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87.32% Mixed HD / Chapter 379: 787 - 802

Chapter 379: 787 - 802

Chapter 787 Body Refiner

Su Yang left the Ning Family's territory after giving them the Divine-grade cultivation technique, but he did not immediately go to the Western Continent. Instead, he wandered in the Northern Continent with Lian Li and Xiao Rong, looking like they were sightseeing.

"What do you think of this place?" Su Yang asked Lian Li sometime later.

"It reminds me of the Eastern Continent, but it feels much more peaceful here for some reason," she responded with a pondering look on her face.

"That's probably because of the atmosphere here as well as the spiritual energy," Su Yang said.

"What does spiritual energy have anything to do with this?" Lian Li tilted her head, looking puzzled.

"There are different types of spiritual energy that have various effects in this world, and the Northern Continent just happens to have this type of spiritual energy that calms people down." Su Yang said.

"What?" Lian Li looked at him with wide eyes filled with surprise. "There exists such a thing? I didn't know that spiritual energy could cause such phenomenons! After all, the Holy Central Continent doesn't have anything like this!"

Su Yang nodded and said, "I'm not surprised since this world is very small. Once we go to the Divine Heavens, you'll be able to experience more of these phenomena, and some of them will straight up shock you."

"You say this world is small… but just how big is the Divine Heavens compared to this world? One can travel for a thousand years and wouldn't see every city in this world!" Lian Li said.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Well, if I say there are cities in the Divine Heavens that are larger than even the Holy Central Continent as a whole, what would you think?"

Lian Li's jaw dropped, and she mumbled in a dazed voice, "Cities that are bigger than the Holy Central Continent? I cannot imagine how one will be able to traverse such a vast world…"

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Although they may be incredibly rare in this world, flying treasures such as the one we're currently using are very common in the Divine Heavens, and almost every decent Cultivator has one."

"There are also teleportation formations located in almost every city around the world, allowing even mortals to traverse between cities and across the world with ease."

"Heavens… The Divine Heavens sounds like a mythical place… I cannot wait to see it." Lian Li mumbled in a wondering voice.

Sometime later, after they'd seen most of the Northern Continent, Su Yang controlled the flying ship to fly towards the Western Continent.

"Xiao Rong, do what you did before and look for the person with the highest cultivation base," Su Yang said to her.

Xiao Rong nodded and proceeded to spread her spiritual sense throughout the Western Continent.

A couple of moments later, she said, "I found him."

Xiao Rong flew towards this individual with Su Yang following her from behind.

Sometime later, they arrived at this seemingly boundless sea, and there was a half-naked old man with an incredibly refined body that would shame most young people sitting in the middle of this sea directly on the surface of the water, almost like a weightless leaf on water.

And to their surprise, this old man was at the third level Sovereign Spirit Realm.


The old man slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at Su Yang and Lian Li right as they stopped above him, and his gaze lingered on Xiao Rong for the longest before he spoke in a calm voice—

"How can I help you, guests from another Continent?"

"Oh? So you know?" Su Yang said with a smile.

"Of course… I know every Cultivator above the Heavenly Spirit Realm in this place, but I don't recognize the young fairies…"

Su Yang nodded and said, "I see… Anyway, I am Su Yang, and we're from the Eastern Continent, here to see if the Western Continent has some ingredients that we're looking for."

"Eastern Continent… What kind of treasures are you looking for?" The old man said, giving off the feeling that he was willing to help them despite being complete strangers.


Su Yang showed the old man his list.


The old man looked at the treasures before mumbling, "And what do you want me to do?"

"I'd appreciate it if you can tell me if you recognize any of the names on that list and if someone has it."

"I do recognize one of the items on this list, and I also know who has it. However, what do I get out of it?" The old man looked at Su Yang with a profound look in his gaze.

Su Yang looked at the old man with a pondering look for a moment before retrieving the cursed treasure that he'd recently obtained and said, "How about excitement? Although you are trying to hide it, I can tell from your eyes that look like someone who hasn't had a good fight in a long time."


The old man suddenly burst out laughing, and he said, "I don't mean to be rude, but I truly didn't expect someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm to challenge me. I was expecting one of the two fairies to fight me instead."

"You want to fight me…?" Lian Li raised her eyebrows, and then she continued, "I may be at the Sovereign Spirit Realm but I cannot beat him who is 'only' at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, you know?"

"What? Is that true?" The old man looked at Lian Li with wide eyes.

Su Yang then jumped from the flying boat and hovered above the water.

"You're a Body Refiner, right? It's been a while since I've done this, but…"

Su Yang then removed the top of his clothes, revealing his refined body.

The old man's eyes widened with shock when he saw Su Yang's body. Despite having fewer muscles than him, Su Yang's body emitted this otherworldly aura, almost like it was a divine body of sorts.

Chapter 788 Physical Abuse

"Since I am also somewhat of a Body Refiner myself, even though it's been a while since I'd last trained my body, I'd love to see how I fare against another Body Refiner." Su Yang said as he stored the cursed treasure back into his storage ring.

"You… What kind of training do you do to obtain a body like that?" The old man asked him with a somewhat dumbfounded look on his face, seemingly envious of Su Yang's divine body despite having a pretty admirable body himself.

"Me? I'm a Dual Cultivator," Su Yang said with a nonchalant expression.

"D-Dual Cultivator?!" The old man was fully shocked now. There was simply no way that a Dual Cultivator could achieve such a perfect body! One can only imagine how much time he must have spent in the bedroom to achieve such a refined physique!

After a moment of silence, the old man continued, "No weapons, no cultivation— only our physiques."

Su Yang nodded, "Sounds about right."

"And since I am the Senior one here, I shall let you strike first."

"Hahaha… I may look like this but I am actually much older than you imagine, young one." Su Yang laughed out loud.

"W-What?" The old man looked at Su Yang with wide eyes. How can someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm be older than him yet remain such a youthful-looking appearance? Did he consume some sort of pill that alters his appearance?

"If you say so, then I will not be humble." The old man suddenly stood up and approached Su Yang.

Once he was standing before Su Yang, the old man pulled his fists back before punching Su Yang directly in-between his chest.

However, Su Yang did not move or even appear to have such thoughts and allowed the old man to punch him in the chest.


Su Yang was sent flying back from the impact, feeling as though he'd just been hit by a mountain.

"S-Su Yang!" Lian Li cried out loud in a shocked voice.

Because she has never seen this type of exchange before, it greatly confused her. Why did Su Yang allow the old man to hit him? Why didn't he dodge it or at least try to block it?

"Don't worry, I am fine." Su Yang said to her after he was sent flying, and he casually returned to his spot in front of the old man with a little blood coming from his lips.

After spitting the blood in his mouth out, Su Yang continued to speak, "This is how Body Refiners spar with each other. We will take turns hitting each other's body until one of us can no longer endure anymore."

"Anyway, are you ready?" Su Yang asked the old man afterward.

"Give me your best shot."

The old man puffed his chest out in a prideful manner.

Su Yang smiled and pulled his fist back before sending it flying forward.


The old man's chest caved inward when Su Yang punched him, and he was sent flying at top speed.


The old man stopped moving many meters later, and he looked at the burning red mark between his chest with wide eyes.

"What a heavy punch! This young man is the real thing!" he mumbled in a dazed voice, yet his gaze was filled with excitement as he looked at Su Yang.


The old man roared as he flew back to his spot and punched Su Yang without stopping.


Su Yang was sent even further than previously.

"Don't say it in such an obnoxious manner! People will misunderstand you!" Su Yang said as he returned a moment later, returning the favor by sending the old man flying again.


However, the old man didn't care and continued to laugh as the two of them exchanged over a dozen punches.

"Heavens… I have never seen anything like this before…" Lian Li mumbled in a dazed voice as she watched Su Yang and the old man exchange blows like two maniacs who enjoyed torturing their own bodies.

Many minutes later, after exchanging over a hundred blows with each other, the old man finally kneeled on the surface of the water while panting heavily.

"I… I give up… Shit… This fucking hurts… I haven't felt such pain in such a long time!" The old man breathed heavily, feeling most of the bones inside his body had either snapped or shattered into many pieces.

However, Su Yang was feeling the same, as he had multiple bones inside his body broken from the spar.

"Take this pill… It'll heal your internal injuries…" Su Yang tossed a green pill at the old man before tossing one into his mouth and sitting down to cultivate the next moment.

The old man did not hesitate and also consumed the pill.

'What a powerful pill! Just who is this man?!' The old man was shocked inwardly when he felt the intense effects of the pill that quickly healed all of his internal injuries, even restoring his shattered bones in a matter of hours.

A few hours later, Su Yang and the old man stood up almost simultaneously.

They approached each other with a serious look on their faces.

Once they were standing before each other, they firmly shook hands and said at the same time, "Good fight!"

"It has been many thousands of years since I've last participated in such a spar, mostly because I don't like touching men even if it's just training, but today is an exception!" Su Yang said with a smile on his face, feeling refreshed all over his body from the physical abuse he'd just received.

However, this physical abuse also improved his body's sturdiness to a new level.

"Hahaha! It has also been a while for me! A little over 500 years to be exact since I've last experienced such pain! It's really refreshing! I can now die peacefully!" The old man said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 789 Root of Revival

"Die? You can die if you want but only after you tell me where I can find the ingredient," Su Yang said to the old man.

"Oh, right, I nearly forgot about that matter since I was so absorbed in our exchange. The Root of Revival, an incredibly rare herb that can only be found in extremely harsh environments."

"Yes, and you claimed that you know who has it."

The old man nodded and said, "Indeed, I know who has it. However, before I tell you that, can you tell me your purpose for seeking out this treasure? I have taken a good look at the list, and almost every ingredient on the list was related to rebirth one way or another. Are you trying to resurrect the dead or something similar?"

