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85.94% Mixed HD / Chapter 373: 696-710

Chapter 373: 696-710

Chapter 696 - There's No Harm in Being a Little Forceful, Right?

"How long will it take to get to the Eastern Continent?" Zhu Mengyi asked a few minutes after they left the Holy Central Continent.

"About two days," Xie Wang said.

"Only two days?!" Zhu Mengyi's eyes widened with shock, as she had expected somewhere around two months!

Even Wu Jingjing and Lian Li were surprised to hear that it would only take them 2 days to reach the Eastern Continent, as they always thought each continent was over tens of millions of miles away.

"Let me know when you need help, Su Yang," Xie Xingfang said to him.

"It's fine, this is good training for me, who has an immense amount of spiritual energy," Su Yang said.

"If you need to recharge your energy, you can let me know, Su Yang, and I will gladly assist with my body!" Zhu Mengyi said with a shameless smile on her face.

"M-Me too!" Wu Jingjing said despite feeling embarrassed about it.

"I will also…" Lian Li said in a mumbling voice.

Su Yang nodded, and he continued to focus on controlling the flying ship.

A few hours later, Su Yang stopped to rest.

Seeing this opportunity, Zhu Mengyi handed Zhu Jiayi to Wu Jingjing before grabbing Su Yang by the arm and pulling him into one of the rooms inside the ship.

"You can focus on recovering your energy and let me do all of the work!" Zhu Mengyi said to him as she eagerly removed her clothes.

Su Yang nodded, and he laid on the bed with his eyes closed.

Zhu Mengyi then loosened his clothes just enough for his lower sword to reveal itself.

Seeing the awakened dragon, Zhu Mengyi licked her lips in a s.e.xy manner before she placed it into her mouth. Once Su Yang's dragon and her own phoenix were soaking wet, Zhu Mengyi inserted it into her cave and began riding it as though she was riding a horse.

And since he was constantly being supplied with spiritual energy through Zhu Mengyi's Yin Qi, Su Yang was able to control the flying ship even as they cultivated.

Once he'd recovered enough spiritual energy, Su Yang began moving on his own and switched roles with Zhu Mengyi, becoming the one to please her instead whilst still controlling the flying ship.

A few hours later, when Zhu Mengyi could no longer continue, she said to him, "W-Wait a moment, Su Yang… I will bring Sister Jingjing in here to help you too…"

After putting her clothes on in a hasty manner, Zhu Mengyi went outside to speak with Wu Jingjing.

"Sister Jingjing, do you want to help Su Yang? I can no longer continue," Zhu Mengyi said to her.

"Okay." Wu Jingjing nodded before handing the babies to Zhu Mengyi and heading into Su Yang's room.

"He's cultivating while simultaneously controlling the flying ship? As expected of an Alchemist— his concentration and ability to multitask are simply astounding…" Xie Wang mumbled after seeing this.

"At this rate, we'll return to the Eastern Continent in a day…" Lord Xie said.

"Umm… Senior Lian, can I speak with you for a moment?" Xie Xingfang suddenly approached Lian Li.

"Sure." Lian Li nodded and walked to another corner of the ship where they're alone.

"What do you have for me?" Lian Li then asked.

"Well… This may seem a bit inappropriate, but I would like to know your thoughts on something. You… who is the princess from a family that rules over an entire continent… how are you able to accept a man who is already being shared by other women? And how do you feel about having your man shared by other women?" Xie Xingfang asked her.


Lian Li did not immediately respond and pondered for a moment before speaking, "I can see where you are coming from— because of our status, we are naturally more selfish than others due to the environment we grew up in. In fact, the higher one's status, the more 'sharing' anything becomes a taboo."

"I also refused Su Yang's advances at first because I knew he already had children with another woman, but after I realized that I wanted to stay by his side no matter what… Well, you know the rest."

"It's actually pretty easy to throw away even the most important things in life to be with someone you truly love— is something I learned through experience. Of course, everyone is different, but I found it relatively easily."

"I see… Thank you for your time, Senior Lian," Xie Xingfang bowed to her before walking away.

'In the end, she's just repeating what grandfather already said but in a different fashion…' Xie Xingfang sighed inwardly.

'Why is it so hard for me? Or is it simply because I do not love Su Yang enough to toss away my pride?' Xie Xingfang proceeded to stare into the horizon with a dazed expression on her face.

A few hours later, Wu Jingjing returned to the outside and looked at Lian Li.

"You don't have to say anything, I'll go next." Lian Li said to Wu Jingjing before she could even open her mouth.

A moment later, Lian Li entered Su Yang's room to cultivate with him.

"Hey, are you going to do something about that princess outside?" Lian Li suddenly asked him.

"You mean Xing'er? Why do you ask?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Well… I feel like she's the type that won't be able to decide something on her own. I can tell that she really likes you even though we barely know each other, but there's something preventing her from approaching you. Since she already likes you, there's no harm in being a little forceful, right?" Lian Li said to him.

"I understand your intentions, but I won't force her. I have had experience with many women who are very similar to Xing'er, and I can tell you from experience that it's better to let her decide for herself, or it might create conflicts in the future," Su Yang said.

"Is that so…" Lian Li nodded.

A few moments later, they began cultivating.

Chapter 697 - A Third One




Lian Li's body glistened with sweat as she cultivated with Su Yang for hours without rest.


Lian Li began twitching a few moments later, and her body released Yin Qi for the twentieth time.

"Haaa… haaa… haaa…" Lian Li collapsed onto Su Yang's chest afterward, feeling completely drained.

"We can stop here if you can't continue," Su Yang said to her.

"No… I can handle it," Lian Li said with a resolved— even somewhat forceful expression on her face.


After staring at her for a moment, Su Yang spoke, "Why are you trying so hard? Is it because of what happened during that incident?"

"I was taught to work hard to fix my mistakes by my mother, and that's what I am trying to do. I also don't want to lose to Wu Jingjing or Zhu Mengyi… and I don't want to be abandoned by you…" Lian Li said with a gloomy expression on her face, looking like she wanted to cry.

Although she was already feeling guilty for what she'd done to Su Yang before being slapped by her mother, the slap by Feng Xindou definitely made her feel more guilty about it afterward.


After a moment of silence, Su Yang spoke, "Even though I have had countless partners throughout my life, I have never abandoned a woman that I have accepted into my life that didn't deserve it, and you won't be any different. However, if you are still not convinced, we can make this official."

Su Yang then grabbed Lian Li's waist and began thrusting his shaft into her again.

"S-Su Yang?!"

Lian Li didn't expect him to suddenly start moving and m.o.a.ned loudly.

A few moments later, she could feel a load of hot liquid gushing into her stomach and filling her hole.

"W-What is this…?" Lian Li's eyes widened with surprise when she saw a beautiful symbol suddenly appear below her stomach.

"This is a Family Seal— it is proof of our commitment to each other. Although it's not activated yet, once activated, you will officially join my family and become my woman. However, there are a few rules you must abide by as a member of the family. Zhu Mengyi and Wu Jingjing are already a part of my family."

Su Yang proceeded to explain the family rules to Lian Li, who listened with a dazed expression on her face.

"Well? What do you think? Are you willing to commit to our relationship? Even though I am the family head, unless you betray me, I won't be able to abandon you without any reason, or I will suffer a major backlash," Su Yang said to her.

"A-Are you really willing to accept me into your family despite what I did to you?" Lian Li looked at him with disbelief.

Hearing her words, Su Yang bit a hole in his thumb and showed her the blood coming out.

"What do you think?" Su Yang said to her.

Lian Li stared at his bloody finger for a moment before grabbing his hand and slowly pulling it towards the Family Seal on her body.

"I, Lian Li, with heaven as witness, swear that I will never betray you and that I will always remain faithful until the end of time…" Lian Li mumbled in a slow but clear voice as she pressed Su Yang's bloody thumb onto the Family Seal, causing it to glow a golden color.

Meanwhile, almost as though something had attracted their attention, Wu Jingjing and Zhu Mengyi suddenly turned to look at Su Yang's room simultaneously.

"Do you also feel that, Sister Jingjing?" Zhu Mengyi asked her.

Wu Jingjing nodded, "Yes… I don't know what it is, but the Family Seal on my body is feeling a bit warm."

"Me too. Do you think it's because Sister Li joined the family and the Family Seal recognized her?" Zhu Mengyi asked.

"That's very likely." Wu Jingjing nodded.

Inside Su Yang's room, Lian Li rubbed the Family Seal on her body with a passionate gaze.

"You know, if you want a child with me, you can just ask," Su Yang suddenly said to her a moment later.

"Eh?" Lian Li looked at him with a surprised look on her face. How did he know that she wanted a baby with him?

"You think I wouldn't notice you staring at Wu Min and Zhu Jiayi? Not to mention the look on your face while you stared at them? Even someone who doesn't understand romance would be able to tell your desires," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"It was that obvious…?" Lian Li lowered her head slightly to hide the embarrassment on her blushing face.

"Then… if you don't mind, just like Sister Jingjing and Sister Mengyi, I also want to bear your child," she said a moment later.

Su Yang nodded and said, "As you wish."

He then laid Lian Li's glistening body on the bed before moving his h.i.p.s again.




Almost as though the Family Seal had boosted her endurance, Lian Li was able to continue without much rest, and she managed to endure a few more hours of intense cultivation with Su Yang before finishing with a load of fertile Yang Qi gushing into the deepest part of her cave and filling every nook and cranny inside.

"Thank you, Su Yang, for everything…" Lian Li mumbled in an exhausted voice before falling asleep on the bed.

