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88.47% Mixed HD / Chapter 384: 867-883

Chapter 384: 867-883

Chapter 867 Visiting the Sun Family Again

"I understand, grandfather. If that's your wish, I will no longer pester you about following us." Sun Jingjing said to him.

"I am going to miss you." Elder Sun said with a smile on his face.

"Me too, grandfather."

A moment later, Elder Sun suddenly said, "Jingjing, don't forget to give your parents a visit before you leave."

"I won't."

After speaking with Elder Sun a little more, Sun Jingjing returned to her own living quarters with Su Yang, where they cultivated for the rest of the day.

The following day, Su Yang brought Sun Jingjing to the City of Yuan, where the Sun Family was located.

"Welcome back, Young Lady, Senior Su." The same guard that greeted them last time greeted them at the door.

"Are my parents home?" Sun Jingjing asked.

"They are currently away for a business meeting with a couple of renowned families." The guard responded.

"Business meeting that requires them to leave the house? That's rare since my parents would usually make the others come to our house." Sun Jingjing raised her eyebrows.

"Well, things have changed since the Sun Family has been getting more and more business opportunities because of Senior Su's fame." The guard said.

"Su Yang?" Sun Jingjing mumbled.

The guard nodded and explained, "Because of your previous visit, the entire city now knows about the Young Lady's relationship with Senior Su, and considering Senior Su's popularity, it's only natural that people would come to the Sun Family in hopes for a connection."

"Oh, that makes sense. Then business must be blooming, huh?" Sun Jingjing smiled.

"Absolutely!" The guard also smiled, as the richer the Sun Family gets the more proud he felt working as their guard, and his salary also naturally increases. It was a win-win situation for the Sun Family and him.

"Then do you know when they'll return?" Sun Jingjing asked.

"They had to leave the city, so it'll take at least a week."

"A week? That's too long. We won't be here by then." Sun Jingjing frowned, and she asked, "Then do you know where they went? We can go to them instead."

The guard nodded, "Most definitely, Young Lady. The Masters should be in Crab City at the Ocean Breeze Hotel currently."

"Crab City, right? I understand. Oh, right. Mr. Hang, thank you for everything you have done for the Sun Family." Sun Jingjing said to the guard, taking him by surprise.

"You have worked for my family for over fifty years, right? I think you more than deserve to be promoted. I will let my parents know."

"T-Thank you, Young Lady!" The guard immediately bowed to her with tears streaming down his face.

Alas, after 50 years of hard work, he has finally been promoted! And it was even by the Young Lady who is definitely more influential than her parents by now.

Su Yang and Sun Jingjing left the City of Yuan and went to Crab City shortly after.

"Do you know where the Ocean Breeze Hotel is?" Sun Jingjing asked the guard at the city entrance.

"T-Those uniforms! Are you two perhaps from the Profound Blossom Sect?!" The guard was surprised to see such a prominent sect appear in their city!

"That's right. I'm Sun Jingjing, and I am here to see my parents."

"Fairy Sun!"

Since the Crab City was close to the City of Yuan, they would naturally know of Sun Jingjing, the daughter of the famous Sun Family and also Su Yang's partner!

The guard then turned to look at the handsome young man standing beside Sun Jingjing and swallowed nervously.

'If Fairy Sun is here, this man beside him must be Sect Master Su Yang!'

The guard quickly said, "Please! Follow me! This lowly one will bring the esteemed guests to the hotel!"

The guard proceeded to bring Su Yang and Sun Jingjing into the city, taking them directly to the hotel.

During their whole way there, the guard moved rigidly, almost like he was a wooden puppet, his anxiety as clear as day.

Once they arrived at the hotel that took ten minutes but felt like an eternity for the guard, the guard went inside with them and explained the situation to the hotel receptionist.

"The Sun Family? Unfortunately, they stepped out early this morning." The receptionist said to them.

"Do you know where they went?" Sun Jingjing asked.

"I do not know. I'm sorry."

"What should we do now, Su Yang?" Sun Jingjing turned to look at him for help.

"I will look for them with my spiritual sense," he said.

Although he could've done this earlier, it was rude to use such a widescale spiritual sense inside a city.

He then closed his eyes and emitted a profound aura that swept the hotel almost instantly before spreading throughout the city.

All of the experts in the city suddenly felt a chill go down their spine.

"Which expert is using spiritual sense to spy on my city?" The City Lord frowned after sensing Su Yang's spiritual sense. However, he didn't dare to do anything, as he quickly noticed that the spiritual sense was much stronger than even the peak Earth Spirit Realm experts in his city.

"I found them." Su Yang said a moment after closing his eyes.

"Thank you for the help." Sun Jingjing said to the guard and the receptionist before leaving the place with Su Yang.

"Where are they?"

"Inside some restaurant with six other families. They must be in a meeting right now."

"A meeting? What bad timing… I don't want to intrude on them, but…" Sun Jingjing sighed.

"I don't think they'll mind, especially if we're here to say goodbye."

Sun Jingjing nodded, "You're right. This may be the last time I see them, after all."

Thus, Su Yang brought Sun Jingjing to the restaurant her parents were currently occupying.

Of course, the Sun Family had reserved the entire restaurant for the day for their meeting.

"I'm sorry, but we're not accepting any guests for today." The receptionist said without even looking at their figures.

"We're not here to eat." Sun Jingjing said, causing the receptionist to look at them.

And when she saw their uniform, her eyes widened with shock.

Chapter 868 Visiting the Sun Family Again (2)

"T-That uniform… A-Are you two perhaps from the Profound Blossom Sect?" The receptionist immediately fixed her posture and straightened her back after she realized who she was dealing with.

"Yes, we're from the Profound Blossom Sect. I am Sun Jingjing, and we're here to see my parents."

"So you're the Sun Family's Young Lady! Please forgive me just now! I had no idea—"

"You can skip that talk. Just bring me to my parents." Sun Jingjing quickly interrupted her.

"Right away!"

The receptionist didn't dare to linger any longer and brought them to the largest room in the restaurant, where the Sun Family and six other families were sitting around a massive table that was filled with delicious-looking food.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Esteemed guests, you have a guest." The receptionist said to them from the outside.

"Guest? We're not expecting any guests! Shoo them away!" An unfamiliar voice quickly resounded.

"But these guests are…"

Before the receptionist could even continue, another voice resounded, "We don't care who it is! Even if he's god himself, we're currently in an important business meeting!"

The receptionist turned to look at the couple standing behind her with an apologetic look on her face.

"Don't worry, I will handle this." Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face before taking a step forward and opening the door.

"Hey! We already said that we won't be seeing any visitors! Are you deaf or what?! Get out!" A middle-aged man immediately shouted when he heard the door open before turning to look at who just opened the door, and to his surprise, it was a handsome young man wearing a familiar-looking uniform.

"T-Those robes… The Profound Blossom Sect?" The people there quickly recognized their uniforms.

"Su Yang and Jingjing? What are you two doing here?" Sun Ren stood up and stared at them with a gawking look on her face.

"What did you just say?" The other people in the room also turned to look at them after hearing the name 'Su Yang'.

And sure enough, they came to a realization, which greatly shocked and terrified them!

To think that they'd come all this way to create a good relationship with the Sun Family so that they could one day potentially meet Su Yang just to offend the man they admired himself! One can only imagine what these people are feeling right now, especially the person who directly shouted at Su Yang.

Su Yang swept the crowd with a calm gaze and said, "I guess your little meeting is more important than my woman saying her final goodbyes to her family, huh?"

The place was dead silent, as nobody there dared to speak under his immense presence.

"Wait a second… What do you mean by final goodbyes?" Sun Quan, Sun Jingjing's father, stood up and asked them with a dazed look on his face.

"Hm? The old man didn't tell you?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"We're both leaving this world soon to go to the Divine Heavens, and Sun Jingjing will be leaving with me," Su Yang explained the situation to him in a single sentence, leaving him speechless.

After a moment of silence, Sun Ren said, "Sorry for the inconvenience fellow guests, but our Sun Family has decided to postpone the meeting until tomorrow."

"D-Don't worry about it! We completely understand!"

"That's right! We'll definitely be back here tomorrow!"

"Take your time! If you need another day or two, just let us know!"

The six families there quickly packed their things and left the restaurant in a hurry.

Once everyone left, Sun Ren pointed to the empty chairs and said, "Sit down."

Su Yang and Sun Jingjing took a seat.

"Now, tell me what's going on."

Sun Jingjing nodded and said, "I will be leaving this world to go with Su Yang to the Divine Heavens, and I am here to say my goodbyes."

"When are you leaving?"

"In a few days," she responded.

"What?! So quickly?! Why haven't you told us about this until right before you leave?!" Sun Ren exclaimed.

"I have tried! I even sent you letters, but I never got any back!" Sun Jingjing said.

Sun Ren immediately became speechless.

After a moment of silence, she said, "We… We have been receiving hundreds of letters every day recently so we decided to stockpile, but alas, we accidentally destroyed it, and your letter was probably somewhere within that pile… I'm sorry…"

"Then you cannot blame me for not notifying you! I thought you didn't care or something, hence the silence!" Sun Jingjing said.

Su Yang then said, "Well, there's still a couple of days left before we leave. You can stay here until we leave and make use of whatever little time you have left."

Sun Jingjing nodded, "I will do that."

"Guess we'll have to cancel all appointments for the next few days." Sun Quan said.

Although it'll push back all of their upcoming business by an entire week, nothing was worth more than spending time with his own daughter who will be leaving shortly.

"What about you, Su Yang? Are you going to stay as well?" Sun Ren asked him.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I still have a lot of things to do, so I can only stay here for a few more hours."

"I understand. Then go back to the house for now." Sun Ren said.

Sometime later, after paying the bill, the Sun Family returned to their home in the City of Yuan on Su Yang's flying treasure, and they proceeded to spend the next couple of hours talking about Sun Jingjing's future and Su Yang's plans.

"Will you two ever return to this world to visit?" Sun Ren asked.

"We'll try, but we cannot make any promises." Su Yang said.

"I see… Well, tell me more about your plans."

Su Yang nodded and continued.

Once it was Su Yang's time to leave, he returned to the Profound Blossom Sect, leaving Sun Jingjing behind at her home with her family for the next few days.

Chapter 869 Ancestral Peak

Once he returned to the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang went to the Medicine Hall to look for Su Liqing.

"Hello, Su Yang!" The disciples there happily greeted him.

After spending a few minutes talking with the disciples, Su Yang went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Come inside." Su Liqing's voice resounded.