"Resurrection?" A weird smile appeared on Su Yang's face, and he continued, "There's no such thing as resurrecting the dead. Once someone passes, they will remain dead. Perhaps reincarnation may exist, but real resurrection is most definitely impossible."

"Hmm…" The old man looked at Su Yang with a pondering gaze.

Su Yang shrugged and said, "I'm just a man looking for these ingredients so his woman can be happy."

The old man's eyes widened, and he asked, "A woman? You're doing all of this for a woman? I'd like to hear more about it if you don't mind since my interest is now intrigued."

Since it wasn't anything sensitive or crazy, Su Yang nodded and gave a brief explanation about Su Liqing's situation and how she cannot conceive his child, hence why he's going around the world looking for these ingredients.

"My heavens, this is the first time I've seen such dedication— traveling around the five continents just so you can impregnate your woman... I truly admire that…"

Su Yang smiled and said a moment later, "Well? Have you heard enough? Do you feel like telling me who has the Root of Revival?"

The old man nodded his head and said, "Yes. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't trying to do something immoral with the Root of Revival. The Root is Revival is with my family, but they might not be willing to hand it over for free."

"I never expected them to hand it over for free, anyway." Su Yang said.

"Good, then follow me. We're a little bit far so it might take a few days," said the old man.

"You can give us the directions and we'll take you with us in this flying treasure; it'll be much faster than flying normally."

The old man looked at the flying boat and nodded.

Sometime later, the old man boarded the flying treasure with Su Yang and gave him the directions to his living quarters.

"This is it," said the old man as they approached a vast city that was a similar size to Snowfall City where the Xie Family lived.

"Welcome to Immortal City and my Xian Family, fellow Daoist." The old man surnamed Xian said.

"Immortal City? What an overbearing name for a city without a single Immortal— don't you think so too?" Su Yang suddenly said.

"Hahaha! I know exactly what you mean! However, I was not the one who named it so there's not much I can say!"

"Anyway, I don't think I have introduced myself yet. My surname is Xian— Xian Ni."

Sometime later, they descended at the entrance of some large building within Immortal City.

The guards standing by the gates were alerted when they saw the flying treasuring approaching them, but their wariness disappeared the moment they saw Xian Ni's old face and muscular body.

"Welcome back, Ancestor!" The guards kneeled on the ground and greeted.

"Where are my children?" Xian Ni asked in a slightly cold voice, his atmosphere completely different from the silly old man before.

"They are currently in a meeting with some officials from the Nine Immortal Families," said the guards.

"Nine Immortal Families?" Su Yang shook his head at these people flaunting around the title 'Immortal' as though it was nothing.

However, this was none of his business and he was only here for the Roof of Revival.

"I see…" Xian Ni nodded, and he led Su Yang and his group into their territory a moment later.

"It's been over 200 years since I've last returned to this place yet it feels almost like I've only left recently. I guess this is what it feels like to be an 'Immortal' right? Of course, I am not claiming to be an Immortal, as that is still too far away."

"Real Immortality is nothing like this," Su Yang shook his head, and he continued, "As an Immortal, it can feel like only a few years have passed since you left your family, but alas, when you return, your family is no longer there and many generations have passed."


Xian Ni looked at Su Yang with a profound gaze.

'Why does it sound like he's speaking from experience?' he wondered inwardly.

Sometime later, they entered the building, and Xian Ni led Su Yang and his small group to the guest room.

"You can relax here for a bit while I speak with my family," Xian Ni said to them. "I'll have someone bring the tea and snacks in a bit."

"Take your time," Su Yang said as he casually laid on the couch like a lazy bum, leaving Xian Ni speechless, as he's never had such relaxed guests before.

Once Xian Ni left Su Yang in the guest room, he went to find the nearest servants and told them to serve their best snacks and tea to the guests.

However, the servants were puzzled by Xian Ni's presence because it's been over 200 years since he last visited the place, and most of the servants working there now have never seen Xian Ni before. Of course, once Xian Ni showed them his authority token, the servants immediately recognized his revered identity and kowtowed on the floor, apologizing to him for not recognizing him.

Chapter 790 Ancestor Xian

Once Xian Ni dealt with the servants, he went to the meeting room and stormed inside without even knocking.

"Who dares to interrupt our meeting without knocking?! State your identity!" One of the people there shouted before even looking at Xian Ni.

However, Xian Ni ignored the guests in the room and looked directly at the middle-aged man sitting at the very end of the room, and he said, "Hey, this meeting is now halted. We have more important guests to entertain."

The middle-aged man's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw Xian Ni, but the other guests still haven't recognized Xian Ni just yet.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! That is His Majesty the Emperor you're talking to!"

"I have never seen you before! Who are you?!"

"All of you shut the fuck up!" The middle-aged man suddenly roared, instantly silencing the room.

He then stood up and walked in front of Xian Ni before bowing in a respectful manner.

"Welcome back, Ancestor."


The guests in the room immediately began sweating, feeling like they were being choked on by invisible hands.

"Xian Hantian, it's been 200 years." Xian Ni said with a nonchalant look on his face.

And then he turned to look at the guests and said, "It only took 200 years for the Immortal Families to forget my face? I'll be sure to visit your families in the near future to have a conversation with your ancestors if they're still alive."

"P-Please have mercy! We had eyes but couldn't recognize your excellence! We were wrong, Ancestor Xian!"

The guests in the room immediately got off their seats to kowtow on the floor.

However, Xian Ni ignored them and said to Xian Hantian, "Bring the rest of the family to the royal guest room. We cannot allow our guests to wait too long."

"Yes, Ancestor…" Xian Hantian nodded. However, he was inwardly shocked, as this is his first time seeing Xian Ni acting so impatient and even somewhat nervous. What kind of guests could possibly make their Ancestor act like this?

Once Xian Ni left the room, Xian Hantian turned to look at the people still kowtowing on the floor and said, "I would like to apologize for what happened today, as I am partially at fault too. As for the meeting, we'll put it on hold for now."

Sometime later, Xian Hantian went to gather his family before heading to the royal guest room where Xian Ni was waiting.

"What is this about, father? You know that I am very close to my breakthrough…" One of Xian Hantian's children said to him.

"If it wasn't important, why would I have stopped my meeting to gather all of you? The Ancestor is back! And he wants all of us to meet some guests!" Xian Hantian explained to them as they approached the royal guest room.

"What?! The Ancestor?! How many years has it been since he last visited us? 100 years? 200 years?"

"The Ancestor only shows up whenever he feels like it, but every time he does, something big happens." Xian Hantian sighed.

"Who do you think these guests are? People from the Nine Immortal Families?" Another one asked.

"The Nine Immortal Families may be the largest families in the Western Continent only below our Xian Family, but they are nothing in our Ancestor's eyes. I have already said this many times but the Ancestor is an unrivaled entity within the Western Continent— there is no family or sect that can stand up to him, much less a single person!" Xian Hantian said with admiration in his tone.

Sometime later, they arrived at the royal guest room, and Xian Ni was waiting outside for them.

"Greetings, Ancestor."

Everybody there greeted Xian Ni the moment they were close enough.

"Took you lots long enough. Come inside. I'll introduce you to our guests."

Xian Ni opened the door and walked inside.

Xian Hantian followed him as did everyone else there.

Inside the room, Su Yang and Lian Li were casually sitting on the couch sipping tea while Xiao Rong was laying on the bed with her eyes closed.

"What's this? You didn't have to bring the entire family here," Su Yang said with a smile after placing his teacup down.

"Hahaha, no need to be humble. Allow me to introduce you to my family, fellow Daoist." Xian Ni said before turning to look at his own family with a sharp gaze.

Xian Hantian immediately stepped forward after seeing his threatening gaze and said, "I am Xian Hantian, the current emperor who governs the Western Continent."

After Xian Hantian's introduction, the beautiful woman beside him stepped forward and said, "This humble one is Wei Wei, and I used to belong to one of the Nine Immortal Families before becoming a wife in this household."

After Xian Hantian's wife's introduction, the children stepped forward and introduced themselves. However, there were over a dozen of them, so that took some time.

Once everyone from the Xian Family introduced themselves, Su Yang said, "I am Su Yang from the Eastern Continent."

"The Eastern Continent?!" The Xian Family stared at him with wide eyes.

"I am Lian Li, and I came from the Holy Central Continent before following Su Yang."

"The Holy Central Continent!!!"

The Xian Family turned to look at her with even wider eyes.

Even Xian Ni was surprised by Lian Li's introduction, as he'd thought that she was also from the Eastern Continent just like Su Yang.

"Anyway, I don't know why that old man brought all of you here, but I am only looking for one thing— the Root of Revival," Su Yang said to them a moment later, and he continued, "Of course, I am not asking you to hand it over for free, and I am willing to exchange anything from this pile for it."

Su Yang then poured some of Qiuyue's treasures onto the table, shocking everybody there.

"If you are not fond of these treasures, I can offer you cultivation techniques— Immortal-grade cultivation techniques and even Divine-grade cultivation techniques. Take all the time you need to think about my offer."

After ending his sentence, Su Yang casually picked up the teacup and began drinking tea again.

Chapter 791 Immortal Association

"The Root of Revival…?" Xian Hantian immediately frowned, and he spoke after a moment of silence, "I'm sorry, but that isn't possible…"

"Why not?" Su Yang asked him with raised eyebrows, remaining tranquil.

"You better explain yourself, Hantian…" Xian Ni narrowed his eyes at Xuan Hantian, who immediately explained himself.

"It's impossible not because I don't want to exchange the Root of Revival. It's impossible because I'd already donated the Root of Revival to the Immortal Association, who will be using the Root of Revival as a reward for their tournament."

