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74.88% Mixed HD / Chapter 325: 29-37

Chapter 325: 29-37

Chapter 29 Cripple

"Mmm... Ahhh~! Harder… push it deeper inside me!"

Su Yang pressed his fingers into her back with a bit more intensity and the girl on his bed released a powerful moan filled with gratification that echoed a few times within the room.

Su Yang gently removed his hands from her back and distanced himself from her. "We are done here," he said to her in a slightly exhausted tone.

After spending the remainder of the day to treat the 25 girls that Li Xiao Mo had sent to his house, Su Yang was feeling as though he had just fought against some powerful beast. Unlike previously when he was not required to exert any real effort into his techniques because Outer Court disciples had low cultivation bases, Su Yang had to use his Profound Qi in order to make these Inner Court disciples satisfied because of their superior cultivation base.

The way Su Yang's techniques worked was not just because of his godly movements but also how he profoundly uses his Profound Qi to massage places he cannot physically touch, hence why the girls would feel pleasure all over their body despite their back being the only place Su Yang had touched. And if the girls had a cultivation base superior to his, then he would have to increase the usage of his Profound Qi, as it would only be more difficult to explore their bodies with his inferior Profound Qi.

"Su Yang…" The girl on his bed suddenly called out to him in an exhausted voice: "Your partner must be the most blissful girl under heaven… I am envious..." she sighed.

"..." Su Yang showed a bitter smile at her words.

"My partners, huh..." While every partner he's had in his previous life was most definitely blissful when he was in their life, it was not as if they did not have any sorrow. In fact, they probably have had experienced more sorrow than happiness after meeting Su Yang.

"Didn't you know? I have no partners right now," Su Yang casually said to the Inner Court disciple, dumbfounding her.

"What?! You have no partner!? With your ability to satisfy girls being this profound, I wouldn't be surprised if you had every Outer Court female disciple as your partner!"

The name 'Su Yang' was only popular within the Outer Court disciples, hence why the Inner Court disciple had no idea about Su Yang's background within the sect.

"I may be able to satisfy others, but what use am I if I am unable to cultivate with them?"

"What do you mean by that?" asked the Inner Court disciple with a puzzled frown.

Su Yang pointed to his crotch area and smiled: "It's crippled."

The Inner Court disciple's jaw dropped from shock the moment Su Yang revealed the truth about his little brother being crippled. While it was widely known within the Outer Court that Su Yang was crippled down there, it was never really proven to be true.

"You're… a cripple?"

The Inner Court disciple couldn't believe it; she didn't dare to believe that someone as perfect as Su Yang would have such a flaw. Furthermore, it was a flaw that could be considered men's worst nightmare!

Perhaps the heavens were jealous of Su Yang's heaven-defying talent, hence why they only allowed him to satisfy others but not himself.

The Inner Court disciple felt heartbroken not only for Su Yang but also for every female in this world.

"But why are you still in this sect if you cannot cultivate? Unlike normal sects where it won't matter, being crippled down there means you would not be of any use in this sect where dual cultivation means everything!" The Inner Court disciple had her suspicions.

Su Yang shrugged. "Who knows what the sect is thinking, but I have never been bothered by them."

"Who would've thought that such a man would be… Aiya! This is a huge upset for the world!" The Inner Court disciple sighed loudly.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly said: "Don't worry, Su Yang! Even if you are a cripple and cannot cultivate, I wouldn't mind being your partner…"

Su Yang smiled at her offer, but he shook his head regardless.

"I may be a cripple right now, but who said anything about it being useless forever?"

The girl's eyes widened at his word, seemingly speechless.

She then smiled a moment later and said sheepishly: "Then, if you manage to heal… let's cultivate together someday, okay?"

Su Yang chuckled and said: "There will be a queue, you know?"

"If you are this good with your hands, then I am willing to wait forever to experience that…" she said with a blush.

A few minutes later, the last customer for the day left Su Yang's house in satisfaction, feeling as though she'd been reborn.

Su Yang directly sat down to cultivate afterward, absorbing the lingering Yin Qi within the room.

Early in the morning, Su Yang stopped his cultivation and prepared to head to the White Pearl Treasury.

"10,000 Premium Points…" Su Yang confirmed and left the house in a bright mood.

When he arrived at the White Pearl Treasury, the same old man he saw last week sat behind the desk.

"Hmm? You're that disciple who wanted the Pure Yang Flower…" The old man recognized Su Yang the instant he saw his handsome face.

"If you're just here to annoy me, then you can turn around."

Su Yang approached the old man's desk with a smile, and he placed a jade slip on top of the desk, causing the old man to look at him with a surprised expression.

"10,000 Premium Points for the Pure Yang Flower."


The old man looked at Su Yang with a bewildered expression, seemingly in disbelief.

"You… You… You actually managed to obtain 10,000 Premium Points in 10 days? Impossible!" The old man swiftly grabbed the jade slip to check its contents. And when he confirmed that there was exactly 10,000 Premium Points inside, his heart nearly jumped out of his throat from shock.

"Wh-What in the name of heavens did you do to get this much in such a short period of time?!"

Because the old man rarely left White Pearl Treasury, he did not know of Su Yang's little massage business.

"Just a few things," Su Yang answered casually, and he continued: "What about the Pure Yang Flower? I need it as soon as possible."

The old man turned silent and stared at him with narrowed eyes, seemingly in deep thoughts.

"Alright... wait here for a moment while I get you the Pure Yang Flower," sighed the old man as he disappeared into the room behind him.

A few minutes later, the old man returned with a red wooden box in his grasp.

"Here's your Pure Yang Flower."

"Thank you…" Su Yang felt some resistance when he grabbed the wooden box from him.

"Young man, what do you plan on doing with that thing?" The old man asked him after reluctantly giving him the wooden box.

"Cultivate…" Su Yang gave him a simple answer, which only astonished the old man even more.

"A mere Elementary Spirit Realm disciple, yet you want to use the Red Devil Flower to cultivate? There are easier ways to court death, you know?"

As crazy as Su Yang looked, the old man did not believe that he would spend so much effort and resource just to kill himself. However, he has no idea what someone at the Elementary Spirit Realm could possibly do with a Pure Yang Flower that has killed even experts at the Earth Spirit Realm.

"What's your name?"

"Su Yang."

"Su Yang, huh… Well, try not to make too much of a mess. I'd feel pity for whoever has to clean your mess after you explode to death."

Su Yang smiled at the old man's words, but he didn't say anything and walked out the door.

After Su Yang left the place, the old man closed the White Pearl Treasury, something that rarely happens, and he went directly to the Yin Yang Pavilion, where the Profound Blossom Sect's Patriarch and Matriarch resided.

Chapter 30 Searching for a Partner

After Su Yang returned home, he placed a sign outside his door to announce that he would be in closed cultivation for a few days.

Inside his room, Su Yang opened the red wooden box and a wave of heat blasted him in the face, feeling as though he was in a hot desert. Inside the red wooden box was a flower that was red from the head to the tip of its roots; it was also glowing a light red, seemingly alive and breathing.