Su Yang then removed his shaft from Lian Li's body before sealing her cave with a special talisman, containing his Yang Qi within her body.

'Three children already, huh? I have only been in this world for a little over a year and I already have two children with another one coming in the near future. Who knows how many children I'll have by the time we return to the Divine Heavens?' Su Yang wondered silently with a profound smile on his face, feeling an indescribable emotion within his heart right now.

Chapter 698 - Hundreds of Millions

After covering the sleeping Lian Li with a blanket, Su Yang left the room and headed outside again.

And the instant he went outside, Wu Jingjing and Zhu Mengyi approached him with excited expressions on their beautiful faces.

"Did you just give Sister Li your Family Seal?" Zhu Mengyi asked him with bright eyes.

"I felt my Family Seal reacting sometime ago!" Wu Jingjing said.

Seeing their reaction, Su Yang nodded with a smile on his face, "Yes, Lian Li is also a part of our family now. She's sleeping now."

"Family Seal? What is that?" When the Xie Family overheard their conversation, Xie Wang decided to ask out of sheer curiosity.

"A Family Seal is something the head of a family gives to their partners, indicating that they belong to a certain family. Of course, Family Seals are not that common as it only exists in families with harems," Su Yang explained to them.

"Here, this is what a Family Seal looks like—" Zhu Mengyi slightly adjusted her clothes to show off her Family Seal to the Xie Family, feeling like a child trying to show off her achievements.


Lord Xie and Xie Wang blushed slightly when they saw Zhu Mengyi's peerless skin, feeling envious of Su Yang that he'd managed to secure not one, not two, but three peerless beauties in a single trip to the Holy Central Continent.

'This lucky f.u.c.ker… If given enough time, he might actually seduce every single woman on the Eastern Continent!' Lord Xie cried inwardly.

"So… does this mean you are basically husband and wives?" Xie Xingfang suddenly asked.

"There is no such thing as wives or concubines in the Su Family, as I treat and love everyone the same amount no matter their status or background," Su Yang said to her.

"Treating everyone the same…" Xie Xingfang mumbled with a profound look in her gaze.

"How many people are in your family now, Su Yang?" Xie Wang suddenly asked.

"Oh, I also want to know the answer to that question," Zhu Mengyi said with curiosity on her face.

Even Wu Jingjing turned to stare at him in silence.

"Not including the people on this flying ship and the Divine Heavens, there are only three other women who have accepted my Family Seal," Su Yang said.

"Only three?" Everybody on the boat reacted to his response with surprise, as they truly didn't expect such a low number from someone like him.

"What's with the reactions? You think I hand out Family Seals like candy and give them to every woman I cultivate with?" Su Yang shook his head at their reactions.

"While I don't expect you to give it to every woman you sleep with, I sure didn't expect the number to be that low!" Lord Xie was the first to respond.

Su Yang then coldly snorted and said, "Considering the small number of women I have cultivated with while in this world, giving six Family Seal is already a shockingly high number. Despite cultivating with hundreds of millions of women in my previous life, I have given out less than 100 Family Seals!"

"W-Wait a damn second, Su Yang! H-Hundreds of millions of women? How is that even possible?!" Lord Xie was the first to question the ridiculous amount of women Su Yang claimed to have cultivated with.

"When you're as handsome as me and with Yang Qi that has the same effect as valuable treasures that can boost one's cultivation base, women would flock to you even if you do nothing but breath. In my previous life, whenever I would visit any city, there would always be a line of beautiful women willing to cultivate with me, and that line would not disappear for days on end even if I cultivated nonstop," Su Yang spoke in a prideful voice. "And hundreds of millions is only a humble estimate!"

And he continued, "Furthermore, because of my Celestial Constitution, I was even called 'living treasure' at one point."

"Celestial Constitution? How is that any different than Heavenly Constitutions?" Xie Wang asked Su Yang with a baffled look on his face.

"Celestial Constitution is above Heavenly Constitutions but it cannot be obtained by birth. The only way one can obtain a Celestial Constitution is by gathering and merging over 100,000 Heavenly Constitutions together. Meaning, I had to cultivate with over 100,000 maidens who had a Heavenly Constitution," Su Yang explained to him.

"100,000 Heavenly Constitutions?!" Xie Wang's jaw dropped to the floor, as it was an immense number that he cannot even begin to comprehend.

"If it can only be created by merging 100,000 Heavenly Constitutions together, it must be unimaginably powerful, right? What does it even mean to have a Celestial Constitution?" Lord Xie asked him with a fascinated look on his face.

"Not really," Su Yang shook his head and said, "Only those with Celestial Qi in their body can take advantage of a Celestial Constitution, and since I did not have Celestial Qi in my previous life, I was unable to take advantage of my Celestial Constitution. As for what one could do with a body that contained the Celestial Constitution… legend has it that you can ascend to true godhood and take control of the universe and everything within it as you will."

"Control everything within the Universe…? Not even Heaven has such an ability!" Xie Wang exclaimed in a dumbfounded voice.

"Well, although there have been people that had managed to achieve a Celestial Constitution before me, they all perished before they could ascend to godhood, so it's only a legend." Su Yang shrugged his shoulders.

And he continued, "Anyway, we are only a few minutes away from reaching the Eastern Continent."

Over the next few minutes, everyone on the flying ship was silently thinking to themselves what Su Yang had just told them.

'Su Yang… he is countless times more amazing than I thought…' Wu Jingjing and Zhu Mengyi had similar thoughts.

'Just what kind of status did Su Yang hold in his previous life…?' Lord Xie pondered.

'How did someone so amazing end up dying and coming to this world?' Xie Wang wondered.

'Hundreds of millions of women…' Xie Xingfang sighed inwardly.

Chapter 699 - Peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm

"We have returned to the Eastern Continent," Su Yang said to them a few minutes later.

"Oooh!" Zhu Mengyi and Wu Jingjing looked at the unfamiliar scenery with excitement.

However, the moment they tasted the Profound Qi in the air, frowns immediately appeared on their faces.

"I don't mean to be rude but the Profound Qi here…" Zhu Mengyi shook her head before looking at Xie Wang and continuing, "I'm surprised you even made it to the Sovereign Spirit Realm with the quality of Profound Qi in this place…"

"I am speechless… How do people even cultivate in this kind of environment?" Wu Jingjing also sighed, feeling like she'd accidentally traveled to a dirty place.


Even the Xie Family couldn't help but express disgust on their faces after experiencing the low-quality Profound Qi in the Eastern Continent once again, especially when they just got used to the high-quality Profound Qi in the Holy Central Continent.

"Now that I have experienced the Profound Qi in the Holy Central Continent, the Profound Qi in this place feels especially bad— it's like comparing a cup of fresh and clean water to muddy water…" Xie Wang sighed loudly.

"Heavens… Was the Profound Qi in this place always this bad? I would never have realized this if I did not experience the Profound Qi at the Holy Central Continent for myself!" Lord Xie held a face of disbelief on his face, feeling like he'd entered a new and unfamiliar land.

"Hahaha… Now you know how I feel, except it's not as bad as my situation!" Su Yang laughed out loud after seeing their reaction. "If you knew just how pure the Profound Qi in the Divine Heavens are before coming here— you would be physically crying right now!"

"Now that you mention it, you plan on returning to the Divine Heavens, right? How are we going to get there from here?" Zhu Mengyi suddenly asked him.

"There's this portal in the Southern Continent that could potentially teleport us to the Divine Heavens. Although it's not confirmed, it's very likely to be the case," Su Yang said.

"I cannot wait to go to the Divine Heavens with you, Su Yang. I wonder how much it differs from this world," Wu Jingjing said, her heart filled with curiosity.

"I also cannot wait to start exploring!" Zhu Mengyi said.

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, you do not have the capabilities to explore the Divine Heavens in your current state. The Heavenly Spirit Realm is no different than a mortal in that world, and if you want to explore the world safely, you will need to cultivate at least a few hundred years or be accompanied by someone powerful."

"A few hundred years…?" Zhu Mengyi looked at him with wide eyes, as it was a number that she could not even comprehend.

"Anyways, we can talk more about the Divine Heavens later. We have returned to Snowfall City now." Su Yang said as he stopped the flying ship above where the Celestial Pond was located.

"It also looks like the girls have managed to leave the Celestial Pond on time," Lord Xie said as he looked at Liu Lanzhi and the other disciples at the bottom.

Sometime later, after waking up Lian Li, everyone descended from the flying ship and landed before Liu Lanzhi and the others disciples.

"Welcome back, Su Yang…" Liu Lanzhi said to him in a somewhat dejected voice, not even questioning about the new faces.

"Hm? What happened? Why do you girls look so dispirited?" Su Yang looked at her and the other disciples with a puzzled look.

Besides Yan Yan, everyone there had a gloomy expression on their faces.


Liu Lanzhi turned to look at Yan Yan before sighing, "Take a look at our cultivation bases and you should understand…"

Hearing her words, Su Yang and everyone there looked at their cultivation base.

"What on earth?" Lord Xie's eyes widened with shock after seeing their cultivation bases.

"What in heaven's name happened inside the Celestial Pond?!" Xie Wang exclaimed in a shocked voice.

"This is truly unexpected…" Even Su Yang was surprised by the results.

Except for Yan Yan, Liu Lanzhi, and the other two disciples somehow only managed to increase their cultivation base by a single level. Meanwhile, Yan Yan, who was at the seventh level Earth Spirit Realm before entering the Celestial Pond had somehow soared all the way to the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm in these seven days, surpassing even Su Yang's cultivation base.