"Immortal Association? Tournament?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

Xian Hantian nodded and said, "The Immortal Association is one of the largest alliances in this world with all nine Immortal Families managing in it, and they host a massive tournament once every 10 years. I'd donated the Root of Revival to them a little over 4 years ago, and they will be giving it along with a few other things to the winner of the tournament that will occur in three days."

"I see…" Su Yang nodded calmly.

"Daoist Su Yang, since the tournament hasn't begun, we can still ask the Immortal Association for the Root of Revival." Xian Ni said to him afterward.

"Yes, let's give them a visit now." Su Yang agreed.

"I am really sorry for this… If I'd known about this, I wouldn't have given it to them…" Xian Hantian apologized to Su Yang despite not being at fault and mostly because he was afraid of Xian Ni.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it, I am not an unreasonable person, and I don't expect anyone to have the ability to see the future, so there's no need for you to apologize to me."

"Let's go." Su Yang said as he walked out the door.

Sometime later, once they were outside again, Xian Ni said, "Last time I checked, the Immortal Association was in this city and isn't very far away from this location so we don't need to use the flying treasure."

Su Yang nodded and said, "Lead the way."

Xian Ni then flew away, and Su Yang and his group followed him from behind.

A few minutes later, they arrived before this massive pagoda that had the words 'Immortal Association' grandly displayed on a golden sign in all four directions.

"W-Who are those people? They're emitting such a powerful aura! I have never felt anything so profound before!"

"Good heavens! Look at those two beauties! I have never seen anything even half as beautiful as them! They're true fairies! Real goddesses!"

The pedestrians were immediately attracted by Xian Ni's and Su Yang's unfathomable aura as well as the two goddesses' peerless beauty.

"How may the Immortal Association help you today, esteemed guests?" The worker inside the building also noticed their enormous presence and immediately approached them.

"I am here to speak to your head, Cang Shicai— that is if he's still the head manager of this place," Xian Ni said as he pulled out his authority medallion, shocking the worker.

"The Xian Family's Immortal Medallion!" The worker cried out loud after seeing this majesty medallion in Xian Ni's hands, as it was something only the emperor, Xian Hantian, and one other person would have— the Ancestor of the Xian Family who is also the number one expert in this world!

"P-Please follow me, Your Majesty!"

The worker bowed to him before turning around and walking in a stiff manner.

A few minutes later, they were brought to the highest floor in the pagoda where a single room existed.

"Senior Cang! You have guests!" The worker knocked on the door while shouting.

A moment later, a loud voice resounded, "Guests? I don't recall having scheduled appointments today! If there's no appointment, I won't see them! Send them away!"

The worker would normally listen to Senior Cang's words, but the person visiting today was the Ancestor of the Xian Family. There was simply no way he could send such a legendary figure away even if he was beaten to death.

"B-But Senior Cang! The guests are—"

"Did you not hear me just now?! I will not repeat myself for the third time! SEND! THEM! AWAY!" Senior Cang shouted from inside the room, sounding irritated.

Xian Ni shook his head at this, and he took a step forward before kicking the doors down and shouting back, "Who the fuck do you think you're trying to send away, you damn old man!"

"Y-You are?! Ancestor Xian?!"

The old man sitting behind the desk inside the room immediately stood up from shock after seeing Xian Ni's face and muscular body.

"W-What are you doing here? If I'd known it was you, I would've—"

"Ah, cut the crap, old man. I don't have the time to entertain you today since I am not alone." Xian Ni said as he pointed at Su Yang with his gaze.

"Who are they?" Senior Cang looked at Su Yang and the beauties behind him with wide eyes.

"They're my friends from another continent, and they're here regarding something my family handed you four years ago— the Root of Revival. Do you still have it?" Xian Ni asked him.

"A-Another continent? How is that possible with the Jade Sea… Ah, forget it." Senior Cang shook his head before continuing, "Anyway, the Root of Revival, right? Yes, I still have it. After all, it's one of the grand prizes for this year's tournament."

"Well, he needs it, and he's willing to exchange his treasures for it." Xian Ni said.

However, Senior Cang shook his head and said, "Although I may be the head manager, I cannot make such a big decision without the Nine Immortal Families' approval as well, as this rule is what keeps this place from collapsing."

"What if I say I want the Root of Revival— are you going to refuse me?" Xian Ni suddenly said with an overbearing pressure coming from him.

"A-Ancestor Xian… please don't make things difficult for me… When have I ever offended you?" Senior Cang sighed.

Chapter 792 In Three Days

"Even if I take the Root of Revival by force, there's nothing the Nine Immortal Families can do about it," Xian Ni spoke with a grin on his face. "Am I right?"

Senior Cang's back was quickly soaked in cold sweats after hearing Xian Ni's words, and he said in a trembling voice, "Indeed, there's nothing we can do if you really decide to take the Root of Revival by force, but I don't believe you will do such a thing, Ancestor Xian."

"Hoh? You seem to know me very well. How confident are you in your own words, though?" Xian Ni said.

"I've known you since I was a young man. I know that you can be cold and aggressive at times, but you're actually very caring and gentle. I also know that you wouldn't do anything to lower the Xian Family's reputation." Senior Cang said with a serious look on his face.

Xian Ni narrowed his eyes at Senior Cang, yet he didn't say anything, almost like he was speechless.

"Since it has come to this, it appears that I have no other choice but to participate in this tournament and get the Root of Revival that way. I have a week to spare before I return to the Northern Continent so I can spare some time here," Su Yang suddenly said.

"Y-You'll be participating in the tournament? But only those who are younger than 50 years old may participate in the tournament!" Xian Ni said to him, believing that Su Yang was much older than he appeared.

"Is that the only requirement for me to participate? If that's the case, there'll be no problems." Su Yang said.

"The age requirement is just one of few requirements. You must also belong to an elite sect or a powerful faction, or you must have a recommendation from one of the Nine Immortal Families or the Xian Family." Senior Cang added.

Su Yang turned to look at Xian Ni and said, "You can recommend me, right?"

"O-Of course… If you really intend on participating in the tournament." Xian Ni nodded in a dazed manner.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on spending very much time in this tournament," Su Yang said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Then it's settled. In three days, we'll be at the tournament." Xian Ni said.

Sometime later, Su Yang and the others left the Immortal Association.

"You… How old are you exactly?" Xian Ni asked Su Yang afterward.

"My physical body is only 18 years old," Su Yang said in a calm voice.

"WHAT?! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Xian Ni exclaimed in the air, and he stopped flying to stare at Su Yang with a shocked look on his face.

"How could you possibly train your body to such a level in 18 short years?! It had taken me hundreds of years to reach my level!" Xian Ni said.

"Don't compare me to you, old man." Su Yang said with a smile on his face. "You're looking at a real Immortal here, after all."

"What? A real Immortal? But you just claimed to be 18 years old. How can you be an Immortal at 18 years old?"

Su Yang then said, "Because I am someone who has experienced reincarnation, and in my previous life, I was an Immortal."

"You…" Xian Ni was speechless.

Even if Su Yang was telling the truth, why would he reveal something so shocking to him when they've only just met? Is Su Yang that confident that it wouldn't affect him even if he told everybody?

"No wonder why you claimed that resurrection was impossible yet you sounded quite confident that reincarnation was real…" Xian Ni said.

"Anyway, we can slowly talk about this once we've settled down somewhere more private and peaceful. Follow me, I'll bring you to my little paradise." Xian Ni said, and he proceeded to lead Su Yang and the others a couple of thousand miles away from Immortal City.

Sometime later, they arrived at this secluded area, where a beautiful pond with clear water and a small pavilion existed.

"This is where I usually come to relax. It's within the Xian Family's territory so you don't have to worry about unwanted guests." Xian Ni said to them.

"Thank you." Su Yang said as he took a seat in the pavilion.

"I'll be cultivating beside the pond. Call me if you need me," Lian Li said as he sat in front of the pond that was emitting powerful spiritual energy and began cultivating.

"You're really lucky to have such a beautiful woman as your partner." Xian Ni said to him in an envious tone.

"Thank you," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"Anyway, can you tell me more about your Immortal background? I'm actually very interested in an Immortal's lifestyle." Xian Ni said as he retrieved a teapot and three teacups. One for Su Yang, one for himself, and the final one for Xiao Rong, who was standing beside Su Yang like some kind of bodyguard.

"Two teacups is enough— she doesn't drink tea." Su Yang said.

Xian Ni nodded and took back one of the teacups.

"Xiao Rong, why don't you take a nap? We won't be going anywhere for the next three days," Su Yang said to her.

Xiao Rong nodded, and she transformed to her beast form before curling into a ball on Su Yang's lap, shocking Xian Ni.

"T-T-This is?! She was a magical beast this entire time?!" Xian Ni nearly dropped the teapot when he saw that.

"What? You've never seen a magical beast turn into a human before?" Su Yang asked him.

"I-I have… but they didn't look as perfect and you can tell right away that they are not truly human," Xian Ni said with a dazed look on his face.

"Is that so?" Su Yang said as he sipped on the tea that Xian Ni had just poured him.

A moment later, Su Yang spoke, "So you believe me when I say that I am an Immortal who experienced reincarnation?"

Xian Ni nodded and responded, "Even if I don't want to believe it, there's no other logical reason why someone so young would be so powerful."

Chapter 793 Teleport Formation

After they settled down in this private pavilion, Su Yang proceeded to spend the next three days there speaking with Xian Ni, telling him about the Divine Heavens and Immortals, even giving him advice on cultivation, which greatly benefited Xian Ni by expanding his knowledge and overall standard for cultivation.

