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82.48% Mixed HD / Chapter 358: 474-489

Chapter 358: 474-489

Chapter 474 Lying Before Her Face

After talking with each other for many minutes, Zhang Xiu Ying stood up and walked to the room a few feet away and opened the door.

A sweet fragrance escaped from the room, a smell that was also present on Zhang Xiu Ying's body. It was obviously her bedroom.

"Su Yang, you didn't come here just to have casual conversations with me, right?"

However, Su Yang shrugged with a smile on his face and said, "Who knows. Maybe I am here just to talk."


Zhang Xiu Ying looked at him with a surprised face.

A moment later, Su Yang chuckled, "I'm just joking. But let's do it here instead."

He suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, before laying her on the table.

"Ah!? You want to do it here?!" Zhang Xiu Ying exclaimed in a startled voice.

"You don't want to?" Su Yang whispered in her ears while his fingers caressed her thighs.

Zhang Xiu Ying trembled upon feeling his gentle breath in her ears and the tingling sensation crawling up her legs.

A few seconds later, when Su Yang's fingers reached the silky fabric that covered Zhang Xiu Ying's flowers, he smiled and said, "Oh? When did your taste change?"

"A-A few days ago," she responded with her face blooming with redness.

Su Yang used two of his fingers to pull the string near her waist, causing the whole piece to loosen and fall off.

"Su Yang…"

Zhang Xiu Ying mumbled his name as her hands slowly moved the lower part of her robes to the side, revealing her wet flowers to him.

Su Yang also loosened his robes, causing the snake hidden inside his pants to emerge.

A few moments later, the snake transcended into a dragon, before diving into the wet cave between Zhang Xiu Ying's legs.

"Ahhh~" Zhang Xiu Ying moaned passionately as Su Yang shook his hips.

Meanwhile, Lin Shao Shang was covering her mouth from shock outside after witnessing their dual cultivation.

'Good Heavens! They are actually doing it in the living room!' Lin Shao Shang cried inwardly, her eyes wide as saucers as she stared at the two of them cultivating through the window.

Although she wanted to stop looking, there was an invisible force that did not allow her to turn or close her eyes, almost as though she was being forced to watch.

Of course, nobody was actually forcing her to watch. The scene was just incredibly mesmerizing and Lin Shao Shang did not have the willpower to stop looking.

Fortunately for her, their area is usually void of people, so Lin Shao Shang was not really worried that someone might accidentally see her shameless actions.

Sometime later, Su Yang picked up Zhang Xiu Ying and led her to the bedroom, before closing the door.

Once they were gone, Lin Shao Shang was finally able to blink her eyes and breath properly.

After catching her breath, she returned to her own living quarter, where she would continue to stare out the window. However, she was no longer staring outside with a blank expression, and her mind was filled with scenes of Su Yang and Zhang Xiu Ying's dual cultivation.

"If I also approach him, would he do the same thing to me?" she mumbled with a low sigh.

A few hours later, she noticed Su Yang returning from Zhang Xiu Ying's place.

'He's returning already? Have they been doing it this entire time?' Lin Shao Shang pondered to herself. She expected that he'd stay the night at Zhang Xiu Ying's place, after all.

"Hm? Have you been sitting there the entire time? Don't you get bored staring at the clouds all day?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

"W-Why do you care? It's none of your business what I do!"

A mysterious smile appeared on Su Yang's face as he shrugged, "If you are that bored, you can always knock on my door. I have plenty of ways to entertain you, after all."

"In your dreams, Su Yang!"

Lin Shao Shang spoke loudly before closing the windows and the curtains, and then she proceeded to try and cultivate.

Su Yang merely shook his head and entered his living quarter shortly after.

A few hours later, Lin Shao Shang could hear someone laughing outside her building, which was disturbing her cultivation, so she decided to peek through the curtains.

"Thank you, Su Yang, for the wonderful experience."

A pretty young girl said to him as she walked out of his building with unstable movements.

"Junior apprentice-sister Min?!"

Lin Shao Shang was baffled to see a fellow disciple, who was also a Core Disciple, leave Su Yang's building.

When did she enter Su Yang's living quarters and how long did she stay inside? And most importantly, what was she doing inside in the first place?

Once Su Yang went back inside the building, Lin Shao Shang opened the window and called for this Disciple Min.

"Junior apprentice-sister Min! What were you doing inside that man's building?!" She asked her.

"Senior apprentice-sister Lin…!" Disciple Min hastily greeted her before speaking in a slightly nervous tone, "S-Su Yang… he was kind enough to give me some guidance in cultivation…!"


Lin Shao Shang looked at her with eyes filled with disbelief.

'I dare you to look at me in the eyes and repeat those words!' she cried inwardly.

This Disciple Min was clearly lying right in front of her face.

One could easily imagine what had occurred inside the house when a woman comes out of it while acting all fidgety and nervous, especially if Su Yang resided inside that house.

"I-Is that so…? I hope you'd learned something from him. He's a genius at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, after all." Lin Shao Shang spoke with a forced smile on her face, acting as though she did not know anything.

The disciple left shortly later, and Lin Shao Shang sighed, hoping that she does not have to experience anything like this again.

But alas, as though the Heavens wanted to tease her, Core Disciples would continue to show up later to visit Su Yang's residence and disturb her cultivation in the process.

Chapter 475 Mayhem at the Burning Lotus Sect Once Again

"I will see you later, Su Yang!"

An elegant young lady wearing Core Disciple robes happily walked out of Su Yang's house with glossy skins and a satisfied expression.

"Bye." Su Yang waved her goodbye with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the street, Lin Shao Shang looked at them through the window with an annoyed expression.

'T-This is already the ninth Core Disciple that has visited him today! Just how is he making these women approach him without even leaving the building?! This is outrageous!' she cried inwardly.

Ever since Su Yang returned to his living quarter for the first time, he hasn't stepped out of the doors again, yet he was able to attract these Core Disciples into his house, and this has stumped Lin Shao Shang, who couldn't cultivate peacefully because of them.

A few hours later, when the moon had long appeared in the sky, another female disciple could be seen walking towards Su Yang's living quarters.


When Lin Shao Shang saw this approaching figure, she immediately opened her windows and called out to her, "Junior sister Yue! Where are you going this late at night?"

"Senior sister Lin! I… I have an appointment with Su Yang. He has promised to teach me a few techniques with the sword!" This disciple responded with a nervous smile on her face.

'Even she's lying to my face?!' Lin Shao Shang cried inwardly.

This Disciple Yue was not just any Core Disciple. She had entered the Burning Lotus Sect at the same time as Lin Shao Shang, and the two of them had overcome many obstacles together ever since they were mere Outer Court disciples, becoming a Core Disciple at nearly the same time.

The two of them were more than just friends — they were essentially sisters.

And to think this sister of hers would lie straight to her face, it greatly shocked Lin Shao Shang.

"Don't lie to me, Junior sister Yue! There's absolutely no way that you would be here so late at night just to learn sword techniques from Su Yang!" Lin Shao Shang could no longer force herself to accept these lies and said to her.

In response to her words, Disciple Yue showed a bashful expression and said, "If you already know why I am here, then why did you even ask me, Senior sister Lin? Are you teasing me?"

"N-No! I just want to know why you would want someone like him to defy your pure body! Aren't you still a maiden?!"

Disciple Yue nodded, "Indeed, I have not experienced that yet. However, Su Yang is the number genius of the Eastern Continent, not to mention his dreamy appearances! If anybody is going to be my first partner, it should be him! Do you have any idea how many disciples want to throw themselves at him even at this moment? The only thing restricting their movements is the location! If he were staying at the Outer Court, even the Inner Court, there would be a line of girls waiting to knock on his door!"

"What?" Lin Shao Shang's eyes widened with shock after hearing such words. It appears that she has greatly underestimated Su Yang's popularity with women.

Seeing her dumbfounded face, Disciple Yue continued, "Have you gone outside recently, Senior sister Lin? Do you have any idea how chaotic things are right now in the other courts? There are dozens of disciples trying to sneak into this place just to speak with Su Yang even as we speak!"

"What?!" Lin Shao Shang's jaw dropped to the ground. She didn't think that Su Yang's presence would create such mayhem within their sect!

"I am not lying to you this time, Senior sister Lin! If you go to the gates that separate each court now, you can find many disciples there trying to get past the Sect Elders!"

"A-Anyway, I do not have much time here! I will talk to you later, Senior sister Lin!" Disciple Yue said to her before quickly making her way to Su Yang's front door and knocking on it.

A few moments later, Su Yang opened the door and welcomed her inside with a smile.

However, before he closed the door, Lin Shao Shang swore that Su Yang had glanced at her for a very brief second.


Lin Shao Shang stood by the window with a dazed expression and refused to blink her eyes even after many minutes, almost like she'd turned into a stone statue.

Suddenly, she jumped out of the window and made her way towards the gates that Disciple Yue had mentioned.

Just like the Profound Blossom Sect and most sects out there, the Burning Lotus Sect consists of three sections — the Outer Court, Inner Court, and the Center Court.

Each of these courts were separated by a thin wall, and the only way to travel between each court was to go through a gate in the wall. However, there are usually disciples posted at these gates to keep guard, so that only those who were authorized inside could enter.

But because of the large commotion, the people guarding these gates at this moment were all Sect Elders.

Once Lin Shao Shang arrived at the gate that separated the Center Court and the Inner Court, she was able to witness over 50 female disciples arguing with the Sect Elders there.

"Elders, why can't you just let us pass? We have already promised you that we wouldn't wander around the Center Court! Our only purpose is to meet with Senior Brother Su Yang!"

"That's right! We only want Senior Brother Su Yang's autograph! Why must you make things so difficult for us?!"

The disciples complained to the Sect Elders.

"Hmph! Only Core Disciples and Sect Elders are allowed inside the Center Court under normal circumstances! This has been a rule of the sect ever since its establishment! If you want to pass, then become a Core Disciple or a Sect Elder!" said one of the Sect Elders there, who felt very envious of Su Yang's popularity, which is one of the few reasons why he was acting so stubborn.

"I just became an Inner Court disciple last year! It'll take at least another ten years before I can even qualify to take the exam for a Core Disciple, and it'll be far too late by then!"

"Y-You stubborn old geezers! You are just jealous of Senior Brother Su Yang's popularity with the girls, so you are taking it out on us!"

"That's right! I bet you weren't very popular with the girls when you were a disciple!"

