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80.18% Mixed HD / Chapter 348: 334-348

Chapter 348: 334-348

Chapter 334 The Day of the Auction

Three hours after Su Yang left the room with Sun Jingjing and Fang Zhelan, Su Yang finally returned to the room, where Su Yin has been awake the entire time waiting for him.

"Can't sleep?" he asked her.

"I want to sleep together," she responded with a smile.

Su Yang did not say anything else and nodded, before entering one of the beds.

Su Yin followed him, sleeping right beside him with a satisfied expression.

"By the way, where are the other two ladies? This is also their room, right?" she wondered why he returned alone.

"They are already sleeping in the other room."

"Is that so…"

A few minutes later, Su Yin's breathing calmed down. Ever since Su Yang went 'missing', this is her first time sleeping in peace.

Early in the morning, Yao Ning slowly opened her eyes to see Su Yin sleep right beside Su Yang with a blissful smile on her face.

"This girl…" she also smiled after seeing her peaceful face.

Sometime later, Su Yang woke up, followed by Su Yin.

"What are you going to do today, brother?" she asked him.

"Besides cultivation, there's nothing to do before the auction arrives," he said.

"Then what do you usually do?"

"I cultivate."

"You mean sex?" Yao Ning snickered.

"If that's how you want to call it." Su Yang smiled.

"You girls can do whatever you want until then. I am going to be busy with my cultivation."

After Su Yang left the room, Yao Ning loudly sighed, "What a heartless brother. His lovely little sister is here yet he dares to do something so shameless with other girls. We should just return to the Sect."

"It can't be helped," Su Yin shook her head. "This is their lifestyle. If we weren't here, we would also be cultivating alone until the tournament."

While Su Yin remained calm on the surface, she was jealous of these disciples inwardly, as they were able to embrace Su Yang with ease, unlike her, who would raise many eyebrows if done in public.

"However, this envy will only last until I join the Profound Blossom Sect! Once I am also a disciple of their Sect, I will be able to embrace him all I want!" Su Yin thought to herself, as this kind of thought was the only thing keeping her jealousy under control.

And for the next two days, Su Yang would cultivate with the disciples while Su Yin and Yao Ning cultivated alone in the room until it was time to sleep.

"How can you do this every day around the clock? Aren't you exhausted? Even if your mind can endure it, how does your body continuously work like that?" Yao Ning couldn't help but ask him.

Even if a man does not get sick of playing with girls every day, their body would not be able to handle the stress, especially if his Yang Qi is constantly being sucked out of his body.

"Or does the Profound Blossom Sect have techniques that give men unlimited vitality?"

"Hoh? Are you interested in my body? Want me to show you?" Su Yang asked with a seducing smile.

"Hell no!" Yao Ning coldly snorted.

"Brother, I am ready to leave." Su Yin said as she approached the door.

Su Yang nodded. "The others are already waiting downstairs. Let's go."

Sometime later, Su Yang, Su Yin, and Yao Ning walked downstairs to where a group of young disciples was gathered.

"They are also disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect?" This was Su Yin's first time seeing them since she followed them. "How come I haven't seen them before?"

"Because of something the Sect Master said to them, none of them dares to leave the room unless it's an emergency…" Su Yang shook his head.

"But yes, they are also Profound Blossom Sect disciples."

"They are clearly underaged! Don't tell me that they also…" Yao Ning covered her mouth from shock and disgust.

"Calm down. Although they are disciples, they are prohibited to cultivate until they become adults at the age of 16. If Su Yin joins the Profound Blossom Sect right now, she will be one of them until she becomes an adult."

"Oh… I apologize for that just now." Yao Ning apologized for her misunderstanding.

"Look! Senior apprentice-brother is here!"

When the Junior Disciples noticed him, they quickly became rowdy.

"Who are those two ladies?"

They asked quickly noticed Su Yin and Yao Ning, who did not belong to their sect.

"I am Su Yin, and this is Yao Ning. We are both disciples from the Heavenly Swan Sect." Su Yin said.

"Su Yin?"

The Junior Disciples looked at Su Yang, who has the same surname.

"He's my Elder Brother. We are both from the Su Family." Su Yin confirmed their suspicion.

"No way?! Senior apprentice-brother has a little sister?!"

"As expected of senior apprentice-brother's little sister! She's so pretty!"

"How envious! I also want an Elder Brother like senior apprentice-brother!"

The atmosphere became even rowdier as the Junior Disciples surrounded Su Yin, who was blushing from the disciple's flattery.

"Are we all prepared to leave for the Burning Lotus Auction House?"

Liu Lanzhi appeared a little bit later.

"Is this everybody?" she asked Su Yang.

"The other disciples are occupied with cultivation. It'll take a few days before they fully absorb my Yang Qi. And this is all of the Junior Disciples that want to go to the auction."

Liu Lanzhi nodded. "I left the sect elders behind just in case. We are only going to an auction, and the Burning Lotus Sect will also be there, so we don't have to worry about being troubled while we are there."

"Before we head out, I want to give a few reminders to you all. First of all, do not wander around and stay with the group when we are outside. We won't be able to help you if you suddenly disappear. Secondly, don't cause any trouble when we are outside, especially at the auction house. There will be many people at the auction with backgrounds comparable to the Million Snakes Sect if not even more powerful than them. And lastly, enjoy yourselves today. It's a rare occasion that you might never get to experience again. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sect Master!" The Junior Disciples all shouted.

"Very good." Liu Lanzhi nodded with a smile.

A few moments later, the Profound Blossom Sect began making their way to the Burning Lotus Auction House.

Chapter 335 Fake Invitation

"Wow! What a beautiful building!"

The Junior Disciples expressed their awe before the Burning Lotus Sect's Auction House that was covered in gold paint and other expensive decorations.

"Okay, let's stop standing around and go inside before the seats are all gone." Liu Lanzhi clapped her hands to gather their attention.

However, right as they approached the entrance, one of the workers there stopped them from entering.

"Excuse me, but which Sect are you from?" he asked them.

"Profound Blossom Sect," said Liu Lanzhi. "Is there a problem?"

"Profound Blossom Sect?" The male worker looked through the list in his hands and shook his head moment later. "I'm sorry, but I cannot find the Profound Blossom Sect on the list of guests today. This year's auction is only open to those with an invitation."

"What? We are not invited? How could that be? We even got an invitation letter!"

"The list was looked over at least ten times by multiple people, there are no mistakes with it." The worker shook his head.

"What's more, the limit each guest can bring is at most 5, while you brought at least 30 people with you, so it's impossible regardless."

"Sect Master, why are you wasting time speaking with him when you can just show him your invitation letter?" Su Yan^ looked at her weirdly.

"Oh, right." Liu Lanzhi did not immediately think of that and nodded.

She then retrieved the invitation delivered by Wang Shuren herself and showed the worker.

The worker there looked at the golden invitation with a weird expression.

"Do you think I am stupid?" The male worker shook his head and tossed the invitation aside as though it was trash.

"Did you think that I would not be able to differentiate between a real and fake invitation? Not only was that invitation missing the Burning Lotus Sect's signature, but none of the invitations that were sent out looked like that!"

"Impossible... did somebody play a prank on us?" Liu Lanzhi was dumbfounded. But she clearly remembers the Sect Elder mentioning that Wang Shuren had delivered the invitation herself! Why would she do this to them?

"Hey, what's going on here? Is there a problem?"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man approached them.

"Senior, these people here are trying to sneak into the auction. They even dared to fake an invitation." The male worker said to the approaching Senior.

"Faking an invitation? I want to see who dares to be so bold!"

The middle-aged man that seemed to be a Sect Elder for the Burning Lotus Sect looked at the Profound Blossom Sect with an unfriendly face.

"Stat your background!" he spoke with a domineering voice.

"We are—"

Just as Liu Lanzhi opened her mouth, Su Yang suddenly stepped forward and interrupted her.

"Get Wang Shuren out here. I know she's inside." He spoke in a cold voice.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! How dare you address Senior Wang in that tone!"

The middle-aged man immediately turned aggressive.

"What's going on over there?"

"To offend the Burning Lotus Sect here, which Sect are they from? A bunch of idiots..."

The other people there quickly noticed their situation. Some of them even approached them with the intent to back the Burning Lotus Sect, hoping to gain some favors later.

"I don't know which hole you crawled from but scram! This is not a place for children!"

"If you are looking for the playground, there's one ten minutes from here."

"Ignore these beggars, Senior from the Burning Lotus Sect. If they dare cause any more trouble, I will beat them up for you!"

"How dare you mock my Elder Brother! I will beat you up right now!" Su Yin suddenly stepped forward with a fuming face.

"A disciple from the Heavenly Swan Sect!"

The people there immediately recognized the pattern on her robes.

"So you won't let us inside no matter what?" Su Yang asked with a calm expression.

"That's right!" The middle-aged man confirmed.

"Hmm... that's problematic. I promised these children that I would let them experience the auction today, so I will have to fulfill it one way or another..." Su Yang spoke with narrowed eyes.

"Hoh? Are you threatening me — the Burning Lotus Sect?!" The middle-aged man suddenly burst out laughing. "Did you hear that, my friends? This little brat here just threatened me! Hahaha!"

"I have already trampled on the Burning Lotus Sect once; it won't make a difference if I do it again..." Su Yang shook his head and prepared to take out his sword.

However, another voice suddenly resounded.

"What is going on here?! Why is there such a commotion?! Do you want me to report this to Senior Wang?!"

The voice belonged to a female, quite a young one at that.

A few moments later, a pretty young girl wearing the robes of a Core Disciple for the Burning Lotus Sect appeared before them.

Su Yang's eyes flickered with a mysterious light when he saw this young lady.

"Disciple Zhang! You came at the right time! These people from the Profound Blossom Sect has been causing a commotion here! They even tried to sneak inside with a fake invitation!" The middle-aged man spoke to this Disciple Zhang with a respectful tone despite being the senior one.

"Profound Blossom Sect?"

This Disciple Zhang raised an eyebrow when she heard the name.

"Get out of my way!" she shouted at them.

A few moments later, when Disciple Zhang saw Su Yang's handsome face, her eyes widened with surprise.


She suddenly tossed her body at him and tightly embraced him, shocking the people there.

"Zhang Xiu Ying, it's been a while." Su Yang smiled.

"What are you doing here, Su Yang? If I knew you were coming, I would've greeted you myself!" Zhang Xiu Ying wanted to kiss him there and then, but there were too many people around them, making such actions difficult.