"I can't believe that there's such a vast world beyond this sky and nobody here is aware of here…" Xian Ni sighed as he stared at the blue sky blankly, looking like someone who was yearning for something.

"Do you… do you think it's possible for one to escape this world and travel to that cultivation world? This place… I feel like it's too small even though I have never left the Western Continent."

"And with the Jade Sea strictly restricting my movements, it feels as though only the Western Continent exists in this world."

Su Yang pondered, "There's nothing you nor I can do anything about the Jade Sea— at least not at our level. However, there are methods that can allow you to traverse to the other continents without needing to worry about the Jade Sea."

"Eh? Really? How can we do something like that?!" Xian Ni asked with his eyes flickering with excitement.

"Although it'll take a bit of effort and resources, one can create a teleport formation on all continents, and as long as you feed it enough spirit stones, you'll be able to teleport from one continent to another almost instantly," Su Yang said.

"T-That sounds… a bit impossible, doesn't it? First of all, we would need someone who can travel to all continents as well as create the teleport formations. And even if there exists someone who meets that criteria, how many years would it take for that individual to create these formations? I don't know much about formations but formations of that level must require decades if not centuries to create!"

"Additionally, I can already imagine the immense amount of wealth that is required to activate these formations."

Su Yang shrugged and said, "Well, I can create these formations on all continents in less than a month if you want. As for the spirit stones, although it'll be costly, one cannot expect to travel such a distance every day, as it's a luxury to use teleport formations even in the Divine Heavens."

"H-How much do you think it'll cost for each use?" Xian Ni asked him a moment later.

Su Yang pondered for a bit before raising 1 finger and said, "Probably around 1 million spirit stones for each use, maybe a little bit more if the place you're going to is further than the rest."

"One million spirit stones is definitely not a small number, but it's doable if we travel sparingly." Xian Ni said with a profound look on his face.

He then looked at Su Yang and asked, "If I asked you, would you be willing to create these formations? I don't mind paying for them as well."

Su Yang nodded and said, "I'd already planned on doing this before our conversation so you don't need to pay me. However, I cannot just create these formations without permission from these continents, so I'll ask the ruler of each continent to see whether they'll allow for these formations to exist in their continent. If they don't want visitors from other continents, there's nothing I can really do about it since I don't want it to feel like an invasion."

"What do you think? Will your Xian Family allow me to create a teleport formation in the Western Continent, connecting to the other continents?" Su Yang asked Xian Ni.

Xian Ni immediately nodded and said, "Of course! This is going to be revolutionary! The five continents have been separated from each other since ancient times, and I can only imagine what might happen once we're allowed to visit each other for the first time! I am already excited for this even if only one other continent agrees with this!"

"Li'er, what do you think? Do you think your family will agree with this change?" Su Yang turned to ask her.

Lian Li nodded and said, "If you're the one asking, most likely."

'W-Wait a second… Her family governs the Holy Central Continent?' Xian Ni looked at Lian Li with wide eyes, as this is his first time hearing such a thing, and he'd thought that she was just some beauty from the Holy Central Continent!

"So we have the Western Continent, Holy Central Continent, and the Eastern Continent willing to have visitors, leaving only the Southern Continent and the Northern Continent." Su Yang mumbled.

"Hm? How do you know that the Eastern Continent will agree to this?" Xian Ni asked him. "Do you also have ties with the ruler there?"

Su Yang nodded and responded in a calm manner, "Yes, I impregnated their daughter so I am already a part of their family."

"You…" Xian Ni looked at Su Yang with dropped jaws, completely speechless by the casual way he'd said those shocking words.

"When will you be putting this plan in motion?" Xian Ni asked him sometime later.

"Probably sometime after I return to the Eastern Continent," Su Yang said. "But you can expect it to finish before the end of this year."

"That's very soon! I cannot wait for this!" Xian Ni clenched his hands into a fist that trembled from excitement. As someone who has lived for over a thousand years, waiting for another year wouldn't matter at all.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Anyway, it's about time for that tournament to start, right?"

"Yes, the tournament should be starting in a few hours. Shall we head there now? After all, we still have to register your name."

Sometime later, Su Yang and the group began making their way back to Immortal City.

"Wow, this place looks entirely different with so many people appearing out of the blue," Lian Li mumbled in a low voice after seeing millions of people trying to enter the city, and the city itself was crowded with people.

Chapter 794 Let Me Fight All of Them

After entering the city, Xian Ni brought Su Yang and the others to this enormous and ancient-looking coliseum that was filled with loud noises and shouting.

"Hey, where do I register my friend here to the tournament?" Xian Ni approached one of the workers there.

"Huh?" The young man turned to look at Xian Ni's unique appearance with raised eyebrows, and then he sneered coldly, "I don't know who you are, old man, but the registration date for the tournament expired last week! We're no longer accepting any more participants no matter who you are or where you're from!"

"Hoh? Is that so?" Xian Ni remained calm despite the young man's lack of respect.

A moment later, he retrieved the Immortal Medallion and slammed it on the desk, nearly breaking it half.

"Are you sure you're not accepting any more participants? Why don't you double-check with your seniors, little boy?" Xian Ni said to the shocked young man who was shaking like he was experiencing an earthquake right beneath his feet.

"T-T-This is—! The Xian Family's Immortal Medallion?! W-Why do you have something like this! It must be fake!" The young man gritted his teeth a moment later and stood up angrily, "You damn old man! How dare you scare me like that! There's no way someone besides His Majesty can have the Immortal Medallion!"

"I'll freaking report you to the Xian Family to get you executed for impersonating royalty!" The young man pointed at Xian Ni with an enraged expression on his face.

Xian Ni shook his head and sighed, "This new generation is truly pathetic to not even recognize their ancestors…"

After taking a deep breath, Xian Ni spoke again, but it was in a loud voice that shook the entire place, "CANG SHICAI, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!"

The young man coughed up a mouthful of blood after feeling the immense pressure that nearly crushed his body, and he stared at Xian Ni with a terrified look on his face.

Everyone there also turned to look at them to see the commotion.

Not even a minute later, Cang Shicai could be seen flying towards them with a few individuals following behind him.

"What happened here, Ancestor Xian?!" Cang Shicai immediately bowed to Xian Ni after landing a few meters away from him.

Xian Ni pointed at the young man and said, "When a child cannot recognize their own ancestors, whose fault do you think it is? The child or the parents' fault?"

Cang Shicai immediately turned to look at the young man and frowned, "What did you do to upset Ancestor Xian? If my mind isn't playing tricks on me, there are plenty of pictures of Ancestor Xian in the Immortal Association's headquarters. To not recognize the Ancestor of the Xian Family, do you walk with your head down, or are you actually blind?"

"A-Ancestor Xian?!" The young man nearly fainted from shock after learning that he'd blatantly disrespected the ancestor of the Xian Family.

"Anyway, although we are a little late, I am here to register my friend for the tournament. You won't mind squeezing one more person into the list, right?" Xian Ni asked Cang Shicai.

Cang Shicai nodded his head with a nervous smile on his face despite already finalizing the roster and the fact that adding one more participant would mess up the entire thing.

"I don't mind accepting one more individual into the tournament as long as he qualifies to participate in it," he said a moment later.

And he continued, "Since he already has the Xian Family's recommendation, we only need to make sure that he's not older than 50 years old. Please follow me so that we can test his bone age."

Sometime later, they arrived at this room that had a familiar-looking object that resembled the Bone Age Totem during the Regional Tournament in the Eastern Continent.

"Please put your hands on this object and don't remove it until we tell you to do so." Cang Shicai said to Su Yang.

Su Yang placed his hands on the totem a moment later and patiently waited for the results.

A few seconds later, 18 silver lines appeared and spiraled around the totem.

"E-Eighteen years old? How is that possible?" Cang Shicai immediately doubted the results.

There was simply no way that someone so young could reach the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm that requires decades of experience and immense talent!

And if someone like him joins this tournament, it would no longer be a tournament but a one-sided slaughter!

"T-There must have been a mistake— let's try it again with this one…" Cang Shicai introduced another totem for him to test on, hoping it was really a mistake.

Su Yang didn't say anything and placed his hands on this new tester.

And to their surprise, the results came back the same.

"E-Eighteen years old… Are you really eighteen years old?" Cang Shicai looked at Su Yang with a dazed face.

"If you don't believe the results, we can repeat this until you're satisfied and convinced," Su Yang said to him in a calm voice.

"N-No… That won't be necessary," Cang Shicai quickly responded.

"However, since the roster is already finalized, we will have to delay the tournament for a couple more hours so that we can fit you inside."

Su Yang shook his head and said, "It's fine, you don't need to change anything."

"What do you mean by that?"

Everybody in the room looked at him with their eyebrows raised.

"Since I am a late entry and I don't want to spend too much time here, let me fight every participant in this tournament." Su Yang said, causing their jaws to drop.

"A-Are you sure about that? There are over ten thousand participants, and half of them are at the Earth Spirit Realm…" Cang Shicai said to him.

"Ten thousand or one hundred thousand— it won't make any difference." Su Yang said with an overbearing aura surrounding him, dumbfounding the people there.

Chapter 795 A Total of 27 Immortal-grade Cultivation Techniques

"I-I understand. However, just like the Root of Revival, this is not a matter that I can decide alone." Cang Shicai said, and then he turned around to look at the nine figures behind him, "Fortunately for us today, the Nine Immortal Families are here."

And he continued, "What do you think, Seniors? Are you willing to accept this condition?"

Standing behind Cang Shicai were 9 old men with profound auras, and they were all high-ranking individuals within their respective families with enough authority to make such decisions without the head of their family.