Su Yang opened the door and entered her small but calming room.

"Are you ready to go?" Su Yang asked her.

"I am." Su Liqing nodded as she stood up.

Although he knew they were going somewhere, Su Yang wasn't exactly sure where they were going, as it was Su Liqing who had approached him and scheduled this appointment first.

The two of them proceeded to go downstairs, and once outside, Su Liqing took the lead and escorted Su Yang to an isolated area in the Profound Blossom Sect that has never been to before.

The area was a small hill that was covered in flowers, and on the peak of this hill, there were a couple of gravestones standing tall.

"This is the Ancestral Peak, where we bury the previous Sect Masters of the Profound Blossom Sect." Su Liqing said to him as she walked to a pair of gravestones.

"This is where the previous generation of Sect Masters are buried. They took me in when my parents died and treated me as though I were their own child, and I treated them like my real parents. I just want to say my final goodbyes to them before I leave this world with you." Su Liqing said.

"Take your time." Su Yang said.

Su Liqing then lowered her body until her knees were touching the soft ground, and she kowtowed to the graves before her.

"Father, Mother, it's been a while. I am here today to introduce you to the current Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect and also my partner, Su Yang."

"The Profound Blossom Sect has become a busy— and quite frankly— an entirely different place ever since Su Yang became the Sect Master. All of the disciples are happy, the sect's reputation has never been so widespread and positive, and the sect itself has managed to become one of the top sects in the cultivation world. Unbelievable, right? I wish you two were here to witness it, but alas..."

After talking about the Profound Blossom Sect for some time, Su Liqing began talking about her departure.

"Soon, I will be leaving the Profound Blossom Sect and this world with Su Yang. The place is called Divine Heavens, and I am filled with excitement. In fact, I haven't been this excited in a very, very long time. It's similar to the kind of excitement children feel when they are going to a new playground. I cannot wait to see what kind of place the Divine Heavens is."

"Although the place is more dangerous than this place, I have complete faith in Su Yang that he'll be able to protect me— all of us."

"Therefore, this will be my last time coming here."

After saying her goodbyes, Su Liqing stood up and turned to look at Su Yang.

"I am ready to leave."

Su Yang nodded, and the two of them left the Ancestral Peak, returning to the Medicine Hall shortly after.

"I'm going to miss the Profound Blossom Sect when we leave." Su Liqing sighed after they returned to her room.

"Even though I haven't been here for too long, nor do I have any sentimental attachments to this place, I will also miss the Profound Blossom Sect. There's just something about this place that makes me feel at home." Su Yang said.

"But don't worry, it's not completely impossible to return to this world. After all, as long as this world exists somewhere in the starry sky, we will eventually find it and come back to it."

"How long do you think that will take? Searching the starry sky sounds like it'll take up a lot of time."

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Not necessarily. There are treasures out there that can help us find places no matter where they are as long as we have been there before. And once you reach a certain cultivation base, you can even traverse the starry sky with your own two feet, and a single step could easily take you millions of miles into the distance."

"Unfortunately, that's beyond my current comprehension, so I cannot even imagine it." Su Liqing shook her head with a bittersweet smile.

Sometime later, Su Yang left the Medicine Hall and went to look for the Fang Sisters.

"Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to your family?" Su Yang asked them.

Fang Zhelan nodded and said, "I never considered them as my family, anyway. Not like they care about us leaving, anyway. I would rather spend what little time I have left with Xiao Bai."

"I agree with my sister. I have been with them for the longest so I know how they operate." Fang Xiaoru said.

"I understand. If that's your decision, I won't say anything else." Su Yang nodded.

After leaving the Fang Sisters' living quarters, Su Yang went to Su Yin's living quarters.

"Are you ready to see the Su Family one last time before we leave?" Su Yang asked her.

"Yes, I am. Let's go now." Su Yin nodded.

Su Yang then retrieved his flying treasure and brought Su Yin to the Su Family in the Northern Region.

"It's been a while since I last saw this scenery. It seems to have changed a lot since then." Su Yin mumbled after they arrived at the Su Family's household, yet the place looked less colorful than she recalls.

Nothing about the place had changed in appearance, yet the atmosphere there was quite gloomy and oddly silent, almost as though something had happened.

"Maybe the place looks different because I have grown up, and I am no longer as innocent as I used to be." Su Yin mumbled before taking a step towards the place.

"Let's go, brother." Su Yin grabbed him by the hand and gently pulled him forward.

Chapter 870 Revisiting the Su Family

Author's Note: I had the chapters arrange incorrectly, so the last chapter is actually this chapter. I have already fixed it, but if you read this chapter in the last chapter, please clear your cache in the setting and it should fix it.

"Y-Young Lady! Y-Young Master!"

The servants cleaning the outside were shocked when they saw Su Yin and Su Yang's face there, even dropping their brooms.

Su Yin glanced at the servants without stopping her legs.

"When was the last time someone from the family called you Young Master, brother?" Su Yin asked him.

Su Yang merely shook his head with a smile on his face.

The servants and other family members in the Su Family would bow to Su Yin and Su Yang the moment they saw them, and not a single one of them would raise their heads until the two of them were completely gone from the scene.

"What are they doing here? I thought they had severed all relationships with the Su Family?"

The servants began mumbling to each other after they left.

Inside the building, Su Yuhan, the only legitimate child of Su Xun left in the Su Family, stood before Su Xun and said in a desperate voice, "Father! There must be a treasure out there that could heal my state! Please! How else am I supposed to continue the family's legacy when my body is like this?! It's been months! I cannot continue to live like this!"

Su Xun sighed loudly before speaking, "Yuhan… What do you want me to do? I have already sent people to look for a treasure that can cure your condition, but they have yet to find anything like that. Hell, I even hired the best doctor available in the Eastern Continent to see if he could do something, but alas…"

And he continued, "Do you really think I don't care about your condition? You're the only one who can possibly continue the family legacy now that Su Yang and Su Yin are no longer part of the family."

"However, if you want to end yourself, go ahead! I can always look for a new wife and have more children!" Su Xun spoke with a solemn look on his face.


Su Yuhan no longer spoke after hearing his last sentence.

Suddenly, they could hear somebody knocking on the door.

"Who is it?! I am having a conversation with my father right now!" Su Yuhan shouted in an annoyed manner.

The door opened the next second.

"Who gave you the permission to come inside—"

Su Yuhan snapped his head around and yelled, but when he realized who was standing at the door, he immediately shut his mouth.

Furthermore, when he saw Su Yang's face, he subconsciously closed his legs and covered his crotch area with his hands, and his nonexistent balls began to hurt like crazy.

"Ahhh!" Su Yuhan kneeled on the floor from this imaginary pain.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows after seeing this.

"It's still not healed? I guess you really don't care whether you have it or not." He then shrugged.

Su Yuhan almost coughed up a mouthful of blood after hearing Su Yang's words.

"Y-You bastard! How dare you come back here after everything you've done! Thanks to you, I have been miserable ever since that day!" Su Yuhan roared.

Because Su Yang had crushed his balls, he had been bed-ridden for many months straight despite being a cultivator, not to mention the mental damage it'd caused him, which nearly put him into a coma.

"Su Yang, Su Yin, what are you two doing here?" Su Xun asked them with a surprised look on his face.

"We're here to say goodbye, father." Su Yin said to him, completely ignoring Su Yuhan's existence.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

"You have heard about Divine Heaven, right? I will be going to that place with brother soon. Therefore, we're going to be leaving this world." Su Yin said.

"Divine Heaven? Oh, right… That other world..." Su Xun finally remembers hearing about Su Yang leaving this world to go to the Divine Heavens.

Of course, Su Yin would go with him, as she values her brother more than everything else in this world.

"Although I still cannot fully forgive you for what you did to brother, father, you are still my family in the end." Su Yin said.

"Also, I know you don't want to find another wife because you don't want to 'betray' mother, but I think it's about time you move on. After all, I highly doubt he'll be able to continue the family's legacy with his body in such a condition." Su Yin said to Su Xun while looking at Su Yuhan with disgust.

"S-Shut up, you brother-loving freak! As if you have any right to talk about continuing the legacy!" Su Yuhan said to her.

"Hmph. I will continue the legacy in my own way. At least I can still give birth to brother's child and continue the legacy that way. What can you do with that destroyed junk? Might as well feed it to the pigs! At least it'll have some uses then!" Su Yin coldly sneered.

Before his tragedy, Su Yuhan has always been the arrogant elder brother who would look down on everyone and treat them as though they were insects, even if they were his own family.

Perhaps if Su Yuhan hadn't bullied the soulless Su Yang, she might not have hated him as much.

"Enough, you two." Su Xun shook his head.

"Su Yin, I have already told you everything I needed to when you decided to leave the family to follow Su Yang. I don't have anything else to say… However, I do wish both of you good luck. The Su Family will survive just fine even without you two."

"As for you, Su Yang… Take care of your little sister. That's all I have to say."

Su Yang smiled and said, "You may think I hold a grudge against you for kicking me out of the family, but I am actually grateful for it, as I was able to become the person I am today because of it."

He then retrieved a storage pouch and tossed it onto his desk.

"Take it."

Su Yang then turned to look at Su Yuhan and said, "I was going to help you heal that mess down there if you had changed even slightly, but alas… You haven't changed even the slightest."

"W-What did you just say? You have a way to heal me?" Su Yuhan looked at him with wide eyes.

Su Yang shrugged and turned around, walking out of the room.

"W-Wait!" Su Yuhan immediately shouted at him to stop, but Su Yang ignored him completely and continued to leave.

Chapter 871 Join My Family

"Please wait!"

Seeing that Su Yang wasn't stopping, Su Yuhan ran in front of him and blocked his path.

"Please! I beg you! Help me! I cannot continue living like this!" Su Yuhan fell to his knees with tears flowing down his face.

Su Yang glanced at Su Yuhan for a moment before walking around him.

And without looking back, he said, "You'll eventually find a way to heal it. Just be patient."

"And how long will that take?!" Su Yuhan asked.

Su Yang shrugged, "Who knows. It could be a month from now, or it can even be ten years from now. Focus on your cultivation and time will pass by faster."

"Y-You fucking bastard! This is all your fault, to begin with! How dare you mess with me like this! Are you even human?!" Su Yuhan roared as he watched Su Yang and Su Yin disappear from the place.

"Forget it, Yuhan." Su Xun said to him.