"How did this happen?" Xie Xingfang suddenly asked.

"I can imagine what had happened, but I'll let them explain it," Su Yang said with a smile.

Liu Lanzhi nodded and said, "Well, everything was normal when we first entered the Celestial Pond, but as we approached our second day cultivating in the Celestial Pond, all of the spiritual energy suddenly disappeared."

"I was completely baffled at first, but when I saw Yan Yan's cultivation base, I can guess what had happened…" Liu Lanzhi sighed.

Once Liu Lanzhi stopped talking, Su Yang spoke, "Because of Yan Yan's talents, she'd absorbed all seven days worth of spiritual energy in a single day."

"Then you girls stopped cultivating in the Celestial Pond after the first day and have been waiting here since then?" Xie Xingfang asked in a dazed voice.

"Yes…" Liu Lanzhi and the other disciples nodded in a dispirited manner.

"That's… I don't know what I should say in this kind of situation…" Lord Xie shook his head. Since the Celestial Pond needed 100 years to recover, there was nothing they could really do in this situation.

"Although it's quite depressing that I didn't get to cultivate in the Celestial Pond for as long as I'd hoped, at least the spiritual energy wasn't wasted. Yan Yan managed to reach the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm at such a young age— I should be celebrating as the Sect Master instead of being depressed," Liu Lanzhi said with a bittersweet smile on her face, trying to find the positive in this situation.

Chapter 700 - It Just Happened

"As you'd just said, there's no need to be upset. However, since you did receive the short end of the stick this time, I'll find a way to make it up to the three of you later," Su Yang said to them with a smile on his face.

"Really? Something as beneficial as the Celestial Pond?" Liu Lanzhi's hopes immediately became alive again.

"Yes," Su Yang nodded.

"Anyway, now that we have the Four Element Roots, let's concoct the pill and prepare for the Abandoned Forest," Su Yang said a moment later.

"Okay." They all nodded.

Sometime later, as they returned to the Xie Family's household, Liu Lanzhi finally noticed the three peerless beauties that were following them, and she asked, "By the way… these three young ladies are..."

"Hm? Oh, right. I forgot to introduce them because of what happened," Su Yang said before he pointed to them and continued, "Starting from the left side, we have Wu Jingjing, Zhu Mengyi, and Lian Li, and they are from the Holy Central Continent. Though, they'll be following me starting today."

"They followed you all the way from the Holy Central Continent? Why?" Liu Lanzhi did not immediately think of them as Su Yang's lovers, as the possibility of Su Yang having children was near zero in her mind.

"Why, you ask? Why else would I have beauties following me?" Su Yang laughed in a low voice.

Hearing his words, Liu Lanzhi's eyes immediately widened from shock.

"What?! You seduced two women with children of their own already? That's quite ridiculous even for someone like you, Su Yang!" Liu Lanzhi exclaimed in a shocked voice.

"Uhh… I think you are misunderstanding something…" Wu Jingjing suddenly said to Liu Lanzhi.

"Misunderstanding? What am I misunderstanding?" Liu Lanzhi tilted her head in a puzzled manner.

"These children… they're Su Yang's children…" Wu Jingjing said, revealing the truth to her.

"WHAT?!" Liu Lanzhi immediately tripped on her own feet after hearing Wu Jingjing's words, facepalming the ground with her beautiful face.

"Are you okay…?" They looked at her with dumbfounded looks.

However, Liu Lanzhi did not respond. Hell, she didn't even try to get off the ground and remained laying on the ground with her face kissing the dirt until a few moments later.

"T-T-T-They are… y-your… children…? Su Yang? Really?" Liu Lanzhi looked at him with an expression he'd never seen her make before.

"That's right. They're both my daughter," Su Yang nodded with a prideful expression on his face. "That's Wu Min, and that's Zhu Jiayi."

"Heavens… I never thought I'd see this day…" Liu Lanzhi mumbled in a dazed voice.


Even the disciples were staring at Su Yang with baffled looks on their faces, as it was also quite shocking for them.

"T-The other disciples don't know about this yet, right? I cannot imagine how they will react once they learn about this…" Liu Lanzhi said as her body trembled slightly.

Sometime later, once Liu Lanzhi calmed down enough, they continued walking back to Snowfall City.

"I still cannot believe it, Su Yang. What made you want to have children? You don't look like the type to willingly have children…" Liu Lanzhi asked him afterward.

"It just happened," Su Yang shrugged.

"I was the one who asked him to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e me," Wu Jingjing suddenly said. "Although I did say that I won't make him bear responsibility at first, it still happened in the end."

"Me too!" Zhu Mengyi said.

"Unbelievable…" Liu Lanzhi was speechless.

Sometime later, once they returned to the Xie Family's household, Su Yang said to Xie Wang, "Bring out all of the ingredients required for the poison pill."

"Right away." Xie Wang nodded before leaving the scene.

A few minutes later, Xie Wang returned with the ingredients.

"Here you go."

"Do you have any decent pill cauldrons in this house? My ordinary cauldron might not be able to handle the strength of the pill."

"We do have a pill room," Lord Xie nodded.

"Follow me."

Su Yang and everybody there followed Lord Xie to the pill room a few minutes later.

"This is usually used by my Xie Family's Alchemists," Lord Xie said. "Use it as you please."

Once he was inside the room, Su Yang laid out all of the ingredients on the floor before sitting in front of the cauldron.

"Mengyi, I will need your assistance for this one," Su Yang suddenly said.

"Huh? You need my help?" Zhu Mengyi raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, your Azure Flames to be precise. My ordinary flames won't be powerful enough to melt the Four Elements Root," he said.

"But I have never used the Four Element Roots before," she shook her head. "I might screw up the entire thing."

"It's fine. I just need you to keep your Azure Flames active and at the highest temperature for a few minutes. I'll control it for you," Su Yang said.

"You'll control my Azure Flames? Is that even possible?" Zhu Mengyi's eyes widened at his words, as this is her first time hearing of such a thing.

"Yes, I'll also use my own alchemy flames to control and adjust your Azure Flames whilst adding to the temperature myself until it reaches the perfect temperature. You just need to keep your own temperature steady so I don't have to adjust too much."

"Okay." Zhu Mengyi nodded. She then handed Zhu Jiayi to Wu Jingjing before sitting on the other side of the cauldron.

"Ready when you are," she said.

"Go ahead."

Hearing his words, Zhu Mengyi activated her Azure Flames around the pill cauldron.

"Keep it at your max temperature, I'll do the rest," Su Yang said to her as he brought out his own ordinary alchemy flames that did not lose to her Azure Flames' fierceness in the slightest.

Once the pill cauldron reached the perfect temperature, Su Yang used his spiritual energy to toss in the ingredients one at a time.

A few minutes later, only the Four Elements Root remained untouched. After taking a deep breath, Su Yang also tossed the Four Elements Root into the cauldron.

Chapter 701 - Ensnaring Formation

After tossing the Four Elements Root into the pill cauldron, Su Yang immediately began cleaning the impurities within the root before mixing it with the other ingredients.

A few minutes later, the Four Elements Root was completely mixed with the other ingredients.

A few more minutes later, Su Yang said, "You can stop now."

Hearing his words, Zhu Mengyi retrieved her Azure Flames.

However, Su Yang continued to control his alchemy flames for another minute before gradually making the flames smaller until it completely disappeared.

He then removed the lid on the pill cauldron and retrieved the pale green pill from inside.

"What kind of pill is that?" Zhu Mengyi asked him afterward with some sweat on her forehead.

"It's a pill that will strengthen one's immunity towards poison and all toxic substances," Su Yang said.

"Why do you need a pill like that?" Zhu Mengyi raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"It's a long story, so you should ask them." Su Yang pointed at the Xie Family with his gaze.

He then continued, "Anyway, now that I have the pill, we can enter the Abandoned Forest at any time. I'll give you guys some time to prepare. In the meantime, I'll go check on the Devil Blood Ginseng."

"Do you need one of us to come with you?" Xie Xingfang asked him.

"No, it's fine. I'm just going to harvest the Devil Blood Ginseng before coming right back— it shouldn't take more than half an hour. Once I come back, we can talk about the Abandoned Forest."

Xie Xingfang nodded.

Su Yang left the room shortly later.

"Should I show you the guest rooms?" Xie Xingfang asked Zhu Mengyi and the other two afterward, and they nodded.

Once Su Yang left Snowfall City, he flew directly to the Southern Region, where the bandit hideout was.

However, as he approached the location, he noticed a group of people standing around the exact area he was trying to go, and they appeared to be young disciples from some sect.

Su Yang decided to descend right before these disciples, and when they noticed Su Yang, they quickly said to him, "Stop right there! Don't come any closer!"

Hearing their words, Su Yang looked left and right, almost as though he was looking for something. A few moments later, he returned to looking at the disciples before speaking in a puzzled voice, "If my eyes are not playing tricks on me, we are currently outside, not your house, so who are you to tell me to stay away?"

"Can't you tell by looking at our uniforms?! Are you blind?!" One of the disciples quickly responded with hostility.


Su Yang looked at their uniforms with a serious expression on his face, even narrowing his eyes. However, he still shook his head a few seconds later, "I have no idea. Who are you guys?"

The disciple immediately fumed, "You can't recognize the Golden Star Formation Sect's uniform?! Have you been living under a rock for most of your life?!"

"Golden Star Formation Sect? Never heard of you idiots." Su Yang said with a nonchalant expression on his face.

