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66.58% Mixed HD / Chapter 289: 1071 - 1079

Chapter 289: 1071 - 1079

Chapter 1071 Start Of Assessment

Qiu Yang tried his best to control his urge to grab the handle beside him. Instead, he just used his internal energy to stabilize himself.

The strong wind caused by the speed of the buses made most of the soldiers on the buses feel uncomfortable.

But, the most important thing was that, there were still some soldiers who weren't affected at all by the wind. They were just standing or leaning against the walls. No matter how much the hover buses moved, they stood straight stably. It was as if the hover buses weren't moving at all.

On the surface, Qiu Yang looked the same as them. He knew who those powerful soldiers were. They were the elite ace mecha masters who had high chances of getting into 250 Ace Mecha Clan.

Qiu Yang was a proud person so he didn't want to lose to them. He just gritted his teeth and tried to stand up straight like those elite ace mecha masters. Only he knew how hard it was for him.

Finally, the hover buses stopped.

"This place is not bad." One of the elite aces jumped down from the buses and was surprised.

They had stopped at the plaza behind the entrance of the base. There was a huge field in front of them. Some distance away, they could see buildings.

"This is a good place." Another elite ace smiled in satisfaction.

They came to the unused prep department due to a series of coincidence, but some were caused by themselves. For instance, this elite ace had a very high requirement for the facilities in his mecha clan. Hence, he didn't accept any mecha clans which invited him. When he finally saw a base that he was satisfied with, he became a little more serious with the assessment.

Well, he was just a little more serious. In his heart, an elite ace like him was a treasure in the military. The 250 Ace Mecha Clan wouldn't bear to reject him.

Qiu Yang jumped down from the bus. He was shocked by the magnificent base of 250 Ace Mecha Clan too and his urge to join this mecha clan got even stronger.

"Wang Yiming, I'll definitely climb higher and live a good life. I'll show you that I'm not someone who you can suppress. I must get into 250 Ace Mecha Clan!"

At that moment, a soldier from 250 Ace Mecha Clan suddenly appeared in the plaza. When he saw that all the soldiers had come down from the bus, he clapped his hands to gain their attention.

There were more than 2500 soldiers so it was a little messy and disorderly. However, when the soldier clapped his hands, everyone heard it clearly.

Everyone instantly focused their attention on the soldier in front of them. Then, their eyes shift to the epaulette on his uniform. He was a senior colonel.

Qiu Yang narrowed his eyes when he saw the senior colonel. He could feel a strong invisible energy pushing him down. The energy was strong enough to make him feel his knees were being clamped tightly.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a moment. Most of the soldiers thought that the feeling was just an illusion, only a few powerful soldiers knew what the truth was. They looked at the soldier in front of them fearfully.

This soldier in front of them must be a domain realm master! Only domain realm masters were able to give them such a frightening pressure.

"Nice to meet all of you. I'm the team leader of Team 02 in 250 Ace Mecha Clan, Liu Furong. Now, I'll inform you about the details of your assessment." The moment Liu Furong finished speaking, a huge virtual screen appeared beside him.

There was a map on the virtual screen. On the map, there were lakes, fields, forests, and mountains. They were linked by multiple small paths. At the end of one path, there was a green dot shining brightly.

Qiu Yang looked at the map and concluded that the green dot was where they were currently standing at.

Liu Furong's next words confirmed his conclusion. "Please remember this map. You will need to rush to your destination as quickly as possible." A red triangle appeared on the virtual screen. "This red triangle represents your destination. Before you reach there, you'll go through a series of assessments. I wish you all the best."

Before the soldiers could reply, Liu Furong disappeared.

Everyone exchanged glances with one another. They didn't expect 250 Ace Mecha Clan to leave them here and ask them to find their way on their own.

"This is too much." Many soldiers felt that the 250 Ace Mecha Clan were looking down on them. Some soldiers even wanted to leave.

Yan Zheng, who sent them over, quickly took out his loudspeaker and shouted, "I won't prepare food for anyone who leaves now. Additionally, I'm giving these hover buses to 250 Ace Mecha Clan. If you don't want to go through the assessment, you can walk back yourself."

This was the only way Yan Zheng could threaten his soldiers. He didn't know if it would work but he had to take the risk.

The soldiers who wanted to leave thought about the distance between the unused prep department and 250 Ace Mecha Clan. Then, they turned around and decided to go for the assessment.

Damn it, they would die of exhaustion if they walked back. As for their food, they were not afraid that Yan Zheng wouldn't give them anything to eat. He wouldn't dare to do it.

The soldiers didn't have a choice. They took their luggage and walked towards their destination. Some careful ones walked to the virtual screen and downloaded the map into their communicator. In case they made a mistake during the journey, they could look at the map and move to the correct direction.

Qiu Yang downloaded the map too. Then, he chased after the main group. After walking for some distance, they saw a dense forest. Qiu Yang knew that they must walk through this forest to continue their journey.

'Don't enter a forest!' For some reason, Qiu Yang remembered this old saying. He turned serious. His past experiences told him that there must be something wrong with this forest.

But, they still needed to get pass this forest.

Qiu Yang waited for the first group of people to enter before going in. He only walked in when he ascertained that there was nothing amiss with the first group in front of him.

The elite aces around him waited to make sure that everything was fine before entering the forest too. There were 32 elite aces participating in this assessment. There were distributed evenly. Some were at the front of the group, some were in the middle while some were at the back.

In the command center, the higher authorities of 250 Ace Mecha Clan were watching the big screen in front of them intently. The screen was split into different segments, clearly showing all 2500 participants.

A figure suddenly appeared. It was Liu Furong.

"He's back!" Yang Mingzhi shifted his body to the left of his seat when he saw Liu Furong coming back. He left a space for Liu Furong and asked him to sit down.

Liu Furong walked over and sat down. He asked in a low voice. "Old Yang, where are they now?"

"In the forest. There'll be a good show coming up." Yang Mingzhi smiled.

"I just hope Little White won't lose control of itself." Gu Dongyang was a kind person. He sighed. The moment Li Lanfeng suggested to let Little White be the one in charge of this assessment, he knew that those people would have a tough time ahead of them.

"It's okay. Little White knows its boundaries. It won't kill anyone." Li Lanfeng couldn't help but laugh.

Yes, it wouldn't kill anyone. However, it would torture those people until they hoped that they could die instead.

Chapter 1072 Not Going To Be A Hooligan Little White

Qiu Yang was very careful. Even if there was nothing amiss, he still remained vigilant. He never relaxed for a single second.

He trusted his instincts. He wouldn't let his guard down just because there was nothing going on around him.

"Huh? What's that?" A soldier in front of him suddenly shouted.

Almost instantly, a scream of agony was heard. "Ah!" The scream echoed throughout the entire forest.

The soldiers behind him were dumbfounded. They didn't have any idea on was happening in the front.

Qiu Yang narrowed his eyes. Suddenly, a sense of crisis struck him. "Below!"

He immediately jumped up without hesitation. A tentacle quickly spurted up from the ground and attacked Qiu Yang ferociously.

Qiu Yang twirled his body and kicked at the air, kicking the tentacle that was attacking him away at the same time. Before he could heave a sigh of relief, another tentacle attacked him from the back.

This attack was out of Qiu Yang's expectation. However, he didn't get nervous. He twisted the upper half of his body and evaded the attack that was supposed to hit him.

But, the attack of the tentacles hadn't ended yet. It was only just the start. More than ten tentacles suddenly rose up from the areas that were covered by bushes and attacked Qiu Yang from all directions.

Qiu Yang was able to evade one or two tentacles but he couldn't evade so many tentacles at once. The timing of the tentacles was just right. Qiu Yang was like a prey that had entered a trap. He got entangled by the tentacles and couldn't move.

Qiu Yang was shocked. He wanted to resist but he received a sharp knock on his head and he turned unconscious.

However, he woke up quickly, but he could no longer see any trees around him anymore. Instead, all he saw the clear blue sky, white clouds and a patch of green land below him.

'Huh? Why am I in the air?'


Qiu Yang quickly understood what had happened to him. Just like those soldiers before him, he let out a frightened high-pitched scream which pierced through the air. Now, he knew why the soldiers in front of him screamed out loud.

They were thrown into the air by some tentacle monster. Based on their speed of them rising into the air, they would die the moment they fall to the ground.

"Ah!" Screams from the other soldiers beside him flew passed him. They belonged to those elite aces. The speed at which they were thrown into the air was much faster than him.

However, soon, he flew passed another soldier. He remembered this soldier. He was a special-class operator.

'Their speed of getting thrown into the air had something to do with their capabilities?' Qiu Yang seemed to have noticed something… or not.

Little White was very happy now. Its master had come back a few days ago.

During its time at the base, it was very bored. The people it was familiar with were all training or had missions to do so Little White had nothing to do in the end. Thus, it spent its time watching some cartoons which were meant for little children. In the shows, it would show pets who didn't have a master were pitiful creatures. Some of them would even become strays in the end. They had no food to eat, no home and most importantly, no loving master. Those unlucky ones might even be beaten to death.

'Sob, this world is so scary. Little White must never run away. It will be obedient. Master, please come back and bring me away. Even if you want to run away, please bring me along.'

Little White sat in front of Meng Lan's mainframe and watched the cartoon she was playing for it. It took a piece of tissue paper with one of its tentacles and wiped its tears as if it was heartbroken. After the tissue paper was all wet from its tears, it would throw the tissue paper accurately into a rubbish bin with its tentacles. Then, it would take another tissue paper and continue crying.

'Sob, this story makes me sad. Master, I need you to console me.'