"10,000 Premium Points for this low-quality Pure Yang Flower? This is clearly a scam!" Su Yang sighed once he saw the actual Pure Yang Flower. Its glow gave away the quality, as the darker red it glows the better the quality.

As disappointed as he was in the Pure Yang Flower's quality, Su Yang, however, was in no position to complain or be picky.

Su Yang retrieved the Pure Yang Flower from the wooden box, and it felt like he was holding a hot rock that has been sitting in the blazing sun for all day. He then placed it in a grinder, and he began grinding the Pure Yang Flower into powder.

And even after turning into powder, the Pure Yang Flower was still glowing red.

After he finished, Su Yang stared at the powder, seemingly in a daze.

"The Celestial Body Refining Scripture will allow me to absorb the potent Profound Qi within the Pure Yang Flower without a problem. The side effects, however, must be dealt with naturally…" Su Yang sighed at this moment.

While he could deal with the Profound Qi and not explode to death when consuming the Pure Yang Flower, its side effects would surely be troublesome if not dealt with properly.

Su Yang has been pondering the best candidate to help him relieve these side effects ever since he thought about obtaining it, but alas, not a single person came to mind.

"Once I consume the Pure Yang Flower, not only will my cultivation base rise but so will my thing down there, and it would not rest until I relieve it with someone else… Aiya… why did I have to come to this place filled with mortals? It is basically impossible to find someone even a small fraction of my real age here!"

While Su Yang was not someone who would let something like the age of his partner bother him in his previous life, that was because everyone around him was either Immortals or powerful cultivators that have lived thousands of years already.

And while one's age has no significance in the eyes of cultivators, there was still a boundary to morally respect.

"The oldest here would most likely be the Matriarch, but even then, she would be at most two hundred years old. Not to mention her status as a Matriarch; it'll be hard enough just to get near her, let alone cultivate with her..."

Many minutes later, Su Yang gave up on trying to find a suitable partner, as a weakling like him has no real choices in this mortal world. If he does not suck it up and cultivate with the mortals in this sect, then he can forget about returning to the immortal world, let alone reunite with his lovers that are at an even higher place.

After steeling his heart, Su Yang packed the Pure Yang Flower and left his house to find himself a partner.

The first person that came into Su Yang's mind when finding a partner was no doubt, Elder Lan, who reminded him of his first love.

After arriving at the Medicine Hall, Su Yang instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Su Yang?! What are you doing here?"

"Huh? Su Yang is here?"

The disciples working there ran up to him with flickering lights in their eyes.

"It's been awhile." Su Yang greeted the group of sisters that greatly helped him spread his name after Elder Lan tricked them into approaching him.

Yu Yan, Xuan Jinglin, Jia Biyu – they were all there.

"What are you doing here? Do you need help with something? I can help you!" Yu Yan, the youngest amongst the sister said with a reddened face, seemingly still embarrassed about 'that' day.

"Un. I am looking for Elder Lan."

"Master? She is upstairs, but she said that she was preparing for some big event and cannot be bothered."

Su Yang lifted an eyebrow at her words. "Did she take my joke seriously?" he wondered.

"Do you mind if I meet with her? I have urgent matters that cannot be delayed," said Su Yang with a handsome smile, making it hard for the girls to refuse.


The girls looked at each other with troubled expressions.

It was at this moment a cough resounded behind them.

"What are you all doing crowded in the entrance?" Elder Lan said as she came down the stairs. And because Su Yang was surrounded by the girls, Elder Lan was not able to see his face clearly.

"Master! Su Yang is here to greet you."

"Su Yang?!" Elder Lan nearly tripped and fell down the last few steps after hearing his name. Why was he here? She was even about to head to his place!

Su Yang walked forward, showing his handsome face to her.

"Greetings, Elder Lan." He greeted her with a bow.

"I am here to speak with you," he said right afterward.

Elder Lan wondered what he wanted to talk about, but she was clueless.

"...Let's talk upstairs," she said after a moment of silence.

Su Yang nodded, but before he followed her, he said to the group of girls in a low, captivating voice: "Next time I come back here, it will be for you girls, since I am looking for partners to cultivate with…"

His sudden words shocked everybody there into a daze. Their beautiful eyes were wide, and their jaws dropped, looking as though they just witnessed a chicken talk for the first time.

Su Yang turned around with a smile and followed Elder Lan upstairs.

Chapter 31 I Want Your Yin Essence

Inside Elder Lan's room that lingered with the smell of herbs and medicines, Su Yang stood by the entrance with a profound expression.

"You knew that I would be approaching you today, yet you still decided to come here yourself. What do you want from me so urgently?" Elder Lan spoke in a stern voice, almost as if she was trying to remind Su Yang of her status.

Su Yang kept his calm expression, and he said: "I will get straight to the point, Elder Lan – I want your Yin Essence."

Elder Lan expressed a puzzled expression at first, then realization, and finally bewilderment.

"You want my what?!" Elder Lan exclaimed loudly.

Unlike Yin Qi that could be extracted from females even after they lose their chastity, Yin Essence could only be extracted during the moment the female loses her virginity.

"I am about to consume the Pure Yang Flower and I need a partner to cultivate with afterward," said Su Yang without hiding anything.

Elder Lan's eyes widened with even more shock. "You are really planning to consume that? Do you have any idea what kind of medicine the Pure Yang Flower is?! There will only be one result if you consume it – a violent death!" Elder Lan was more angry at the fact that Su Yang was thinking to consume the Pure Yang Flower than him asking her for her Yin Essence.

"I have already said this before, Elder Lan. Look at me – do I look like someone who'd kill myself after spending so much effort into obtaining the Pure Yang Flower?" Su Yang slowly approached Elder Lan, his aura radiating an otherworldly feeling.

When Elder Lan sensed Su Yang's presence, she felt as though she was standing in front of a profound entity who has the whole world in his hands.

"W-Why me? I am a sect elder and you are an Outer Court disciple, do you have any idea what will happen if we cultivate together? The sect will not allow it!"

"If they don't know about it, then nothing will happen."

"That's not how it works! Anyways, I refuse! Do not overstep your boundaries, disciple Su Yang. I am only approaching you for treatment for my pain; it is not as though I have any feelings for you. Once the treatment is over, so is our relationship." Elder Lan said to him with a serious expression.

At the end of the day, she was a sect elder and he was a mere Outer Court disciple, not to mention Elder Lan still being a pure maiden. She didn't put so much effort into keeping herself pure just so she could lose it to some Outer Court disciple she'd just met.

Su Yang closed his eyes to hide the disappointment in his eyes and sighed. "A pity…" he mumbled.

"I apologize for coming here to bother you, Elder Lan. You are right, the gap between our status is too vast. We can act as though this conversation never happened. I came to you first because I thought my Yang Essence could've been of some use to your cultivation."

Su Yang turned around and prepared to walk away.

"Wait." Elder Lan suddenly stopped him with a frown on her face. "What do you mean by that?"

"The Pure Yang Flower will obviously enhance my Yang Qi by many folds, even more so for my Yang Essence. I was hoping to give it to you so you can reach the 4th level of the True Spirit Realm." Su Yang explained his true objective, and he continued: "You are close to having a breakthrough, no?"