The disciples began cursing at the Sect Elders, dumbfounding them.

"W-Who said that just now?! I dare you to come out and say it again!" The Sect Elders were fuming.

'T-This is a disaster…' Lin Shao Shang thought to herself after witnessing the chaotic scene.

If the disciples are still acting this frenzied during this late at night, she couldn't imagine what the scene would be like if she was there earlier in the morning.

A few moments later, she turned around and quickly made her way back to her room, her back soaked by cold sweat by the time she returned.

Chapter 476 Wang Shuren Returns

"Sect Master Huo! Something must be done about the female disciples! After Su Yang arrived here since yesterday, they have been going crazy!"

The following morning, multiple Sect Elders approached Huo Yuanjia with complaints regarding the situation.

Huo Yuanjia looked at the angry yet exhausted faces before him with a bitter smile. Even if they wanted his help, there was nothing he could really do besides waiting for Wang Shuren to return. It was not as though they could kick Su Yang out of the sect for being too popular with the ladies, either.

"You will have to tolerate it for now. He'll leave in a few days at most." Huo Yuanjia said to the dissatisfied Sect Elders.

"I can't deal with this for another hour, much less a few more days!"

"Why don't we just allow these disciples to meet Su Yang? It'll make our lives much easier."

"And ignore the sect rules?! Only those who are worthy are allowed inside the Center Court, and it has been like that for hundreds of years! Outrageous!"

"Rules can be changed! Furthermore, there are special occasions when an ordinary disciple is allowed into the Center Court! We can just make it so our current situation is a special case!"

"Sect Master, what do you think we should do? Should we make this a special occasion or not?"

In the end, the Sect Elders turned to look at Huo Yuanjia for an answer.

"There are 11 of you here. Why don't you vote anonymously on it?" He suggested.

The Sect Elders nodded and decided to vote on the matter anonymously.

"Then we will vote for whether we should allow these disciples to meet Su Yang or not!"

A few minutes later, the results were in.

5 people voted against that decision whilst 6 people voted for the decision.

"It's decided. We will allow the disciples to enter the Center Court to meet with Su Yang. However, if they wander around, we will immediately punish them."

Once the decision was made, the Sect Elders announced the news to the disciple.

Upon hearing this news, hundreds of female disciples quickly rushed to Su Yang's living quarters, dumbfounding the entire sect.

"W-What on earth is going on here?!" Lin Shao Shang cried out loud when she saw the scene outside the window early in the morning.

There was an endless line of disciples queuing up before Su Yang's doors, and all of them were either Inner Court disciples or Outer Court disciples.

"What happened to Core Disciples and Sect Elders being the only ones allowed inside the Center Court?!"

Sometime later, Disciple Yue showed up to her house and explained the situation to her.

"The Sect Elders have agreed to let the disciples meet Su Yang?!"

Lin Shao Shang mumbled with a dazed expression.

"This is an unprecedented situation." Disciple Yue sighed. "I'm glad that I got to meet with Su Yang last night."


Lin Shao Shang was speechless, as she did not know how to respond to such words.

Meanwhile, outside her house, Su Yang was busy signing autographs for the disciples.

"Can you also shake my hands, Senior Brother Su Yang?" One of the disciples asked him with pleading eyes.

Su Yang nodded and extended his hands, feeling the disciple's soft skin a moment later.

And albeit very few, there were also a few male disciples in the line. They figured that if they got Su Yang's autograph, they could use it to court other girls in the future.

"Senior Brother Su Yang, can you sign your name here?" One of the female disciples suddenly lifted her robes and pointed at her white underwear, dumbfounding the disciples behind her.

Seeing this, Su Yang remained smiling and nodded.

The young disciple then pointed her buttocks towards him and bent her body.

Su Yang, without hesitation, lowered his body and grabbed her buttocks with his bare hands, causing the disciple to release a surprised cry, before he began to write his name on the disciple's underwear.

"T-Thank you, Senior Brother Su Yang! I will never wash this pair of underwear ever again!" The young disciple thanked him with a blushing face before quickly running away, leaving the place speechless.

Once Su Yang completed the first questionable request from a disciple, the other disciples began asking him to sign places that were not their handkerchiefs or paper.

However, as more and more disciples appeared, the requests also became more outrageous, even borderline crazy.

"Senior Brother Su Yang, can you sign here, please?"

One of the disciples suddenly pulled down the right side of her robes, revealing half of her breast and the red bra that supported it.

"Of course." Su Yang signed it with a calm smile on his face, almost as though he'd done it many times before.

Many hours have passed since Su Yang began signing autographs for his female fans, yet the line outside his house showed no sign of slowing down. Fortunately for him, there is nothing else to do until Wang Shuren returns, so he went ahead and wasted time by making these Burning Lotus Sect disciples happy.

"I can't believe it. It's almost like a circus had been built outside my house!" Lin Shao Shang tried countless times to find peace and cultivate, but she soon realized that it was impossible to cultivate with the commotion outside, so she gave up cultivating all together and simply stared out the window with a dazed face, silently wondering to herself when all of this would end.

Two days later, Wang Shuren finally returned to the sect, and she was immediately greeted by Huo Yuanjia and many other Sect Elders.

"What happened? Why do all of you look so exhausted?" Wang Shuren asked them with a puzzled face.

The Sect Elders proceeded to explain to Wang Shuren the situation, but upon learning that Su Yang had been waiting for her return for the past few days, her face turned pale.

"Why didn't you call me back sooner?!" she quickly yelled at them.

"B-But you instructed us very strictly to not contact you unless it's an emergency…" One of the Sect Elders said with a dumbfounded face.

"If Su Yang came all the way here to look for me, then it is an emergency! Damn it!" Wang Shuren no longer cared about them and quickly made her way to the Center Court, where Su Yang was waiting.

Chapter 477 Heaven Transcendent Pill

After returning to the sect and learning that Su Yang was waiting for her, Wang Shuren quickly made her way to the Center Court.

However, when she got there, she was baffled by the scene before her eyes.

There were dozens — hundreds of disciples standing outside Su Yang's living quarters, all seemingly waiting to meet with him.

"What is going on here?!"

When the disciples noticed Wang Shuren's figure approaching them, all of them lowered their heads and greeted her.

"This disciple greets Senior Wang!"

"Senior Wang!"

"Welcome back, Senior Wang!"

A few moments later, when Wang Shuren arrived at the front, Su Yang looked at her and smiled, "It's been a while, Shuren. I have been waiting for your return, you know?"

"S-Su Yang, I—"

Before she could speak, Su Yang shook his head and said, "Let us talk inside."

Wang Shuren nodded and entered the building some moments later.

"I'm sorry, but I will be back later." Su Yang said to the disciples waiting outside before closing the door on them.

"I am so sorry for making you wait for me, Su Yang! If you'd told me in advance, I would've delayed all of my business—"

"It's fine, I came here unannounced, after all." He interrupted her again. "Why don't we sit down and talk about our plans."

"R-Right! That is the reason why I left the sect for a few days. Ever since the Earth Advancement Pill's discovery, I have been contacted by nearly every family with power in the Eastern Region." Wang Shuren explained.

"A few of them wanted to hire me as their Alchemist, but most of them just wanted to buy some Earth Advancement Pills. Of course, I have told them about the meeting, and all of them have agreed to it."

"At this moment, we have 69 sects and 121 families that will be participating in that meeting you wanted me to set up. I have already secured a place, so we just need to know when this meeting will occur."

"Next month." Su Yang suddenly spoke, "This meeting will happen one month from today."

"N-Next month? Then I will immediately notify the participating sects and families of this news!" Although she did not expect the meeting to happen so soon, Wang Shuren reacted with delight regardless.

Su Yang then continued to speak, "It will happen after the Profound Blossom Sect's recruitment. However, we won't just be talking about the Earth Advancement Pills."

"What do you mean by that, Su Yang? The only reason people are interested is because of the Earth Advancement Pills. Unless we have something even more shocking than those pills to show them, they won't care about it."

Su Yang did not immediately respond and merely retrieved his storage ring.

A few seconds later, many scrolls were placed onto the table before them.

"What are these?" Wang Shuren looked at the scrolls with interest.

"Pill Recipes. To be precise, they are pills that currently do not exist in this world."

Wang Shuren stared at him with wide eyes after hearing such words, and she couldn't help but ask, "Just who are you, really, Su Yang?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "You have been very loyal to me over the past few months, so I will tell you a little about myself as a form of gratitude."

"My name is Su Yang — but you already know that. However, what you don't know is that I am currently living my second life and that I have memories of my previous life."

"W-What…? Memories of your past life?" Wang Shuren stared at him with a blank expression, her eyes filled with disbelief.

"I was an Immortal in my past life, and I lived somewhere very far away from this place. But alas, due to circumstances, I was reborn into this world."

"You may not believe my words right now, but once you see those pill recipes, you will know that I am telling the truth." Su Yang said with a smile, looking as though he could read her mind.

After hearing his words, Wang Shuren wasted no time looking through the scrolls on the table.

"Heaven-grade Pill: Profound Qi Gathering Pill… Consuming the pill will double your efficiency when cultivating for 12 hours. Only effective to those below the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

"Heaven-grade Pill: Hundred Days Pill: Upon consuming this pill, your cultivation will increase as though you have cultivated for 100 days. Can only be consumed once every four years."

"Heaven-grade Pill: Heaven and Earth Restoration Pill… Consuming the pill will instantly recover even a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert all of their depleted Profound Qi."

"Sovereign-grade Pill: Heaven Transcendent Pill… As long as someone at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm consumes this pill, they will have a 100% to breakthrough to the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

"S-Su Yang… these pill recipes are…"

Wang Shuren read the recipes with trembling hands, her shock increasing with each scroll she picked up.

"These are just a few pills that don't exist in this world but are actually very common in the place I come from." Su Yang said to her with a calm face.

"W-Why are you showing me these pills recipes, Su Yang…? I would've believed you even if you didn't show it to me! Do you have any idea how valuable they are…?" Wang Shuren looked at him with wide eyes, looking very puzzled by his actions.

"Although they may seem priceless in your eyes, they are nothing of significance in my eyes. If not for the fact that you cannot concoct stronger pills, I would've given you even more pill recipes." He said.

"As for why I am showing you these pill recipes — it's simply because I want you to have them. It's a gift from me before I leave this world and return to my own."

"W-Wait a moment… you are leaving this place? When are you leaving? And how far away is this place, really?"