Little White was so touched by the cartoon that it forgot that it was able to injure a Qi-Jin master with a single strike of its tentacles. Additionally, domain realm masters couldn't really injure it too. Hence, if it became a stray Little White, it would still be able to live like a king. It wouldn't land in the pitiful states of those stray pets.

"Little White, how is your mission going?" Meng Lan reminded Little White when she saw it being addicted to the cartoon.

Meng Lan remembered Colonel Li saying that Little White was in charge of the first assessment. Was it alright for it to stay here and watch cartoons?

"Huh?" Little White looked up in puzzlement with clear signs of tears in its eyes. There was also a new piece of tissue paper in its tentacle.

"Aren't you in charge of the first assessment?" Meng Lan gave a speechless expression on her virtual face. Was it alright to give such an important mission to this Little White?

Little White's tentacles suddenly froze in mid-air. "Roar!" It was dead!

It got enchanted by the cartoon and forgot about its mission.

Little White disappeared instantly, leaving the tissue paper fluttering in the air as it floated slowly to the seat which Little White was sitting on just now.

Meng Lan looked at the tissue paper and sighed softly. "I hope that everything will be smooth for Little White and that it won't be eaten by Master Ling Lan."

Little White stayed at her place for the longest time so she knew that once it made a mistake, it would be eaten by Master Ling Lan. Meng Lan didn't understand why Little White would make such mistakes. She didn't understand what kind of punishment eating was too? Was it similar to the day and month training?

Meng Lan shook her head to get rid of the random thoughts in her head. Then, she disappeared the next moment.

Meng Lan would only show this emotional side of her in front of Ling Lan, Little Four, and Little White. In front of everyone else, she would appear just like any other mainframe but just a little more advanced.

Little White quickly came to the forest and saw no one there. It hugged its head with its tentacles and roared in agony. It was dead.

It got distracted by the cartoon and let everyone pass the assessment! It was supposed to only let a portion of the soldiers, who were adequate, pass this forest.

At that moment, a colonel wearing a mask appeared beside it.

"Little White!" Li Lanfeng called it out.

Little White hugged its head and looked at Li Lanfeng pitifully.

Li Lanfeng sighed. He pointed to the two figures at the entrance of the plaza. "Regiment commander is watching."

"Rawr!" Little White screamed. Pets that made mistakes would be abandoned. I don't want to be a stray Little White!

Li Lanfeng looked at it sympathetically and said, "Little White, you really killed yourself, huh."


'No! I don't want to become a stray Little White! I must change my destiny! Master, please give me strength!'

Chapter 1073I Guess So!

Little White's eyes lit up with fighting spirit. In the next second, numerous tentacles moved towards the forest fervently and pulled back the soldiers who had already left the forest.

The frightened soldiers landed on the ground with blood drained from their faces, but before they could feel relieved, the tentacles attacked them again. This time however, they weren't thrown back. They were thrown to the other end of the forest which was closer to their destination. The numerous soldiers could be seen whizzing through the air.

"Ah…" Frightened high-pitched screams filled the air. They became flying humans again.

Li Lanfeng looked at the whizzing figures in the air and smiled. "I hope that you won't be scared to death. The assessment of 250 Ace Mecha Clan is not that easy to get over."

"This is enough, Little White." Li Lanfeng noticed that Little White was getting carried away so he hurriedly reminded it.

The excited Little White quickly retracted its tentacles. In the next moment, it turned back to its pocket-size Little White again.


'Master, how was my performance? Was it


Little White had already forgotten that it almost made a mistake after its spectacular showing just now. It rushed out of the forest happily and jumped into Ling Lan's arm. It started rolling around and acting cute in front of Ling Lan.

Ling Lan flicked Little White's forehead softly. She communicated with it using her spiritual power. "You made a mistake, but I'll forgive you this time."

Maybe this flying experience was better than the assessment they planned to give the soldiers in the first place.


'Master isn't angry. That is good. That is


Little White jumped onto Ling Lan's shoulder happily. It rubbed its round and fat body against Ling Lan's cheeks to show its excitement.

"Erm, is that your pet?" Yan Zheng, who was standing beside Ling Lan, asked in surprise.

He had never seen such a weird and cute-looking creature before. He didn't expect a cold man like Ling Lan to have such a cute little pet. In his mind, Ling Lan didn't look like someone who would have a pet. Even if she did, it might be a ferocious pet like a giant savage beast.

"I guess so." Ling Lan reached out and pinched the little bastard who was attempting to touch her. Then, amidst Little White's screeching, Ling Lan smooshed Little White into different shapes.

"It feels good to squeeze it." Ling Lan smiled slightly. She liked to squeeze Little White. It's really fun.

However, to Yan Zheng, he felt that Ling Lan's smile was vicious and ruthless.

Yan Zheng shivered silently. As expected, for a killing machine like Regiment Commander Ling, cute wasn't a reason for him to raise a pet.

It had to be said that sometimes, certain impressions that other people had about Ling Lan wasn't what she wanted to portray. It was other people's own thoughts which they felt was the reality. In actual fact, Ling Lan really took Little White in just because it was cute.

Yan Zheng felt that this conversation couldn't carry on anymore so he changed the topic. "Regiment Commander Ling, was that part of the assessment?"

Ling Lan smiled as she glanced at him. "You noticed it?"

"If you just want them to go to the destination, you wouldn't have place ambush inside the forest." As a bystander, Yan Zheng managed to see the motive behind Ling Lan's actions.

"I wonder if the 2500 soldiers could see this point," Ling Lan asked calmly. Actually, the assessment was the journey to their destination. If the soldiers didn't understand this point, it would be useless even if they reached the destination.

Yan Zheng smiled bitterly. He sighed. "Regiment Commander Ling, I have a request. It might be hard but I wonder if you can give them some hints. These soldiers spent a long time in the unused prep department so…"

These soldiers might be able to maintain their strengths but their vigilance and alertness to their surroundings might decrease due to the environment they were previously living in. It couldn't be compared to those veteran soldiers who always went on the battlefield.

"I'll give them what they deserve. As for the rest, they have to rely on themselves," Ling Lan replied coldly.

Yan Zheng wanted to say more to help his soldiers but in the end, he didn't say anything. He just sighed and hoped that the soldiers would realize this point.

Qiu Yang was very lucky and unlucky at the same time. He got thrown into the air again but this time, he landed right at the exit of the forest.

Qiu Yang was dizzy from all the throwing around so he staggered as he tried to get up. After a few minutes, he finally felt better. He quickly inspected his body. He realized that after he flew into the air two times and fall to the ground both times, he wasn't hurt at all.

After that, Qiu Yang started looking around him and he saw many soldiers around him. They were all struggling to get up from the ground. Their eyes were in a daze too.

After examining his surroundings, Qiu Yang narrowed his eyes in contemplation. He realized that all the soldiers around him were powerful soldiers. Some were even stronger than him. The elite aces were beside him too. Qiu Yang counted them and concluded all of the elite aces were present.

The other people around him were mostly normal ace operators like Qiu Yang. There were a few special-class operators too.

It seemed like the tentacle monster didn't select the soldiers at random. It did it with a purpose.

They were thrown to the exit of the forest but most of the soldiers were still at the entrance of the forest. Those soldiers at the entrance needed to start all over again. Qiu Yang wasn't sure if they were able to escape the attacks from the tentacle monster.

'Has the assessment started yet?' Qiu Yang suddenly thought of something and he quickly opened the map that he downloaded.

On the map, he could see his position at the exit of the forest. Qiu Yang stared at the map intently. Suddenly, he noticed that the time on the upper left hand corner of the map had changed into a countdown.

"01:23" Everyone overlooked this point because they left at 2 pm in the afternoon. The countdown on the map was at 2:00 too. Hence, everyone thought that this number represented the time of the day.

"1:22" Qiu Yang waited for one minute and saw the countdown decreased by one. He confirmed that the time was actually a countdown.

By now, Qiu Yang realized that the assessment had started. Although he didn't know what the criteria for the assessment was, he knew that if they didn't arrive at their destination within two hours, the results wouldn't be good.

Qiu Yang calculated the distance between him and the destination. If he continued at the pace he was walking at just now, he wouldn't be able to reach his destination within the allocated time. If he wanted to finish this mission, he had to do his best, or more than his best.

Qiu Yang finally understood why the Senior Colonel Liu told them that they had to rush to their destination. They really had to rush there.

As Qiu Yang was confirming his guess, many soldiers had already left. Qiu Yang quickly caught up with them and joined this group of people.

Chapter 1074 The Right Time!

But, not all the soldiers realized this point. Some of the soldiers that got thrown to the exit wasn't urgent at all, they just continued their journey at a comfortable pace.

At that moment, in a normal logistics department of a normal mecha clan, a bunch of female JMCs was changing out of their uniform in the changing room as they prepared to end their work for the day.

"Staff Sergeant Mei, are you accepting Captain Lin's invite to the Shallow Moon House?" A pretty female soldier jumped in front of a cold-looking female soldier after she finished changing and asked curiously.

"Not interested." Mei Gu, or Lady Mei as we normally called her, gave a look of disgust in response.

In the afternoon, when they were on their way to their workplace, Captain Lin suddenly popped out of nowhere and asked Lady Mei to meet him at Shallow Moon House (The private room in the cafeteria) at 3 pm. He appeared so arrogant when he spoke to Lady Mei. It was as though his action of inviting Lady Mei was a blessing from the heavens for her. Lady Mei felt like puking when she saw that arrogant face.

This scene made Lady Mei recall the 250 Ace Mecha Clan. If anyone dared to look at Senior Captain Han like that, she would beat the person up furiously and show them what the result of appearing arrogant in front of her was.

