're Su Yang's descendant? And you want me to believe you when you look nothing like Su Yang?" She said to him.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I gain nothing from lying. Furthermore, I can also give you some information about Su Yang in return."

The information broker didn't immediately respond.

After pondering for a few moments, she said, "Not taking your appearance into consideration, I know very well that Su Yang doesn't have any children because he would always refuse to have children even with his own family. And if he really had children, there's no way I wouldn't know about it."

"If you want to fool me, you'll have to do better than that, chubby."

And she continued in a confident voice, "As for your information about Su Yang… If you really know something about Su Yang that I don't, I will tell you about the Su Family."

Chapter 892 Soul Validity Scroll

Hearing the information broker's confident voice, Su Yang spoke, "Are you sure about that?"

She nodded and said, "Of course. If you really know something about Su Yang that I didn't already know, I will tell you what I know about the Su Family."

As one of the best information brokers in the Celestial Heaven and also an admirer of Su Yang, it was only natural for her to gather as much information as she could on Su Yang.

In the entire Four Divine Heavens, this information broker knew the most about Su Yang. In fact, she knows more about Su Yang than even his own family knows about him after spending thousands of years gathering his information, hence why she was so confident that nobody would be able to beat her in this aspect.

Of course, Su Yang knew this already. He knew that she had a lot of information about him. He was even aware that she'd been collecting information about him. However, no matter how much information she gathered on him, she would never know more about him than himself.

"How do I know that you're telling the truth? After all, you can simply say that you already know the information even if you really don't." Su Yang suddenly said to her.

The information broker remained calm and said, "That is indeed true. However, I can say the same to you. How do I know that whatever information you're going to give me is real? After all, you can make up anything and claim it's real."

And she continued, "I have worked as an information broker for over 10,000 years with countless customers, yet I do not have a single dissatisfied customer, nor have I ever given false information. My reputation within the Celestial Heaven is unshakable. I have countless connections across all four Divine Heavens. However, what about you? You're just a nobody as far as I'm aware, fatty."

Hearing the information broker's sharp words, a mysterious smile appeared on Su Yang's round face.

"Well said. Then how about we do this using a Soul Validity Scroll?" Su Yang suddenly suggested.

"A Soul Validity Scroll? Are you serious?" The information broker was surprised that he would dare to suggest something like that.

Of course, she wasn't worried about it affecting her since she has no reason to lie, but for Su Yang, who's a nobody, to resort to a Soul Validity Scroll meant that he was also confident in himself.

"Do I look like I am joking?" Su Yang looked at her with a nonchalant look on his face.


The information broker found his demeanor familiar for some reason, but she didn't have the time to think about it.

"Okay. If you want to use a Soul Validity Scroll, let's do it."

The information broker then stood up and went to the back of the store for a minute before returning with a sealed scroll in her hands.

Once she returned to her seat, she placed the scroll on the small table between them and said, "Whenever you're ready."

Su Yang looked at the scroll in silence for a moment.

A Soul Validity Scroll is normally used during extreme situations where two parties do not trust each other and risk their soul in the process, and the Soul Validity Scroll has the ability to tell whether someone is telling the truth or not simply by examining one's memories and soul.

Although there are other methods to tell whether one was lying or telling the truth, they were not as accurate as the Soul Validity Scroll that has never failed before.

Furthermore, if someone were to lie while holding the Soul Validity Scroll, their soul would be shattered into countless pieces.

"What? Are you having second thoughts?" The information broker suddenly asked him.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Yeah right."

He then placed his hand on the other side of the Soul Validity Scroll.

"Let's start with a test, shall we?" The information broker said, and she continued, "My name is Mu Yuechan."

The Soul Validity Scroll emitted a light blue glow a moment after she said her name.

Su Yang then said, "I am a cultivator at the Sovereign Spirit Realm."

The Soul Validity Scroll emitted a light blue glow again.

Mu Yuechan raised her eyebrows under her large hood that covered her face. Even though Su Yang told the truth just now, she still found it weird, as she had expected Su Yang to reveal his name to follow her.

'Is he hiding his name for some reason?' Mu Yuechan wondered inwardly.

A moment later, she said, "Good. Let's do this for real now."

And she continued, "If you tell me something about Su Yang that I don't already know, I will tell you everything I know about the Su Family."

The Soul Validity Scroll emitted a light blue light.

Su Yang nodded and said, "What I am about to say is completely true and not made up."

Of course, Su Yang would trust Mu Yuechan even without needing the Soul Validity Scroll. However, that was not the case for Mu Yuechan, as she didn't know him, hence why Su Yang resorted to this method.

Su Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

A moment later, he opened his eyes and began speaking in a calm voice, telling Mu Yuechan something that only he, Su Yang, would know, and it was about an embarrassing moment that he had when he was still young and naive.

Mu Yuechan's eyes widened with shock and disbelief when she heard this information, as she couldn't believe that the Su Yang she knew would have such an embarrassing secret.

Su Yang then continued, "What I said just now was the truth. It was not made up at all."

When Mu Yuechan saw the Soul Validity Scroll emit a light blue glow, her eyes widened even more.