"I should be asking you that question. Why are you here? Don't tell me that you were picked to be an attendant again," he chuckled.

"Although I am here as an attendant, my position right now is only below Senior Wang," she laughed.

"Oh? Now that's a surprise. Since you have so much authority, you should be able to handle this problem with ease, right?"

Zhang Xiu Ying nodded. "Don't worry. Since I am here, this will be resolved swiftly."

Chapter 336 Young People Should Stay Together

When the Sect Elder from the Burning Lotus Sect saw Zhang Xiu Ying embrace Su Yang in front of everybody, his eyes popped out from its sockets due to shock.

But it was not just him. Everyone there was baffled by their intimate relationship, especially Su Yin, who didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although she could excuse the disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect for sleeping with him due to their Sect's practices, what excuse does this new girl have as an outsider?

"What's going on here, Elder Zou?" Zhang Xiu Ying looked at him with narrowed eyes.

After taking a moment to calm down, Elder Zou explained the situation to her.

"Not only did they come here with 30 people but they even tried to trick a worker here with a fake invitation. He then disrespected Senior Wang. After I tried to correct his behavior, he even threatened me — the Burning Lotus Sect. I have witnesses."

"This Senior is not lying. That young man over there had threatened the senior that he will get inside the auction house one way or another!"

The witnesses gave their side of the story.

"Where is this fake invitation? I want to take a look at it!" Zhang Xiu Ying demanded.

"It's over here!" The worker quickly went to pick up the invitation that he'd tossed like trash and showed it to her.

Zhang Xiu Ying took a moment to look at the invitation.

"Do you see now, Disciple Zhang? Even if he's one of your friends, we must punish him for—"

"Shut up!" Zhang Xiu Ying quickly interrupted him.

"Are you blind?! Are your eyes only meant for decoration?! If this isn't Senior Wang's handwriting, then I am willing to run around the city naked!" Zhang Xiu Ying shoved the invitation letter at Elder Zou's face.

"What? How is that possible?" Since he did not look at the invitation letter, he couldn't have known who wrote it!

"Xiu Ying, he didn't even look at the invitation letter before accusing us of bringing a fake invitation." Su Yang suddenly said, causing Elder Zou's face to pale.

"What?! How could you do something so stupid as an Elder?" Zhang Xiu Ying frowned.

"Ah, that servant over there even tossed the invitation letter written by Wang Shuren herself on the floor."

Since he already snitched on one, it would be a waste if he didn't do it to the other one.

"Oh? Which brave hero dared to throw this lady's invitation letter on the floor?"

Another familiar voice suddenly resounded, and Wang Shuren's graceful figure appeared before them out of thin air. "Senior Wang!"

Everybody there bowed to her the moment she arrived.

Wang Shuren ignored the people and took the invitation letter from Zhang Xiu Ying and glanced at it.

This is an invitation letter that I had written myself... and delivered to the Profound Blossom Sect myself. And you threw it away as though it was trash?"

Wang Shuren approached the male worker with an angry expression.

The worker she was looking at immediately fainted from shock after sensing the killing intent in her eyes.

Even Elder Zou was trembling like crazy.

"Shuren, since you are here now, there is no reason to keep standing us around. You can deal with them later." Su Yang said to her.

"You are right. I shouldn't waste my precious time on garbage like them. Please, follow me."

"I will deal with you later, Elder Zou." She said to him in a low voice before leaving him alone.

"By the way, I brought 30 people with me, if you don't mind." Su Yang pointed to the Junior Disciples behind him.

"Thirty people...? There are not enough seats in the VIP room for that many people even if I kicked everyone else out," she said with a pondering voice.

"We don't need the VIP room. Just the regular one will do."

"Well, if you say so." Wang Shuren nodded.

She then led the Profound Blossom Sect into the auction house and gave them most of the seats in the front, where they could see the auction stage the clearest. As for the people that were already sitting there, Wang Shuren kindly asked them to change seats and told them that they will be compensated later.

Of course, even though they were people with powerful backgrounds, none of them dared to argue with Wang Shuren, who even their ancestors wouldn't dare to offend.

"Who are those people? To have Senior Wang show them their seats personally, even making other guests change their seats for them, they must have come from a powerful background!"

"They even brought 30 people with them, whilst the rest of us were limited to five!"

After taking their seats, Liu Lanzhi asked Wang Shuren with a worried face, "Are you sure that this is okay? Aren't we causing you trouble by taking up other people's seat?"

"Don't worry about it. If they dare cause trouble, I will just refuse to sell them pills! Hahaha!" Wang Shuren purposefully laughed loud enough for everybody in the room to hear her words.

"Disciple Zhang, why don't you accompany them while I return to work?" Wang Shuren suddenly said to her.

"Eh? But what about my work?"

The others will handle it. You have been working very hard lately, so I'm giving you this break."

Thank you, Senior Wang!" Zhang Xiu Ying bowed to her.

After Wang Shuren left, Zhang Xiu Ying looked at the seats beside Su Yang, but alas, they were taken by Liu Lanzhi and SuYin.

"Forget it, I won't give you my seat even if you beg!" Su Yin knew what she was thinking and spoke first.

Zhang Xiu Ying smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry, I won't steal your seat."

Liu Lanzhi noticed the bitterness in Zhang Xiu Ying's smile and smiled inwardly.

"Young people should stay together. You can take my seat," she said as she stood up and sat somewhere else.

"T-Thank you!" Zhang Xiu Ying quickly bowed to her before taking the seat.

"I have missed you very much, Su Yang." Zhang Xiu Ying said to him with a reddened face.

"Since you miss me, you can find me at my hotel when you are free. We will have more private conversations like last time then." Su Yang said with a smile.

"En..." Zhang Xiu Ying sheepishly nodded.

Chapter 337 Wang Family's Young Master

After the Profound Blossom Sect found their seats, people continued to flow into the auction house.

Unlike the one in Swift Feather City, this Burning Lotus Sect Auction House had enough seats for over a thousand people. But despite having so many seats, the room still filled rather quickly.

And because the Profound Blossom Sect occupied 30 seats for themselves, 25 over the limit for each party, there will ultimately be people without a seat at the auction.

"What the hell? Why are there no seats? The Burning Lotus Sect had sent out just enough invitations to barely fill this room, yet there are no seats available? Did they miscalculate the seats, or did give out too many invitations?"

A group of young men and women suddenly entered the auction house, and the one leading them looked around the auction house with an overbearing atmosphere around him, almost like he owned the place.

"Young Master Wang, look over there. Do you recognize them? They have occupied 30 seats for themselves!" One of the people in that group noticed the Profound Blossom Sect and pointed at them.

"Which blind idiot allowed so many people that are clearly from the same group here? The limit is 5 people per group! Not even Elite Sects will be exempted from this rule!"

"Right? Even Young Master Wang, who is Senior Wang's cousin, only brought 7 people with him!"

"Not only did they occupy 30 seats, but they are also at the very front of the auction house! Those are the best seats!"

"Now that I take a closer look, aren't the majority of them children?! When did this place become a playground for children?!"

Young Master Wang, you should say something to them before Senior Wang finds out. Maybe she might even reward you with her valuable pills!"

Young Master Wang nodded with a prideful face. "Very well. Let this Young Master deal with them."

As Young Master Wang's group approached the Profound Blossom Sect, the other people there noticed their movements and easily guessed their intentions.

They began whispering to each other.

"Shouldn't we stop them? What if they offend Senior Wang?"

"You don't know the young man leading them? He's Wang Shichong, the Eldest Son of the Wang Family and one of Senior Wang's cousins."

"Even if he's her cousin, arrogant people like him who cannot grasp the situation should be left alone."

"There are so many people here with a powerful background, yet nobody dares to approach that group. If he can't even figure that out, then he's either really stupid or blinded by arrogance."

"You are right. I also want to see how this will pan out!"

The people there silently watched Wang Shichong's group approach the Profound Blossom Sect with grins on their faces and anticipation in their eyes.

"Hey! Where the hell do you think this is, your house?" Wang Shichong stood before the Profound Blossom Sect and spoke loudly.

"Each group is only allowed to bring 5 people, yet you brought 30 people, even occupying most of the front seats! Even if others cannot be bothered with you, I will not let you do as you please in my place!"

Zhang Xiu Ying immediately frowned at the situation. However, before she could even speak, Su Yang opened his mouth and spoke, "Oh? So you own this place? This is my first time hearing that."

"Watch your tone! Do you even know who you are speaking to?! He's Young Master Wang, the Eldest Son of the Wang Family and also Senior Wang's cousin!"

"The person in charge of this auction house is Senior Wang, so it's only natural that it also belongs to the Wang Family!" The people standing behind Wang Shichong said.

"There you have it." Wang Shichong smirked. "Now that you understand my standing, you people may scram from this place!"

"Hoh? So you are Shuren's cousin, too? Do you know someone called Wang Ming?" Su Yang suddenly asked with a mysterious smile on his face.

Wang Shichong felt an ominous feeling from Su Yang's expression and frowned. "You knew Wang Ming, my little brother?" he asked.

"Of course. How could I forget someone like him? We were best friends."

"Su Yang..." Zhang Xiu Ying looked at him with slightly wide eyes.

"So you were a friend of Wang Ming?" Wang Shichong nodded. "Then to save some face for him, who has passed, I will allow you — and you alone — to stay. Everyone else can scram."

"Hahaha..." Su Yang suddenly laughed.

"What's so funny?" Wang Shichong frowned.

"Do you want to know how Wang Ming, your little brother died?" Su Yang asked.

"W-What do you mean? You know something about Wang Ming's dead?!" The frown on Wang Shichong's face burrowed deeper.

"Forget it." Su Yang nonchalantly waved his hands. "I doubt you'll be interested."

"Speak! I command you to tell me everything!" Wang Shichong roared.

The smile on Su Yang's face immediately disappeared, and his gaze narrowed at Wang Shichong.

Command me...? Who the fuck do you think you are to order me around?" Su Yang suddenly stood up from his seat

and slapped his hand across Wang Shichong's unsuspected face.


Wang Shichong, who was unable to react to the slap, flew across the auction house like a ragdoll, before crashing into the wall on the other side of the room.

Meanwhile, everyone else stared at Su Yang with their eyes popping out of its sockets. None of them could have imagined that he would hit Wang Shichong without any hesitation.

"Oh my god! He actually hit Wang Shichong!"

"He can't be here alone! His parents must also be here! Once they learn of this, that young man will definitely suffer dearly for his actions!"

"Even if he has some relationship with Senior Wang, hitting her cousin will surely destroy it!"