"Haha, she has merits on her and she is a staff sergeant. Moreover, the moment she came here, she became our leader. How can she be satisfied with just a captain? She must have placed her attention on those majors." Another sergeant started jeering at her.

All the female soldiers in the changing room suddenly turned quiet. Some even shrunk into the corners to hide themselves from the upcoming fight between two sergeants. One was their leader while the other was their deputy leader who had been with them for a long time. By right, they should listen to Staff Sergeant Mei. However, in terms of relationship, they were closer to their deputy. After all, their leader only just came five months ago

The fight between these two people caused them to be in a dilemma. Ultimately, this was the result of Staff Sergeant Mei not suppressing her deputy leader.

Lady Mei frowned. Ever since she took away the position of the leader, this person kept teasing and jeering her whenever she had the chance too. Even after five months, she still continued doing it.

Actually, Lady Mei had the means to suppress her. She just didn't want to do it. This position wasn't what she wanted so she didn't place much importance in her position.

When she knew that she got sent to this mecha clan, she immediately contacted Senior Captain Han in hopes that Senior Captain Han could transfer her to 250 Ace Mecha Clan. She was willing to be a normal soldier if she had to. Unfortunately, Senior Captain Han told her to remain calm and wait for her message.

Hence, Lady Mei had no choice but to come to this mecha clan. She waited for the anticipated message. Yet, after five months, she received no message or any follow up for that matter. After waiting for so long without any news, even the always calm Lady Mei started to get agitated. Sometimes, she would even wonder if Senior Captain Han had forgotten about her.

In actuality, she wasn't the only one waiting to get back to 250 Ace Mecha Clan. The other JMCs from Base 013 were waiting to be transferred back too.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Lady Mei finished changing and was about to leave the changing room when her communicator suddenly vibrated.

Lady Mei looked down and saw a message. Her heart started pounding quickly as she finished reading the message.

"The time has come. Go apply for the logistician reassignment."

"This is from Senior Captain Han!' Lady Mei jumped up in excitement. When the female soldiers in the changing room saw Lady Mei's sudden outburst of joy, they were shocked at her uncharacteristic behaviour. But, when the deputy leader saw her acting like that, a look of fear flashed passed her face.

Was Staff Sergeant Mei going to do something to her now? Lady Mei had disregarded her for the past five months so she had forgotten the fact that her military rank was lower than Lady Mei. If Lady Mei wanted to teach her a lesson now and punish her for being disrespectful, she wouldn't be able to resist at all.

"Sergeant Yang, congratulations," Lady Mei suddenly said to the deputy leader in all seriousness. She was finally able to get out of this backward clan and move to a progressive clan where females were treated as equals.

"Huh?" The deputy leader was stunned. Why was she congratulating her?

But, Lady Mei had no intentions of explaining herself. She just left the changing room immediately after saying her congratulations and rushed to the logistics department office.

"Did the headquarters announce for a logistician reassignment?" Lady Mei went right to the topic.

"Yes." The logistics department was bothered by this announcement too. Most of the logisticians liked to work in a place they were familiar with, so not many of them would want to be sent to a new department on a short notice. Only those logisticians who had no home would be sent to other mecha clans.

"I want to register." Lady Mei slapped the table fiercely.

"Huh?" The staff member from the logistics department looked at Lady Mei's rank and was surprised. "Staff sergeant, all the logisticians who are participating in this reassignment are just normal soldiers. If you apply, you will have to rise up from a normal soldier again."

This was the reason why reassignment was tough. If the reassignment came with a promotion in rank , the number of people applying would increase significantly. However, in this reassignment, there wasn't such benefit for the applying soldiers. What was worse was that, they had to start from the bottom all over again. Which veterean logistician wanted to start all over from the bottom again? As for the new soldiers… there were three more months before the recruits officially came.

"Even if I have to start from the bottom, I will want to apply for this reassignment," Lady Mei said firmly.

"You are as stronghearted as any male soldier I've met." The staff raised his thumb at her and then helped Lady Mei with her application. He seemed afraid that Lady Mei might suddenly regret her actions.

The corps department above them had ordered all the mecha clans to choose one logistician each for this reassignment. Luckily, Lady Mei's appearance resolved this difficulty.

When Lady Mei saw her information being entered into the system, she was so excited that her toes were dancing around in her shoes. The staff member from the logistics department heaved a sigh of relief too. He finally completed this hard order. He almost thought that he needed to force someone into applying this reassignment.

The same scene happened in some of the other mecha clans too. However, in most of the mecha clans, some unlucky logisticians got picked for the reassignment. They cried as they got sent to the headquarters.

Qiu Yang experienced quite a difficult time in the trek to their final destination. He came to a river but there were no bridges, so instinctively he figured that he should swim across the river, but what they didn't expect was that there were people hiding inside the river, waiting to ambush without any prior notice. These people removed almost a third of the participating soldiers.

Qiu Yang took much effort to swim across the river amidst all the mess. Then, he arrived at a canyon. However, in this canyon, every nook and cranny was laced with traps. This was also out of their expectations. Half of the leftover soldiers collapsed there, even some elite aces got stopped there too.

However, even after all those secret ambushes and dangerous traps, it was still not the end of the assessment. When the lucky Qiu Yang reached the final destination, there were already 28 people who arrived before him. He was the 29th person to arrive.

22 of the 29 soldiers were elite aces. Expectedly, elite aces performed much better than normal aces in this assessment. There were six normal aces there including Qiu Yang. Qiu Yang looked at them. To his surprise, five of them were infamous people like him. They even had fought before. There were even some grudges between them. He didn't expect them to find the real aim of the assessment and arrive at the destination on time.

Qiu Yang was the most curious about the only special-class operator who arrive at the final destination. Compared to everyone's haggard appearances, this special-class operator looked very clean and neat. He looked as though he didn't meet any obstacles at all.

But, that was impossible! Qiu Yang knew that there was no shortcut to the final destination. They had to pass through all the obstacles. In the end, there were only two possibilities for his arrival, either this person was very strong or that he was very lucky. He might be so strong that those obstacles were nothing to him, or he might be so lucky that he evaded all the obstacles and arrived at the destination smoothly.

What was the identity of the special-class operator? Qiu Yang secretly observed the special-class operator. No matter who he was, he was not a simple person.

Qiu Yang wasn't the only one who noticed the special-class operator. The other 27 soldiers got on their guards too. In order to reach the destination within the designated time, this special-class operator must be someone very hard to deal with.

The special-class operator didn't seem to realize that everyone looking at him with vigilance. He just smiled as he looked at the two people standing in front of all the soldiers.

One of them was a serious lieutenant colonel while the other was a colonel wearing a mask. When the soldiers arrived at their destination, these two officers were waiting for them there already.

Li Lanfeng looked at his communicator. Then, he raised his head and said, "The time…"

"Wait… I'm here!" A soldier ran over quickly from afar. In the next second, he arrived in front of everyone. He was the 30th soldier to arrive. Did he arrive on time?

Everyone looked at Li Lanfeng for a response. Li Lanfeng smiled. "Sometimes, it's better to be on time than to be early. I haven't completed my sentence yet so you're on time."

The soldier that had just arrived was elated. He felt that the officers of 250 Ace Mecha Clan were easy to talk too. The 29 soldiers that had already arrived heaved sighs of relief too.

"Now, I announce that the time is up." Li Lanfeng finally ended the assessment.

"Zhong-qing, your task is up now. If you need help, you can look for us." Li Lanfeng turned around and smiled at Lin Zhong-qing.

"Yes, I know," Lin Zhong-qing replied seriously. He wouldn't reject the help from his comrades.

It turns out that those soldiers who didn't complete the assessment would be sweep into Lin Zhong-qing's logistics department to undergo hell training. Only 30 soldiers passed the assessment to become the mecha operators of 250 Ace Mecha Clan. This was only around 1% of the soldiers who participated in this assessment. This meant that a lot of soldiers would be entering the logistics department, which would place a huge burden on the logistics department. This was why Li Lanfeng asked Lin Zhong-qing to ask them for help if he required it.

Soon, Li Lanfeng left with the 30 soldiers that had passed, leaving Lin Zhong-qing behind to wait for the remaining soldiers.

The remaining soldiers finally arrived at the destination as the sky turned dark. They were tired and hungry. They didn't expect this assessment to be so dangerous. Some of them were even locked in the traps for half a day before they were let out.

"Is everyone here?" When they heard the question, all the soldiers just exchanged glances with one another in confusion. They didn't know if everyone had arrived.

However, Lin Zhong-qing wasn't asking them. Many messages suddenly appeared on his communicator. The ambushes throughout the assessment were done by his logisticians. That meant that none of the official mecha operators took part in this assessment.

When his logisticians confirmed that no one was left behind, Lin Zhong-qing said coldly, "Follow me!"

"It's already so late. We're hungry and tired, and you're bringing us to the assessment now?" One of the soldiers couldn't help but voice out his complaint, "You should at least let us fill up our stomach first."

When Lin Zhong-qing heard the complaint, he turned around slowly and sneered. "Do you think you have the right to participate in the assessment based on your lousy results?"

"What?!" All the soldiers exclaimed in anger. Many of which appeared indignant. "If you are not bringing us to the assessment, where are you leading us?"

"You want a chance, right?" Lin Zhong-qing wasn't afraid of their anger. He replied coldly, "Our regiment commander gave you a chance but you can't even meet the lowest requirements. What a bunch of useless soldiers."

"What did you say? Bastard, you are the useless one." One of the elite aces got trapped in an ambush for hours so he was feeling quite frustrated now. Hence, when he heard what Lin Zhong-qing said, he rushed out angrily and attempted to attack Lin Zhong-qing with his fist.