"How dare you!"

Right as the disciple took a step towards Su Yang with an aggressive-looking expression on his face, another voice resounded, "What's the commotion about?"

The disciple immediately halted his movements and turned around to bow to the old man that was walking towards them.

"Sect Master Qian!"

The disciples there bowed to him.

The old man known as Sect Master Qian looked at Su Yang with a frown on his face, and he spoke a moment later, "What is your purpose here, young man? Can't you tell that this place has already been occupied by the Golden Star Formation Sect?"

Because the old man is only at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, he was unable to sense Su Yang's Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivation base, hence his nonchalant attitude.

"I should be asking you that question— what are a bunch of people from a sect doing in the middle of nowhere? As far as I'm concerned, there is only an empty cave over there," Su Yang said as he pointed to the cave behind them.

"Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong! And how dare you address the Sect Master so casually?! Do you know who you are talking to?!" The disciple immediately shouted at him.

The old man, however, remained calm, "My disciple is right. You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. This is the Golden Star Formation Sect's business. I don't know who you are or which sect you belong to, but you should leave before I find out, or…"

"Or what?" Su Yang stood there with a casual smile on his face, seemingly unwilling to leave. "What are you going to do?"

Seeing this, the old man shook his head and sighed, "Young people these days have no respect for their elders."

"Very well, since you insist on staying here, I'll help you." The old man suddenly waved his sleeves, and a few seconds later, a small semi-transparent barrier in the shape of a box appeared around Su Yang, trapping him inside.

"This is…" Su Yang looked at the tiny and thin formation that surrounded him with a speechless expression on his face.

"Hahaha! You've screwed yourself now! That is the Ensnaring Formation! You are now trapped inside, and unless Sect Master Qian assists, you will not be able to leave!" The disciples there began laughing loudly after seeing Su Yang's situation.

"Don't worry, young man. I won't kill you. However, for disobeying your elders, I will have to punish you a little. Therefore, I will keep you trapped inside the formation until you repent your mistakes," said Sect Master Qian.

"Anyway, I am going to return to working on the profound formation in the cave." Sect Master Qian then turned around and began walking back to the cave.

"Hahahaha!" However, Su Yang's sudden laughter immediately stopped the old man in his tracks.

Chapter 702 - Devil Blood Ginseng

"What's so funny, young man? Have you already gone crazy? It hasn't even been a minute since you have been trapped." Sect Master Qian said to him with raised eyebrows, puzzled by Su Yang's reaction.

After laughing for a good moment, Su Yang wiped the tears in his eyes before speaking, "So you can see the formation in the cave, huh? You are not half bad, I'll give you at least that."

"You also know about the formation?" Sect Master Qian quickly frowned.

The formation in the cave was profoundly powerful— so powerful that only he was able to see it and nobody else, and not even his friends that were top Formation experts in this world could see it. In fact, he'd only found it by chance.

"Yes, I do, and judging from your words just now, I can assume that you're trying to crack the formation. However, I have some unfortunate news for you. One, you will not be able to crack that formation even if you tried for however long you have left in your life. Two, you won't be able to crack the formation even if every Formation expert in this world were to work together for a thousand years. And finally, if you think you can trap me inside this pathetic formation, you are in way over your head."

"You… Just who are you?" Sect Master Qian looked at him with wide eyes filled with shock.

"You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong or you might get hurt." Su Yang casually lifted his right hand and gently poked the Ensnaring Formation with his index fingers.

A second later, the entire Ensnaring Formation cracked like a mirror before exploding into countless tiny fragments, shocking everybody there, especially Sect Master Qian, who was very confident of his formation.

"I-Impossible! Even though I didn't put too much power into creating the formation, it's not something a mere Junior can shatter so easily!" Sect Master Qian took a step back from shock, his gaze filled with disbelief.

After destroying the formation, Su Yang looked at the old man and said, "Let me show you what a real Ensnaring Formation looks like!"

Su Yang snapped his fingers at the end of his sentence, and many formations suddenly appeared around Sect Master Qian and the other disciples there.

Each of these formations had walls that were as thick as an a.d.u.l.t's biceps, and there was enough room inside these formations for one to sleep in.

"T-This is!" Sect Master Qian and his disciples looked at the formation that surrounded them with a shocked look on their faces.

However, when they realized the power of these formations, they couldn't help but unconsciously admire the formations despite being trapped inside them.

"Wait a second… This formation… It's very familiar to the one in the cave! Don't tell me you are the one who created it?! Why?! For what purpose did you create such a powerful formation there? What are you hiding?! Who are you?!" Sect Master Qian immediately began bombarding Su Yang with questions after realizing the truth.

However, Su Yang merely shook his head and ignored the old man. He then approached the cave and went inside after removing the formation with ease.

Once he was inside the bandits' hideout, Su Yang immediately noticed that the blood that was supposed to cover the floor had magically disappeared, almost like someone had entered this place and cleaned it.

However, Su Yang knew very well that this was impossible, as his formation remained untouched, so this phenomenon could only be related to the Devil Blood Ginseng.

Su Yang then walked to where the Devil Blood Ginseng was growing last time, and just as he'd expected, the Devil Blood Ginseng was fully blooming and ready to be harvested.

After carefully plucking the Devil Blood Ginseng, Su Yang placed it inside a preservation box he'd prepared beforehand and closed it, keeping the Devil Blood Ginseng fresh for essentially forever until the box is opened again.

Once he'd obtained the Devil Blood Ginseng, Su Yang returned outside, where the people from the Golden Star Formation Sect were still trapped inside his formation.

"Hey! Let me out of here! Do you know who I am?!" Sect Master Qian shouted at Su Yang after seeing him return.

"I am Qian Liren, the number one Formation expert in the Eastern Continent! I have close relationsh.i.p.s with the Xie Family and even Lord Xie himself!"

Su Yang walked to stand in front of him and spoke in a mocking voice, "You are the number one Formation expert in the Eastern Continent? How laughable."

"I am telling the truth! I have personally assisted with the creation of many defensive formations around the Eastern Continent!" Qian Liren said.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "I don't doubt that you're the number one Formation expert in the Eastern Continent as you were able to see my formation. Even though it was created last year when I just entered the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it's still an achievement that you should be proud of. Therefore, I won't kill you. Instead, I'll just keep you trapped inside the formation for an entire month, as that's when the formation will deactivate by itself."

"An entire month?! That's crazy! You can't do that to me!" Qian Liren said with a terrified expression on his face.

"As an expert at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, you can live an entire year without food or water with relative ease, so you'll be fine. As for your disciples that are only at the Profound Spirit Realm… Well, they'll manage. While they won't die, they'll definitely suffer a little. Anyways, I am a busy man with places to be so I'll leave now."

After ending his sentence, Su Yang retrieved the wooden flying boat and jumped onto it before speeding away, ignoring the loud screams coming from behind him.

A few minutes later, he returned to Snowfall City with the Devil Blood Ginseng in hand.

Chapter 703 - Abandoned Forest

"Welcome back, Su Yang. How was the harvest? Did you manage to obtain the Devil Blood Ginseng?" Xie Xingfang asked after his return.

"Yes, the Devil Blood Ginseng is in here." Su Yang showed her the preservation box without opening it.

"Now we just need the Purple Qilin's blood, huh…" Lord Xie mumbled with a serious expression on his face.

"I can go to the Abandoned Forest right now if you can't wait," Su Yang said to him.

"I am coming with you, Su Yang!" Xie Xingfang suddenly said.

"Although I appreciate your offer, I think it would be for the best if you stay here with everyone else," Su Yang said to her.

"Su Yang is right, Xing'er. You are only at the first level Heavenly Spirit Realm. It's too dangerous for you to wander in the Abandoned Forest even with Su Yang there. And while he may be able to protect himself, we cannot say the same for you," Lord Xie chimed in.

"Just let Su Yang do his thing, Xing'er. He'll be fine," Xie Wang also said.

"But I… I don't want to feel useless…" Xie Xingfang sighed, as Su Yang has been doing everything for her recently. "And since I have the ability to enter the Abandoned Forest, I want to be there with you, Su Yang!"

"Hmm…" Su Yang slightly narrowed his eyes, and he spoke after a moment of silence, "Well, it doesn't really hurt to have you with me since I am confident that I would be able to protect you no matter the circ.u.mstances. It's just that I'd prefer it if you stayed clear from the dangerous environment in general."

"I am also a Cultivator, Su Yang! A little danger won't stop me, or I am not qualified to be a Cultivator!" Xie Xingfang said with a resolute expression on her face. However, there appeared to be a deeper meaning behind her words, and even Su Yang was barely able to pick up on this hint.

"Well said," Su Yang nodded, and he said, "Can one even be considered a Cultivator if they distance themselves from even the slightest danger for the rest of their life?"

"Since you want to come with me to the Abandoned Forest, I won't say anything else."

Xie Xingfang nodded.

"Haaa… I knew you wouldn't be able to sit still…" Lord Xie sighed, and he retrieved a storage ring before handing it to Xie Xingfang.

"There are a few life-saving treasures inside. Do not hesitate to use them if you are in trouble."

"Thank you, father…" Xie Xingfang accepted the storage ring.

Sometime later, Xie Wang said Su Yang as he prepared to leave with Xie Xingfang.

"The Abandoned Forest consists of three layers, resembling Sects with an outer area, inner area, and the center. The Abandoned Forest is also extremely large with hundreds of millions of acres of land, and the majority of the land is unexplored, especially the inner and center, hence why I have no map for you."

