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76.03% Mixed HD / Chapter 330: 92-101

Chapter 330: 92-101

Chapter 92 Are You Regretting Your Actions Now?

"What's wrong, Master? Have you already forgotten about me?" Su Yang took the initiative to speak to Li Xiao Mo when she was seemingly speechless.

"W-What are you doing here, Su Yang? And your clothes… You are an Inner Court disciple now?" The tone Li Xiao Mo used when speaking to Su Yang was not anything like a Master speaking to her servant and instead sounded more reserved, almost as if she was talking to someone above her but didn't want to make it sound so obvious.

"It's all because of you, Master. If it wasn't for your help, I would've never made it here…" Su Yang continued treating her as though she was his master, even throwing in a few lies to make things difficult for her.

"Senior apprentice-sister Li, why don't you introduce this manservant of yours to us already?" someone suddenly said out loud, and the surrounding disciples nodded.

Li Xiao Mo looked at the surrounding disciples with a perplexed expression on her face, silently cursing each and every single one of them inwardly.

After another moment of silence, Li Xiao Mo showed a graceful smile and said: "Junior apprentice-brother Su, why must you tease me like this? You made everyone here believe you to be my servant, which is far from the truth…"


The smiles on the surrounding disciples froze, and they glared at Su Yang with sharp eyes after realizing that he had played all of them.

"How boring… You really are no fun, Li Xiao Mo." Su Yang shook his head, feeling disappointed that she didn't play along with him.

"Li Xiao Mo?" A few disciples there frowned at the way Su Yang casually addressed her, even calling her by her full name. It gave the two a feeling of intimacy, and that secretly displeased a few people there that felt a certain way towards Li Xiao Mo, who was relatively popular within the Inner Court disciples.

"Who the hell are you, new kid? Do you not know Senior apprentice-sister Li's background here within the Inner Court?" A handsome young man with long hair and sharp eyebrows spoke out loud as he looked at Su Yang with an unfriendly gaze.

"Junior apprentice-brother Gu!" Li Xiao Mo narrowed her eyes at the individual who just spoke, which only made him feel even more irritated.

"Senior apprentice-sister Li protected the newcomer?"

When the disciples saw this, their interest in Su Yang skyrocketed.

Li Xiao Mo was known for her arrogant and overbearing demeanor, so for her to go out of her way to defend someone, that individual must have some sort of special background that even she has to respect.

"A-Anyway…" Li Xiao Mo cleared her throat and turned her attention back to Su Yang. "What are you doing here?"

Su Yang looked around at the surrounding disciples and said: "This is the gathering place for that, right? Why else would I be here?"

"What!? You are also participating in this event?!"

Not only was Li Xiao Mo shocked at the reveal, but even the other disciples were also dumbfounded.

"That's impossible! You are clearly a new Inner Court disciple! There is no way that you could've been chosen for this!" exclaimed the disciple surnamed Gu.

"Are you kidding me? How could someone who'd just become an Inner Court disciple participate this event that upholds the Sect's reputation? Based on what qualifications?"

"Junior apprentice-brother Su… Only those with a substantial amount of experience as an Inner Court disciple may participate in this event, yet you being here does not make sense…" Li Xiao Mo partially explained to him why everybody there was surprised.

"Is it really that surprising for me to be here?" Su Yang nonchalantly shrugged. "As for my qualifications…"

He looked at Li Xiao Mo and continued: "Li Xiao Mo here should know whether or not I am qualified to participate in this event based on her own experiences."

"Eh?" Li Xiao Mo instantly blushed once she realized the meaning behind his words, and even her body began reacting by feeling heated.

"What!?" As for the other disciples, their eyes widened with shock. Some of them even felt as though their heart was being hammered by an invisible hammer.

"Senior apprentice-sister Li! Surely, he must be farting! There's no way that you would've done 'that' with him!" The one surnamed Gu said in disbelief.

"That's right!" The other disciples also decided to join. "After all, you already have—"

"Shut up! Of course, he's just joking with you all!" Li Xiao Mo suddenly shouted.

The place immediately became silent.

And just as someone was able to curse at Su Yang for his untasteful jokes, the sound of someone clearing their throat resounded.

"It's the Matriarch!"

The disciples there quickly began bowing to the approaching Liu Lanzhi one by one.

"This disciple greets the Matriarch!"

"Un." Liu Lanzhi nodded.

However, when she noticed Su Yang, who was just standing there with a nonchalant expression on his face, Liu Lanzhi pointed at him and said: "I see that nothing about you have changed since we last met— still as disrespectful to your elders as always."

Su Yang did not say anything regarding her remarks and continued to stand there silently.


Liu Lanzhi frowned upon seeing no reaction from him. Did he not hear what the others there just called her? Or was his body along with his face frozen from shock after learning of her real status?

Because Liu Lanzhi did not expose her identity to Su Yang as the Matriarch at the Examination Hall, she believed that Su Yang only saw her as a mere Sect Elder with zero clues as to her true identity as the Matriarch.

"How's that, Su Yang? Are you so shocked that you cannot even react properly?" Liu Lanzhi laughed inwardly.

After the passionate session inside the Examination Hall, Liu Lanzhi has always been looking for a way to pay him back for what he'd done to her. And what better way to get her revenge than to show up suddenly as the Matriarch of the Sect?

But alas, too bad for Liu Lanzhi that Su Yang had long guessed her real identity the instant he saw her. Hell, if she knew that Su Yang was actually the current Patriarch, who knows how she'll react.

"Look at you, shocked speechless over something so small..." Liu Lanzhi suddenly said with a grin on her face, poking fun at him. "Are you regretting your actions at the Examination Hall now?"

Chapter 93 This is Not Prostitution!

When Su Yang heard Liu Lanzhi's words, he nearly burst out laughing from how ridiculously wrong she was in her guesses.

"After what happened at the Examination Hall, you still have the courage to speak with such arrogance? Do you have no face?" Su Yang shook his head, his words shocking the disciples there.

For him to use such a disrespectful tone towards the Matriarch of the Sect, does this guy have balls made of steel or something like that?

"The audacity!" The one surnamed Gu exclaimed loudly. "Who do you think you are speaking to!? Not only did you refuse to greet the Matriarch, but you also dared to show such disrespect towards her? Are you even a disciple of this Sect?"

Su Yang looked at the handsome young man surnamed Gu, and he lowered his head to look at the green robes on his body. "Are you stupid? Can't you see my clothes? If I am not a disciple here then what am I?" he said in a voice of ridicule, causing the young man to flush in anger.

"I swear to the Heavens that if I do not—"


Liu Lanzhi interrupted the two and said: "We are already late to the event because I had a meeting to attend; there is no time for your little games right now! If you wish to argue, then do it afterward!"

"Che! You lucked out for now… but just wait until after all of this is over!" The disciple surnamed Gu gnashed his teeth at Su Yang before turning away to ignore him.

Hearing his threat, Su Yang didn't even lift an eyebrow, as such empty threat was just that insignificant to him.

A moment later, Liu Lanzhi continued: "Anyway, let me brief you all on the situation before we head to the Chamber of Embrace. First and foremost, all of you here were handpicked by either another Sect Elder or myself, so I am very confident that you will not disappoint the Sect, as a great deal of our Sect's resource and reputation depend on this event."

"The next thing is that the female to male ratio here is clearly uneven with two-thirds of the participants here being female. But as you all know, the overall majority of the guests that will be coming here today are males, so the guests will have no trouble in finding a partner for the day. As for the males… you all should already know what will happen, right?"

"Yes, Matriarch!" The male disciples there looked at each other with intense gazes, looking as though everyone there had turned in rivals.

Because there will only be a few females attending this event, these male disciples will have to use their own abilities to outshine the next if he wants to attract attention.

As for the event itself…

"Matriarch." Su Yang suddenly raised his hand.

"What is it?" Liu Lanzhi looked at him and asked.

"Although I have an idea of what this event entails, the invitation was not exactly clear in the details…"

"Oh, right, this should be the first time you've heard of this event, as the previous one happened a year before you joined." Liu Lanzhi nodded, and she continued: "Our Profound Blossom Sect would organize this event every one to two years in order to raise resources and create connections with Sects and families near our Sect, and these Sects and families that we have invited may bring along with them at most two prominent disciples or descendants that still has their Essence intact to cultivate with disciples from our Profound Blossom Sect."

Hearing her explanation, the only thing Su Yang could think of was prostitution, as one party was required to pay the other for services that involve sexual activities.

"You actually dare to prostitute me to others?" Su Yang was dumbfounded. The jade slip he received only mentioned about the chosen ones improving the Sect's reputation by showing off their techniques and said nothing of prostitution.

Liu Lanzhi frowned at his choice of words, and she said: "This is not prostitution! This is the Sect assisting its disciples by giving them Yin and Yang Essences from talented individuals! Not only will our disciples grow, but our Sect will also become richer! Additionally, nobody will be forcing you to chose a partner! If you do not like the individual requesting for your time, then you may refuse it!"

Su Yang was speechless at her logic. No matter how she explained it, this method of exchanging their bodies for resources is fundamentally defined as prostitution. Even if she disguised its true intent by saying it benefits the disciples, they are still being paid to cultivate!

This is basically Cultivator prostitution!

"This is ridiculous. I will be damned if I am going to participant in this farce." Su Yang turned around and began walking away.

He was someone with great pride and dignity, and the thought of selling his body was unthinkable for someone like him. However, it was not as if nobody has offered him wealth in exchange for his time in bed before. Hell, in his previous life, there were countless times when someone would offer him heavenly treasures and divine herbs for his services!