"I-Impossible…" Mu Yuechan mumbled in a dazed voice.

"Ahem!" Su Yang had to clear his throat after revealing one of his top secrets, and then he said, "It's your turn. Now, tell me, did you know about this information prior to today?"

After a long moment of silence, she mumbled in a low and defeated voice, "No… I did not…"

A second later, the Soul Validity Scroll emitted a light blue glow.

Chapter 893 Are All of Them Still Alive?

Seeing the light blue glow, Su Yang smiled and removed his hand from the Soul Validity Scroll at the same time.

"There you have it. Now tell me everything you know about the Su Family," he said to Mu Yuechan, who remained completely still and silent.

After a few minutes of silence, she tossed the Soul Validity Scroll to the side and removed the hood covering her face, revealing to Su Yang her stunningly beautiful appearance and the deep frown on her face.

"How… Where did you get this information about Su Yang?" Mu Yuechan asked him in a solemn voice, clearly unhappy that she'd lost to some unknown fatty like him.

"I have spoken to nearly every single woman that had a connection with Su Yang, yet I don't know about this!"

Seeing Mu Yuechan's body trembling slightly, he said, "I already told you that I was Su Yang's descendant, right? I heard it from my mother, who heard it from Su Yang himself."

Mu Yuechan narrowed her eyes at him, then she picked up the Soul Validity Scroll from the floor and placed it on the table again.

"Go ahead. I dare you to say that again while holding the Soul Validity Scroll!" She said, clearly not believing his bullshit.

Su Yang cleared his throat and said, "This wasn't part of our agreement."

If he listened to Mu Yuechan and repeated those words while holding the Soul Validity Scroll, there was no doubt in his mind that his soul would be shattered into countless pieces for lying.

"Hmph! You might be able to fool others with that nonsense, but you won't fool me!" Mu Yuechan then said.

Su Yang shrugged, "Not my problem."

And he continued, "Are you going to tell me about the Su Family or are you going to go back on your own words now that you're no longer touching the scroll? I'll start a protest outside your store if you do that, though."

"Or I can kill you right here and pretend none of this had happened," she said to him in a cold voice.

Su Yang laughed and said, "If you really do that, Su Yang might come back to life and spank your butt."

"W-What the heck are you talking about?! How dare you say such vulgar things before me!" Mu Yuechan suddenly stood up with a red face.

"What? You think I'd know about one of Su Yang's secrets yet not know about your relationship with him? I know you've cultivated with him before. One thousand and sixty-nine times to be exact." Su Yang said.

"H-How do you know such a thing?! Who are you, really?!" Mu Yuechan staggered in place with disbelief and even a hint of fear on her face, nearly falling on the ground.

"Who I am isn't important right now. I want to know about the Su Family." Su Yang suddenly stopped laughing and wore a serious-looking expression on his face.


After a moment of silence, Mu Yuechan returned to her seat, but she didn't say anything for a long time.

"What do you want to know about the Su Family?" She asked him sometime later.

"Tell me about what happened to them first. Who attacked them?"

"Four of the Ten Families and one from the Four Supreme Clans," she said.

"I want names."


"The Dai Family, Chu Family, Lu Family, and the Chi Family of the Ten Families. As for the Four Supreme Clans… It was the Ning Clan." Mu Yuechan revealed to him the culprits that dared to attack the Su Family after his death.

"The Dai Family, Chu Family, Lu Family, Chi Family, and the Ning Clan…" Su Yang repeated their names again and again as though he wanted to engrave their names into his heart.

"What happened to the Su Family during the attack?" Su Yang then asked.

"Nothing really happened to the Su Family since someone interfered and protected the Su Family before the attackers could even do any real damage."

"That person wielding a sword the size of a star, correct?"

"That's right. And if you're going to ask me for the identity of that person— I don't know." Mu Yuechan said to him.

"I have been trying to obtain information regarding that individual's identity for a while now, but alas, all of my efforts have been fruitless thus far. It's like nobody in this world knows that person. I have never seen anything like this before."

"Anyways, any more questions regarding the Su Family?" she asked him.

"Where is the Su Family right now?"

"Well… My answer will depend on who you're looking for, as most of the Su Family had separated from each other after Su Yang's death. Though, not everyone separated. Some of them decided to create a sect together while others returned to their own family and previous homes. I believe a few of them even decided to live in seclusion for the rest of their lives."


Su Yang was speechless after hearing this information. To think his family would scatter before he could return. But he wasn't too surprised, as he was the foundation and core of the family, and without a core, everything else will eventually collapse, just like cultivation itself.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang asked Mu Yuechan one of the most difficult questions he had to ask to date—

"Are… Are all of them still alive?"

When Mu Yuechan shook her head, Su Yang felt his heart turn cold before feeling indescribable pain.

However, Mu Yuechan spoke a moment later, "I don't know."

"W-What?" Su Yang proceeded to stare at her with widened eyes.

"I said I don't know. I stopped gathering information about the Su Family after they scattered. Su Yang is no longer in this world, so I don't have any desire or reason to continue gathering information about them, not to mention the Heavenly Emperor's order that advises us to not bother the Su Family anymore." Mu Yuechan explained to him.