However, before they could even open their mouths to speak, Su Yang said with a smile on his face, "If I cannot defeat every participant in this tournament by myself, I will give every family three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques, and they all will be different from each other. On the other hand, if I defeat everyone and win, I shall only take the Root of Revival. What do you think?"

The nine elders looked at each other with dumbfounded looks on their faces, as what Su Yang said sounded too good to be true.

If what Su Yang said is true, does this mean he'll be giving out a total of 27 Immortal-grade cultivation techniques? How can a single individual have so many of them when even the most influential families in this world have at most one or two Immortal-grade cultivation techniques.

"I can see the doubt in your eyes, but I'll personally reassure you that he'll keep his words," Xian Ni suddenly said, dumbfounding the elders even more.

"If not, the Xian Family will take full responsibility and give each of your family treasures worth around three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques."

After talking with each other in the background for a couple of minutes, the nine elders returned to their side and nodded with smiles on their faces.

"Very well! We'll accept this change! If this young man here can defeat every participant in this tournament by himself, we'll give him every reward on the list, let alone the Root of Revival. However, if he cannot, then he'll have to hand each family 3 unique Immortal-grade cultivation techniques."

Su Yang nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then we'll go ahead and prepare for this."

Cang Shicai and the nine elders then left the area to do their own things.

"What do you think? You may have the memories of an Immortal, but your real cultivation is only at the peak Heavenly Spirit Realm. Even if you have a tough body, it'll be difficult to fight so many experts at once." Xian Ni said to him.

"You don't think I'll be able to defeat them?" Su Yang looked at him with a mysterious smile.

"No, I trust that you'll be able to do it. I am just unsure how easily you'll be able to achieve this since I don't know your real abilities." Xian Ni said with a pondering look on his face.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Let's just say… If I'd used my cultivation during our spar, you wouldn't have stood a chance."

Xian Ni looked at him with wide eyes. A Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivator defeating someone in the Sovereign Spirit Realm? Unless he witnesses it with his own eyes, it was almost impossible for him to witness.

Of course, he'd been beaten by Su Yang already, but they weren't using their cultivation at that time.

Meanwhile, the nine elders from the Nine Immortal Families return to their own families to spread the news and changes regarding the tournament, shocking everybody there, especially the participants.

"What the heck?! We're going to have to fight someone at the peak Heavenly Spirit Realm?! That's impossible!" One of the participants who were only at the True Spirit Realm exclaimed.

"Don't worry, as long as even a single person defeats him, it'll be our victory, and we'll obtain three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques. This is not a battle of strength but a battle of endurance!"

"Hmmm… Three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques… This is indeed a tempting offer that's extremely hard to refuse. I understand why you agreed, elder…"

Even though the Patriarchs of these nine Immortal Families were skeptical and even slightly angry at first that their precious tournament was changed by a single individual, they also wanted these three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques.

"Since Ancestor Xian himself has given us reassurance, I guess we can trust this unknown individual."

Sometime later, all nine Patriarches from the nine Immortal Families appeared before the millions of spectators to announce the changes for the tournament.

"Thank you all for being patient. However, there have been changes to the tournament, and this will be an unprecedented event!"

"Instead of ten thousand participants fighting each other, these ten thousand participants will have to try and defeat a single individual who is at the peak Heavenly Spirit Realm!"

"Of course this peak Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivator has met the requirements to participate in this tournament. However, it wouldn't be fun or fair if someone at that level enters this tournament, and this change was suggested by the individual himself!"

"Furthermore, this tournament has been blessed by Ancestor Xian himself!"

The audience was puzzled at first, then they were shocked by the changes, finally exploding with excitement when they heard the name 'Ancestor Xian'.

Sometime later, the Patriarchs said, "Now, let's give a grand welcoming to Ancestor Xian!"

The next moment, a dominating aura appeared in the place, and Xian Ni descended from the heavens like an Immortal and hovered in the middle of the coliseum with a grand presence.

When the audience noticed Xian Ni's presence, every individual there stood up and bowed to him. As for those that had enough room to kowtow, they went to their knees and kowtowed to him.

However, Xian Ni didn't even bother to introduce himself and said, "I am only here today to support my new friend who came from the Eastern Continent."

A few seconds later, a handsome young man with otherworldly features appeared and calmly walked onto the grand stage before standing in the middle with a confident smile on his face.

Chapter 796 Frozen From Shock and Fear

"T-That's Ancestor Xian's 'friend'?"

When the audience looked up and saw Su Yang's handsome figure, the majority of them were left speechless.

Many of them wondered how someone so young could reach the peak Heavenly Spirit Realm while others wondered how the heavens could allow someone so handsome to exist in this world.

"If I didn't hear incorrectly, Ancestor Xian said he's from the Eastern Continent, right? How did he traverse the Jade Sea that even Sovereign Spirit Realm experts don't dare to challenge?"

"Who knows. Maybe the Eastern Continent has methods that allow them to achieve such a feat."

"If that was the case, why don't we have more visitors from the Eastern Continent? This is the first time I've seen someone from another continent."

While the audience mumbled to each other about Su Yang and the other continents, Su Yang took a deep breath before speaking in a calm voice that echoed in every direction.

"My name is Su Yang and I arrived at the Western Continent only a few days ago. As mentioned by the Nine Immortal Families, I will be challenging every participant in this tournament, and if I lose even a single fight, I shall be parting with three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques to each of the Nine Immortal Families."

Many people in the crowd gasped in shock when they heard Su Yang's words. Three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques for each family? That'd be 27 cultivation techniques if he loses even a single battle! Does he even have that many cultivation techniques in the first place, or is he simply making things up to force the Nine Immortal Families' hands and allow him to do this stunt?

Regardless, this is definitely an unprecedented event that might change the Western Continent as a whole!

A few moments after Su Yang gave his introduction, the Patriarchs from the Nine Immortal Families began explaining the rules.

"Although the tournament itself has changed significantly, the rules shall remain the same with a few additions."

"One, you must not kill your opponents. Accidents occur and there's nothing we can do about that in this eccentric world, but if there's even a hint that it was done on purpose, we will immediately disqualify you and punish you accordingly afterward."

"Two, you are not allowed to wield powerful spiritual treasures above the Spirit-grade."

"Three, if your opponent surrenders, you are to immediately halt your movements and stop attacking your opponent."

"Four, you are not allowed to consume pills or use any treasures that will enhance your strength or capabilities in any manner."

"Five, if you step outside the stage, you will automatically surrender the fight."

"Six, participant Su Yang will be allowed fifteen minutes of rest after every 100 fights to recover his spiritual energy."

Once the Patriarchs were finished with the rules, one of them turned to look at Su Yang and asked him, "Are you ready to begin?"

Su Yang nodded and said, "Whenever you're all ready."

"Then we'll bring in the first participant."

A few moments later, a young man at the third level True Spirit Realm approached the stage with unstable movements, clearly anxious about the situation.

Su Yang raised his eyebrows when he saw this timid-looking Cultivator approaching him, and he said, "You know… While I have plenty of time to spend, I am not someone who likes to drag things around, therefore, I will give you a chance to surrender."

The participant swallowed his nervousness before laughing out loud, "You think I don't know what you're trying to do? I don't care where you're from, but how dare you mess with the traditions of this tournament! Even if I won't be able to defeat you, I'll at least chip away some of your spiritual energy! You may be able to defeat a hundred— even a thousand of us, but I don't believe you'll be able to defeat all of us!"

"Is that so?" Su Yang mumbled in a nonchalant voice.

Once the young participant stood on the stage, Su Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

A moment later, he opened his eyes, which flashed with a profound flicker.


An immense and sharp aura suddenly exploded from Su Yang's body, causing the atmosphere there to change.

"T-This is! Sword Intent?!" Xian Ni narrowed his eyes trying to analyze Su Yang's Sword Qi.

As for the other people there, they were shocked speechless by the majestic and cold aura around Su Yang, feeling like there was an invisible blade placed directly before their necks despite being so far away from him.

Meanwhile, the young man standing only a couple of meters away from Su Yang had directly fallen unconscious the moment Su Yang's Sword Qi even got close to him.

However, Su Yang did not retrieve his Sword Qi even when the participant was clearly incapable of continuing the match, and he spoke in a loud but smooth voice, "If you really think this is a battle of endurance, then allow me to open your narrow eyes a bit…"


Su Yang's aura became even more tyrannical when he released his Sword Will that was combined with his peak Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivation, causing the sky to darken and the atmosphere to tremble, almost like he was trying to flip the world with his aura.

After a moment of deep silence, Su Yang spoke again, "While I won't purposefully kill anyone, I also cannot promise you that I won't accidentally kill someone since there are so many of you and it's hard for me to hold back when I am serious, and I am seriously trying to obtain the Root of Revival. Anyone who dares to try and prevent me from doing so will be eliminated in the swiftest way possible!"

Su Yang's domineering voice echoed in the coliseum, and every participant there stared at his handsome figure with wide eyes filled with shock, and Su Yang's figure suddenly began growing larger and larger in these participants' eyes, indicating how much of a threat Su Yang looked in their eyes right now.

'This young man…'

The Patriarchs of the Nine Immortal Families narrowed their eyes at Su Yang, their bodies frozen from shock and fear before Su Yang's invincible presence.

Chapter 797 Banned From Participating

'This guy, Su Yang! He was not joking when he said I won't stand a chance against him!' Xian Ni stared at Su Yang's domineering figure and tyrannical aura with a gawking look on his face.

How can someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm emit such a powerful aura when even Sovereign Spirit Realm Cultivators could not? Is this the difference between a real Immortal and a fake Immortal? Just how deep does Su Yang's strength go?

"You can send in the next participant," Su Yang suddenly said.

A few moments of silence later, one of the experts there went onto the stage and carried the unconscious young man off the stage.