"Furthermore, while the Purple Qilin can be found throughout the Abandoned Forest, it's nest should be within the center of the Abandoned Forest. If you find its nest but not the Purple Qilin itself, don't worry, as it will return at least once a week."

"I shouldn't have to say this, but you must be careful. I am well aware that you used to be an Immortal in your previous life with immense experience, and you may be one of the strongest individuals in this world right now, but you cannot underestimate the Abandoned Forest, and a single mistake will cost you your life."

"I will keep that in mind," Su Yang nodded his head as he jumped onto the flying boat, and Xie Xingfang followed him.

"I am serious, Su Yang! Don't underestimate the Abandoned Forest!"

"Which direction is the Abandoned Forest?" Su Yang asked Xie Xingfang a moment later.

"Towards the east," she replied.

Su Yang nodded before controlling the flying ship to fly towards the east.

Once Su Yang left, Wu Jingjing asked Xie Wang, "I understand the situation after Xie Xingfang told us about her condition but she didn't mention this Abandoned Forest. What kind of place is it? And how dangerous is it really?"

Hearing her question, Xie Wang sighed before speaking, "The Abandoned Forest is one of the most dangerous places in this world with a toxic environment that forces even Cultivators at my level away. It is so dangerous that we have only managed to explore some of the outer areas after a thousand years with anything beyond that barely touched. And while some people have managed to make it to the center area, most of them never came back."

"As for those who were fortunate enough to return alive, they could only recall the things they have experienced there, as making a map for the place was seemingly impossible."

"The place is that dangerous…?" Zhu Mengyi said with a slight frown on her face.

"It may be dangerous, but there's no need to worry about Su Yang. I'm sure he'll stroll through the place like it's his own home or something," Wu Jingjing said with a calm expression on her face.

Meanwhile, a few hundred thousand miles away, Su Yang suddenly stopped the flying ship.

"So this is the Abandoned Forest, huh? No wonder why your grandfather kept on warning me— this place is indeed quite the dangerous place," Su Yang said as he gazed at the boundless forest a few miles in the distance that was also covered in this thick purple mist.

"Despite being immune to the poison mist, my body still trembles before it. The Abandoned Forest… Why does it even exist?" Xie Xingfang sighed.

Su Yang smiled and said, "This is Heaven's way of assisting us, Cultivators. Although it may be extremely dangerous, it is also extremely rewarding for those who dare to challenge it."

"If being a Cultivator was easy, the strong wouldn't be revered as much, and one wouldn't demand respect. Most peak experts in my world are peak experts because they managed to survive the most dangerous situations compared to the rest."

"I see…" Xie Xingfang nodded, finding what he said very logical.

Chapter 704 - Abandoned Forest (2)

"Anyway, let's try to look for the Purple Qilin from up here where the poison can't reach us," Su Yang said.

"The poison mist may not affect us from up here for now, but once we reach the inner area, the poison mist will also be in the sky, and we won't be able to see anything from up here. Furthermore, the poison mist also blocks our spiritual sense, so we won't be able to look around with our Divine Sense," Xie Xingfang explained to him.

"That's fine. Let's just see what we can find from the outer areas." Su Yang nodded his head as the small wooden boat began traveling over the outer area of the Abandoned Forest.

As they spent an hour looking around the outer area, Su Yang noticed that there was a surprisingly high number of people exploring the Abandoned Forest.

"As one would expect from Cultivators— no matter how dangerous the place is, there will always be a Cultivator willing to explore it in hopes for a fortunate encounter." Su Yang spoke with a smile on his face.

"The poison mist in the outer area of the Abandoned Forest is somewhat endurable with the assistance of some medicine and treasures, but it is still very dangerous for the majority of Cultivators. In fact, the mortality rate just from the outer areas is extremely high at over 70%. The inner areas have a 90% mortality rate, whilst 99% of people who enter the center area will never come back." Xie Xingfang said.

And she continued a moment later, "Su Yang, compared to the most dangerous places in your world, how dangerous is the Abandoned Forest?"

"Hahaha…" Su Yang laughed at her question before speaking, "The Abandoned Forest is like a stroll in the park compared to some of the most dangerous places in the Divine Heavens. Although this place is indeed quite dangerous for the majority, as long as you prepare yourself properly, the Abandoned Forest isn't an issue at all."

"In the Divine Heavens, however, there are places that will remain dangerous no matter how much you prepare for it, and there are even places where your Cultivation cannot be used. For example, it's like trying to enter the Abandoned Forest while fully n.a.k.e.d, or swimming in the Jade Sea without any cultivation."

"Unable to use your cultivation?" Xie Xingfang covered her mouth from shock, as she cannot imagine doing either of what he'd just said.

"Anyway, the Abandoned Forest may be dangerous even for me if not for the poison immunity pill, but as I'd said, as long as you're prepared, this place isn't all that bad," Su Yang said, and they continued to fly around the outer areas.

A few hours later, once they have pretty much circled around the Abandoned Forest multiple times without seeing the Purple Qilin, Su Yang said, "Let's head to the inner areas now."

"Okay," Xie Xingfang nodded.

A few minutes later, Su Yang stopped the flying boat right before the poison mist that filled the air.

"What do you think, Su Yang? Will the poison immunity pill work?" Xie Xingfang asked him.

"Yes," he nodded before he continued, "However, I'd hoped to save the pill until we reached the center area, but this poison is much stronger than I'd anticipated, so I will have to consume it now."

"How long will the pill last?" Xie Xingfang then asked him.

"It mostly depends on the strength of the poison I am facing with it lasting 7 days usually. In this case, this poison is quite potent, so the pill will only last me four days before its effects go away. However, if the poison is already this powerful in the inner area, I can only imagine how much stronger the poison will be near the center. If we're lucky, I will have at most 24 hours before the pill becomes useless."

"24 hours… If we cannot find the Purple Qilin and obtain its blood before then, we'll retreat for the time being…" Xie Xingfang sighed.

A moment later, Su Yang retrieved the pill and tossed it into his mouth.

After swallowing it, he said, "Let's go."

Su Yang immediately controlled the flying boat to enter the poison mist. However, because of the density of the poison mist, they were unable to see anything while on the flying boat, forcing them to descend and travel on foot.

Once they were near ground level, they began flying around, as it was much faster than running with their legs, not to mention the puddles of toxic substances laying everywhere.

After traveling for a few minutes, they encountered their first spiritual beast— an enormous lizard with purple pointy scales and with a cultivation at the peak of the True Spirit Realm.

"That's a Bane Lizard! Even though it's only at the True Spirit Realm, its saliva is highly toxic and can instantly kill even a Cultivator at the Heavenly Spirit Realm!" Xie Xingfang warned him.

And right as the Bane Lizard noticed their presence, Su Yang swung his arm as though it was a sword.


An arc of light created by Sword Qi flew at the Bane Lizard, separating its body into two pieces and killing it before it could even react.

'What was that? It resembled Sword Intent, but it felt nothing like it and it's so much more powerful!' Xie Xingfang cried inwardly after witnessing Sword Qi for the first time.

After killing the Bane Lizard, they continued to fly towards the center of the Abandoned Forest, encountering a spiritual beast every few minutes.

However, Su Yang would take care of these spiritual beasts with ease before they could even react, much less retaliate.

And as they got closer to the center of the Abandoned Forest, the spiritual beasts also grew stronger. But alas, before Su Yang's powerful Sword Qi, it didn't matter how strong they were, as they would inevitably be slain by him in a single strike.

As for Xie Xingfang, she closely followed Su Yang, silently admiring his domineering figure from behind, her gaze filled with wonder.

Chapter 705 - Abandoned Forest (3)

After traveling for half a day, Su Yang stopped advancing once they reached a small lake that appeared to be profoundly deep with a bottom.

"Is there something wrong with this place?" Xie Xingfang asked him when he suddenly stopped moving.

"No, but I'll be right back. Give me like 5 minutes. If something goes wrong while I am gone, immediately use your life-saving treasures and get out of the Abandoned Forest."

After saying that, Su Yang dived into this mysterious lake without any explanation, greatly shocking Xie Xingfang.

"Su Yang?!" Xie Xingfang cried out loud, but alas, Su Yang was already too deep in the lake to hear her.

Thus, Xie Xingfang began to look around with alertness, and she quickly realized that without Su Yang by her side, the Abandoned Forest immediately appeared countless times more dangerous and terrifying, and even the slightest noise would cause her heart to skip a beat.

Furthermore, a single minute without Su Yang by her side felt like an entire hour, and the second minute felt even longer, whilst the 3rd minute felt like an eternity.

Five very, very long minutes later, Su Yang resurfaced from the lake and returned to her side.

"Su Yang!" Xie Xingfang sighed in relief after seeing his face again, feeling like a lost child who reunited with her parents.

"What were you doing in the lake?" she then asked him.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone so suddenly and without an explanation since I wanted this to be a surprise..." Su Yang showed her the thing he retrieved from the floor of the lake; it was a beautiful flower with azure-colored petals and a glowing stem.

"This… Could this be…?" Xie Xingfang covered her mouth from shock.

"Yes, it's the Flower of Luminosity— it's a rare treasure that can boost one's constitution, and it will assist your cultivation and body greatly after we cure your current condition." Su Yang said as he extended it to her.

"Y-You're giving this to me? Are you sure? This is a priceless treasure that has appeared only once eight hundred years ago and has never shown up again until now…" Xie Xingfang hesitated to accept it.