"S-So they might all still be alive…" Su Yang mumbled to himself, feeling slightly more relieved now.

However, he still didn't know if they were all safe, and this uncertainty was more than enough to keep him from being completely relaxed.

Chapter 894 Sacred Lands

Sometime later, Su Yang asked, "Can you tell me more about the sect that the Su Family had created?"

Mu Yuechan nodded and said, "There's not much to say about them. The sect was created about 1,000 years ago, and they have been growing steadily since then. In fact, they're already powerful enough to rival even some of the top sects in the Four Divine Heavens. The only thing hindering their progress is the fact that they're only accepting female disciples."

"Their sect is also called the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace, and their Sect Master is Luo Ziyi."

"Luo Ziyi… Where is this sect located?" Su Yang then asked.

"Don't tell me you're trying to go there? I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Why not?"

"Because they are located in a place where men cannot step foot inside or they'll be killed on the spot without any chance to explain themselves."

Hearing this, Su Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "You're telling me they're located in the Sacred Lands?"

Mu Yuechan nodded, "That's right. Not only are they located in the Sacred Lands, but they're located at the very center of it."

"Indeed, this is very problematic…" Su Yang said.

The Sacred Lands is one of the most secluded areas in the Celestial Heaven that prohibits all men from entering without any exceptions, and even the Heavenly Emperor is not exempted from this rule despite being the most powerful man in the Four Divine Heavens.

Of course, this doesn't mean it was impossible for Su Yang to meet his family.

Although it rarely happens, there have been cases of men entering the Sacred Lands for whatever reasons, and Su Yang was one of these individuals that had access to the Sacred Lands.

However, such privilege was only given to the previous Su Yang. If he were to try and enter the Sacred Lands right now without revealing his identity to the world, he'd probably be slain without even getting the chance to open his mouth.

'Although it'll be troublesome trying to get inside, this sect created by my family is definitely one of the safest places in the Four Divine Heavens at the moment. If I let them take care of Su Liqing and the others, I will be able to traverse the Four Divine Heavens in relief.' Su Yang thought to himself, planning on leaving those in the Spatial Device at the sect created by his family.

Su Yang closed his eyes to ponder for a minute.

Sometime later, he said, "I know you not only give out information but also pass information, so I want you to do something for me."

"You want me to do something for you? I give you an inch and you want to take a mile, huh? Just in case you forgot, I am only telling you about the Su Family because of the information you provided me. It's not like we're friends or anything. If you want me to do something for you, you'll have to pay up." Mu Yuechan said to him.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Of course, I am not asking you to do this for free. I'll give you another piece of information about Su Yang that I can guarantee is new to you."

"What? You have even more secrets about Su Yang?" Mu Yuechan stared at him with wide eyes, silently wondering to herself where in heaven's name did he acquire such information.

"Only if you promise me that you'll help me convey a message to a certain somebody." Su Yang said.


"The Sect Master of the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace, Luo Ziyi," he calmly said.

"You want me to convey a message to Luo Ziyi? Are you insane?"

"If you help me, I will tell you about that one time Su Yang almost mistook a…" Su Yang stopped his sentence midway and smiled.

"Actually, forget it. If you don't want to help me, I will ask someone else for help."

"Thanks for your help." He then stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait! Sit back down! I never refused to help you!" Mu Yuechan said with a frown on her face.

Su Yang turned to look at her with a profound smile on his face.

Even though he was 'dead', Mu Yuechan treasured information about him to such an extent. If he could, he'd strip her naked and reward her at this very moment.

Su Yang returned to his seat a moment later.

"What do you want me to tell her?" Mu Yuechan then asked.

Su Yang took a deep breath and said, "I will see you at the Frozen Azure Cave in three months when the Azure Lotus blooms."

Mu Yuechan raised her eyebrows after hearing this message.

'The Frozen Azure Cave? The Azure Lotus is an extremely rare treasure that only blooms once every 10,000 years, and the last time the Azure Lotus in the Frozen Azure Cave blossomed was 6 thousand years ago, meaning there's still 4 thousand more years before it returns, so why did he say 3 months?' Mu Yuechan wondered inwardly.

"Did you get my message, or should I repeat it?" Su Yang asked her.

"I heard it loud and clear," she said.

"Make sure you repeat every single word without missing any, especially the three months part. That's the most important." Su Yang then said.

"That will depend on the information you provide me. Now tell me about Su Yang's secret," she said in a calm manner.

"Should we use the Soul Validity Scroll again?"

"There's no need," she shook her head.

"I can tell whether one's lying or not even without the Soul Validity Scroll."

Su Yang nodded and suddenly asked, "Do you know of Li Menghua?"

"Li Menghua? That infamous immortal who likes to dress up as a woman to mess with men? What does he have to do with this?" Mu Yuechan asked him.

"Well… When Su Yang was still an ignorant young man, he'd almost been fooled by Li Menghua. Because of that, he'd wasted at least a hundred years studying men and women just to make sure he never makes the same mistake again." Su Yang revealed another one of his secrets that he swore he'd never tell anyone.


Mu Yuechan's jaw dropped to the floor after hearing this.