"Please give us a moment to bring in the next participant." The expert said to Su Yang before leaving the stage.

"Who is next?! Quickly get on the stage!" One of the elders from the Nine Immortal Families said to the participants that were holed up somewhere inside the colosseum.

"Are you crazy?! You want us to fight that monster?! There's no way that's possible! Not even my father could defeat that man!" One of the participants suddenly said.

The other participants followed and began complaining.

"That's right! I don't want to die!"

"Did you see his aura?! That's not something you can fight! Forget about tiring him out! His aura will exhaust us before we can even step onto the stage! This is impossible!"


Someone suddenly roared, instantly silencing the place.

The people there turned to look in the direction of the voice to see nine figures standing side by side not far in the distance.

"The Nine Immortal Families Patriarchs!"

The participants immediately recognized their faces.

"I don't want to hear any more complaints! So what if he has an impressive aura? So what if you cannot defeat him? Don't forget your status and where you came from! Don't forget the Xian Family is watching all of us! Don't forget that Ancestor Xian is also here!"

"I don't care if you're scared! You WILL stand on the stage and fight him!"

"If you surrender or refuse to fight him, your sect or family will be banned from participating in the next 3 tournaments!"

The participants there stared at these nine Patriarchs with shocked expressions on their faces.

They'll be banned from participating in the tournament? That's ridiculous and overbearing as hell!

However, as much as they wanted to complain, these participants didn't dare to offend or oppose the heads of the Nine Immortal Families, so they can only nod their heads in silence.

Seeing the participants nod, the Patriarchs said, "Good! Then whoever is next in line, get out there and fight him!"

Sometime later, another young man approached the stage. However, his aura was nonexistent compared to Su Yang's aura, and there was not even the slightest of confidence that could be felt coming from this young man.

Once the new challenger stepped onto the stage, his legs began shaking even more uncontrollably, almost they were made of tofu.

"Since you dared to stand before me, I will assume that you've accepted the risk." Su Yang said to the young man with a calm look on his face.

"Y-Y-Y-You can't scare me!" The young man stuttered before taking out a spirit-grade spiritual treasure.


Su Yang coldly snorted, sending some of his Sword Intent at the young man.


A split second later, the Sword Intent slammed into the young man like an invisible wall before sending him flying out of the stage and into the audience, shocking everybody there.

"Next!" Su Yang did not even bother to look at the young man and shouted for the next opponent.

A few seconds later, another challenger stepped onto the stage.

However, this time, without waiting for the challenger to even fully stand on the stage, Su Yang attacked the challenger the second his foot touched the stage, sending him flying into the audience again.


Su Yang shouted in a domineering voice, his tyrannical aura growing stronger by the second.

A moment later, another participant was sent flying into the stage, his injuries worse than the previous two victims.

The Patriarchs frowned when they saw this.

"Is he slowly injuring his enemies more and more as a warning? Until one of them finally dies?" One of them couldn't help but ask out loud.

"This lad… how bold…"

A dozen unconscious challengers later, the first female fighter appeared on the stage, and to everyone's surprise, Su Yang didn't immediately send her flying into the audience like the previous participants.

'I am safe…?'

The female fighter, who'd expected and prepared to be blown away the second she stepped onto the stage was pleasantly surprised that she'd managed to stand on the stage with both her legs!

However, before she could even open her mouth to speak, Su Yang said to her in a calm voice, "You have exactly three seconds to turn around and leave the stage before I strip you naked before everyone here."

The female fighter's jaw dropped to the ground after hearing Su Yang's words. And seeing the seriousness in Su Yang's eyes, this female fighter unconsciously took a step back.

However, she recalled the Patriarchs' warning and gritted her teeth.

"Screw you!"

The female fighter suddenly rushed at Su Yang, but alas, before she could even take two steps, Su Yang released a torrent of Sword Qi at her, tearing her clothes to shreds.


Realizing that she was practically naked, the female fighter immediately crouched down and blocked her chest with her arms.

"H-How dare you! Do you have any shame?! Are you even a man?!" she shouted at him with a fuming expression.

However, Su Yang remained nonchalant and said, "You have another three seconds to get off the stage before I sent you flying into the audience... unconscious."

The female fighter's eyes widened with shock, and she immediately shouted, "I-I give up! I surrender! Please, don't send me flying into the audience!"

The entire place turned dead silent afterward, and everyone there stared at Su Yang with disbelief in their eyes.

Chapter 798 24 Hours

One of the elders there appeared on the stage and wrapped some clothes around the female fighter a few seconds after she surrendered the match.

"How can you embarrass a young lady before so many people in public?" The elder shook his head at Su Yang.

However, Su Yang remained nonchalant and said, "You can't say that I hadn't warned her. Anyway, I am getting bored. Why don't you send more than one participant onto the stage at a time? That will make things more fun and save us more time."

He then looked around the empty stage and said, "You can send in 50 participants at a time."

"F-Fifty fighters at a time?!" The elder exclaimed in a shocked voice.

"A-Are you sure?"

Su Yang nodded and said, "Yes, go ahead and send in 50 at a time."

"Let me speak with the Patriarchs first."

The elder said before leaving the stage and approaching the Patriarchs that were spectating them from their own area.

"What? He wants to fight 50 people at once?"

"Is he trying to save energy this way?"

"Even if that's his intention, I also don't feel like watching the same thing repeating over and over again for ten thousand times."

"I just want this to be over with… I am feeling uncomfortable just from being near his aura…"


"Very well, then we shall let him fight fifty people at once. Perhaps one of them might even catch him off guard and secure us the victory."

A few moments after the nine Patriarchs came to an agreement, they announced their decision and the tournament's changes to the audience.

"Su Yang from the Eastern Continent has suggested that we send in fifty fighters at once, and after some considerations, we have decided to agree! Therefore, starting this point, it will be one versus fifty!"

The crowd erupted with excitement after hearing this.

"One against fifty in a tournament?! I have never heard of this before, much less witness it!"

"Do you think this Su Yang is biting more than he can chew? He may be powerful, but fighting 50 Cultivators at once is simply too much! He will definitely exhaust his energy faster by doing this!"

"Who cares! At least I don't have to sit through 10 thousand boring matches now!"

Sometime later, fifty fighters appeared on the stage and surrounded Su Yang.

Although they feared fighting Su Yang by themselves, since they were no longer alone, these fighters felt more comfortable and confident in facing Su Yang, allowing them to stand on the stage without shaking.

"You've dug yourself a hole by wanting to fight 50 of us at once!"

"If you think you can just send all of us flying at once to save spiritual energy, you're dead wrong!"

The next moment, all fifty participants released their cultivation bases and created a thin barrier made of pure spiritual energy around their own bodies.

Su Yang smiled when he saw this, and he asked them, "If you think surrounding yourselves with spiritual energy will help you block my Spirit Qi…"

Su Yang's gaze suddenly flashed with a violent flicker, and his Spirit Qi exploded outwards a split second later, assaulting all fifty fighters at once.


The fighters cried out loud when Su Yang's Sword Qi engulfed their bodies like flames. However, instead of burning their bodies, the Sword Qi tore their spiritual energy shield and clothes to shreds, even giving them bloody cuts all over their bodies.


Painful screams echoed in the colosseum, sending chills down the spectators' spine.

A few seconds later, Su Yang retrieved his Sword Qi, and all fifty fighters collapsed with blood oozing from their bodies.

Su Yang then turned to look at the nine Patriarchs before speaking in a calm voice, "Don't worry, they're not dead. Hurry up and clean them up and send in the next fifty fighters."

The Patriarchs were left speechless after hearing Su Yang's overbearing words. Does he intend on coloring the entire arena with his opponents' blood?

A few moments later, a couple of works went onto the stage to carry the unconscious and naked fighters off the stage.

Once another fifty fighters appeared on the stage, Su Yang repeated the same thing and instantly knocked out all of the fighters with his Sword Qi.

"T-This is ridiculous!"

One of the Patriarchs stood up from his seat and exclaimed.

"Send in the next fifty fighters! I don't believe he can continue doing this! There must be a limit to how many times he can use that technique!" The Patriarch said, thinking that Su Yang was using some sort of powerful technique.

A few moments later, fifty more fighters appeared on the stage, but the expressions on their faces looked a bit weird, even fearful.

'Damn it! Why do we have to suffer like this?! Just so the Nine Immortal Families can obtain the Immortal-grade cultivation techniques?! What do we get?! This isn't fair!'

The fighters on the stage cried inwardly, silently cursing the Nine Immortal Families.

However, to these fighters' surprise, Su Yang did not immediately defeat them.

"I have another proposal," Su Yang suddenly said to the Patriarchs.

"What is it this time?" They frowned.

"Instead of sending fifty at a time, you can allow anyone who wishes to fight me to enter the stage and fight me whenever they want. I don't care if a hundred, a thousand, or even all of them attack me at once. I'll allow it. However, you will only have 24 hours to defeat me. If nobody defeats me in 24 hours, it'll be considered my victory."

The nine Patriarchs looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

"While his suggestion looks very advantageous for us at glance, why is he giving us 24 hours? That's a very long time."

"Right? If everyone attacks him at once, it could be over in just a few minutes. Why must he cripple himself by giving us so much time?"

"I don't know, but it is very suspicious."

While the Patriarchs pondered, Su Yang said with a smile on his face, "Don't worry, I don't have any ulterior motives. The rules will remain the same. If 24 hours is too generous, let's shorten it to one hour!"

Chapter 799 A Few Minutes to Prepare

A few minutes have passed since Su Yang gave the Patriarchs another suggestion, yet they haven't come to a conclusion yet.