Su Xun suddenly slammed the desk and shouted, "I said forget it! If you keep yapping, I will also stop helping you!

Su Yuhan immediately closed his mouth, his face covered in sweat the next moment.

Meanwhile, Su Yang and Su Yin returned to the Profound Blossom Sect.

"Ah, that was refreshing. I have always wanted to scold that idiot but I never had the courage, and he was stronger than me at that time." Su Yin said with a smile on her pretty face.

Su Yang merely shook his head in silence and with a slight smile on his face.

Sometime later, Su Yin returned to her own living quarters while Su Yang went to Bai Lihua's place.

"Do you have anyone you want to say goodbye to?" Su Yang asked Bai Lihua.

Bai Lihua shook her head and said with a bittersweet smile on her face, "My parents have been long gone from this world even before I became the Sect Master of the Heavenly Swan Sect. I also don't have any close friends. I guess I've been living a lonely life now that I think about it…"

"Don't worry about it too much. The cultivation world is usually filled with solitude so there are a lot of people out there like you. In fact, before I became a dual cultivator, I also had no friends and preferred to be alone. It's just a way of life for us cultivators."

Bai Lihua nodded.

Sometime later, Su Yang went to see if Zhang Xiu Ying or Li Xiao Mo had anyone they needed to see before they left for the Divine Heavens.

However, they said the same thing as Bai Lihua, so Su Yang returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion.

He laid on the bed and pondered if there was anything he still needed to do in this world.

"Master…" Xiao Rong appeared before him not long after he returned.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Go ahead."

Xiao Rong didn't say anything else and immediately got onto the bed and started squeezing his Yang Qi out.

Su Yang didn't bother to collect her Yin Qi this time and continued to ponder while Xiao Rong helped herself with his divine rod.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on his door.

"You can enter." Su Yang said.

The door opened, and Hong Yu'er walked inside.

Xiao Rong merely glanced at Hong Yu'er before ignoring her and continuing to suck on Su Yang's straw.

Su Yang also didn't mind it and acted as though everything was normal.

"What's up?"

Hong Yu'er glanced at Xiao Rong for a brief moment before turning to look at Su Yang.

"We're leaving for the Divine Heavens in a few days, right?"

"That's right." He nodded.

And he continued, "Do you have somewhere you want to go?"

"No… I… I want to cultivate with you before we leave this world," she said to him, taking him by surprise.

"What's this about?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"The Divine Heavens is extremely dangerous, right? Anything might happen there— I might die before I even see Senior Tang again. And I don't want to die without experiencing 'that', so I'm going to cultivate with you before we leave."


After a moment of silence, Su Yang said, "Indeed, anything can happen there. You can die. I can also die without achieving my dreams. However, to cultivate with me just because of that… I don't know how I feel about it."

"What if you don't die and you find someone you love in the Divine Heavens? You will definitely regret giving me your purity at that time," he continued.


Hong Yu'er was speechless.

"Hong Yu'er, you should relax. As long as you're with me, I won't let you die. Even if you're not my lover, I won't let you come to any harm even if it'll hurt me in the process."

"If you say so…" Hong Yu'er nodded, and she left his room shortly after.

Sometime later, once Su Yang was certain that he had nothing else to do in this world, he stopped Xiao Rong and got off the bed.

"I still have one thing I want to do before I leave…" Su Yang then left his room and went to knock on Liu Lanzhi's room.

"Su Yang?" Liu Lanzhi greeted him at the door.

"I want to spend my last few days with you," he said to her.

Hearing his words, Liu Lanzhi was taken by surprise and blushed slightly.

"Please, come inside." Liu Lanzhi said, opening the door fully for him.

A few minutes later, they got on the bed and began kissing each other passionately.

"Liu Lanzhi, I know you have decided to stay here, and I am not going to try and convince you to follow me. However, I do have another proposal for you." Su Yang suddenly said to her.

"What is it?" Liu Lanzhi stared at him with an intensive gaze, her heart beating with anticipation.

"Join my family," he said with a serious look on his face.

"Eh?" Liu Lanzhi's eyes immediately widened with surprise upon hearing his request.

Chapter 872 Leaving the Profound Blossom Sect

"J-Join your family? But Su Yang, I cannot follow you to the Divine Heavens… How can I be part of your family if I cannot even be there with you?" Liu Lanzhi asked him.

"I know, and don't worry, you don't have to follow me to the Divine Heavens in order to become my family."

"Then why?" Liu Lanzhi asked, as she cannot comprehend it.

"It's a promise I am making to you— a promise that I will one day return to this world and see you again." Su Yang said to her.

"Su Yang…" Liu Lanzhi was at a loss for words, as she was being overwhelmed with emotions.

"However, I must warn you that it might be a little harsh for you, as there are rules that you must follow no matter if I am here or not, especially since you are a dual cultivator."

Liu Lanzhi nodded and said, "I don't care. I want to be in your family no matter the cost!"

Su Yang then told her the family rules.

"It's not so bad. I have already promised myself that I would give up being a dual cultivator and become an ordinary cultivator once you leave. These family rules won't be a problem for me."

"Are you sure?" Su Yang asked her again.

"Am I sure?" Liu Lanzhi smiled and opened her legs before spreading her slit with her fingers.

"Why don't you stick it inside and find out?" she said with an intoxicating expression on her face.

Su Yang's serious look immediately turned into a smile.

"Very well. Let me ask your body instead." Su Yang proceeded to stick his stiff rod inside her cave and began banging her like never before.


Liu Lanzhi's moaning voice quickly filled the room, and it would not stop for the rest of the day as Su Yang ravaged her lustful body.

A couple of days later, Su Yang released his last load of Yang Qi inside Liu Lanzhi's body that easily overflowed her cave.

"Su Yang… I love you…" Liu Lanzhi gave him a passionate kiss as she felt the Family Seal on her body activate after Su Yang smeared some of his blood on it.

"I promise you that I will one day return to you. In fact, if you ever decide to come to the Divine Heavens, go through the treasure in the Southern Continent. However, the treasure will only appear once every two years, and when it does, it will only last for a couple of hours." Su Yang said to her.

"But how will I find you in such a vast world?" Liu Lanzhi asked him.

"As long as you have the Family Seal, I will be able to find you and you will be able to find me."

Liu Lanzhi nodded.

"I will take you with me to the Southern Continent before we leave later today." Su Yang then said to her.

"Okay." Liu Lanzhi nodded.

Sometime later, Su Yang cleaned up and got dressed before summoning all of the disciples in the Profound Blossom Sect.

While the disciples from around the sect gathered in one place, Su Yang retrieved his flying treasure and brought Liu Lanzhi to the Southern Continent and the place where the mirror should appear.

Qiuyue was also there, as she has been monitoring the place for the past week.

"How're things looking?" Su Yang asked Qiuyue.

"See for yourself." She casually said while glancing at Liu Lanzhi.

"Welcome to the family," she suddenly said to her.

"T-Thank you…" Liu Lanzhi said.

"She won't be coming with us to the Divine Heavens, though." Su Yang revealed.

"Huh?" Qiuyue raised her eyebrows.

This is the first time someone has accepted his Family Seal but decided to not follow him.

"The Family Seal is my promise to her that I would one day return to this world." Su Yang explained to her.

"I see…" Qiuyue mumbled.

"Anyways, the spiritual energy in this place is definitely abnormal, almost like a treasure is about to be born." Su Yang then said.

Qiuyue nodded and said, "The mirror will definitely appear here. It's just a matter of when."

Su Yang turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and said, "I will create a teleport formation that connects this location to the Profound Blossom Sect, so if you ever decide to come here, you'll be able to do so with ease."

"Thank you, Su Yang."

Su Yang and Liu Lanzhi didn't linger around the place for long and returned to the Profound Blossom Sect shortly after Su Yang quickly made a teleport formation at the place.

Once they returned to the Profound Blossom Sect, they could see thousands of disciples gathered beneath them.

"The place sure has grown a lot since the Regional Tournament, huh?" Su Yang said with a smile.

"Yes… And you're the reason our Profound Blossom Sect is in the position it is currently in. Thank you, Su Yang. I knew it was the right choice when I handed you the position of Sect Master."

"And thank you for picking me," Su Yang said.

Sometime later, after creating another teleport formation somewhere in the Profound Blossom Sect that connected to the Southern Continent, Su Yang and the rest of his family gathered in front of these disciples.

"As of this moment, I will be stepping down as the Sect Master and leaving the Profound Blossom Sect alongside my family. I know the Profound Blossom Sect will continue to grow even without my presence, and it greatly pleases me to know that I was the Sect Master of so many wonderful disciples. Thank you all for everything." Su Yang said to them with a handsome smile on his face.

Many of the disciples there started crying before Su Yang even finished his sentence, especially the female disciples that had cultivated with him, acting almost like they'd lost a loved one.

"Goodbye, Sect Master! I will never forget you!" A disciple suddenly shouted.

"I will also never forget our time together, Sect Master!" Another disciple shouted.

"Farewell, Sect Master! Su Yang! I love you!"

The other disciples quickly followed, causing the Profound Blossom Sect to shake from their voices and cries.

Chapter 873 Returning to the Boar Tribe

After saying their goodbyes to the disciples, Su Yang's family boarded the large flying treasure in the sky with Su Yang being the last person to board.

"Although I will be leaving, this might not be the last time you'll see me, as I will try my best to return in the future." Su Yang said to the disciples, causing the noises to increase tremendously.

He then turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and held her hands, "I will be back for you and our child— I promise."

Liu Lanzhi nodded with a gentle smile on her face, "We will be waiting for you."

Su Yang then grabbed Liu Lanzhi and pulled her body into his embrace before giving her a long and passionate kiss before all of the disciples.

The place immediately became dead silent, as the disciples didn't want to ruin their mood.

A good moment later, Su Yang released her and flew away, broadening the flying treasure.

"Goodbye, Su Yang! Goodbye, everyone!" Liu Lanzhi watched as the flying treasure disappeared from the Profound Blossom Sect with tears flowing down her face.

The disciples and Liu Lanzhi remained still for a few minutes even after Su Yang left the place.

Liu Lanzhi wiped her tears and turned to face the disciples with a smile and motivated expression on her face.

"You can return to whatever you were doing," she said to them.

Once the disciples were dismissed, Liu Lanzhi returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion that felt uncomfortably quiet.

"He's only been gone for a few minutes and I am already feeling miserable and lonely. Life isn't going to be as easy as I thought." Liu Lanzhi sighed.