Chapter 895 Frozen Asgard

"Su Yang almost got fooled by that pervert Li Menghua? Heavens… I could have never imagined… No wonder why he seems to hate men…" Mu Yuechan muttered to herself.

Sometime later, Mu Yuechan asked him, "Do you have anything else to say or ask?"

Su Yang pondered for a moment before speaking, "Yeah. Can I borrow some money?"

"What? You're asking me for money? I should be charging you for taking up my precious time!" Mu Yuechan looked at him with a frown on her face.

'This is the first time I have seen someone this shameless— or not… Su Yang was also pretty shameless if not even more shameless than this fatty…' she thought to herself.

"I think the information I gave you just now is worth more than just conveying a message. Don't you agree?" Su Yang suddenly said.

"How much do you want?" she asked.

"Just enough to get to the Frozen Asgard from this place."

"You're really planning on traveling to the Frozen Asgard with your cultivation base? As a Sovereign Spirit Realm cultivator, you'll definitely die before you can even reach the Frozen Azure Cave that's deep within the Frozen Asgard," Mu Yuechan said to him.

"Are you worried about me? Thank you, but you don't need to be worried. I have my own ways to survive," said Su Yang with a smile on his face.

"Che! Who's worried about you?" Mu Yuechan sneered in a cold manner before placing a storage pouch on the table.

"Take it and get out. You have already lingered around for far too long. I have other customers, too," she said in a cold voice.

Su Yang accepted the storage pouch.

"Thank you, Mu Yuechan," he said.

Su Yang stood up and prepared to leave.

However, right as he reached the door, Mu Yuechan spoke in a serious and chilling voice, "I don't care who you are or what you're planning to do with all that information about the Su Family, but if they are hurt because of it, I swear I will hunt you down and skin you alive, fatty."

And she continued, "Don't underestimate me. I have connections within every corner in the Four Divine Heavens. You won't be able to run or hide even if you run to the end of the universe!"

Su Yang turned around with a profound smile on his face, and he said, "I know. Thank you."

Mu Yuechan was surprised when Su Yang thanked her again despite her threatening words, and there was even a hint of adoration within his tone.

This creeped Mu Yuechan out.

"G-Get out!" she quickly said to him after feeling a shiver down her spine.

After Su Yang left the building, Mu Yuechan quickly cleared out the queue that had built up because of Su Yang's long stay.

After that was done, she closed the store down and disappeared somewhere.

Sometime later, Su Yang and Xiao Rong left the Tower of Intelligence and the city.

"Wow, 200 high-grade spirit stones? She gave a generous amount." Su Yang was surprised when he looked inside the storage pouch that Mu Yuechan had given him despite her complaining.

Now with a total of 220 high-grade spirit stones, Su Yang no longer had to worry about his travel expenses to the Frozen Asgard, as he'd planned on selling some more of his Yang Qi to fund his travel expenses.

"Are we going to this Frozen Asgard place now, Master?" Xiao Rong asked him once they entered the skies on their flying treasure.

Su Yang nodded and said, "That's right. Frozen Asgard is a unique place in the Celestial Heaven that's a virtually uninhabitable ice-covered landmass spanning for hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is also considered a 'danger zone'."

And he continued, "A danger zone is as the name suggests— an incredibly dangerous area that shouldn't be traversed unless you're prepared. There are magical beasts ranging from the Sovereign Spirit Realm to the Ancient Spirit Realm, and the deeper we go, the more dangerous it'll get."

"The place we're going to is called the Frozen Azure Cave that exists deep within the Frozen Asgard. It is also an incredibly popular place that attracts countless experts every 10,000 years because of a treasure that grows inside."

"Although it may seem risky to go to such an incredibly dangerous place, it's really not that dangerous as long as you know the way around the area. There are these hidden passages you can follow to avoid most of the magical beasts. Unless we're incredibly unlucky, we shouldn't run into any extremely dangerous entities."

Xiao Rong nodded calmly, "Okay."

"But first, we must head to the Song Province."

They proceeded to spend the next couple of days traveling to a city that had a teleport formation.

"The Song Province? That'll be 60 high-grade spirit stones." The man working the teleport formation said to him.

Since the Song Province was literally on the other side of the world, teleporting to that place would require a large number of spirit stones.

After paying the spirit stones, Su Yang entered the teleport formation and left Qiang Province.

The moment Su Yang appeared on the other side, he felt the temperature drop sharply.


Every breath he took would be followed by a cloud of water vapor from his mouth.

'It's been a while since I have experienced such cold climates…' Su Yang thought to himself as he got off the platform.

As a cultivator at the Sovereign Spirit Realm, his body would naturally protect him against the cold. However, despite that, Su Yang still planned on getting some special clothes, as the cold wind at Frozen Asgard could penetrate even a cultivator's spiritual energy.

While he can avoid the magical beasts through secret passages, it was impossible to avoid the cold in that place.

After walking around the city for some time, Su Yang entered a tall building with an expensive sign at the entrance that read 'Crystal Armory'.

Chapter 896 Frozen Palace

"Welcome to Crystal Armory! How can we help you?" A middle-aged man greeted Su Yang and Xiao Rong at the doors.