Elder Lan's eyes widened at his words, and she stared at him with a speechless expression.

"As for your appointment with me… I will have to delay it since I will be busy in closed cultivation for the next few days."

Su Yang continued walking towards the door.

"Wait." Elder Lan stopped him again.

"Even if the Pure Yang Flower enhances the quality of your Yang Essence by many folds, you are only at the Elementary Spirit Realm. Such a small amount of Yang Essence would not benefit someone like me, who is at the True Spirit Realm, not even the slightest."

Su Yang only silently smiled at her remarks. He couldn't tell her that he was cultivating one of the seven Heavenly Sublime Scripture, as it would raise too many unwanted questions and bring countless troubles.

Before stepping out of the room, Su Yang said to Elder Lan: "Elder Lan, I will be borrowing your disciples for today, if you don't mind…"

Elder Lan's jaw dropped upon hearing his words.

"Don't tell me you plan on…"

"What other choices do I have?" Su Yang shrugged.

Elder Lan bit her lips as she watched Su Yang leave her room, seemingly in deep thoughts.

When Su Yang returned to the first floor, the girls there instantly glared at him with sharp gazes, looking like a pack of hungry wolves.

"Ahem." Su Yang loudly cleared his throat; it was as though he was looking for attention.

Luckily, he already received it the moment he walked downstairs.

"Although this may be a bit sudden… I'd like to–"


Just as Su Yang was about to request for their company in his bed, Elder Lan's voice loudly resounded from upstairs.

"Su Yang, get back up here! We are not done talking!"

Su Yang remained standing there with his mouth open after hearing her voice.

He smiled a moment later and said: "Let's save this for another time…"

The girls there looked at him with a puzzled expression. Just what did he want from them?

Su Yang turned around and began making his way upstairs for the second time.

Chapter 32 How Are You Going to Be Responsible?

Elder Lan stared at Su Yang, who was standing there with a nonchalant expression, with an awkward expression, her gaze filled with uncertainty and complications.

If she had to swear on her life that she has no feelings for Su Yang, then she wouldn't dare to open her mouth so carelessly. However, Elder Lan did not have the leisure to expose her feelings, much less jump into his arms, as their status as sect elder and disciple would cause countless troubles.

After a moment, Elder Lan let out a long sigh. "Why couldn't you be a core disciple instead? That would make things less complicated…" she mumbled what she truly felt inside her heart without being aware.

"Core disciple?" Su Yang lifted an eyebrow at her mumble.

While core disciples are also disciples, they are not treated as such. As a matter of fact, they have more authority than even sect elders within the sect.

Sect elders are mostly those who used to be Inner Court disciples but had no chance of becoming a core disciple; it was a way for the sect to keep their resources without being wasteful by disowning them, as Inner Court disciples are still talented individuals regardless if they are to become core disciples or not.

"If I become a core disciple, will that erase your shame, which would be cultivating with me, a mere Outer Court disciple?" Su Yang asked her in a serious tone.

Elder Lan noticed the confidence in his eyes when he mentioned becoming a core disciple, and she coldly snorted: "Do you have any idea what it takes to become a core disciple? They are all prodigies chosen by heaven itself since birth; there is no way you can compete with them."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Let's use Fang Zhelan, one of the leading core disciples at the moment, as an example. At your age, while you are only at the Elementary Spirit Realm, she was already at the level of sect elders at the True Spirit Realm. Tell me, Su Yang, how can you compete with that kind of monstrous talent?"

Su Yang chuckled at her example, and he said in a clear tone filled with confidence: "It's only the True Spirit Realm, there is nothing special about it. I'll get there in one month after consuming the Pure Yang Flower."

"Only the True Spirit Realm?" Ignoring his arrogant statement of achieving True Spirit Realm in one month, Elder Lan frowned at how easily Su Yang took the True Spirit Realm for, since she herself, was also 'only at the True Spirit Realm'.

"What a joke. You have not even seen the struggle at the Profound Spirit Realm, yet you are treating the True Spirit Realm as though it is nothing in your eyes. Just where do you get your arrogance and confidence from?"

It was only natural for Elder Lan to question his sanity, as she was unaware of Su Yang's experience in his previous life.

In reply to Elder Lan's remarks, Su Yang smiled and said: "Instead of just standing here and talking nonsense that will take us nowhere, how about I show you after we cultivate? If I cannot reach the True Spirit Realm within a month after I consume the Pure Yang Flower, I will cut off my treasure down there and feed it to the pigs."


Elder Lan was speechless at Su Yang's arrogance and imperturbable self-confidence. However, she also found his demeanor somewhat attractive. In this world where the strong ruled the weak, those without confidence in their own abilities would never achieve anything great no matter how profound their talent may be.

As for this Profound Blossom Sect, where female disciples actively look for partners to cultivate with, Su Yang's profound presence, charisma, and ability to satisfy them would naturally attract them like a chicken in the middle of a pack of carnivores. Even Elder Lan was no different. As a female, no matter her status, Su Yang's charisma also captivated her.

Elder Lan sighed sometime later, feeling frustrated and defeated along with many other complicated feelings.

"Aiii… Su Yang, you are really a difficult one, aren't you?" she shook her head, sounding tired.

"I consider myself pretty easygoing at this moment," Su Yang said with a smile, and he continued: "So about my request…"

Elder Lan closed her eyes and sighed again once he mentioned the topic.

When she opened her eyes, resolution flickered within. "My many years of effort will be wasted because of you, Su Yang… how are you going to be responsible for plucking my Yin Essence?"

Su Yang slowly approached her with a gentle smile and said: "By making you happiest woman in this universe for as long as I am here."

Elder Lan's face reddened at his words. She has never felt such an overwhelming desire to embrace someone before, let alone someone of the opposite gender.

"I will consume the Pure Yang Flower now. I'd appreciate it if you can protect me while–"

"What are you saying at this point?" Elder Lan suddenly said.

And she continued: "I will warn my disciples to not let anyone bother us for…"

"We can start short. Two days should be good enough."


Elder Lan was speechless. Forget about her, a pure maiden with no experience in dual cultivation, even experts wouldn't be able to handle dual cultivation for an entire day, yet he wants to cultivate for two days straight, even calling it short.

"Ahem… I will be right back…" Elder Lan awkwardly cleared her throat before quickly leaving the room.

Su Yang sat down in the lotus position once Elder Lan left. He then took out the Pure Yang Flower and stared at the red powder in his hands, preparing himself for whatever was in store for him after the powder enters his mouth.

Chapter 33 Awakening of a Dragon


When the girls downstairs noticed Elder Lan's presence, they greeted her.

"Where's Su Yang?" They suddenly asked, nearly causing Elder Lan to choke.

"Uh… Su Yang is actually in a very serious condition. He was poisoned after consuming something he shouldn't and is currently in a life or death situation."

Never in Elder Lan's life would she have expected herself to make such an excuse in front of her own disciples just so she could secretly cultivate with an Outer Court disciple. Just thinking about it caused her body to tremble in shame.

"What?! How could that be?! He looked perfectly fine when we spoke with him!"

