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76.49% Mixed HD / Chapter 332: 113-124

Chapter 332: 113-124

Chapter 113 Recognition


A few young individuals stood behind a stall before the entrance to the enormous cave, each wearing servant robes with the surname 'Su' imprinted on them.

And resting behind them was an old man sitting in the lotus position with his eyes closed, seemingly cultivating.

"How many people will be entering?" One of the servants asked the moment the next person appeared before him, who happened to be a handsome young man with breathtaking facial features.

When the servant first saw the young man standing before him, the image of an incredibly rich and handsome young master appeared in his head. However, once he noticed the symbols on the robe the young man was wearing, his face twisted with a well-hidden sense of disgust.

But alas, no matter how hard the servant tried to suppress his expression, the young man easily saw through it.

"A disciple from the Profound Blossom Sect?"

"Two," said the young man, who was cleary Su Yang.

"That will be 50 Spirit Stones," said the servant.


"He does not recognize me?" Su Yang purposefully appeared before the Su Family without any disguise in order to test them.

If he had any connections with the Su Family, then these servants should've recognized him easily.

However, there was not even the slightest recognition within the servant's gaze when looking at him, almost as though he has never seen him before.

"Perhaps it is only a coincidence that we share the same surname?" Su Yang pondered as he retrieved 50 spirit stones from his storage ring.

The servant accepted the 50 spirit stones and allowed entrance for Su Yang and Qiuyue, then no longer paid any more attention to them.

Su Yang glanced at the servant one more time before shrugging slightly, and he also no longer cared about his relationship with the Su Family and walked towards the depths of the cave.

However, when he approached the old man in the back, the old man's eyes slowly opened to stare at him wide eyes, seemingly surprised by something.

Su Yang instantly halted his steps and stared back at the old man with a calm gaze.

"Is there something on my face?" He asked the old man.

"Eh? N-No."

The old man clearly did not expect Su Yang to be so direct and was caught off guard.

"Hmm…? Have we met somewhere before?" Su Yang began approaching the old man even further. "I feel like I have seen you somewhere before."

The old man's eyes widened even more upon hearing Su Yang's doubtful words, even showing signs of anxiety.

"That's nothing surprising," said the old man, putting on a prideful expression. "Who in this Northern Region doesn't know my famous face?"

Su Yang looked at him for another moment before saying: "Now that I have a good look at your face, I am certain that I have never seen you before. I was mistaken. Goodbye."

Su Yang then turned around and walked deeper into the cave.

The old man stared at him with a dazed expression mixed with confusion.

"That old man sucks at acting," Qiuyue suddenly said. "Do you know him?"

Su Yang shook his head. "I do not know him but he definitely recognizes me."


"I did mention to you that the memories of this body are unclear— sealed, right?" said Su Yang.

"Un." Qiuyue nodded. "However, if it is only a memory-sealing technique at the level of this world, then I should be able to erase the seal on your memories easily."

Su Yang shook his head.

"I have no need for the memories of someone else," he said in a calm voice. "That's why I haven't even bothered with it after all this time. Even if I am by some chance related to that Su Family, I will not recognize them, nor will I accept them, as my connection with them had been severed the day I, 'Su Yang', came to this world."

"Un." Qiuyue nodded, no longer thinking about destroying the seal on his memories.

Meanwhile, the old man wiped the sweat off his forehead once Su Yang disappeared into the darkness.

"What the hell is he doing here? I thought for a moment that his memories had returned! Fuck! That nearly scared the soul out of me!" The old man cursed inwardly.

"However, I must now warn the family of his presence here in the Northern Region so that they will not mess up."

The old man looked at the servants at the entrance and thought to himself: "Luckily they are all new recruits that does not recognize him…"

A few moments later, the old man disappeared from the place.




Inside the Su Family's household.

"What did you just say? Su Yang has returned to the Northern Region?"

A middle-aged man with frightening facial features spoke in a serious-sounding voice.

"Indeed. He is currently inside the Divine Doors."

"The Divine Doors, huh."

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man said: "Good. Ensure that no members of my Su Family that recognizes his face gets close to that place. We cannot risk him regaining his memories, as that will only lead to a disastrous future for the entire family."

"I understand, Lord Su."

The old man nodded.


The old man's expression suddenly stiffened.

"What is it?"

The middle-aged man looked at him with a frown.

"What should we do about the young lady? She is also currently exploring the Divine Doors with her Sect," said the old man.

"What did you say?! When did this happen?! And how come I have not heard of it until now!?!?"

The middle-aged man expressed great shock upon learning of this news, even looking on the verge of panicking.

"Get her out of there before they can meet each other! She is definitely the last person in this world I want meeting him!"

The old man nodded, before speeding back to the Divine Doors with his peak Earth Spirit Realm Cultivation base.

After the old man left, the middle-aged man sat back down in a collapsing motion, looking as though all the strength in his legs gave up on him.

"It has only been one short year since we sealed his memories and gave him to the Profound Blossom Sect, yet he's somehow managed to return to the soil of my Northern Region…" he sighed.

Chapter 114 Entering the Immortal's Treasury

Before Su Yang and Qiuyue stood a majestic twin door that gave the impressions that they were made for giants.

Additionally, there was the word 'Heaven' clearly engraved on the left side of the door, while the right side had drawings of dragons and phoenixes, even humans, in what seems to be a kowtowing position, all facing the left door's 'Heaven'— or more precisely— the individual that was engraved sitting on top of the word 'Heaven'.

The majestic doors gave off a revering aura, almost as though it was made to glorify the individual that sat above 'Heaven'.

These doors would surely mesmerize the mortals of this world with ease, but in front of Su Yang and Qiuyue, these grand doors are as insignificant as any ordinary doors that could be found in the streets of the Four Divine Heavens.

\"What do you think?\" Qiuyue turned to look at Su Yang's pondering face. \"Was this individual a ruler?\"

\"The amount of reverence he has towards the person above the word 'Heaven', I can only assume that he was either an egoistic idiot or… someone who worked directly for the Heavenly Emperor.\"

\"You see these types of engraving on doors often in the Four Divine Heavens, especially at the homes of the Heavenly Emperor's personal army,\" said Su Yang.

\"Heavenly Emperor's personal army? Could it be someone from the Supreme Order?\"

Qiuyue was slightly shocked to hear that the creator of this Legacy Tomb could potentially belong to someone from Supreme Order, the most prestigious and powerful army in the Four Divine Heavens that works directly for the Heavenly Emperor.

In the Four Divine Heavens, any individual that belonged to the Supreme Order are like overlords that would only emerge during emergencies that may involve the Heavenly Emperor's safety, or when there are no other choices as the last resort.

However, despite being one of the most powerful armies in the universe, the actual number of experts that belonged to the Supreme Order could be counted with one hand.

\"The Supreme Order? Did you turn stupid from lacking cultivation? Any single one of them could easily travel the starry sky with their Cultivation base at will, much less leave this place. If such a profound figure really died here in this mortal world, then it would make the entire Supreme Order a laughingstock that cannot be taken seriously.\"

\"It is most likely someone from the Lower Order,\" Su Yang continued. \"Their Cultivation base are all around the Divine Realm, just like that Han Xin.\"

Even as Su Yang spoke, people continuously stepped through the majestic doors and into the Legacy Tomb—after taking their time admiring the Divine Doors, of course.

\"Let's head inside, it will tell us more about this individual,\" said Su Yang.

Qiuyue nodded, and the two started making their way towards the small gap between the Divine Doors.

Despite the majestic door that seemed to be made for giants, the door was only opened just enough so there was a small gap enough to allow two people to pass side by side.

However, even this small opening had caused the Su Family to put out tremendous efforts and resources.

As the two entered the crack in the Divine Doors, they could feel a divine feeling wrap around their bodies, almost as though there was an invisible force pulling them inside.

The thickness of the doors was at least a meter thick, so it had taken them more than one step to pass through the doors.

Once inside the Legacy Tomb, they were greeted by an empty cavern with nothing but countless blood splatters all over the place.

The place was completely dark with the only light being the sunlight that came from the outside world. If an ordinary person with no Cultivation base were to walk deeper into this void, they would definitely be forced to walk around as though they are blind, since their eyes are not capable of adapting to this type of darkness.

\"It is really empty here.\"

One of the newcomers said as he looked around with a curious gaze.

\"What did you expect? The first floor's been cleared out since many months ago, and the second floor will also look the same,\" said another individual.

It's been a whole year since the discovery of Han Xin's Legacy Tomb, and every nook and cranny of this place has been searched— at least for the first two floors.

\"I heard that this place was once filled with mysterious beasts that nobody has ever seen before at the True Spirit Realm when it was first discovered.\"

\"True Spirit Realm? This is only the first floor!\"

An individual at the Profound Spirit Realm expressed great shock upon hearing this information. If True Spirit Realm beasts appeared on this first floor, then what about the lower floors? Was there Earth Spirit Realm beasts on the second floor? Will he have to fight unknown entities at the Heavenly Spirit Realm once he reaches the third floor?

\"What? You actually dared to come here without knowing the danger that lurks in this dungeon that has had thousands of deaths since it was discovered? Are you an idiot or an idiot?\" A middle-aged man looked at him with wide eyes.

\"Hahaha… there are idiots like him all over the place, aren't there?\" Another individual laughed loudly.

\"Even a True Spirit Realm expert such as myself had to think for three days and nights straight before deciding to come here!\"

The Profound Spirit Realm Cultivator instantly turned silent. He wanted to turn around now that he's learned more about this place, but alas, he's already paid an atrocious entrance fee of 25 spirit stones.

Thus, he stood there like a stone statue, unsure of what he should do at this point.




\"What do you think?\" Su Yang spoke calmly. \"Can you see anything with your Spiritual Sense?\"

Although he was confident in his own Spiritual Sense, it still cannot be compared to Qiuyue's Cultivation base.

\"It's really empty here,\" Qiuyue confirmed that this place has indeed been looted clean.