This is also one of many reasons as to why Su Yang didn't go beyond massaging his clients during his earlier days, as he despised anything that resembled prostitution.

"Su Yang!?" Liu Lanzhi did not expect such a reaction from him and was shocked when he turned to walk away.

Although his presence was not necessary for this event, his god-like techniques would surely cause the Sect's reputation to soar, and Liu Lanzhi was not willing to ruin such a chance for her Sect to rise.

"Wait a moment!" Liu Lanzhi quickly chased after Su Yang, who was already far away from the group.

The disciples were dazed at the situation. Why would the Matriarch chase after such a rude kid? If he wanted to leave and miss out on the easy harvest, then she should just let him leave! This would mean less competition for the males, too!

Chapter 94 Root of Vitality

"Where do you think you are going, Su Yang!?" Liu Lanzhi blocked Su Yang's path by standing in front of him, and she looked at him with a displeased expression.

"I will not be taking part in this event— my dignity will not allow it," he said with a nonchalant expression, yet his voice was as cold as ice. "If there weren't any payments involved, there wouldn't be a need for me to turn around."

"Aiya!" Liu Lanzhi sighed loudly. "Why are you being so stubborn? I am telling you that this is not prostitution! Of course, we are being paid by our guests for this event and that may make it seem as such, but they are the ones offering these payments, and it has always been like that since the founding of the Sect!"

"I have no problems with the Sect participating in such activities, as that is its nature. However, that has nothing to do with why I refuse to participate." Su Yang said as he walked around Liu Lanzhi.

Liu Lanzhi could feel her body trembling from anger at this moment. How could he be so disrespectful towards his seniors, much less the Matriarch of this Sect? She has never seen a disciple as troublesome as him.

However, as much as she hated dealing with Su Yang, she also admired his techniques as much if not even more.

"Hold it!" Liu Lanzhi blocked his path again and began persuading him again. "Then how about this? You are not participating this for the Sect and instead will be participating for me!"

Su Yang looked at her as though he was looking at an idiot, and he continued to walk.

However, Liu Lanzhi blocked him off again before he could really go anywhere, and she continued to persuade him: "Fine! Then I will return to all the guests their payments! Will you stay now?"

"..." Seeing her odd behavior, Su Yang remained silent, causing Liu Lanzhi to feel apprehensive.

The only reason she was going this far to satisfy him was because of what happened during the meeting she attended prior to coming here.

The meeting consisted of nearly every Sect Elder within the Sect, and it was there that Liu Lanzhi revealed to everybody Li Qiang's death, which greatly shocked everybody there with ease.

And although it took some time, after everyone there organized their minds and calmed down, they began analyzing the situation of having a new and unknown Patriarch.

At the end of the meeting, long story short, the Sect has decided to start the processes of grooming a new Patriarch a few years earlier than planned.

And naturally, after Liu Lanzhi experienced Su Yang's god-like techniques, he became one of the highest priorities in her list of talented individuals that are worthy enough to be groomed as a future Patriarch.

"You really want me to participate in this event, huh? Is there a specific reason as to why you are so determined to have me stay— No, forget it." Su Yang decided to remain silent instead, as he could already guess her inner thoughts. "Since you are this adamant on having me participate this little event, to the point where you are willing to throw away so much resource, I guess I could spare some time to check it out."

"Eh? Does this mean…"

"However, I have another request," he suddenly said.

"You still want more from me? Surely, this must be the famous saying 'give an inch and they'll take a mile'!"

"It's not much, really. I only want to use the Yin Yang Pavilion to cultivate for a few days."

"What? You want to use the Yin Yang Pavilion? That's impossible. Even if I ignore the fact that only the Sect Masters are allowed to use the Yin Yang Pavilion, the Patriarch would never allow it," said Liu Lanzhi.

Although she personally wouldn't mind lending him the Yin Yang Pavilion, she didn't want Su Yang— who was known for being disrespectful to his elders— to bother the new Patriarch, someone with an eccentric nature.

Who knows what the Patriarch would do if Su Yang offended him. Not to mention that Su Yang was also a candidate for the next Patriarch, and it'd be a tragic event if he'd died because of something like this.

"However…" Liu Lanzhi then continued: "I can give you the privilege to use the Chamber of Embrace for as long as you'd like— all free of charge, of course."

"You're being awfully generous today, Matriarch. Did you wake up on the right side of the bed this morning?" Su Yang chuckled.

"..." Liu Lanzhi became speechless. She didn't know how to respond to him, so she decided to end their conversation there.

Meanwhile, the disciples all wondered what they were talking about for it to take so long. If recalled correctly, weren't they already pretty late to the event? The guests might just forget about today and leave if they are kept waiting for too long.

When Liu Lanzhi finally left Su Yang's side and returned to the other disciples, she began leading them to the Chamber of Embrace.

The Chamber of Embrace was located in a small valley near the center of the Inner Court. Once they arrived at the place, the group of disciples was greeted by a small mountain the size of a nine-story-tall building with five cave entrance spread around the mountain.

"So this is the Chamber of Embrace…" Su Yang narrowed his eyes at the small, unremarkable mountain before him. If one looked at it normally, the mountain looked no different than any other mountain beside its abnormal small size.

However, when Su Yang used his All-Seeing Celestial Eyes to look at the place, he was pleasantly surprised by what he'd found within this Chamber of Embrace.

"The Root of Vitality… it's bigger than I'd expected…" he mumbled to himself.

Beside the small mountain and its five entrances, there was also a few dozens of people standing around in the large open area beside the Chamber of Embrace.

And once Su Yang and the others arrived at the place, they all turned to look at them with sparkling eyes, clearly excited to see so many handsome young men and beautiful young ladies.

Chapter 95 Chamber of Embrace 1

When the guests noticed the group of disciples approaching them, their hearts throbbed profusely, as they will be embracing someone within that group today.

"As expected of the Profound Blossom Sect— their appearances are truly the best within the Eastern Continent!" One of the guests praised.

"I have never seen so many top-notch beauties in one place at once!" A young man within the group could already feel blood rushing towards his little brother.

As a matter of fact, the majority of the guests there were already feeling arousement just from looking at the group of disciples.

"I apologize for the late arrival," said Liu Lanzhi upon seeing the guests. "And since we are already behind schedule, I will be skipping the basic introductions."

"The disciples I have brought today are all masterful in the art of pleasure and the most experienced within their ranks. If you see one to your liking, you may go up to the individual and request for their time."

"However, keep in mind that I cannot force them accept your proposal and that there is a chance for refusal."

After saying her piece, Liu Lanzhi stepped back to allow the crowd for a better look at her disciples.

As for the disciples themselves, they began moving away from each other in order to distinguish themselves from one another.

The only one that didn't move was Su Yang. He just casually stood there, looking as though he was just a spectator.

The guests immediately began speaking to one another.

"Young Master, how about that beauty all the way to the right? I believe her to be fitting of your taste."

Of course, there were also guardians and Sect Elders within the guests as representatives just in case something happens.

"Senior apprentice-sister Mai, what do you think about that young man with the long black hair in the back? He's clearly the most handsome out of them all…"

The females within the guests immediately noticed Su Yang that stood out like a sore thumb due to his overwhelmingly superior appearance when compared the to rest.

"I would love to choose him as my partner… but there's something frightening about him…"

"Eh? You think so, too?"


While many within the guests wanted to pick Su Yang, there was something about him that prevented them from approaching him. It was as though there was an invisible barrier around him that warded off others.

A few minutes after the event started, the first person stepped forward.

He was a young man with a large figure and a slightly above average face, and unlike most of the males from the Profound Blossom Sect, his muscles were bulging with veins.

"A Body Refiner?" Su Yang instantly recognized the young man's cultivation technique.

Because of the rigorous and heavy training Body Refiners must go though, they are all usually built bigger than common Cultivators.

As for Su Yang, whose body was too slim and elegant for a Body Refiner, it was all because of his unique cultivation technique.

This young man with large muscles proceeded to approach the female disciple with the smallest physique within the group, dumbfounding many people there.

"I am a Body Refiner at the peak stages of the Elementary Spirit Realm. May I request this beauty for her time today?" The young man bowed elegantly despite his stiff-looking body.

The female disciple looked at him for a moment before nodding her head with a smile.

Seeing her approval, the young man's face bloomed with smiles.

Liu Lanzhi nodded at the two and said: "The two of you may enter any one of the chambers. You are allowed only one session inside, but there is no time limit for the session. Whether you last a minute, an hour, or an entire day, it is considered one session when the both of you release the Qi within your body once. Do you have any questions?"

"What if only one of the two manages to… uh… 'release'?"

"Then it will be continued until both of them releases their respective Qi," said Liu Lanzhi.

"And although I have already laid out the rules during the invitations, I will repeat it again here. You are not allowed to harm my disciples in any way, shape, or form. As for rough plays… that'll be at my disciples' discretion."

The guests nodded at her words, and the first two began making their way to one of the five available chambers.

After the first pair entered the Chamber of Embrace the other guests immediately approached the other Profound Blossom Sect disciples in fear that she may be snatched by another.

The second person to step forward was a young man with average appearances. Though, his average looks was rated by the outside world. If he was graded under the Profound Blossom Sect's standards, then he'd be way below average, even ugly.

"My name is Meng Lee, and I am at the second level of the Profound Spirit Realm—"

"No thank you."

The female disciple the young man was trying to court refused his offer before he could even finish his sentence, causing him to feel not only dumbfounded but embarrassed as well.

"For him to think that he could court our senior apprentice-sister Li with his trash looks, what a fool."

The Profound Blossom Sect disciples snorted coldly inside their heart at the young man's attempt.