She proceeded to go back to work, hoping that it'd take her mind off Su Yang's departure, but it was quickly made apparent that she was unable to focus on anything.

Thus, she could only lie on the bed that still lingered with Su Yang's smell and closed her eyes to recall all of her experience with Su Yang.

The first time they met. Su Yang's Inner Court disciple examination. Everything from the day the Su Family dropped him off at the Profound Blossom Sect.

"The Sect Master is really staying behind, huh?" The ladies on the flying treasure admired Liu Lanzhi's will to stay behind whilst everyone else left.

A few moments after leaving the Profound Blossom Sect, the flying treasure headed to the City of Yuan to pick up Sun Jingjing from her parents before heading to the Southern Continent to meet up with Qiuyue.

"Goodbye, Jingjing. Goodbye, Su Yang. Stay safe out there!" Sun Jingjing's parents watched them leave the city with teary eyes.

After picking up Sun Jingjing, they went straight to the Southern Continent.

"It feels like it's been forever since I left this place…" Qin Liangyu stared at the Southern Continent from above with a nostalgic feeling.

"Do you want to visit the Boar Tribe before leaving?" Su Yang asked her.

"Can I?"

"Yes. We still have a few days before we leave this world, and we'll have a few hours even after the treasure appears." Su Yang nodded.

"Okay. I will visit the Boar Tribe one last time before I leave." Qin Liangyu said.

"Wow… So this is the Southern Continent, huh? It's nothing like I had expected." Sun Jingjing mumbled in a low voice.

Sometime later, Su Yang brought Qin Liangyu back to the Boar Tribe whilst the others stayed with Qiuyue on the flying ship.

"C-Chief Qin?!"

The tribe members were surprised to see Qin Liangyu suddenly return to their place with Su Yang.

"What are you talking about? I am no longer the chief of this place." Qin Liangyu said with a smile on her face.

"Oh… right… I said that without thinking… Anyways, what are you doing back here, Senior Qin? Don't tell me you're returning to us?!" The tribe members said.

"Of course, not. I am only here to visit you guys one last time before I leave this world through the mirror." Qin Liangyu said to them.

"The Mirror of Darkness? You're really going through it? Nobody really knows what's on the other side either."

Qin Liangyu nodded, and she continued, "Is Lebao here? Ah, I meant Chief Lebao. How's he doing?"

"Yes, Chief Lebao is doing great as the new chief. He also recently had a child."

"Really? That's great to hear." Qin Liangyu said, feeling relieved that he was able to move forward.

"Do you want me to call the Chief here?" The tribe members at the entrance asked her.

"I don't want to bother his new family, so this is the furthest I will go." Qin Liangyu shook her head, as she didn't want her presence to make things awkward for his new family.

"Who do you think you're going to bother?"

A familiar voice suddenly resounded in the distance, causing everybody there to turn and look.

To their surprise, Chief Lebao was standing there with a little boy in his arms and a pretty woman beside him.

They slowly approached Qin Liangyu.

"You won't be a bother. I have already gotten over it." Lebao said to her with a calm smile on his face.

"You're here to see whether I am leading the tribe properly or not, right? Come with me. I'll show you around." Lebao then said with a confident smile on his face.

"That's not my intention. I am just here visiting the place I grew up in for the last time." Qin Liangyu said.

"The last time?" Leobao raised his eyebrows.

"I am leaving this world with Su Yang. We're going to go through the Mirror of Darkness," she revealed to him.

"W-What? The Mirror of Darkness?" Lebao was shocked.

"You're actually going to do it? You know many people have gone inside and never returned."

"I know." Qin Liangyu nodded.

"And you're going to risk it? For him?" Lebao turned to look at Su Yang, who was casually standing there like he was minding his own business.

Chapter 874 Returning to the Boar Tribe (2)

"Forget it… If you wish to enter the Mirror of Darkness, that is entirely up to you." Lebao shook his head.

"Anyways, let me show you around the Boar Tribe for the last time before you leave." He then said.

Qin Lianyu nodded and followed Lebao and his family around the Boar Tribe.

Meanwhile, Su Yang was surrounded by the ladies in the Boar Tribe.

"Su Yang! Do you remember me?" A pretty young lady suddenly approached him with glistening eyes.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Of course."

This young lady was one of the thirty-two women who'd assisted his recovery after his fight with the Dragon Tribe by sharing a bed with him.

"Hehe… Since you're here, do you think we can do that again?" She asked him.

"Only for a few minutes," he nodded with a smile.

"That's more than enough time!" The young lady nodded before dragging him into her home.

Inside, Su Yang inserted his rod into the young lady's cave while fully clothed.

After thrusting for a few minutes without rest, Su Yang released his Yang Qi inside her body.

"Aaah~! I feel like you've improved since the last time," she said to him afterward with a satisfied look on her red face.

"Perhaps." Su Yang smiled.

Su Yang left the place shortly after.

However, before he could go anywhere, another woman approached him.

"Hey, Su Yang. Remember me?" This mature woman with large peaks and a slim body asked him while winking at him in a seductive manner.

Su Yang chuckled, "I remember everyone that helped me."

"Do you have some time right now? A couple of minutes should be enough," she then said.

"Does your husband know about this? I also remember how unhappy he looked afterward."

"He won't know about it," she said in a low voice.

"How can you be so sure? You sound confident." Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

A bittersweet smile appeared on her face, and she spoke, "Because he's no longer with us. He died in an accident last month while he went hunting."

"Oh… I'm sorry for bringing it up." Su Yang apologized to her.

"It's okay, but if you want to make it up to me…" The woman then lifted her clothes slightly in a revealing manner.

"I have been lonely since then," she said.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Let's go."

The woman immediately smiled and took him to her room, where they cultivated intensively for almost half an hour.

Of course, Su Yang notified Qin Liangyu before they started so she didn't have to wonder where he went.

While Su Yang cultivated with the women in the Boar Tribe, Lebao showed Qin Liangyu everything he's changed or improved in the Boar Tribe.

"The Boar Tribe has definitely improved significantly ever since I left. I knew it was the right decision to make you the next Chief. Congratulations, Lebao." Qin Liangyu said to him.

"Thank you, Senior Qin. And as much as I hate that man for taking you from the Boar Tribe, I have to give him some credit. If he didn't protect the Boar Tribe from the Lion Tribe and the Dragon Tribe, we wouldn't even have a Boar Tribe today."

"Yes… Su Yang, he's a wonderful man— much more than I'd initially thought when I first left with him. I'm really glad I decided to follow him," she said.

"So you don't regret leaving the tribe, huh?" Lebao said with a bittersweet smile on his face.

"As brutal as it sounds, I don't regret it even the slightest." Qin Liangyu said with a smile.

"Well, good luck, Senior Qin. Although I don't know what's on the other side of the mirror, I wish you and him the best of luck." Lebao said to her.

"Thank you, Lebao. And I also wish you, your family, and the Boar Tribe the best. I won't forget this place or any of you," Qin Liangyu said.

Sometime later, after Lebao finished showing Qin Liangyu around the tribe, she prepared to leave the place alone.

"Where's the Savior? You're not leaving with him?" Leobao asked her when he didn't see him around.

Qin Liangyu chuckled and said, "He will be staying in the Boar Tribe for a little bit longer since he went to visit a couple of his old partners, so I will be heading back first. I hope you won't mind it."

Lebao was speechless. As long as Su Yang stays away from his current wife, he couldn't care less what he is doing with the other women in the tribe.

A few hours after Qin Liangyu left the Boar Tribe, Su Yang finally left.

Of course, he didn't expect to stay in the tribe for longer than even Qin Liangyu, but whenever he was finished with one, another of his old partners would show up and ask him to cultivate with her.

Eventually, Su Yang cultivated with all 32 women that he'd cultivated with before including a few new ones before leaving the Boar Tribe with a refreshed smile on his face.

Compared to the women in the Eastern Continent, the women in the Boar Tribe were much more intense.

"Did you have fun?" Qin Liangyu asked him when he returned to the flying ship.

"Although it was shorter than last time, it was definitely much better." Su Yang chuckled.

"What about your tour? How was the Boar Tribe?"

"It's doing great— much better than I'd expected. The living conditions have improved, and the food supply is great. I can leave this world without any worries after seeing that," she said with a relieved smile.

"So you have been worried about them, huh?"

Qin Liangyu nodded, "Just a tad bit. I'm glad Lebao was able to change. He's like a completely different individual now."

"You may not realize it, but you have also changed a lot since you left." Su Yang said to her.

"Really? I hope it's for the better."

"Of course. You're less timid and much more mature."

"Thank the heavens…" Qin Liangyu sighed in relief after hearing his words.

Sometime later, Su Yang gathered everybody on the flying ship.

Chapter 875 Supreme Appearance Altering Pill

Once everyone was gathered on the deck of the flying ship, Su Yang said to them, "The treasure should appear in a few days, and once that happens, we will have only a few hours to enter it. However, before we enter the treasure, I need all of you to go inside the Spatial Device so that we won't accidentally become separated once we enter the mirror, as anything can happen while we're inside, and I won't risk losing any of you here."

The ladies there nodded.

Su Yang then continued, "Once you enter the Spatial Device, you will not be able to leave until I find a safe location to open the doors. This could take days, weeks, even months, but I will try my best to find a safe location for us as soon as possible."

"There's no need to rush things, Su Yang. Your safety is the most important to us." Wu Jingjing said to him.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I already have a place in mind, but since I don't know where we'll end up in the Divine Heavens— if we'll even go to the Divine Heavens, I cannot really say for sure."

"Will we be able to see you in the meantime?" Zhang Xiu Ying asked him.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet. However, I can still speak to you all through the Spatial Device."

"That's good enough." Sun Jingjing said.

"Su Yang, what's going to happen if we don't arrive in the Divine Heavens?" Zhu Mengyi asked him.

"I will figure things out if we do reach that point. However, I am pretty confident that we'll reach the Divine Heavens," he said.

"Any more questions?" Su Yang then asked.

"Do I also have to be inside the Spatial Device?" A voice suddenly asked.

Su Yang turned to look at the peerless beauty with silver hair— Qiuyue.

"That would be for the best." He nodded.

And he continued, "Did you already forget? You're still hunted by the Sacred Moon Temple. It would be unwise to have you walking around the Divine Heavens even if we disguise you since the Moon Clan has unique methods of finding their own bloodline."

"I guess so…" Qiuyue sighed.

Then she asked, "What about you? I'm sure there'll be people who will recognize you even though you look younger."