"I have a very bad feeling about this, and I cannot shake this ominous feeling no matter how much I try…"

"First he suggests 24 hours, then he suggests 1 hour… The difference is too vast. What on earth is he thinking?"

"I have no idea, but does it really matter? All remaining participants will have 24 hours to defeat him. Whatever he does, it won't change that fact!"

After speaking to each other for a couple more minutes, they returned their attention to Su Yang, and they said to him.

"Very well. As long as the rules remain the same, we will agree with your methods. Since the tournament is already beyond normal, it won't make any difference if we change things around."

Su Yang nodded and then asked, "Can I get a few minutes to prepare myself?"

"Go ahead! Try not to take too long, though!"

"It will only be a few minutes," Su Yang said with a mysterious smile on his face that gave an ominous feeling to the Patriarchs.

After turning around, Su Yang suddenly lifted his arm into the air with his index finger glowing a small but bright golden light, creating a beautiful line in the air wherever his fingers moved.

He continued to move his fingers through the air, almost like he was using it as a brush and writing something in the air.

A few seconds later, a majestic symbol that emitted a profound aura floated in the air, shocking the audience and the nine Immortal Families' Patriarchs.

"T-That… Is that what I think it is?!" One of them exclaimed.

"W-What the heck? That looks like array symbols no matter how I look at it."

"That is array symbols! Why is he creating them? Does he intend on making a formation now?"

"Hahaha! I can't believe it! Does he really plan on making a formation in just a few minutes?!"

"Even the best Array Masters in the Western Continent require many weeks just to set up the most basic formation! Even if the Eastern Continent is more advanced in arrays, I highly doubt the difference is this vast, where they can do it in mere minutes!"

Xian Ni stared at the majestic symbols floating in the air with his jaw dropped, as he had never seen such clean and flawless symbols before.

While he is not an Array Master, he has dabbled in formations for a few years, so he has some knowledge in that aspect— enough to tell what Su Yang had done just now was incredibly ridiculous.

'He'd created such a flawless and powerful symbol in just a few seconds! That's impossible! It would take even the best Array Masters in this place an entire week to draw one of those and it would still not come out with such perfection!' Xian Ni cried inwardly, feeling a little numb from the shock.

Meanwhile, the nine Patriarchs that was unaware of Su Yang's brilliance laughed at his foolishness.

"Even if he can create a formation within just a few minutes, there's no way such a rushed formation would have any effect!"

"Such a fragile formation will collapse with just the wind blowing on it!"

A few minutes later, over a hundred golden symbols floated around Su Yang, emitting an otherworldly aura.


Su Yang suddenly poked one of these symbols, and all one hundred symbols began trembling before connecting with each other, forming a translucent box around Su Yang.

Once the formation was finished, Su Yang turned to look at the Patriarchs and said, "Okay, I am prepared. The rules never mentioned anything about formations so I'll assume it's allowed. There shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"Yes, you're right. There is no such rule that forbids the usage of formations, mostly because we never imagined that someone would have enough time to create a formation in the middle of a tournament." One of the Patriarchs said to him.

Su Yang nodded, and then he turned to look at the participants and said to them, "You now all have 24 hours to break this formation…"

Su Yang suddenly paused in the middle of his sentence.

A few seconds later, he continued, "Actually, let's do this instead. If even a single one of you can create a crack in this formation— no matter how small— I will personally forfeit this tournament and not only give the Nine Immortal Families their Immortal-grade cultivation techniques but also one million spirit stones to every participant in this tournament!"


Everybody there exclaimed in a shocked voice, and they all stared at Su Yang with gawking looks on their faces.

If someone manages to break the formation, Su Yang would have to shell out an astronomical amount of wealth, and since there are about ten thousand participants, it would mean over ten billion spirit stones!

Is it even possible for a single man to have such wealth in this world?

"There's no way you have that much money! Your words are merely empty promises!" One of the participants there pointed at him and shouted.

Su Yang then looked at that participant and said, "You should worry about whether you can break the formation or not before you start worrying about the money."

The young man coldly snorted in disdain and said, "Then watch me break this formation effortlessly! There's no way you can create a powerful formation in such a short time!"

After his sentence ended, the young man pounced at Su Yang and slashed the formation with his Spirit-grade sword.

"Break for me!"

The young man shouted, expecting the formation to crumble the moment his sword touches it.

However, to his surprise, the formation not only didn't collapse, it even deflected his sword, sending it flying out of his hand and landing somewhere in the audience, almost hitting someone with it.

Luckily for that individual who almost got it, Xian Ni caught the sword with his spiritual energy before it caused an accident.

"What?! That's impossible!" The young man stared at Su Yang's perfectly healthy formation with a shocked look on his face.

Chapter 800 Are You Trying to Scare Us to Death?!

"Let me try! Raging Fists!"

Another participant there suddenly rushed at Su Yang before throwing a powerful punch at the formation.


The moment the fighter's fist touched the formation, almost as though he'd punched himself, he was sent flying into the audience.

Meanwhile, the spectators mumbled to each other in a dazed voice.

"Heavens… I have never seen someone create such a sturdy formation in just a few minutes…"

"Just who is this man? He can not only use Sword Intent but he can also create formations…"

"Although it may be pretty powerful, I highly doubt it would be able to withstand continuous attacks for the next 24 hours."

"Anybody else wants to try? You have 24 hours to crack this formation. Until then…" Su Yang suddenly sat down in the lotus position and closed his eyes, beginning to cultivate.

"T-This bastard! He's underestimating us!"

"I don't believe that we cannot break his formation!"

"Everybody! Get him!"

Very quickly, hundreds of participants began throwing their long-ranged techniques at the formation, as they learned from the previous two victims that the formation had some sort of rebounding property to it, making physical contact very dangerous.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Many explosions occurred as hundreds of techniques combined and attacked the formation, causing the stage to tremble slightly.

"That must've at least cracked the formation!"

"There's no way the formation is unharmed after all that!"

The spectators yelled in excitement, and the nine Patriarches tightly grasped their fists in anticipation.

A few moments later, once all of the smoke and dust disappeared, a perfectly intact and beautiful formation surrounded Su Yang without a single scratch on it.

"WHAT?! There's not even a scratch on that formation! How is that possible!"

The Patriarchs were bewildered by the results. Just how durable is this formation? And how did Su Yang create something this powerful in just a few minutes?

"A-Again! Let's do it again! We got all day!"

The fighters on the stage immediately launched another attack at Su Yang with even more people participating this time, but alas, the formation remained untouched.

However, these fighters were reluctant to give up and continued attacking Su Yang with their cultivation techniques.

As time passed, even more people joined the fray to attack the formation, mostly because they feared that Su Yang might suddenly attack them from inside the barrier at the beginning. Once they were convinced and confident that Su Yang would not suddenly attack them did they finally decide to join the fun.

However, the arena could only fit so many people, so the people formed groups and took turns attacking the formation while the other groups went to recover their spiritual energy.

Four hours later, the fighters stopped attacking for a brief moment to see the results of their hard work.

"T-This is fucking ridiculous! There's not even a scratch on that thing!"

"How is that even possible?!"

"Shit! We've been going at it for hours! I refuse to believe that it's really that sturdy! There must be some sort of secret behind his formation!"

"Let's stop attacking for a second and try to analyze it instead!" One of the fighters suddenly suggested.

However, there was a huge hole within that logic.

"Who's going to do it?" Another individual suddenly asked.

"Preferably someone who has some experience in formations. After all, it would make no sense to ask a swordmaster about bows."

"Who here knows a thing or two about formations?! Come up here!"

A few minutes later, a dozen people stood beside Su Yang's formation.

"He's not going to attack us while we analyze the formation, right?" One of them asked in a nervous voice.

"D-Don't say something like that!"

"Anyway, let's begin analyzing the formation."

Thus, these people began using their spiritual sense to analyze the formation.

When the audience noticed what they were trying to do, the entire place turned dead silent, as they wanted these participants to focus. After all, even though they were not participating in this tournament themselves, it still felt like they were a part of this tournament as someone from the Western Continent, and they were all going against Su Yang who was from the Eastern Continent.

However, many minutes later, once the place became comfortable with the silent atmosphere and the participants focusing on the formation were absorbed in their examination, Su Yang suddenly opened his eyes and released his tyrannical aura, even shouting out loud.


This sudden reaction from Su Yang immediately scared the crap out of every person there, causing their hearts to skip a beat and almost jump out of their chests, especially the participants that were absorbed in his formation that had literally pissed and shat their pants from shock and fear before collapsing on the stage with foam coming out of their mouth a second later.

"Motherfucker! Are you trying to scare us to death?! What is the purpose of your actions just now?!" The Patriarchs stood up from their seats and began cursing at Su Yang because they had also been affected by Su Yang's little joke.

"Eh? I was on the verge of a breakthrough, but I guess it was my mistake. I'm sorry if it'd startled any of you," Su Yang said to them in a non-apologetic voice.

"Startled?! By startled do you mean a fucking heart attack?! Because I can still feel my heart beating crazily!"

Su Yang shook his head and said, "It wasn't intentional. However, if you're not satisfied with my apology, I'll let all nine of you join this tournament and attempt to break this formation. What do you think?"

"W-What did you just say? That you'll let us attack the formation?" The Patriarchs and everybody in the audience looked at Su Yang with disbelief in their eyes.

Su Yang nodded and confirmed, "That's right. The rules will even remain the same. If you can create even a single crack in this formation within the time limit, I'll consider it your win. If you can't, it'll be my win."

Chapter 801 Ten Minutes of Relentless Attacks

"Hahaha! If you think we need 20 hours to break your formation, you're delusional!" One of the Patriarchs laughed out loud before turning to look at the others.

"What do you think? He not only underestimates the Nine Immortal Families but also dared to challenge us."