\"Very well, let's head to the next floor.\"

They began walking towards the entrance to the next floor, and after half an hour, they reached a plain-looking staircase that spiraled downwards like some underground prison.

Along the way, they would encounter many stubborn individuals that are still sticking their heads into every hole they see in hopes to find something that might have been missed by others.

After walking downwards for ten minutes straight, the stairwell finally came to a stop.

Su Yang tilted his head to gaze at the impossible sight of white clouds and a blue sky that hung in the ceiling. And below the clear sky was a vast grassland with nothing but green grass and countless figures walking around with their eyes glued to the ground from where they stood to the horizon, looking like a bunch of farmers looking for a good harvest.

\"I-Impossible… When did we return to the surface when we've clearly been walking towards the Earth's core?\"

Many people that had just arrived at the second-floor expression great shock and profound confusion upon seeing the clear sky above their heads. What had happened? Why are they back to the surface?

\"Are we really back on the surface?\" One individual doubted that possibility after seeing the stairwell behind them.

\"How many of you here actually researched about this place before coming here?\" One of the calm experts said while shaking his head. \"We are still underground, this is just a phenomenon of the Immortal's Treasury— an illusion.\"

\"A-An illusion?\"

Some people there were having a hard time believing that this realistic scenery was only a mere illusion.

Just how profound was the Immortal that created this place to display such a grand illusion that defies all logic?

\"Anything here?\" Su Yang didn't even bat an eyelid at the unexpected scenery and ignored the rowdy crowd.

Qiuyue closed her eyes to scan the entire second floor with her Spiritual Sense, calmly shaking her head a moment later. \"There are a few things hidden on this floor, but they are all worthless trash to us.\"

Su Yang nodded after hearing her words. He then turned to face the east and began walking towards the sign that gave directions to the third floor, not even bothering to look for these 'trash'.

There was no reason for him to doubt Qiuyue's words, as he was already aware of these hidden objects before asking her. Additionally, from what he sensed with his Spiritual Sense, the quality of these objects are at most high-end Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasures, and in his eyes, they might as well be plastic toys for kids.

However, while these Spiritual Treasures hold no value in Su Yang or Qiuyue's eyes, they are all priceless treasures to the rest of this world, and any single one of them could easily cause a bloodbath.

Meanwhile, many others that have arrived on the second floor around the same time as Su Yang decided to look around this seemingly endless grassland with the same mindset as those that still remained on the first floor despite the slim chances of finding anything.

Chapter 115 A Treasure Has Appeared!

After a little over three hours of continuous walking, Su Yang could finally see the entrance to the third floor.

Unlike the previous stairwell that connected the first floor with the second floor, the entrance to the third floor was a bit bizarre— if it could even be described as such.

From where Su Yang stood, he could see a long bridge that was stretched all the way into the horizons. It was so long that even he was unable to see the end with his Spiritual Sense.

"Can you see the end?" Su Yang asked Qiuyue.

Qiuyue narrowed her eyes at the direction the bridge extended towards, and after a few moments of silence, she finally shook her head.

"Even you cannot see the end?" Su Yang slightly lifted his eyebrows at the unexpected results.

With Qiuyue's Cultivation base at the Divine Realm, seeing a few hundred miles into the distance with her Spiritual Sense could be accomplished with ease, yet she was unable to see the end of this bridge.

Near the bridge, there was a large group of people gathered. However, none of them had their eyes opened and were all sitting on the ground in the lotus position, looking as though they are all cultivating.

Seeing this odd situation, Su Yang began pondering.

"Why are you all sitting here and cultivating?" One of the newcomers suddenly asked the cultivating group.

Without opening his eyes, one of the Cultivators said in a calm voice: "The bridge is only a distraction— a decoy that leads you nowhere. The real entrance to the third floor will reveal itself once every seven days for only an hour before disappearing again. It has only been three days since the last one."

The ones that had just arrived nodded their heads as they finally understood the situation.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, for his guidance." They bowed to him.

The Cultivator only nodded his head before returning to focus on cultivating.

"What do you think?" Qiuyue asked Su Yang, who was still pondering with his gaze glued to the bridge.

Su Yang showed a slight smile and spoke: "There is no doubt that this bridge has an end. However, as for what is at the end of this bridge… even I do not know."

Qiuyue turned to look at him and said: "Want to find out? We still have four days before the 'real' entrance appears. If we use my flying treasure— the fastest one this time— we might be able to reach the end and come back in time for it to reveal itself."

"There are still four days before we can advance anywhere, right? We might as well check it out. Even if it turns out to be a waste of time, it's better than spending four days here." Su Yang said.

Qiuyue nodded in agreement, and immediately later, she retrieved a small, glowing object from her storage ring.

This object glittered slightly, seemed to be made out of some kind of transparent crystal, emitted an ancient aura that caused the surrounding space to tremble, and had the appearance of a boat that was similar to her wooden boat.

However, unlike her wooden boat that was made from a common material that could be found easily in the Four Divine Heavens, the materials that were used to create this masterpiece was a special type of crystal called 'Moon Jade' that could only be produced by the Sacred Moon Palace due to their unique location and methods. And it is said that Moon Jade are one of the lightest and durable types of jade in the entire Four Divine Heavens, even receiving great praises from the Heavenly Emperor himself.

"Moon Jade…" Su Yang was quite familiar with this material, as Qiuyue's mother, Yuehai, would always wear accessories made from such materials, enchanting her already glamorous beauty even further.

When the flying treasure appeared, its exquisite appearance and profound aura immediately attracted the attention of everybody there.

The Cultivators sitting in the lotus position stopped cultivating and opened their eyes after feeling the sudden change to the atmosphere, and even people in the distance stopped whatever they were doing to look at the glowing boat that was hovering a few meters in the air.

"A treasure… a treasure has appeared out of thin air!"

Because nobody had witnessed Qiuyue take out this flying treasure from her storage ring, everyone there came to the assumption that it was a treasure that belonged to the Immortal's Treasury.

Thus, people began speeding towards Su Yang and Qiuyue with red eyes and intimidating expressions like a bunch of maniacs in the middle of a great war.

"I am willing to fight to the death for that thing! Come try me if you dare!"

"Fuck your mother! To use such threats when we are all already risking our lives by being in this place!"

When Qiuyue saw how literally everyone within a three-mile radius was running towards her with the intent to take her flying treasure away, her brows furrowed, and a large amount of killing intent suddenly erupted from her small figure.

The moment Qiuyue released her killing intent, every moving figure came to a sudden halt. And three seconds later, half of them began falling to the ground unconscious.

After another three seconds had passed, those that had managed to remain conscious began coughing up blood, their faces pale from fear and shock.

"Hmph…" Qiuyue coldly snorted and jumped on the boat without even taking a look at the chaos she'd caused.

As for Su Yang, he only shook his head slightly. He then followed Qiuyue by jumping onto the boat.

A few seconds after they boarded the flying treasure that was also many times larger than the wooden boat, Qiuyue activated the flying treasure with her Cultivation base, causing it to glow even brighter. And in an unfathomable speed, they disappear from the scene before anybody there could even blink once.

"W-What happened just now?"

The people there finally came to their senses many minutes after Su Yang and Qiuyue left the place. However, they were still terrorized by the killing intent that lingered in the air, their legs still trembling nonstop.

Chapter 116 Barely at Home, Always Disappearing for Days

A single line of light flashed across the sky at a speed that was faster than even shooting stars.

The flying treasure was moving so fast that even Su Yang was unable to keep up with the scenery with his Cultivation base, making the world seem like a blurry mess.

"As expected of something made entirely out of Moon Jade, huh… What grade is this flying treasure?" Su Yang asked her.

"The peak of Empyrean-grade," Qiuyue calmly replied.

"If you had something like this, why did you use that wooden boat? We would've made it here to the Legacy Tomb in minutes instead of wasting days worth of time."

Su Yang shook his head.

Qiuyue remained silent, refusing to answer his question.

However, under the intensive gaze of Su Yang, she broke her silence a few moments later and spoke in a complaining tone: "Because we haven't spent much time together despite living under the same roof."

"You are barely at home, always disappearing for days. And when you finally decide to return, you would come back smelling like another woman!" Qiuyue spoke like a wife dealing with a cheating husband, causing Su Yang to become speechless.

"Do you have any idea how lonely I've been by myself for hundreds of years ever since I left home— No... since I was born? Do you have any idea how blissful and relieved I felt after meeting you?"

Qiuyue stared at Su Yang in the eyes with a serious expression.


Su Yang released a deep sigh inside his heart. Although he doesn't know much about her situation ever since he left the Sacred Moon Palace, he was aware of how much of a detained princess Qiuyue was during his stay at her home.

Not only was she confined inside the Sacred Moon Palace but even her interactions with other people insider her own home were strictly controlled by the Moon God. Her lifestyle was akin to a prisoner in jail but with a larger cell, one that could be considered a paradise in the eyes of countless people.

However, this was all to protect her unique bloodline that could easily be affected by the impurities of the world, especially at a young age, hence why even someone like Yuehai did not intervene despite her bitterness on the situation. And if it weren't for a few special circumstances that required her presence, then even Su Yang would not have been able to meet with her, much less get the chance to change her diapers.

"Then… what do you want from me?" Su Yang asked, feeling truly perplexed for the first time in a long time when dealing with a female.

"Can't you just… stay by my side... forever?" Qiuyue mumbled inside her head. Although she really wanted to say these words out loud, her status as his lover's daughter would not allow it. There was a wall as tall as Mount Tai between her and Su Yang that was preventing her from saying such words— that wall being her deceased mother, Yuehai.

"Nothing. I am just complaining to myself," Qiuyue finally said after a moment of silence. "Just continue loving my mother and I will be satisfied."


The place suddenly turned quiet. And despite the boat moving at a ridiculous speed, the wind did not make even the slightest noise nor touch them, almost as though besides Su Yang and Qiuyue, there existed nothing else in this world.

"Is that so…?" Su Yang continued to silently stare at Qiuyue with a calm expression, but deep inside, he was still pondering on how to deal with this situation.