"I'm heading to the Frozen Asgard so we'll need some clothes to protect us from the cold." Su Yang said.

"The Frozen Asgard, right? Please follow me. I can guarantee you that we'll have everything you need." The middle-aged man said.

Su Yang nodded and followed him upstairs to the top floor.

"How long do you intend on staying in the Frozen Asgard? We have clothes that can protect you against the Eternal Chill for one month, six months, or one year."

"Give us the one that lasts for six months." Su Yang said.

"I understand. Then would you like to pick from what we already have in store, or do you prefer custom-made clothes that'll fit your body perfectly? It'll cost 1,000 medium-grade spirit stones for the former and 1 high-grade spirit stone for the latter."

Su Yang looked around the room before asking, "How long will it take to get it custom-made?"

"One month at the latest."

"We'll get it custom made." Su Yang nodded.

"That will be 2 high-grade spirit stones in total. We will immediately begin taking your measurements afterward."

Once Su Yang handed 2 high-grade spirit stones to the middle-aged man, he said, "Thank you for your business, esteemed guest. Please wait a moment while I get someone to take your measurements."

A few minutes later, the middle-aged man returned to them with a young woman by his side.

This young woman then proceeded to take their body measurements.

Once everything was done, the middle-aged man handed Su Yang two tokens.

"Please keep these tokens safe. We will ask for them when you pick up the clothes. Also, you can come and ask for updates, but the earliest it'll be ready in three weeks."

Su Yang accepted the tokens before leaving the store.

"Well, we have a month to spare. Is there anything specific you want to do?" Su Yang asked Xiao Rong afterward.

Xiao Rong didn't say anything, yet Su Yang knew exactly what she wanted by her gaze that was looking at his groin area.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Alright, I will find us a hotel later. For now, let's go eat some food. Although I don't eat unless it's a special occasion, I feel like eating for some reason."

As cultivators above the Earth Spirit Realm, food wasn't necessary for their survival, as they can acquire the same benefit and more from absorbing spiritual energy.

Thus, Su Yang and Xiao Rong began hopping from restaurant to restaurant until they were bored of eating.

Once they were finished eating, Su Yang led Xiao Rong to this luxurious building that had ten floors.

"Welcome to the Frozen Palace."

A young woman greeted them at the door.

Su Yang went straight to the reception desk after entering the building.

"Give me a room on the tenth floor for 1 month," he said to the pretty young lady working behind the desk.

"Have you been here before, esteemed guest?" The young lady asked him with a smile on her face.


"Can I have your name?"

"Xiao Yang."

The young lady nodded and said, "Then, Young Master Xiao, it would cost 50,000 medium-grade spirit stones or 5 high-grade spirit stones to rent a room on the tenth floor for 30 days. You must pay 70 percent upfront and the rest when you leave."

Su Yang placed five high-grade spirit stones on the desk and said, "Here."

"Thank you very much. Please give me a moment to get your keys."

Sometime later, the young lady handed a token to Su Yang.

"Please enjoy your stay. If there's anything you need, there will be workers in the hallway around the clock to assist you."

Once Su Yang had the keys, he went upstairs to the tenth floor with Xiao Rong.

The moment they stepped onto the tenth floor, the spiritual energy in that area immediately became many times thicker.

The spiritual energy was so thick that when Su Yang inhaled, he would feel his cultivation base soar a little.

This is exactly why he decided to spend so much money on a hotel. The Frozen Palace is a unique place that has special formations that attract the surrounding spiritual energy before enhancing its quality.

If he stayed here for a month, he'd be able to breakthrough two levels without needing to absorb any Yin Qi.

Once they reached their room, Su Yang used the token to open the door that was protected by a powerful formation that even he would not be able to break at his current level.

"Enjoy your stay, esteemed guests."

There were two beautiful workers on that floor with a Divine Realm cultivation base, each on one side of the hall, and they both bowed to Su Yang as he entered the room with Xiao Rong.

After closing the door, Su Yang said, "I'm going to take a warm bath first. Wanna join?"

Xiao Rong nodded.

A moment later, they went to the bathroom that had a bathtub as large as an entire room and with hot water already prepared.

Su Yang loosened his robes before tossing them to the side and entering the bath.

Xiao Rong followed him and undressed.

"Come here." Su Yang pointed at his legs.

Xiao Rong nodded and entered the bath before sitting directly on top of Su Yang's legs.

Su Yang then hugged her petite body from behind.

A few moments later, his hands approached the closed slit between her legs.

Xiao Rong opened her legs to allow him easy access, and she began moaning softly shortly after.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Celestial Heaven, Mu Yuechan approached a large portal that was protected by multiple guards.

"Halt!" The guards shouted at her from a distance.

Mu Yuechan didn't stop and tossed a medallion at one of the guards.

"My name is Mu Yuechan, and I am going to the Sacred Lands!" she declared.

"Mu Yuechan?!" The guards appeared to be shocked by her name.

Chapter 897 Mu Yuechan

"Greetings, Immortal Fairy Mu." The guards there quickly bowed to her once they verified her identity.

"Set up the teleport for the Sacred Lands. I have some business there," she said to them.

"Right away. Please give us a couple of minutes."