"He's just too young and hotheaded!"

The people shook their heads at Su Yang's actions.

"S-Su Yang, what have you done?!" Liu Lanzhi cried out loud. "Even if he had offended you, did you have to hit him that hard?! How will we explain this to Wang Shuren, who has been so generous to us — more than we deserve?"

"Ah?" Su Yang managed to keep a calm face and spoke, "Don't worry. Even if I kill him, she won't blame me."

Liu Lanzhi quickly became speechless.

Chapter 338 Unexpected Guest at the Auction House

After Su Yang slapped Wang Shichong, the people following Wang Shichong laughed nervously.

"Y-You are courting death! The Wang Family's Patriarch must have witnessed your actions just now from the VIP Room! It will only be a matter of time before he arrives!"

They pointed to the strip of black glass above them on the wall that surrounded the room, where the people behind could see everything happening in the regular room.

Meanwhile, inside the VIP Room, a middle-aged man had his hands tightly gripped into a fist as his gaze narrowed on Su Yang's face.

"T-That bastard actually dared to hit my son!" he mumbled while gnashing his teeth in anger.

"Hahaha! Patriarch Wang, what are you going to do about that boy? He slapped your Wang Family's face without hesitation!"

The other VIPs in the room began enticing him to punish Su Yang.

"I don't need you to remind me!" Wang Chen, the head of the Wang Family and Wang Shichong's father coldly snorted. "But I won't do anything right now! He only managed to connect the hit because my son wasn't paying attention! Now that he has slapped Shichong's face, my son will deal with that boy himself!"

Just as he spoke those words, Wang Shichong could be seen getting up from the floor.

"You son of a bitch! How dare you hit my face?! I will fucking skin you alive even if you are Wang Ming's friend!"

Roared Wang Shichong as he retrieved a sword from his storage ring that emitted the aura of an Earth-grade Spiritual Treasure.

"You want to kill me? Have you forgotten where we are? In case you forgot, let me remind you that this is Snowfall City, where murder is prohibited! If not for it, you would not be standing right now, much less continue barking like a dog!" Su Yang said to him in a mocking tone.

"Hahaha! That kind of rule is something only people without any background would follow! Who am I?! I am Wang Shichong, Eldest Son of the great Wang Family! My cousin is Wang Shuren, an Alchemy Master highly regarded by even the Xie Family! Even if I kill someone like you, I will not be punished!" Wang Shichong laughed like a maniac.

Su Yang shook his head and mumbled, "As expected of Wang Ming's elder brother."

Meanwhile, inside the VIP room.

"Hahaha! What did I just say, Patriarch Wu? My son will handle this even without my help!" Wang Chen proudly announced.

However, the room remained dead silent. In fact, it was so unnaturally silent that Wang Chen unconsciously turned around to see why nobody responded to his words.

After he turned around, Wang Chen realized why the room was so quiet.

It was simply because they were all focused on something else.

"Hoh? Since when did the Wang Family suddenly become so powerful that they are even above the law enforced by my Xie Family?"

A middle-aged man with sharp facial features and a domineering aura spoke in a calm voice as he walked into the VIP room.

"I-Impossible... W-What is he doing here?!" Wang Chen's eyes widened with shock and terror when he realized who had spoken just now.

"We greet His Majesty!"

Everybody in the VIP room immediately took a knee and greeted Lord Xie's presence, who showed up unannounced. Following behind Lord Xie was Wang Shuren, her expression pale and filled with worry.

"What have you done, you stupid brother?!" she cried inwardly.

Y-Your Majesty! It's a misunderstanding! Please do not take to heart what my foolish son just said! I will properly educate him afterward!" Wang Chen kowtowed on the floor and begged.

However, Lord Xie walked past him and looked at the situation behind the glass wall, or more specifically, at Su Yang's figure.

"What is he doing? To be toying with someone like Wang Shichong, does he have no shame?"

Since he was aware of Su Yang's real strength, he couldn't help but see this situation as the strong bullying the weak while disguised as a weakling, making him question Su Yang's motives.

"Patriarch of the Wang Family, if you don't want your eldest son to die a pointless death, I suggest you to quickly stop his foolishness right now." Lord Xie suddenly said.

"As His Majesty commands!" Wang Chen immediately rushed outside of the room.

Your Majesty, about that worthless Wang Shichong, I beg your pardon for his unruly mouth just now." Wang Shuren bowed to him.

Although she couldn't care less about Wang Shichong's life, the entire Wang Family might be punished because of his words that could be considered treason.

You don't have to worry, Alchemy Master Wang. I am not an unreasonable man. I won't punish your family because of some child's rambling. But, it would be for the best if you educate him properly so this doesn't happen again in the future."

"The Wang Family will not disappoint His Majesty. This will not happen again." Wang Shuren said with her head still lowered.

"I will take your word for it." Lord Xie nodded, and he continued, "By the way, I know I said that I will leave after obtaining the Three Seasons Snake's Blood, but I have just decided to stay around for a little bit longer. You also don't have to announce my presence here. I don't want to affect the atmosphere down there."

His only reason for coming to this place initially was for the Three Seasons Snake's Blood, one of the poisons listed on the paper Su Yang gave him. He even came in person because he did not want to risk losing the item that was required to heal his daughter's condition. But learning that Su Yang is also in the auction house, he could no longer leave so quickly.

"As His Majesty wishes." Wang Shuren nodded.

Although the Burning Lotus Sect also delivered an invitation to the Xie Family about the auction, nobody there could have expected for Lord Xie to appear in person, as they have only sent servants to participate in the auction before.

The rest of you should also relax. I did not come here just to make you all so tense." Lord Xie said to the other people in the room.

"Yes, His Majesty!"

Chapter 339 Are You Trying to Bring Down the Entire Wang Family With You?

"Hey, watch where you swing that toy. There are children here, and you are scaring them." Su Yang pointed to the Junior Disciples that were all trembling in their seats.

"Even if Senior Wang is his aunt, there is a limit to his behavior. How can he be brazen enough to claim that he will kill someone in this city before so many people? What's more, the Wang Family is not even that influential. If not for Senior Wang, they wouldn't be invited to this auction house in the first place."

The people shook their heads after hearing Wang Shichong's words. There are plenty of experts with profound backgrounds in this place that wouldn't dare to say such arrogant words, yet some junior from a small family had the guts to claim that his Wang Family is above the law.

"If someone from the Xie Family hears of this, the Wang Family will have to answer to them later."

However, despite disagreeing with him, nobody there actually bothered to stop Wang Shichong from trying to kill Su Yang, as none of them wanted to get involved with either side.

"Die for me, you bastard!" Wang Shichong loudly roared.


Just as Wang Shichong was prepared to swing his sword, a shadowy figure rushed into the room and grabbed his arm, restricting his movements.

"F-Father!" A wide smile appeared on Wang Shichong's face once he realized who'd just arrived.

"You came at the right time, father! That bastard over there dared to hit my face and disgrace the Wang Family's reputation before so many people! I want him dead!" Wang Shichong pointed to Su Yang with his sword.

However, Wang Fuzhi, his father, suddenly raised his hand and slapped Wang Shichong in the face, shouting in a voice filled with anger afterward, "The one disgracing the Wang Family here is none other than you! How dare you claim that you are above the law! Are you trying to bring down the entire Wang Family with you?! Just you wait! Once we return home, I will educate you properly so that you won't follow the same path as Wang Ming!"

"What?!" Wang Shichong nearly choked from shock after seeing the fuming expression on his father's face. "B-But he struck me first! And he even knows something about Wang Ming's death!"

Wang Fuzhi frowned upon hearing that, and his gaze turned to look at Su Yang, who was casually standing there like he was not involved with any of this.

"We can deal with him afterward! His Majesty, Lord Xie, is currently here! We cannot do anything stupid before him!"

He spoke to Wang Shichong using Profound Qi.

"His Majesty is here?!" Wang Shichong was greatly shocked by this news. He finally realized why his father stopped him from killing Su Yang, even scolding him in public.

"I'm sorry, father. I will reflect on my behavior." Wang Shichong said with his head lowered.

"You can return to the hotel for now. I will deal with you later." Wang Fuzhi said to him.

Wang Shichong nodded and quickly left the auction house, followed by his friends.

After Wang Shichong left, Wang Fuzhi approached Su Yang and stared at him narrowed eyes.

"I will punish my son for his actions today, but I will also have you bear responsibility for causing trouble for my Wang Family. Don't think that there will be no consequences for offending the Wang Family! As for what you know about Wang Ming's death, I will have you spew everything!"

Su Yang chuckled and said, "The Wang Family? Without Wang Shuren, what status do you even have? You can't even educate your own son properly, yet you want to deal with me? That's a good joke."

Y-You insolent little bastard!" Wang Fuzhi did not expect some random junior to speak back to him, much less scold him, and his face immediately flushed red. "Although I cannot kill you, I can still cripple you right now!"

"You want to cripple me? Based on what qualifications? Your laughable cultivation base that is only at the 3rd level Earth Spirit Realm?" Su Yang said.

Wang Fuzhi's eyes widened with shock. "He can see my cultivation base?"

However, when he tried to look at Su Yang's cultivation base, he was unable to sense anything. It was almost like standing before a Mortal who has yet to cultivate. But someone who hasn't cultivated wouldn't have had the ability or strength to send Wang Shichong across the room with a single slap!

"This young man... he's a formidable one!"

It was not only Wang Fuzhi who realized this. Even the other experts in the room noticed something about Su Yang was amiss, almost like he was shrouded in mysteries.

"Since that person is watching, I will not raise my hands today. However, once you leave this city, don't even think about running away from me! I will have you reveal all of your secrets!"

Wang Fuzhi coldly snorted and left the room.

"Are you okay, Su Yang?" Liu Lanzhi approached him with a worried face. "Why did you have to go and offend the Wang Family? Not only did you slap their eldest son but you also scolded the head of the Wang Family before the presence of so many experts! How will we explain this to Wang Shuren, now?"

She was more worried about Wang Shuren than the entirety of the Wang Family. Although Liu Lanzhi was confident that she could protect Su Yang from Wang Fuzhi, if Wang Shuren also decides to go after him, she will no longer be able to protect him.

"Senior apprentice-brother, this is all because we wanted to come here and occupied so many seats..."

The Junior Disciples felt the urge to cry. In their eyes, Su Yang only acted because he wanted to preserve their seats.

"Brother, you don't have to worry about the Wang Family! I will speak to our father and force him to use some connections to drive them away!" Su Yin said to him with a reassuring face.