"I will be leaving in two years, but even I do not know how far away it is." Su Yang replied with a smile. "And when I leave, I want you to protect the Profound Blossom Sect in my stead in case it's required."


Wang Shuren was speechless, and she took the next few minutes to digest all of this new information silently.

Chapter 478 Best Alchemy Master in the World

"Su Yang… what if I want to leave with you?" Wang Shuren suddenly asked him after a moment of silence.

"Your last words… you sounded very confident that I would not leave with you. Hell, you didn't even ask me if I want to go with you."

"Then can you abandon all of your achievements and status here and start a new life in a place where nobody even knows your name?" Su Yang asked her with a calm expression.

"Your name has risen to the top over the last few months, perhaps even the number one Alchemy Master in the Eastern Continent. Can you really discard all of that?"


Wang Shuren remained silent for a few moments before speaking, "You are right, Su Yang. It has always been my dream to become a famous Alchemy Master that is known by almost everybody in the Eastern Continent. I have always wanted to experience what it would be like to be respected by every Alchemy Master I come across."

"Now that my dream has been realized, I cannot just simply throw all of it away, even if all of my achievements are mostly thanks to you."

"However, what is to say that I will not change my mind somewhere down the line? Two years is more than enough time to change someone's mind, Su Yang…"

"Perhaps in two years, these achievements will no longer mean anything to me — perhaps I will even have the courage to abandon them and follow you."

Su Yang smiled after hearing her words and spoke in a gentle voice, "Then I will ask you in two years. But for now, I want you to focus on Alchemy, since I want you to be just more than the 'best' Alchemy Master in the Eastern Continent."

"W-What do you mean by that?" She asked him with a puzzled face.

"With just these pill recipes alone, you have already surpassed every Alchemy Master in this world. Once you master them, you will become an unrivaled existence in Alchemy, and your name will forever exist in history." Su Yang explained to her with a calm expression.

"Su Yang…" Wang Shuren's eyes became teary after realizing what Su Yang had planned for her.

If she did not meet him at the Burning Lotus Auction House last year, perhaps she would still be a mere lowly Sect Elder with subpar Alchemy skills even now.

If she did not toss aside her pride as an Elder and kicked Su Yang out of the auction house on that day, all of her achievements might have been achieved by someone else, and she would be kicking herself in regret every day for the rest of her life once she realizes the once-in-a-life opportunity that she'd missed.

"However, if you are going to become the best Alchemy Master this world has ever seen before, I will need to train you properly." Su Yang suddenly said. "Starting today, I will come here once a week to teach you how to concoct pills properly, and this will continue until I feel that you are good enough."

"Really?" Wang Shuren stared at him with a surprised look. "You would go through so much trouble just for me?"

"It's not just for you. It's for everyone in this world." Su Yang responded with a mysterious smile. "I am going to up the standard of Alchemy in this world by a few levels. In other words — it's going to be a new era."

"You can go for now. I will come to you once I am finished here."

"You mean the disciples outside? It'll take days to make them all go away." Wang Shuren said.

"Then you should use this time to prepare yourself, because you will have no room to relax when I start with you."

Wang Shuren nodded with a serious expression before leaving the place.

Once Wang Shuren was gone, Su Yang resumed his autograph session with the disciples outside.

A few days later, Su Yang approached Wang Shuren's living quarters, which was an enormous estate that was right beside the Sect Master's estate. It was obvious just how much Huo Yuanjia respects and values Wang Shuren after seeing her living conditions.

It was so grand that if one was not aware of their relationship, they might even think Huo Yuanjia fancied Wang Shuren.

"It appears that your living conditions have slightly improved since the last time I visited your house." Su Yang greeted her with a smile.

"Slightly…?" Wang Shuren chuckled upon hearing his understatement. "It was only recently built, too. Our income has significantly increased because of my pills, even slightly overwhelming."

She had particularly gone from living inside a small house to a freaking mansion. However, considering her current status and worth, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she deserved to live in such luxury.

"Show me to your pill room." Su Yang then said to her.

Wang Shuren nodded and led him inside the building and then into a large empty room without any decorations or unnecessary furniture.

Besides a small cabinet in the corner of the room that emitted the smell of herbs and medicine, there is also a precious-looking cauldron in the middle of the room.

"This cauldron isn't half-bad." Su Yang praised the cauldron, as it is the best cauldron he has seen in this world so far.

"That cauldron is a Heaven-grade treasure, and I'd spent three million spirit stones on it." Wang Shuren said with a bittersweet smile, as this is the most that she's ever spent on a single item.

"By the way, did you get all of the ingredients I requested during the auction at Snowfall City?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

"I do! Although a few of them were difficult to find, I managed to buy every ingredient on the list. They are all stored inside that cabinet." Wang Shuren said as she pointed to the cabinet in the corner of the room.

"Good, because those are the ingredients needed to concoct the new pills. Before I lecture you, I will demonstrate my techniques first." Su Yang proceeded to name a few ingredients, and Wang Shuren delivered them to him a few moments later.

"I will only do this once, so watch and learn." He said before sitting before the cauldron.

Chapter 479 Wang Shuren's Special Training

After Wang Shuren delivered the ingredients to him, Su Yang surrounded the cauldron with alchemy flames, quickly heating up the entire thing.

'No matter how many times I see this, his techniques and precision with the temperature astonishes me. Was he an Alchemy Master in his previous life, too…?' Wang Shuren pondered to herself as she was quickly mesmerized by the beautiful dancing flames before her.

In her eyes, it was as though the flames had come to life, and they were all dancing to the same music, almost as though they were creating a performance for its spectators, who was Wang Shuren.

A few minutes later, once the cauldron was hot enough, Su Yang tossed the ingredients inside and closed the lid.

"Watch carefully," Su Yang suddenly said to her.

Wang Shuren nodded with a serious expression and stared at the cauldron with narrowed eyes.

Although the cauldron was closed and had no openings, Wang Shuren was able to see the insides of the cauldron and everything that was happening inside the cauldron within her head.

Some of the ingredients were burned viciously until only its purest substance remained, and some ingredients were burned completely, turning it into smoke. However, since the smoke could not escape the cauldron, it began to combine with the other ingredients, becoming something entirely different.

And within mere minutes, after all of the ingredients were mixed, it quickly formed the shape of a pill.

Wang Shuren watched everything that happened inside the cauldron with wide eyes. She has never seen anyone concoct a pill with such accuracy and speed — not even from Su Yang before. It was almost as though she was watching a miracle happening before her eyes.

A few moments later, Su Yang opened the cauldron and retrieved the golden pill that was born inside.

"This is a flawless quality Heaven Transcendence Pill." Su Yang spoke with a calm expression, acting as though he'd done something very normal.

"Since it's of flawless quality, if you consume that pill once you reach the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, you will immediately enter the Heavenly Spirit Realm with ease. Of course, you will not be able to concoct these pills at flawless quality immediately, so they won't all be as effective."

"Anyway, did you grasp my technique even slightly? I purposefully moved slower so that you can see it properly." He asked her.

"Although I don't understand it now, I will eventually comprehend the technique, as I have imprinted every movement you made into my soul." Wang Shuren spoke with a serious expression.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Good, then you will start concocting pills with this technique starting today. You will burn a few hundred — even thousands of pills during your practice, but once you understand the technique, your alchemy skills will reach a whole new level — a level that cannot be reached by anyone else in this world."

Wang Shuren nodded and said, "Then I will immediately begin to concoct pills!"

However, Su Yang quickly said, "Who said you are allowed to concoct pills now?"

"Eh?" She looked at him with a puzzled face.

"Strip." He suddenly said, dumbfounding her even more.

"We are going to cultivate now. Once you are exhausted, you can start practicing."

"Eh?!?!" Wang Shuren's face expressed shock upon hearing his words. "If I practice after I am exhausted, won't it become much harder for me to learn?"

"Of course, you will not be able to learn as fast in the beginning. However, if we use this method to train you, your spiritual energy will increase significantly, and once you are used to concocting pills under stress, you will be able to concoct pills with ease when you are under no stress, and your techniques will rise to a new level." Su Yang explained to her.

"I see…" Wang Shuren nodded as though she understood his method of training.

A few moments later, Wang Shuren removed her clothes and revealed to him her mature and fully ripened body.

Her stature was tall, and her figure resembled that of an hourglass. Her ample breasts and abundantly round buttocks are powerful enough to charm most men under the heavens even when it's covered by clothes, so one can imagine the destructive nature it has when they are completely uncovered and bare.

"Concocting that the Heaven Transcendence Pill consumed half of my Profound Qi just now, and I have given that pill to you, so I will have that body compensate me for my lost, Shuren." Su Yang approached her with a smile.

"Are we going to do it here? This is not a suitable environment for such actions, and there's not even a bed here." She said to him.

"Don't worry about the bed, I have already prepared one for us." Su Yang then retrieved his storage ring and pulled out an entire king-sized bed from within, shocking Wang Shuren.

"Y-You carry a bed around with you?"

"In my previous life, I would have an entire storage ring dedicated to carrying only beds, so I had thousands of unique beds prepared for every possible situation." Su Yang said to her in an oddly prideful-sounding tone.

Sometime later, Wang Shuren and Su Yang began cultivating on the bed.

As expected, Wang Shuren immediately began moaning loudly, filling the room with passionate cries. And as Su Yang smashed Wang Shuren's hole with his hard rod, her body would shake violently, causing her large yet firm breasts to jiggle.

After spending many minutes dual cultivating, when Wang Shuren is finally completely exhausted, Su Yang made her practice his alchemy technique by concocting pills.

'Forget about concocting pills in this state, I cannot even lift my arms properly!' Wang Shuren cried inwardly, feeling as though she'd just woken up from a thousand-years nap.

Furthermore, every inch of her body was extremely sensitive at this moment, so even a single drop of sweat sliding down her skin would cause her body to react, making it nearly impossible for her to concentrate on the cauldron when she begins sweating during the pill concoction.

"Welcome to my Heaven and Hell Experience, Shuren." Su Yang said to her with a sadistic smile on his face. "Whenever I am training you, you will not be allowed to concoct pills unless you are reduced to this state."

Chapter 480 Heaven and Hell Experience

Two hours have passed since Wang Shuren's special training in alchemy began, and she has already burned over a hundred pills. Furthermore, they were all Elementary-grade pills — pills that she would normally be able to concoct while being half awake.