Boom! The elite ace was suddenly pressed flat to the ground. An arrogant young lieutenant colonel, who had a vicious look in his eyes, said dangerously, "Who are you calling a useless, punk? Are you looking for death?"

He lifted the elite ace off the ground and then slammed him to the ground again. This time however, the elite ace got injured as blood could be seen flowing out of his mouth.

Lin Zhong-qing remained calm as he flicked the dust off his sleeves and looked at the elite ace on the ground. He said coldly, "You can't even withstand one attack. How are you not a useless soldier?"

The elite ace got so angered by his words that he vomited another mouthful of blood again.

The other soldiers on the other hand, felt their anger being doused by a large bucket of water when they saw an elite ace getting defeated in a single blow. Everyone turned quiet. They appeared to have lost their rebel spirit.

Lin Zhong-qing shook his head in disappointment. This performance was kind of expected out from the soldiers from the unused prep department, but they had way too many problems. Luckily, their 250 Ace Mecha Clan was only afraid of having not enough people and nothing else.

He turned to look at the young man who subdued the elite ace. "Leader Li, have your men arrived yet?" The person who helped him was the leader of Team 10, Li Yingjie.

"They're here. Zhong-qing, you can give your order." Li Yingjie released the elite ace's throat and stood up.

"Bring these people to the cafeteria. Although I don't think these people are useful, we'll still bring them to the cafeteria to fill up their stomach on behalf of Chief Yan." Lin Zhong-qing turned around and left after he finished speaking.

The soldiers had different reactions to his words. Some were furious, at loss, and some just seemed indifferent.

At that moment, a bunch of soldiers suddenly appeared around them. What was weird was that these soldiers had very excited expressions on their faces. They seemed to be hoping that they would resist so that there would be more fun for them.

Chapter 1075 Future!

Out of this group of soldiers surrounding them, there were actually colonels and senior colonels. From the fight that just happened, they could already tell that the lieutenant colonel was stronger than all of them. If so, how strong would these group of soldiers surrounding them be? Originally, they thought Lin Zhong-qing's words were said because 250 didn't take soldiers who were handed to them out of contempt. But after seeing these colonel rank soldiers, they held in the anger inside of them.

Now, Yan Zheng, who was at the command center watching the assessment, sighed when he saw only 30 of his soldiers passed the assessment. He smiled bitterly. "Regiment Commander Ling, when those bastards finish eating dinner, I will take them back with me." It was too embarrassing. An elite ace couldn't even go one round against a lieutenant colonel.

"That lieutenant colonel who made a move is called Li Yingjie. Although his rank isn't high, he's still one of my 10 main team leaders," Ling Lan said calmly.

In reality, the rank of lieutenant colonel in the military wasn't as insignificant as Ling Lan just said. This rank was enough to be responsible for the position of regiment commander of a clan. If a lieutenant colonel were to be assigned somewhere not 250, he would be given the best treatment, much like a treatment given to a king.

The reason why a lieutenant colonel wasn't worth much in 250 was because when they entered 250 Ace Mecha Clan, most of them were already the rank of lieutenant colonel. Additionally, the merits received from Planet Haijiao's battle allowed these colonel rank mecha operators to be promoted by one rank. Only a few mecha operators who were originally senior colonels did not advanced into the rank of major general. In the end, these particular soldiers were reimbursed in different ways to compensate for their valiant efforts in the battle.

On the side of logistics, all the personnel advanced in rank because of the merits they gained from the battle to become sergeant, while the previous sergeants became captains. Many of the captains, those who were first lieutenants or senior captains, had successfully advanced into major rank based on their merits from battle too.

Just like that, an oddball of a mecha clan was created. There were countless sergeants, captains, and majors walking about in the clan, but not a single standard soldier.

However, in theory, as new recruits and soldiers joined the mecha clan, this odd situation would be broken eventually. However, that was only a possibility.

Ling Lan's comforting words made Yan Zheng feel grateful towards her. He knew that Regiment Commander Ling was just comforting his own ego. Their elite ace operator lost to her mecha clan's main team leader. It should be known that 250 Ace Mecha Clan's main team leaders were all peak level ace operators. Some were even half way into the imperial level, so losing to them was in fact not embarrassing.

Yan Zheng knew that he was only comforting himself with that thought, otherwise, just the young face of that lieutenant colonel was enough to make him lose all of his pride.

"As for the soldiers who didn't pass…" Ling Lan was silent for a few seconds and then said, "Don't be in a hurry to take them back."

Yan Zheng was dumbfounded as he didn't know what Ling Lan meant by her words.

"Let them train here for a week, then make them take the logistics assessment," Ling Lan spoke out the decision she made long ago.

"Huh?" Logistics? Did he hear something wrong? Yan Zheng was a bit stupefied.

Although these soldiers didn't pass 250 Ace Mecha Clan's mecha operator assessment, no matter how bad they were, they were still mecha operators. If they weren't mecha operators, they were also outstanding individuals in their own respective fields. The division headquarters didn't want these individuals to be wasted, so they put them in the unused prep department to wait for someone who would be willing to take a chance on them. If they were willing to be logistics personnel who would be ordered around by others, then these soldiers wouldn't have stayed in the unused prep department for such a long time. They would have been taken by other clans to fill up their numbers long ago.

"And you, Chief Yan, will be assisting our Department Head Lin to complete this task. Alright, it's all decided then." Ling Lan didn't care how much Yan Zheng was surprised or in disbelief. She didn't give Yan Zheng any chance to speak and just made the decision for him.

"Ah?" Not only did those soldiers get taken in by 250 Ace Mecha Clan as logistics personnel, but he was also taken in? Faced with the cold and calculating Ling Lan, Yan Zheng gulped down his saliva in fear. After deciding to take the risk of potentially offending the domineering Ling Lan, he said with a difficult expression his face, "Um, Regiment Commander Ling, the unused prep department still needs me to take care of some administrative matters, I probably won't be able to stay for too long…"

"Since you brought all of the soldiers stationed in your department here, the existence of your department is no longer required." Ling Lan looked at Yan Zheng calmly as she announced her decision.

"But the headquarters…" Yan Zheng wiped away cold sweat from his forehead. Even though he knew that Ling Lan's words had strong reasons behind them, Yan Zheng couldn't imagine himself being able to live a long life in her presence. Hence, he could only try his best to find a way to save himself.

At that moment, Yan Zheng suddenly felt his wrist vibrate. Someone was contacting him through his communicator.

"Regiment Commander Ling, I have a call here." Yan Zheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. There was finally a way for him to avert the intimidating gaze of Regiment Commander Ling and to calm down.

Ling Lan glanced at the communicator on his wrist. Yan Zheng quickly put up his wrist to show the light which indicated a call was coming in. This was to prove that he didn't lie.

"It's probably already time for the documents to be sent out. Take the call," Ling Lan said calmly.

"Oh, okay!" Yan Zheng unconsciously followed along with Ling Lan's orders.

After hitting the connect button, a virtual screen appeared in front of him and a beautiful female captain appeared on the screen.

"Yan Zheng, Major Yan from the unused prep department?" The female captain asked softly.

"Yes, Yan Zheng here." Yan Zheng had a serious expression on his face. He knew who this female officer was. She was a clerk who gave notices from the headquarters to soldiers around the military.

"I am the division headquarters' clerk, serial number XXXXX" After the female officer stated her identity, she continued, "Now, I'm giving a reassignment order from the headquarters. Major Yan Zheng, originally from the unused prep department, will be assigned as the deputy department head of the logistics department in 250 Ace Mecha Clan as of today. Your rank advances to lieutenant colonel and you will be aiding the department head in handling the new recruits. Please confirm that you understand this reassignment, Lieutenant Colonel Yan."

Yan Zheng felt nauseous from the sudden order given to him.

"Lieutenant Colonel Yan, please confirm that you understand this reassignment." The female captain noticed that Yan Zheng didn't confirm the reassignment order she had sent to him, so she reminded him again.

"Oh, yes!" Her words finally woke up Yan Zheng, as he immediately confirmed himself receiving the orders.

Not long after, the reassignment details were downloaded. Yan Zheng opened it and saw it that it was indeed the same as what the female captain had just said. He was reassigned to 250 Ace Mecha Clan to be the deputy head of the logistics department. The headquarters were even afraid that an outsider like him suddenly entering the logistics department of 250 Ace Mecha Clan would cause the department to be in disarray, so even his duties were clearly outlined in the details.

Yan Zheng smiled bitterly at his fate. He didn't expect that after taking care of them for so many years, he still couldn't get away from overseeing those soldiers from the unused prep department… However, this situation was fine for him. He would be worried if he had just left those soldiers in 250 Ace Mecha Clan alone.

"Since you got your orders, go rest up for the night. Report to the logistics department tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. and speak to Department Head Lin." Ling Lan saw that Yan Zheng didn't have any questions about his reassignment so she gave him an order to rest

Yan Zheng still had a dumbfounded expression on his face, but Ling Lan's orders made him raise his right hand and salute by reflex, "Yes, Regiment Commander!"

After walking out of the command center, Yan Zheng finally woke up from his daze. He looked at the reassignment order on his communicator and sighed after being silent for a short moment.

It turns out Regiment Commander Ling was thinking of taking all of them from the very beginning! Yan Zheng, who was not slow-witted, thought in detail and understood Ling Lan's real plans. It was just funny that in the beginning he was trying his best to sell those soldiers to Ling Lan in fear that she wasn't going to take even a single one…

Even if Ling Lan was the 23rd Division's prince, she still needed to go through the proper procedures of getting an officer reassigned. These procedures was definitely not possible to be completed in one or two hours. It was possible that when Ling Lan entered the unused prep department, she had already begun organizing this reassignment.