After hearing Li Xiao Mo's refusal, the young man walked back with his head lowered in shame.

Although Liu Lanzhi did not mention it, there would naturally be a few guests that may not be able to find a cultivating partner today.

Meanwhile, Li Xiao Mo glanced at Su Yang with the corner of her eyes after refusing the young man.

"I may not be able to participate in this event with his presence here…" she inwardly sighed to herself.

Although it was common for disciples of the Profound Blossom Sect to cultivate with more than one individual throughout their life in the Sect, there are still individuals that did not like the idea of sharing their partners, with some even going as far as rejecting anyone that has already been taken.

Li Xiao Mo clearly felt some way towards Su Yang after their first encounter, and afraid that he may be one of those individuals that dislikes the idea of sharing, she decided to sit out on this event despite already showing up.

Chapter 96 Chamber of Embrace 2

Many minutes have passed since the event started, and all five entrances to the Chamber of Embrace were closed at this moment.

While everybody there waited, a few disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect side decided to introduce themselves in order to attract more attention.

They talked about their backgrounds and what they hoped to achieve in the Cultivation world, quickly gathering the attention of the guests.

"Young Lady, what do you think about him? He seems like a pretty decent guy," whispered an old man from the crowd, his gaze at a beautiful young lady with short black hair.

The young lady coldly snorted at the old man's words. "This is my third time here— if the last two didn't work, what makes you think things will be any different this time?"

The old man sighed at her words, and he replied: "Aiya! Do not blame this old man… I am only here as an escort… If the Young Lady wishes to make a complaint, please go directly to the head of our family…"

The young lady's mood seemingly worsened after hearing the old man mention their family.

"I cannot comprehend Father's thoughts. Why would he send me to this vulgar place to find a husband? This is not only great humiliation to me but also to the entire family!"

The old man shook his head at her words. Even he, one of the most trustworthy servants within the family, does not know of her father's intention for sending his daughter to a shameful place like this.

"Telling me to find a husband from this vulgar place is no different than telling me to pick a husband from some expensive brothel! If this is not humiliation, then there is nothing in this world that could be considered as humiliating, and I will no longer stand for this! Once we are finished here, I will give a piece of my mind to my Father!"

The old man only smiled bitterly at the young lady's endless grumbling.

"No matter how stubborn the young lady is, her father will always be more stubborn…" he sighed inwardly, and he began paying attention to the Profound Blossom Sect again.

His job was to find a suitable partner for the young lady with him today. If he fails again like he'd for the last two times, then he would be at risk for a beating by the head of the family, who was also the young lady's father.

Every young man at the Profound Blossom Sect was more than qualified to be the Young Lady's partner in terms of look, but one would be required more than just appearances in order to be accepted by her family.

After taking a few minutes to analyze all the disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect, the old man realized that he couldn't find anything unique about these young men besides their appearances.

Though, there was one young man within the group that gave off a completely different atmosphere than the others, setting himself apart from them.

"His appearances are definitely something to be envied of, even by this place's standards, but…" The old man scratched his head, feeling perplexed.

"But he has this dangerous feeling around him… and I don't have a clue as to his character or demeanor…"

Suddenly, the Young Lady asked him: "Old Lu, can we go home already? At this rate, we will be standing here until this festival meant for perverts ends…"

"You Father strictly ordered us to not return until this is all over."

"Che…" The Young Lady sucked her teeth in disappointment, and then she began looking at the Profound Blossom Sect disciples out of boredom.




Meanwhile, Su Yang stood there with an irritated expression, feeling as though he was a puppet on display from just standing there and being watched.

He turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and spoke: "How long do we have to be here?"

"Two days," she calmly replied.

Su Yang narrowed his eyes at her before turning to look at the crowd of guests.

There were still at least 40 people there, with only around 10 females amongst the entire group.

Out of these ten females, only half of them had decent faces.

And among these five young ladies, only three of them could be considered average by the Profound Blossom Sect's standards, meaning that they were definitely beautiful ladies in the world outside of this weird place.

A few minutes later, just as Su Yang was prepared to move, one of the female guests stepped forward, becoming the first from the ten there.

When the disciples saw this, they instinctively straightened their backs to look even taller.

Although the benefits these disciples would receive from today's event was nothing really worthy for Inner Court disciples like them, they are doing this mainly for bragging rights and to boost their pride and ego.

If they truly wished to advance their cultivation base, they wouldn't be here standing around and wasting time and would instead be cultivating with fellow disciples that are clearly more pleasant to cultivate with.

In other words, these Inner Court disciples are only here to show one another that they are the superior one when it comes to their charm, something all the disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect took pride in!

As for the female disciples, their reason for joining was much more simple— they wanted more resource from the Sect!

Unlike Core disciples that have an almost unlimited resource for cultivation, they still have to earn the majority of their resources. And although it may sound bad to others, the female disciples actually liked how they get to obtain both resource and Yang Essence from talented individuals at the same time, something extremely rare in a Sect such as this place, as virgin males are even more scarce than pure maidens in this place.

After standing there for a few moments, looking hesitant, the young lady began approaching the Profound Blossom Sect disciples.

When she arrived in front of the disciple surnamed Gu, the smile on his face widened.


However, before he could even open his mouth halfway, the young lady walked right past him and continued walking straight towards Su Yang, who was standing not far away behind him.

"Hello, I am Zhu Da, Inner Court disciple of the Blue Wind Valley… May I ask for this brother's time whenever there is an open room?"

The young lady asked Su Yang with a shy expression on her face.

The smile on Disciple Gu's face immediately froze, and his head began burning from embarrassment a moment later. "Su Yang!!!" he growled inwardly, feeling anger as though his family was just murdered right in front of him.

Chapter 97 Chamber of Embrace 3

Su Yang silently gazed at the seemingly docile young lady before him.

She had long black hair, delicate features, and a decent figure. If she were in the world outside of this place, then she'd definitely be recognized as a beauty.

"Ummm…" Zhu Da looked more nervous as time went by without any replies.

Su Yang closed his eyes, and he spoke: "I refuse."


Zhu Da's expression expressed shock for an instant before she managed to put on a stiff smile.

"M-May I ask why? Am I not good enough for this brother?" she asked him, trying to stay calm.

"Although you may be able to fool others with your little act, I happen to have keen eyes for woman, and you are unpleasant to my eyes. Scram before I help you." Su Yang said to her in a calm voice.

Not only was Zhu Da dumbfounded by his seemingly harsh and unwarranted words, even Liu Lanzhi's jaw dropped from shock.

"Su Yang! What do you think you are—"

"How dare a manwhore like you speak to my daughter like that!" Before Liu Lanzhi could scold Su Yang, another voice loudly resounded from the crowd of guests— it was a middle-aged man.

Su Yang glanced at the middle-aged man with a furious expression within the crowd.

"What did you just call me?" Su Yang's gaze narrowed at him, and the frightening aura surrounding him thickened.

When the middle-aged man saw Su Yang's beast-like gaze, his legs nearly gave up on him.

However, he managed to stay standing, and he even started yelling at an even louder voice.

"I paid your Sect a great amount of resources not to have you insult my daughter! I demand a—"

"Even if you decide to give me the world as a payment, I still wouldn't touch her," Su Yang laughed out loud.

"Su Yang!" Liu Lanzhi called for him. She couldn't understand why he was being so rude, even going as far as to make such inappropriate remarks seemingly for no reason.


Suddenly, another laughter beside Su Yang's resounded— it was a feminine laugh.

Everybody turned to look at the one who'd just laughed; it was a beauty young lady with short black hair.

"This is hilarious! Zhu Da, this is the first time I've witnessed your little act ineffective against someone! Truly a scene to behold!"

"Young Lady!" The old man beside her looked at her with a surprised expression. What was she trying to achieve by meddling in their conversation?

"Lu Lifen! Mind your own business!" Zhu Da called her name in a chilling voice.

The young lady named Lu Lifen laughed even louder at her words: "Or what? What are you going to do to me, surnamed Zhu!?"

Zhu Da gnashed her teeth with hatred, her gaze at Lu Lifen filled with killing intent, yet she didn't dare to refute, seemingly afraid of the young lady with short black hair.

"The Lu Family!" The middle-aged man also looked at Lu Lifen with an unpleasant gaze, but when the old man beside her turned to look at him with narrowed eyes, his body immediately trembled from a dreadful feeling.

"Old Lu!" The middle-aged man mumbled under his breath, and he turned to his daughter and said: "Da'er, forget about him! He's clearly not worth your time!"

Zhu Da nodded, but as she turned to leave, Su Yang mumbled to her: "So it's a family thing, huh?"

Su Yang's words caused Zhu Da to halt for a moment, but she managed to ignore him and walk away.

However, just as Zhu Da passed Disciple Gu, he spoke to her: "To disrespect a fine lady such as yourself, that bastard clearly isn't a man."

Zhu Da stopped her steps this time. "What may this brother's name be?" she asked him in a sweet voice.

"I am Gu Wei, Profound Blossom Sect Inner Court disciple."

"I am Zhu Da—"

"Sister Zhu, correct? How about it, sister Zhu. Want me to comfort you in place of that idiot behind me?" He said, directly going for her hands.

Zhu Da remained silent for a moment before nodding.

Seeing this, Su Yang grinned. "What a great matchup," he laughed inwardly.

"The two of you may enter once there is an available room," said Liu Lanzhi upon seeing the two pair up.

After Gu Wei and Zhu Da paired up, the two proceeded to wait in a separate area, where they could connect with each other while waiting for an available room.

Meanwhile, Su Yang looked at the young lady with short black hair with a slight smile on his face.