Mu Yuechan nodded before pulling out a chair and taking a seat on the spot.

"What is Immortal Fairy Mu doing here? I don't even think she has the authority to enter the Sacred Lands…" One of the guards there whispered to another.

"Who cares? This is Mu Yuechan we're talking about! If we refuse to help her, she'll dig out all of our information from our birth to now in a day!" said another.

"Yes, Immortal Fairy Mu is one of the most powerful and dangerous women in the Four Divine Heavens, and it has nothing to do with her cultivation! Her connections and information gathering ability is one of if not the best within the Four Divine Heavens!"

"I remember that time she exposed the Submerged Divine Palace's million-year corruption and evil deeds to the Four Divine Heavens, causing their demise without moving a single finger! She can literally ruin a person's entire life if they have committed even a single crime!"

Suddenly, Mu Yuechan's voice resounded, "I can hear you, Lin Kai, Sheng Shicai, Wan Guchan."

When the guards heard their name come from Mu Yuechan's mouth despite meeting her for the first time, their eyes widened with shock, and their bodies trembled in fear.

"P-Please spare us, Immortal Fairy Mu!"

They got onto their knees and kowtowed to her.

Mu Yuechan remained nonchalant and said, "I don't care. Just hurry up and prepare the teleport formation. I have some business to take care of in the Sacred Lands."

"Right away!"

The guards began moving their bodies and hands faster.

A little over a minute later, the teleport formation was prepared.

"How much?" Mu Yuechan asked the guards afterward.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh? I didn't know it was free to use the teleport formation. The Sacred Lands is pretty far away, after all," she said.

The guards smiled and said, "It's not free, but we're making this an exception for Immortal Fairy Mu."

"Then I won't be humble." Mu Yuechan said as she approached the teleport formation, disappearing from the platform.

"Phew… That was nerve-wracking…" The guards there released sighs of relief afterward.

"Mu Yuechan… She's definitely as scary as the rumors say…"

"Can you imagine being the lover of such an individual? I shudder at that thought."

"Are you crazy? Although she's a peerless beauty, who would dare to become her man? She'll dig up all of your secrets before you can even blink!"

"I can only imagine someone extremely pure and innocent becoming her lover…"

"Let's stop talking about her. I'm afraid that she'll learn about this conversation…" One of the guards suggested.

They all nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, after entering the teleport formation, Mu Yuechan appeared in the area directly outside the Sacred Lands, where even more guards were posted.

"Who are you?" The guards asked her when she got close.

"Mu Yuechan."

She handed them her medallion.

"Mu Yuechan? That famous information broker? Did you receive authorization to enter the Sacred Lands? You may be a woman, but not all women can enter the place." One of the guards said to her.

"No, I don't. Can you make this an exception? I have business with the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace and their Sect Master Luo Ziyi," she said.

"The Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace? I'm sorry, but even if you're Mu Yuechan, I cannot let you enter without permission from the Empress of the Sacred Lands, especially if you're here for the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace."

Mu Yuechan remained calm and said, "Let me speak with your supervisor."

"I'm sorry, Fairy Immortal Mu, but even if you speak with the General…"

Mu Yuechan then interrupted, "You can either get your supervisor here or I can tell your wife about your affair with Lu Jiajing."

The guard immediately stopped talking and stared at Mu Yuechan with a shocked look on his face.

How did she know about his affair?

"A-Are you threatening me?" The guard frowned.

Mu Yuechan remained nonchalant and said, "Yes, I am. What are you going to do about it?"


"Let her go." Another voice suddenly resounded, causing everybody there to turn their head.

A middle-aged man wearing black armor could be seen approaching them from the skies.

"General Kai!"

The guards greeted him in a respectful voice.

"Let her enter the Sacred Lands." General Kai repeated, and he continued, "I will bear all responsibility if something happens."

"R-Right away!"

The guards no longer dared to block Mu Yuechan and made a path for her.

Mu Yuechan didn't say anything and entered the Sacred Lands a moment later.

"General… Why?" The guards asked him afterward.

General Kai shook his head and said, "You don't want to know about it. Just remember this— if you don't want to lose your life, don't argue with Mu Yuechan."

"Countless people and powers that are much more powerful than me have fallen because of her."

The guards there swallowed nervously, silently engraving their general's words in their hearts.

Although they are aware of the information broker called Mu Yuechan, they didn't know the extent of her influence within the Four Divine Heavens.

"However, the main reason I allowed her to pass isn't because I'm scared of her. Mu Yuechan, as terrifying as her influence may seem, she's not a bad individual. I doubt she's going to the Sacred Lands to cause trouble." General Kai said a moment later.

"Anyways, continue guarding the Sacred Lands. I have a meeting later." General Kai left the scene shortly after.

After entering the Sacred Lands, Mu Yuechan retrieved her flying treasure, and she began making her way towards the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace. However, even with her powerful flying treasure, it will still take her around a week to arrive at her destination.

Chapter 898 Wang Yunxuan

A week has passed since Mu Yuechan entered the Sacred Lands.

"So that's the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace, huh? It looks quite simple, completely different from my imaginations." Me Yuechan mumbled to herself after seeing the sect that looked like an ordinary sect.