"Is there anything we can do to help him?"

"Master, you must heal him! I don't want to live life regretting that I wasn't about to– Ahem…"


Although she had expected such reactions from her disciples, they still managed to make her speechless.

"I will naturally heal him, but it will take some time. In the meantime, I need everyone to ensure that nobody will be bothering us for the next few days – not until I come down. I don't care who comes, turn them around. Su Yang's life is on the line here." Elder Lan spoke in a stern voice, her expression as serious as it could get. It was so realistic that nobody there doubted her words.

They nodded with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, Master! Even if the heavens fall, we will make sure that neither you or Su Yang will be bothered even the slightest!" Her disciples said in a clear voice, their bright eyes showing assurance.

While Elder Lan felt bad about deceiving her own disciples, she wasn't willing to expose the fact that she was actually going to engage in dual cultivation with Su Yang, as it would surely become a scandal.

"Very well… then I will be going now." Elder Lan turned around and began walking upstairs, her heart beating with every step she took.

The anxiety she was feeling at this moment overwhelmed her, causing her to sweat profusely. No matter how mature she may look or what her cultivation base was, she was just a little girl when it came to dual cultivation. It was like a naive little girl walking into a dark cave knowing what was on the other side and at the same time knowing nothing at all.

When she reached the door to her room that was tightly enforced with sound-proof formations, her heart began throbbing even harder and faster.

After preparing himself, Su Yang directly threw the red powder into his mouth and closed his eyes.

Mere seconds later, his body began changing colors. His white, jade-like skin turned orange and red, looking as though he was a sword begin forged. Smoke began emitting from his pores, and Su Yang growled in pain from the burning sensation that was torturing every inch of his body; it felt as though his body had turned into a cauldron and there was something being created inside him.

His beautiful black hair was literally burning, soon disappearing into the air. Even his robes were completely burned until there was nothing left, leaving him completely naked.

It was at this moment the door to the room opened and Elder Lan walked inside.

When she first saw the scene and Su Yang's appearance, her heart nearly jumped out of her throat from fright.

"Su Yang?!" Elder Lan tried to approach him, but the powerful heat and aura that surrounded Su Yang kept her from approaching him.

All of the anxiety and worry in Elder Lan's mind disappeared like smoke the moment she laid eyes on Su Yang, who was completely naked and without a single hair on his body and looked as though he was being cooked alive.

Many hours have passed since Elder Lan entered the room, yet Su Yang remained the same, showing no signs of recovering anytime soon.

And to Elder Lan, who has been keeping a close eye on him since the beginning, these few hours felt like an eternity.

Suddenly, a powerful ripple filled with Profound Qi swept the room, causing Elder Lan, who felt the domineering and horrifying pressure within the ripple, to tremble in fear.

The feeling she felt when the ripple touched her was not something a human could release; it felt more like an instinctive cry from a savage beast who craved for power.

After the ripple disappeared, changes began appearing in Su Yang's body.

His red skin slowly returned to the formal condition, perhaps even purer and more beautiful. His burned hair began restoring in an incredible speed that could easily be noticed even with one's bare eyes.

And Elder Lan watched all of this happen in front of her with wide eyes, looking mesmerized.

Su Yang slowly opened his eyes, and Elder Lan noticed a faint glow of a golden light that quickly vanished from his eyes almost instantly after it appeared.

He slowly stood up, and a profound aura enveloped the room, causing the place to feel as though there was the presence of a divine entity inside the room.

Su Yang turned to look at Elder Lan, who stood there with her jaw wide open and looking hypnotized by the spectacular scenery. He smiled at her, not even bothering to hide the magnificent view of the bulging rod that stood upright in-between his legs, like a domineering dragon soaring towards the heaven.

In Elder Lan's eyes, this was definitely the most stunning and elegant scene she has ever witnessed in her life.

Chapter 34 Their Dual Cultivation

Before you start reading, you need to be aware of the fact that this is literally my first time writing a sex scene and that it will improve as I write more. I had spent many many hours and countless effort just to complete this chapter with over 2,000 words. Also, let me know if this is too mature or too descriptive. But just remember that this is a mature novel and I give zero fucks about censorship.

Enjoy, fellow gentlemen and gentlewomen.




The Su Yang in Elder Lan's eyes right now looked nothing like a 16-year-old who had just turned into an adult, but someone who emitted an aura that was filled with an experienced feeling that surpassed even Elder Lan herself.

Elder Lan stood there like a stone statue as Su Yang slowly approached her, his bulging rod standing upright; it was so stiff that not even walking was able to cause it to move, like a firm mountain.

While she has seen it before, they were all paintings and objects — this was her first time seeing a real man's penis, she was instantly mesmerized by its flawless shape and vigorous aura; it looked more like a heavenly treasure than some vulgar stick – something entirely different than her imaginations.

Even as Su Yang closed in on their distance, she was unable to look away from his thick and long rod, seemingly captivated by its presence. By the time Su Yang was standing next to her, Elder Lan was already breathing heavily, her heart beating like war drums.

Su Yang's slender arms gently embraced her, and he closed his eyes as his mouth slowly reached for her soft lips.

Elder Lan didn't resist his kiss and also closed her own eyes.

The two's lips gently connected, and Elder Lan's body trembled upon contact.


A slippery object suddenly invaded her mouth and began running wild, entangling her tongue like a snake ensnaring its prey.

The sudden and unexpected action by Su Yang caught Elder Lan, who had zero experience in kissing by surprise, causing her to open her eyes.

However, when she saw how close Su Yang's handsome face was to her own, her face exploded in redness.

As they continued kissing, Su Yang slowly led her to the bed.

He then gently laid her on the bed with him being on the top, and he released his lips a moment later, creating a bridge made of saliva between their lips as they disconnected.

Su Yang took this moment to take a good look at Elder Lan, whose face was beet red like a tomato, her eyes flickering with countless lights.

Her hair was midnight-black and it flowed on the bed like a waterfall. She had slender eyebrows, her eyelashes velvety. Her black eyes sparkled with embarrassment and bashfulness as they intensively gazed at him, yet there was a sense of desire flickering within. Her rosy-pink lips had a herbal taste mixed with a sweetness that had caused his taste buds to tingle with delight.

If Su Yang had to compare her beauty with the Immortals in his previous life, then he was confident that she wouldn't lose any face if they were to stand together.

"Su Yang…" Elder Lan mumbled his name in a sheepish tone.


"When we are alone, I want you to call me Lan Liqing…" she said to him in an alluring tone.

Su Yang smiled and whispered in her ears: "Lan Liqing, I want you…"

When Lan Liqing felt Su Yang's warm breath tickling her ears, she could feel a tingling sensation in-between her legs.

"May I?" Su Yang requested for permission before they reach the point of no return.

After a moment of silence, Lan Liqing slowly nodded, her face getting redder by the second.

Su Yang smiled, and he began loosening her robes, his gentle and smooth movements revealing his vast knowledge and expertise in this field.

Moments later, Lan Liqing laid there with her robes stripped from her, revealing everything except her bottom lips and nipples that she had covered with her fair hands.