He then began moving forward, taking casual steps towards the crowd.

"Where do you think you are going, Su Yang?" Liu Lanzhi called him out before he could even move three steps.

"To pick a partner, of course," he said calmly, dumbfounding everybody there, especially the Profound Blossom Sect disciples. Who told him that he was allowed to choose?

"That's ridiculous! Since when—"

"Are you going to tell me no?" Su Yang interrupted the disciple that was speaking and spoke directly to Liu Lanzhi, who was looking at him with a frown.

"Since when did I turn into some toy on display waiting to be picked and played?" he continued. "I am Su Yang— I choose who I want to embrace!"

There was profound feeling within the words he spoke, especially the last sentence, and the proud expression on his face as he spoke managed to charm many people there.

Even Liu Lanzhi looked at him with wide eyes, seemingly a bit dazed by his words.

Su Yang continued to walk after his words, and he was seemingly heading towards the young lady named Lu Lifen.

When he stood in front of her, Su Yang smiled and said: "I can tell that you are also bored of being here, so why don't we go somewhere quiet to drink some tea?"

The young lady also smiled. "Is there such a place here?" she asked him.

"Of course. It's just right over there." Su Yang pointed to the Chamber of Embrace, giving her a small chuckle.

"Say, I am curious… How did you know?" she then asked.


"Don't play dumb now."

"Maybe we can talk about this over some tea? I'm feeling quite thirsty after that conversation just now."

Lu Lifen suddenly became quiet.

"It'll be a boring tea session with no action, if you don't mind," she said a moment later.

"I am only interested in the tea," he quickly replied.

After another moment of silence, Lu Lifen nodded. "Good. Let's drink some tea, shall we?"

Liu Lanzhi watched their interaction with a puzzled expression on her face. Why did Su Yang suddenly become willing to participate when he was so reluctant just moments ago, even going as far as to invite the other individual himself?

Even Li Xiao Mo looked a bit dazed from his actions. He was willing to embrace someone like her when literally almost everyone within the Sect was superior in every way? This caused a bitter feeling in her heart.

And just a few moments after Lu Lifen decided to enter Chamber of Embrace with Su Yang, one of the five doors opened, and the first two that went inside slowly came out walking side by side.

The bulky young man looked as though he'd just came back from paradise, his expression loose and silly-looking, almost as though he was mentally challenged. And the way he walked looked funny, looking as though he would fall after every few steps.

The small young lady beside him, on the other hand, looked perfectly normal. Hell, the only thing that was different about her now from before she entered was that her face looked slightly rosier.

When the other guests saw this, they all did unconsciously swallowed hard. Although they have heard rumors of this place and its great reputations, their expectations just soared to the heavens.

Are their techniques really that great? To the point where someone that small was able to completely tire out a Body Refiner as though she was taking a stroll in the park?

"The next pair may go inside—" Before Liu Lanzhi could finish her sentence, two figures could be seen walking towards the open door.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?!" Gu Wei roared at the two figures approaching the Chamber of Embrace.

"What does it look like I am doing?" Su Yang only stopped for an instant before walking again, causing Gu Wei to flush red from anger.

"You bastard! We were clearly first in line!"

However, no matter how loud Gu Wei screamed at him, Su Yang did not stop moving and walked straight into the Chamber of Embrace with Lu Lifen following behind him.

When the two entered the cave-like entrance, a large rock appeared to block the entrance, locking them inside.

Seeing this, Gu Wei nearly exploded in madness. He turned to look at Liu Lanzhi, and said: "Matriarch! This disciple was clearly wronged and requests the Matriarch to seek for justice!"

Liu Lanzhi looked at him with a bitter smile. What could she do to him? Even though she's the all-powerful Matriarch, Su Yang was a special entity within the Sect, not to mention their complex relationship.

"I will punish him accordingly afterwards," said Liu Lanzhi just to calm Gu Wei down.

"Thank you, Matriarch!" Gu Wei bowed with a bright smile on his face.




The inside of the Chamber of Embrace looked just like a small cave but decorated with a luxuriously large bed in the center of the place.

Indeed, there was only one bed and a few dimly lit light sources inside this chamber with nothing else.

"Huh? Did those two that was here just now really do anything in here? It is too clean in here, almost as if nothing happened here. Surely they didn't clean it with such perfection after doing 'that', right?" Lu Lifen pondered out loud.

"There is something in here that absorbs every last drop of the surrounding Yin Qi and Yang Qi, so you won't find anything remaining in here." Su Yang explained to her without telling her the existence of the Root of Vitality.

"Hmm… Is that so…?" Lu Lifen sat on the bed and turned to look at Su Yang, who was inspecting the place.

"So? Why did you choose me out of everyone out there? Is it because I look the best?" she asked.

"No, I only picked you because you looked bored," he said with a small smile.

"I don't believe you," she quickly replied.

"If you are thinking about taking my purity, then you can forget about it. I did not come here because I desired such things but because I was forced to by my family."

"Understandable, but I really do not intend on touching you," Su Yang assured her again, his gaze still wandering around the place, looking as though he was searching for something.

"I don't believe you," she said again.

Su Yang stopped looking around and turned to look at her with a grin. "I will not benefit much from someone at the fourth level of the Profound Spirit Realm even if I take your Yin Essence."

"..." Lu Lifen eyes slightly widened at his words. How did he know her cultivation base?

Su Yang began looking around the place again, and his weird actions gradually attracted Lu Lifen's curiosity.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Looking for a way to dig something out without uprooting this entire mountain," he casually said.

"Pft." Lu Lifen laughed at his reply thinking that he was joking with her.

"Hey, tell me about yourself," she continued.

"Su Yang, Inner Court disciple."

"I don't care about that."

"I am a scoundrel that enjoys embracing beautiful women— it is also my sole reason for living."

"...Are you suggesting something?" she said with a frown.

"Don't worry, you are not in my category of 'beautiful women'," he calmly said.

Hearing his words, Lu Lifen's face reddened, clearly angry at his remarks.

"Are you picking a fight with me? I will have you know that I—"

"Alright, I am ready to leave," Su Yang suddenly said, dumbfounding her.

"What? Already? We literally just got here."

"I have achieved what I came here for, so I am ready to leave— unless you want to stay here a bit longer to exercise?"

Lu Lifen coldly snorted and said: "Let's go! I have misjudged you! I came here believing you to be an interesting individual, but I was wrong!"

She walked to the exit, but after a good minute of looking for a way to remove the boulder from blocking the exit and failing, she gave up on trying to do it herself and turned to ask Su Yang.

"How do I move this thing?" she asked in an irritated voice.

Su Yang shrugged and said: "This is my first time here, so even I do not know."

"What? How could this be…"

After a moment of pondering, Su Yang retrieved a jade slip from his storage ring and began pouring his Profound Qi into it.

"Hey, little girl, how does the Chamber of Embrace work?" He decided to ask Liu Lanzhi as the Patriarch.

"P-Patriarch! Uh… what would the Patriarch like to know about it?" Although she wondered why he was interested in the place, she didn't dare to ask.

"How does it function? More specifically, how does it open and close?"

"Uhh… It opens whenever given Spirit Stones, and it will remain open until at least two individual enters at the same time. Once it closes, it will open again once everyone inside the chamber releases their Passion Qi at least once," she quickly explained.

"So it won't open until the people inside releases their Qi?"

"That's right."

"Aiii…" Su Yang sighed before abruptly cutting the connection.

"What is it? Did you find a way to open this thing?"

"It won't open unless the both of us release our 'Qi'," he said to her.

Lu Lifen's expression drastically changed upon hearing his words. So it won't open unless the two of them embraced each other? That's ridiculous!

"I do not believe you!" Lu Lifen began attacking the stone boulder with all her strength, throwing every technique she have mastered up to this point at the large rock, but alas, it remained unmoving, like a mountain.

"Damnit! You tricked me! You knew that this would happen!" she said angrily.

"Hah? What are you talking about? Why would I need to trick you? Like I have already said multiple times— I do not intend on touching you," he shook his head.

"Additionally, we only have to release our Qi in order for it to open. You are overreacting."

"Che!" Lu Lifen sucked her teeth.

"Then what do you suggest? That we play with ourselves with each other still in the same small room? That's outrageous!"

"Do you have any better ideas?"


After a moment of silence, Lu Lifen walked to the bed, and then she said: "Listen here! You will not turn around until I am finished no matter what, or else I will kill you on the spot!"

"Yeah, yeah…" he lazily replied.

"Don't test me! I will really do it!"

After saying those words, Lu Lifen laid on the soft bed and began loosening her robes until she could touch her weak spot.

She then turned to look at Su Yang again, who was sitting by the entrance in the lotus position with his eyes closed, seemingly cultivating.

Seeing this, she heaved a sigh of relief, and her hands slowly approached her nether region the next moment.

Chapter 98 Chamber of Embrace 4

Time quickly passed as Su Yang cultivated in silence. However, the background noises behind him would occasionally disturb the peaceful environment.

Lu Lifen's slightly heavy breathing could be heard every once in a while, yet it didn't sound anything like pleasure. Instead, it sounded more like she was getting tired, even irritated.

"Are you done yet? It's been over an hour since you started, yet we are still here, even though you seemed quite eager to leave before," said Su Yang, his sudden voice startling Lu Lifen, who was so focused on herself that she'd totally forgotten about his existence.

"Shut up! I have never done this before, so I cannot help it! What about you? All you have been doing is sitting there! When are you going to relief yourself, too?! There's no meaning if only I do it!" she yelled back.