Unknowingly, he fell into Ling Lan's trap… Yan Zheng turned around and looked at the command center. Despite not being able to see Ling Lan, Yan Zheng's eyes still had a slight of hint of fear in them.

Even if Regiment Commander Ling lost her ability to operate a mecha, with just her plotting and scheming abilities, it was already enough for her to hold her own.

Lin Zhong-qing let Li Yingjie's team take the 2500 or so soldiers to the large cafeteria. He however, went to Li Shiyu's medical treatment center.

He walked straight into the laboratory specially made for Li Shiyu. Unsurprisingly, Li Shiyu was there.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Li Shiyu walked out of the sterile room and came to outer parts of the large laboratory.

"Something you need?" Li Shiyu was surprised by Lin Zhong-qing's visit. Lin Zhong-qing was probably the most busy one out of all of them because the workload in the logistics department. Although there were He Chaoyang, Li Jinghong and the others helping him out, they still didn't have Lin Zhong-qing's charisma and magic touch. Some more official matters still needed Lin Zhong-qing to make the final decision. Unless he needed something, he wouldn't have free time to come by and say hi to Li Shiyu.

"Do you have the special-level treatment medicine? The ones that can heal you in 4 hours?" Lin Zhong-qing didn't beat around the bushes and went straight to the point.

"I do." Li Shiyu's eyes narrowed but he still gave an answer.

"How much do you have?" Lin Zhong-qing asked.

Li Shiyu's expression quickly became serious as he went silent for a few seconds. Then, he asked, "What are you planning to do?"

"Train." Lin Zhong-qing didn't plan on hiding anything. Of course, he couldn't hide it either. Perhaps he could have successfully fooled others, but he couldn't fool Li Shiyu. Similarly, he wouldn't be able to fool Boss too so there was no reason to hide.

"You want to train during the first half of the night then use the recovery agent to recover in the second half?" Li Shiyu instantly understood what Lin Zhong-qing was planning on doing.

"Why?" Li Shiyu asked in a serious tone. Why was Lin Zhong-qing suddenly rushing to be stronger just like what Han Jijyun was doing? He clearly could just stay at his current level. After all, he wasn't like Han Jijyun, who had Li Lanfeng constantly reminding him that he was falling behind.

Lin Zhong-qing eyes became dark and didn't answer for a while. When Li Shiyu thought Lin Zhong-qing wasn't going to answer his question, Lin Zhong-qing finally spoke up, "I don't want to become a weak person, especially not in the mind of that annoying guy…"

He was confident that he could avoid the attack of that elite ace operator, but he couldn't be like Li Yingjie, who took that operator down with just one move. It turns out, unknowingly, the distance between him and Li Yingjie had become so wide. He didn't know why but the scene of Li Yingjie embarrassing him back in the Scout Academy began to appear in his mind…

If Qi Long and the others had done that instead, Lin Zhong-qing perhaps would not have felt anything. However, the person who made the move was Li Yingjie and it left a bad taste in Lin Zhong-qing's mouth after that… Did Li Yingjie actually think he was weak? Was that a way of humiliating him?

He could lose to anyone, but just not to that bastard! He will become stronger. In the future, he will definitely make a move before that bastard. Then, tell him that Lin Zhong-qing's problems will be dealt by him and that he didn't need him to meddle in them.

Li Shiyu saw the burning passion in Lin Zhong-qing's eyes and sighed. He knew he couldn't stop him anymore. He turned around, opened a medicine cabinet, took out a row of medicine, and passed it to Lin Zhong-qing. "This is the amount for one week. When you are finished with those, come to me to get more."

"Thank you, Shiyu." Lin Zhong-qing took over the medicine gratefully. He was overjoyed that he had friends who supported him silently.

"However, don't overdo the training. You have to remember to have 4 hours of recovery time. Otherwise, if the wounds from your previous session of training were not fully healed, it would add on to the new wounds on the next day. If that happens, not only would your capabilities stay the same, it would also cause life-long wounds on your body," Li Shiyu reminded repeatedly.

"I will be careful," responded Lin Zhong-qing earnestly. He wanted to increase his capabilities while not destroying his body. Lin Zhong-qing was more calm and logical in this aspect compared to Han Jijyun.

Lin Zhong-qing took the medicinal agent and left the laboratory happily. Li Shiyu silently sat down at his desk and suddenly smirked, "Looks like I now have to work hard as well, otherwise I'm going to be left behind by them." Li Shiyu, who was moved by Lin Zhong-qing's actions, also made the decision to train.

"However, before that, I need to finish making the second generation of the Nuwa agent." Li Shiyu knew what his priorities were. "I didn't think our regiment commander would be able to successfully bid for that plant from Planet Juhao. Although I don't know which one out of the three companies it was… but the amount they sent over this time is enough for me to use for quite a while."

"I hope that the second generation Nuwa agent will be able to help our regiment commander recover from his injuries and reawaken his body's recovery power." Li Shiyu had a cold expression on his face. This was the last hope. If it didn't work… their regiment commander would not have any chance to pilot mechas. It would be such a shame for their regiment commander, who had terrifying operating talents in piloting, to not be able to pilot a mecha again.

Right as Lin Zhong-qing returned to the command center, he received Ling Lan's orders to go and see her.

Ling Lan was the only person in the command center. Well, other than Meng Lan and Little White, who were talking to each other.

Seeing it was Lin Zhong-qing, Little White didn't pay any heed to him and continued to talk to Meng Lan. Of course, only they could understand what they were talking about. Others would only hear Little White 'rawrs' and see Meng Lan's standard smile.

"Boss," Lin Zhong-qing shouted out loud, surprising Ling Lan who was thinking deeply in that moment.

"Sit." Ling Lan gestured to Lin Zhong-qing for him to sit. Lin Zhong-qing chose the seat on Ling Lan's right side and sat up straight.

"I summoned you here to tell you that tomorrow there will be someone called Yan Zheng who will report to your logistics department. His position will be the deputy head of the logistics department." Ling Lan went straight to the point.

Lin Zhong-qing's expression changed slightly as he looked at Ling Lan with his raised head. "I understand, Boss."

"During all this time, the logistics department was on your shoulders. It must have been difficult for you," said Ling Lan.

"It's alright, Boss," Lin Zhong-qing said anxiously. He wasn't in it for the power, instead he was working so hard because he was afraid that he would disappoint Ling Lan's expectations for him.

"Zhong-qing, I'm very comfortable handing over logistics to you, but you are held back by it." Ling Lan shook her hand and stopped Lin Zhong-qing from speaking any further.

"Our future isn't only 250 Ace Mecha Clan. We will climb higher and walk further…" Ling Lan's cold gaze swept towards Lin Zhong-qing. "However, how much we could climb and walk together depends on our own capabilities."

Lin Zhong-qing's body shook abruptly as he seemed to have understood something.

Chapter 1076 Why?

"So, I found someone to lessen the burden on your shoulders. This person is quite talented, but how you use him will be on you. Don't disappoint me," said Ling Lan calmly.

Lin Zhong-qing held in the excitement in his heart and took a deep breath. Then, he calmly said, "Yes, Boss!"

Ling Lan waved her hand to tell Lin Zhong-qing that he could now leave.

Lin Zhong-qing saluted her and turned around to leave.

"Another thing…" Suddenly, Ling Lan's voice rang from behind him. Lin Zhong-qing quickly turned around and waited for his boss's next order.

"This is a military camp, so don't call me 'Boss'. Otherwise, you'll be punished by military law." Ling Lan sounded a bit helpless. She had already said it countless times, but these kids still blatantly broke the rule in front of her. Luckily, she was tolerant enough to ignore their mistakes.

However, she couldn't continue to ignore their mistakes anymore as there were thousands of new recruits entering the clan, so they had to act like a clan not like some mafia gang. The reason she was suddenly being strict with that rule was to prevent these new kids from straying to the wrong path and becoming a group of bandits… Ling Lan couldn't imagine herself being able to hide her embarrassment when they called her 'Boss' so loudly in public.

"Understood, Boss!" Lin Zhong-qing replied loudly and smirked slightly.

Seeing his Boss shot him a cold yet helpless glance, Lin Zhong-qing left right away and disappeared from Ling Lan's sight.

These guys want to watch the world burn!

Ling Lan rubbed her aching forehead… On the bright side, she finally managed to resolve Lin Zhong-qing's issue. Lin Zhong-qing was too tightly bound to the logistics department and with the expansion of the mecha clan, his workload and the burden on his shoulders would increase tremendously, something Ling Lan didn't want to see. This was why when she saw that Yan Zheng was a great logistician, she decisively made some calls and reassigned him to 250 Ace Mecha Clan to help Lin Zhong-qing.

In the cafeteria, the 2500 or so soldiers were served with high-quality food and drinks. They thought that they were treated well because 250 Ace Mecha Clan was concerned that they would be hungry on their way back to the unused prep department, so they gave them a meal to ease their hunger. These soldiers were very grateful of 250 Ace Mecha Clan officers' kind gesture.

However, their feeling of gratefulness quickly disappeared. When they were told that they were staying for special training for one more week for the assessment of logistics personnel, everyone became furious.

There was no doubt in their minds that 250 Ace Mecha Clan was humiliating them. Just as they were about to gather together and revolt against the decision, they saw a surprising scene when they were taken to the training grounds.

On the training grounds, thousands of outstanding cadets, majors, lieutenant colonels, senior colonels, elite and peak-level aces were taking on brutal training regimens. There were also instructors standing all around them with a few medical teams on hold.

No matter if it was elite ace operators or peak-level ones, or cadets who were looking forward to the merits of the future, or any other types of soldiers, they were all training on this training ground.