However, the powerful formation protecting the sect and the spiritual energy gathering in this area was anything but ordinary or simple.

After taking a moment to admire the place, Mu Yuechan approached the sect.

However, once she got close enough to the sect, the formation suddenly activated, and a massive amount of spiritual energy in the form of swords appeared around the sect before pointing its blade at Me Yuechan and shooting at her.

Mu Yuechan raised her eyebrows when she saw this, yet she didn't panic.

"I should've asked that fatty for more information about Su Yang…" she sighed in a regretful voice before sweeping her arm in the direction of the incoming swords.


A powerful wave of spiritual energy flew at the swords, destroying them with ease.

After destroying the swords, even more swords appeared around the sect, and they have also gotten stronger as well.

Mu Yuechan waved her sleeves again, destroying the swords.

She then approached the sect while she continued to defend herself from the formation.

After destroying over ten thousand swords, the formation suddenly stopped working.

A moment later, a dozen figures emerged from within the sect and surrounded Mu Yuechan.

These dozen figures were all women, extremely beautiful ones at that, and they were all emitting the cultivation of the Divine Realm.

"Who are you? Can't you see that you're not welcomed?" One of them asked her with a frown.

Mu Yuechan smiled and said, "I am Mu Yuechan, an information broker at the Tower of Intelligence."

"Mu Yuechan?"

A few of them have heard her name before, but not everyone was aware of her identity.

"What is your purpose at the Lonely Fairies' Refined Palace? You, an information broker, should be well aware that our doors are closed for visitors."

"I am here to send a message to your Sect Master, Luo Ziyi. Tell her to come see me."

"The Sect Master? If you have a message, we'll tell her."

Mu Yuechan shook her head and said, "Unfortunately, I was only told to pass the message directly to Luo Ziyi."

"Then I guess you'll have to keep that message to yourself," said one of them.

Mu Yuechan sighed out loud and said, "Let's not make things complicated. Bring me Luo Ziyi and I will leave peacefully."

"And what are you going to do if we don't?"

The twelve beauties suddenly took an aggressive stance.

Depending on what comes out of Mu Yuechan's mouth next, they may or may not attack her.

Mu Yuechan smiled after seeing this, and she spoke in a calm voice, "I may not be as powerful as your Sect Master, but I am more than enough to deal with all of you here."

A powerful pressure suddenly appeared in the place as Mu Yuechan released some of her aura, causing the twelve beauties to kneel on the floor.

"Just stay there and you won't get hurt. I don't want to cause a scene in the Su Family's territory, but I have a job to do." Mu Yuechan said to them as she began stepping towards the gates of the sect.

However, before she could walk too far, another presence appeared in the area, canceling out Mu Yuechan's aura.

"Mu Yuechan, what is the meaning of this? Why are you causing troubles for our disciples?"

A beautiful woman with breathtaking features suddenly descended from the skies and landed between Mu Yuechan and the disciples.

Mu Yuechan turned around to look at the newcomer.

She then smiled and said, "It's been a while, Wang Yunxuan. Your disciples weren't being very cooperative despite me asking nicely, so I messed with them a little."

Wang Yunxuan frowned and said, "Why are you here, Mu Yuechan? I cannot imagine that you'd come all the way here just to mess with our disciples."

"I have some business with Luo Ziyi. Bring me to her."

"Sister Ziyi? Why do you need to speak with her?"

"I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you even if you're Su Yang's woman, since I was told to speak with Luo Ziyi."

Wang Yunxuan frowned when she heard the name 'Su Yang'.

"Did you really have to mention his name?"

"What? You're still not over his death? I understand your feelings but get over it. It's been over 2,000 years."

"That's rich coming from you, Mu Yuechan. If you were over him, you wouldn't be collecting his information even after his death. Furthermore, I refuse to believe that Su Yang's dead. After all, I still have his Family Seal on my body. It may be deactivated, but if he's really dead, it should have disappeared the day he died!"

Mu Yuechan shook her head, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Anyways, I won't leave this place until I speak with Luo Ziyi."

Wang Yunxuan released a stressful sigh. Knowing Mu Yuechan's stubborn character, she knew that it was impossible to convince her to leave, and because of their relationship, she didn't want to force Mu Yuechan to leave either.

Although Mu Yuechan did not belong to the Su Family, she contributed a lot to the Su Family when Su Yang was still alive, and she even helped them on a few occasions after his death.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Yunxuan turned to look at the disciples and said to them, "Thank you for your hard work. You may return to your positions. I will take care of things from here."

The ladies bowed to her in a respectful manner before leaving the scene.

Once they left, Wang Yunxuan turned to look at Mu Yuechan and said, "Come with me. I'll take you to see Luo Ziyi. However, if she decides to beat you for bothering her, I won't save you."

Mu Yuechan smiled upon hearing such words, "Thank you, Wang Yunxuan."

Wang Yunxuan brought Mu Yuechan into the sect shortly after.

Chapter 899 Luo Ziyi

"This place is developing pretty nicely. Although it looks simple on the outside, it's actually the complete opposite inside." Mu Yuechan praised their sect after seeing the structures and the disciples inside.