'This is utterly impossible! I cannot even control the flames in my current state, much less concoct a pill!' Wang Shuren cried inwardly as she burnt another pill.

Another hour passed, and just as Wang Shuren was getting the hang of it, Su Yang suddenly said to her, "I see that your body has relaxed quite a bit. Get on the bed, we'll cultivate again before you continue to concoct pills."

Wang Shuren looked at him with a dazed face.

"I-I didn't know that you were such a sadist, Su Yang…" she said with a bittersweet smile.

Su Yang merely smiled and said, "Then you've learned yet another new thing about me."

A few moments later, Su Yang pounded Wang Shuren's cave with his rod until her body was twitching all over the place.

Once he was done with her, Wang Shuren felt even more exhausted than previously with barely any strength to even sit still.

"A-Are you sure this is training and I'm not being tortured instead…?" Wang Shuren asked him in a low voice.

"Like most training out there, it's usually the hardest to endure at first, but once you get used to it, you will understand just how effective this method of training is." Su Yang said.

"Although you may have never experienced this kind of training before, it's actually quite common in my world. Of course, unless they practice dual cultivation, they have other methods of exhausting one's body. However, the results are always the same regardless of how you do it."

"You want to become the best Alchemy Master in this world, right? I am helping you achieve that before I leave in two years, which is not possible under normal circumstances. But if you really refuse this method of training, I will train you normally. Obviously, the results will differ greatly, and your abilities won't be anywhere where you would be if you train using the Heaven and Hell Experience. I'll let you choose now."


Wang Shuren stared at the cauldron before her with a serious pondering expression.

A few moments later, she nodded, "I don't care what you do to me or my body — I want to be the best Alchemy Master this world has ever seen before!"

One hour… two hours… three hours… Wang Shuren continued to concoct pills while under stress and exhaustion for the entire day. And whenever her body recovered barely enough strength to move properly, Su Yang would stop her training to cultivate with her until her entire body felt like jello again.

Within just a few hours of training, Wang Shuren stopped wearing clothes even when she was concocting pills, as her body was covered in sweat most of the time.

The following morning, Wang Shuren laid on the bed with a blank expression and dead-looking eyes, almost as though she had turned into a soulless body.

"How do you feel?" Su Yang asked her with a relaxed expression on his face.

While Wang Shuren suffered around the clock, he only felt pleasure and satisfaction from their cultivation.

"Am I… still alive…?" she mumbled in a mosquito-like voice.

"Congratulations, you have endured your first day of training. After today, I will come here once a week to continue this training method. During the days I am not here, you can concoct pills normally."

"I am going to return to the Profound Blossom Sect now."

"W-Wait a moment, Su Yang!"

Wang Shuren suddenly stopped him.

"What's the matter?"

"I still have some matter with you… though it's nothing really important."

Su Yang nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Do you remember Wang Chen and his eldest son, Wang Shichong, from the auction at Snowfall City?" Wang Shuren asked him.

"If I recall correctly, there were a few insects that annoyed me with a similar name." Su Yang casually insulted them. "Why are you bringing up their name?"

"Well… they've been bugging me ever since the Regional Tournament, begging me to ask you to forgive them for offending you at the auction house. Although I don't particularly like them, they are still my family, so..."

And she continued, "They are probably terrified that you might seek them for revenge later for offending you. They also said that they are willing to do anything for your forgiveness, Su Yang. What do you think?"

However, Su Yang merely scoffed in a nonchalant voice, "People like that cannot offend me even if they try! They are simply too beneath me for me to feel offended. Though since they are your family, I will let you handle everything."

"Thank you, Su Yang…" she said to him. "By the way, I will make your temporary residence a permanent one so that you can return to the same place when you return in the future."

Sometime later, Su Yang returned to his living quarters to get Xiao Rong before leaving the Burning Lotus Sect.

Meanwhile, within the Profound Blossom Sect, Sun Jingjing approached Su Yang's living quarters and knocked on his door.

"Hello, Sister Jingjing." Qin Liangyu greeted her at the door.

Over the past few days, Qin Liangyu has familiarized herself with all of the disciples in the sect, even becoming good friends with some of them — to the point where they address each other as though they were real sisters, and Sun Jingjing was one of these individuals she treated as though they were sisters.

There was just something about Sun Jingjing that made Qin Liangyu feel relaxed whenever she was around, almost like she was before Su Yang's presence.

"Sister Liangyu, is Su Yang inside? I have something important to talk to him about." Sun Jingjing asked her.

"No, he went to the Burning Lotus Sect a few days ago. However, he should be back soon." Qin Liangyu said.

"Is that so…" Sun Jingjing sighed.

"Is something wrong?" Qin Liangyu asked her.

"No, it's just that…"

Suddenly, another voice interrupted her.

"Hey, why do I sense Su Yang's presence coming from you?"

A few moments later, an extremely beautiful lady with silver hair appeared from one of the rooms inside Su Yang's living quarters, shocking Sun Jingjing to the core.

"Y-You are Su Yang's Master!" Sun Jingjing exclaimed in surprise.

Chapter 481 City of Yuan

"Master? What nonsense are you spewing?" Qiuyue approached her with a puzzled frown on her ethereal face.

"Y-You're not his Master? Then who are you, really? What's your relationship with Su Yang?" Sun Jingjing asked her in a low voice, clearly dazed by her beauty.

"I can ask you the same thing. Who are you?" Qiuyue stared at Sun Jingjing in the eyes, causing the atmosphere there to quickly turn cold, almost as though a war is starting.


Sensing the invisible and cold atmosphere between them, Qin Liangyu unconsciously took a few steps back into the house.

After a few moments of silence, Qiuyue's gaze lowered from Sun Jingjing's face to her stomach.

And in one swift movement, she partially removed Sun Jingjing's robes, revealing the skin on her stomach.

"Oh…?" Qiuyue's eyebrows trembled slightly when she saw the family seal on Sun Jingjing's skin.

"H-Hey! What do you think you are doing?!" Sun Jingjing jumped away from surprise, looking at Qiuyue as though she was a pervert, before she quickly covered herself again.

"Family Seal, huh. And it's Su Yang's Family Seal." Qiuyue mumbled to herself as she finally understood the situation.

"So you are now a part of Su Yang's family, right?" Qiuyue said to her.

Sun Jingjing stared at Qiuyue with a dazed face for a moment before speaking in a low and suspicious, "Are you also…?"

"What are the two of you doing?"

Su Yang's voice suddenly resounded, breaking their cold atmosphere instantly.

"Su Yang!"

Sun Jingjing and Qiuyue called him simultaneously.

"G-Get this, Su Yang! This… this beautiful pervert here just stripped me out of the blue!" Sun Jingjing complained to him after he descended from the sky with Xiao Rong by his side.

Su Yang raised an eyebrow and looked at Qiuyue with a questioning gaze.

"I just wanted to confirm something that I sensed from her body, that's all." Qiuyue casually shrugged.

"If you're wondering, yes, I have given her my family seal." Su Yang said with a smile.

"And when do you plan on telling me this?" Qiuyue asked with a slight frown, clearly displeased with the situation.

"Soon." Su Yang quickly responded. "You were away when I gave her the Family Seal, after all."


Qiuyue remained speechless, as did her unhappy expression.

Seeing this, Su Yang merely approached her with a gentle smile and whispered in her ears, "Don't worry, once we get rid of your curse, I can also imprint my name on you."


Qiuyue's face quickly blew up with redness after hearing his words.

"W-Whatever!" she exclaimed before rushing into her room and closing the door.

"Who was that?" Sun Jingjing asked him a few moments later.

"I will properly introduce her to you later, but you seem to have some business with me."

"Oh, right! I nearly forgot because of her!" Sun Jingjing said, "Su Yang, do you remember what my parents said to us during their visit? This is about the Mu Family that has been bothering my family. Apparently they have been getting increasingly aggressive with the negotiations regarding my engagement with them."

"Is that so…?" Su Yang mumbled with a calm expression.

"My parents also wanted the both of us to visit them… at our family house."

"There's about three weeks before the examinations start." Su Yang said, "I suppose I can spare some time to take this little trip with you to see your family."

"Great! Then when will we leave?"

"We can leave now." He spoke as he retrieved the flying boat.

"We should be back in a few days," he then said to Qin Liangyu.

A few moments later, Su Yang and Sun Jingjing ascended towards the clouds in the flying boat.

"Where are we going?" he asked her.

"City of Yuan, the largest business market in the Eastern Continent. The Sun Family's main branch is also located there, as most of our business is also within that city."

"By the way…" Sun Jingjing turned to look at the beautiful girl floating behind them with a perplexed expression. "Who's that little girl…? And why does she resemble that woman in your house?"

"My name is Xiao Rong, and I am Master's Spiritual Beast." Xiao Rong introduced herself.

"Spiritual Beast…? Then you are not human?" Sun Jingjing's eyes widened, since Xiao Rong looked human in every aspect.

A few seconds after she said those words, a pair of cat ears appeared on top of Xiao Rong's head.

"Xiao Rong is a Phantom Cat."

"I-I see… My name is Sun Jingjing, and I am Su Yang's partner." Sun Jingjing introduced herself.

"Partner…?" Xiao Rong tilted her head in a puzzled manner, clearly not understanding the word.

Sometime later, the flying boat soared through the sky, splitting the cloud it touches into halves.




"We are here, Su Yang."

Although only a few moments have passed, the flying boat traveled thousands of miles within those few moments.

"Even though this is not the first time I have been on this treasure, its speed is always astonishing to experience." Sun Jingjing smiled. "However… what's even more shocking is…"

She turned to look at Xiao Rong, who managed to follow their ridiculous speed without the help of any treasure and with seemingly no effort.

"Xiao Rong, can you transform into your beast form? Your appearance will attract too much attention here." Su Yang said to her.

Xiao Rong nodded, and a few moments later, her human figure transformed into that of an ordinary white cat.

"Wow�� she's really not human…" Sun Jingjing mumbled, as this is her first time witnessing the scene of a human transforming into an animal.

Sometime later, their group descended to the ground a few miles away from the city.

"Let's go, Su Yang, to my home." Sun Jingjing said with a bright smile on her face as she grabbed his hands and began dragging him towards the city gates.

"If you pull that hard, my arms will be ripped right off." Su Yang chuckled.

Chapter 482 Visiting the Sun Family

As they reached the city gates, before they even entered the city, Su Yang could already smell money in the air.