These soldiers completed different training regimens one after the other as if there wasn't an end to it.

Finally, some soldiers who had reached their limits fell on the ground. The instructors closest to where they fell would only shout, "Stand up."

Some soldiers stood up, while some couldn't even stand even if they wanted to. When the instructors saw that they had really reached their limit, he would gesture towards the medical team to come over.

The instructors only seemed to be ruthless on the outside, but when someone were to actually reach their limit, he would still send a medical team to treat those soldiers. The soldiers from the unused prep department had this thought in their minds.

However, what happened next completely changed what they knew about the world.

One of the soldiers that fell down instantly became reinvigorated when the medical team came near him. He quickly pushed himself to get up and finally stood up just before the medical team could get near him. However, that was just his last spurt. After walking only a few more steps, he fell down on the ground once again.

However, he still didn't give up. That soldier had a savage look on his face as he ignored the immense pain wrecking his entire body, he dug his nails into the hard ground and crawled forward slowly with all of his might.

Seeing the soldier could still move, the instructor waved his hand, signalling to the medical team to stop moving temporarily.

Why? Why did this happen? Why didn't he accept the treatment? Why did he have to crawl forward until his last breath? The soldiers from the unused prep department couldn't understand the reasons behind his desperation to continue.

However, their questions were quickly answered as there were still people who completely exhausted their energy and went unconscious. At that moment, the instructor would let the medical team go in and inject a medicinal agent into their bodies.

As expected, they were treating him… right?

The soldier that was injected instantly woke up with bulging eyes. This made the soldiers watching him breathe a sigh of relief. However, in the next second, these soldiers had terrified expressions on their faces.

"AH!" The soldier that just woke up suddenly screamed towards the heavens. His entire body began to struggle and squirm, and his face formed a horrified expression because of the pain.

"Just kill me! Just kill me!" That soldier was struggling so fiercely that he needed two medics to hold him down.

How painful must it be to make a soldier rather die than to accept the torment?

"If you can't get past this, you'll die even if you don't want to die." The medics who were holding that soldier down didn't have any sympathy and instead sneered at him.

"AH!" That soldier screamed again with a sound that could send chills down everyone's spines. He struggled even more. His eyes, ears, nose and mouth had black blood dripping out which made him look even more savage and terrifying. This scene terrified the soldiers watching from the side.

"Oww!" A large force suddenly came from the struggling soldier which sent the two medics flying. Right at that moment, an instructor who was watching from the side jumped up and used one hand to hold down the soldier who was struggling onto the ground to make sure he couldn't move anymore.

"Thank you, Leader Liu." The two medics quickly stood up and saluted towards the instructor who stepped in. It turns out, the instructor who stepped in was the Leader Liu Furong from Team 02.

"You actually couldn't hold down an exhausted logistics personnel. Go back and train for three days," Liu Furong said coldly.

After hearing the order, the faces of the two medics began to twitch, "Yes, Leader Liu." Training for three days meant that they had to go through this terrifying experience three times… After thinking up to this point, the two of them instantly trembled at the thought.

The other medics on the other hand, became even more serious as they raised their awareness of their surroundings. They warned themselves that they must not follow in the footsteps of those two medics.

At that moment, everyone also discovered that the instructors, who were surrounding the training grounds, were all colonel rank officers, many were even senior colonels. The person who stepped in was a senior colonel. They were the type of existence these soldiers looked up to.

After remembering how the medics called him, everyone took in a deep cold breath. Could the 56 instructors standing around them actually be the team leaders of 250 Ace Mecha Clan?

The soldiers, not knowing how 250 Ace Mecha Clan was organized, believed that this mecha clan was full in terms of personnel and thus had 56 team leaders. In reality, some of the Federation's top tier titled super mecha clans were composed with the amount of people of five to six standard clans combined. These titled super mecha clans had 400 to 500 mecha teams and were well-known across the entire galaxy

Even those elite ace operators, who were originally confident in themselves, had stunned expressions the instant Liu Furong stepped in to stop the soldier.

These instructors were too strong! And that medicinal agent that was injected into the soldier was terrifying as well.

The rebel spirit of these soldiers instantly cooled down.

Chapter 1077 A New Beginning!

One week quickly passed by.

Inside 250 Ace Mecha Clan, whether it was mecha operators or logisticians, they were all busy and were all so exhausted to the brink of death.

The few training grounds that were originally empty, were activated because of the new soldiers. Most of the mecha operators and logisticians from 250 Ace Mecha Clan were on these training grounds and crazily training the new recruits…

Han Xuya and Luo Chao, who was originally 250 Ace Mecha Clan's only two females soldiers, became training instructors. Putting aside Han Xuya's terrible temper, even the soft and sympathetic Luo Chao had become a ruthless instructor because of the time constraints they were under. The two of them were responsible for training all the female new recruits in the logistics department.

Lady Mei and her group had arrived at 250 Ace Mecha Clan three days ago. Before they could bask in excitement, they were sent to the training grounds and were given Han Xuya and Luo Chao's training regimen.

In the beginning, these new recruits thought this regimen would be finished in no time, after all, new recruits needed to get past this regimen to enter the clan, so how tough could it be. However, after starting the training regimen, they quickly understood that this wasn't some typical training regimen. It was inescapable training regimen from hell that could make them cry, swear, and wish they were dead.

"250 Ace Mecha Clan doesn't need crybabies. Since you chose to join, then you must complete the training." Seeing the usual kind and sympathetic Luo Chao also speak to them coldly, many of the female soldiers were suspecting whether it was actually Lieutenant Colonel Luo Lang in disguise.

However, the reason they were able to endure the training was because Major Han Xuya and Major Luo Chao trained alongside with them. This made many of the female soldiers feel that their pride was on the line. If the two female majors could do the training, then they could do it as well. Of course, reality was brutal. They would usually fall down in the middle of training. Only a few could actually finish the training regimen with the two majors.

In the few who finished, Lady Mei was present. The difference between Lady Mei and the other female soldiers was that most of the female soldiers hated this terrifying hellish training while Lady Mei enjoyed it. She felt that if she could complete this training regimen, she would definitely be able to become strong. That way she would be able to get closer to Major Han, whom she admired.

Thinking up to this point, Lady Mei's eyes shined brightly. She looked towards the front of the group, at the slim silhouette leading them forward. One day, she would be standing beside her, fight alongside her and become one of her most trusted comrades.

Today was 250 Ace Mecha Clan's weekly leader and department head meeting. Each leader and department heads had arrived in the conference room long ago.

However, today's conference wasn't like the usual conferences they had before. In today's conference, all the leaders and all the department heads had brought their deputies.

Suddenly, the large door opened automatically. Ling Lan, who was wearing the uniform of a major general, walked in.

She didn't have a mask on and she didn't have any bandages on her face, showing her scarred face to everyone. The difference between now and when she was disguised as Little Yang, was that the scars were more severe when she was disguised as Little Yang. Now, it was clear that the scars had lightened up. Other than a few larger scars that could still be easily seen, the other scars had become light touches on her face.

"Regiment commander," everyone stood up and shouted respectfully.

Ling Lan walked to her seat and said plainly, "Sit."

"Yes, regiment commander!" Everyone sat down.

"What's the current situation with the clan?" Ling Lan looked towards everyone and asked.

Everyone looked towards Team 01's team leader, Major General Yang Mingzhi. No matter if it was military rank or the rank in terms of mecha teams, Yang Mingzhi was the first person below Ling Lan.

Yang Mingzhi spoke up, "Regiment commander, my team is mostly responsible for Evil Wind's training, and the situation with them is very good. Other than a few members who haven't passed the training standards, the others have already gotten a passing grade," Yang Mingzhi told Ling Lan some good news first.

"However, the 30 soldiers who Big Leader Li sent us only had 7 soldiers passing the lowest level training standards. The other 23 individuals didn't pass even the lowest training level… If we were to train them to pass the lowest level, it would not be possible without two months of intense training," Yang Mingzhi then continued with some not so good news.

Hearing this, Li Lanfeng frowned slightly. He didn't think that the percentage of individuals passing the lowest training level was that low. It seemed the soldiers from the unused prep department had been lazing around for far too long. Their physical conditions were not maintained at their past peaks and had already dropped below the standard requirements of a mecha operator.

Seeing Yang Mingzhi finish his reports, Liu Furong continued, "Our Team 02, 03 and 04 cooperated and trained the cadets, who Leader Luo and Leader Xie had brought, and the soldiers, who Leader Qi and Leader Han had brought from the main corps…"

"Currently, the passing rate is only 21.77%." Liu Furong looked at the report in his hand and smiled bitterly. "This is also the lowest level requirement. There's probably not even 1% in the second level, no need to mention the higher levels. Even if we give them two to three months… the answer would still be zero percent for the upper levels."

Only leader level individuals could pass the highest level… Even if the new recruits were talented, they wouldn't be able to get up to that level in a short time span of 2 months.

"Leader Liu, aren't you expecting too much from them…" Li Yingjie looked at Liu Furong with a dissatisfied look on his face. Even he had just recently passed the highest level after almost dying multiple times because of it. If there was someone who could pass it in 2 months, then why would they need Li Yingjie for?

Seeing his pouting expression, Liu Furong laughed silently. "Sorry, Little Leader Li. It's just that I saw so many new recruits and they were outstanding cadets from all the military academies. I wanted to see if there were any upcoming talents who could become future leaders…"

Whether a mecha clan had a future would depend on whether these next generation individuals were exceptional enough and whether they had potential to succeed them. As a somewhat senior leader, Liu Furong automatically entered into the mode of finding someone to take over his place.