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Of course, I will be disguising myself."

He then retrieved a black pill and showed it to them.

"Wow! What kind of pill is that? I have never seen a pitch-black pill before!" Wang Shuren was the first to speak after seeing this pill.

"This is the Supreme Appearance Altering Pill. It will not only disguise my face, but it'll also alter the shape of my body and even the length of my bones. Although it's not the best appearance-changing pills out there since I don't have the resources to make them, this should be more than enough to keep myself lowkey until I find a better one."

"What? There are even better pills out there even though this one can alter your bones?" Wang Shuren was surprised to hear that.

"Of course. They're so complicated that even I don't want to explain it. You'll have to see it for yourself." Su Yang said.

"Do you think you can disguise yourself now? I want to see what you're going to look like going to the Divine Heavens." Su Yin asked him.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "I will let you all see my disguise right before you enter the Spatial Device."

"What? Why?" Su Yin tilted her head, looking confused.

"Let's just say if I do it now, it's going to be awkward cultivating with you for the next few days. Of course, if none of you wants to cultivate with me from now until we leave, I can consume the pill now." Su Yang said.

The ladies were speechless.

"I-I can wait to see you transform, brother." Su Yin quickly said, as it was not worth losing her time cultivating with him.

The others agreed by nodding their heads silently.

Su Yang smiled and stored the Supreme Appearance Altering Pill away shortly after.

"Then let's not waste any more time. I won't be able to cultivate with any of you for a while after we leave, after all." Su Yang then said to them.

The ladies that are able to cultivate with him quickly dragged him inside the flying ship and began cultivating with him one by one.

However, since they don't have much time left, they were only allowed to cultivate with him for a couple of hours so that everyone in the family could have a turn before they have to leave.

As for those who could not cultivate with him due to obvious reasons, one of them being underaged, they spent their time cultivating by themselves.

On the third day, Su Yang finished cultivating with everyone that wanted to cultivate with him.

When he went to the deck of the ship, he noticed people gathering below the flying ship and the place where the Mirror of Darkness should appear.

"They are probably people who want to enter the Mirror of Darkness like us." Qin Liangyu said to him.

"Every 2 years, people from around the Southern Continent would come here to enter the mirror. Of course, that number has lowered throughout the years when more and more people realize that everybody that entered the mirror never returned. However, despite that, there will always be some curious people who would still risk everything and enter the mirror." Qin Liangyu explained to him when Su Yang asked her.

"I see…" Su Yang mumbled.

Sometime later, Su Yang noticed a figure approaching their location, and this figure was flying in the air.

"Hm? That figure…" Su Yang's eyes widened slightly when he saw a familiar bulky figure approaching him.

"It's been a while, Su Yang." Xian Ni said to him with a bright smile. "Looks like I made it here in time. It would've sucked if you'd already left this world before I could even show up."

Chapter 876 Xian Ni's Decision

"Xian Ni? What are you doing here? Don't tell me you came all the way here just to say goodbye to me." Su Yang said to him.

Indeed, it was Ancestor Xian from the Western Continent.

"Hahaha…" Xian Ni laughed out loud for a good moment before speaking, "Of course not. I'm here because I also want to go to the Divine Heavens."

"What?" Su Yang's eyes widened.

"After meeting you, I have realized how small my view actually is— like a frog inside a well. I want to broaden my views by going to the Divine Heavens, and hopefully, I will be able to continue cultivating even more." Xian Ni said.

And he continued, "I have realized this long ago, but as long as I stay in this world, my cultivation will not go any higher. Therefore, I can only take my chances in another world where the spiritual energy is much stronger there. Perhaps I can even experience life as a disciple again."

Su Yang smiled and said, "You may be a peak expert in this world, but in the Divine Heavens, being a Sovereign at your age… I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but you will be compared to trash very often. You'll have a hard time finding a sect that's willing to accept you as a disciple."

Xian Ni laughed even louder after hearing Su Yang's words.

"That's even better! I like a good challenge!" Xian Ni said.

"What did your family say?"

"Hm? They were surprised, but that doesn't matter. I am already barely in their lives these days. It won't make a difference whether I'm in this world or not." Xian Ni said.

It was common for him to disappear for decades— even centuries without any notices, so his family probably wouldn't even notice that he'd left this world unless he told them beforehand.

"I see… Well, even though your cultivation is pretty bad for someone your age, that is only because of the limits in this world. If you had been born in the Divine Heavens, you would probably be a pretty powerful Body Refiner by now, so you might still have a chance." Su Yang suddenly said to him.

"What? Really? You really think so?" Xiang Ni's eyes widened with surprise after hearing Su Yang's remarks.

"Yes. You're pretty talented. I noticed it when we sparred with each other. Your physique is pretty solid. If only you'd been given a good technique and trained properly." Su Yang nodded.

"Hahaha! This is great news! Thank you, Su Yang!" Xian Ni bowed to him.

"By the way, the teleportation formation you made worked like wonders. Although it had cost me a couple of millions of spirit stones, I was able to teleport from the Western Continent to the Southern Continent without any troubles, and it was also almost instantaneous." Xian Ni gave Su Yang his feedback on the teleport formations.

"Good to hear." Su Yang said.

"Anyways, how long until we can go to the Divine Heavens?" Xian Ni then asked.

"Judging by the spiritual energy in the area, the treasure should be very close to appearing. I wouldn't be surprised if it appears today."

"I see… Then if you're not busy, let's talk until it appears. I want to learn more about the Divine Heavens before we go, after all."

Su Yang nodded, "Sure. I just finished cultivating with everyone, anyway."

Xian Ni smiled at his words, "Lucky bastard."

Sometime later, Su Yang and Xian Ni began chatting with each other.

"As the name Four Divine Heavens implies, there are four different worlds in the place we're going. Of course, there are other worlds, but they are too small when compared to the Divine Heavens to be considered a 'world'. These small words are usually called Minor Heavens, but there are famous ones that have their own name. The Four Divine Heavens are the major ones, and they consist of the Spirit Heaven, Martial Heaven, Celestial Heaven, and lastly, the Jade Heaven."

"I was born in the Celestial Heaven, which is ranked 3rd amongst all the Four Divine Heavens."

"Wait, they're ranked? By what? Their strength?" Xian Ni asked.

"Yes, each world is ranked by the overall prowess that occupies their world and other things, but ultimately, it's decided by a tournament that has each worlds' strongest Cultivators fight against each other."

"Most people don't care about the rank of each Divine Heavens. It's usually only the lords of the Divine Heavens that really care about it."

"Lords…? Like rulers?" Xian Ni asked.

Su Yang nodded, "Just like how every continent in this world has its own ruling family, there is a ruler for each of the Divine Heavens. However, there is one true ruler in the Four Divine Heavens, and that is the Heavenly Emperor. The other four are merely his pawns that were given the right to rule. In fact, the Heavenly Emperor rules not just the Four Divine Heavens but also all of the Minor Heavens around it."

"Good lord… the Heavenly Emperor… How powerful must this guy be in order to rule the heavens?"

Su Yang showed a bittersweet smile and said, "He's powerful— very powerful. However, he's not the most powerful cultivator in the world. It's his connections and the strength of his family that allows him to rule the heavens."

"Anyways, enough about the Heavenly Emperor. Let me tell you about each of the Divine Heavens briefly so you have an understanding."

Thus, Su Yang continued to introduce the Divine Heavens to Xian Ni.

"The Celestial Heaven and Martial Heaven are pretty much the same when it comes to similarities between each world with only some differences in their environments and whatnot."

"It's only the Spirit Heaven and Jade Heaven that truly differentiates itself from the others."

"The Jade Heaven is ranked fourth, but they are mostly famous for their wealth. In other words, the wealthiest of the Four Divine Heavens is the Jade Heaven. They are so wealthy that even if the other three Divine Heavens combined their wealth together, it would still not surpass the Jade Heaven. If you want to make money, you should go to the Jade Heaven." Su Yang said to him.

Chapter 877 Four Divine Heavens' Economy

"The Jade Heaven, huh? I will keep that in mind. And speaking of wealth, how different is it in the Divine Heavens compared to this place when it comes to their economy?" Xian Ni asked.

"It's entirely different. While they also have spirit stones and still use them as currencies, it's only worth as much as coins do to mortals in this world in the Four Divine Heavens. In other words, mortals use spirit stones as if they are coins over there whilst spirit stones are worth a fortune to mortals in this world."

"What the heck? Then what do Cultivators use?" Xian Ni asked.

"Spirit stones, but a different kind."

Su Yang then retrieved a spirit stone and showed it to him, "Imagine this tiny spirit stone a little bigger, and it contains enough spiritual energy to make a Cultivator at the Elementary Spirit Realm reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm before running out of spiritual energy."

Xian Ni's jaw dropped. How can such spirit stones possibly exist?

"There are ordinary spirit stones in the Divine Heavens, and then there are medium-grade spirit stones, high-grade spirit stones, and flawless spirit stones. Of course, the higher grade the spirit stone the more it's worth. For comparison, one medium-grade spirit stone is worth about 10,000 ordinary low-grade spirit stones, and one high-grade spirit stone is worth 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones."

"Heavens…" Xian Ni mumbled in a dazed voice.

"There are also these things called Spirit Jades used as currencies, and they are as valuable as spirit stones are to mortals in this world. Even a single low-grade Spirit Jade is worth as much as 100,000 flawless spirit stones. They are usually used to exchange for extremely valuable treasures that cannot be paid in spirit stones since it'll cost too much." Su Yang explained the economy to Xian Ni, who was left speechless by such knowledge.

"Anyways, that's the gist of the economy in the Four Divine Heavens. There are other things used as currencies, but spirit stones and spirit jades are the norms."

"Now, onto the Spirit Heaven, which is ranked second. The way this place differs from the others is the people living in this world."

"People?" Xian Ni raised his eyebrows.

"When I say people, they're not really humans. Magical beasts, divine beasts, and even demons… The Spirit Heaven is occupied by mostly these kinds of existences." Su Yang explained.

"In other words, Spirit Heaven is the home of magical beasts and the likes, and the majority of them take on the form of humans to make things more convenient for them."

"I see… I have seen a couple of magical beasts transforming into humans before, but I can count them on one hand, so an entire world of them… I cannot imagine." Xian Ni said.

Su Yang smiled, and he continued, "Next is the Martial Heaven, and they are ranked first in terms of overall prowess. If you're looking for talented Cultivators, that's where you go, as that's where all of the best talents in the Four Divine Heavens seemingly gather."