"You really think I'd do something as shameful as playing with myself? Who do you think I am? I can relieve myself without touching myself." Su Yang said in a bragging voice, dumbfound Lu Lifen.

Was that really something to be bragged about?

Although self-pleasure was in no way a shameful act with countless people doing it daily, such a statement could not be said the same for Su Yang, who has never touched himself before, as there was no need for him to do such a thing when he could easily have someone else do it for him at the snap of his fingers.

Lu Lifen stopped touching herself and retrieved her hands from inside her underwear, and she stared at Su Yang with an odd expression.

"You can relieve yourself without touching yourself? Is that even possible?" she asked him with a doubtful gaze, feeling a bit ridiculous herself for asking such an odd question.

"If I can't even do something as simple as controlling my own Yang Qi, can I even call myself a man?" Su Yang said as he shook his head, thinking that it was only natural that he'd be able to do such a thing.

"Really? Then why didn't you say so in the beginning?! We could have left this place by now if you had told me before I started doing something like that!"

Su Yang laughed at her words, and he said: "You think an ability like that could be learned through one's mouth? Even if I lecture you for a hundred years straight, you still wouldn't understand it."

It had taken him thousands of years of experience in order to fully master this technique, yet this little girl who wasn't even 20 years old actually thought that she'd also be able to learn it? How laughable!

Lu Lifen frowned at his words, feeling even more helpless now. "Then what else can I do? I have been trying to release my Yin Qi for the past hour without any results! If anything, it's actually hurting right now!" she said as she pointed to her nether region.

Su Yang looked at her with a strange expression on his face. "Even people half your age would be able to relieve themselves without any help, yet you cannot do something as simple as satisfying yourself? How pure are you, really?"

"Shut up! Unlike you sensual Cultivators, I am a normal Cultivator who does not need such knowledge in my life!"

"Your future husband will be sad, you know?"

"Fuck! You really are a despicable person!" she glared at him angrily.

Su Yang shook his head, and then he approached her. "We will never leave this place at this rate. How about I help you with your Yin Qi?" he said to her in a nonchalant voice.

"You want to what?! Get away from me, you pervert! I will kill you if you dare to touch me!" Lu Lifen backed herself to the wall when she noticed Su Yang walking towards her.

"Do I really look like someone who'd force myself upon others? I am just offering my services to you so that you can satisfy yourself. I won't touch you anywhere you do not want," he said in a voice filled with sincerity.

Lu Lifen stared at him in silence.

After a few moments, she opened her mouth to ask: "What will you be doing to me, exactly?"

"A back massage to loosen your body, strengthening its sensitivity to anything it touches," he said.

"A back massage? That's all? Really?"

"Are you forgetting where this is? We are in the Profound Blossom Sect, a reputable place known to many, or else there wouldn't be so many guests such as yourself here today, not to mention the Matriarch is right outside. If I, an Inner Court disciple of such Sect, does something as immoral as forcing myself onto a guest, who would want to come here for services anymore? I'm not stupid enough to risk my entire life, even ruining my Sect's hard-earned reputation at the same time for a little girl like you," Su Yang shook his head with a dejected expression, looking as though he was offended by her distrust for him.

When Lu Lifen saw his expression, she realized that she had been overreacting this entire time. He was right. If the disciples of this Profound Blossom Sect could not be trusted, then why are there so many guests here today?

"I'm sorry for doubting you… even though I am here as a guest..." she apologized in a low voice. "I guess it's probably because I am still mad at my family for sending me here…"

The sad expression on Su Yang's face instantly disappeared, and a smile appeared in its place instantly. "I will accept that apology if you lay on this bed and allow me to massage your back," he said.

Although Lu Lifen was still feeling hesitant, she nodded her head regardless, and she approached the bed in small steps.

Once she was on the bed with her back facing to the ceiling, Su Yang slowly moved his hands towards her slim figure.

Chapter 99 Lick It More!

The moment Su Yang's fingers touched her back, a wave of tingling sensation surged within her body like an electric current.

This unexpected feeling in her body caused her to let out a surprised moan.

"Ahhh~" Her moan slightly echoed in this small place.

When she realized what she had done, her face flushed red. What had happened just now? What did he do to her body?

It was at this moment Su Yang slithered his fingers across her back with snake-like movements, spreading the tingling sensation all over her body.


Lu Lifen's body trembled, and her hands naturally turned into fists, stiffening the muscle in her body.

"Relax your body…" Su Yang's gentle voice entered her ears as he pressed his fingers into her soft body.


Another unintentional moan escaped her mouth.

"W-What is this feeling?" Lu Lifen was shocked at the reaction of her body; it felt as though even a gentle wind created by Su Yang's moving hands could cause her body to tingle with delight.

This feeling of pleasure was something she couldn't experience when she was playing with the most sensitive part of her body, yet she was feeling such a strong sense of contentment at this moment from a mere back massage.

"If only this could last forever…" She thought to herself as her body slowly submerges itself into paradise.

An unknown amount of time passed for Lu Lifen since she went into a mythical state of harmony, and suddenly, the heavenly feeling that wrapped her body abruptly stopped.

She turned to look at Su Yang with a puzzled look, wondering why he'd stopped.

"I am done. Your body should now be sensitive enough that even someone as unskilled as yourself would be able to please."

Lu Lifen stared at Su Yang with a blank look.

"Go ahead— I will be waiting for you to finish over there," said Su Yang as he pointed at the corner, sounding as though he really had no other intentions in his mind.


Lu Lifen grabbed him by the sleeves before he could take two steps.

Then with a blushing expression, she spoke: "S-Since we are already at this point, why don't you help me with the rest?"

"Hm?" Su Yang turned to look at her with a pondering expression. "I won't understand you if you are being this vague," he said in a genuinely puzzled voice.

Although Lu Lifen somehow knew that he was faking his perplexion, she still decided to explain to him in detail her desire.

"I-I want you to help me with releasing my Yin Qi…" she said in a timid voice.

"Are you sure? Even though you were so reluctant with me touching you?"

"Stop playing innocent and help me already! I am saying that you can touch me!" she said in an aggravated tone.

"Hmm… what should I do?" Su Yang continued playing hard to get.

"If you help me, then I will also help you in return!" Lu Lifen said loudly.

Hearing her words, Su Yang smiled. "Since you are this stubborn, I guess I can help you."

Lu Lifen pouted at his words, but since he accepted her request, she decided to let it go.

Su Yang sat on the bed, and he patted his lap. "Come, sit on my lap."

"Hah? You want me to sit on your lap? Why do I have to do something that embarrassing?"

"You find this embarrassing, yet you want me to help you release your Yin Qi? Are you sure you want to do this?"


Lu Lifen frowned, but she didn't have anything to refute him with, so she turned her body and pressed her soft buttocks on his lap, sitting on him like a child sitting on her parent's lap.

"Then I will begin…" Su Yang said a moment later, and she timidly nodded.

Su Yang then loosened her robes and slipped his right arm into her dress like a snake slithering into its prey's home.

Lu Lifen could feel his warm hand slowly approaching the region in-between her legs, causing her body to stiffen. Her breathing pattern quickened, and her entire body shivered from Su Yang's gentle breathing on her neck.

A moment later, she could feel something touch her bottom lips, and her legs instinctively closed itself.

"Relax…" Su Yang whispered from behind her ears, and as though his voice was imbued with magic, her tense body began loosening itself. He then began spreading his legs— guiding Lu Lifen's legs to spread open with his.

Seeing herself in such a position, Lu Lifen's head flushed red.

"T-This is so embarrassing…" she mumbled to herself.

Su Yang then wrapped his left hand around her waist, and his right hand began caressing the closed slit to her cave.

"Ahhhhhh!" Lu Lifen moaned loudly with her head bending backward. If Su Yang wasn't embracing her waist tightly, then her body would've sprung forward like a bridge.

"Wow, you are already this wet?" Su Yang said in a teasing voice at the slippery sensation.

After caressing the outside of her nether region for a few seconds, Su Yang began spreading apart her closed pussy with his fingers to touch the little pearl in her body.


As though a beast was awakened inside her, Lu Lifen howled loudly, and her hands circled behind her, tightly embracing Su Yang's head.

Lu Lifen's lower body wiggled around nonstop, yet Su Yang's finger somehow managed to stay on her little pearl with absolute accuracy.

"W-What is this feeling!?" Lu Lifen loudly exclaimed. "I feel as if my mind is going crazy!"

The intensive feeling in her bottom lips aroused a profound sensation all over her body, and after only a few moments, she could already feel something welling up inside her.

"W-Wait! I feel like peeing!" Lu Lifen became terrified at the thought of pissing herself when someone was touching her so passionately.

"Don't worry, that just means you are almost ready to release your Yin Qi…" said Su Yang as his finger moved increasingly faster.

"I-It's coming! It's—Ahhhh!" Lu Lifen suddenly released a sharp moan, and her lower body squirted a large amount of liquid, soaking Su Yang's hands in holy water.

Lu Lifen slumped on Su Yang's chest after she finished releasing her Yin Qi with an exhausted look on her face, yet her body was still twitching from the burning sensation that continued to excite her body.

Su Yang slowly retrieved his wet hand from within her robes. He then licked his hand with a nonchalant expression.

And when Lu Lifen saw him tasting her liquid, her body became even hotter.

"Hmm… your Yin Qi is surprising vigorous with energy," said Su Yang. "It'd be a waste to leave it alone."

After saying those words, Su Yang laid Lu Lifen's exhausted body on the bed.

"Let me clean you up," he said with a smile.

"Eh?" Lu Lifen did not understand the meaning behind his words at first, but when he began taking off her underwear, her heart raced even faster.