Obviously, as someone with countless experience in such expertise, he has been aware of Qiuyue's feelings for him since as far back as when he was still living at the Sacred Moon Palace as a royal guest. However, there are many complicated reasons as to why he does cannot answer her feelings.

One such reason is also the same reason why Qiuyue does not dare to advance her relationship with him— Yuehai, her mother. While he has, on more than one occasion, experienced a mother and her daughter at the same time, his relationship with Yuehai and Qiuyue was vastly different.

As a matter of fact, he has been avoiding her on purpose just so their relationship does not surpass whatever they currently have.

He could always outright refuse her, but there are also reasons as to why he cannot do that.

"Aiya… Yuehai, because of what you said to me on that day, I am now in this situation. However, if she is anything like you, then sooner or later she will…" Su Yang sighed inwardly.

Meanwhile, the flying boat had already traveled tens of thousands of miles. The boat also passed many people on the bridge that did not believe the rumors of this bridge being fake despite the thousands of warnings from people that have already tried reaching the end of the bridge.

And as baffling as it might sound, there are actually still people on the bridge that have been there since its discovery, meaning that they have been treading this same bridge for months without giving up!

Though, the flying boat had long passed these people, traveling what had taken them months of effort in mere minutes.

Luckily, the bridge seems to be void of any danger, allowing these people to travel without having to worry about beasts suddenly appearing or activating traps that could potentially end their lives.

But with zero presence of danger, it doesn't mean that the Cultivators were allowed to move without being wary. Instead, feeling so safe in this place that was filled with danger in every corner was sketchy in itself and only increased their vigilance.

It should also be mentioned that if one were to jump off this bridge that was only a few dozens of meters off the ground, then they would mysteriously get teleported to the staircase that connected the first floor to the second floor.

This phenomenon gave many the courage to travel far on the bridge, as they could return to the starting point no matter how far they go without needing to spend the same amount of time traveling backtracking.

Chapter 117 Silver King Armor

It has only been half an hour since Su Yang and Qiuyue started traversing the bridge yet they have already traveled over a million miles, taking what would take experts of this world many years of effort in mere minutes.

"I can see the end of this bridge," Qiuyue suddenly said.

A few seconds after Qiuyue said those words, the flying boat came to a sudden stop.

Su Yang stood up and jumped off the boat without any hesitations.

After landing, he tilted his head to look at the circular platform at the end of the bridge.

On this platform that was made of sparkling stones was a single jade altar. It gave off a divine aura, causing the atmosphere around it to feel majestic, almost as though the presence of a holy being was present.

In front of this jade altar, there was a figure clad in a set of cracked silver armor that emitted a sharp, bloodthirsty aura that could only be felt during wars. Anyone that saw the state of this worn-out armor would be able to tell the harsh abuse it had to suffer, perhaps even imagine it from the many holes and dents on the armor.

This figure was also in a kowtowing position, clearly worshipping what the altar represented.

Seeing this figure in silver armor, Su Yang's gaze flickered with a profound light.

"So I was right… this Han Xin was indeed a soldier from the Lower Order," he said, recognizing the silver armor at glance despite seeing only the back.

"..." Qiuyue silently looked at the kowtowing figure.

"I cannot sense any life from him," she said a moment later.

Su Yang did not say anything and walked up to Han Xin to get a better look at his face.

However, there was no face— only a skeleton head that has been affected by the passing of time. There are also large cracks on this skeleton head, indicating that Han Xin had suffered grave injuries to his head.

"Even in your final moments, you dedicate it to worshipping the Heavenly Emperor… How loyal… and foolish." Su Yang silently shook his head.

"From the head to the toes, this whole body is filled with injuries that could easily kill even someone at the Divine Realm," said Qiuyue after examining the skeleton with her Spiritual Sense.

Just what had happened to him? What did he encounter? Did he sustain these injuries after or before arriving in this world? Many questions appeared in Qiuyue's head.

Su Yang pointed to a few pitch black spots on the silver armor that seemed to have been burnt by something. "The name for this armor is called the Silver King Armor, and they are crafted by using the scales of a Silver Dragon— a type of dragon that is completely resistant against all types of fire elements."

"In the entire Four Divine Heavens, the only people capable of burning this armor and ignoring the Silver Dragons' resistance to fire are the people of the Asura God Clan. Their most infamous technique, Asura God Fire, is capable of burning everything under heavens, even Gods, hence why they are so feared by even the most divine of beings."

"The Asura God Clan… could he have received these injuries from the war between the Heavenly Emperor and the Asura God Clan?!" Qiuyue suddenly recalled the war.


Although Su Yang remained silent, his hands were tightly grasped into a fist, and the lights in his gaze were wavering from concern.

The emotions in his eyes and the worry on his face were so clearly written that even Qiuyue was able to see it at ease. However, she didn't know what to say that could possibly help him in this situation, as she has no clue why he was even worried.

"It is only logical to believe that this Han Xin had confronted someone from the Asura God Clan, causing him to suffer these injuries. However, there is nothing here that explains why he is currently here, nor does it give us any clues to returning to the Four Divine Heavens." Su Yang said after taking a moment to calm his emotions.

"As for the war between the Asura God Clan and the Heavenly Emperor… there will be countless casualties like this with even more crueler deaths— just like the first great war."

Su Yang then turned to look at the altar, and just like he'd expected, there was a jade medallion sitting on the altar.

This jade medallion is something only soldiers of the Heavenly Emperor are allowed to carry. It gives the holder countless honor and prestige as someone serving directly under the Heavenly Emperor— but even more— responsibilities.

Su Yang, without even blinking, snatched the jade medallion from the altar and threw it into his storage ring.

His actions quickly dumbfounded Qiuyue, who was worried that such audacious actions might envoke a lightning tribulation from the angry heavens.

"W-What do you plan on doing with that jade medallion? If someone catches you, who is not from any Heavenly Orders, especially someone from that very Heavenly Order, you will definitely be branded as a serious offender that dares to impersonate as one of them, and in the eyes of many, that is an offense worse than killing the innocent…"

After listening to her worries, Su Yang only showed a slight smile. "They should feel honored that I am willing to impersonate as one of them. Though it is still nothing compared to the other and worse offenses I have been hunted for," he said while laughing.

Qiuyue was speechless. What could he have possibly done that is worse than impersonating as someone from the Heavenly Order?

Suddenly, she recalled that Su Yang had been thrown into the Eternal Retribution Cliff for an eternity, so he definitely had done something to anger the Heavenly Emperor so much that he was thrown into a place where only the worst criminals in all Four Divine Heavens are sent.

For comparison, even the 'best' worst criminal in the Eternal Retribution Cliff was sent there after destroying many large cities and massacring millions of innocents solely for entertainment.

"Not only do you have connections the Asura God Clan, one of the most feared clans in the Four Divine Heavens, but you also… Aiya… You are more dangerous of a person than I'd expected…" Qiuyue sighed loudly.

"Hmm? Your mother really didn't tell you anything about me, huh?" Su Yang laughed even louder. "Indeed, I am not only a scoundrel but also a criminal hated by the Heavenly Emperor. If you do not feel safe around me, then you can always—"

"Don't even try to shove me away after all this— it is too late now!" Qiuyue interrupted with a serious expression. "I will follow you even if you turn out to be an Evil God!"

Su Yang looked at her with a slightly surprised expression. He then turned around and began walking back towards the direction of the bridge.

"Besides the worthless Silver King Armor that is too beaten up to even salvage, there is nothing else here. Let's go back," he said to her with a calm expression.

He then continued: "If you want, as long as we can return before the entrance to the third floor disappears, you can use your wooden boat this time."

Hearing his words, Qiuyue's eyes began sparkling with bright lights. "Really?" She then quickly retrieved the wooden boat and jumped onto it without wasting any time.

Su Yang only lightly smiled at her actions and followed her onboard.

Chapter 118 Entering the Third Floor

It's been four days since Su Yang and Qiuyue disappeared from the start of the bridge on the flying boat.

Many more experts have appeared since then, all waiting for the entrance to the third floor to appear. Amongst those experts, there was a few that decided to travel the bridge, not believing the warnings of those that warned them.

At this moment, the Cultivators that have been cultivating there silently since day one began opening their eyes one by one.

Other Cultivators quickly took notice of the change in the atmosphere and also paused their cultivation. Soon, everyone there had their eyes wide open in anticipation for the entrance to the third floor to appear.

"It's here!"

A few people shouted at the same time as the space before them started twisting in a swirling motion, quickly forming a portal in the shape of a whirlpool.

However, the people there did not immediately jump into the portal. They all stood there silently, almost as though they were waiting for something to emerge from the portal.

A few seconds later, from within the portal, a middle-aged man walked out in a casual manner. After the middle-aged man appeared from the portal, another individual came out— followed by even more people.

People continuously walked out from the portal for many minutes without stop. They were all individuals from the third floor that decided to return to the second floor, as the only path to the third floor is also the only way out.

Additionally, almost all of the people that came from the third floor are heavily injured, with either missing limbs or eyes, looking as though they just came back from a battlefield at war.

When the Cultivators from the second floor saw this scene, their complexions paled instantly, like they'd eaten something rotten by accident.

They all knew that the third floor was riddled with danger prior to coming here, even expecting to receive many injuries. But missing limbs? That's career-ending even for Cultivators at the Earth Spirit Realm!

Many people there began rethinking their decision to enter the third floor, fearing that the same that had happened to the people on the third floor might happen to them.

Almost everybody there was at the True Spirit Realm with a few at the peak of the Profound Spirit Realm. None of them could afford to become a cripple at their cultivation level, or their hopes of reaching the Earth Spirit Realm will become an impossible dream.

When the last person emerged from the portal, one of the Cultivators from the second floor stepped into the portal without any hesitation.

After the first one entered the portal, a few others quickly followed.

Although the third floor may be filled with danger that could easily turn anyone here into a cripple, the potential rewards are simply too enticing and alluring for many to give up, especially when they had to pay 25 spirit stones to enter this place.