"If you want to become the strongest out there, that'll also be your destination."

Xian Ni immediately smiled and said, "So you're telling me to go to the Martial Heaven?"

Su Yang nodded, "If you want to learn from the best, that is where you should go. From Qi Refiners to Body Refiners to Alchemy Masters and Dual Cultivators, the Martial Heaven has it all. Not only are they the most diverse but they are also the strongest. I will personally be going there to increase my cultivation once I find a place to settle down with my family."

And he continued, "However, we don't know where the treasure will take us, nor can we control it. We might land in any of the Four Divine Heavens, or we might land somewhere else that's not related to the Four Divine Heavens."

"Let's say we land in the Spirit Heaven. How do we travel to another Divine Heaven?" Xian Ni asked.

"There will be teleport formations in most major cities that can take you to the other Divine Heavens, almost like the ones in this world. Of course, they're much more powerful and will cost you even more spirit stones." Su Yang said.

"The Four Divine Heavens are by no means close to each other. It'll take you more than just a few million spirit stones to use it."

"How much does it usually cost?"

Su Yang pondered for a moment before speaking, "It varies depending on where you're going and your location before the teleport, but it's going to cost you at least a few hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones."

Xian Ni's jaw dropped upon hearing that enormous amount.

If a single high-grade spirit stone is worth 10,000 medium-grade, and 1 medium-grade is worth 10,000 ordinary spirit stones, it would cost at least a few trillions of spirit stones to use the teleport formation! It was an astronomical amount that he couldn't even fathom!

"Heavens, I hope we'll get teleported directly to the Martial Heaven… It'll probably take me the rest of my life to collect that much— In fact, I will probably die long before then." Xian Ni sighed.

"Don't worry, it may seem like a lot to you right now, but once you get used to life in the Divine Heavens, 100,000 high-grade spirit stones— even a few million won't appear to be that much."

"I hope so…" Xian Ni sighed, feeling his confidence shattering even before he arrived at the Divine Heavens.

"Who knows, maybe you'll have a fortunate encounter and obtain some valuable treasure that'll pay for your trip and more." Su Yang chuckled.

"That sounds like a joke, but in the cultivation world, that isn't too far-fetched. In fact, it's entirely possible." Xian Ni shook his head with a smile.

Sometime later, Xian Ni asked, "Tell me more about the Celestial Heaven. You were born there, right?"

Su Yang nodded, "But there's nothing really special about the Celestial Heaven. It's like your standard cultivation world but much larger, I guess."

Chapter 878 Entering the Silver Dimension Gate (End of Vol. 9)

"Then how about telling me about your birthplace and your family background if you don't mind?" Xian Ni then asked him.

"My background, huh?" Su Yang tilted his head and looked at the clear blue sky.

"Just like the Celestial Heaven, there is nothing impressive or unique about my background. I was born in an ordinary family. Once I was able to start cultivating, I left my family and started exploring the world."

"In fact, I didn't even take cultivation seriously at first. It was not until I met my first love that I started cultivating seriously."

"Your first love? Now that sounds interesting."

"It's your typical love story, though. She was a powerful warrior who fought for a certain kingdom. I fell in love at first sight, and in order to make my presence known to her, I trained until she finally noticed me. I succeeded, and we married. We lived happily for a couple of years, but we eventually learned that she was infertile, which meant she couldn't give birth. I didn't mind it, but she did."

"There was nothing she nor I could've done at that time, and she eventually passed away from old age because she was a mortal warrior. Well, she was also a cultivator, but she wasn't at the level where she could live for thousands of years."

"Heavenly Spirit Realm— that was her peak, whilst I continued to grow and grow, eventually becoming an Immortal." Su Yang sighed.

"I didn't expect a tragic story… I'm sorry if I brought up your bad memories."

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Bad memories? Hahaha… Although it was tough at times, it wasn't always like that. In fact, we had plenty of lovely memories together— so much so that it overshadows most of the negative ones, and they were some of the most precious moments in my life."

"I see… What about your cultivation path? Were you always a Dual Cultivator?" Xian Ni asked him.

"Nope. I started out as an ordinary cultivator like most people, and I was a Sword Cultivator for a few hundred years before I decided to become a Dual Cultivator."

"You're one of— if not the most unique individual I have ever met, you know?" Xian Ni chuckled.

A few moments later, Qiuyue suddenly appeared behind them like a ghost and shouted in an excited tone, "Su Yang! It's here!"

It was at this moment Su Yang realized the changes in the area.

"Gather everyone! The mirror is appearing!" He quickly said.

In just a couple of minutes, everyone on the flying ship gathered on the deck. Some of them had fallen asleep after cultivating with Su Yang, but they were immediately awakened after hearing that the treasure was appearing.

Once everyone gathered, Su Yang brought them to the ground and retrieved the flying treasure.

The other people gathered at the place stared at them with wide eyes.

They have been wondering who was on such a mythical treasure for the last few days, but none of these people dared to approach them and ask. To think there were so many heavenly beauties on the flying ship, none of them would have imagined that it was a paradise for men.

A few minutes after Su Yang and the others descended to the ground, a large silver mirror with a portal in the middle appeared out of thin air like a ghost.

"It's here! The Mirror of Darkness is finally here! See you all on the other side!" The people there immediately began walking into the portal without hesitation and disappeared from the Southern Continent.

Very quickly, everyone but Su Yang's group entered the mirror.

"I will see you ladies later." Su Yang said to them after retrieving the Spatial Device.

"See you later, Su Yang."

Sun Jingjing gave him a passionate kiss on the lips before entering the doors first, followed by Su Liqing, Qi Yue, Wu Jingjing, Zhu Mengyi, Lian Li, Wang Shuren, Fang Zhelan, Fang Xiaoru, Li Xiao Mo, Zhang Xiu Ying, Bai Lihua, Xie Xingfang, Qin Liangyu, Hong Yu'er without the kiss, Su Yin, Yan Yan without the kiss, and last but not least— Qiuyue.

However, before Su Yang actually sent the ladies inside the Spatial Device, he took out the Supreme Appearance Altering Pill and swallowed it, transforming into a short and round figure, shocking everyone there.

"What do you think?" Su Yang asked them in his new appearance— a short and fat young master with a face that would look good if he were to lose a few dozen pounds.

"Unbelievable…" They all muttered in a voice of disbelief.

"Even though I know you're Su Yang on the inside, it'll definitely feel awkward cultivating with you in that appearance… No offense..." Wang Shuren shrugged when she imagined this round figure embracing her.

The others agreed, feeling glad about their choice to cultivate with him first before his change.

Su Yang laughed out loud in an unfamiliar voice after hearing their words.

"See you all later," he said to them with a beaming smile before closing the doors and storing the Spatial Device inside his Dantian.

The only one who didn't enter the Spatial Device was Xiao Rong, who Su Yang will be keeping by his side just in case anything happens because she was at the Ancient Realm, and Xian Ni, who will be entering the Mirror of Darkness with him.

"Xiao Rong, can you enter my Dantian as well? It'll be problematic if we're separated," he said to her.

Xiao Rong nodded, transforming into her Phantom Cat form before flying inside his body like a ghost, dumbfounding Xian Ni who has never seen such a sight until today.

"Are you ready?" Su Yang asked him afterward.

"Yes." Xian Ni nodded with a solemn look on his face.

The two of them approached the mirror and stood before it.

Su Yang didn't immediately enter, and he took a moment to look at the sky.

"Goodbye, everyone. Hopefully, all of you will still be here by the time I return." Su Yang took a deep breath to calm his nerves before taking a step forward and entering the Silver Dimension Gate, followed by Xian Ni, disappearing from this unknown world.

Chapter 879 Returning to the Four Divine Heavens

Somewhere in the Four Divine Heavens, an old man that had been sitting in the same position with his eyes closed for the last four years suddenly opened his eyes.

"So you have finally returned, young man…"

The old man smiled, showing two rows of yellow teeth.

He then stood up and took a step forward, appearing countless miles in the distance.

It was unknown how far the old man traveled, but he eventually stopped after arriving in a certain world.

The old man proceeded to hover in the starry sky and gazed upon this world as though he was heaven itself.

After standing there for many days, the old man suddenly lifted his hand and snapped his fingers, causing the spiritual energy in that world to suddenly increase in quality and quantity.

Eventually, the entire world was filled with thick spiritual energy that would allow for even Divine Realm cultivators like Qiuyue to breakthrough. This sudden change shocked everybody in that world, and it felt like the world they once knew suddenly changed and became much better, almost like a homeless person waking up inside a house that he owned yet had no idea how he'd obtained it.

After pushing this world into a new cultivation era for some reason, the old man turned around and disappeared into the distance, his location unknown.

Meanwhile, after entering the Silver Dimension Gate, Su Yang appeared inside this wormhole while his body was moving forward in an uncontrollable manner.

"It's been a long time since I last experienced such a long teleportation!"

Su Yang looked around him, but he was alone despite entering the Silver Dimension Gate with Xian Ni.

"Looks like we'll be going separate ways. Good luck, Xian Ni." Su Yang mumbled in a low voice.

One day… two days… three days…

One week… two weeks… three weeks…

Although it was almost impossible to tell the time in the wormhole, Su Yang was sure that at least a month had passed ever since he entered the wormhole, yet he hadn't reached the other side yet.

One would normally have started panicking long ago, but Su Yang remained extremely calm.

During these few weeks, Su Yang would speak with the ladies inside the spatial device and Xiao Rong. If he wasn't talking to them, he would simply close his eyes and take a nap.

He would cultivate if he could, but unfortunately, in this chaotic environment, it would be for the best if he didn't cultivate, and it could even potentially attract Rift Demons.

A few more days later, Su Yang suddenly narrowed his eyes, as he suddenly noticed a small but bright light in the distance.

However, even though he could see the end, it didn't look like he was getting any closer, and only after waiting a few more days would there be some noticeable changes.

"This smell… It's definitely the Divine Heavens… I am almost there…" Su Yang mumbled.

The closer he got to the exit, the more his heart throbbed from excitement.

A few more weeks later, the exit looked so close that it was practically right in front of Su Yang.

Su Yang extended his arms, touching the white light.

The next moment, it felt as though he'd stopped moving.

A bright light suddenly enveloped his vision, forcing him to close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes a moment later, Su Yang was no longer inside the wormhole. Instead, he was in the middle of some valley, and he was surrounded by mountains that were high enough to pierce the clouds.

Su Yang looked around.