After stripping Lu Lifen of her underwear, Su Yang lifted her robes, revealing to him her soaking wet pussy.

And although Lu Lifen was nervous, she didn't say anything to him and allowed him to do as he pleased.

Su Yang then spread open her legs and approached the slit between her legs with his mouth.

"Aaaaaah!" Lu Lifen moaned loudly when she felt something warm lick her pussy.

"W-What is he doing?!" She lifted her head, and the scene of Su Yang licking her slit entered her view.

"Mmmh… aaah…"

The tingling sensation caused her to moan, and her body fell back on the bed, feeling as though all of the strength in her body was being absorbed by a mysterious force.

After licking clean the Yin Qi from outside her cave, Su Yang proceeded to open her closed lips with his fingers, and his tongue began brushing her pink.

"Ah… ah… ahh…"

Feeling something entering her tight cave, Lu Lifen trembled from the intense euphoric feeling in her body.

"More! Lick it more!" Lu Lifen said in an alluring voice.

Hearing her passionate plea, Su Yang pushed his entire tongue into her tight cave.

"Yes! Aaaaah~"

A few moments later, Lu Lifen could feel the peeing sensation returning.

"It's here again! I am going to release my Yin Qi!" she exclaimed loudly, hoping Su Yang would move away from her warning.

However, Su Yang did not move even after her warning, and he continued to pleasure her with his mouth.

"I'm coming!" Lu Lifen suddenly said, and her body began twitching vigorously.

A second later, her body released a mouthful of holy water that went directly into Su Yang's mouth.

"Aaaahhh!" Lu Lifen covered her face as she moaned loudly.

A few moments later, Su Yang removed his mouth from her bottom lips, and he swallowed all the Yin Qi in his mouth.

The instant he absorbed the Yin Qi, Su Yang could feel his cultivation base slightly rise. Although it wasn't anything significant, there was a clear sign of growth in his cultivation.

"Haaa… Haaa… Haaa…" Lu Lifen breathed in an exhausted manner.

For her to experience such intense pleasure constantly, even releasing her Yin Qi two times with almost no breaks in-between, her virgin body was nearly out of energy at this moment.

However, despite feeling tired, Lu Lifen still managed to lift herself to a sitting position on the bed.

"Are all the disciples in this place like you? And to think that you are only an Inner Court disciple…" Lu Lifen couldn't imagine how blissful she would feel if a Core disciple displayed his techniques when an Inner Court disciple like Su Yang was already this skillful.

"Hahaha!" Su Yang suddenly burst out laughing. "Don't compare me with the amateurs in this place! Although I am only an Inner Court disciple, my techniques are without a doubt the best in this world, let alone this Sect meant for children!"

Lu Lifen looked at him with an unbelievable face. Although she couldn't compare his techniques with another, she had a feeling that he was not being arrogant at all.

"Anyway, I have released my Yin Qi— It's now my turn to help you," said Lu Lifen, who was no longer feeling as bashful.

After allowing Su Yang to do something like licking her treasured area, her sense of shame had reached a new high.

"Come lay on the bed and allow me to please you," she said while patting the bed.

Su Yang smiled and said: "Although I have no expectations for a virgin like you, who couldn't even satisfy yourself, I am interested in what you'll do…"

He then laid on the bed and waited for her to make her move.

Chapter 100 Are You Even a Man?

Lu Lifen stared at Su Yang, who was resting on the bed with a relaxed expression, looking as though he was taking a nap.

"How can he be so calm in such a situation?" she wondered to herself, feeling as though her pride was damaged by his nonchalant demeanor.

Her hands began reaching for his robes, loosening the silk belt around his waist. She then grabbed his pants and pulled it down slowly, revealing a soft-looking graceful snake that was seemingly in a slumber.

"This is a man's…"

This is Lu Lifen's first time witnessing a man's penis, and she was slightly taken aback by its shape that resembled a flawless piece of sausage.

"But why is it flaccid? It's different from the rumors…" Although she had never witnessed a man's treasure in her life until today, her friends had taught a thing or two about it to her, yet the thing before her eyes was completely different from her friends' description.

"If you keep staring at it, it might jump and bite you," said Su Yang, who was falling asleep from the silent atmosphere.


Lu Lifen was slightly baffled by his words. It will jump and bite her? Does it work like that?

"But what am I suppose to do with that?" she asked him in a puzzled voice. "It's all limp—unlike what I've heard."

"Then what have you heard?"

"Umm… that it's supposed to be hard and savage-looking? But yours is cute and limp…"

Su Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when Lu Lifen called his little brother 'cute'.

"You mean like this?" Su Yang controlled the Qi in his body, and his slumbering brother began growing longer and thicker, like a rising snake— until it resembled a dragon.

Lu Lifen gasped at the shape-shifting phenomenon that happened before her very eyes, and the idiom 'A Carp leaping through the Dragon Gate' appeared in her head, but in this case, it was a snake that had entered the Dragon Gate, evolving into a real dragon.

The thing before her was no longer a slumbering snake but an awakened dragon instead!

"So… So big…" Lu Lifen mumbled, and her fair hands unconsciously reached for it.

A slightly cool sensation entered Su Yang's head, but his face showed no other reaction besides profound calmness.

Seemingly fascinated by the shape and its very existence, Lu Lifen began stroking the stiff, warm rod in her hands gently.

"Aiya… you really are trash…" Su Yang sighed when she stroked his little brother whilst it was dry.

"It can't be helped as it is my first time doing this!" she refuted, using her inexperience as an excuse.

"I am not talking about your techniques! Before you touch it, you should at least make it wet, or else the dry rubbing will hurt the individual!" he said, baffling her.

"It works like that? But how am I supposed to—"

Before she could even finish her own sentence, her quick mind recalled how he had helped her with his mouth, causing her to feel perplexed.

"Do I really have to use my mouth? Is there no other way?" she wondered.

However, as hesitant as she was towards the situation, the very nature of her body was intrigued by the opposite sex, even desiring to experience what a man would taste like.

And slowly, the female hormones in her body began overtaking her mind, causing her mouth to approach the thick stick before her eyes, with her tongue slightly sticking out, looking as though she was licking ice cream.

When the tip of her tongue touched the hot stick, her body trembled from excitement, and a strong sense of lust surged within her heart.

Lu Lifen began licking every inch of the meat stick in her hands, quickly soaking the entire thing with her saliva.

"Haaa… haaa..." Her intensive licking caused her to be out of breath within moments, forcing her to take a break.

However, even as her mouth separated from the thick stick, her gaze continued to linger on it, seemingly ensnared by its tyrannical presence.

After she regained her breath, her mouth approached the treat again.

Su Yang, who was still resting on the bed with his eyes closed, suddenly felt something warm and soft envelope his little brother. He opened his eyes and lifted his head to look at Lu Lifen, who had managed to stuff his entire thick rod into her mouth.

The scene of Lu Lifen swallowing his entire penis had caused him to feel surprised, as he didn't expect her to be so ferocious as a maiden.

Lu Lifen's movements stopped when she realized what she had done. Her mouth was full, and she even felt its frame in her throat. However, despite doing something this ridiculous, there was a sense of comfort in her body, feeling as though such actions was only natural for her.

Soon, she began moving her head in an up-and-down motion, causing the small room to be filled with gagging sounds.

While Lu Lifen served Su Yang with intensive and deep fellatio service, he stared at her with a weird look— it was an expression someone would have when their expectations had been surpassed.

As for Lu Lifen, she was completely absorbed in satisfying her awakened lust at this moment, seemingly in a trance.

Time passed quickly, and unbeknownst to her, half an hour had passed.

During this time, even Lu Lifen herself couldn't comprehend where all this energy was coming from that allowed her to continuously suck on Su Yang's penis. There were times when her energy almost ran out, but before it could completely vanish, more energy would surge within her body out of the blue, almost as though there was something helping her recover.

Little did she know that this was all Su Yang's doing. Every once in a while before her energy would exhaust, he would exert some of his Profound Qi through his penis and into her mouth, helping her recover.

As for why he was going through the effort by helping her keep her energetic, it was simple. He really enjoyed her intensive but amateurish deepthroats; it reminded him of someone in his past life, who really enjoyed intensive acts like this.

Although Su Yang has had his little brother sucked countless times in his past life, there were only a few individuals that would dare to take it all in their mouth, and seeing Lu Lifen, who has never participated in sexual acts prior to today willing to swallow his treasure whole, he was without a doubt impressed.

"Haaa… Haaa…"

A minutes later, Lu Lifen finally decided to stop.

She then looked at Su Yang, who was laying on the bed comfortably, with an unpleasant expression, and said: "When are you going to release your Yang Qi?! I have been doing this embarrassing act for what felt like an eternity, you know!"

But despite her complaints, she was actually just displeased by the fact that she wasn't able to make him release his Yang Qi whilst he easily made her release her Yin Qi within minutes.

"Hmm? Oh, I nearly forgot about it," he casually chuckled.

As someone with god-like skills in the art of pleasure, if he didn't want to release his Yang Qi— even if he was feeling pleasure— he could easily hold it for as long as he desired.

And it's this perfect control over his own body that differentiates Su Yang from every other disciple within the Profound Blossom Sect, even other men in general. His control with his own Yang Qi was beyond perfect and almost limitless, whilst everybody else would only be able to hold it for a few minutes at most before being forced to ejaculate!

"But are you sure you want me to release my Yang Qi now? Even though you were so engrossed in satisfying yourself just now? Once I release it, we will be done here, and you may never receive another chance to fully satisfy yourself ever again."