Both Su Yang and Lan Liqing were completely naked at this moment; it was a profound feeling for Lan Liqing, who has been experiencing many 'firsts' today.

Su Yang took another moment to engrave this enchanting scenery into his soul, ensuring that he would never forget it.

Her slim body was well-sculpted, like a piece of art. Her skin was smooth and pale like white jade, and her slightly sweaty body made it seem as though stars covered her body. Not to mention her body was also without a single hair despite her ripe body, it was a peerless figure that would cause any men to go crazy.

When Su Yang laid eyes on her pair of perfectly round breasts, his already stiff rod hardened even more, and his hands began reaching for it.


Despite covering her breasts in embarrassment, Lan Liqing did not resist when Su Yang began skillfully massaging her breast.

"Mmm…" Lan Liqing softly moaned, the tingling sensation in her bottom lips growing even stronger.

While he massaged her breasts, Su Yang's head approached the lower-half of her body. When Lan Liqing noticed that, she began to panic.

"S-Su Yang! T-That's…" Lan Liqing tightly covered her forbidden world. She was not mentally prepared to let Su Yang explore that world yet.

"There's nothing to be scared of… I promise." Su Yang gently kissed her slender legs, slowly approaching the hand that covered Lan Liqing's other world with every kiss.

When Su Yang reached the center of her legs, a sweet fragrance aroused his nose, causing his body temperature to heat up.


A few moments passed, yet Su Yang did not say nor do anything, only silently waiting for Lan Liqing to release the hand that blocked him from seeing her most precious part that made her a female.

After another moment, Lan Liqing finally surrendered.

"You will definitely take responsibility after this, Su Yang!" she said as she slowly released her trembling hand, revealing to Su Yang her beautiful, pink world.

Without any further delay, Su Yang pressed his lips directly against her pink flower and began exploring it with his tongue.

"Ahhhh!" Lan Liqing released a powerful moan the moment she felt something soft and vicious enter her flower, and her body trembled violently, feeling as though there was electricity running through her body.

"Mmm~ Ahhhhh~" Lan Liqing's erotic moaning sounded like heavenly bells in Su Yang's ears; it was both peaceful and exciting.

Liquid flowed from Lan Liqing's tight cave like a river, and Su Yang savored every last drop without letting a single drop go to waste.

"More… give me more…" Lan Liqing suddenly grabbed Su Yang by his head and pulled him towards her, his tongue reaching even deeper into her pink cave.

It took a few minutes for Lan Liqing to release her grip on his head, but when she finally did, Su Yang began licking her pink pearl.

Su Yang suddenly attacking her most sensitive spot made Lan Liqing instantly cum on the spot.

Crystal clear water sprayed onto Su Yang's face like a broken water fountain.

Su Yang chuckled as he wiped his face: "You sure are hydrated today."

Lan Liqing, feeling ashamed of herself, covered her face with both her hands after hearing his remarks, completely forgetting her role as a sect elder.

Su Yang helped her by removing her hands away from her face, and he said to her in a soothing voice: "I want to see your beautiful face as our bodies connect."


Although she was embarrassed to no ends, she nodded regardless.

Su Yang rubbed her pink with his thick meat-stick while he kissed her again.

"Are you ready? It will hurt at first, but the pain will go away soon."

"Un..." Lan Liqing sheepishly nodded.

It was at this moment Su Yang slowly pushed the tip of his rod into her cave.

"Nnn!" Lan Liqing bit her lips from the extreme pain, the corner her eyes forming teardrops. She could very clearly feel her hymen slowly being torn apart by Su Yang's thick dragon, and blood was seeping through what little gap was left in her cave.

Not wishing to cause her too much pain, Su Yang continued to pierce Lan Liqing's tight vagina carefully. Her insides were tightly wrapped around his meat-stick; it was a sensational experience for both of them, especially Lan Liqing, who has never felt anything relatively close to losing her chastity.

Although it took some time, Su Yang's entire heavenly rod was finally inside Lan Liqing's hole with the tip even hitting the end of her hole. It was a heavenly feeling for Su Yang despite having experienced this plenty of times in his previous life; it was something he would never get tired of.

"How does it feel, losing your chastity?" Su Yang asked her in a teasing voice.

Lan Liqing struggled to lift her head to look at her stomach that was slightly bulging due to Su Yang's thick rod. Her stomach felt full, almost as though she was full from eating too much. She even looked a bit dazed by the fact that she actually allowed her Yin Essence to be plucked by an Outer Court disciple.

"I will begin moving now, okay?" Su Yang warned her like a gentleman.

Seeing her nod, Su Yang began moving his hips, thrusting his slowly slowly at first, increasing the speed and intensity only after Lan Liqing began showing signs of pleasure.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!"

After a few minutes, Lan Liqing could no longer feel pain – only extremely pleasure. Her mind quickly became empty, and soon enough, the only thing she could think about was the burning sensation in her pussy and the profound pleasure that came with it.

The only sound that could be heard inside the room at this moment was Lan Liqing's captivating moaning and heavy breathing, the sound of meat getting pounded, and the sound of smacking water.

"Ahhh! Harder! I want it harder!" Lan Liqing pleaded for more as she tightly embraced Su Yang's neck.

Su Yang heeded her request and tightly held onto her slim waist as he lifted her into the air and began thrusting faster and faster with no signs of exhaustion even after intensive thrusting for many minutes, his dragon head fiercely hitting the end of her hole repeatedly, like a hammer pounding a wall.

It was a sight to behold in Su Yang's eyes. The way her beautiful breasts jiggled and her erotic face, not to mention the sound of her butt cheeks slapping against against his legs.

"Something's coming — Ahhhhhhh!" Lan Liqing tiled her head backward and screamed loudly with her tongue sticking out of her mouth, her body spazzing out of control instantly afterward, and a large amount of liquid then gushed out from her bottom.

However, Su Yang did not stop his movements and continued to thrust his steel-like rod into her, as he was also close to reaching his climax from the powerful sucking force of her vagina. This only further aroused Lan Liqing's lust and increased her sensitivity, causing her to continuously release liquid without any signs of stopping anytime soon.

"I feel like I am going crazy!" Lan Liqing exclaimed.

After another a few more minutes of thrusting, Su Yang finally released his virgin Yang Essence into Lan Liqing's pussy, quickly filling her hole without leaving even the smallest space unoccupied.

Su Yang gently kissed her on the lips afterward. However, despite already releasing his Yang Essence, he didn't pull his penis out of her hole, keeping the white substance tightly sealed within.

Lan Liqing took this moment to take deep breaths. She has never been this exhausted before, not even during the most strenuous training in her life.

"Su… Su Yang… just who… are you…?" she asked him in a low voice.

"Just an Outer Court disciple who is lustful towards his sect elder…" he answered with a teasing smile.

Lan Liqing sighed at his reply, turning quiet again. She then looked at her stomach that was still feeling the burning sensation strongly; it felt as though her stomach was on fire.

Then she noticed that the bulging on her stomach was still there, and she quickly looked at Su Yang with disbelief in her beautiful eyes. "Su Yang… your thing… it's still so hard?" she couldn't help but ask him about his thing.