In the end, more than half of the people there decided to dive into the third floor. As for those that refused to risk becoming a cripple and remained, they decided to stay on the second floor to search for possible treasures instead.

The people from the third floor only glanced at the people entering the portal. They did not even bother to stop or warn them, as the injuries on their body speak louder than any words.




Half an hour later, after the entrance to the third floor appeared, a wooden boat could be seen speeding towards its direction from a distance.

The wooden boat stopped directly on top of the portal, and after another moment, Su Yang jumped from the boat and landed directly in front of the door-sized whirlpool.

"How many floors do you think is inside of this Legacy Tomb?" Qiuyue asked him after retrieving the wooden boat back into her storage ring.

"Most Legacy Tombs created by Cultivators at the Divine Realm have at most 4 floors, as their Cultivation base cannot support any more than that," said Su Yang.

And he continued: "However, this Legacy Tomb was created with an inferior Spatial Space Device, so there should at most be 3 floors."

Spatial Space Devices are a type of Spiritual Treasure with a god-like ability that allows the holder to create their own world in another dimension without needing anything besides their own cultivation base.

However, besides being used as a mean to make Legacy Tombs, most Cultivators actually use Spatial Space Devices to create quiet and undisturbed places so that they can enter closed cultivation without worrying about being distracted by things in the outside world.

There are also Cultivators that wish to live in isolation and would rarely leave their world. Though, these type of individuals are mostly ancient Cultivators with unimaginably deep cultivation bases.

"You can tell the quality of a spatial space created by another individual without deactivating the Spatial Space Device first? How?" Feeling surprised, Qiuyue asked him.

"The entrance," Su Yang calmly replied. "Only inferior Spatial Space Devices lack the ability to create spatial spaces without requiring a physical entrance that connects the worlds together, such as the giant door. You will not see a physical entrance for Spatial Space Devices at higher qualities if the creator does not wish for one."

"I see…" Qiuyue nodded.

"Anyways, let's see what this dog for the Heavenly Emperor left for us on the third floor. Though, I wouldn't expect anything too grand from someone at his level."

After saying that, Su Yang walked into the whirlpool without even blinking his eyes.

"Dog for the Heavenly Emperor…" Qiuyue didn't know how to react to those words. However, she knew that if anyone at the Heavenly Order were to hear Su Yang's insulting name for them, they would surely chase him with raging expressions.

"Hopefully we don't run into anyone from the Heavenly Order once we return to the Four Divine Heavens, or else…" Qiuyue released a deep sigh before also stepping into the whirlpool.

Chapter 119 What a Poor Fellow

The third floor was a desolate place with a gloomy atmosphere. Like the second floor, there was also a sky present. However, it was a night sky that lacked even a single star, making the place look and feel even more dead, almost like it was a place meant for the dead.

If it weren't for the lack of tombs, then one would instantly recognize this place as a graveyard.

Su Yang looked around casually. There were no trees or rocks, not even a single blade of grass.

"I can see many people in groups scattered everywhere in this place. There is not a single person that is by his or herself here," Qiuyue said as her Spiritual Sense sweeps hundreds of miles of the surrounding desolate land.

"There are also a few groups currently in combat with zombie beasts at the True Spirit Realm level."

"What in this place have the highest threat?"

"Most likely the thing with a cultivation base at the Heavenly Spirit Realm that is currently in hiding," said Qiuyue, who could see nearly everything in this place with her Spiritual Sense, even the places that are still undiscovered by others.

"What about the treasures? Anything noteworthy?"

"There are six cultivation techniques, two Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasures, nine Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasure, and eight bottles of pills hidden throughout this place."

Unlike Spiritual Treasures, cultivation techniques and pills inside bottles at the lower level does not emit any aura, hence why Qiuyue couldn't tell its grade or quality.

"Even though he's only at the Lower Order, is this really all he's got on him as a dog for the Heavenly Emperor? Not even a single Divine-grade Spiritual Treasure? What a poor fellow." Su Yang shook his head in pity.

"We can ignore the Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasures and the cultivation techniques, as it is simply useless to us both. And I doubt that a mere Lower Order soldier would have any precious cultivation technique that is superior to what we currently have," he continued. "As for the Heaven-grade Spiritual Techniques and the pills— especially the pills— I want them."

Su Yang didn't want to waste effort on things that he didn't need and considered as trash, such as Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasures or cultivation techniques used by a mere Divine Realm expert. After all, why would he need cultivation techniques when he already has many heaven-defying cultivation techniques that could easily start wars between even gods?

"I understand the Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasures, but why do you want the pills so badly?" Qiuyue asked him. "We don't even know its effects."

"If the dog was smart enough, then he should've used all resources with healing properties to heal his injuries, hence why there are only Spiritual Treasures and cultivation techniques here," said Su Yang, addressing the creator of this Legacy Tomb as 'dog' naturally now.

"As for the pills, they are most likely enhancing pills or something that he cannot consume. Even if I cannot use them personally, I still have another use for them."

"Anyway, let's collect the pills first."

Su Yang activated the Nine Astral Steps, and like a ghost, disappeared from his spot.

He ran towards the item that was the closest to them— one of the eight pill bottles.

"Wouldn't it be faster to use the flying treasure?" Qiuyue asked him a logical question.

"This place is too small to require a flying treasure, and my legs are feeling sluggish from sitting for so many days."

"..." Despite finding his reasons odd, Qiuyue still silently accepted it and followed him.

A few minutes later, they arrive at the place the pill bottle was hidden.

"It should be right about… here."

Su Yang suddenly dug his entire hand into the ground, and as though he was punching water, his hand sunk into the ground easily.

Two seconds later, Su Yang pulled his hand out of the ground, and in his grasp was a small bottle with a single white pill inside.

Seeing this white pill, Su Yang quickly frowned.

"What kind of pill is that?" Qiuyue, who has very little knowledge of pills or Alchemy, asked him.

"It's a colorless pill… basically an incomplete pill," he said in a disappointed voice.

"An incomplete pill?" Qiuyue was also puzzled. Why would Han Xin put something so useless and literally worthless inside his Legacy Tomb?

"Although uncommon, there are times when people hide unexpected things in their Legacy Tomb to confuse others." Su Yang shook his head and threw the pill on the ground like trash.

"If the rest of the pills also turn out to be incomplete pills, I swear I will return to the corpse on the second floor and take it out for the dogs to eat. Such shamelessness, there is a limit!"

Qiuyue only smiled bitterly at his words.

They began heading towards the next closest treasure shortly after.

A few minutes later, they arrive at the location.

"This dog!"

Su Yang smashed the pill bottle in his hands immediately after digging it out of the ground— along with the white pill that was inside. It was another incomplete pill.

Qiuyue only shook her head at the results.

One… two… three… four… five… six pill bottles later.



Su Yang silently stared at the last pill bottle in his hands.

"Qiuyue," he suddenly called for her in a calm voice.

"W-What is it?" she replied, her voice a bit stiff.

"After thinking about it calmly, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what he did when he was still breathing, it would be disrespectful to take my anger out on a corpse."


"So instead, I will be taking it out on the Heavenly Emperor, his Master."


Qiuyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this point. Although she was also upset that they had wasted their time running around and digging up incomplete pills, she felt that it was worth it since she got to see Su Yang act so childish, a side of him that was very new to her.

Chapter 120 How Is He so Big at Such a Young Age?

Although it had taken longer than Qiuyue had expected for Su Yang to calm down after having their time and efforts wasted, they started heading for the nearest Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure.

This time, even though they didn't know what kind of Spiritual Treasure it was, they didn't have to worry about being tricked into digging up worthless trash, since they were able to sense its Heaven-grade aura from miles away.

"Another group had just arrived at the location of the Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure. Six True Spirit Realm Cultivators," Qiuyue suddenly said.

"Un." Su Yang calmly nodded, clearly unconcerned that there were already people at their location.

In his head, it didn't matter if there was another group— or hundreds of people— near the Spiritual Treasure if none of them are aware of its existence. Even if they are somehow aware of it, will they be able to obtain it before they arrive to take it for themselves?

And within a few minutes, they were able to see with their bare eyes a group of figures in the distance standing around a large puddle of black water, almost big enough to be an entire pond.

Ignoring the color of the water that emitted a deadly aura, its existence itself was bizarre enough, seemingly appearing randomly. Why would there suddenly be a large puddle of water when this place has been dry and desolate for hundreds of miles in every direction? It was like finding an oasis in the middle of the desert.

"It's been many weeks since the discovery of this Black Oasis, yet nobody has managed to find a way to touch this black water that melts anything it touches."

One of the six figures sighed.

"There is no doubt that there is a powerful treasure hidden inside the Black Oasis, but if even Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasures melt when touching the water, what are the chances of obtaining whatever is inside it?"

When the Black Oasis was first found, someone had tried to gauge its depth by sticking his spear that was a Spirit-grade Spiritual Weapon into the water, but alas, the black water had melted nearly the entire spear before the owner realized what had happened.

After that incident, nobody dared to touch the water with anything valuable anymore, fearing what had happened to the Spirit-grade spear might happen to their own precious treasures.

"Let's go. There is nothing we can do here."

The six figures that had arrived at the Black Oasis decided to leave, but right before they even started moving their legs, two figures appeared before them like ghosts.

Their sudden appearance easily caused the six figures to jump back in shock.

"Ah! Fuck! That scared the shit out of me!"

One of the six figures cried out loud when he realized that they were not zombies.

However, the two figures, Su Yang and Qiuyue, did not react to his words, only staring at the black water with a pondering expression.

"Jumping out like that here, you are only asking to be hit!"

"Hey! Are you two deaf?! Look at your seniors when they are speaking to you!" One of the six people there, a middle-aged man with a bald head, said with an annoyed expression.


Suddenly, Su Yang started laughing out loud, dumbfounding the group of six.

"This dog truly loves to play with people!"

Without any explanation or hesitation, Su Yang took a step towards the Black Oasis, directly stepping into the black water.