"Hmph! You talk as if you are the only man in this world! Even without you, I will be able to satisfy myself after today!" Lu Lifen said.

Su Yang smiled at her words, and he nodded: "Very well... if that is what you wish—"

"Wait!" Lu Lifen suddenly shouted. "Despite my words, since we are already here today, I might as well satisfy myself to the fullest, right? My family did pay a hefty price to bring me here today, after all."

"About that— the Profound Blossom Sect will be returning to everyone what they paid for the event," said Su Yang, dumbfounding her.

"What? Why would they do that?" Lu Lifen asked, looking baffled by the news.

"Never mind the small details," he said with a smile. " Anyway, do you still wish to continue, or are we finished here?"

"Hmph! Of course, we are not finished here! And we will not be finished until I manage to make you release your Yang Qi, as that was my original intent!"

"Once I experience something for an extended amount of time and it stops, it'll only get harder to please me if you return to it," he said with a slight shoulder shrug.

"..." Lu Lifen stared at him with a pondering expression.

After another moment, she spoke: "I still have other places I can please you with, you know!" she said as she lifted her dress, revealing to him her soaking wet undergarment.

Su Yang smiled and said: "Are you sure?"

"Do I really have to repeat myself? Are you even a man?" she replied in a cheeky tone.


The smile on Su Yang's face instantly disappeared at her words, and when Lu Lifen saw this, her body trembled from a dreadful feeling.

"Very well… I shall show you why a maiden like you shouldn't be so cheeky in front of me when we are on the same bed."

He then stood up on the bed and stripped away all of his clothes, dazzling Lu Lifen with his flawless figure.

"You should strip as well since it will only get in the way," he said in a calm yet domineering voice.

Lu Lifen forcefully swallowed her saliva, wondering what she'd just gotten herself into.

"Too slow!"

Su Yang's arms suddenly flickered, disappearing from his sides for an instant.

Lu Lifen felt her body suddenly become lighter, so she looked down.

"What?!" She was shocked to find out that almost all of her clothes had disappeared! Her dress was gone, and even the undergarment for her breasts was gone! The only thing on her body at this moment was a mere piece of wet underwear that revealed the shape of her bottom lips!

Lu Lifen then looked at the thing that was in Su Yang's grasps, and sure enough, it was her clothes! How did he manage to strip her almost naked in an instant? Hell, she didn't even realize that she had been stripped even though he did it right before her eyes!

"You… How—"

Before she could even say another word, Su Yang pressed her down to the bed and seductively stared at her in the eyes.

And almost instantly after her back touched the bed, Lu Lifen could feel a gentle air blow past her legs. If she had to take an educated guess, then she was completely naked at this moment from her head to the toes.

"Last warning," he said to her.

Despite feeling a bit dazed at the situation, Lu Lifen still spoke with a grin on her face: "Not twice, but three times? You really are a pansy—"


Before Lu Lifen could even finish her sentence, she felt something enormous and long enter her body through the pink between her legs, and her body overflowed with an indescribable sense of pleasure, forcing an ear-piercing moan out of her.

Blood dripped and stained the white bed, indicating that Lu Lifen had really lost her virginity.

"Aaaa— Aaaahhh!" Lu Lifen continued to moan loudly as the intense heat in her body did not pause.

Su Yang did not stop moving his hips despite just tearing her seal, even hitting her harder than any of his previous partners, yet there was not even the slightest sign of pain on Lu Lifen's delightful face.

Her eyes were rolled all the way back, and her slim body curved upwards like a bridge.

Clearly, she didn't mind Su Yang being rough with her, even finding it extremely pleasing with her body screaming with lust.

Lu Lifen is obviously someone who naturally enjoys rough sex to some extent, but she herself wasn't aware of this— except Su Yang, who easily saw through her very nature, hence why he decided to do it rougher than usual.

Soon, the small cave-like room echoed with sounds of ecstasy endlessly. Lust flooded through Lu Lifen's whole body. Her blood burned with passion, and all of her reason was washed away by the waves of pleasure viciously hitting her body, slowly becoming a slave for pleasure.

"Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! More! Faster! Harder! Aaah! Aaaaaaah!"

Time passed slowly as the two indulged themselves in pleasure, and unbeknownst to Lu Lifen, many hours had passed since she entered the Chamber of Embrace.

During this time, her pink hole has naturally shaped itself to fit the frame of Su Yang's rod perfectly, flawlessly wrapping itself around him to ensure that the both of them were enjoying each other to the fullest.

"Haaa! Haaaa! Aaaaahh!"

Lu Lifen moaned, releasing her Yin Qi for the countless time.

Su Yang continued to transfer his Profound Qi to her during this whole time, recovering her energy as their session grew more intensive as time passed.

Unlike his dual cultivation with Lan Liqing who was a Cultivator at the True Spirit Realm, Lu Lifen was only at the Profound Spirit Realm, so her energy was extremely limited. If it weren't for Su Yang's constant support, both her body and voice would've long exhausted itself.

"More! More! More~!"

Lu Lifen begged for more, and the two continued to cultivate without stop.




Outside the Chamber of Embrace, everybody from the guests to the Profound Blossom Sect disciples was staring at the chamber Su Yang and Lu Lifen entered at this moment, their mind filled with shock and awe.

"H-How long have they been inside?" Someone within the crowd asked.

"Uhh… they've been in there since the start of the event, and it's almost coming to an end…"

"What the hell are they doing inside?! Surely, it shouldn't take this long for them to finish!"

"Did they perhaps fall asleep inside?"

"The two of them basically locked this one room for themselves for two days straight, reducing the total rooms by one for everybody else! How shameless!"

While the guests wondered why it was taking so long for Su Yang and Lu Lifen to come back out, the Profound Blossom Sect disciples stared at the entrance with frowning expressions.

Even Liu Lanzhi was staring with a serious expression.

As disciples of the Profound Blossom Sect, they all knew how the Chamber of Embrace functioned to some extent.

"The Chamber of Embrace does not allow people to sleep in there and will automatically open its entrance even if one of them falls asleep for more than an hour," said one of the Inner Court disciples to the others.

"And they cannot stay idle inside without cultivating since the Chamber of Embrace will also automatically open up if neither of them releases Qi within five hours…" said another.

"So the only reason why they are not coming out is simply because one of them has yet to release their Qi ever since they went inside!"

"What?! Impossible! There is no way anybody can endure this long! For two whole days!? That is physically impossible!" Gu Wei exclaimed loudly in disbelief.

He was not the only one. Every other disciple, even Liu Lanzhi was feeling doubt at this moment.

"That brat Su Yang released his Yang Qi only a few minutes after we started during our time together… so could it be that young lady the reason why they are still inside?" Liu Lanzhi pondered.

However, she quickly found this reason to be even less likely, as she had experienced his divine techniques herself before.

"It's impossible for Su Yang to be unable to satisfy this young lady who is clearly a maiden when his techniques had easily conquered even my experienced body," Liu Lanzhi thought to herself.

"Just what the hell are they doing inside?"

Everybody— except a few poor individuals— waiting outside have already had their experience inside the Chamber of Embrace, so it was only Su Yang and Lu Lifen that has to finish their session.

"Haaa…" Li Xiao Mo sighed at the situation.

She had been approached by almost every guest here for the past two days, yet she declined all of them without a single thought, so she was one of the few here that has yet to enter the Chamber of Embrace.

"Just what are you doing inside, Su Yang?" she wondered to herself, her face filled with a gloomy feeling.

When the other Inner Court disciples saw her condition, they almost wanted to approach her and give her a hug, but knowing her character when she's in a bad mood, none of them dared to actually approach her.

After a few more minutes of waiting around, a rumbling sound came from the Chamber of Embrace, causing everyone there to turn their heads.

The only closed door finally opened after two whole days, and a figure slowly walked out.

"It's him! He's finally out after two days!" someone exclaimed in excitement.

It was Su Yang, and he looked completely normal. Hell, if they compared him now to when he first went inside two days ago, they wouldn't be any noticeable change about him no matter how much they looked!

His clothes were speckless, and his long black hair was still neatly tied behind his back, looking as though he'd only went on a stroll.

"What the fuck? Does he look like someone who'd just had sex for two days straight?" someone asked out loud.

The people silently shook their heads at the question. Hell, he doesn't even look like someone who'd taken a nap, let alone have sex for two days straight.

Seeing his clean appearance, the peoples' doubt grew, and their curiosity peaked. Just what did he do inside for the last two days?

"Huh? What happened to the young girl that was with him?" asked another.

When someone questioned about Lu Lifen, the old man that came with her frowned deeply.

He then jumped through the crowd and landed in front of Su Yang.

"Where is my Young Lady?" he said with an intimidating air surrounding him.

With a smile, Su Yang spoke: "She's resting in Heaven now."

When the old man heard his words, his expression blanked for an instant. His eyes then quickly turned red from fury, and the cultivation base of a True Spirit Realm exploded from within his body with his head reduced to a red-faced, wrathful mess.

Chapter 101 You'd Only Be Met with Disappointmen

"How dare you kill my Young Lady!!!" Old Lu roared, his voice sounding like a wrathful beast in the brink of death.

His eyes were red from sorrow, and his expression was filled with anguish. He did not even expect his family's Young Lady to lose her virginity today, let alone her life!

Old Lu stared at the young man before him with a wrathful expression, yet the young man only gazed at him with a nonchalant expression, seemingly uninterested in the whole situation.

"If I don't kill you today, then am not surnamed Lu!"

Just as Old Lu prepared to strike Su Yang with his full cultivation base, a loud slap resounded in the place, snapping everyone there— that was dumbfounded by the abrupt situation— out of their daze.