Su Yang chuckled and replied: "The Pure Yang Flower is a very powerful medicine. Releasing that little amount would not even be close to satisfying it."

Lan Liqing was totally at lost for words upon hearing his answer. He was not satisfied after that intensive play? Even though her body has yet to calm down?

"Don't tell me that you are already at your limit after that little warmup? And you call yourself my senior?" Su Yang looked at her with surprise and a hint of teasing.

"W-Warmup? That was just a warmup?" Lan Liqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing his words. However, as sensitive as her body may be at this moment, she could tell with certainty that her body was craving for more of Su Yang's techniques.

Lan Liqing stared at him with a narrowed gaze that flicked with lust. "Who do you think I am? You, who is not even half my age, dare to look down on me? Come at me, I am not even halfway done with you!" she said to him, her voice happy-sounding.

Su Yang smiled and suddenly moved his hips without warning.

"Ahhh! So sudden!" Lan Liqing let out a moan that was filled with surprise.

"Very well, then I shall play with you all day!" Su Yang laughed out loud as he continued to enjoy the heavenly feeling of Lan Liqing's divine hole.

Chapter 35 I Want to Try Putting It in My Mouth...

"Mmmm~" Lan Liqing bit her bottom lip as Su Yang sucked on her twin peaks, his hips gracefully moving like a dancing crane.

It has been many minutes since they started their dual cultivation, yet neither of them seemed to have any thoughts of stopping.

"Lan Liqing, are you even cultivating properly? You seem to be enjoying yourself and have forgotten about the whole point of this." Su Yang reminded her that they were still cultivating.

"Eh? Ah… of course, I am cultivating properly!" She hastily replied in a stiff voice filled with emptiness; she had clearly forgotten to cultivate because of the pleasure.

"Then make sure you absorb all of this Yang Qi!" Su Yang said as he released another bulk of Yang Qi into her forbidden garden.

"Ahhh!" Lan Liqing could feel the insides of her flower engulfed by a surge of sudden heat, and her mind blanked out again.

After releasing his Yang Qi into Lan Liqing body, Su Yang gently laid her on the bed and unplugged his still stiff dragon from her pink hole, causing a large amount of holy fluid to gush out like a divine river.

"Let's take a break to cultivate. Your Yin Essence was stronger than I had expected so I will need to cultivate for a bit before we continue." Su Yang said to her as he sat down in the lotus position with his eyes closed.

Lan Liqing laid on the bed that was soaking wet from her Yin Qi in exhaustion, her refined figure still twitching from the euphoric feeling that covered every inch of her bottom half.

After she rested, Lan Liqing struggled to sit behind Su Yang with their bare backs touching each other.

When she finally calmed down and was able to concentrate enough to cultivate properly, Lan Liqing was shocked to the core when she sensed the abundant amount of powerful Yang Qi that was built up in her body, not to mention the extreme purity of the Yang Qi; it was as though there was an ocean of Yang Qi in her body that could be considered Yang Essence because of its high quality!

"With this much high-quality Yang Qi, let alone the 4th level of the True Spirit Realm, even the 5th level of the True Spirit Realm is possible!" Lan Liqing turned her head to look at the back of Su Yang's head, her gaze filled with wonder.

"Just who in the world are you, really?" she mumbled.

Lan Liqing then began to cultivate the Yang Qi in haste, afraid that the Yang Qi might lose quality if it remained untouched for too long.

Meanwhile, Su Yang's cultivate base soared like a dragon piercing the heaven. Prior to obtaining Lan Liqing's Yin Essence, when he consumed the Pure Yang Flower, his cultivate base had skyrocketed from the 6th level of the Elementary Spirit Realm directly to the 3rd level of the Profound Spirit Realm! He had soared five levels in a matter of moments after fully consuming the Pure Yang Flower, not to mention his physique that had directly entered the late stages of Profound Spirit Body Refiner!

However, such an explosive rise was just the beginning of a small spark that would later become fireworks!

When Su Yang first penetrated Lan Liqing, stealing her Yin Essence, his cultivation base also experienced enormous changes.

His cultivation base directly soared three more levels, reaching the 6th level of the Profound Spirit Realm. As for his physique, it had barely changed, since Yin Essence only affects one's cultivation base and would not benefit body refiners.

Currently inside Su Yang's body was like a volcano that had recently erupted. Everything about him changed, especially the quality of his Yang Qi. If compared, his Yang Qi would not be any less effective than cultivators at the Earth Spirit Realm, perhaps even stronger.

Many hours passed since Su Yang and Lan Liqing cultivated each other's special Qi.

And because Lan Liqing had the higher cultivation base with fewer resources than Su Yang, she was the first to open her eyes.

She stood up, her body looking anew and filled with energy.

"He really wasn't lying… Not only did my cultivate base advance, but the results were better than he'd said!" she wanted to embrace Su Yang at this moment, but knowing that he's deeply into cultivating, she held herself back.

"Hm?" Lan Liqing suddenly noticed the divine pole that stood tall in-between his legs.

"He's cultivating like that?! How can he concentrate when his thing is so looking so fierce and painful, even looking so peaceful as he cultivates?"

Lan Liqing was impressed by his ability to concentrate even under odd situations, and her lower body reacted when she saw how mighty and domineering his little brother looked as he cultivated.

And since Su Yang has yet to awaken from his cultivation, Lan Liqing had no other choice but to satisfy herself as she waited.

"Mmmm…" she softly moaned as her beautiful fingers caress her little pearl.

Time passed slowly, and a few hours later, Su Yang opened his eyes.

However, the first thing he saw was Lan Liqing laying on the bed with her legs spread in front of him and fiercely playing with herself.

"Aiya, are you trying to rub your little treasure off, my dear Liqing?"

When Lan Liqing heard Su Yang's teasing voice that came out unexpectedly, her heart skipped a beat from surprise.

"S-Su Yang!" she quickly sat up with her face burning red from embarrassment.

"I apologize for taking so long that you had to satisfy yourself…" Su Yang stood up and approached her, his eternal wood still as vigorous as ever.

"As an apology, I will show you a few techniques…" he said with a smile.

Although speechless and still feeling embarrassed, Lan Liqing also smiled at him, even spreading her arms wide to welcome him into her embrace.

"Su-Su Yang! W-What is this position?!" Lan Liqing exclaimed with surprise when Su Yang suddenly laid his back on the bed and made her sit on his crotch area.

Su Yang smiled and said: "Something that will take you straight to heaven."

After saying his words, Su Yang pierced her hole with his sword.

"So deep!" Lan Liqing felt her mind going crazy as her cave was explored with even more intensity; it felt like she was riding a horse.

Afraid that she would lose balance, Su Yang held onto her hips as he repeatedly shoved his sword upwards, looking as though he was trying to pierce the heavens, his sword easily reaching the limit of her cave.

Lan Liqing felt that this position was more embarrassing than the previous, where she could feel Su Yang's sharp gaze all over her body, especially her forbidden garden that was endlessly making vulgar noises.

"It's a beautiful view from here, Liqing… It's so mesmerizing that I cannot look away." Su Yang's smiled, which only caused her to feel even more embarrassed.