"Since he's so confident in his formation and so eager to let us hit it, there's no reason for us to refuse."

"Indeed. Furthermore, there are three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques on the line here…"

A couple of moments later, once all nine Patriarchs came to an agreement, they all jumped from the spectators' seats and landed on the stage.

"Look at that! Don't tell me the Patriarchs are actually going to accept his challenge!"

"Heavens! I don't think I have ever seen all nine Patriarchs working together before!"

Su Yang smiled after seeing the nine Patriarchs surrounding him.

"Young man, since we don't want to make it seem like we're bullying you, nor do we need 20 hours to break your formation… we'll lower it to ten minutes. If we cannot break your formation in less than ten minutes, we don't deserve the Immortal-grade techniques." One of the Patriarchs said to him.

"Are you sure about that?" Su Yang asked them.

"Yes, we're positive."

Su Yang nodded and said, "Fine. Since you're so generous, I'll be generous too. Not only do you not need to break the formation but I'll even weaken the formation for you."

Su Yang then snapped his fingers, and the formation around him grew more transparent with its aura decreasing significantly.

"You have ten minutes starting now," Su Yang said as he stood up with a confident smile on his face.

"Hmph! Don't come crying to us afterward!"

The nine Patriarchs suddenly released their cultivation base, covering the entire arena with immense pressure.

The other participants ran away when they saw this, as they didn't want to get caught up in their mess.

"Give me a second," Su Yang suddenly said, not feeling any different.

"What is it now?" The Patriarchs frowned.

Su Yang then snapped his fingers, creating a thin but massive formation around the arena almost instantly, shocking the people there.

"Now you can release your full power without worrying about the audience," Su Yang said with a smile on his face, and he continued, "You don't have to thank me."

The Patriarchs were speechless. If Su Yang could create a formation with the snap of his fingers, just how much more powerful would a formation that took minutes to create be in comparison?

After swallowing heavily, the Patriarchs looked at each other before nodding their heads.

A few moments later, their auras exploded simultaneously as they all used their most powerful cultivation techniques to attack Su Yang.


A thunderous explosion resounded in the place followed by a tremendous shaking.

Dust and smoke quickly filled the large formation created by Su Yang, blocking the audiences' view for a couple of minutes.

However, the Patriarchs could still sense the formation around Su Yang, so they released another round of attacks on him without confirming whether it was still perfectly intact or not.


The world shook for the second time a couple more moments later.

"I can still sense it! Let's do this again!" One of the Patriarchs said.

A few moments later, the ground shook again.

And another earthquake occurred sometime later.

After ten minutes of relentless attacking, the Patriarchs finally stopped their attacks and panted in exhaustion, as this is the first time they've used so much spiritual energy in such a short time.

"I-I can still sense the formation around him! How is this possible?!" One of them exclaimed.

"It may still be there, but I doubt it's intact! I refuse to believe that such a powerful formation could exist, much less be created in only a few minutes!"

Although the Patriarchs were shocked that they were unable to destroy the formation completely, none of them believed the formation would still be perfectly intact after their continuous attacks.

A few minutes later, once the smoke and dust disappeared and everyone could see the formation clearly, the Patriarchs exclaimed simultaneously, "There's not a single crack on the formation?! That's impossible!"

"This must be some sort of illusion or spiritual treasure! You're tricking us! There's no way this is fucking possible!"

"Yeah! That's right! All nine of us are at the peak Heavenly Spirit Realm! It's impossible that a mere formation could withstand our combined might for so long!"

"Hell, not even the formations protecting our families would have such defensive capabilities! And it took over 500 years to build the formation!"

Su Yang shook his head and said, "If you're not convinced, you can look for an Array Master and let him look at the formation. This is neither a spiritual treasure nor a trick."

After a moment of silence, an unfamiliar voice resounded, "He's telling the truth, Immortal Patriarchs."

Everybody there turned to look at the old man who suddenly appeared on the stage.

"Y-You are Senior Hao!" The Patriarchs immediately recognized this old man who is widely acknowledged as the top Array Master in the Western Continent.

"I have watched everything from the beginning, especially the part when this young man here created those symbols. I have never seen such perfect symbols in my life, and my eyes have been opened. Thank you, young man…"

Senior Hao bowed to Su Yang in admiration.

He then continued, "This formation here is neither fake nor a spiritual treasure— it is without a doubt a real formation, and I am willing to put my reputation and career on the line with that statement."


The Patriarchs exchanged looks with each other, looking perplexed and clearly unwilling to accept the situation. However, if the number one Array Master in the continent says Su Yang's formation is real, can they really argue against him?

"If you've got nothing else to say, then it's my victory. Give me the Root of Revival and you can keep the rest of the rewards. I don't need them," Su Yang said to them, kicking them when they were hurting the most.

Chapter 802 Teleport Formation

"Why aren't you guys declaring my friend's victory yet when the results are as clear as day? Are you not satisfied with the results? Or are you guys simply unwilling to accept your defeat?" Xian Ni suddenly appeared on the stage and asked the nine Patriarchs.

"O-Of course, not, Ancestor Xian."

"We admit defeat."

"I'll go get the Root of Revival right now…"

While one of them left the place to retrieve the Root of Revival, the rest of the Patriarchs stayed behind and asked Su Yang, "Do you think you can sell even a single Immortal-grade cultivation technique to us?"

"You have twenty-seven of them, right? It wouldn't hurt to part with a few for some resources in return, now would it?"

Since they've lost their chance to obtain three Immortal-grade cultivation techniques for free, they'd opted to buy it from Su Yang instead!

"How does one hundred million spirit stones sound?" One of them offered.

"I will offer one hundred and fifty million!"

"Shit! I'll pay you two hundred million for one Immortal-grade technique!"

However, not all of the Patriarchs were thinking the same thing at this moment, and one of them suddenly said, "I don't care about the Immortal-grade cultivation techniques… I have this very beautiful daughter who is still single and pure… Would you like to meet her after this?"

The other Patriarchs looked at him with weird expressions.

A few moments later, Su Yang said, "Unfortunately, I do not need the money, so I won't be selling the Immortal-grade techniques."

The Patriarchs showed a dejected expression on their faces after hearing Su Yang's words, and they said, "If you ever change your mind, please let us know. Our offer will always be available and on the table for you."

Sometime later, the Patriarch that went to retrieve the Root of Revival returned with a small red box and handed it to Su Yang.

"Here's the Root of Revival. Double-check it if you want."

Su Yang nodded and took a sniff at the box.

"It's genuine."

"Are you sure?" Xian Ni asked him with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, I am sure," Su Yang confirmed.

"Then I have nothing else to say," Xian Ni said, and he continued, "What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to spend a few more days here before returning to the Northern Continent," he responded.

"If you need a place to stay, my Huang Family will gladly welcome you!" One of the Patriarchs suddenly said to him.

"Screw the Huang Family! Come to my Kang Family! I have a few daughters that I'd like to introduce to you!"

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, "I already have a location in mind."

He then looked at Xian Ni and continued, "You know where to find me."

Xian Ni nodded, "I'll come to you once I deal with some things here."

A few moments later, under countless gazes of admiration, Su Yang flew away from the colosseum with Lian Li and Xiao Rong following from behind.

"That took longer than I'd expected," Lian Li said to him afterward.

Su Yang smiled and said, "I wanted to open their eyes a little bit."

"You sure achieved that flawlessly if that was your intention." Lian Li chuckled gracefully.

Sometime later, they returned to the pavilion by the small pond.

"I'm going to recover my spiritual energy for a bit, then we can look around this continent," Su Yang said to Lian Li before sitting by the pond and cultivating.

A couple of hours later, Xian Ni appeared before them.

"Heavens, I have never seen anything that chaotic before," Xian Ni said the moment he landed.

"Oh, he's cultivating…" Xian Ni noticed Su Yang sitting by the pond and turned around.

"It's fine. I have already restored my spiritual energy enough," Su Yang's voice suddenly resounded.

"What do you plan on doing now?" Xian Ni then asked him.

"I could sit around for a few days until I return to the Eastern Continent to collect my treasure, or I can use this time to create the teleportation formation in the Western Continent."

"R-Really? You're willing to do it now?" Xian Ni trembled slightly from excitement.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Just give me the location and I'll create the formation for you."

"Great! I already have a location in mind, and it's near the Jade Sea towards the southern part. There's already a city there as well." Xian Ni quickly said.

Su Yang nodded, "Then let's get going."

Sometime later, Su Yang used the flying treasure to travel to this location.

Once they arrived, Su Yang said, "I'll begin now. It should be finished in about two days."

"Two days?! That fast?!" Xian Ni looked at him with a dumbfounded face.

"Would you rather I spend an entire month doing it instead?" Su Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"N-No…" Xian Ni quickly shook his head.

"Then I shall begin now."

After taking a deep breath, Su Yang began to draw symbols in the air, but compared to the symbols he'd created during the tournament, it lacked brilliance and power.

'If it only took him a couple of minutes to create a formation powerful enough to withstand the attacks of all nine Patriarchs, how profound is this formation that requires him two full days?' Lian Li pondered to herself as she watched Su Yang work with interest.

Two days later, a massive purple circle with complex symbols and designs appeared on the ground below Su Yang.

"This is the teleportation formation? How do we activate it?" Xian Ni asked him afterward.

Su Yang then said, "You only need to toss spirit stones into this formation until the circle activates and glows. However, the formation is still not yet complete because there needs to be a second one for it to actually work."

"I'll return here to let you know once I've received an answer from the other continents. Until then."

Xian Ni nodded before bowing to him, "Thank you, Su Yang. Let us talk again another time."

Sometime later, Su Yang left the Western Continent with the other two and returned to the Northern Continent.

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