When the group of six people saw this, their eyes widened with shock and disbelief.

"What the fu— Is he nuts?! That water can melt even Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasures, yet he dares to touch it with his own flesh?!"

The people there expected Su Yang to melt like ice in boiling water in the Black Oasis, but their eyes began expanding when many seconds passed and Su Yang was still perfectly fine, even walking towards the center of the Black Oasis.

"Impossible! How has he not melted into nothingness by now?!"

"C-Could it be because of a cultivation technique that he is cultivating?!"

"What kind of cultivation technique could possibly make your flesh tougher than Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasures? That's absurd!"

"Then how is he doing that?!"

Su Yang now stood in the center of the Black Oasis, yet the black water was only up to his stomach.

This also dumbfounded the six people there, as they didn't expect the Black Oasis to be so shallow in depth.

It was at this moment Su Yang dug his hand into the black water like when he was digging the pill bottles.

He pulls it back out a second later, and in his grasp was a short dagger.

The entirety of this dagger was black, even its blade that seemed to be made out of a type of crystal. However, if one looked closely into the blade, they would see faint red lines spread across the blade like veins.

Su Yang inspected the entire blade for a few seconds before losing interest and putting it away into his storage ring. In the first place, he did not find daggers appealing because he disliked weapons with short blades, as they annoy him for unknown reasons.

However, when the six people there saw the black dagger for the first time, their eyes radiated with wonder, looking as though they found the love of their lives. And although they don't know the quality of the black dagger, its tyrannical aura was clearly stronger than any Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasure they have ever seen in their lives.

Furthermore, this dagger was able to stay inside the Black Oasis for god knows how long without melting, something even Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasures are not capable, adding to their expectations and imaginations.

The six figures' hearts quickly filled itself with desire, and vicious smiles began appearing on their faces once they realized that there were only Su Yang and Qiuyue when there were six of them. What's more, the two of them looked very young and vulnerable, clearly lacking experience when compared to the six of them middle-aged men, especially Su Yang and his jade-like skin and fragile-looking body, looking as though he'd never even picked up a sword in his life before.

"Even if he is cultivating some profound cultivating technique, there are only two of them. If we group up, there is no way in hell they could resist us," one of the six figures mumbled to his buddies.

"We can talk about the shares after obtaining the dagger."

The six figures there quickly agreed on taking the dagger for themselves.

However, while the six figures were talking to each other, standing a few meters away from them, Qiuyue was looking at them with a cold expression on her face, her eyes slightly narrowed.

She had clearly heard their mumbling and their plans to rob them, but the six figures were not aware of this and continued to mumble to each other.

It was at this moment Su Yang began walking back to the land, and the six people there instantly turned to look at him with anticipating expressions, their eyes filled with bloodlust.

Su Yang was clearly aware of their intentions before sensing their obvious bloodlust, but there was not even the slightest of reaction on his face, making the six middle-aged men believe that he was unaware of his inevitable death.

However, immediately after Su Yang began walking towards the land, not only the six middle-aged men, but even Qiuyue's eyes popped out of its sockets from shock.


Qiuyue's jaw suddenly dropped to the ground, and her face flushed red immediately afterward.

"Look at yourself!"

Qiuyue shouted as she pointed her fingers towards Su Yang's crotch area with one hand and covered her eyes with the other.


Su Yang looked down to see his little brother fully exposed and dangling in the air.

Although his flesh was fine after touching the black water, the same could not be said for his clothes that had clearly melted the moment it entered the Black Oasis.

However, Su Yang already knew this, so there wasn't any reaction when he saw his exposed crotch.

"You are already at the age where you shouldn't feel embarrassment from such things," said Su Yang while shaking his head. "And it's not like it's your first time seeing it."

"What?! I don't recall ever—"

Before Qiuyue could deny his words, memories of the times when she, as a kid, would innocently follow Su Yang into the bathtub appeared in her head, causing her entire body to stiffen.

"Do you remember now? Most of your scolding from Yuehai was also because of that." Su Yang chuckled, making Qiuyue feel so embarrassed that she was creating steam with her flushed head.

By the time Su Yang was at the edge of the Black Oasis, there was already a cloud of smoke on top of Qiuyue.

As for the six middle-aged men, they were so dumbfounded by Su Yang's size that they nearly forgot about robbing him.

"Fuck! How is he so big at such a young age?"

"This just gives me another reason to fucking kill him!"

They easily became envious of Su Yang's 'size'.

Once Su Yang was on land, he retrieved an entirely different set of clothes and quickly replaced his destroyed green robes. Now with a brand new set of plain white robes, he could no longer be identified as an Inner Court disciple for the Profound Blossom Sect.


However, right as Su Yang changed his robes, all of the six middle-aged men jumped at him with their weapons tightly grasped in their hands.

"Hand over the black dagger if you do not want to die!"

And because Qiuyue was too embarrassed to even be aware of her surroundings, she did not react to the six True Spirit Realm Cultivators that were heading their way.

As for Su Yang, he only glanced at them with an unconcerned look, almost as though he couldn't even be bothered by them.

"Although I am not too fond of using daggers, I would like to see the effects of this thing…"

Su Yang retrieved the black dagger from his storage ring and poured some of his Profound Qi into it.

The instant his Profound Qi entered the black dagger, a name resounded in his head.

"Black Scorpion."

That was the name of the dagger, and it echoed into Su Yang's head along with its capabilities.

"Hmm… not bad for a mere Heaven-grade."

When Su Yang praised the Black Scorpion, the red lines within the blade seemingly reacted by glowing brightly, almost as though it was filled with excitement.

"Let's see if you are as good as you say…"

Su Yang activated the Nine Astral Steps and disappeared from where he stood.

He then appeared behind the middle-aged man that was behind the other five like a ghost.


A black arc of light appeared as the Black Scorpion sliced an inch of skin on the back of the middle-aged man.


The man instantly fell to the ground and began screaming in pain. And almost immediately after getting slashed by the Black Scorpion, black lines could be seen appearing everywhere on his body, almost like he was being possessed by a demon.

These black lines quickly covered every inch of his body, making his skin black, like a burnt corpse.

This was the effect of the Black Scorpion.

No matter how small the cut, if its blade catches even a centimeter of its preys' skin, the deadly poison that is within the blade will instantly invade their veins and kill them by killing every single blood cell in their body.

When the other five middle-aged men saw the horrifying effect of the Black Scorpion, their faces instantly twisted until it became ugly from fear, and their complexion paled, almost like their blood was drained. Despite seeing many gruesome deaths in their life, they were still scared shitless by what they'd just witnessed.

Chapter 121 Impossible to Obtain

"P-Please wait! Fellow Daoist, why don't we talk about this?"

"That's right! I am sure that we can settle this without shedding any unnecessary blood!"

The remaining five figures raised their hands to surrender to Su Yang, their expression filled with fear.

Seeing these five people beg for their lives, Su Yang's expression remained nonchalant, his gaze cold, almost as though he was looking at insects that aren't even worth his time.

"Hmph." After coldly snorting, Su Yang suddenly started running towards the five middle-aged men without speaking another word.

When the five middle-aged men saw this, their face paled even further. One of them even screamed like a girl.

"W-W-W-Wait! I will give you all of my valuables if you spare my life!" One of the middle-aged men loudly shouted, even taking off his storage ring for Su Yang.

However, unfortunately for him, Su Yang was someone who wouldn't bother picking up Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasures even if it was directly in front of him.

"If only you'd silently watched and didn't have any funny ideas…" Su Yang mumbled before slashing him with the Black Scorpion, severing his right arm easily.


The position began spreading immediately, covering the body of the screaming man with black lines at a faster rate than the previous victim.

A few seconds later, his entire body became pitch black, looking like he'd just swam in a pool of ink.

After killing the second True Spirit Realm Cultivator, Su Yang moved onto the next closest individual, his eyes emitting a scary amount of bloodlust.

He was clearly still in a bad mood because of what had happened with the pill bottles, and now that he has a reason and a method of relieving that anger…

"What's wrong? Weren't you all talking about stealing this dagger from me with smiles on your faces just moments ago?! Come! Take it if you can!" Su Yang said as he chased the fleeing individual.

"W-We were wrong for trying to steal the dagger from you! Please! Spare our lives!"

"Wrong? No, you were not wrong for trying to take advantage of the 'weak', as it is only natural in the Cultivation world. Your mistake was choosing me as your target!"

Su Yang instantly caught up to one of the fleeing people using the Nine Astral Steps and immediately slashed the Black Scorpion onto the back of the individual.

Seconds later, another corpse falls to the ground.

The remaining three each ran away in a different direction, but with Su Yang's godlike speed, he was able to catch the next one with ease.


And another falls victim to the gruesome Black Scorpion.

After another minute, the last two True Spirit Realm Cultivators of the original six also follows in the same footsteps as their companions, falling to the ground as pitch-black corpses, looking like they'd died after having their body possessed by a devil. And despite all that hunting, there wasn't even a drop of sweat on Su Yang's body.

Once he finished killing off the last of the six True Spirit Realm experts, Su Yang felt much better in terms of his mood. He then returned to one of the corpses and retrieved the storage ring that was laying beside him.

After looking inside the storage ring for less than a second and deeming that it was all trash, he proceeded to throw everything that was inside the storage ring onto the ground and kept the storage ring.




"Hey, we are leaving."

Su Yang's sudden voice startled Qiuyue, who was dazed throughout the whole ordeal.


She nodded in slow motion, clearly still dumbfounded by what she saw. As a matter of fact, her mind was still thinking about the thing dangling between Su Yang's legs; it was as though she unable to think about anything else.

"By the way, what kind of water was that black water? It's my first time seeing something like that." Qiuyue asked him as they headed for the next Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure.

"That was Devouring Water; it will devour anything that is not flesh or skin. Although not impossible to find, they are quite uncommon even within the Four Divine Realms. I was actually a bit surprised when I first saw it myself. Who would've thought that this dog would throw something like that in his Legacy Tomb."