Every single building in this place appeared to have a powerful formation protecting it alongside other formations that increased the quality of Profound Qi in the air.

All of the disciples they have encountered thus far also looked happy and content with their lifestyle. It was a rare sight for sects within the Divine Heavens to look so calm and peaceful, as the disciples normally see each other as competitors and are stressed by trying to gain recognition by the sect.

"Good morning, Elder Sister Wang." The disciples within the sect greeted Wang Yunxuan as though they were an actual family.

"Morning, Junior Sister Ling." Wang Yunxuan greeted the disciples back in a similar fashion.

"Hey, Wang Yunxuan, I have a question for you." Mu Yuechan suddenly said.

"What is it?"

"Do you know a fatty by the name of Xiao Yang?" Mu Yuechan asked.

"A fatty? I don't know any fatties— at least I'm not familiar with any of them," she quickly responded.

Fat people were incredibly rare in the cultivation world— even rarer than ugly people since increasing one's cultivation also enhances their fitness and beauty, and a cultivator has near-perfect control over their own body, allowing them to get rid of the fat in their body without exercising. The only reason someone would remain fat in the cultivation world is by choice or they're inflicted with some sort of illness that causes them to be fat.

"You don't? That fatty seemed very familiar with the Su Family. In fact, he even asked about you guys." Mu Yuechan revealed this to her.

Wang Yunxuan stopped walking and turned to look at her with narrowed eyes, "What did this fatty want to know about my family?"

"Don't worry, it wasn't anything malicious— at least I didn't feel any coming from him. In fact, he even appeared somewhat concerned about the Su Family. He claimed to be Su Yang's descendant at first, but he was clearly lying."

"Su Yang's descendant? As if. Su Yang was a man who refused to impregnate even his own family. I have tried… plenty of times, but he would always refuse." Wang Yunxuan sighed with a regretful look on her face.

If they had a child with Su Yang, perhaps they wouldn't be as lonely.

"I thought so as well." Mu Yuechan said.

"Anyways, what did that fatty ask about my family?" Wang Yunxuan asked again.

"Nothing much besides about the family's current state and about that incident two thousand years ago," she said.

"And what did you tell him?"

"What I knew."

"You!" Wang Yunxuan was clearly unhappy about Mu Yuechan's decision to give away their information to some stranger.

"Calm down. I already told you that he didn't look like a bad guy, and he had an irresistible offer for me, so I had to agree." Mu Yuechan shrugged casually.

"Irresistible offer?" Wang Yunxuan raised her eyebrows.

The only information Mu Yuechan would consider as 'irresistible' would be information about Su Yang.

Mu Yuechan smiled and said, "That's right. He gave me information about Su Yang that I never knew about, and it would surely shock you if you also knew about it."

"What? How is that possible? There's no way some stranger would know more about Su Yang than you. How can you be so sure that the information was real?" Wang Yunxuan clearly doubted the information's legitimacy.

"He used a Soul Validity Scroll. If he lied, he would've died on the spot."

Wang Yunxuan frowned even more after hearing this, and she began growing interest in this mysterious fatty.

"Anyway, maybe we'll learn more about him from Luo Ziyi."

"You said that you have a message to pass to her, right? Is this message from this fatty?"

"Yes, it's from him."


The two of them no longer spoke until they arrived at this small building that was secluded on this small but peaceful hill somewhere in the sect.

"Luo Ziyi lives in this small place? How surprising." Mu Yuechan said.

Wang Yunxuan then said, "You have no idea how much this place means to Sister Ziyi. This hill… It was actually relocated from the Jade Heaven to this place."

"Huh? You're saying that she'd moved an entire hill to this place? Why?"

"You don't know? How surprising." Wang Yunxuan said with a smile.

"Even I don't know everything, alright?" Mu Yuechan quickly said.

"If you want to know, you can ask her yourself."

Wang Yunxuan then approached the building on the peak of the hill.

"Sister Ziyi, you have a guest!"

A few moments later, the door to the building opened, and a woman with a graceful yet cold appearance appeared.

"I don't remember setting any appointments," said Luo Ziyi.

Then she noticed Mu Yuechan.

"Mu Yuechan? What are you doing here?"

"I am here to pass on a message to you," she said.

"A message? From whom? You're the last person I'd expect to deliver a message for someone."

"I know, it's kind of complicated. Anyways, it's from a fatty named Xiao Yang. Do you know him?"

"A fatty?" Luo Ziyi raised her slender eyebrows.

"I don't know of any fatty named Xiao Yang. What kind of message does he have for me?"

Mu Yuechan then cleared her throat before speaking in a clear voice, "I will see you at the Frozen Azure Cave in three months when the Azure Lotus blooms."


Luo Ziyi's eyes widened with shock after hearing Mu Yuechan's words, and she even took a few steps back in an unbalanced manner, looking like she was drunk.

"Sister Ziyi? What's going on? What does this message mean? The last time the Azure Lotus was harvested was 6,000 years ago, so it shouldn't bloom for another 4 thousand years according to my knowledge." Wang Yunxuan asked her, feeling a little baffled by Luo Ziyi's reaction.

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