"It may be rare but I have no use for it, and since it can improve one's constitution, it'll benefit you the most," Su Yang said, and then he continued, "And once I return to the Divine Heavens, there will be plenty of treasure that will make this Flower of Luminosity look like nothing."

"Divine Heavens…" Xie Xingfang mumbled in a low voice before accepting the Flower of Luminosity a moment later.

"Thank you, Su Yang…" Xie Xingfang said to him afterward.

"Don't even mention it," Su Yang smiled.

"Anyway, let's continue heading towards the center. Since my pill will only last me for so long, it would be for the best if we tried our luck at the Purple Qilin's nest," he continued before he started moving again.

Xie Xingfang nodded, and she closely followed him again.

Nearly an entire day later, they stopped again.

"We've finally arrived at the center, Su Yang," Xie Xingfang suddenly said to him.

Before them, unexpectedly, there appeared to be no poison mist, almost as though it'd suddenly disappeared. However, if they were to look up into the sky, the poison mist still existed, and it appeared to be even thicker than the poison mist in the inner area.

"Although it doesn't seem like the poison mist is there, that's actually not true. For some reason, the poison mist is transparent in the center of the Abandoned Forest, and this has tricked many people, causing many deaths before people finally realized the real situation," Xie Xingfang explained to him.

"That's because the poison mist in the center is completely different from the poison mist in the outer and inner areas, and it's at least ten times more potent," Su Yang said after a brief examination of the clear poison mist with his smell.

"10 times…? Then how much time do you think your pill will last?" Xie Xingfang asked him.

"Since half of the pill's power is already gone from the inner area, I'm afraid that I have at most 10 hours before I have to leave. Though, I can extend it by around 2 hours if I cultivate and focus on defending myself from the poison mist."

"Twelve hours, huh? Then let's hope the Purple Qilin is already in its nest by the time we arrive," Xie Xingfang sighed.

Su Yang nodded, and once they stepped into the center of the Abandoned Forest and the transparent poison mist, they quickly began looking for the Purple Qilin's nest, as every minute counted from this point forth.

"Watch out, Su Yang!" Xie Xingfang suddenly warned him when she noticed something small flying towards his face.

Su Yang glanced at the needle-like object with a calm expression, and his body exploded with Sword Qi when the needle was a millimeter from touching his skin.

After destroying the needle until nothing was left, Su Yang flicked his arm, sending his Sword Qi flying into the distance.


The ground shook violently a second later before quickly calming down again.

"W-What was that?" Xie Xingfang asked him afterward.

"No idea, but it was at the third level Heavenly Spirit Realm, and that needle contained some very powerful poison— enough to kill even a Sovereign Spirit Realm Cultivator within seconds," Su Yang shrugged.

"Even a Sovereign Spirit Realm Cultivator cannot last a minute against the poison?" Xie Xingfang took a deep breath after hearing his words.

"By the way, I have been wondering for a while now, but what kind of techniques have you been using? It feels like Sword Intent yet it's not." Xie Xingfang then asked him.

"Oh, it's Sword Qi, and it's one level above Sword Intent," he calmly responded.

"Sword Qi…?" Xie Xingfang looked at him with a dazed face, as this is her first time hearing such a term.

Chapter 706 - Purple Qilin's Nest

After a brief break, Su Yang and Xie Xingfang continued to look around the Abandoned Forest for the Purple Qilin's nest. However, since they were unable to use their spiritual sense, they were forced to wander around aimlessly hoping they'd be fortunate enough to encounter it.

"Purple Qilin… They normally live where the toxicity is the strongest, so as long as we can pinpoint the location with the strongest poison mist, we should be able to find its nest," Su Yang said.

"But how are we going to do that? Is there a way for us to tell which area contains more poison mists?" Xie Xingfang asked.

"There is…" Su Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He then opened his eyes and turned to look in a certain direction before speaking, "The poison mist coming from that direction is slightly more intense than the other directions. If we follow that direction, we should reach the Purple Qilin's nest sooner or later."

Xie Xingfang nodded, and they began following the trail.

As they approached the location with the deadliest poison mist, their encounters with magical beasts also increased.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth shook violently for a moment every time Su Yang used his Sword Qi to instantly slay any magical beasts that dared to threaten him or Xie Xingfang.

After spending an hour following the trail without any breaks, Su Yang and Xie Xingfang finally stopped in front of a massive boulder that had its center caved in, looking like someone had punched the center of a ball of dough, and there were even large leaves neatly placed inside the rock, resembling a nest for some large beast.

"This looks like a nest? And that thing in the middle..." Xie Xingfang's eyes widened when she noticed the round and large object sitting in the middle of this nest.

"It's an egg, and judging from its size and shape, it should belong to the Purple Qilin," Su Yang said a moment later.

"A Purple Qilin egg! This is massive, Su Yang! If we can obtain this egg and train the baby Purple Qilin, it could potentially become one of the strongest Guardian Spirit in the Eastern Continent!" Xie Xingfang said to him.

"While that may be the case, it's also extremely hard to train a Purple Qilin even if you start right after its birth, as they are naturally aggressive towards others," Su Yang said to her.

"Even if that's the case, we can't just leave such a priceless treasure here. Because Purple Qilins can only be found in the Abandoned Forest, not many people have seen them before. It'll be an incredible event if one was brought back to the outside world." Xie Xingfang said.

Su Yang nodded, "Since we're already here and the egg exists, there's no reason why we should leave it here. Though we still need to deal with the Purple Qilin first, or it might go on a rampage if it realizes that its child had been taken from her, which could endanger the outside world."

Xie Xingfang then said, "Speaking of the Purple Qilin, I don't see it anywhere… Let's hope it'll return within the next few hours before your pill loses effect."

"Since it has a baby, the Purple Qilin will be returning more often than normal to check up on the baby, so there's a high chance that it might return within the next few hours. I still have around 7 hours— 9 hours if I start cultivating now."

Xie Xingfang nodded and said, "I'll keep watch for you so you can focus on cultivating. If the Purple Qilin doesn't show up in 8 hours, we're leaving."

"If the Purple Qilin is the lord of this place, we shouldn't have to worry about other creatures approaching this place," Su Yang said as he took a seat beside the nest.

Once Su Yang closed his eyes and began his cultivation, Xie Xingfang approached Su Yang and stood right beside him, and she began looking out for any signs of danger.

Ten minutes… thirty minutes… one hour… two hours… three hours…

Three hours passed by in the blink of an eye for Xie Xingfang whilst she was focused entirely on defending Su Yang, yet there were still no signs of the Purple Qilin returning.

After another hour of waiting, it suddenly started raining, and this rain was obviously abnormal and was extremely toxic.

"Su Yang, are you okay? This rain seems to be even deadlier than the poison mist…" she asked him in a worried voice.

Su Yang stopped cultivating and said, "I am okay, but this rain will further weaken the effects of my pill, shortening it by another two hours, so I have around four hours left— or three hours."

"Three hours…" Xie Xingfang mumbled with a frown on her face, but alas, there was nothing she could do to help Su Yang in this situation— unless she could somehow give Su Yang her Heavenly Constitution the Thousand Poisons Body.

'If I could give Su Yang my Heavenly Constitution…?' A thought suddenly appeared in Xie Xingfang's head, and she slowly turned to look at Su Yang with the corner of her eyes.

'If I recall correctly, the reason the Moonlight Blades wanted me was because of my Heavenly Constitution, as whoever I give my first time to will also obtain my Heavenly Constitution…'

'Su Yang… even though I dislike the fact that he has so many partners, I cannot disregard everything that he's done for me, nor can I disregard my feelings for him…'

'Su Yang… he will leave this world in two years and return to his own world… The chance of us meeting again is incredibly slim to none…'

'Su Yang… even though he has many partners, he treats them all equally, and none of his current partners seem dissatisfied with their situation or neglected by him…'

After silently pondering to herself for an entire hour, Xie Xingfang took a deep breath before looking at Su Yang with a resolute feeling in her gaze, looking like she'd finally come to a conclusion.

Chapter 707 - Xie Xingfang's Resolution

After pondering deeply for an entire hour, Xie Xingfang finally came to a conclusion, and she turned to look at Su Yang before opening her mouth to speak, "S-Su Yang…"

Her voice was shaky and filled with nervousness as she called his name, and her heart was beating like crazy, feeling like it was on the verge of bursting into flames.

"What's the matter?" Su Yang turned to look at her with a calm gaze.


Xie Xingfang's body trembled after meeting his gaze, and her body uncontrollably froze for a moment.

Seeing her weird movements, Su Yang raised one of his eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

After a moment of awkward silence, Xie Xingfang closed her eyes and opened it again. She then began moving again until she was standing right in front of Su Yang, who was still sitting in the lotus position.

Taking a deep breath and releasing it, Xie Xingfang suddenly squatted forward until she was sitting on Su Yang's lap.

"Xing'er…?" Su Yang looked at her with wide eyes, clearly surprised by her actions.

Xie Xingfang did not immediately respond and instead wrapped her arms around his neck before speaking in a bashful voice, "Su Yang… you said that you are willing to listen to me whenever, right?"

Once Su Yang nodded his head, Xie Xingfang continued, "Then I want you to listen to me."

"I… Xie Xingfang… is madly in love with you, Su Yang. I know that you already have many partners, and I want to keep you for myself, hence why I have been hesitating on telling you, but I know that it is impossible to take you from the others and keep you for myself. Over the last few weeks, I have been contemplating whether or not I should tell you, and I have finally come to a conclusion. Su Yang… I want to be with you no matter how many women you have in your life. Even if I am not your favorite, even if you get bored of me, I still want to be by your side, as I cannot imagine living a life without you anymore…"

Tears began to flow from her eyes, and she felt as though a massive mountain had just been lifted from her shoulders after her confession.