"This Profound Qi… We're definitely in the Divine Heavens, but which one are we in?"

Su Yang then sat down and suddenly began to cultivate.

However, he wasn't cultivating to increase his cultivation. He was cultivating to examine the spiritual energy in the air.

A few minutes later, a smile appeared on Su Yang's face.

"What are the chances? I was born in the Celestial Heaven in my first life, and in my second life, I will also start from the Celestial Heaven."

Because every Divine Heaven has their own unique spiritual energy, it was quite easy for Su Yang to figure out his location.

With that being said, while he knew that he was within the Celestial Heaven, he had no clue where he currently was.

"Master, can I come outside?" Xiao Rong's voice suddenly resounded in his head.

Su Yang then said, "Only if you consume the Supreme Appearance Altering Pill and change your appearance to something less attractive. Furthermore, you are forbidden from transforming to your beast form unless I tell you."

"I am doing this for your own good, Xiao Rong, as Ghost Cats are extremely rare and sought after by collectors, much less a Phantom Cat. You may be in the Ancient Realm, but there are countless experts stronger than you in this world. You can no longer act as carefree as you used to."

"Okay." Xiao Rong agreed.

Xiao Rong then left his Dantian before consuming a Supreme Appearance Altering Pill, turning herself into an ordinary-looking young girl.

"Starting today, I will be an abandoned young master named Xiao Yang and you'll be my cousin, Xiao Rong." Su Yang said to her.

"Okay." Xiao Rong nodded calmly.

"Also, can you suppress your cultivation base to Sovereign Spirit Realm as well? Although experts at the Ancient Realm and above will be able to see through your cultivation base, it'll be fine since they don't usually show themselves in public."

Xiao Rong then suppressed her cultivation base until it matched Su Yang's cultivation base at the second level.

"Great. Now let's figure out where we are." Su Yang said before retrieving his flying boat.

A few moments later, they levitated off the ground and flew straight in a direction that was randomly picked by Su Yang.

As long as they reach a city, he will be able to locate their position. Once they know their location, he will be able to plan his future.

Chapter 880 Nine Celestial Provinces

Su Yang and Xiao Rong spent a couple of hours in the air until they finally came across a city. While they were not going full speed, they were still going relatively fast, and if they were still in the Eastern Continent, they would've already circled around the entire continent a hundred times.

During their travel, Su Yang relayed the news to Qiuyue and the others that they've successfully returned to the Divine Heavens and that they were in the Celestial Heaven where he was born.

The ladies were relieved to hear that they had made it to the Divine Heavens safely, and as much as they wanted to come out of the spatial device to look around, they knew it was too dangerous.

Once they arrived at the city, Su Yang descended outside the city before putting away the flying treasure.

After taking a deep breath, Su Yang approached the guards standing by the gates and spoke, "Hello, friends. Can you tell me the name of this city?"

The guards turned to look at the short and round young man that had just spoken to them, and on his face was a bright and cheerful smile.

"You don't know the name of our city? Listen up, fatty. This splendid city is called Thousand Courage City!" The guard said to Su Yang in a sneering tone, treating him like some bumpkin who didn't know anything.

"Thousand Courage City? So we're currently in Lin Province…" Su Yang ignored the guard's attitude and mumbled to himself.

Once he knew their location, Su Yang walked away from the city and returned to the skies on his flying treasure.

However, he didn't go anywhere and merely hovered in the sky while sitting there with a pondering expression.

After many minutes of silence, Su Yang finally spoke, "Xiao Rong, I'm going to teach you a little about the Celestial Heaven now. This is important information you'll need to know."

Xiao Rong nodded and quickly put on her learning face, something she got used to doing from taking too many of Qin Liangyu's lessons.

"The Celestial Heaven is separated into nine major provinces, and we call them the Nine Celestial Provinces. Each province is ruled by a powerful family, and they are usually called the Celestial Families. Above the Celestial Families is the Celestial Dynasty, which governs the entire Celestial Heaven. You can think of them as the real rulers."

"The Celestial Families are the second most powerful backgrounds in the Celestial Heaven being only below the Celestial Dynasty, but that is only in name."

"Besides the Celestial Families and the Celestial Dynasty, there are many outside powers without any official position in the Celestial Heaven but are much stronger than the Celestial Families and even the Celestial Dynasty. To give you an example, the Asura God Clan and the Sacred Moon Palace are considered outside powers."

"Now, as for the reason they're considered 'outsiders' is simply because their headquarters do not exist in the Four Divine Heavens. Most of the truly powerful and influential families are located outside the Four Divine Heavens in their own little world, but they are heavily involved in the Four Divine Heavens, so even though they don't have any official position in the Divine Heavens, their presences cannot be ignored and are usually respected more than those in official positions." Su Yang explained to her.

"Of course, this doesn't just apply to families, as there are also sects that exist outside the Divine Heavens as well."

"Anyways, we are currently in the Lin Family's territory— the Lin Province. And we need to head to the Qiang Province so I can pick up a few things I had left behind before. Unfortunately for us, the Qiang Province is on the other side of the world, and if we want to reach there, it'll take us years even with a flying treasure. Therefore, we can only rely on a teleport formation."

"Hmm… If I recall correctly, there should be one in Red Wind City. But before we go there, we need to obtain the money to even use that thing…"

Even though he brought a couple of billions of spirit stones with him, it might not be enough to use the teleport formations that usually cost tens of billions of spirit stones, especially if they're traveling across the world.

"There should be a large open marketplace in a city that's only a couple of days away from Red Wind City. I can go there to fund my trip."

And with that in mind, Su Yang started moving the flying ship.

"This will take about a week." Su Yang said to Xiao Rong, who nodded calmly.

Luckily for Xiao Rong, they were in a world she was unfamiliar with, making everything new and entertaining for her.

As for Su Yang, as much as he wanted to take his time and look at the scenery until they arrived, he needs to increase his cultivation as fast as possible.

Now that they have returned to the Divine Heavens, his cultivation that halted at the Sovereign Spirit Realm will finally continue to improve at a decent rate.

Of course, compared to dual cultivation, cultivating normally will remain inferior.

A week later, Su Yang landed the flying treasure a couple of miles away from a certain city and walked to the gates with Xiao Rong by his side.

"What's your business here at Yellow Stellar City?"

"I would like to sell some stuff at the Stellar Bazaar," said Su Yang to the guard at the gates.

"Have you been here before?"


"Then you'll have to head to the Registration Hall and register for a permit. It'll cost you some money. And before you can go to the Registration Hall, you must pay the city entrance fees."

"How much?" Su Yang asked.

"100 spirit stones." The guard calmly responded.


Despite the astronomical entry fee, Su Yang handed 100 spirit stones to the guard without batting an eye.

Compared to the other world that only needed a couple of silver to enter most of the cities, asking for 100 spirit stones for the entrance fee was akin to robbery in daylight, but in the Divine Heavens, it was the norm.

Chapter 881 Stellar Bazaar

After handing 100 spirit stones to the guard, Su Yang prepared to enter the city.

However, the guard stopped him when he noticed Xiao Rong following him.

"Are you two together? If so, the entrance fee is 200 spirit stones in total. It's 100 spirit stones per person." The guard said to him.

"Oh, okay."

Su Yang handed the guard another 100 spirit stones without making a scene.

Once they were inside the city, Su Yang went straight to the Registration Hall with Xiao Rong following closely behind him like a child following her parents.

Sometime later, they arrived at the Registration Hall that was a massive building that took up a couple of blocks.

Inside, Su Yang looked for an employee that was not busy, but he quickly realized that all of them were occupied, so he went to the line with the least people.

Even then it took them a few hours of waiting before it was finally their turn.

"How may I help you?" The worker, who was a young woman, asked them when they walked up to the desk.

"I would like to sell some things in the Stellar Bazaar."

"I understand. Which tier would you like to apply for? And how many days?"

"What kind of tiers are there? And what are the differences?" Su Yang asked her, as he has never sold or bought anything at this place before. The only reason he knew about it was because he used to cultivate with a few prominent sellers in this place.

"We have three tiers, each with their own benefits and restrictions. The first is the bronze tier, which will cost 100,000,000 to 700,000,000 low-grade spirit stones depending on how long you're staying. The bronze tier is the most basic tier, and it will allow you to sell anything as long as your total doesn't exceed 1,000,000 medium-grade spirit stones or 100 high-grade spirit stones. You are only allowed to sell in the outer areas of the bazaar with this permit. Also, the city will take 20 percent share of your sales."

"The next tier is the silver tier, which is also our most popular tier. It will cost between 50,000 medium-grade spirit stones to 400,000 medium-grade spirit stones. With this tier, your total sales limit will increase to 5,000,000 medium-grade spirit stones or 500 high-grade spirit stones, and you get to open up your shop in the inner areas. As for the share, the city will only take 5 percent."

"The final tier is the gold tier. It will cost you a minimum of 10 high-grade spirit stones and at most 70 high-grade spirit stones. You can have unlimited sales and the city will not take any shares, and you'll get to sell your treasures in the core area, where the wealthiest usually go."

"You can also choose how long you want to rent the permit from 3 days, 15 days, to 30 days."

After pondering for a moment, Su Yang spoke, "I'd like the gold tier for 3 days."

"Okay. Please give me a moment." The woman walked to the back for a minute before returning with a permit.

"Please write your information here and pay 10 high-grade spirit stones."

"Sorry, I only have low-grade spirit stones if you don't mind." Su Yang said as he handed her a storage ring containing 1 billion spirit stones.

The woman accepted the storage ring before placing it on this small scale.

A moment later, the number 1,000,000,000 showed up on the scale.

"Thank you. I will get your permit right now, Xiao Yang." The young woman said before going to the back again.

It took a few minutes this time, and when she eventually returned with a golden medallion, she said, "Although you are allowed to enter the center of the bazaar, you may also open up your business in the other areas if you so wish. As for your location, you may pick whichever spot that isn't already taken. The permit also expires in 72 hours starting now. If you wish to extend your time, you can just come back here and let one of us know. Best of luck to you and your business."

"Thank you," Su Yang accepted the medallion with a friendly smile on his face.

He then left the building with Xiao Rong and went to the center of the city, and the closer he got, the more people flooded the place.

The outer area was the worst with hundreds of thousands of people crowding the place. The inner area wasn't as bad, but there were still too many people for Su Yang's comfort.

Fortunately, there weren't too many people in the center of the bazaar. After all, mostly incredibly expensive treasures are sold in this place.