"Su Yang, I will also speak with Senior Wang. You are her guest, and she personally gave you these seats. Since it was Wang Shichong who started everything, I'm sure that she will understand." Zhang Xiu Ying also tried to lessen his worries.

"Hahaha..." Su Yang couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Why are you guys more worried than me? Nothing will happen to me even if you don't do anything."

Su Yang casually returned to his seat and continued, "The auction should be starting soon. Just forget about the small commotion just now and enjoy the occasion. And don't blame yourselves, little ones, as there is nothing wrong with wanting to come here."

The Junior Disciples exchanged glances with each other. Since Su Yang did not seem to be worried even the slightest, they were also influenced by his carefree attitude.

"If senior apprentice-brother is not worried, why should we?"

"Right? Even senior apprentice-brother said it himself — the Wang Family is nothing! What can they do to him, who has the power to eradicate a thousand bandits alone?"

With the Junior Disciples now free of worry, Liu Lanzhi and the others could only shake their heads and also try to not think too much about them. They can worry about the Wang Family after the auction.

Chapter 340 A Cunning Snake

After returning to the VIP Room, Wang Fuzhi was approached by Wang Shuren, who held a deep frown on her face. "S-Sister? I know that you are angry about Wang Shichong but—"

You think I give a damn about that useless son of yours?" Wang Shuren quickly interrupted.

"Because you are my brother by blood, I will warn you right now that if you offend Su Yang, even I will not be able to help you!"

S-Su Yang? Are you talking about that insolent brat down there? What can he..."


Wang Shuren swung her palm across Wang Fuzhi's face without holding back, causing a sharp sound to resound within the room.

The other people there looked at them with a slightly dumbfounded expression. None of them expected Wang Shuren to be so merciless against even her own family.

"I will not warn you again."

Wang Shuren turned around and approached Lord Xie, who was looking at her with an interested gaze.

Your Majesty, if you'll excuse me, I will leave now."

"Before you leave, I would like to ask if you know that young man down there," said Lord Xie. "You seem to know him very well."

After a moment of silence, Wang Shuren said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Do you mind telling me a little about it?"

"We have done some business in the past, and even now, we are supplying their Sect with our medicine pills," she said.

Lord Xie noticed that Wang Shuren was being vague with her responses, but he did not want to probe any further and nodded.

You may leave," he said a moment later.

Wang Shuren bowed before leaving.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the VIP room, two figures were staring at the Profound Blossom Sect with narrowed eyes.

"They are the Profound Blossom Sect?"

"That is correct, Sect Master."

"Hmph! How could such a weak-looking bunch receive protection from someone so almighty? What does that Senior even see in them that's worth protecting?"

The Sect Master of the Million Snakes Sect, Fu Kuan, coldly snorted as he gazed at the Profound Blossom Sect with killing intent in his eyes.

"Sect Master, although we couldn't act before due to that Immortal mentioned by Elder Wan, we can still deal with them before they return to that place. After all, I doubt that the Immortal would follow them all the way here," said the figure beside Fu Kuan. "What's more, their Sect Master is also here. If we get rid of her, the Profound Blossom Sect will collapse by itself."

"That's not a bad idea, but what if that Immortal decides to avenge their deaths and cause trouble for us?" Fu Kuan asked.

"We can just push the blame to someone else. Without proof, even an Immortal cannot touch us without tarnishing their reputation. And in perfect timing, that young man just offended the Wang Family. We can use them as a cover."

"Hahaha..." Fu Kuan laughed in a low voice. "You are such a cunning snake, Great Elder Ren."

"Thank you for the compliment, Sect Elder."

"I'll let you handle this, Great Elder. Don't screw it up." Fu Kuan said to him.

"Rest assured, Sect Master. They'll disappear from this world and nobody will ever have a clue..."

While the Million Snakes Sect looked forward to the Profound Blossom Sect's demise, in another corner inside the VIP room, four beautiful women were also in a conversation regarding the Profound Blossom Sect.

"So that's Su Yang, Su Yin's elder brother..."

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Swan Sect, Bai Lihua, looked at Su Yang with piqued interest.

"Su Yin wasn't exaggerating at all when she said that he's the most handsome man in the world... At least I haven't seen anyone with better looks at him."

The Elders beside Bai Lihua chuckled.

"Indeed. If the Heavenly Swan Sect wasn't a female-only Sect, I would've gladly invited him to join us," said Bai Lihua.

"Is that the Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect behind him? I must admire her talent. It's not easy to remain so young and beautiful at her age. She looks no different than someone still in their twenties."

"Are you jealous?"

You aren't?"

"Maybe we should ask her for advice after the auction when we finally bring Su Yin back to our side."

"Okay, quiet down. The auction is starting now."

At this moment, Wang Shuren appeared on the stage with hundreds of people instantly charmed by her alluring figure and beautiful face.

"I apologize for the delay, so without ado, let us begin this year's auction in Snowfall City!"

The room instantly exploded with excitement from the crowd.

"I have been waiting for this!"

"You are looking very beautiful today, Senior Wang!"

"I love you, Fairy Wang!!!"

People seemed to be more excited about seeing Wang Shuren than the auction itself.

Wang Shuren kept the bright smile on her face and signaled two other beauties to enter the stage.

The two beautiful assistants also pushed a red cart covered by a thick veil onto the stage.

"Before I announce the first item, I would like to explain a few ground rules for today's auction."

Wang Shuren raised three fingers and began counting them.

"Firstly, if you want to bid on an item, you must bid at least 100 Spirit Stones of the item's current price. If that item exceeds 100,000 Spirit Stones, then the minimum bid will be increased to 1,000 Spirit Stones! If it exceeds one million Spirit Stones, then it will be increased to 10,000 Spirit Stones!"

"Secondly, the money must be paid in full after winning the bid and given to you immediately after the payment. If you wish to pick up the item after the auction, that can also be arranged."

"And finally, you may use treasures to replace Spirit Stones, but the Burning Lotus Sect will auction it on the spot for Spirit Stones, and its value will be based on the final results. As for those bidding on that treasure, you may only use Spirit Stones."

"With that being said, I will now present the first item for today's auction — An Earth-grade Spiritual Treasure with defensive properties — the Purple Poison Bell!"

Chapter 341 Purple Poison Bell

After announcing the name of the first item for auction, Wang Shuren removed the veil that covered the red cart, revealing to the guests a small purple-colored bell.

"This Purple Poison Bell will be an excellent life-saving treasure for your loved ones. Once activated, it will create a shield around your body that will not only negate damage but inflict poison to those who strike it. Furthermore, unless they are at least within the Heavenly Spirit Realm, they shouldn't even think about breaking its defense."

"I will now demonstrate it."

Wang Shuren carefully picked up the purple bell and gently rang it.

The next second, a purple-colored barrier circled around Wang Shuren's body with dangerous-looking spikes covering the entire barrier.

"What a good treasure!"

"I must have this Spiritual Treasure! Having this item is akin to having a second life!"

"I will definitely get this treasure for my daughter even if I have to spend a fortune on it!"

The guests in the room immediately became rowdy, as many of them desired for this defensive item that could block any attack below the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"This Purple Poison Bell, our Million Snakes Sect must obtain it!" Fu Kuan exclaimed with excitement.

After putting the Purple Poison Bell back onto the cart, Wang Shuren raised all ten of her fingers and spoke, "The starting bid for the Purple Poison Bell will be 10,000 Spirit Stones!"

"10,000 Spirit Stones?!"

The Junior Disciples were shocked by the astronomical price. This is their first time being so close to something worth so much money.

"The Jiang Family bids 11,000 Spirit Stones!"

"The Wu Family bids 11,500 Spirit Stones!"

"The Lightning Rod Sect bids 13,000 Spirit Stones!"

The guests bid fiercely, and within seconds, the highest bid became 20,000 Spirit Stones.

"The Million Snakes Sect bids 30,000 Spirit Stones!"

Fu Kuan used his Profound Qi to transfer his voice from the VIP Room to the bidding room.

"The Million Snakes Sect is also here!" Liu Lanzhi frowned. She should've known that they would also be here.

"Oh my god... it's the Million Snakes Sect! They must have already recognized us!"

The Junior Disciples began trembling in fear.

"Brother, if I recall correctly, the Million Snakes Sect had chased most of the Profound Blossom Sect's disciple away. Are you worried about them?" Su Yin asked him.

"In my eyes, the Million Snakes Sect is no different than the Wang Family." Su Yang smiled.

He then raised his hands and spoke loudly, "40,000 Spirit Stones!"


Liu Lanzhi and the Junior Disciples snapped their heads to look at Su Yang with shocked expressions on their faces. Since when did he become so rich?!

"It's that young man again... He even dared to bid against the Million Snakes Sect."

Meanwhile, inside the VIP Room, Fu Kuan stared at Su Yang with a slightly red face and tightly grasped fists.

"So you want to fight with my Million Snakes Sect to the end, huh?! Good! This Senior will play with you! Let's see how much resources a Sect that's on the brink of destruction could afford to waste!"

"50,000 Spirit Stones!" Fu Kuan's voice resounded again within the bidding room.

"60,000 Spirit Stones." Su Yang's voice immediately followed the second Fu Kuan's voice ended.

"T-This bastard!" Fu Kuan's body trembled in anger.

A normal Earth-grade Spiritual Weapon would usually go for around 25,000 Spirit Stones, but since it's a defensive treasure, it's price will fluctuate depending on the effects. In this case, a defensive treasure that can defend against any attacks below the Heavenly Spirit Realm, paying 40,000 Spirit Stones for it would not be outrageous.

However, paying over 60,000 Spirit Stones is another story. It's simply too wasteful even for a place like the Million Snakes Sect.

"60,000 Spirit Stones going once..."

"Going twice..."

"And it's sold to this young man from the Profound Blossom Sect!"

"Senior apprentice-brother, you are so rich..." The Junior Disciples stared at him with wide mouths.

After the first bid ended, Wang Shuren personally handed Su Yang the Purple Poison Bell.

"Here's the 60,000 Spirit Stones." Su Yang nonchalantly handed her a storage pouch.

Wang Shuren took a second to confirm the amount and transferred the 60,000 Spirit Stones to her own storage pouch, before returning to Su Yang his empty pouch.

After accepting Purple Poison Bell, Su Yang turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and spoke, "Sect Master, keep this for the Sect. You can give it to a disciple in the future or use it for yourself."

He then tossed the Purple Poison Bell into her hands without any hesitation, treating it as though it was an ordinary bell.