However, she was not finished, and she continued to speak with tears dripping from her beautiful face, "I know I am being selfish by doing this… and I am well aware that you might not even like me, but I still want you to accept me— at least for today."

And before Su Yang could even respond, Xie Xingfang began loosening the top of her robes, revealing her beautiful and flawless b.r.e.a.s.ts to Su Yang.

After showing Su Yang her snow-white b.r.e.a.s.ts, Xie Xingfang wrapped her slender arms around his head and pulled him into her chest, gently pressing her soft b.r.e.a.s.ts against his cheeks.

"Can you hear it, Su Yang? My heart… it feels like it's going to burst out of my chest at any minute now, and I have never felt so excited and scared at the same time before…" Xie Xingfang mumbled in a low voice.


Su Yang intensively stared at the pink tip that was fully erect on Xie Xingfang's b.r.e.a.s.t, as it was right before his face.

A moment later, without saying any words, Su Yang moved his head forward and opened his mouth before kissing Xie Xingfang's b.r.e.a.s.ts and sucking on her soft

"Aaah~!" Xie Xingfang m.o.a.ned in a surprised voice, feeling an unfamiliar sensation suddenly coursing through her body, yet she did not push Su Yang away. In fact, she tightened her embrace on him.

Su Yang also embraced Xie Xingfang's body, and he would continue to suck on her b.r.e.a.s.ts for the next minute with Xie Xingfang sitting on his lap.


Xie Xingfang could feel Su Yang gentling nibbling on her hard tips, forcing her to m.o.a.n softly.

A few minutes later, Su Yang removed his mouth from Xie Xingfang's b.r.e.a.s.ts and looked at her flushed and excited face.

"Thank you, Xing'er, for telling me your feelings. I know it was difficult, and I know you are still doubting yourself, but as I'd promised, I will help you remove those shackles of doubt so that you can express yourself freely."

After saying those words, Su Yang placed his hand on the back of Xie Xingfang's head before pulling her into his face and kissing her soft and luscious lips.

Xie Xingfang did not reject his kiss and closed her eyes to focus on his lips.

After kissing for a few minutes, their heads separated from each other for a brief moment to breathe and look at each other in the eyes with a passionate gaze before their lips connected again, kissing even more passionately than before.

They continued in this manner for many minutes, nearly an hour, until they were satisfied.

"I never thought I would be doing this kind of thing within one of the most dangerous places in this world— the Abandoned Forest, no less…" Xie Xingfang spoke in an exhausted voice, sounding like she was out of breath from kissing too much.

"This is what makes life exciting— there are things in life you simply cannot expect or control no matter what you do," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

Xie Xingfang nodded, and then she continued with a blush on her face, "Umm… What should we do now?"

Su Yang looked at their surroundings for a moment before speaking, "Since this isn't exactly a suitable place for cultivation, let's go up."

He then retrieved the flying boat and jumped onto it with Xie Xingfang still in his embrace.

They then flew straight upwards until they were surrounded by clouds in all four directions.

'W-We're going to do it here?' Xie Xingfang said inwardly with a dazed face. Won't this make her an exhibitionist?

Despite that, a small smile still appeared on her beautiful face, as she was simply too excited to finally cultivate with Su Yang to care about the minor things such as their location.

Chapter 708 - Penetrating Xie Xingfang

"Let me make this a little bit more comfortable for us," Su Yang said to Xie Xingfang once they were inside the clouds, and he retrieved a small but comfortable mattress before placing it on top of the flying boat.

"Do you always carry a mattress around with you?" Xie Xingfang looked at him with admiration in her gaze, feeling slightly baffled by his commitment and dedication.

"Of course. You never know when you'll need it with today as an example," Su Yang said with a smile as he laid her body on the mattress.

"Su Yang… I don't think I have the strength to remove my clothes… can you help me?" Xie Xingfang asked him with her face still blushing.

"With pleasure…"

Su Yang loosened her robes and spread them over the mattress like a blanket.

"What do you think…?" Xie Xingfang asked him afterward with her face flushed with redness and her legs closed from embarrassment.

"It's beautiful," Su Yang said as his gaze gently looked at Xie Xingfang's perfectly slim body and flawless snow-white skin that resembled white jade, feeling as though he was looking at a graceful fairy who belonged to a masterpiece painting.

His hands then gently caressed her body from between her b.r.e.a.s.ts until it reached her clean and hairless cave.

"Let me please you for a bit," Su Yang then kneeled on the mattress and lifted Xie Xingfang's body and pulled her closer to his body before placing her soft thighs on his shoulders and her cave directly in front of his mouth.

"T-This is…" Xie Xingfang's heart palpitated loudly and crazily, feeling as though there was a war drum being played in her heart.

Once she was in position, Su Yang used his fingers to spread open the small slit between her legs, revealing the pretty and cute pink meat inside, and without further ado, he immediately began teasing it with his tongue.


Xie Xingfang's body immediately tightened up with her legs tightly wrapped behind Su Yang's body.

However, a few moments later, once her body began familiarizing itself with the feeling, her body naturally relaxed.




Xie Xingfang m.o.a.ned softly as Su Yang licked and kissed her little sister for many minutes, and her body would constantly tremble in delight, even releasing these milky substances in small but constant amounts.

After spending many minutes tasting Xie Xingfang's pink meat and savoring her rich and milky Yin Qi, Su Yang laid her body back on the mattress before he began removing his clothes.

'This is a man— Su Yang's…' Xie Xingfang intensely stared at Su Yang's raging dragon that was thick, long, and rock hard.

Seeing Xie Xingfang's enchanted expression, Su Yang stood up and said to her, "Go ahead, it won't bite."

Xie Xingfang nodded and kneeled before his rod. Once it was directly before her curious face, she gently grabbed it as though it was a fragile treasure, and she began licking the tip with her wet and small tongue, tasting the sweet and sticky substance that was oozing out from the hole.

'It's so stiff and hot… it looks painful…' Xie Xingfang thought to herself as she slowly savored his rod.

A few minutes later, Xie Xingfang opened her small mouth and tried to put the entire rod into her mouth, but alas, she was only able to manage to fit half of it inside her mouth, and she began to stroke her head in a graceful manner.

Because she was afraid of hurting Su Yang, Xie Xingfang made sure her every movement was made with consideration whilst trying her best to please him despite her lack of experience and knowledge.

"Do you want to taste my Yang Qi?" Su Yang asked her.

Xie Xingfang looked at him from below and gently nodded her head with his rod still in his mouth, looking very seducing and s.e.xy.

A few moments later, Su Yang slowly released his Yang Qi so that he doesn't overwhelm Xie Xingfang, who was much more delicate than his other partners.

'What an indescribable but pleasant taste…' Xie Xingfang closed her eyes and savored the Yang Qi that was being fed to her through Su Yang's straw.

After swallowing a mouthful of Yang Qi in small quantities, Xie Xingfang finally removed her mouth from his rod, allowing it to feel the cool breeze once again.

"Both of our bodies are ready— are you?" Su Yang asked her afterward.

"I am." Xie Xingfang nodded, and she continued, "Please make love with me, Su Yang…"

Hearing Xie Xingfang's yearning voice, Su Yang kneeled on the mattress again before pulling her towards his body— until his thick rod was poking the sealed entrance between her legs.

"It's going to be painful at first because your hole is smaller than normal. However, if you want, I can help you relieve that pain with a special technique," Su Yang suddenly said to her.

"No, it's okay. I want to experience this as intended. Even if it's painful, I want to experience it, so that I won't mistake this as a dream…"

"Okay," Su Yang nodded.

A few seconds later, he began pushing his wet rod into her small and slippery entrance.

'It hurts!' Xie Xingfang cried inwardly as she tightly clenched her jaws together to try and ease the intense pain coming from between her legs, and fresh blood was already flowing from her cave after accepting just the tip of Su Yang's sword.

'What a tight hole!' Su Yang thought to himself as tore her inner walls apart, feeling a crushing sensation around his meatstick. Although he could use the Myriad Transformation to adjust his sword to fit into Xie Xingfang's hole better, that would be disrespectful to Xie Xingfang, who wanted to accept him as who he is.

A few moments later, Su Yang finally stopped, as he'd reached the end of her small and narrow cave. However, Su Yang was unable to fit his entire shaft into Xie Xingfang's body, as there was about an inch of free space left.

Chapter 709 - A Serious Proposal

"Are you okay?" Su Yang asked Xie Xingfang after his rod reached the end of her hole.

"Is it… all inside?" Xie Xingfang asked in return.

"I fit all I could inside," Su Yang nodded.

"Go ahead, Su Yang. Use my body to please yourself. I can endure it," she then said to him.

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, "That isn't right. I am not doing this just so I can relieve myself. I am doing this because I want you to feel good, not the other way around. Furthermore, this is more than just about pleasure. This is the beginning of our love— our relationship."

Hearing his words, Xie Xingfang's teary eyes actually began tearing up. "Thank you, Su Yang… for accepting me… I really, really love you…"

Su Yang bent over to kiss Xie Xingfang on the lips. After removing his lips, he said, "I love you, too."

"I am going to start moving now," he said a moment later.

"Okay," Xie Xingfang nodded with her slender legs spread wide open.

Su Yang firmly grasped her soft thighs and began moving his h.i.p.s shortly later, pumping his rod in and out of her small hole.