"Eh? Then how was the Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure able to stay inside without being devoured?"

"Although it devours anything but flesh, there are exceptions like the Black Scorpion, as it contains elements that are similar to the Devouring Water— Dark Qi."

"Is that so…"

"And as useless as it sounds, this Devouring Water is actually a paradise for Devil Cultivators that cultivate mostly Dark Qi. Since it does not harm their flesh, they would bath in it and cultivate like that, increasing their cultivation by leaps and bounds."

If the people that first discovered the Black Oasis were not a bunch of cowards, they might have been able to obtain the Black Scorpion before Su Yang, but after seeing a Spirit-grade Spiritual Treasure melt like butter in hot water, they did not dare to touch it with anything else, much less their own flesh. However, nobody could really blame them for that, as it was only logical to stay away from something that dangerous-looking.

If anything, only madmen or utter fools would dare to touch something that could melt Spiritual Treasures with their own flesh.




Ten minutes later.

"There is also a group at that location… and there are over a dozen people this time." Qiuyue said to Su Yang the moment she sensed their presence with her Spiritual Sense.

Though, Su Yang only nodded with a calm expression. He couldn't care less if there was ten people or even one hundred, as they all amounted to the same thing in his eyes—nothing.

They stopped moving a little bit later and stood a few hundred meters away from the group of people, silently watching their every movement.

There were exactly two dozen people standing around a large rock, but they were standing there like stone statues, looking like they have been in the same position for days, and their gaze were all staring intensively at the white cat that was standing on top of the rock with a proud and arrogant atmosphere surrounding it.

Seeing its white fur and silver eyes, Su Yang's eyes suddenly flickered with a profound light.


But before Su Yang could even finish his sentence, Qiuyue said in a surprised tone: "It's a Ghost Cat! To think I'd get to see such a rare species here, how unexpected."

Silver Ghost Cats are rarely found even in the Four Divine Realms because of their camouflage ability that allows them to turn completely invisible to both the eyes and sense for a brief moment. And paired up with their crazy speed and bashful nature, many people live their lives without ever seeing one, much less catch one.

"This dog for the Heavenly Emperor is truly an exotic being. Not only did he manage to find Devouring Water but even managed to throw a Ghost Cat into his Legacy Tomb? I highly doubt that he'd caught this Ghost Cat with his Cultivation base, so how did he get it in here?" Su Yang wondered in amazement.

He then looked at the group of people and chuckled slightly, silently laughing at for these people that clearly have no idea what they are dealing with.

"Even experts at the Ancient Realm would have headaches when they hear the name Ghost Cat, yet you want to catch it with your cultivation base? Even if you bring a million people with similar cultivation, the Ghost Cat will still be able to easily stroll around in front of your eyes without being caught!" Su Yang shook his head.

Luckily for these people, Ghost Cats are not known for being aggressive. As a matter of fact, there has never been a case of a Ghost Cat injuring humans, much less attack them. If not, then it would be a catastrophe not only for these people but also the outside world.

"But… doesn't this make it impossible for us to obtain, too?" Qiuyue said with a weird expression. "Even if I bring out my fastest flying treasure, the Ghost Cat will just go invisible and disappear like a real ghost."

"It will only be a waste of time if we try to catch that Ghost Cat with our pitiful cultivation base. It's only a Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure, we don't need it." Su Yang said, already turning around to leave.

Hell, he'd already given up on the Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure that was hanging on the neck of the Ghost Cat the second he realized what he was looking at.

After all, only an utter fool would try to catch that thing despite knowing very well its capabilities.

Qiuyue continued to look at the Ghost Cat that stood there arrogantly for a few more seconds before also turning to leave. While she didn't feel anything about missing out on a mere Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure, she was definitely disheartened at the fact that she was feeling powerless in this place that was not even the Four Divine Realms, even feeling a bit aggravated.

However, there was nothing she could do about it, as her opponent was an infamous Ghost Cat that would cause headaches even for Cultivators far stronger than her.

"Don't feel too bad about it," said Su Yang after noticing the changes on her face. "Even if I had my original cultivation base, I wouldn't want to chase one of those things."

"Un…" Qiuyue nodded, but she was clearly still disheartened.

After leaving the Ghost Cat alone, Su Yang decided that it was time to search for the six cultivation techniques that are hidden in this place. Though, his expectations are basically nonexistent at this point after all that he's encountered so far.

And shortly after they started searching, Su Yang found his first cultivation technique, and it was hidden basically the same way as the pill bottles — inside the dry ground.

"Lightning Strike…"

After taking a quick glance at the technique, Su Yang quickly deemed that it was an Earth-grade technique, before putting it into his storage ring. While he personally has no use for the technique, he planned on giving it to the Profound Blossom Sect once he returns.

Once it was in his storage ring, they began heading towards the next one at a pace that was faster than before.




After spending one whole hour traveling every direction without rest, they finally obtained all six cultivation techniques.

In the end, there were three Mortal-grade techniques, two Earth-grade, and one Heaven-grade.

"Not even an Immortal-grade technique? What kind of Divine Realm expert is this dog to not own a single Immortal-grade technique? Did he not also work for the Heavenly Emperor? Surely he should have obtained at least one or two Divine-grade cultivation technique from the Heavenly Emperor!"

Su Yang was beginning to believe the possibility that Han Xin had stashed away his real wealth somewhere else because it would be hard for anyone and not just him to believe that someone who had worked for the Heavenly Emperor would have so little things in his possession, much less his Legacy Tomb meant for his successor.

"There's nothing else here besides that thing with the cultivation base of a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert," Qiuyue said.

"Heavenly Spirit Realm, huh. While I am aware of the fact that I am not even at the level where I can fight with real Earth Spirit Realm experts head-on, much less Heavenly Spirit Realm, I have yet to use my own cultivation base to its full extent…" Su Yang pondered to himself.

Because this is his first time cultivating a supreme technique like the Celestial Body Refining Scripture, even he cannot say for sure how powerful he currently is without seeing for himself in combat.

And although he'd already killed the previous Patriarch of the Profound Blossom Sect, who was at the Earth Spirit Realm, Su Yang didn't consider him as a real Earth Spirit Realm expert because not only did he lack techniques, but he also had almost no experience in combat.

"Qiuyue, I want to see for myself the limits of this body that has cultivated one of the Seven Sublime Scripture, the Celestial Body Refining Scripture, so I will be fighting it alone."

Su Yang said to Qiuyue with a serious expression. He wanted to test his limits. He wanted to see just how powerful the Celestial Body Refining Scripture truly is. He wanted to use his cultivation base without holding back!


Qiuyue looked at him with wide eyes filled with shock, but because she was also curious about the effects of literally the best cultivation technique in the universe, she did not try to stop him.

If anything, she was confident that she would be able to protect him if anything were to happen.

"Are you sure?" she asked him just in case.

"When am I ever unsure?" Su Yang replied with a smile. "If anything goes wrong, I'm sure that you will be able to handle it with ease."

"Un." Qiuyue nodded.

Chapter 122 Are You Really Human?

"Are you sure about this?" Qiuyue asked him one last time as they stood in the middle of a vast and empty area.

"Do I really have to repeat myself?" Su Yang calmly said. "And remember to not interfere unless the situation is really that grave."

Qiuyue nodded. She then looked to the ground with a sharp gaze, sending a tiny amount of her Profound Qi into the ground, causing whatever it'd touched to tremble.

A few moments later, the ground started to shake, and an ancient-sounding voice echoed in the air, creating a small ripple in the air.

"Whoever dares to disturb my slumber… apologize with your life!"

Boom! The ground a few meters away from where Su Yang stood suddenly exploded and a large shadow leaped into the air from where the explosion occurred a second later.

When the shadow landed on the ground, it instantly turned its boney body to look at Su Yang and Qiuyue with its glowing red eyes.

This large figure was a little bit over two meters tall, had a boney physique that looked as though it has lived its entire life without a day not starving, and its skin was so sickly pale that it was grey, looking like a real corpse. Its limbs were also abnormally long, nearly exceeding its own body length.

"A Ghoul? How fitting for this place and its atmosphere." Su Yang said.

"Be careful, it's at the second level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm…" Qiuyue said to him.

"There are only two humans?"

When the Ghoul saw only two young-looking humans its gaze flickered with disappointment.

"Only a child at the True Spirit Realm and a mortal without a cultivation base? How disappointing. Even if I eat the both of you, it will not fill the gap between my teeth." The Ghoul sighed loudly.

As for the reason why it saw Qiuyue as a mortal, it was because her cultivation base was too high for the Ghoul to see.

Hearing the Ghoul's words, Su Yang smiled slightly, and he spoke loudly. "Ah, how disappointing that it is not a true Heavenly Spirit Realm expert. Unlike real humans, this thing with half-baked intelligence would not be able to put up a proper fight… Truly a pity…"

When the Ghoul heard Su Yang's obvious provoking words, its red eyes darkened, turning dark red.

"A mere child dares to mock my intelligence?" The Ghoul sneered, its gaze filled with killing intent. "Not to mention from your way of speaking… a True Spirit Realm little brat like you actually desires to fight me, who is at the Heavenly Spirit Realm? Hahaha! As expected of humans… how foolish!"

The creepy laughter of the Ghoul echoed in all direction, alerting many experts within the area.

Su Yang's expression remained nonchalant to the Ghoul's loud scorning. He then retrieved the Black Scorpion from his storage ring and held it in front of his chest, looking like he was trying to present it to the Ghoul.

"That is…"

The laughter instantly stopped at the appearance of the Black Scorpion, and the Ghoul looked at the black dagger in Su Yang's grasp with a serious expression.

"A Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasure? In the hands of a child? What a waste of a good treasure! Why don't I take it off your hand and accept it as your apology for your rude remarks just now? With your life as a bonus, of course."

The Ghoul began approaching Su Yang with slow but wide steps.