Su Yang suddenly used his legs to raise his hips, causing her to lose balance. When she fell onto his chest, Su Yang felt her twin peaks softly pressing against his chest like two meat buns. He then embraced her, his hips moving increasingly faster and stronger.

"So strong... Aahhh… I will really go crazy… Aaahhh… at this rate…" Lan Liqing's eyes were sparkling like a night sky filled with flickering stars, her gaze at Su Yang filled with passion and desire.

Su Yang kissed her and said: "I will make you show me your everything by tonight, Liqing!"

"Ahhh! It's coming again!" Lan Liqing began twitching, and her little flower released another stream of sparkling love juice.

An entire day had passed since Su Yang and Lan Liqing secluded themselves inside the second floor of the Medicine Hall, where many disciples and elders came and went for medicine or help.

There had been plenty of elders who had requested for Lan Liqing's presence during these hours, but they were all politely turned around by her disciples, who was given strict orders to not allow anyone to bother her while she treats Su Yang.

"Aiya… I wonder how Su Yang is doing right now…"

"Although I trust Master's medicine skills, I still cannot help but feel anxious…"

"Ahhh… Su Yang, I will not forgive you if you die…"

Everybody there showed worry for Su Yang – everybody except one person.

"Junior apprentice-sister Xiao, what's with the frown? I have not heard a word from you since this morning…"

"Hmph! All of you looking like young maidens in love is the reason I am frowning! Just what is so special about this Su Yang?! I don't understand it!" Xiao, the only sister amongst them who refused Su Yang's service, explained her frustration with the situation.

The girls there look at her with bitter expressions.

"You don't understand because you left during that day…"

"You will never understand our feelings, junior apprentice-sister Xiao… our desire…"

"Oh, Xiao'er… it is still not too late. If you approach Su Yang with respect, then he might agree to let you into his room…"

"..." Xiao was speechless. She had a feeling that her sisters were no longer the sisters she once knew, and that only further deepened her worries.

"This Su Yang… I will see what he's why he's so special… if he manages to leave this place alive!" she thought to herself, staring intensely at the second-floor staircase.

Inside the room on the second floor, Lan Liqing had her head resting on Su Yang's lap as he combed her beautiful hair with his hands.

"Su Yang, I want to try putting it in my mouth…" Lan Liqing suddenly said with a blushing face, her gaze staring lovingly at the standing dragon in-between his legs and her fingers gently caressing it as though she was examining a peerless treasure.

Su Yang chuckled. "Do you even know what to do?" he asked her.

Lan Liqing suddenly kissed the head of his dragon with passion and said: "No, but I will learn…"

She began licking his rod as though she was licking ice cream. "It's sweet…"

After licking it for a few minutes, she opened her mouth and slowly began putting it in her mouth.

"It's bigger and stronger than I thought…" she thought to herself when she realized that it had barely fit into her mouth. And after taking moment to familiarize herself with the feeling of having a man's thing in her mouth, she started moving her head up and down.

Su Yang smiled gently as he watched Lan Liqing suck his little brother; it felt like he was watching an innocent girl eating candy for the first time. And although her techniques were horrible with barely any sucking force, the soft feeling of her tongue and the warmth of her mouth were heavenly.

He laid on the bed and said to her: "Lay on top of me and stick your butt towards my face; I'll make you feel good, too."

Lan Liqing, who was immersed in savoring the taste of his Yang Qi, silently shifted her position.

Su Yang stared at the beautiful pink that hung above his face, and his hands grabbed Lan Liqing's soft buttcheeks. He then pulled her cave towards his mouth.

"Mmmm!" Lan Liqing had to stop her mouth movements the moment Su Yang's tongue invaded her cave. However, not willing to admit defeat, she started moving her head even more vigorously soon later.

Time began to pass slowly, and the two continued to relish the taste of each other's treasure.

Chapter 36 Mission Hall

Another two days passed in the blink of an eye, yet neither Su Yang nor Lan Liqing came out of the room. This got the disciples downstairs worried. What if something went wrong with the treatment?

"Master said that it should take two days, yet it has already been three days since she locked herself in her room treating Su Yang."

"Aiya… if there was only something we can do to help them… but alas…"

The disciples had continuously talked about Su Yang without stop for the last three days, nearly causing Xiao to go crazy.

"Su Yang this! Su Yang that! I am sick of hearing his name!" Xiao stood up and stormed out of the building.

Her apprentice-sisters watched her leave with a bitter smile; they didn't know what to do or what to say to her.

"I guess we have been a bit too obsessed with Su Yang lately…"

"But I can't help it… just his presence here makes my heart throb twice as fast as normal."


They all sighed simultaneously.

It was at this moment footsteps coming from the staircase resounded, causing everybody to unconsciously turn to look at that direction.

"What's with all the sighing?"

Su Yang appeared from the staircase with a refreshing smile on his face.

"Su Yang! You are fine!"

The disciples felt great relief when they saw his face.

"Why wouldn't I be fine?" Su Yang asked them with a slightly puzzled expression.

His puzzled face made the disciples feel as though there was something wrong.

"Eh? But you have been in a life-or-death condition for the past few days… right…?" They asked him with suspicious gazes.

Su Yang instantly realized what they were talking about once they mentioned his condition, and he laughed out loud: "Oh, that! Elder Lan did an excellent job treating me; it was so good that the entire treatment was more pleasurable than painful!"

"Is that so…"

Although they didn't know what it was about Su Yang that has changed, they were able to sense that something about him was drastically different – almost as though he was a different being entirely.

"I must have caused you all some trouble by being here. I will definitely return this debt one day."

"No way! There's no need for you to be so humble, Su Yang. We already see you as someone a part of our Medicine Hall – in other words, our family!"

Su Yang smiled and said: "Then how about this? When you come to me for your next treatment, it'll be free of cost? I will even allow you to request for any type of treatment you want."

When the girls heard his suggestion, their eyes widened with happiness.

"Really?! Then I won't be humble the next time I see you!"

"Un. Then, until next time." He nodded.

And before he walked out the door, he said to them: "Right, Elder Lan overexerted herself from treating me and had asked me to tell you all to not bother her for a few more days."

After leaving the Medicine Hall with a refreshing feeling, Su Yang went directly to the Mission Hall.

"My cultivation has gone up an entire realm after only three days of cultivating. It will surely attract unwanted attention and bring countless trouble if the sect learns of it. I should accept a few missions just so I can have a few excuses when they question me."

Su Yang knew that he wouldn't be able to hide his real cultivation base and heaven-defying growth from the sect forever and that it will be revealed sooner or later. In order to make sure that they wouldn't ask too many questions when the time comes, he has decided to make a few preparations.

The Mission Hall was a building where disciples and elders alike go to request for missions given to the sect by the outside world. These missions are very important to the sect as they improve the sect's reputation within the cultivation world and gain more trust from those who gave them the missions in the first place.

Inside the Mission Hall, there were many Outer Court disciples walking around while looking at the hundreds of scrolls that were pinned onto the wall.

The missions were all organized into different sections depending on the contents on the mission. For example, missions that required hunting would be in the hunting section and missions that required disciples to do trivial matters such as cleaning would be in the miscellaneous section.