Liu Lanzhi caught the purple bell with trembling hands and stared at him with a dazed face afterward. "Are... Are you sure? But you used your own money..."

"If you don't want it, I can give it to someone else." Su Yang quickly responded.

"N-Nonsense! Who said that I don't want it?" Afraid that he might suddenly change his mind, Liu Lanzhi swiftly tossed the Purple Poison Bell into her storage ring.

"Thank you, Su Yang..." she thanked him afterward. "I will reward you for your contribution later..."

Su Yang did not say anything and merely smiled.

Meanwhile, nearly every pair of eyes in the room looked at Liu Lanzhi with envious gazes.

"To have such a generous disciple, she must be laughing even in her sleep..."

"Haaa…Why don't I have rich disciples like him? Even if I do, none of them would even be one-tenth as generous as him."

You guys should learn from him — not that I am expecting any of you to spend tens of thousands of Spirit Stones..."

After Wang Shuren returned to the stage, she immediately announced the second item for the auction.

"The second item today will be another Spiritual Treasure. However, instead of defense, it dominates with sheer strength! Allow me to introduce this Earth-grade Spiritual Treasure — the Fiery Fairy Sword!"

"It's another Earth-grade Spiritual Treasure!"

"This year's auction is already much better than any of the previous ones! And we are only at the second item!"

The crowd cheered loudly.

Chapter 342 Openly Challenging the Million Snakes Sec


Wang Shuren held a long sword with a red blade in her hands, showing the crowd the elegance of the Fiery Fairy Sword.

"This beauty in my hands is not only sharp but it also contains a skill that is comparable to a strike from someone at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm inside! Although I would love to demonstrate the skill, it'll blow away this auction house, so I'll refrain from it."

"Good lord! It's a Spiritual Treasure with a technique inside!"

The guests were shocked.

Spiritual Treasures with skills are incredibly rare and sought after by almost every cultivator, as it allows them to use strengths that go beyond their normal capability and defeat enemies that are above their current realm.

For example, if a cultivator at the True Spirit Realm were to wield the Fiery Fairy Sword, that person would have a good chance of beating someone in the Earth Spirit Realm because of the power stored inside the treasure.

In terms of value, the Fiery Fairy Sword would definitely be more valuable than the Purple Poison Bell in some people's eyes.

"The starting bid for the Fiery Fairy Sword will be 15,000 Spirit Stones!" Wang Shuren said.

"The Kang Family bids 17,000 Spirit Stones!"

"The Heavenly Swan Sect bids 30,000 Spirit Stones!"

The auction house turned quiet for a moment after the Heavenly Swan Sect instantly doubled its price.

"31... 31,000 Spirit Stones!"

"The Ye Family bids 32,000 Spirit Stones!"

"The Million Snakes Sect bids 40,000 Spirit Stones!"

"50,000 Spirit Stones!"

Although he remained silent at first, the moment the Million Snakes Sect made their bid, Su Yang raised his hand and instantly outbid them.

By now, it was clear to the guests that he is purposefully outbidding against the Million Snakes Sect and slapping their faces in public.

"Why would he purposefully try and offend the Million Snakes Sect?"

"Ah, if I recall correctly, the Million Snakes Sect had chased away many disciples from their place, bringing them to the brink of destruction. However, that only makes his efforts to slap their face even more foolish. What are they going to do if the Million Snakes Sect decides to raid their place?"

"So they have that kind of relationship, huh... But how does such a weak Sect have so many resources? That young man alone has bid over 100,000 Spirit Stones now! And we are only at the second item!"

"Perhaps all that money was supposed to be given to the disciples that left, who knows."

Meanwhile, inside the VIP Room, Fu Kuan was gnashing his teeth in anger.

"A mere disciple from that weak place dares to challenge my Million Snakes Sect?! If not for that Immortal, I could easily destroy that place with just my fingers!"

"55,000 Spirit Stones!" Fu Kuan continued to bid.

"60,000 Spirit Stones." Su Yang casually outbid him again.

"Great Elder, I want him to die a slow and painful death!" Fu Kuan growled in a vengeful voice.

A moment later, Fu Kuan laughed inwardly, "Go ahead and buy everything from the auction for me, you little bastard! Once we take care of you, I'll just take it from your dead bodies!"

Thinking this, Fu Kuan no longer bidded for the item.

In another corner inside the VIP Room, Lord Xie glanced at Fu Kuan with the comer of his eyes. After investigating Su Yang, he became aware of their feud.

"Should I stop them, or should I let him handle it?" he silently pondered.

"The Fiery Fairy Sword will be sold for 60,000 Spirit Stones!"

Once again, Wang Shuren delivered the item to Su Yang after he paid the Spirit Stones.

"Sect Master, this sword is a little bit too elegant for me. You can take it." Su Yang casually handed her the Fiery Fairy Sword.

Liu Lanzhi's jaw dropped to the floor upon hearing his words. "W-What are you trying to do, Su Yang?"

She immediately became suspicious of his actions.

"Contributing to the Sect," he calmly responded.

"Do you really think that I will believe that?"

Su Yang shook his head and turned to look at Su Yin, who was glaring at him with a dazed face.

"Here, you can have it."

Since she was sitting right beside him, Su Yang handed the Fiery Fairy Sword to her, or more precisely, he pushed it into her grasp.

"T-Thank you, Elder Brother! I will treasure this forever!" Su Yin felt the urge to cry as the natural heat from the Fiery Fairy Sword filled her body with warmth.

"What the fuck? How rich is this bastard? Which family is he from?"

"That young lady beside him is the Su Family's princess, Su Yin, and she just called him Elder Brother, so maybe he's from the Su Family?"

"Even the Su Family cannot afford to spend money like this!"

The people there became increasingly interested in Su Yang's background. If they can befriend someone as rich and generous as him...

"I would love to befriend him, even give my daughter to him, but alas, he has offended the Million Snakes Sect. It's not worth dragging my family into their problem."

"You have a point. It's truly a pity..."

Once Wang Shuren returned to the stage, she immediately introduced the next item.

"If there are any Alchemy Masters in this place, the next item is a must-have." Wang Shuren revealed to the guests a black cauldron that was half her height and as wide as two adults.

When the Alchemy Masters saw the black cauldron, their eyes immediately lit up with excitement.

"That's the Shapeless Cauldron!"

Some of the people in the room recognized the black cauldron.

"That's right. This is indeed the Shapeless Cauldron. If you concoct pills using this profound cauldron, the quality of the pill will automatically increase by 10%! What's more, you can change its size at will and carry it with you wherever you go!"

After saying those words, Wang Shuren used her Profound Qi to shrink the Shapeless Cauldron until it was the size of a teacup, before reverting it back to its normal size.

"I must get this Shapeless Cauldron even if I have to spend a fortune!"

"Such a treasure will only be wasted in your hands, old man! Let this revered master take it off your hands!"

The Alchemy Masters there glared at each other with fierce eyes.

Chapter 343 Generous Boyfriend

"The starting bid for this Shapeless Cauldron will be 7,000 Spirit Stones!" Wang Shuren announced before the Alchemy Masters in the room battled for it.

The Huo Family bids 10,000 Spirit Stones!"

This Old Man Lai bids 15,000 Spirit Stones!"

The price increased at a much faster rate than the Spiritual Treasures. Although Spiritual Cauldrons are not as valuable as Spiritual Treasures in general, most Alchemy Masters would rather have a good cauldron than a good Spiritual Treasure and would not hesitate to spend money for a good Spiritual Cauldon, as most successful Alchemy Masters are sitting on a huge amount of wealth from selling pills or services.

In mere minutes, the price for the Shapeless Cauldron has increased to 40,000 Spirit Stones.

"The Huo Family has bid 40,000 Spirit Stones! Are there any more bidders?" Wang Shuren asked.

"Going once! Going twice!"

"50,000 Spirit Stones." Su Yang suddenly raised his hands, dumbfounding everybody there.

Because the majority of the people that have been bidding were Alchemy Masters, none of them expected Su Yang to also join the bidding.

"Why is he bidding? Even the Million Snakes Sect did not bid this time..."

The people there were puzzled.

"Young man, are you trying to buy out the entire auction today? This Shapeless Cauldron has no use for you. Even if you are an Alchemy Master, who knows if you can even use the Spiritual Cauldron properly," said one of the Alchemy Masters there.

After the first one spoke out, another one gave his own thoughts.

"Spiritual Cauldrons are not normal cauldrons and cannot be used by ordinary Alchemy Masters. You are still young, so just let the Seniors here take it off your hands."

"You have heard the Seniors, young man. Just take our advice and sit this one out. The Huo Family bids 51,000 Spirit Stones!"

However, Su Yang raised his hand and raised the price by another 9,000 Spirit Stones, acting as though he did not even hear the other people.


The people from the Huo Family gritted their teeth after Su Yang's rebellion.

You have already offended the Wang Family and the Million Snakes Sect! Are you sure that you want to offend more people?!" The Huo Family spoke loudly.

In response to the Huo Family's threat, Su Yang merely shook his head, "This is an auction house, not your house. If I want something, why can't I buy it? Threatening me with childish tactics, and you dare call yourself a Senior?"

Wang Shuren couldn't help but chuckle after hearing his words.

"This young man is correct. This is the auction house, where one can obtain anything as long as they have the money. I shouldn't have to say this but please refrain from pressuring others with your background or threatening others while we are here."

The place turned quiet after Wang Shuren spoke up for the first time.

"Are there any more bidders? The current bid is 60,000 Spirit Stones."

"80,000 Spirit Stones!"

Someone quickly shouted, dumbfounding the people there.

Who was rich enough to offer 80,000 Spirit Stones for a Spiritual Cauldron? Even rich Alchemy Masters would not be so wasteful. After all, there are better Spiritual Cauldrons out there that could be bought at a similar price.

"That's the Chen Family! They are the number one Alchemist family within the Southern Region!"

The people quickly recognized their background.

"What's the matter, the arrogant brat sitting at the front? Why aren't you bidding anymore? Weren't you so haughty just now with your wealth?" A young lady from the Chen Family stood up and pointed at Su Yang while speaking provocative words.

Su Yang smiled at her efforts and responded, "It's only 80,000 Spirit Stones."

He then raised his hand, and with a calm expression, continued to speak, "I bid 100,000 Spirit Stones."

"100,000 Spirit Stones!"

The people there were baffled. Where did he obtain such wealth?

"What the fuck! How is this kid so filthy rich?!"

"He must have robbed an entire Sect or something..."

"Su Yang... you...'