"Do you smell that, Su Yang? The smell of money." Sun Jingjing said to him. "The City of Yuan is also known as the land of opportunity. People from all around the continent come here to either start their own business or find jobs — it's one of the busiest places in the world."

"My Sun Family also started and found success here, hence why this place is very important to us."

Once they reached the gates, the guards stopped them and said, "Are you here to visit or stay? Do you intend on doing business here? Do you have any permits?"

"If you are here to open up your own business, you will need a business permit, which will cost 10,000 gold coins at minimum. If you are only here to visit, you will need a visiting permit, starting at 1 gold coin for 7-days."

Sun Jingjing merely glanced at the guards before retrieving a red badge from her robes.

"T-The Sun Family's Medallion!"

The guards immediately straightened their backs when they saw the badge, and they all saluted her.

"P-Please enter, esteemed ones!"

A few moments later, Su Yang and his group entered the city without any trouble.

"I knew your family was wealthy when I saw your parents, but I didn't think you were bigshots in such a rich city." Su Yang said with a smile. "Why did you join the Profound Blossom Sect?"

"According to my parents, my grandfather used to be a massive pervert when he was young, so he joined the Profound Blossom Sect to have fun with girls. However, I joined the Profound Blossom Sect for two reasons. One, because my grandfather who has always spoiled me was here, and two, because I wanted to choose my own partner."

"If I'd remained in the Sun Family, my parents would've arranged everything for me — from my husband to my future, and I did not want that. Even if the Profound Blossom Sect is not exactly the best place to look for suitable partners, it is better than being forced into a relationship by my parents."

"I know my story is a common one out there, but I'm glad I made that decision, since I was able to meet you, Su Yang." Sun Jingjing said as she tightened her grasp around his hands.

As they approached the Sun Family's living quarters, dozens of voices could be heard around them.

"Welcome to the Dragon Warehouse, where you can find all sorts of spirit-grade weapons!"

"Come have a seat in our Gold Horse Restaurant! We have all sorts of spiritual meat to choose from!"

"Visit our lonely girls in the Divine Passion Spa! We have all kinds of beauties to satisfy your needs!"

"The Medicine Nature Hall has just received more Burning Lotus Pills in stock! First come first serve! Get them quick!"

After walking for around half an hour, Su Yang and Sun Jingjing arrived before a large building that occupied the entire street.

"Welcome to my home, Su Yang." Sun Jingjing said with a smile as she pulled him towards the building.

"Y-You are…! Welcome back, Young Lady!" When the guards standing by the front doors noticed Sun Jingjing's beautiful face, they immediately bowed to her.

"Notify my parents that I have returned with Su Yang," she said to them.

"Right away!"

Sun Jingjing then led Su Yang to the living room.

A few minutes later, Sun Quan and Sun Ren entered the room with bright expressions.

"Oh! You are finally here!"

Sun Ren, her mother, immediately approached Su Yang and gave him a courteous bow. "Welcome to our Sun Family's humble place, Senior Su."

"Senior?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow.

Even Sun Jingjing couldn't help but frown at her mother's odd behavior.

"It appears that I had been rude to Senior Su during our previous meeting. If Senior Su was offended, you can take my daughter as compensation…" Sun Ren said, shocking Sun Jingjing until her jaw was touching the floor.

"W-What are you doing, mother?! Why are you acting so weird?"

"Excuse us for a second, Senior Su…" Sun Ren suddenly grabbed Sun Jingjing and pulled her outside.

Once they were fairly distanced from Su Yang, Sun Ren loudly whispered to Sun Jingjing, "Why didn't you tell me that Su Yang was an expert at the Heavenly Spirit Realm when we visited you?! I feel like a goddamn fool for acting so arrogant before him now! Oh, how ignorant I was!"

"You never asked me, and you were too focused on making him bear responsibility for taking my chastity." Sun Jingjing calmly responded.

"Y-You!" Sun Ren's face reddened. However, she quickly suppressed her anger and continued, "Anyway, this is your chance, my daughter!"

"Chance? My chance to do what?" she raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"Your chance to secure a spot in his family! Even if you cannot be his wife, you must become his concubine at least! As the number one genius in the Eastern Continent, he has a limitless future! There are already people saying that he might become the next Lord Xie! Since he has already accepted your body, there's a good chance that he will accept you as a concubine!"


Sun Jingjing looked at her mother with a speechless face. This is the first time she's ever seen her mother acting in such a desperate manner.

"Why do you want me to be with Su Yang so desperately, mother?" Sun Jingjing asked her.

Although she could reveal to her mother that she's already a part of Su Yang's family, she decided to keep it a secret for a little bit longer to see why her mother was acting so out of character.

"Aiii… It's all because of that hateful Mu Family!" Sun Ren sighed. "Ever since they learned that you were a genius at the Earth Spirit Realm, they have been getting increasingly aggressive and desperate trying to seal an engagement between you and their heir, Mu Shun!"

Chapter 483 Playing Dumb

"The Mu Family again? Why don't you just refuse?" Sun Jingjing asked with a calm face. "Even if they are slightly more influential than us, they shouldn't have the power to threaten us."

"That's the thing… The Mu Family somehow managed to seal a partnership with the Burning Lotus Sect a few weeks ago, allowing them to sell their Burning Lotus Sects at their pill markets!"

"You should know how popular those pills are within the business. Anyone with the license to sell them will automatically become one of the largest distributors in the medicine market! And because of this, they have completely taken over the market! Ever since they began selling Burning Lotus Pills, our own medicine business has been going downhills! Our revenue is already down by 90% within just a few weeks!"

"And it's not just with pills! Ever since they became business partners with the Burning Lotus Sect, many of our customers have switched sides in order to give faces to the Mu Family! Almost all of our businesses are down by 10%! At this rate, they'll completely run us out of business!"

"Just a few days ago, they'd even threaten to chase us out of the city if we don't accept their engagement proposal!"

"So that's why you are so worried and so desperate…" Sun Jingjing sighed after realizing the situation.

"If you become Su Yang's concubine, even the Mu Family wouldn't dare to offend him! You like him, don't you?" Sun Ren asked her.

"Well… I don't know about that…" Sun Jingjing began playing dumb.

"What?! You are acting completely different than before — when you were adamant about joining his family! Did something happen between you and Su Yang?"

"I guess you can say that." Sun Jingjing nodded with a mysterious smile.

"I don't care what happened, whether you were in the right or wrong, but if you don't want to marry that fatso from the Mu Family, then you need to apologize to Su Yang and get him to accept you!" Sun Ren spoke with a serious expression.

"I will think about it," she said with a nonchalant expression, almost as though she wasn't concerned by the Mu Family at all. "If there's nothing else, then I will return to the living room with Su Yang and father."

"Y-Y-You…! Forget it! You can go ahead and continue being stubborn! Don't come crying to me when you have to marry that fatso!" Sun Ren stomped the floor in anger before returning to the room.

Meanwhile, Sun Quan said to Su Yang after the two women left the room, "Thank you for always taking care of our daughter, Senior Su. If she ever bothers you, just let me know and I will immediately punish her."

"You can toss away the formality." Su Yang said to him.

"But that would be inappropriate to someone of your stature…" Sun Quan hesitated.

Even if the Sun Family has plenty of influence, their resources are only limited within the business circle in the mortal world. If they compare themselves to Su Yang, a genius from the cultivation world, it would be akin to comparing a merchant to a prince.

"Why would it be inappropriate? Although we don't have any documents to prove it, nor did we have a ceremony yet, I have already accepted your daughter into my family." Su Yang said to him with a calm expression. "If you want, I can even call you father-in-law, you know?"

Sun Quan stared at Su Yang with a shocked face, looking like a stupid chicken.

"W-What did you just say? Me? Your father-in-law?" Sun Quan's entire body trembled.

Su Yang nodded with a nonchalant face.

However, Sun Quan remained standing there in silence with a dazed face even after many minutes, almost as though he'd turned into a statue.

It was only when Sun Jingjing and Sun Ren returned did he finally snap out of it.

"Why are you standing there with that weird face, father?" Sun Jingjing raised an eyebrow after seeing his odd behavior.


Before Sun Quan could even speak, Sun Ren pulled him outside.

"W-What's the matter, honey?" he asked her after being dragged outside.

"T-That disobedient daughter of ours! She…" Sun Ren proceeded to explain to Sun Quan her conversation with Sun Jingjing, which only further puzzled Sun Quan.


With his mind overwhelmed, Sun Quan was unable to explain to his wife what Su Yang had told him, so he just stood there and listened to Sun Ren talk in silence.

"Anyway, if our daughter is too stubborn to fix her problem with Su Yang, I will do it for her! Even if she hates me afterward, it's better than giving her to the Mu Family!" Sun Ren spoke with a resolute face.


Before Sun Quan could even fully open his mouth to speak, Sun Ren had already left his side and returned to the living room.

"These two women… haaa..." Sun Quan shook his head while sighing before returning to the room with Sun Ren.

Meanwhile, after her parents left the room, Sun Jingjing explained the situation to Su Yang.

"What do you think, Su Yang? How should we deal with them? Although I don't particularly care about my family's business, I don't want to see the Mu Family bullying my family."

"The Mu Family and the Burning Lotus Sect, huh…" Su Yang remained nonchalant, and he continued, "There are many ways we can go about dealing with the situation, but I'll leave it up to you to decide. What do you want to do with the Mu Family?"

"The Mu Family thinks they can bully my family and force me to marry their son, so they deserve death. However, we can't just kill all of them…" Sun Jingjing pondered with a serious face.

A few moments later, Sun Jingjing's eyes flickered with a vicious light.

"I know exactly how we should deal with the Mu Family! Give me your ears for a second, Su Yang!" Sun Jingjing chuckled as she explained her plans to him.

After listening to Sun Jingjing's idea, Su Yang burst out laughing. "You sure are something, to think of such an idea."

"Is it not good?" Sun Jingjing showed a worried expression.

"No, it's perfect. Let's go with that idea."

"Great!" Sun Jingjing nodded with a smile.

Chapter 484 What If Your Parents Walk in on Us?

Sometime later, Sun Jingjing's parents returned to the room.

"Senior Su, although this may sound sudden, I have a request for you…" Sun Ren said to him.

However, before Su Yang could even open his mouth, Sun Jingjing spoke, "Mother, I have something to say first."

"It can wait until—"

"I cannot wait!" she quickly interrupted.