Pa! A nearly transparent arm had suddenly swung across Old Lu's face, slapping him so hard that he'd spun a few times in the air before landing a few feet away from Su Yang.

"Calm down, you old fool."

Su Yang's voice then resounded, causing everyone to stare at him with baffled eyes.

Even Liu Lanzhi, who was prepared to protect Su Yang at the last moment froze at the unexpected outcome, seemingly shocked by his profound strength.

How could someone who'd just entered the Profound Spirit Realm handle someone at the True Spirit Realm with seemingly no effort at all? It just didn't make sense.

Old Lu, who had been laying on the floor for a good second, slowly returned to his legs. However, he no longer looked as crazy, and his gaze at Su Yang became fearful.

While nobody there was able to fully understand the strength Su Yang had hit him with, Old Lu felt his entire body go numb just from that single slap, and even his cultivation base had been sealed for a split moment, causing all of the strength within his body to disappear like smoke in a strong wind!

"Who said anything about your Young Lady being dead?" Su Yang shook his head. "She is simply resting inside."

His words dumbfounded not only Old Lu but everybody there even further. Lu Lifen is alive? Then why did he make it sound like she was resting in Heaven, a place meant for the dead?

Although the guests couldn't understand Su Yang's choice for words, the Profound Blossom disciples understood the meaning behind 'Heaven' the instant they heard it, hence why they didn't react as the guests had.

Liu Lanzhi sighed at the situation, and she spoke: "Guest from the Lu Family. The word 'Heaven' has a different meaning within the Profound Blossom Sect, hence the misunderstanding."

When she explained the situation to him, Old Lu's face flushed red, but it was not from anger. Instead, he was filled with embarrassment for acting so hastily. If he'd waited a little bit longer for an explanation, then he wouldn't have had to endure such shame.

"I-I apologize for my impulsive actions just now, young man."

Old Lu bowed to Su Yang, his heart still filled with a sense of fear for Su Yang's profound strength.

In response to his apology, Su Yang only glanced at him for a brief moment before walking away.

"This rascal… still as disrespectful to his seniors as always…" Liu Lanzhi sighed inwardly.

She then turned to the guests and said: "This marks the end of the event. Thank you all for coming. But before you all leave, I have something to announce."

"As a token of appreciation for being patient with us, the Profound Blossom Sect has decided to return all of the resources we have received from everyone here."


The guests were dumbfounded by the news, but nobody there questioned it, even feeling ecstatic by it.

"Senior Liu, may I check on the Young Lady inside?" Old Lu asked her in a respectful tone.

Liu Lanzhi nodded.

"I will accompany you inside to ensure that you will not get locked inside," she then said.

Though, the biggest reason was that she was also interested in Lu Lifen's condition.

What had become of her after spending two days alone with Su Yang?

"The rest of you can also return," said Liu Lanzhi to her disciples before entering the Chamber of Embrace with Old Lu.

Once they were inside the room used by Su Yang and Lu Lifen, Liu Lanzhi felt something was amiss about the place, but she couldn't pinpoint what was making her feel uncomfortable.

"Y-Young Lady!" Old Lu shouted out loud when he noticed Lu Lifen sleeping on the bed.

When they got closer to the bed, they noticed Lu Lifen's peaceful face, looking as though she was having a blissful dream.

Old Lu wiped the sweat from his forehead when he confirmed that she was indeed still alive.

"Are you relieved now?" Liu Lanzhi said.

"Yes…" Old Lu nodded with a relieved smile.

"Mmm… More… Don't stop…"

Lu Lifen suddenly began mumbling with passion, dumbfounding the two standing beside her.

"Please ravage my pussy even more—"

"Ahhhh! Young Lady! Wake up! It's time to go home!"

Unable to stand there and listen without feeling daggers in his weak heart, Old Lu began shaking Lu Lifen awake.


Lu Lifen slowly opened her eyes.

"Old Lu? What are you doing in here?" Lu Lifen was quite puzzled at first.

But when she realized the situation, her eyes became wide awake.

She began looking around, but when she could not see Su Yang's face anywhere, her expression turned bitter.

"I see… so it's over, huh…" she sighed inwardly.

"Senior Liu," she then turned to look at Liu Lanzhi and said: "What was that disciple's name, again?"

"Su Yang?"

"Su Yang, huh…"

"Okay, I have decided!" Lu Lifen suddenly said loudly.

"Eh? What have you decided on, Young Lady?" Old Lu asked, his interest piqued.

"Senior Liu, I'd like to request to join the Profound Blossom Sect as a disciple!" she said with a serious expression, dumbfounding the two.

"What?! Young Lady, you are asking for the impossible! You are already an Inner Court disciple of the Blue Wind Valley!"

"Hmph! I don't care! I can simply leave them," she stubbornly snorted.

Liu Lanzhi pondered for a moment, and with a serious expression, she spoke: "What is your reason for wishing to join my Profound Blossom Sect?"

"After my experience today, I have come to a realization! I really like this place's method for cultivation!"


Liu Lanzhi closed her eyes to think.

A few moments later, her eyes opened, and she spoke: "I'm afraid I will have to deny your request."

"Why?! Is it because of my appearance?!" Lu Lifen asked in a distressed voice.

"No, this is not about your appearance," Liu Lanzhi shook her head, and she continued: "If you want to join my Profound Blossom Sect based on your experience with Su Yang today, then I'm afraid that you'd only be met with disappointment."

"What?" Lu Lifen couldn't comprehend the meaning behind her words. "What do you mean by that?"

"To what extent have you gone with Su Yang?" Liu Lanzhi then asked.

"Uhh… all the way?"

"What did you think of it?"

"It was an indescribable experience!" Lu Lifen replied in a tone filled with excitement.

Liu Lanzhi sighed at her answer. "That is exactly why I have to deny your request. If you join my Profound Blossom Sect thinking that every disciple here will have what it takes to give you similar experiences, then you'd only be met with disappointment."

"Huh?" Lu Lifen looked at her with a puzzled expression, still unable to comprehend her reasoning.

"Su Yang… he's one-of-a-kind even within the Sect," Liu Lanzhi said in an awkward voice. "His techniques within the Sect is definitely the best, perhaps even at the apex within this whole world…"

She then stared at Lu Lifen in the eyes and said: "Once you have experienced his techniques, I'm afraid you will no longer be able to live a normal life…"

Lu Lifen's eyes widened with shock. Even Old Lu who couldn't follow their conversation felt awed by such a grand statement.

"He wasn't being arrogant when he said that? It wasn't an exaggeration?" Lu Lifen recalled when Su Yang called himself the best within the world.

If even someone as experienced as the Matriarch of the Profound Blossom Sect acknowledged his skills, then it must definitely be true.

"That's why you will only be joining my Sect for Su Yang— not for the Sect," Liu Lanzhi said.

"It'd be for the best if you were to forget about today and Su Yang and live on with your life, or else you will never be able to live a normal life."

Liu Lanzhi pitied her, as she was also in a similar situation. Once she'd experienced Su Yang's techniques, even if it was only for a few minutes, she was no longer able to satisfy her lust since then.

"Someone as experienced as myself was reduced to such a state after just a few minutes, yet she was alone with him for two whole days…" Liu Lanzhi couldn't imagine the hardship Lu Lifen will have to endure after today.


After a moment of silence, Lu Lifen spoke: "Is there really no other way? Will I be able to see him again?"

"That will depend on fate," she replied.

"Haaa…" Lu Lifen released a deep sigh, and then she said: "I understand. I will no longer pursue my request to join the Profound Blossom Sect. However, I will definitely be back one day!"

"Old Lu, we are going home!"

Lu Lifen then jumped off the bed.


However, when she landed on her feet, an intense feeling of weakness assaulted her body, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Young Lady?!" Old Lu cried out with shock as he helped her to her feet.

But alas, even with Old Lu's support, Lu Lifen couldn't stand properly without feeling an urge to pee her pants.

"Old Lu… I will need you to carry me to the carriage," she suddenly said. "I don't think I will be able to move for a while."

"...I understand…" Old Lu sighed before carrying her on his back.

Liu Lanzhi could only smile bitterly at the scene, feeling pity for this young lady deep within her heart.




After leaving the Chamber of Embrace, Su Yang traveled back to his living quarters.

However, before he could make it out of the Inner Court, a group of individuals wearing green robes blocked his path.

Su Yang looked at the six Inner Court disciple that stood in his path with a casual expression.

"What's this?" he said, his voice tranquil.

"Su Yang! I don't care what kind of relationship you have with senior apprentice-sister Li, but you went overboard when you so daringly slapped my face in front of so many people!" said Gu Wei, his face filled with hatred.

"You are someone who'd just become an Inner Court disciple, yet you are already acting so arrogantly in front of us? We, as your Seniors, should educate you so that you will not offend another disciple!" said another disciple there.

"You? My Seniors?" Su Yang coldly scoffed. "Then as a Junior, I will advise you, my Seniors, to get the fuck out of my way before my hands get itchy!"

"You! The audacity!"

The six Inner Court disciples there fumed with great anger at his words. They have never seen someone as overbearing at Su Yang.

"Where does your courage come from, to dare insult all six of us when you are alone? Do you really believe that we wouldn't touch you just because the Sect does not allow fights between disciples?"

"Hahaha! You are no longer an Outer Court disciple, Su Yang! This is the Inner Court, where there is a different set of unspoken rules! Even if we beat you to a pulp today, the Sect will not blame us!"

The disciples there began laughing.

Hearing their words, Su Yang showed a slight smile, and his aura suddenly oozed with a dangerous aura as he stared at the laughing figures before him.

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