"We're not in a hurry with matter of succession and the 21% passing rate… isn't low," Ling Lan said without a thought in her mind. "It seems this year's new recruits has great potential."

Hearing this, Qi Long instantly laughed out loud and said, "Regiment commander, most of the cadets this year are from the First Men's Military Academy. We're also very familiar with their leader."

Luo Lang, Xie Yi and the others smirked, especially Xie Yi, who was making faces and said, "Regiment commander, it's your loyal subject."

Li Lanfeng frowned slightly. Loyal subject? What was Xie Yi trying to say? When Li Lanfeng left the academy, Ling Yi hadn't arrived yet. That was why Li Lanfeng didn't know about the existence of Ling Yi.

Ling Lan raised one of her eyebrows in confusion. Loyal subject? Who was that?

Suddenly, she had a thought. "Ling Yi?"

Rabbit actually knew that person's name? Li Lanfeng's heart trembled and his expression darkened. Knowing Ling Lan, he knew that the people who Ling Lan remembered were people she kept in her heart. Otherwise, if it was a passerby, Ling Lan would forget about them completely.

"Yes, it's him. I told you, Boss. You would definitely remember him!" Xie Yi said excitedly.

That person who always announced he was going to become Boss's loyalist, had always made himself seen by them. He was also a previous subordinate of the Ling family so Boss definitely remembered him.

"Xie Yi, you broke the rule once. Go back and train for one month," Ling Lan raised her eyebrows slightly and calmly announced Xie Yi's punishment.

"Ah, Boss, no!" Xie Yi instantly cried out after hearing the punishment.

"2 months of training." Ling Lan nonchalantly added to the punishment.

"Boss…" Xie Yi wasn't going to give in and wanted to lower his punishment.

"Three months." Ling Lan didn't hesitate and added to it once again.

"Bo-…" Xie Yi wanted to speak again, but Luo Lang, who was sitting beside him, put his hand on Xie Yi's mouth. "Don't break the rule again."

Ling Lan half-smiled and sent a glance towards Luo Lang, but she didn't continue to add on to Xie's punishment.

Xie Yi pushed Luo Lang's hand away from his mouth and asked softly, "What rule did I break?" Until now, Xie Yi didn't know how he angered Boss.

Luo Lang didn't know what to say. Wasn't Xie Yi usually smart? When did he become so dumb.

"Boss! You called Boss 'Boss'!" Luo Lang replied softly.

Ling Lan, who was sifting through the documents each team leader passed her, didn't raise her head and said calmly, "Luo Lang, 3 months of training."

"Ah?" Luo Lang looked Ling Lan with a stunned expression. Then, he discovered that the other team leaders were looking at him with pity in their eyes. It was as though they were pitying him for digging his own grave!

"Ah!" Luo Lang cried out in agony. He stood up with great anger and punched Xie Yi. "It's all your fault, you bastard! You screwed me! You screwed me!"

Xie Yi didn't even dodge. Luo Lang's punishment made him realize why he was given three months worth of training. Moreover, he inadvertently caused Luo Lang to train with him for three months. He was really sorry about that so he just covered his head as Luo Lang wailed on him.

"Alright, settle down." Ling Lan looked through the documents given to her by the team leaders in a blink of an eye. She put down the documents and stopped Luo Lang's extreme abuse.

Luo Lang didn't dare to disobey so he sat down angrily.

"Now…" Ling Lan glanced towards everyone with a sharp look in her eyes. This turned the easygoing atmosphere that Luo Lang and Xie Yi created into a serious atmosphere. Everyone couldn't help but hold in their breath as they waited for Ling Lan's orders.

"All teams split up. One team into two. The new teams will have the current deputy leaders as their new team leaders." Ling Lan's order instantly caused the deputy leaders to understand why they were told to participate in this meeting

The ten team leaders looked towards their deputy with smiles on their faces. They were already aware of these arrangements before the meeting started. Ling Lan had previously asked them about their opinions on the matter.

"Every team will be increased to 33 people, creating 11 formations. In order to ensure the fighting strength of every team, every team will be split apart equally." Ling Lan looked towards the deputy leaders, "Deputy leaders, oh, now leaders. You can speak with your original leaders to discuss how to split the team. You can take half of the members with you. My plan is to have 11 main formations led by the original leaders. Secondary mecha operators can be chosen from those who passed the lowest level requirement. Of course, whether the secondary mechas will be able to pair well with the main formations, would depend on how the people from the main formations teach them."

"Yes, Regiment commander!"

Ling Lan's clear arrangement allowed all the leaders understand what task they needed to do next.

"As for logistics. I also want to split them into different departments." Ling Lan looked towards the logistics department.

"Set up a new JMC department." Ling Lan looked towards Han Xuya. "With Major Han Xuya as the department head."

"Yes, Regiment Commander!" Han Xuya was shocked as she replied. She didn't think that Ling Lan would actually let her take the position of a department head. Although it was only a small JMC department with only a few hundred female soldiers, it was still a department. This meant that she was now qualified to participate in this meeting.

"Additionally, the logistics department will split into the daily management department, mecha logistics department, transport department, food supply department, supply department and logistics law enforcement department." Ling Lan looked towards Li Jinghong, He Chaoyang, Yuan Youyun, Luo Shaoyun and Gao Jinyun, who were sitting behind Lin Zhong-qing and continued, "Li Jinghong will be responsible for being the head of daily management department, He Chaoyang for the head of the mecha logistics department, Yuan Youyun for the head of the transport department, Luo Shaoyun for the head of the food supply department and Gao Jinyun for the head of the law enforcement department."

"As for the head of the supply department. Lin Zhong-qing will be taking the position as the head of the department for now. Furthermore, Lin Zhong-qing will be promoted to the head of the whole logistics department. The other department heads will report to him directly."

"Yes, regiment commander!" Lin Zhong-qing and the six others stood up in response. Li Jinghong and the other five new department head all had overjoyed expressions on their faces. Although these were all the things they were already responsible for on a daily basis, they were still very excited that they were split apart and were given an actual seat of power as a department head.

Similarly to Han Xuya, this meant that they had officially entered 250 Ace Mecha Clan's upper administrative chain. Although they entered the meeting room, they could only just listen. Now, they were no longer just bystanders and were participants instead.

"The medical department will be completely separate and will report directly to me. Department Head Li, do you understand?" Ling Lan looked towards Li Shiyu with a serious look on her face.

Li Shiyu thought about the secrets in his laboratory and smiled. "Understood, regiment commander."

Splitting away from logistics department and giving him immediate control of everything there would make it easier for him as there will be less obstacles. Plus, it would decrease the possibility of secrets being leaked into the public.

"Similarly, the research lab for mecha modifications will also become its own department and no longer belong to the logistics department. Chang Xinyuan, you will be responsible for being the head of this department," Ling Lan looked at Chang Xinyuan on the other side of the room and said firmly.

"But, I only know how to do research on modifications…" Chang Xinyuan was in dismay. He didn't know how to be a head of a department.

"It doesn't matter. It will just be the same as before. If you need anything, go find Lin Zhong-qing." Ling Lan sold Lin Zhong-qing out just like that.

"Oh, then that's fine." Hearing that it was going to be just the same as before when he could just ask Lin Zhong-qing for people and supplies, Chang Xinyuan accepted it happily.

Lin Zhong-qing helplessly rubbed his forehead. He discovered that even though many departments were formed, what he actually had to do didn't decrease by much.

"Lastly, we will form a coordination department. If any departments need to cooperate or change things up, the coordination department will make arrangements for that matter. This department similarly reports directly to me." After saying that, Ling Lan looked towards Luo Chao with an apologetic expression.

"The department head of the coordination department will be Major Luo Chao."

Chapter 1078 Heart To Heart Talk!

Actually, the best position for Luo Chao was the captain of a starship. However, Ling Lan currently didn't have a starship. Hence, she had to let Luo Chao suffer for a while until she could get her hands on a starship.

Why did she say suffer? The coordination department was the department that helps the other department when problems arose. It was like the neighbourhood committee in her past life. They just took care of all the random matters.

"One more thing, I have another plan for Evil Wind." Ling Lan's words broke the dreams of the people who wanted to snatch the members of Evil Wind.

"Besides the training of the new recruits, Zhong-qing, you have to set up the various logistics department as soon as possible. After everyone has been distributed properly, we will need to split the logisticians that had finished their training." Ling Lan frowned slightly. Today, her father told her that he could only drag for another week. One week later, the military would inform them of their new division.

One week was too short for all the heads of the various new logistics department. They wouldn't have enough time to perfect their department.

"Zhong-qing, how fast can you set up all the new departments?" Lin Zhong-qing looked at Lin Zhong-qing seriously.

Lin Zhong-qing wanted to say one week but he stopped himself. He looked down and started contemplating deeply. When he raised his head again, his expression was resolute. "Regiment commander, give me three days. I'll discuss with the other department heads."

"Okay, I'll only give you three days." Ling Lan looked at Lin Zhong-qing intently. She realized that Lin Zhong-qing also knew that they didn't have enough time so he decided to challenge himself.

"I'll also give the various teams three days to rearrange themselves too." Ling Lan gave her order, "Three days later, I want to see 20 fully membered mecha teams."

"Yes, regiment commander!" Everyone received their orders.

"Disperse!" Ling Lan took the lead and left the meeting room.

Everyone else quickly stood up and left right after her. Ling Lan didn't give them much time to rearrange their teams so they had to make use of every second of time they had. Although rearranging the teams seemed simple, everyone wanted to fish out the best of the best soldiers into their team.

Hence, it would be a difficult task to complete in three days.

Li Lanfeng sat on his seat after the meeting ended and went into deep thought. After a few minutes, he packed his things and left the meeting room.