And then she continued, "This is regarding my engagement with the Mu Family. You can accept it."


Both her parents looked at her with a shocked face.

"W-What did you just say…? Repeat it for me!" Sun Ren couldn't believe her ears and asked.

"I said that you can go ahead and agree to the Mu Family's proposal." Sun Jingjing calmly responded.

"Are you out of your damn mind?! I thought you'd rather die than to marry into the Mu Family!" Sun Ren roared with a red face. "Do you have any idea how much effort I've spent to keep you away from him?! Now you want to throw away all of my efforts and accept their proposal?!"

She then turned to look at Su Yang and spoke, "Senior Su, you should say something to her! She's clearly not in the right mind!"

However, Su Yang merely smiled and said, "Why don't you listen to her? I'm sure that she's perfectly fine."

"Mother, trust me." Sun Jingjing spoke with a confident smile as she stepped forward. "All you need to do is accept their marriage proposal, and I will deal with everything else. I am no longer a child that needs to be protected by her parents all the time."

The place became dead silent, and her parents exchanged glances with each other.

A few moments later, Sun Ren released a long sigh, "I don't know what you are trying to achieve by accepting their marriage proposal, but I really hope you know what you are doing!"

"Thank you, mother."

"By the way, I will be staying here for a few days if you don't mind." Su Yang suddenly said.

���O-Of course! You can stay here for as long as you wish, Senior Su!"

"Drop the formalities. Just call me Su Yang."

"Then I will immediately arrange your room—"

"It's fine, mother. Su Yang will be staying in my room." Sun Jingjing said.

"Eh? Then where are you going to sleep?" Sun Ren looked at her with raised brows.

Sun Jingjing remained silent and merely smiled at her question.

"Do whatever you want… I am going to contact the Mu Family now."

Sometime later, Sun Ren left the room to send a message to the Mu Family, saying that the Sun Family had accepted their marriage proposal.

When the Mu Family received the news, they were overjoyed and wasted no time making preparations for the wedding, even announcing it to the public of Sun Jingjing and Mu Shun's engagement.

The news of their engagement easily spread throughout the entire city within hours, shocking the people that heard it.

"What? The Sun Family and the Mu Family will be coming together? Weren't they one of the biggest rivals here?"

"Times sure have changed…"

"I can't believe that that nasty Mu Shun will get to marry someone as fair as Sun Jingjing! The Heavens aren't just!"

"As long as you are rich and powerful like the Mu Family, you will get to marry a beautiful woman even if you look like a damn pig!"

"Watch your mouth! If the Mu Family heard such words coming out of your mouth, you can kill your life goodbye!"

"The engagement must have something to do with the Mu Family becoming business partners with the Burning Lotus Sect."

"I think so too. The Mu Family has been dominating the markets as of late, whilst the Sun Family has been in the decline. If the Sun Family didn't accept this proposal, they might get overwhelmed by the Mu Family in the near future."

By the end of the day, nearly everybody in the City of Yuan has heard of Sun Jingjing and Mu Shun's engagement, and hundreds of people have already visited the Mu Family to congratulate them.

"Hahaha! I knew the Sun Family would accept our marriage proposal sooner or later!" The head of the Mu Family, Mu Lan, laughed loudly in his room.

"Thank you, father. Now my dream to make Sun Jingjing my woman has finally come true!" Mu Shun, his son, also laughed.

"But father…" Mu Shun stopped laughing a little bit later, "What if the Sun Family — Sun Jingjing to be exact — goes to the Profound Blossom Sect for help? What if she cries to that number one genius, Su Yang? Wouldn't that be disastrous for us?"

"If that was the case, they wouldn't have accepted our proposal in the first place! Furthermore, even if Sun Jingjing goes to Su Yang for help, I doubt he would even care about her! Dual cultivators are usually selfish and heartless people like that! And he's definitely surrounded by beauties by now, so he wouldn't care less about someone like Sun Jingjing!"

"Is that so…" Mu Shun continued to laugh later, but he couldn't shake off the ominous feeling that was lingering in his stomach.

Meanwhile, back at the Sun Family, Sun Ren said to Sun Jingjing, "The entire city knows of your engagement with Mu Shun by now. There's no turning back anymore, and there are no pills for regrets in this world."

Sun Jingjing merely smiled at her words and said, "Don't worry, mother. Anyway, I am going to sleep now, since I will be busy tomorrow."

"Haaaa… I really hope she knows what she's doing…" Sun Ren sighed as she watched her daughter calmly disappear.

"How did it go?" Su Yang asked Sun Jingjing when she returned to her own room.

"The entire city knows of our engagement now," she said.

"I see… then let's get some rest. It'll be a busy day tomorrow." Su Yang said to her before he entered the bed.

"But I can't sleep if I'm not tired..." Sun Jingjing said to him as she blew out the candles that lit the room before she began loosening her robes.

"Your parents' room is only down the hall, you know. What if they walk in on us doing it?" Su Yang said to her with a smile.

"Then we'd better keep it as quiet as possible…" Sun Jingjing smiled back.

Su Yang chuckled after hearing her words, "Are you even capable of that? I won't seal this room with a concealment formation so your moaning might escape the room."

"That sounds exciting…" Sun Jingjing jiggled before entering the bed with Su Yang.

Chapter 485 Cultivation Inside The Sun Family's Home

"Ahhh… ohhh… mmm~"

Sun Jingjing moaned in a suppressed voice as she cultivated with Su Yang on her personal bed in her darkroom.

"Are you really not going to contain the noises in this room? Ahhhh~" Sun Jingjing asked him as she was getting close to not being able to hold her voice back.

"What's wrong? Weren't you confident that you wouldn't make any sounds just a few minutes ago?" Su Yang teased her, and he even began shaking his hips with more intensity afterward.

"Ahhh—!" Sun Jingjing released a sharp moan for half a second before she forcefully covered her face with the soft pillow underneath her.

"Ahhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhhh!" Sun Jingjing used this chance to moan without any restrictions.

"That's cheating." Su Yang suddenly grabbed the pillow and tossed it to the back of the bed and said with a smile, "It sounds better when you don't cover it."

"Ahhh~ Su Yang, you're teasing me too much!" Sun Jingjing bit her lips trying to contain her own moaning.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching their room, and there was even a small light from a lantern floating outside.

When Sun Jingjing heard the footprints, her heart began beating like war drums, and her face flushed with redness.

"S-Su Yang! There's someone outside!" Sun Jingjing whispered in a slightly nervous voice.

The sound of the footsteps grew closer and closer to their room — until the light from the lantern hovered directly before their room.

"Su Yang, are you already asleep?" Sun Ren's voice suddenly resounded from outside their room.

'It's Mother!' Sun Jingjing turned to look at her mother's silhouette behind the doors' design that was only covered by a thin layer of paper.

"Don't say anything, Su Yang!" Sun Jingjing quickly whispered to him.

However, Su Yang showed a grin on his face before opening his mouth, "I am not asleep yet. Is there a problem?"

Sun Jingjing looked at Su Yang with wide eyes. She would not be able to face her mother directly anymore if she walks in on their cultivation right now.

"If you don't mind, may I come inside to talk? This is about my daughter…" she said in a worried tone.

"Is this about her accepting the Mu Family's marriage proposal?" Su Yang spoke in a relaxed tone, nothing that would hint his current situation.

"Unfortunately, yes…"

"Then you don't need to worry. As her mother, you should trust your own daughter. I'm sure she has something in mind. I am also cultivating right now, so I apologize for speaking with you behind a door like this."

"You were cultivating?! I am so sorry for disturbing you! I will immediately leave you alone, Su Yang." Sun Ren panicked after realizing that he was cultivating, as it was common knowledge to never disturb a Cultivator while they were cultivating, as that could affect their cultivation.

"Don't worry, I can talk and cultivate at the same time."

"Even if that's the case, I cannot continue to disturb you. Let us continue this conversation in the future when you are not cultivating. Good night." Sun Ren said before walking away.

Sun Jingjing released a relieved sigh after the atmosphere returned to being silent and peaceful.

"You are really daring, Su Yang! What would you do if she saw us in this situation?" Sun Jingjing shook her head.

"I would've greeted her with a smile and continued." Su Yang chuckled, leaving her speechless.

Meanwhile, after walking away from Su Yang's room, Sun Ren returned to her own room, which was only down the hall.

"That was fast. Was he asleep?" Sun Quan asked her afterward.

She shook her head and spoke, "No, he was awake, but he was also cultivating, so I quickly returned."

"Huh…? He's cultivating…?" Sun Quan looked at her with wide eyes.

"That's what he said. What's wrong?" Sun Ren raised an eyebrow after seeing Sun Quan's dazed face, completely forgetting the fact that Su Yang was a dual cultivator.

"Su Yang… he's also from the Profound Blossom Sect, right? If he's cultivating right now, does that mean he's… with our daughter… right now?" Sun Quan did not forget about this and spoke in a dumbfounded voice.

Sun Ren's eyes widened with shock upon realizing this fact.

"Oh my god! I should have realized this when she said that he'll be staying in her room! Does this mean I was very close to witnessing my daughter in the act with Su Yang just now?! No wonder why I heard some weird noises coming from their room! I thought I was only imagining things because it was very subtle!"

Sun Ren's entire body staggered backward until she tripped and fell to the ground on her buttocks, her face pale with disbelief.

"She's an adult now… and she's also a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect, so it's not weird for her to be doing something like that with him." Sun Quan sighed in a defeated voice.

"B-But what about her engagement with the Mu Family?! Why did she accept the proposal if she planned on sleeping with Su Yang tonight?! Even if she's a disciple from the Profound Blossom Sect, she cannot sleep with another man now that she's engaged! If the public learns of this, our daughter and the entire Sun Family will be condemned for life!" Sun Ren exclaimed.

"I don't know what she's planning, but we should act as though this never happened." Sun Quan shook his head. "Luckily for us, the servants are not allowed in this area, or that could've been very problematic."

"I still can't believe that she would have the guts to do such acts when she knows very well that we live only a few rooms down the hall from her!" Sun Ren stood up and rubbed her temples, feeling exhausted for no reason.

Meanwhile, inside Sun Jingjing's room, completely oblivious to Sun Jingjing, a pair of cat eyes silently watched her cultivation with Su Yang, its gaze filled with interest and wonder.