Liu Lanzhi and the Junior Disciples stared at him with wide eyes, as none of them would have imagined that he was so wealthy.

The young lady from the Chen Family trembled while gnashing her teeth.

"Then I bid 110-"

"What are you doing?! Even we cannot afford to spend so much on a mere Spiritual Cauldron!"

One of the Seniors from the Chen Family grabbed her and made her return to her seat.

"But he's too arrogant! If I don't put him in his place, who else is going to do it?!"

"He clearly has the ability to be so arrogant! Just sit down and shut up! Did you forget what we came here for today? If you use all of our money before that and fail to secure it, how are you going to face your father afterward?!"

A moment later, the young lady from the Chen Family reluctantly nodded.

"Let that young man bid all he wants on these early items and waste his money. The real battle has not yet even begun. Everyone else is patiently waiting for the more valuable items to show up before going all out!"

Because more valuable items are never shown too early and always revealed towards the end of the auction, it is common sense to not waste too much money before reaching that point. What's more, the most valuable treasures are more often than not kept as a secret until it was time for the reveal, so there may be items for auction that were not listed for the casual guests.

"100,000 Spirit Stones going once... going twice... and sold!"

After Su Yang retrieved the Shapeless Cauldron, everybody in the room quietly watched his actions. They were all wondering if he was also going to give it away.

And as most of them had expected, Su Yang immediately turned to look at Zhang Xiu Ying with a mysterious smile after accepting the Shapeless Cauldron.

"S-Su Yang... you can't..." Zhang Xiu Ying covered her mouth, not daring to believe her imaginations.

"You are studying Alchemy under Wang Shuren, right? I can smell the aroma of medicine off your body. This Shapeless Cauldron will be of great use to you. Don't say anything and just take it." Su Yang held the black cauldron before her.


Zhang Xiu Ying was speechless — even crying — as she accepted the Shapeless Cauldron with trembling hands.

"Th...Thank you…"

Zhang Xiu Ying felt that there wasn't any need for her to say more than those two words.

Meanwhile, the Alchemy Masters were all staring at Zhang Xiu Ying and the Shapeless Cauldron in her hands with envious gazes.

"He actually offended the Chen Family and many Alchemy Masters, even spent 100,000 Spirit Stones just to please that Young Lady! What a man! I cannot hate him for that even if I tried!"

"Is that young lady his lover? She's a Core Disciple from the Burning Lotus Sect, right? What a lucky girl..."

However, it was not just the Alchemy Masters that were envious towards Zhang Xiu Ying. Many girls in the room were also jealous of her. Not only does she have such a generous boyfriend but he's also incredibly handsome and wealthy! If they also had such a man as their husband, even as a mere boyfriend, what else would they need in life?

Chapter 344 Token of Authority

After winning the bid for the Shapeless Cauldron, Su Yang continued to bid on every item that came afterward, shocking the entire auction house with his seemingly infinite wealth. Even Wang Shuren couldn't help but stare at him with a dazed face.

More than twenty items and one million Spirit Stones later.

"...Elder Brother... did you perhaps obtain the Spirit Stones from the Divine Doors?" Su Yin suddenly recalled that place and asked him. She couldn't imagine where he could've obtained such wealth besides the Divine Doors, the tomb of an Immortal.

Su Yang merely chuckled, "Maybe."

After auctioning the 25th item, Wang Shuren announced, "We will take a ten-minute break before we resume the auction."

Once Wang Shuren left the stage, everybody in the room began whispering to each other while their eyes were all staring at Su Yang.

"Where the fuck did this rich bastard come from? He's bought literally all of the items auctioned today!"

"Good lord, his family must have Spirit Stones growing like rice in the backyard or something!"

"Even looting a dozen Sects wouldn't grant you this much wealth!"

"He's spent over 1 million Spirit Stones by now, I don't believe that his wallet is not empty!"

Meanwhile, after he placed all of the items he won into a storage ring, Su Yang turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and said, "Sect Master, here you go."

Without waiting for her to answer, Su Yang casually tossed the storage ring with items worth one million Spirit Stones at her.

Liu Lanzhi caught the storage ring with trembling hands and stared at him with wide eyes.

Even the other people in the room stopped whispering to look at them with baffled expressions on their faces.

"W-What is the meaning of this, Su Yang?" Liu Lanzhi frowned. "Are you trying to buy the entire Sect with this?"

Su Yang chuckled at her imagination and spoke, "Sect Master, have you already forgotten that I'd promised to take care of the Profound Blossom Sect? Those treasures are for the future disciples like the ones sitting over there."

Su Yang pointed to the Junior Disciples with a smile.

"Senior apprentice-brother..." The Junior Disciples were speechless.

"Even if that is your intent, isn't this a little bit too much?" Liu Lanzhi showed a bitter smile. How will the Profound Blossom Sect ever repay this kind of contribution? Even making him the Sect Master would not be enough.

"Too much? It's only a million Spirit Stones. If you cannot accept such a small gift, how am I going to give you even more expensive items later on?"

"Y-You plan on giving me even more?" Liu Lanzhi's jaw loosened from shock.

"It's not just for you, Sect Master. It's for the Profound Blossom Sect!"

After a moment of silence, Liu Lanzhi whispered to him. "I understand. However, isn't it a bit inappropriate to hand me so many expensive items before so many witnesses? What if they cause trouble for us later? You should've given it to me after we returned to the hotel!"

Su Yang glanced at the people that were staring at him with malicious gazes, and spoke loudly, "What's there to be worried about? Even if they dare to try and rob us, they will not have the ability to do so!"

Liu Lanzhi looked at him with a shocked face and turned to look around the room. No doubt, there were many people staring at them with hateful gazes.

"Why did you say that out loud?! It's almost like you are trying to provoke them!" Liu Lanzhi felt the urge to cry.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Sect Master, if you continue acting so humble and cowardly, the world will look down on us when we stand at the top."

"W-What do you mean by that? And how dare you call me a coward!" she looked at him with a baffled expression.

"Do you really believe that my only goal is to restore the Profound Blossom Sect to its original state? Unless we surpass our old selves and stand above every other Sect in this continent, I will not be satisfied! Once I, Su Yang, has decided to achieve something, it will never be anything ordinary!" he said with a domineering tone.

"What a joke! If you think you can stand at the top with just a few mediocre treasures, then every faction in this room would be an Elite Sect!"

"You are but a mere frog that is still living in a well. How dare you act so arrogant before so many people with power above you?"

The people in the room immediately began mocking Su Yang for his ambitions.

"Although I admire your boldness, you are still too young and naive to have such lofty ambitions."

The Profound Blossom Sect is on the verge of destruction at this moment. Any single one of us has the ability to trample on your place and ruin your ambitions with ease, yet you dare act so arrogant before us. Are you looking to die?"

After listening to the countless threats being thrown at their Profound Blossom Sect right before their faces, Liu Lanzhi and the Junior Disciples' faces paled.

"S-Su Yang! Are you trying to restore the Sect or destroy it?! Hurry up and apologize to everyone here!" Liu Lanzhi turned angry.

Su Yang shook his head and sighed, "This is what I mean by being a coward, Sect Master. How can you lower your head after hearing a few dogs bark?"

He then turned to look at the people who threatened the Profound Blossom Sect and continued, "Whether you like it or not, the Profound Blossom Sect will continue to grow, and you will watch from the sidelines! If you believe that you have the capability to stop us, I welcome you to try!"

Su Yang confronted the entire room with the aura of an overlord. This is his real purpose for coming to the auction house, where powerhouses from around the world are gathered. If the Profound Blossom Sect suddenly becomes powerful, which they are destined to become, without anyone being aware, the others will only look down on them and trample on them as though they are weaklings that don't deserve to be at the top.

Now that he has made their presence known and offended so many people, these powerhouses will look at them even if they are not worth looking at right now and watch them grow! If they interfere with their growth, then Su Yang will simply eradicate them!

Su Yang looked at Liu Lanzhi and spoke with a serious face. "Sect Master, I will turn the Profound Blossom Sect into a place that will make even the Elite Sects look like ordinary households! Do you trust me?"

Liu Lanzhi remained silent for a good moment as she stared at him with a bewildered expression.

"Why does his aura feel so familiar? Where have I..."

Liu Lanzhi's body trembled slightly when she came to a realization.

"This feeling... it's just like Senior's..."

After a moment of silence, Liu Lanzhi sighed. "If not for you, who knows how the Profound Blossom Sect will look right now. If not for you, the Junior Disciples would not be here right now. As for your contribution to the Sect and disciples over the past year, I won't even mention it, as it will probably take up an entire day."

Liu Lanzhi then retrieved her storage ring. A few seconds later, she retrieved a token made of beautiful jade from the storage ring and showed it to Su Yang like she wanted him to take it.

"I have been thinking about giving you this token ever since most of our disciples left. I know that right now is not an appropriate time, but this is my answer to whether I trust you or not."

Su Yang looked at the token sitting on Liu Lanzhi's palm with a mysterious feeling in his gaze.

Engraved on the token were a few words, which read, 'Profound Blossom Sect' and 'Authority'.

The Junior Disciples gasped with their mouths covered when they saw the jade token.

"That's the Token of Authority! Only the two individuals in our entire Sect are allowed to carry it! And they are the Sect Masters!"

"Senior apprentice-brother is going to be our second Sect Master?"

Indeed, Liu Lanzhi wanted Su Yang to become the Profound Blossom Sect's second Sect Master by handing him the Token of Authority at this moment. Ever since Li Qiang, their other Sect Master, had died, the Profound Blossom Sect has been operating with only one Sect Master when there are supposed to be two!

However, Su Yang did not immediately accept the token.

"I cannot stay at the Profound Blossom Sect forever, you know? Who knows when I have to leave."

"Knowing your background, I never expected to keep you with us forever, anyway. But until the day you have to leave, can you hold onto this token?" Liu Lanzhi responded.

Su Yang smiled and continued, "I will also continue causing trouble for the Sect."

"It won't be anything new." Liu Lanzhi chuckled.

"You won't be able to sleep a full night anymore if I do," he said with a perverted grin.

Liu Lanzhi nodded with a slightly reddened face.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang started moving his arms and picked up the token on Liu Lanzhi's palm.

"Alright, I will hold onto this for you for now."

"We'll hold a formal ceremony for you when we return," she smiled.

Liu Lanzhi suddenly turned to look at the Junior Disciples and spoke loudly, "Greet your new Sect Master!"

All of the Junior Disciples immediately bowed and greeted in unison. "We greet our new Sect Master!"