A muscular figure leaned against the door of

walking out, he asked, "Lanfeng, there's something I want to ask you."

"What is it?" Li Lanfeng replied.

"What is your plan for your team?" Zhao Jun asked for Li Lanfeng's opinion.

"Every team leader has his own style. Your team will follow your style," Li Lanfeng didn't reply to him directly.

Zhao Jun started thinking about his reply. He said after thinking for a while, "Are you saying that the styles of the teams will be vastly different? In simpler words, different teams will be good at different things?"

"That will definitely happen. Think about the total number of people in each team, 33 people. Can't you notice anything?" Li Lanfeng reminded Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun rubbed his face and said in frustration, "Why can't you just say it directly. I don't want to think."

"You're just lazy. Go and think about it yourself." Li Lanfeng walked passed Zhao Jun.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Jun asked curiously when he noticed that Li Lanfeng was not leaving the command center.

"I'm going to look for the regiment commander," Li Lanfeng replied calmly.

"Why?" Zhao Jun was puzzled. Their regiment commander had already given them his orders. Even he knew what he had to do. How could Li Lanfeng not know?

Li Lanfeng smiled at Zhao Jun. "I'm going to have a heart to heart talk with him. Do you want to come along?"

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was stunned. Who would believe that? He remembered their regiment commander's cold face and icy aura. He couldn't imagine having a heart to heart talk with regiment commander.

"You…" He wanted to persuade Li Lanfeng against looking for death but he realized that Li Lanfeng was gone.

"He has gotten faster." Zhao Jun was annoyed. He turned around and looked at the direction of Ling Lan's office. He shook his head. "I'm sorry, brother. I won't accompany you to hell."

In the next second, his figure disappeared.

"Master Ling Lan, Colonel Li is looking for you." Ling Lan, who was looking through the files of the soldiers who passed the test, heard Meng Lan's alert.

"Let him in." Ling Lan raised one of her eyebrows in confusion. She didn't know why Li Lanfeng was looking for her.

The door opened automatically and Li Lanfeng walked in slowly.

Ling Lan walked out from behind her desk and asked Li Lanfeng to sit on the sofa.

"Lanfeng, why are you looking for me?" The moment she sat down, she asked Li Lanfeng directly.

Li Lanfeng removed his mask and revealed his beautiful face. He placed his mask on the coffee table in front of him and smiled lightly. "There's something I want to ask you."

He was only able to relax in front of Ling Lan. This was why he was willing to take off his mask in of her to let his face breathe some fresh air.

When Li Lanfeng spoke, he raised one of his eyebrows and looked at Ling Lan as though she had done him wrong.

Li Lanfeng didn't do this on purpose. He always made this face when he wore the mask. For him, it was a normal expression but he forgot that with his face, this expression would imply something different than what he had in mind. It was enchanting.

Ling Lan frowned slightly when she saw that expression, but her expression was still cold as she said, "Say it."

'Wait, shouldn't I ask him to wear his mask first before talking to me? When did he gain the habit of removing his mask in front of


This habit started after she came back. Whenever Li Lanfeng was free, he would visit her in her office and remove his mask in front of her all because he wanted to let his face 'breathe'…

Sob, she wanted to pinch his cheeks to check if it were as soft as it looked…

ere a

Wait! Stop! Keep calm!

'I used to see all kinds of beauty in the past (through television). What kind of beauty haven't I seen before? Li Lanfeng is quite pretty but I can handle it.'

"Is the order from the military coming soon?" Li Lanfeng told Ling Lan his thoughts.

"That's right. There's at most one more week." Ling Lan nodded.

"As expected." No wonder Lin Zhong-qing said that he would complete the restructuring of his logistics department in three days. It looked like Lin Zhong-qing had noticed this too.

Chapter 1079 Base Nebula!

Han Jijyun must have noticed this too. Li Lanfeng remembered that Han Jijyun pulled Qi Long to the side to have a secret discussion after the meeting.

As for Luo Lang… his calm personality should have told him about it. If Luo Lang knew it, Xie Yi would know this too.

As for the team leader of Team 01, Yang Mingzhi was a sly old fox. He had his own methods so he should have guessed what was happening too. That meant that Liu Furong and Gu Dongyang would know soon too.

His deputy was one of the new team leaders now. These new team leaders should have known about this news too.

The only people who didn't know this news were the mecha operator and the logisticians below them.

"It looks like you have understood everything." Ling Lan smiled. It was easy to talk to smart people.

"The time limit of three days was a signal as well as a test." Li Lanfeng looked at Ling Lan with admiration. This was the person he would follow for the rest of his life.

Ling Lan stood up from the sofa and sat down on her office chair. "If 250 Ace Mecha Clan wants to become stronger, everyone must become stronger first."

Ling Lan asked again, "Is there anything else?"

Although she was able to resist against Li Lanfeng's pretty face, it still troubled her. Hence, she wanted to send him off quickly. If she didn't see the face, she wouldn't be bothered by it. She had many things to handle so she couldn't waste time on such entertainment.

She wasn't feeling guilty. No way!

Li Lanfeng understood Ling Lan well so he knew that she was chasing him away. He took his mask and put it back on his face. Then, he stood up and smiled. "There's nothing else I want to ask. I only came to ascertain this."

Li Lanfeng was about to leave but he suddenly thought of something. He asked instantly, "Oh right, who is Ling Yi?"

He appeared puzzled as he continued, "I remember that when Zhao Jun and I left the military academy, there was no such person. Did he come after we left? What is his identity? Why do so many cadets listen to him and follow him to register into our clan?"

"Yes, after you left, he entered the military academy." Ling Lan was looking at her documents seriously when she replied to Li Lanfeng so her reply seemed casual. "He was one of the family servants of the Ling family. He has good potential so we sent him to the academy."

"So, he is a family servant…" Li Lanfeng looked enlightened and he smiled slightly.

"No, I said he was a family servant," Ling Lan replied indifferently. "His father sacrificed himself for the Ling family. His last wish was for his son to regain freedom, and I agreed to his request."

Li Lanfeng frowned slightly. "I don't think Ling Yi thinks that way."

"Yes. That's why he came to 250 Ace Mecha Clan." Ling Lan frowned and seemed a little troubled.

"I understand." Li Lanfeng nodded his head and left.

When the door closed, Ling Lan suddenly stopped moving. She was just flipping through the files but now, she stopped.

"Little Four, did I turn bad?" Ling Lan lowered her voice and asked.

"Huh? Why do you think so? You're still the same as before," Little Four answered curiously.

"But… I scheme against my comrades." Ling Lan seemed hurt. Was this the price of maturing? This kind of scheming made her uncomfortable.

'Scheme? Scheme who?' Little Four didn't know what was happening.

"Boss, what are you saying? Why can't I understand anything?" Little Four always asked when he didn't know something.

Ling Lan didn't reply to him. She remained quiet for quite some time. Suddenly, she sighed. "Forget it. Just be yourself."

She would bear this pain of maturing on her own.

Everyone in 250 Ace Mecha Clan was busy as they welcomed a new week.

Beep! Beep! Beep! The notification sound rang through the entire base.

"What's happening?" Ling Yi looked up in astonishment. He had gone through a round of assessment and got accepted into Team 06. He was currently in the training ground undergoing hell training.

He was familiar with this notification sound as it was to inform the entire base of a new order. What order was so important that the entire base had to be notified? He had never met such a situation before coming to 250 Ace Mecha Clan. Luckily, he had a good relationship with the veteran soldiers so they kindly told him that this had never happened in 250 Ace Mecha Clan before unless they were going to war.

All the mecha operators instantly stopped their training. They looked at the virtual screens around them and waited for the order.

"Military file 2034-073: The newest order for the 250 Ace Mecha Clan of the 23rd division. The order is as follows: From today onwards, 250 Ace Mecha Clan will be removed from the 23rd division and become an independent mecha clan. They will be directly under the military headquarters. Additionally, 250 Ace Mecha Clan will become a titled super mecha clan (The title will be chosen by the mecha clan. Once it's finalized, please report to the military).

Please enter Base Nebula on XX/XX/XX. You will be in charge of the safety of the planetary sector there.

The document of this order will be sent to all the various divisions, corps, and government departments.

The military headquarters of the Huaxia Federation, XX/XX/XX."

"It's finally here." All the team leaders and department heads thought in unplanned unison. They felt relieved as they had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Ling Lan, who was sitting in her office, smiled when she saw the order. "This is better than I thought."

However, why did she find Base Nebula so familiar? Ling Lan was puzzled.

Ling Xiao had been feeling gloomy for the past few months. When he heard this order, he finally gave a relaxed smile. "The third party benefits from the quarrel. Lan'er finally seem to have good luck."

This result was out of his expectation. At first, he thought that 250 Ace Mecha Clan would be placed in the 1st division. Although Ling Xiao wanted 250 Ace Mecha Clan to be placed in a division under the faction of the First Marshal, he never wanted them to go to the 1st division.

Ling Xiao was confident that he could protect his daughter if she went to another division which belonged to the faction of the First Marshal. However, if she went to the 1st division… He had known the First Marshal for his whole life but he still felt that he didn't understand the First Marshal entirely.

Ling Xiao didn't like the feeling of not being in control of something. Hence, he didn't want Ling Lan to go to the 1st division. However, troubles kept popping up when he tried to stop that from happening. Before he knew it, many people agreed to send 250 Ace Mecha Clan into the 1st division. He tried to turn the tides around but he couldn't.

"However, Base Nebula is within the planetary sector closest to Caesar. Battles always happen there. Are they trying to indirectly destroy 250 Ace Mecha Clan?" Ling Xiao frowned. His relaxed heart turned heavy again when he thought about that point.

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