Chapter 486 Xiao Rong Wants to Taste More of That Sticky White Stuff

Somewhere in Sun Jingjing's room, Xiao Rong was blended in the darkness, her gaze staring at the bed without blinking, silently watching Sun Jingjing and Su Yang cultivate with interest.

As a Phantom Cat, Xiao Rong had the ability to conceal her presence perfectly as easily as breathing, almost like a second nature, making it impossible for even powerful Immortals to find them without special treasures, or divine techniques.

'What are they doing…?' Xiao Rong pondered to herself as she watched Su Yang shake his hips, inserting the long and thick rod between his legs into Sun Jingjing's body.

Most beasts understand the nature of breeding naturally and without needing to be taught by others, but as she belonged to a unique species that did not require breeding, Xiao Rong did not know what it means to breed with others.

'It looks fun…' Xiao Rong thought to herself after seeing the thrill on Sun Jingjing's face. Even if she did not understand the emotion that is 'passion' or 'lust', she could still sense the feeling of 'fun' and 'excitement' coming from Sun Jingjing's expressions.

After staring at Sun Jingjing's lustful face for a few minutes, she turned to attention to the thick scent in the air.

'Smells tasty…'

Xiao Rong thought to herself. Although this is not her first time smelling this scent coming from Su Yang's body, she still has no clue as to what created this sweet smell.

Sometime later, when Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Sun Jingjing's body, the sweet scent in the air grew stronger and thicker, causing Xiao Rong's nose to tremble.

"I think I can fall asleep with ease now, Su Yang…" Sun Jingjing said to him with a smile as her body collapsed on the bed.

Su Yang merely smiled and unplugged his rod from Sun Jingjing's cave.

"Here, let me clean it up for you…" Sun Jingjing opened her mouth wide with her tongue sticking out erotically.

However, before her tongue could reach Su Yang's rod, another tongue appeared right beside her and began licking the Yang Qi on Su Yang's rod.

"W-What?! Y-You are!" Sun Jingjing exclaimed with a shocked face when Xiao Rong appeared out of thin air in her human form and started licking Su Yang's rod elegantly and gently, almost like a cat licking its owner's face.

"Ah? Where did you come from?" Even Su Yang was surprised by Xiao Rong's sudden intrusion, causing him to fall on his buttocks.

"Delicious…" Xiao Rong innocently licked her lips after tasting his Yang Qi.

"Master, give me more. Xiao Rong wants to taste more of that sticky white stuff," said Xiao Rong as she began crawling towards Su Yang's rod again.

"W-Wait a moment!" Sun Jingjing quickly grabbed Xiao Rong with both her arms just to hold her back.

"What is it?" Xiao Rong turned around and asked with an innocent expression.

"I… Uh…" Sun Jingjing did not know what to say and turned to look at Su Yang for help.

Su Yang cleared his throat and spoke, "You want some spiritual energy, right? I will feed you with my Profound Qi later…"

Since Su Yang is her Master, Xiao Rong mostly relies on his spiritual energy to grow stronger. But since she was at the Ancient Realm whilst Su Yang was only at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, even if she consumed every last bit of Profound Qi in his body, it would not benefit her slightly, so she mostly consumes his Profound Qi as a form of snack.

However, Xiao Rong quickly shook her head and spoke, "I don't want Profound Qi. I want to eat that thick white liquid."

She said while pointing to his rod.

"C-Can you even feed your spiritual beast Yang Qi? I have never heard of that before!" Sun Jingjing said.

"While it is definitely not common amongst normal Cultivators, this is how some Dual Cultivators with a spiritual beast strengthen their spiritual beast. It's also not uncommon for Dual Cultivators to cultivate with spiritual beasts that can transform themselves into humans, as there is essentially no difference between humans and spiritual beasts once they transform themselves. If they are strong enough, spiritual beasts are even able to conceive with humans." Su Yang explained to her.

"Even in my previous life, I have cultivated with countless spiritual beasts in their human transformation. However, I have been avoiding that with Xiao Rong, as she is someone of an odd entity."

"What do you mean by that?" Sun Jingjing asked.

"Well, for starters, her cultivation base is simply much higher than myself. If I even attempt to cultivate her Yin Qi, I will definitely die instantly. Furthermore, even if she has existed for hundreds of years, her mind is quite childish and innocent, so it won't feel right to cultivate with her."

"Now that you mention it, she behaves like an innocent child…" Sun Jingjing mumbled.

"Therefore…" Su Yang then patted Xiao Rong on the head and spoke, "If you become a bit more mature, I will let you eat as much Yang Qi as you want."

"How do I become more mature?" she asked him with a puzzled face.

"That is not something I can answer for you. If you want to be mature, you should at least understand what it means to be mature." Su Yang said.

"Don't worry, you'll naturally become mature as you spend more time in this world. After all, you have spent the majority of your life inside the Spatial Device — at least that's what you remember."

"Okay…" Xiao Rong nodded, yet her eyes remained staring at the white substance around Su Yang's rod.

"With that being said, allow me to clean it up…" Sun Jingjing released her hold on Xiao Rong and proceeded to clean Su Yang's little brother with her mouth like an expert.


Xiao Rong watched Sun Jingjing eat all of his Yang Qi with an envious gaze.

'Mature… Xiao Rong must become mature in order to taste that delicious stuff again!' she thought to herself with her eyes flickering with determination.

Chapter 487 A Cat's Curiosity

After 'cleaning' up, Su Yang and Sun Jingjing went to sleep on the same bed while cuddling each other. Meanwhile, Xiao Rong also slept on the same bed, sleeping right beside Su Yang.

Fortunately for Sun Jingjing, her bed was large enough to fit all three of them and still have plenty of room.

But unfortunately for Xiao Rong, she was unable to fall asleep even after many minutes.

The taste of Su Yang's Yang Qi was simply too delicious to ignore, so she spent the majority of the night reminiscing of its taste.

'What's the warm feeling in my body…?' Xiao Rong realized that her body was getting hotter. It felt similar to that time when Su Yang licked her arm, causing her body to tingle all over.

Sometime later, her hands instinctively moved towards her lower body, touching the slightly wet slit between her legs.

'Oh… this feels very good…' Xiao Rong thought to herself as she unknowingly began to pleasure herself throughout the night, and she began to slowly understand why Sun Jingjing and Su Yang were doing those acts.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, Xiao Rong fell asleep from pleasuring herself.

Early in the morning, Su Yang woke up to being sandwiched by two beauties.

"Why is this room filled with such thick Yin Qi…?" Su Yang was dumbfounded when he realized the room was filled with Yin Qi, as it was not there last night before he fell asleep.

He then turned around to look at Xiao Rong, who was sleeping peacefully beside him.

His gaze lowered from her beautiful face to her legs, where Xiao Rong's hands were still inside her pants.

Once he realized the reason for the Yin Qi in the room, he pondered inwardly, 'She's slowly awakening her true nature… let's just hope that she's mature enough by the time her nature fully awakens...'

Although Xiao Rong is the first Phantom Cat he's ever encountered, he has seen a few Ghost Cats in his previous life, and since the Phantom Cats are basically the ancestors of Ghost Cats, it's safe to assume that they would have similar natures.

While Ghost Cats are born without the feeling of lust or desire and usually live their whole life without such feelings, it was not as though they cannot learn to feel lust or desire. In fact, if a Ghost Cat ever learns of such feelings, they turn into incredibly lustful creatures that would go out of their way to violate any men that suit their taste, and they would violate these men until their last breath.

'Because of their hidden nature that could end up as a calamity, she gathered most of the Ghost Cats in the world and taught them how to control their lustful desires.' Su Yang recalled his friend that had managed to tame many Ghost Cats.

Of course, he was not afraid of Xiao Rong awakening her lustful nature, as he has received the method to help her control her lustful desires if they are ever awakened from his friend that trains Ghost Cats for living.

Su Yang suddenly sighed in a low voice, "Haaaa�� what a damn waste of Yin Qi. This room is abundant with Yin Qi that came from a maiden at the Ancient Realm, but I cannot cultivate any of it! This is akin to giving a delicious but poisoned meal that would kill anyone that ate it to a starving homeless man! It is simply torture for someone like me!"


Su Yang's mumbling had woken Xiao Rong from her sleep.

"Master, last night, Xiao Rong…" she looked at the spot between her legs with a puzzled face, as she was unable to describe to him what she had experienced last night.

Su Yang merely smiled and said, "Although you may not be aware, but you have matured slightly."

"Really? Xiao Rong has matured? Then can I taste the delicious white stuff now?" she looked at him with excited eyes.

Su Yang chuckled lightly at her enthusiasm and spoke, "Just because you have matured slightly doesn't make you mature, Xiao Rong. You still have a long way to mature before I can do that kind of thing with you."

"Oh…" Xiao Rong lowered her head in a dejected manner after hearing Su Yang's words.

While one of Su Yang's reasons for not cultivating with Xiao Rong is because of her childish mentality, the truth was that he was not prepared to help her control her lustful desire, so he could only delay it with her until he was fully prepared.

"Don't worry, it won't be very long until you can taste that white stuff, again." Su Yang suddenly said to her.

"Really?" Xiao Rong quickly lifted her head and looked at him with innocent eyes.

Su Yang nodded with a smile.

Sometime later, Sun Jingjing also woke up from her sleep, and they prepared for the day.

"Good morning, Mother, Father." Sun Jingjing greeted them in the living room after washing her face and fixing her hair.

"O-Oh… Good morning, Jingjing…"

The parents greeted her with an awkward and tired smile. Despite trying to forget about yesterday, it was much easier said than done, especially Sun Ren, who couldn't help but imagine her daughter cultivating with Su Yang for the entire night.

"You seem tired, Mother. Did you not get enough sleep last night?" Sun Jingjing noticed the black bags under her eyes and spoke in a worried tone.

"S-Something like that. What about you? How was your night?" Sun Ren asked her.

"I had plenty of rest," she responded with a smile.

A few moments later, Su Yang entered the room with Xiao Rong in her cat form riding on his shoulders.

"G-Good morning, Su Yang…"

"Good morning, Madam Sun." Sun Yang greeted her with a handsome and bright smile, causing her to blush slightly.

"A-Anyway, what's with your clothes? Are you going out today?" Sun Ren cleared her throat and pointed at their new clothes.

Sun Jingjing was wearing elegant red robes that enhanced her charm and beauty to another level, whilst Su Yang luxurious black robes that made his handsome face even more dreamy.

"Yes, we are going out on a date later!" Sun Jingjing replied with a happy smile.