Meanwhile, the people that have been watching them were all dumbfounded by the bizarre situation. This is their first time witnessing someone being promoted to a Sect Master in an auction house — and in such an informal manner, too.

Chapter 345 Considering Engagemen


"Has she gone mad? How could she give such an exalted position to someone so young and arrogant, not to mention his crazy spending habits? He'll definitely be the final nail for their coffin."

"Even though the Profound Blossom Sect is a minor Sect, he is one of if not the youngest individual to ever become a Sect Master..."

The people there were mostly baffled by Liu Lanzhi's decision to make someone as young and arrogant as Su Yang to become a Sect Master, as they believe that he will only bring their Sect closer to destruction and at a faster rate.

In fact, most of them were already guessing how quickly he would ruin them.

"As expected of my Elder Brother... to become a Sect Master already..." Su Yin chuckled.

"Umm... how should I address you now that you've become a Sect Master?" Zhang Xiu Ying asked with an awkward expression.

"Just use whatever you feel more comfortable," said Su Yang. "That goes for the little ones, too. If it makes you feel more comfortable, just call me senior apprentice-brother like always."

Meanwhile, inside the VIP Room, Lord Xie was deep in his pondering.

"Does he really plan on making the Profound Blossom Sect one of the most powerful backgrounds in the Eastern Continent? That will, without a doubt, throw the power balance in this world all over the place!"

Lord Xie did not doubt that Su Yang wouldn't be able to achieve his seemingly impossible ambition. In fact, he believed that even if Su Yang doesn't actively do anything, as long as he remains in that place, the Profound Blossom Sect is destined to become the carp that leaps over dragon's gate.

"Where did he achieve such strength in such a short amount of time? According to the reports, he just reached 17 years old! What will become of this world ten years from now? Does he have a true Immortal as his Master?"

Lord Xie couldn't even imagine Su Yang's future one year from now when he's already at the Heavenly Spirit Realm at such a young age, much less ten years later.

"The disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect have also undergone heaven-defying changes this year! To think that they'd have two disciples that have reached the Earth Spirit Realm! Is everything about Su Yang related to the mysterious Immortal that is currently protecting the Profound Blossom Sect from the Million Snakes Sect? Maybe I should visit him after the Regional Tournament."

Lord Xie was beginning to believe that giving his daughter's hand to Su Yang, who has an unparalleled talent and a truly limitless future, might not seem like a bad idea, after all.

"If he can really heal my daughter's condition and stay alive even after offending so many people, I'll consider engaging the two seriously then..." Lord Xie silently nodded to himself.

A few minutes later, Wang Shuren returned to the stage with her two beautiful assistants.

"Thank you all for the wait. We will now begin the second and last part of the auction," she said loudly, and continued,

"If you were surprised by the treasures auctioned in the first half, then you should prepare yourselves for what we have in store for you in just a few moments!"

"Before we start, I have an announcement to make. The Three Seasons Snake's Blood that was supposed to be auctioned in the second half will no longer be available, as His Majesty had personally requested for it. I apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused."

Some people shook their heads in regret after hearing the news, as they were looking forward to buying the Three Seasons Snake's Blood that can be refined into a powerful pill. However, since His Majesty, Lord Xie, also had his eyes on it, it would be pointless to auction it since nobody would even dare to challenge him for it.

"Since it's His Majesty, there's no reason for Fairy Wang to apologize!"

"Don't worry, Senior Wang. We are not unreasonable people. You are not to be blamed."

The guests were understanding of the situation and did not make it difficult for her.

Wang Shuren nodded and continued, "Then without further ado, allow me to announce the next treasure!"

The two assistants removed the cover on the cart and revealed a wooden box that was slightly larger than an adult's hand.

"Inside this wooden box is the Hellfire Seed that is overflowing with Yang Qi! Legend has it that if swallowed, even someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm could breakthrough three levels with ease! However, because the Yang Qi is too violent and uncontrollable, even those at the Heavenly Spirit Realm cannot consume it without exploding to death! Instead of consumption, Hellfire Seeds are most commonly used to increase the Profound Qi in an enclosed room. If placed inside a room, the Profound Qi within the room will become at least twice as plentiful and dense, greatly increasing your cultivation rate while inside that room!"

"It's finally the Hellfire Seed's turn to be auctioned!"

"I have been waiting for this!"

Pretty much everybody in the room became excited for the Hellfire Seeds, as it can turn even an ordinary room into a divine area filled with rich Qi for cultivators!

In other words, the Hellfire Seed will greatly increase the overall strength of one's Family or Sect, hence why everybody there has their eyes on it.

"The starting price for the Hellfire Seed will be 100,000 Spirit Stones!"

Immediately after Wang Shuren announced the price, dozens of hands went into the air, and the price for the Hellfire Seed skyrocketed within moments.

"The Wu Family bids 150,000 Spirit Stones!"

The Huo Family bids 180,000 Spirit Stones!"

"The Heavenly Swan Sect bids 250,000 Spirit Stones!"

"The Wang Family bids 255,000 Spirit Stones!"

"The Dragon Fists Sect bids 270,000 Spirit Stones!"

"...300,000 Spirit Stones!"

"...375,000 Spirit Stones!"

"...390,000 Spirit Stones!"

"The Divine Sword Sect bids 500,000 Spirit Stones!"

The Divine Sword Sect, one of if not the strongest Elite Sect, suddenly joined the battle for the first time today, surprising many people there.

Chapter 346 Ring of Thunder

"The Divine Sword Sect is finally joining the auction. It'll be hard to win against them."

The people there shook their heads in regret. If only they were as wealthy as the Divine Sword Sect. "550,000 Spirit Stones." Su Yang casually raised his hands, dumbfounding everyone there.

"He's trying to offend the Divine Sword Sect, too?"

"More importantly, how does he still have money to bid? Where are his resources coming from?" The guests sighed at his unfathomable wealth.

"600,000 Spirit Stones."

The Divine Sword Sect continued to bid.

"650,000." Su Yang raised his hands again.

"700,000 Spirit Stones."

By now, they were the only ones bidding for the Hellfire Seeds.

The Divine Sword Sect did not immediately bid and remained silent for a moment.

"Youngster, why don't you save some face for this old man? This Hellfire Seeds is an important resource for our disciples. 710,000 Spirit Stones."

The voice of an old man suddenly resounded in Su Yang's ears, and it carried the Cultivation from someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"What a coincidence, the Hellfire Seed is also an important resource for me," said Su Yang without glancing at the VIP Room. "720,000 Spirit Stones."

"So you refuse to give me face despite asking respectfully, huh? Very well. You may have this Hellfire Seed. I hope it was worth it."

"It's really over for him! He's offended even the Divine Sword Sect!"

The people watching silently prayed for Su Yang. It'd be a miracle if he manages to survive even a single day after leaving this city.

Su Yang handed Wang Shuren the Spirit Stones and accepted the Hellfire Seed.

He looked at it with a slight smile on his face.

"This Hellfire Seed is much better in quality than I'd expected. It'll definitely boost my Cultivation by at least three levels once I consume it. However, I need to find more partners before I consume it. Just the disciples at the Profound Blossom Sect will not be enough to deal with me after I consume it."

Once he consumes the Hellfire Seeds, he will be in a situation where he'll need to release the Yang Qi in his body just like when he needed Lan Liqing's help for the Pure Yang Flower. However, the Hellfire Seed is at least one hundred times stronger than the Pure Yang Flower. Even if he has every female disciple in the Profound Blossom Sect to help him, they will surely be exhausted before his body.

Therefore, he will need to find many more people that will be willing to cultivate with him before consuming the Hellfire Seed.

"I guess I will consume the Hellfire Seed after the Regional Tournament and after I find more partners," he pondered to himself as he tossed the Hellfire Seed into his storage ring.

"So he's not going to be giving that away this time..." The people watching him thought to themselves.

Once Wang Shuren returned to the stage, she announced the second item for the second half of the auction.

"The second item will be a Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure — Ring of Thunder — which has the ability to summon a lightning strike from the Heavens to smite your enemies! Each lightning strike has overwhelming power that is devastating enough to kill someone even at the Heavenly Spirit Realm if they are caught off guard! However, you can only use this ability once before needing to recharge it during a thunderstorm to use it again, and your Cultivation needs to be at least within the Earth Spirit Realm to activate it!"

"Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure?! And it can even kill someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm! What a horrifying item!"

Despite the requirements and restrictions for it, everybody in the room wanted to get their hands on this Ring of Thunder.

Even if the Ring of Thunder can only be used once in its lifetime and breaks afterward, these people would still be willing to pay a fortune for its ability that can decide whether a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert lives or dies.

How many Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivators are there in this world? One can even count all of them with just their two hands. What's more, every Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivator has enormous influence around the world no matter where they go. To have an item with the ability to kill someone so profound and powerful is priceless!

Wang Shuren revealed the Ring of Thunder to the crowd. It had the appearance of an ordinary silver ring but covered with purple lines that resembled lightning streaks.

"Besides its powerful ability, this Ring of Thunder also has an impressive background, as it was found within the Divine Doors that has since disappeared almost a year ago! Hence it is very likely that it used to belong to an Immortal!"

"The starting price for the Ring of Thunder will be 500,000 Spirit Stones!" Wang Shuren then announced.

"I am glad that I didn't waste my money before seeing this Ring of Thunder! I will buy it even if I empty my entire wallet today! The Li Family bids 600,000 Spirit Stones!"

"This Ring of Thunder is mine! The Huo Family bids 1,000,000 Spirit Stones!"

The Divine Sword Sect bids 1,200,000 Spirit Stones!"

"1,500,000 Spirit Stones from the Heavenly Swan Sect!"

Su Yang also raised his hands and spoke, "2,000,000 Spirit Stones."

Inside the VIP Room, Fu Kuan stared at the Ring of Thunder with a frown on his face.

"I had planned on letting that brat from the Profound Blossom Sect buy everything and steal it afterward. However, if he obtains this Ring of Thunder, it can threaten even my life! I cannot let him obtain it!"

Thinking this, Fu Kuan began bidding once again, "Million Snakes Sect bids 3,000,000 Spirit Stones!"

The sudden spike in price shocked the people that were bidding for it. To think it would suddenly increase by one million Spirit Stones in the blink of an eye!

Chapter 347 Immortal-grade Martial Technique

When the Million Snakes Sect bid 3 million Spirit Stones, a mysterious smile appeared on Su Yang's face, and he spoke, "3,500,000 Spirit Stones."

"This fucking brat! If I don't kill you, I am not a Cultivator!" Fu Kuan gritted his teeth.