Although it was still painful for Xie Xingfang at first and many minutes later, the pain eventually lessened, allowing her to fully indulge herself in the heavenly pleasure that wrapped around her body like a soft and warm blanket.



Xie Xingfang m.o.a.ned elegantly in a soft voice, and Su Yang's rod would stiffen a little more every time her heavenly voice tingled in his ears.

"I want to embrace you, Su Yang." Xie Xingfang suddenly said to him with her arms spread.

Su Yang nodded, and he lifted her body, allowing her to embrace his body while he continued to pound her lower mouth in the sitting position.

Many minutes later, Xie Xingfang said, "Let me please you now, Su Yang."

After saying that, she placed her warm hands onto his chest, before gently pushing his body onto the mattress. Once Su Yang was laying down, Xie Xingfang stood up and sat on his body, and she began riding his body like a horse.




Xie Xingfang m.o.a.ned loudly with passion in her voice as she moved her h.i.p.s in a humping motion, thrusting Su Yang's stiff rod deep into her body.

Once Xie Xingfang began to slow down from exhaustion, Su Yang firmly grabbed onto her h.i.p.s and lifted his own lower body, causing Xie Xingfang to fall onto his chest.

He then began moving his h.i.p.s up and down, thrusting his pole in and out of her slippery hole.

However, no matter how many times he penetrated or stretched Xie Xingfang's small hole, the tightness remained the same. In fact, it only became tighter as Xie Xingfang's l.u.s.tful nature increased. Furthermore, no matter how tight Xie Xingfang's hole was squeezing his rod, it did not feel painful or uncomfortable, only the opposite!

'What an amazing body! Xie Xingfang, you are truly a phenomenal woman!' Su Yang couldn't help but admire the feeling of Xie Xingfang's body. Even in his previous life, there were very few women who could satisfy his little brother to such an extent so naturally without the use of any dual cultivation techniques, and it was as though Xie Xingfang's body was made to please him.

After a few more minutes of cultivating, Su Yang said, "I am going to release my Yang Qi now."

"Go ahead! Fill my body with your essence!" Xie Xingfang said.

The next moment—

"Aaaaah~! It's so hot~" Xie Xingfang m.o.a.ned loudly as Su Yang's burning hot Yang Qi filled her small hole.

"Haaa… haaa… haaaa…"

Xie Xingfang panted heavily while she rested on Su Yang's chest that was surprisingly cool when her own body was covered in sweat.

While Xie Xingfang rested, Su Yang spoke, "Xing'er, you want to follow me to the Divine Heavens, right?"

"I don't care where you go, Su Yang. I only want to be by your side," she mumbled in a low voice.

"Then do you want my Family Seal?" he asked.

"Family Seal… the same ones as those girls from the Holy Central Continent…?"

"That's right. However, there are family rules everyone must abide by." Su Yang proceeded to explain to her the Family Seal and the family rules within the Su Family.

"What do you think? Do you accept?"

"Yes, I accept…" she gently nodded.

"Then I have another proposal for you," Su Yang continued.


"Yes, and you are the first woman to officially receive this proposal, as I have never seriously asked another woman this even in my previous life."

Hearing such words, Xie Xingfang lifted her head to look at him with a surprised face, her eyes filled with curiosity and enthusiasm.

"Xing'er… do you want to bear my child?" Su Yang asked her with a serious expression on his face.

"You want me to… bear your child?" Xie Xingfang's eyes widened with shock, as she didn't expect things to move this fast.

"You don't want to?"

"T-That's not it! I am just surprised…" she quickly responded.

And she continued, "Can I really bear your child, Su Yang?"

"I did ask you, didn't I? Even I wouldn't dare to tease you with something like this," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"I am willing!" Xie Xingfang immediately said afterward. "I want to bear your child, Su Yang! No, please let me bear your child!"

Su Yang suddenly poked her nose and said with a smile, "Why are you begging? I am the one asking you to bear my child, silly."

Sometime later, they began cultivating again with the intent of creating their first child together.

"This will not only give you the Family Seal but also a baby, Xing'er!" Su Yang said to her.

"Go ahead, Su Yang! Impregnate me! One, two, three— I am willing to bear as many children as you want me to bear!" Xie Xingfang spoke in a passionate voice.

A few moments later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Xie Xingfang's body, and his tiny white warriors immediately began working on invading and fertilizing her egg.

Chapter 710 - Purple Qilin's Blood

After squeezing out the last drop of his Yang Qi into Xie Xingfang's body, Su Yang removed his divine rod from her hole before sealing it with a talisman to contain his Yang Qi inside her body for guaranteed fertilization.

"Su Yang…" Xie Xingfang looked at him with a passionate gaze as she laid on the mattress with her body completely exhausted and glistening with sweat.

"How do you feel?" Su Yang asked as he laid beside her.

"Like I am dreaming…" she said in a low voice and a warm smile on her face.

Su Yang chuckled at her answer before smearing some of his blood onto the Family Seal that had appeared on Xie Xingfang's body.

"I am going to cultivate a bit," Su Yang then said to her.

Sometime later, a profound aura emitted from Su Yang's body as he had a breakthrough, reaching the ninth level Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"You can continue to rest up here while I wait for the Purple Qilin. Now that I also have the Thousand Poisons Body, I no longer have to worry about the poison mist," he said to Xie Xingfang.

And before leaving her side, Su Yang formed a concealment formation around the flying boat so that Xie Xingfang could rest peacefully.

After returning to the Purple Qilin's nest, Su Yang found a place to sit down and continued cultivating. Although he now has the Thousand Poisons Body from taking Xie Xingfang's v.i.r.g.i.nity, he still needed to control it and slowly merge it with his physique so that it won't affect the rest of his body in the future. And since he has already done this over 100,000 times with 100,000 Heavenly Constitution, the process was completed as easy as it was breathing.

Of course, since the Thousand Poisons Body originally belonged to Xie Xingfang and he simply absorbed some of its power, it wasn't as powerful as the 'Thousand Poisons Body' and was only as effective as the Hundred Poisons Body.

If Su Yang really wanted the original strength of the Thousand Poisons Body, he would need to use some evil cultivation technique to forcefully take Xie Xingfang's Heavenly Constitution for himself. However, that would result in Xie Xingfang losing her Heavenly Constitution, and only evil Cultivators would resort to such foul tactics.

With that being said, even though his Thousand Poisons Body is not powerful as it should be, it was more than enough to resist the poison mist within the Abandoned Forest.

After waiting a couple of hours, Su Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

A second later, the earth trembled, and a loud roar resounded above him as the Purple Qilin appeared.

"So you're finally back, huh?" Su Yang mumbled as he stood up and looked at the Purple Qilin that was emitting the power at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, which was far stronger than what Xie Wang had estimated.


The Purple Qilin released another ear-piercing cry when it saw that a human had invaded its territory that also housed its unborn child.

"Let's get this over with. I don't like the air in this place; it smells like shit." Su Yang calmly approached the Purple Qilin with Sword Qi radiating from his body.

The Purple Qilin immediately rushed at Su Yang with its mouth wide open before it suddenly spat out a large blob of toxic spit at him.


The Sword Qi around Su Yang exploded, destroying the toxic spit before it could even reach him.

"How disgusting." Su Yang shook his head, and he casually waved his sleeves.


An enormous arc of sword light suddenly flew at the Purple Qilin.

And just as the Sword Qi was about to slice the Purple Qilin in half, it suddenly jumped back and disappeared into this portal, dodging the Sword Qi.

Su Yang raised an eyebrow after seeing this, but he did not panic.

After a moment of silence and stillness, Su Yang suddenly turned around while swinging his arm.


Another blade of Sword Qi flew from his arm, yet there was nothing in the direction that he'd just attacked.

However, a second later, a portal appeared where the Sword Qi was flying, and right as the Purple Qilin popped its head out of the portal, the Sword Qi was already in front of its face.


The Purple Qilin was immediately beheaded, and the rest of its body fell out of the portal a second later.

Su Yang immediately retrieved multiple vials from his storage ring to collect the Purple Qilin's blood until he had over a hundred vials of Purple Qilin blood which was more than required to heal Xie Xingfang's condition.

Once he'd collected nearly all of the Purple Qilin's blood, Su Yang went to pick up the large egg inside the nest before returning to Xie Xingfang's side.

"Do you have the Purple Qilin's blood?" Xie Xingfang asked after seeing him.

"I do. Are you ready to return home?"

She nodded.

After storing the mattress back into his storage ring, Su Yang controlled the flying ship and flew back to Snowfall City with Xie Xingfang sitting directly beside him and with her head resting on his shoulders, looking like intimate couples.

Sometime later, they returned to the others.

"Su Yang! Xing'er! You're back! Do you have the Purple Qilin's blood?!" Xie Wang greeted them with a nervous face.

"Yes, they're right here." Su Yang showed him the vials.

"Ahahaha! This is perfect! Now Xing'er can finally be healed!" Xie Wang laughed in excitement.

Meanwhile, Lord Xie was silently staring at Xie Xingfang with a puzzled expression on his face.

'Is it just me or is there something different about Xing'er?' he wondered to himself.

He then noticed that Xie Xingfang was standing much closer to Su Yang than she normally would in the past— so close that they were nearly clinging to each other.

As for the three ladies with Su Yang's Family Seal, they immediately realized the situation once they saw Xie Xingfang and felt a connection with her.

'So you've finally accepted your feelings, huh?' Lian Li said to herself with a slight smile on her face.

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