Su Yang casually walked up to a random mission at the hunting section and tore it off the wall without even looking at it.

He then walked to the front desk to get his mission recorded by a sect elder.

"Hm? Hunting Lightning Cats by the Thunder Valley?" When the elder in charge of recording missions saw the mission Su Yang accepted, he looked at him with a surprised expression.

"You want to accept this? Lightning Cats are usually around the 8th level and the 9th level of the Elementary Spirit Realm, and their lightning-quick speed makes it hard for even Inner Courts disciples to deal with. Not to mention the dangerous environment at the Lightning Valley… Are you sure you want to accept this? What is your cultivation base at?"

"Profound Spirit Realm 1st level," said Su Yang who was lying with a nonchalant face.

"You are in the Profound Spirit Realm? But you are still an Outer Court disciple?" The elder looked at him with even more surprise.

"I plan on taking the exam for the Inner Court once I solidify my foundation from this mission. I have only recently had a breakthrough, so my cultivation base is currently still unstable."

Su Yang's clear voice and smooth talking did not arouse any suspicion within the elder, almost as though he was used to talking fart.

The elder silently looked at him for another moment before nodding: "Very well. I wish you the best of luck. Do not push yourself if you are in danger, we cannot afford to lose a future Inner Court disciple such as yourself!"

"Your name?" The elder then asked him.

"Su Yang."

"Su Yang?" The elder had a feeling that he has heard of the name before, but he wasn't able to remember where or when he had heard it from. "There, you are good to go." He said after writing Su Yang in the log book.

"Thank you." Su Yang bowed to him before casually walking out of the Mission Hall.

Chapter 37 Sword and Gold

After Su Yang left the Mission Hall, he went back home to clean off the sweat he received during his cultivation with Lan Liqing and changed out the robes he received from the Medicine Hall.

Afterward, he went to the White Pearl Treasury to prepare himself for the trip to the Thunder Valley, which was at a few hundred miles away from the Profound Blossom Sect.

"It's you again?" The old man there was surprised to see Su Yang appear there. He thought that Su Yang would have consumed the Pure Yang Flower by now, yet he seems perfectly fine — no, he looked a bit different, as though there was something profound about him.

"What happened to the Pure Yang Flower? Did you change your mind at the last minute? I don't accept returns here in the White Pearl Treasury, you know?" said the old man just in case Su Yang wanted to ask for a refund.

"I am here for a sword and some gold," said Su Yang calmly, purposefully ignoring the old man's questions.

"Sword and gold? Why do you need something like that?"

"I accepted a mission that requires me to hunt some beasts. The travel will be long, and I need at least a weapon to defend myself when the time comes."

Su Yang's plan had the old man confused. Why would he obtain a Pure Yang Flower and then go out hunting a few days later? Nothing made sense in the old man's head.

"What are you hunting?" The old man inquired with a casual expression.

"Senior, with all due respect, I am in a hurry. I don't recall the White Pearl Treasury ever being this caring about a mere Outer Court disciple such as myself." Su Yang said, his voice still as nonchalant as ever.

"You–!" The old man was obviously angry at Su Yang's rude remarks, but he didn't say anything and only frowned.

After a moment, he said in a reserved tone: "You are right… I have been unreasonable. There is no need for me to involve myself with your business. What kind of sword do you want? Normal ones will cost around 5 Premium Points. What about gold? It will be 10 Premium Points for one gold."

"Just a normal steel sword will do. As for gold… I want 10 gold."

Su Yang handed him what little Premium Points he had remaining after buying the Pure Yang Flower, and he is now broke again.

"I will be right back," said the old man after he confirmed that it was the right amount.

A few moments later, the old man returned with a sword in a black leather scabbard and a small brown bag.

Su Yang accepted the items and left soon afterward.

After Su Yang disappeared for a few minutes, the old man called for a replacement and disappeared to the Mission Hall.

"Elder Zhao!"

When the elders in the Mission Hall noticed the old man's presence, they all stood and bowed with respect.

"Did an Outer Court disciple named Su Yang come here today for a mission?" Elder Zhao asked then with a serious expression.

"Su Yang? He accepted a hunting mission for the Thunder Valley just a few minutes ago," said the one who recorded Su Yang into the logbooks.

"Hunting at the Thunder Valley? The place where Lightning Cats have been running rampage lately? Why would someone at the 3rd level of Elementary Spirit Realm accept that kind of impossible mission?" Elder Zhao pondered.

"Let me see that logbook." He said to the elder in charge.

"Here you go, Elder Zhao."

"Hmm… let me see — 1st level Profound Spirit Realm?!?!" Elder Zhao couldn't help but exclaim loudly after seeing the logbook, sounding as though he just saw a ghost, his loud voice startling everybody inside the Mission Hall.

"Is something there wrong with the logbook, Elder Zhao?" asked the elder with a worried face.

However, Elder Zhao only continued to stare at the logbook as though he was in a daze. "How could he possibly be at the 1st Profound Spirit Realm when he was just at the 3rd level Elementary Spirit Realm two weeks ago?!?!"

Elder Zhao suddenly realized why he sensed a weird feeling coming from Su Yang when he saw him. Although it was barely recognizable, it was a profound aura only someone at the Profound Spirit Realm could emit, something that didn't exist in him before he had gotten the Pure Yang Flower!

"That brat actually managed to successfully consume the Pure Yang Flower, something even I wouldn't dare try! His cultivation base even soared because of it!"

When Elder Zhao found out the truth, he was shocked to the core. How could a mere Outer Court disciple at the Elementary Spirit Realm consume a Pure Yang Flower when even he, an Earth Spirit Realm expert, would have difficulties consuming it?

"I have been played! That bastard Su Yang is such a crafty little brat! Who was it that said he was an incompetent fool?! That guy's a monster! I have to report this to the sect masters as soon as possible!"

Elder Zhao stared at the elder in the charge of the logbook and said: "Unless I tell you, do not show the logbook to anyone else! This is a direct order!"

"Yes, Elder Zhao!"

After that, Elder Zhao left the Mission Hall in a hurry, leaving everybody there puzzled.

"To get the great Elder Zhao so riled up… Just who is this Su Yang?" The sect elders there silently wondered to themselves.

"I wonder if that old man managed to figure it out by now?" Su Yang wondered to himself as he approached the front gate that will lead him to the outside world.

When he was in the White Pearl Treasury, he was aware that Elder Zhao had been probing him the entire time, almost as though he was investigating him.

"It's just a Pure Yang Flower, yet they are treating it as though it is some kind of divine medicine… Aiya… what a pain in the ass…" Su Yang sighed to himself.

"Halt! Where do you think you are going, Outer Court disciple?"

The guards standing by the entrance gate stopped Su Yang when they noticed him approaching.

"I have business at the Thunder Valley." Su Yang showed them the mission he received from the Mission Hall.

The guards examined the stamp on the mission paper and confirmed the authenticity of the stamp.

"Very well. Be safe out there."

They opened the gate, and Su Yang casually walked out, soon disappearing from the sights of the guards.

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