"A d-date, you say…?" Sun Ren looked at her with a dumbfounded face.

Chapter 488 Sun Family's Scandal

"Dating?! Are you seriously telling me that you are going on a date with Su Yang right after accepting the Mu Family marriage proposal?!?" Sun Ren spoke with a frown on her face.

"That's right." Sun Jingjing nodded with a calm expression.

"What exactly are you trying to achieve by doing this public stunt, Jingjing?" Sun Quan suddenly spoke, "If the public sees you going on dates with another man that's not Mu Shun despite being engaged to the Mu Family, you will be condemned by everyone and so will the entire Sun Family."

"That may be the case if that man was just any ordinary man." Sun Jingjing spoke with a smile, and she continued, "You may not understand it since you are not Cultivators, but you are underestimating Su Yang's worth and presence."

"Well, you will understand it sooner or later, and it will be better to experience it for yourself instead of having me explain it."

Her parents exchanged dumbfounded glances. They simply couldn't comprehend what was on in Sun Jingjing's mind at all.

"A-Anyway, breakfast will be done in a few minutes." Sun Ren said a moment later, "Jingjing, go prepare the silverware."

Sun Jingjing nodded and happily went to prepare the table for breakfast.

At the table, Sun Jingjing expressed surprise upon seeing spiritual meat on the table.

"When did you two start eating such luxurious food for breakfast? Although we may be rich, this is still a little too much for breakfast."

"Hahaha… you think we eat spiritual meat every day for breakfast? This is only a special occasion because of Su Yang. I doubt he would be satisfied with common meals meant for mortals." Sun Quan laughed.

However, Su Yang shook his head and spoke, "Actually, I would rather eat common meals than spiritual meat during such occasions, since I rarely get to enjoy mortal food."

"Then it appears that we have done something unnecessary. Don't worry, I will change it back for dinner." Sun Ren said.

"Thank you." Su Yang smiled at her, causing her already captured heart to tremble.

When Sun Jingjing noticed her mother acting fidgety, she whispered to Su Yang, "Hey, don't go seducing my mother by accident now, Su Yang. I don't think I can handle seeing you with my mother, after all."

Su Yang showed a bitter smile while shrugging, "I can't help it."

Sometime later, after their breakfast, Sun Jingjing and Su Yang prepared to head outside.

"We will be back before dinner," said Sun Jingjing.

"Don't cause too much trouble for your family when you go outside— if that is even possible!" Sun Ren said to them.

"By the way, Mother. If the Mu Family comes to ask questions, just say it's a misunderstanding and give them some excuse." Sun Jingjing said to her.

"H-Huh? What do you mean by that?" Sun Ren raised her eyebrows.

"You will understand when the time comes," she replied.

Before they left the Sun Family, Su Yang retrieved a black mask that covered the upper half of his face and wore it, giving his aura a mysterious yet noble feeling.

"How do I look?" He asked Sun Jingjing.

"Even with a mask covering half of your face, it does not decrease your charm one bit. If I'm being honest, you look even cooler now with that mysterious aura around you." Sun Jingjing looked at him with hearts in her eyes, clearly charmed by his new appearance.

"But nobody should recognize you as Su Yang from the Profound Blossom Sect now — just some unknown Young Master."

"Good. Then let's have some fun."

Once they left the Sun Family and began wandering around the city with their hands connected, their presence immediately caught the attention of everyone in their sight.

"H-Hey! Look at those two! Isn't that Sun Jingjing from the Sun Family?!"

"You are right! And she looks absolutely dazzling in those clothes!"

"But who's that man beside her? That can't be Mu Shun from the Mu Family, right?"

"Are you seriously asking that? Even a blind man can tell that he's not Mu Shun! His frame is tall and domineering, yet there's this gentle feeling from him! Even if there's a mask covering half of his face, I can bet my entire house that he's actually very handsome behind the mask! He's literally the complete opposite of that Mu Shun!"

"Judging from his appearance and noble aura, I bet he's a rich Young Master from some very powerful family."

"But what's Sun Jingjing doing with some mysterious man in public, even acting so intimate with each other no less? Isn't she already engaged to Mu Shun?"

"I don't know, but the way she's handling herself right now, acting all happy and blissful, if the Mu Family didn't announce her engagement with Mu Shun, I would've believed that these two are already married with each other."

"Then what the hell is going on? I doubt the Sun Family is stupid enough to allow their own daughter to act so intimately with another man while being engaged to the Mu Family! That would be a scandal that could spell disaster for their entire family!"

"This is clearly a scandal! Once the Mu Family hears of this, who knows how they will react!"

As Sun Jingjing and Su Yang casually strolled the city without a single care in the world, the news of their scandals spread throughout the entire city, reaching the Mu Family within an hour.

"What the fuck is the meaning of this?! Why is my fiance — my woman holding hands with another man?! And in public, no less!" Mu Shun smashed the table before him in half in anger after hearing about the scandal from his servants.

"Somebody send a messenger to the Sun Family and demand for immediate answers right fucking now!" Mu Lan, his father, roared with his face fuming with rage, feeling as though his entire face had just been slapped a thousand times by this scandal.

Chapter 489 Demanding for Answers

After hearing of the scandal regarding Sun Jingjing strolling the streets intimately with another man while being engaged to Mu Shun, the Mu Family immediately sent messengers to the Sun Family demanding for answers.

When Sun Ren received Mu Family's message that was filled with anger, she casually shrugged and responded with a load of bullshit, "There has been a misunderstanding. That young man with the mask is actually a distant cousin of the Sun Family, who had injured his face during an unfortunate accident, hence the mask. He's also a very close friend of our daughter, so I don't blame anyone for mistaking their relationship as an intimate one. However, they are definitely not in that kind of relationship, so the Mu Family should calm down."

Once the Mu Family heard Sun Ren's response, their anger quickly subsided.

"Hahaha… so that man was her cousin! Fucking bastard gave me a heartache for a good minute!" Mu Shun laughed in relief after hearing the news.

"By the way, when will our wedding be held, Father?" Mu Shun asked him. "I want to seal our fate together as soon as possible."

"Even if we start preparing for the wedding today, it will take at least a week to hold the ceremony."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's start the preparations now!"

"Un. Then I shall let the Sun Family know of this."

By the time Su Yang and Sun Jingjing returned to the Sun Family, it was already dark outside.

"I can't wait to do this again tomorrow, Su Yang." Sun Jingjing spoke with a satisfied face. This is the first time she's ever had so much fun outside, it was almost like she'd turned into an ordinary young lady having fun with her lover.

"Jingjing, what the hell was that about today?" Sun Ren immediately stood before her after her return.

"What do you mean? We just walked around the city eating delicious food and shopping for useless things." Sun Jingjing responded with a puzzled face.

"That's exactly what I mean! The Mu Family thought it was a scandal and demanded for answers earlier today!" Sun Ren spoke with a frown.

"What did you tell them?"

"That it was all a misunderstanding and you were only hanging out with a distant cousin…" Sun Ren sighed.

Sun Jingjing chuckled after hearing such an excuse, "As expected of you to give such a perfect excuse, Mother."

"This is not a laughing matter, Jingjing! Furthermore, the Mu Family has notified me just an hour ago that your wedding with Mu Shun will be held in 10 days!"

"10 days? They sure move fast." Sun Jingjing raised her eyebrows in a calm manner.

"What do you think, Su Yang?" she turned to look at him for a response.

"That's more than enough time for us," he said.

"Then there's nothing to worry about, Mother." Sun Jingjing said to her.

"I don't know how you can act so carefree during such times." Her mother sighed in defeat.

"Anyway, dinner's already prepared. Let's eat before it goes cold."

Sometime later after dinner, Sun Ren asked them, "What will you be doing tomorrow?"

"We are going to play outside again," said Sun Jingjing.

"Again?" Sun Ren raised her eyebrows.

"The Mu Family might come demanding for answers again tomorrow, so I will leave them in your hands, Mother."

"What?!" Sun Ren looked at her with a baffled expression.

However, she decided not to waste her breath by asking questions, as she was confident that Sun Jingjing would not explain anything even if she got on the floor and begged.

The following morning, Su Yang and Sun Jingjing went outside to stroll around the city again. But unlike the previous day, where they only held hands, Sun Jingjing embraced Su Yang's arm close to her body, appearing even more intimate with him, almost like they were real couples.

"Look over there! It's Sun Jingjing and her cousin! And they are playing outside today again!"

"Heavens, they are looking even more intimate with each other today!"

"Even if he's her distant cousin, are you sure there's nothing between them? Because the way I'm seeing it, they are definitely in some kind of intimate relationship with each other!"

"The Mu Family definitely isn't going to like this…"

As one would have expected from Sun Jingjing and Su Yang's performance, they quickly attracted attention and made people there doubt their relationship.

It did not take long before the Mu Family learned of this, and they quickly sent another Messenger to the Sun Family demanding for answers, questioning whether or not they were really just cousins.

Of course, the Sun Family denied any intimate relationship between Sun Jingjing and her 'cousin'.

"The two of them are essentially siblings, and that is the extent of their relationship with each other!" Sun Ren responded to the allegations made by the Mu Family with sternness.

Although the Mu Family was still doubtful, they had no concrete proof that Sun Jingjing and this mysterious cousin are in any intimate relationship besides for their performance in the streets, which is very common between siblings that are very close with each other.

"I want our people watching every single movement made by those two troublemakers every second of the day starting tomorrow!" Mu Lan commanded his people to spy on Sun Jingjing and Su Yang starting the next day.

"If they do anything suspicious, you will immediately report back to me, and I will have the entire Sun Family pay for screwing with my Mu Family!" He roared.

The following day, Su Yang and Sun Jingjing returned to the streets to enjoy themselves. Of course, they were acting as intimate as ever if not even more intimate than the previous day. However, they did not do anything that crossed the line, merely strolling by the borders and teasing peoples' imaginations.

This continued for an entire week, which caused the Mu Family to pull on their hair from stress, especially Mu Shun, who was nearly going crazy from his own imaginations.

"That bitch Sun Jingjing is definitely playing with me and trying to force my hands into doing something rash, risking our engagement! However, I will not fall for your tricks! In three days, you will be mine!" Mu Shun's eyes flickered with a vicious glint.

But alas, on the day right before their wedding is supposed to happen, Sun Jingjing and Su Yang boldly shared saliva with each other in public, shocking everybody that witnessed it.

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