However, despite having the least visitors in this place, the center of the bazaar has earned more money than both the outer and inner areas combined.

After finding a place to open up his business, which wasn't too hard to find, Su Yang retrieved a blanket from his storage ring and placed it on the floor.

He then retrieved a few bottles that contained some sort of liquid inside on the blanket.

There were two different types of liquid on display. One of them was transparent and the other one was pure white.

"Master… that is…" Xiao Rong immediately recognized the contents inside these bottles, as they contained her own Yin Qi and her favorite— Su Yang's Yang Qi.

"That's right. I am going to sell your Yin Qi and my Yang Qi. Although this may be incredibly weird in the previous world, in this world, it's not uncommon to see people selling such things. And your Yin Qi is very valuable, whether you believe it or not. Not only are you at the Ancient Realm but you're also a virgin, which means your Yin Essence will be in its purest form. I also mixed in some ingredients, enhancing it." Su Yang said to her.

Chapter 882 Su Yang's Business

"As for my Yang Qi… Although they're nowhere as powerful as they used to be, they are still quite valuable. Hopefully, there will be some dual cultivators in this place. If not, I will have to sell Qiuyue's treasures, which I will keep as a last resort."

Although he could easily obtain enough funds for the teleport if he sold Qiuyue's treasures, they were mostly unique treasures unique to the Sacred Moon Palace, and if he sold something like that in the Divine Heavens, it would undoubtedly raise some eyebrows and attract unwanted attention from the Sacred Moon Palace, something he cannot afford to happen at this moment.

As for the other treasures that would have made him a fortune in the previous world, they were near useless in this world.

Therefore, he could only resort to selling Xiao Rong's Yin Qi and his own Yang Qi, as they were the most valuable things he had at this moment.

Once he was satisfied with the display, Su Yang placed a sign beside his store that read, "High-quality Yang Qi for those below the Divine Realm and Yin Qi for those below the Ancient Realm!"

After setting up his business, Su Yang took out two chairs and sat on one of them with the other one for Xiao Rong.

Su Yang's business quickly attracted the other sellers there, raising quite a few eyebrows.

Although it wasn't uncommon to see people selling Yang Qi or Yin Qi, it wasn't liked either, as people found it weird and distasteful to sell such vulgar items in public.

What made things worse was Su Yang's appearance. If it had been a pretty lady selling Yin Qi or a handsome man selling Yang Qi, the people around him would've probably been more accepting.

However, Su Yang had the appearance of a fat young master, and it naturally made everything more unbearable to look at, hence the disapproving glances he's getting from the other businesses.

If the other businesses weren't forbidden to cause trouble for others, they would've already surrounded Su Yang and forced him to go somewhere else if not outright kick him out.

A few hours have gone by, yet Su Yang's business remained untouched. In fact, nobody even approached his store.

"Hm?" After sitting there without moving even a single muscle for the last few hours, Su Yang suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at a group of people who'd just entered the bazaar.

A smile appeared on his face, and he turned to look at Xiao Rong, who was sitting there with a bored look on her face.

"Xiao Rong, are you hungry? Do you want to drink some Yang Qi?" He asked her.

Although she was surprised he offered, Xiao Rong didn't refuse, and she quickly nodded her head.

Su Yang then picked up one of the bottles from the display that contained his Yang Qi before handing it to her.

"Go ahead, but don't drink it too fast or it'll be gone in an instant."

Xiao Rong nodded, opening the bottle and putting it on her lips without hesitation before drinking it like milk.

When the people around him saw this, they nearly gagged from disgust.

How could such a young lady do something so shameless and disgusting in public? Do they have no shame?

However, the moment Xiao Rong opened up the bottle of Yang Qi, the group of people that Su Yang was paying attention to suddenly turned to look in their direction before mumbling to each other.

A few moments later, they approached his store and stopped right before it.

There were six of them in the group, and they were all very pretty ladies. As for their cultivation, they ranged from the Heavenly Spirit Realm to the Divine Spirit Realm.

"Excuse me, can I see one of the bottles with Yang Qi?" One of them asked.

"Of course. Pick whichever you want." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

The lady then picked up one of the Yang Qi bottles randomly and opened it.


They mumbled in a dazed voice after seeing the Yang Qi up close, their faces filled with surprise.

"I have never seen such pure and high-quality Yang Qi before! Where did you get this? More specifically, who produces this Yang Qi?" The lady holding the bottle asked him after snapping out of her daze.

Su Yang smiled and said, "It was produced by a friend of mine. I am only helping him sell it."

One of the ladies there suddenly licked her lips in a lustful manner and said, "Can you tell us where we can find this friend of yours? I'd like to have a little chat with him if you know what I mean…"

Su Yang shook his head with an apologetic smile and said, "Unfortunately, I have promised him that I would not disclose his location or identity."

"If you tell me, I will give you a little action with my mouth. How about it?" she suddenly offered.

However, Su Yang didn't say anything and kept the apologetic smile on his face, his answer clear.

"Che. What a stinky fatty. I bet you're a virgin." The lady sneered after being refused.

"Calm down, junior sister. I'm sure he has his reasons for not waiting to reveal himself." Another lady in the group said, and then she turned to look at Su Yang.

"How much for a bottle?"

Su Yang raised a finger and said, "One high-grade spirit stone for one bottle, but if you buy five, I can sell it for 4 high-grade spirit stones."

"Y-You want a high-grade spirit stone for this little Yang Qi?! That's daylight robbery!" One of the ladies quickly exclaimed.

"Although the quality is indeed wonderful, there's so little… And it's only effective for cultivators below the Divine Spirit Realm. How can you justify such a high price? It's not worth it." The lady holding the bottle asked him.

"Are you sure it's not worth it?" Su Yang said with a profound smile on his round face.

Chapter 883 Selling His Yang Qi

"What do you mean by that? Are you implying that I cannot tell the value of this Yang Qi? Do you even know who I am?" The lady holding the bottle spoke with an unhappy frown on her face.

Su Yang looked at her calmly and said, "You're from the Glacial Fairy Manor, and judging from the style and color of your uniform, you hold the position of a sect elder— probably for the Inner Court."

The woman was slightly surprised by Su Yang's accurate assessment since their sect was relatively small in the Divine Heavens with less than a hundred thousand disciples.

Of course, Su Yang knew about them. After all, he'd cultivated with plenty of their sect elders and even their Sect Master in the past.

"S-Since you seem to know us so well, tell me, what am I not understanding? Why is this Yang Qi worth so much money?" The sect elder then asked.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Give it a taste and you'll understand."

"You want me to taste this Yang Qi?" The sect elder asked for confirmation.

Su Yang nodded, "Don't worry, I won't charge you for it."

The woman turned to look at the bottle of Yang Qi in her hands and swallowed nervously for some reason.

"Elder Mu, are you really going to…?" One of the ladies there asked.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I have never seen such high-quality Yang Qi before, and I am very tempted to buy this." The woman called Elder Mu said as she dipped the tip of her pinky inside the bottle before putting it inside her mouth and sampling the Yang Qi.

A moment later, Elder Mu's eyes widened with surprise, and a profound flicker appeared in her eyes.

"W-What is this?! Why does it contain so much spiritual energy? It's also different from the Profound Qi I am used to!" Elder Mu looked at Su Yang with a questioning gaze.

The smile on Su Yang's round face grew wider, and he said in a calm voice, "Because within that Yang Qi contains Celestial Qi, albeit very little."

"C-Celestial Qi?!"

Elder Mu and the others immediately gasped after hearing his words. After all, only divine beings such as the Heavenly Emperor and other gods with a powerful bloodline could possibly have Celestial Qi!

Does this mean this bottle of Yang Qi came from a divine being? If that was the case, the price of 1 high-quality spirit stone is definitely worth it! In fact, they'd pay even 5 high-quality spirit stones for a single bottle!

"N-No wonder why this individual wanted to keep his identity a secret… He is someone with Celestial Qi…" The ladies looked at Su Yang with envy, as they were jealous that he knew this mysterious individual.

It was completely understandable why someone with Celestial Qi would hide his status, as they are usually people with exalted statuses within the Divine Heavens, and it would be problematic for that individual's status and face if he was found to be selling his Yang Qi in public.

"D-Do you mind if I have another taste just to be sure…?" Elder Mu asked Su Yang in a trembling voice.

"Go ahead." Su Yang nodded.

"The rest of the ladies can also have a taste if they wish," he added.

The ladies around Elder Mu didn't hesitate to dip their pinkies in the bottle and taste the Yang Qi a moment later.

"Elder Mu's right! This Yang Qi is completely different from what I usually experience! Is this really Celestial Qi? I cannot really tell since I have never had Yang Qi infused with Celestial Qi before!"

"If you have something that can test for Celestial Qi, you may go ahead and test it for yourself." Su Yang said to them.

Elder Mu pondered with a serious expression. While they have plenty of those back at their sect, one normally wouldn't bring such tools with them, so they have no way of testing the Yang Qi to see whether it truly has Celestial Qi or not. However, she didn't want to risk leaving this place without these Yang Qi since someone else might buy them before she could test the Yang Qi.

After thinking for a few minutes, Elder Mu turned to look at her disciples and said, "I am going to buy these Yang Qi; it's too good to pass up if they're really infused with Celestial Qi. However, I still have to test them back at the sect, so I will need some of you to stay here and look after him just in case he's a fraud and scammed us."

"Are you okay with letting my disciples stay here until I come back with the results? It'll only take two days at most." Elder Mu turned to ask Su Yang.

"I don't mind. I still have three days in this place." Su Yang nodded.

"And before I buy all of your Yang Qi, do they all contain the same Yang Qi? I will test every single bottle, and if I find even a single bottle that doesn't have the same Yang Qi, I will hold you accountable," she said to him.

"I can assure you that they all came from the same person," he responded with a calm smile.

Elder Mu nodded and asked, "How many bottles do you have in stock? I will buy them all!"

"I have seventy bottles in total."

Elder Mu then counted 70 high-grade spirit stones before handing them to Su Yang.

"Thank you for your patronage." Su Yang handed 70 bottles of Yang Qi to Elder Mu, who quickly stored them inside her storage pouch.

"Then I will be right back. Make sure he doesn't go anywhere. If he dares to run, cut his legs!" Elder Mu said to her disciples before disappearing from the scene.

Meanwhile, the surrounding businesses were dumbfounded that Su Yang had actually managed to earn 70 high-grade spirit stones from selling a few bottles of Yang Qi, even feeling a little bit of jealousy!

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  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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