Seeing this, Su Yang shook his head. "Killing you would be too easy if I were to use this, so I will instead fight you with these…"

As he finished his sentence, he withdrew the Black Scorpion back into the storage ring and raised his fists. He intended to fight the Heavenly Spirit Realm Ghoul with his bare hands!

One would expect the Ghoul to burst out in laughter at his actions, however, the Ghoul did not see laugh at such foolishness. Instead, it felt ridiculed by Su Yang's actions, and its ugly face twisted with anger, becoming even uglier.

"Die, you pathetic little human!" The Ghoul suddenly sprang forward, leaping at Su Yang in an incredibly fast speed.

Seeing this, Su Yang did not move. He remained standing there with a calm expression.

If others were to see this scene, they would definitely believe that the reason why Su Yang didn't move was that he couldn't react to the Ghoul's speed, but in the eyes of an expert like Qiuyue, she could easily see in Su Yang's eyes that he was following every movement the Ghoul made, not to mention the profound changes currently happening inside his body that could only be sensed with a powerful Spiritual Sense.

Suddenly, right before the Ghoul's fist that was backed by the cultivation base of a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert slammed into his chest, a golden light flickered within his eyes.

Boom! The Ghoul's fist landed directly on Su Yang's chest, sending him flying backward like a broken rag.

The impact of the punch was so hard that there was a slight ripple in the air at where Su Yang was hit; it was not something someone at the Earth Spirit Realm would be able to handle, much less a True Spirit Realm expert like him.


However, the Ghoul's reaction after hitting Su Yang was rather abnormal. It looked at its own fist with a frown on its face, and its red eyes were flickering with a pondering light.

"What is your body made of?" The Ghoul suddenly said.

It then wondered: "Why did it feel like I was hitting a steel wall?"

Many meters away, where Su Yang landed after falling from the air, he slowly stood up and patted the dust off his clothes, before wiping the blood that was at the corner of his lips.

"That is the strength of someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm? It's much weaker than I'd expected." Su Yang said after dusting himself in a casual manner, looking nothing like he had just been punched by a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert.

If it was anyone else at the True Spirit Realm, there was no doubt that a mere punch from the Ghoul would have instantly created a hole in their chest.

"Are you really human?" Even with its limited intelligence, the Ghoul began to doubt Su Yang being human.

After all, no human should be able to survive its punch that was backed by its entire cultivation base, much less a child at the True Spirit Realm.

Chapter 123 Like a Punching Bag

Su Yang calmly inspected his body while he wiped the blood from his lips.

"So this is the prowess of the Celestial Body Refining Scripture? Truly divine and mythical."

Although he'd taken a punch straight in the chest from an expert at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, something that could easily kill a True Spirit Realm expert like him, he's managed to receive only minor injuries.

As a matter of fact, not only did he not receive any life-threatening injuries, his body was actually exploding with rich Profound Qi!

"However… while it may seem like there is a vast difference between a True Spirit Realm and a Heavenly Spirit Realm to the people of this world, we are still within the Seven Mortal Realms of Cultivation… It's nothing when compared to the differences within the Divine Realms."

In the Four Divine Heavens, the Seven Mortal Realms is merely the beginning of the Cultivation path, whereas the people of this world see the Seven Mortal Realms as the limit of Cultivation.

"Are you really human?"

The dumbfounded voice of someone who'd just witnessed a miracle suddenly echoed in Su Yang's ears.

Su Yang then turned to look at the Ghoul, who was in clear disbelief, its eyes as big and round as saucers.

"Are you really at the Heavenly Spirit Realm?" Su Yang said in return. "I barely felt that punch."

"You arrogant little brat…"

The Ghoul suddenly dashed forward again, its fist exploding with Profound Qi.

"I don't know what tricks you had used just now, but I don't believe that you can do it again!"

Seeing the large entity charging towards him, Su Yang didn't even flinch. If he didn't allow the Ghoul to hit him just now, would it even be able to touch a hair on him, much less hit him for a second time?

A mysterious aura suddenly surrounded Su Yang, and right before the Ghoul's bare eyes, Su Yang disappears into thin air like a ghost.

"What? Where did he go?"

Baffled by his sudden disappearance, the Ghoul began looking around frantically.

"I'm here—"

The Ghoul swung backward the instant he heard Su Yang's voice coming from behind him, but alas, its fists touched nothing but empty air.

The next instant—

"Where are you looking?"

Boom! An explosive sound echoed as a ripple filled with Profound Qi spread in every direction. Su Yang had appeared out of thin air and landed a powerful punch directly on the Ghoul's face, sending it flying the next moment.

It was so sudden that the Ghoul didn't comprehend the situation until it had fallen flat on the ground, its mouth filled with dirt.

"H-How is this possible?"

The Ghoul quickly stood up and looked at Su Yang's tall figure with eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

How could a mere True Spirit Realm human like him display such incredible speed and explosive power that could rival even a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert? Even the most gifted genius in this world couldn't possibly ignore such a vast difference in levels.


A profound gaze flickered within the Ghoul's eyes, almost as though it'd understood something.

"You are actually hiding your true Cultivation base with some technique, disguising yourself as a Cultivator at the True Spirit Realm."

However, despite its own words, the Ghoul still found it hard to believe that a technique that could hide one's Cultivation base so flawlessly could possibly exist.

Hearing the Ghoul's words, Su Yang only smiled slightly, not even bothering to correct its statement.

"You are a cunning human, that I give you… However, I barely felt that attack just now."

The Ghoul wiped the dirt off its body as though it'd only tripped and fell, looking perfectly fine even after taking a direct hit to the face.

"Your speed is indeed impressive, but alas, I cannot say the same for your power, as it only tickled my skin."

Although Su Yang's attack may have seemed powerful from the impact, it wasn't anywhere near enough to penetrate the Ghoul's naturally tough skin. Perhaps it would've injured a human at the Heavenly Spirit Realm but in the eyes of beasts and inhuman beings such as this Ghoul that are all born with superior and unique traits when compared to humans, Su Yang's raw strength was indeed laughable.

And naturally, Su Yang, who was an Immortal in his past life, was very well aware of the fact that his punch just now didn't do any damage to the Ghoul the moment his fist connected with its face.

"Is that so?"

Without any warnings, Su Yang activated the Nine Astral Steps and disappeared from his spot.

Boom! The next instant, another powerful ripple filled the air.

"It's useless! No matter how many times you hit me, I won't feel a thing from your attacks! Ahahaha!"

The Ghoul roared with laughter as it quickly got back up to its feet after taking another direct hit from Su Yang.

Seeing it laugh so foolishly, Su Yang also smiled, thinking to himself quietly: "This thing is a perfect punching bag for me to get used to my unfamiliar body and strength."

He then raised his fists and continued to bombard the Ghoul with countless punches.

And because the Ghoul is incapable of reacting to Su Yang's shocking speed, it stood there without retaliating. Though, because it couldn't feel any real pain from the punches, the Ghoul continued to laugh, almost as though it had become crazy.




Currently, every expert that is within the third floor were all looking towards the same general direction with awe in their gaze.

"W-What madness is going on over there?" A Cultivator at the Earth Spirit Realm mumbled in a dumbfounded voice as waves of powerful ripples filled with Profound Qi swept the third floor endlessly.

"From the Profound Qi within the ripples, I can tell that it's a fight between two Heavenly Spirit Realm experts. But this… I have never seen such a fierce fight before…" Another individual expressed his impressions that were filled with awe.

It was not just these two experts — everybody that was within the third floor was all feeling awe and shock from seeing so many powerful ripples fill the dark sky, wondering what kind of fight could create such a scene.

And within minutes, experts from all over the third floor all began making their way towards the direction the ripples were coming from, quickly approaching the battlefield where Su Yang and the Ghoul was fighting.

The people had expected two profound experts fighting prior to arriving, but alas, when they arrived, they were baffled to witness the scene of a young man beating some kind of monster, treating it as though it was a punching bag.

The fight was so one-sided that it couldn't even be called a fight. And as for the two 'fighting', Su Yang looked more of a monster than the Ghoul in the eyes of the people watching. They were so baffled by the scene that they couldn't comprehend the situation even after watching for many minutes.

What is that tall monster? Where did it come from? Why isn't it retaliating? And the biggest question in the spectators' head was — who the hell is that young man? How could he treat such a fearsome creature as though it was only a punching bag?

After some time, when the people finally calmed down, they realized something that would've been better for them if they hadn't noticed it. But alas, even if they tried, how could they possibly ignore the obvious Profound Qi of a True Spirit Realm expert coming from Su Yang?

"W-What?! That young man! H-H-He's only at the True Spirit Realm!"

"What?! Impossible! How could someone at the True Spirit Realm display such speed and power?!"

Many people there were quick to curse at such a foolish statement, but when they took a closer look at Su Yang, their eyes popped out from its sockets from shock.

"He's really only at the True Spirit Realm!"

When the people there confirmed Su Yang's Cultivation base, an intense feeling of shock consumed everybody there, almost as if they just witnessed the sky fall.

"But how is that possible! That monster clearly has a Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivation base! It is simply impossible for someone at the True Spirit Realm to fight with a Heavenly Spirit Realm master evenly, much less dominate them in such a brutal fashion!"

All of the Earth Spirit Realm experts there expressed confusion and disbelief. Although only a few of them have personally seen for themselves the strength of a Heavenly Spirit Realm expert, they were all aware of their superior prowess. It was unthinkable for these Earth Spirit Realm experts to fight with one on equal terms, much less a young man at the True Spirit Realm!

"T-That's it! I-I must be dreaming! This is all a dream!" One expert at the Earth Spirit Realm nearly broke down just by witnessing the illogical scene before him.




Within the large crowd of spectators that were watching the one-sided fight between Su Yang and the Ghoul, a young lady was covering her mouth with her fair hands, her eyes wide with shock and many other emotions.

However, the shock the young lady was experiencing was completely different from what everybody else there was feeling, and her mind was not on the fight. Instead, her full concentration was directly on Su Yang, whose face could only be seen every once in a while because of his speed.