"4 million Spirit Stones!"

Su Yang raised his hands again. "4,500,000 Spirit Stones."

He then turned to look at the VIP Room, exactly where Fu Kuan was sitting, almost like he could see him through the black glass and showed him a menacing smile.


Su Yang's menacing smile that looked as though it was filled with scheming sent chills down Fu Kuan's spin.

"This bastard is really trying to use the Ring of Thunder on me! Like I would allow that to happen!"

Fu Kuan tightly grasped his hands into fists, his fingernails digging into the skin and causing it to bleed.

"The Million Snakes Sect bids 6,000,000 Spirit Stones!" he spoke loudly, shocking not just the people in the regular room but also the people within the VIP Room.

Even the Elders standing beside him showed a shocked face.

"S-Sect Master! That's much more than the spending limit we decided! We only retrieved 5 million Spirit Stones for the auction today! And that's counting the emergency funds!"

Fu Kuan growled, "I know that! I had retrieved another million from my own wallet right before we left the Sect just in case, so there's no problem!"

This is 6,000,000 Spirit Stones we are talking about, Sect Master! It'll definitely affect our Sect and its disciples for the next few years!"

"Please think this thoroughly, Sect Master!"

"Even if the Profound Blossom Sect obtains the Ring of Thunder, they only have at most two or three experts within the Earth Spirit Realm! A single Ring of Thunder won't harm us too much! The 6,000,000 Spirit Stones will definitely affect us more!"

After a moment of pondering, Fu Kuan nodded. "However, I have already bid on the item. His Majesty is also here, so I cannot make a fool out of myself by recalling my offer, or else we'll be laughingstocks."

"Don't worry, Sect Master. That brat will definitely try to buy the Ring of Thunder. He's the type that hates to lose." "That's right. He hasn't lost a single bid today. I doubt he'll let this one go either."

However, Su Yang will be disappointing the Million Snakes Sect's expectations, as he purposefully raised the price just so the Million Snakes Sect would waste all of their money. He even tossed a threatening gaze at Fu Kuan just to scare him.

"6,000,000 Spirit Stones going once!" Wang Shuren began counting down.

"What's going on? Why isn't he bidding?"

"Is he really going to let us have this one?"

"What if he's out of money?"

"Shit! This is 6,000,000 Spirit Stones we are talking about!"

"6 million going twice..."

"Shit! Shit! Shit! He's really going to let us have it!"

"That bastard! He's made us waste 6 million Spirit Stones!"

"And sold! The Ring of Thunder shall belong to the Million Snakes Sect!" Wang Shuren handed the Ring of Thunder to one of her assistants to deliver it to them in the VIP Room.

"Hahaha! Congratulations! A powerful Sect such as the Million Snakes Sect truly deserves a good treasure! Treasure it well! You had spent a fortune on it, after all!" Su Yang congratulated them while clapping his hands, dumbfounding everybody there.

After hearing Su Yang's words, everyone from the Million Snakes Sect could feel their blood boiling in anger.

"Sect Master, allow me to take revenge! I want to personally chop him into pieces and feed it to the dogs!"

"No! Let me handle this! I will tear his limbs and drain his blood!"

"Shut up! Great Elder Ren will deal with this!" Fu Kuan growled in a low voice.

He then turned to look at Great Elder Ren and said, "You can kill everyone but him! I want to personally torture him!" "Yes, Sect Master..."

A few minutes later, once the Million Snakes Sect reluctantly paid the 6,000,000 Spirit Stones, emptying their wallets at the same time, Wang Shuren proceeded with the auction.

"There are two more things left in today's auction! Allow me to introduce the next one!"

Wang Shuren retrieved a scroll and showed it to the crowd.

"This is an Immortal-grade Martial Technique! It is called the Ten Thousand Heavenly Needles Technique! There are nine stages to this technique, and each stage will increase the number of needles you can summon by one thousand! As for the power of each needle... it can rival someone at the early stages of the Earth Spirit Realm! Mastering this technique is akin to obtaining the strength often thousand Earth Spirit Realm Cultivators!"

"What a terrifying technique!"

"This world finally has another Immortal-grade technique! It has been 100 years since the last one appeared!"

"Even though it's an incredibly powerful technique, it will probably be incredibly hard to cultivate it, as well."

"As much as I want it for my Sect, I doubt there will be anybody that can cultivate it properly."

"Wow... it's an Immortal-grade technique! This is my first time seeing one! Senior apprentice-brother, will you also be buying that?"

The Junior Disciples asked Su Yang. Even Liu Lanzhi couldn't help but look at him.

Su Yang merely shook his head and said, "It's just an Immortal-grade technique."

If he wanted to, he could bring out over a dozen Immortal-grade techniques for the Profound Blossom Sect.

"What's more, even if we obtain it, we won't be able to cultivate it. Unlike Cultivation Techniques, Martial Techniques require a large amount of power to cultivate it properly. You will need to be at least a Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivator to learn this Ten Thousand Heavenly Needle Technique."

"Heavenly Spirit Realm... Even the Sect Master is only at the Earth Spirit Realm..." The Junior Disciples sighed.

"The starting price for the Ten Thousand Heavenly Needle Technique will be 2,000,000 Spirit Stones!" Wang Shuren announced.

Chapter 348 Mysterious Alchemy Master

After announcing the price for the Immortal-grade Martial Technique, people began bidding on it.

However, there were not as many bidders as one would have expected, mostly because the majority of people in the room would not be able to Cultivate it even if they bought it.

In fact, only the Elite Sects were bidding for the Martial Technique.

"The Heavenly Swan Sect bids 2,050,000 Spirit Stones."

"The Divine Sword Sect bids 2,300,000 Spirit Stones."

"...2,400,000 Spirit Stones."

"...2,500,000 Spirit Stones."

Sometime later, Lord Xie spoke, "5,000,000 Spirit Stones."

"His Majesty just bid! Looks like the Xie Family will obtain another Immortal-grade technique after today.

The others no longer dared to bid after Lord Xie spoke.

"There's no need to hesitate. If you want it, bid for it. Don't feel like you cannot bid just because I bid for it. We are in the auction house, after all," said Lord Xie after nobody continued bidding.

"It has nothing to do with His Majesty's presence. Although this is a good Martial Technique, it doesn't suit my style. I only wanted to test my luck and see if I could get it for cheap," said the Sect Master of the Heavenly Swan Sect.

"What a coincidence. This old man also had the same idea," said the Divine Sword Sect.

"Since nobody here wants it, then I shall take it." Lord Xie nodded.

"The Ten Thousand Heavenly Needles Technique is sold for 5,000,000 Spirit Stones to the Xie Family! Congratulations!" Wang Shuren announced a moment later.

"The Xie Family is also here this year..."

They have been so quiet today that I thought they weren't here."

"Right? They are usually very aggressive with the bidding and would often buy at least 10 items every time."

After the Xie Family received the Immortal-grade Martial Technique, Wang Shuren immediately announced the next item, which also happened to be the last one for today's auction.

"I will now reveal the final item for today's auction."

Wang Shuren clapped her hands, and her assistants brought out a new cart that carried ten pill bottles with a single pill in each bottle.

"What kind of pill is that? I have never seen such pills before!"

The Alchemy Masters were immediately intrigued when they saw the unfamiliar pills, even feeling an urge to jump onto the stage just to take a closer look.

"Before I tell what kind of pills they are, allow me to tell you that these are newly discovered pills that were concocted by a very close friend of mine. In fact, these pills are so profound that even I cannot hope to concoct them anytime soon." Wang Shuren said.

"What? Even a master like Senior Wang cannot hope to concoct these pills? Who is her friend? I don't recall there being another Alchemy Master as great as Senior Wang, much less better than her."

The Alchemy Masters there expressed surprise.

Wang Shuren continued to speak, "Once I reveal these pills today, the entire Cultivation world will surely enter a new age! And to preserve the current power balance, I will limit the amount of pill each background can buy to one!"

"These pills are that powerful? I cannot wait to hear its effects!"

"A new Cultivation age? That must be an exaggeration, right?"

Lord Xie narrowed his eyes at the pills on the cart while pondering, "Even I don't know what kind of pills they are... As for her friend, if this person is truly more powerful than her in Alchemy, how am I not aware of this individual's identity?"

"As you all know, my Burning Lotus Sect has the Burning Lotus Pills, which will greatly increase one's chances to advance to the Profound Spirit Realm from the Elementary Spirit Realm, 100% chance to be precise," said Wang Shuren, and she continued, "These pills are basically the same as the Burning Lotus Pills, except it will help those at the peak of the True Spirit Realm to breakthrough to the Earth Spirit Realm without fail!"


Once Wang Shuren revealed the effects, everybody in the room stood up from their seat from shock.

Even Lord Xie couldn't help but stand up and stare at the pills in shock.

"Impossible! These pills will help someone at the True Spirit Realm breakthrough to the Earth Spirit Realm without fail?! Have you tested them?!"

"If these pills are real and work as described, the Cultivation world will without a doubt enter a new age where Earth Spirit Realm Cultivators will be more common!"

"Senior Wang, can you please answer us? Have you tested these pills yet?"

Bombarded by questions, Wang Shuren cleared her throat loudly, silencing them.

"I understand your suspicions, as these pills are simply too heaven-defying. However, I have already tested these pills on our own disciples, and out of the ten disciples at the peak of the True Spirit Realm that consumed these pills, ten of them have successfully entered the Earth Spirit Realm!"

"Oh my god! If what she said is true, the Burning Lotus Sect will have experts at the Earth Spirit Realm in every comer very soon!"

Wang Shuren smiled and said, "I will place my reputation as an Alchemy Master on these pills! If they do not work, I will not concoct another pill in my life!"

The people in the room were truly shocked now.

"If she's this confident in these pills, it must be real!"

"Senior Wang's reputation alone is enough to validate the pills!"

"With these pills, the Burning Lotus Sect will become the number one Sect very soon!"

"Senior Wang, if you don't mind answering, which esteemed Alchemy Master concocted these pills, and will we have a chance to greet this individual?" One of the Alchemy Masters there asked.

Wang Shuren shook her head, "I'm sorry but my friend wishes to remain anonymous for now. If you want to greet him, it might be possible. However, it definitely won't be free."

"If there's even a small chance to give my respects to this Master, I'm willing to give up anything!"

"Since you are all so sincere and eager to meet him, I will speak to him about setting up a meeting in the future. If he agrees, I will send a letter to everyone who wishes to attend." Wang Shuren said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, Senior Wang!"

The people there bowed to her.

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