Her expression looked as though she had just met someone who she'd believed was long dead for the longest — almost like she was looking at someone who shouldn't exist.

And after another moment of silence, the young lady mumbled in a shivering voice: "Elder… Elder Brother?"




Boom! The Ghoul was sent flying once again, but Su Yang didn't chase after it this time around and allowed it to fall on the ground.

"Hahahaha! Is that all you've got? I nearly fell asleep because of how good it felt!" The Ghoul, unsurprisingly, managed to stand up without any problems. As a matter of fact, it even looked refreshed, almost as though it'd just received a body massage.

When the spectators saw the nonchalant attitude of the Ghoul and noticed its healthy body despite taking so many powerful strikes for so many minutes, their hearts were filled with horror and shock.

"Just how powerful is this monster?" They all wondered with fearful gazes.

"Hmmm? Where did all these humans come from?" The Ghoul finally noticed the crowd of people watching them.

"Well, it doesn't matter, as I will be killing them after I kill you..." It said with intense killing intent radiating from its dreadful aura, sending shivers into the spines of everyone there.

The Ghoul then turned to look at Su Yang and spoke with a creepy smile: "Why did you stop? Did you run out of Profound Qi? What will you do now? If you don't have anything else to entertain me with, I will kill you."

"Have you ever swung a sword in the same position endlessly for an entire day without any breaks? It's just like beating you… boring…" Su Yang said calmly.

He then continued: "I now have a better understanding of my own body and prowess thanks to you, so the least I can do is to let you die a quick and painless death."


The Ghoul no longer smiled and stared at Su Yang with its red eyes narrowed and killing intent soaring.

"And how will you achieve that when you can't even—"

Before the Ghoul could even finish its sentence, a sharp aura that contained a tyrannical power that caused even the Ghoul to become nervous suddenly surrounded Su Yang.

The aura's spirit was sharp like a sword and emitted a feeling of dominance that was similar to a sovereign, instantly filling the air with pressure.

"T-T-This is… the aura of a Swordmaster?!?!?!"

When the spectators felt the sharp aura coming from Su Yang, nearly all of them fell to their knees from shock. Hell, even the Ghoul seemed to be frozen from shock.

Just how many more heaven-defying abilities does this young man have? Is he really just a 'young' man?

"There are many ways for me to kill you without doing this, but I want to see the limits of my body, as I don't usually get the chance to go all out without looking like a bully."

With a sharp aura spiraling around his figure like a small tornado, Su Yang, who currently gave the impression of an ancient sword master that could split the heaven in two with just his aura alone, began approaching the Ghoul in small steps with his right arm slightly raised.

And in the eyes of the Ghoul, Su Yang's straight arm had suddenly turned into real swords due to the aura that surrounded him; it was a weapon that looked even more terrifying than the Heaven-grade Spirit Treasure before.

"Nine Astral Steps—"

Su Yang activated the Nine Astral Steps and, in the countless pairs of eyes that were watching closely, disappeared into thin air like a ghost.

Chapter 124 I Have Been Looking Everywhere for You!

The instant Su Yang disappeared, the Ghoul instinctively jumped backward, its body filled with sweat from the dreadful pressure that surrounded him.

But alas, the moment the Ghoul jumped back, it felt something enter its body, almost like it had been possessed by a ghost.

"Where do you think you're going?" Su Yang suddenly appeared directly in front of the Ghoul.


The Ghoul's red eyes widened with terror the instant Su Yang's face appeared before it, but before it could even open its mouth to scream, its vision blackened. Immediately after the Ghoul lost conscious, a line appeared on its body from the top of its head until it reached its pelvis area, cleanly separating its body in half like it had been sliced by a sharp sword, and black colored blood sprayed everywhere.

After confirming the Ghoul's death, Su Yang retrieved the overflowing Sword Intent that was still filling the area, calming the atmosphere once again.

"Celestial Body Refining Scripture… Truly a marvelous technique and worthy to be one of the seven Heavenly Sublime Scriptures."

To skip almost two Cultivation realm and kill a Heavenly Spirit Realm monster while being only in the True Spirit Realm, even coming out nearly unscathed, Su Yang was pleasantly surprised and elevated by the results of cultivating the Celestial Body Refining Scripture. Though, because it was a monster with limited intelligence, the results might be much different if he were to fight a human.




Seeing that the fight was finally over, Qiuyue went back to Su Yang's side.

"This went better than expected… I did not expect you to dominate that thing so much that it couldn't even retaliate…" Qiuyue openly expressed her surprise the moment she arrived by his side.

While she did not doubt that he would come out victorious, she didn't think he'd be able to dominate the Ghoul in such a fashion, not to mention the abrupt Sword Intent that had sent chills even down her spine.

"But that's expected from one of the best cultivation techniques in the universe. Truly heaven-defying."

"The level differences may seem vast at the Mortal Realms but they are nothing when compared to the Divine Realms. I may be able to skip levels and fight those with a much higher Cultivation base right now, but who knows what will happen once I enter the Divine Realm or the Ancient Realm," said Su Yang, who wasn't as optimistic as Qiuyue.

"Now what do we do?" she then asked him. "There is nothing else to do here."

"Then—" Before Su Yang could even open his mouth to speak, a loud voice resounded from behind him, one that was filled with excitement.

"Elder Brother Yang!"

When Su Yang turned around, there was a young lady running towards his direction with slight tears in her eyes.

"Who?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow at the approaching young lady who seemed to recognize him.

"Elder Brother Yang! Are you really Elder Brother Yang?! What happened to you? Where have you been for an entire year?! I have been looking everywhere for you!"

The young lady bombarded Su Yang with dozens of questions before she'd even reached him.

"Uhh… Who are you?" Su Yang asked the young lady that was clearly very familiar with him.


When the young lady heard his question and saw the confusion within his eyes, her running legs quickly slowed down before coming to a halt.

"D-Don't make such untasteful jokes, Elder Brother Yang… It's me, Su Yin!"

The young lady introduced herself as Su Yin, and Su Yang immediately realized her identity and understood the situation. She was clearly someone from the Su Family, and more importantly, she was probably his sibling in this world.

However, even though he was aware of such facts, Su Yang couldn't feel anything from seeing her. After all, he doesn't have any memories of her. Even if he retained the memories of the previous Su Yang, he most likely wouldn't feel any different at this moment.

And not wanting to get involved with her or this Su Family, Su Yang said: "You must have mistaken me as someone else. I do not know any Su Yin."

"No way…" Su Yin's eyes widened with shock after hearing his words, even showing signs of distress.

"B-But your face… your tall and slim figure… even your smell… you are clearly the Elder Brother Yang that I know!" she refused to believe that she could have possibly mistaken someone else as her beloved brother.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the area changed once again.

However, there was no threatening feeling in the air, so Su Yang and Qiuyue only calmly looked around.

A few moments later, the space above the Ghoul's corpse began twisting.


Seconds later, a blue vortex suddenly appears out of thin air, looking like a portal of some sorts.

Once the vortex stabilized itself, Su Yang said to Qiuyue: "Let's go."

Qiuyue nodded and followed without a word.

"Wait! Elder Brother Yang!" Su Yin called for him loudly, but Su Yang ignored her and continued to approach the portal.

Qiuyue glanced at Su Yin with the corner of her eyes. Although she was curious about her relationship with Su Yang, she couldn't bring herself to ask, as it was none of her business.

Very quickly, Su Yang and Qiuyue entered the portal, disappearing from everyone's view.

"Where do you think that portal will take us?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"Probably to the 4th floor…"

People began speculating that the portal would lead them to the fourth floor, but nobody there followed after Su Yang entered even after many minutes. After all, nobody there dared to enter the fourth floor without making any preparations, especially after witnessing such a fearsome monster like the Ghoul.

If there are already Heavenly Spirit Realm beings on the third floor, what dreadful monsters would exist on the fourth floor? Many people were too afraid to even imagine.

However, Su Yin, who was still filled with confusion and mixed emotions from her encounter with Su Yang, did not care about such dangers and approached the blue vortex.

"Wait! Lady Su! You can't go in there now!"

"Lady Su! What happened?! Why did you run out there by yourself?"

"Did you know that young man who defeated the monster over there?"

A few figures quickly appeared beside Su Yin to stop her from entering the portal. Some of them looked around the same age as her, and others were a bit older, looking like their guardians or some sorts.

"But I have to go after Elder Brother Yang! There is clearly something wrong with him!" Su Yin said, struggling to free herself from the people that was preventing her from getting any closer to the portal.

"Elder Brother Yang? Your elder brother that went missing since a year ago?" One of them that understood the situation asked her.

Su Yin nodded. "But he didn't recognize me, his own sister! He had most likely lost his memories due to some unfortunate accident!"

"Miss Su, although I understand your situation and your feelings to an extent, it is too dangerous to enter that portal without any information. Let's not act rashly and wait until we have more information before entering," said one of the middle-aged man. "Our Sect will not be able to withstand your father's wrath if anything were to happen to you, who is currently in our care. Please understand."


Su Yin immediately turned quiet.

"Additionally, he was strong enough to defeat a monster at the Heavenly Spirit Realm. I'm positive that no matter what is on the other side of the portal, it will most likely pose no threat to him."


Just as Su Yin opened her mouth, the blue vortex trembled and turned into smoke within seconds, quickly disappearing from the place.

"Huh? Where did the portal go?"

"Wasn't that the entrance to the fourth floor?"

The people there were bewildered by the vortex's disappearance. Why did it suddenly disappear? What was on the other side of the portal? They were all questions that may never be answered.

"N-N-No! Elder Brother Yang!!!"

Su Yin immediately burst into tears when she realized that she'd once again lost her elder brother without any idea about his location, feeling the same despair that she felt when he first went missing one year ago.

"Miss Su…"

"Lady Su…"

Her companions were startled by her reactions; it was a side of her that none of them have witnessed before, almost like watching an apple suddenly turn into an orange. And because not a single one of them knew how to react in this situation, they could only stand there silently until she calms down.

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