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62.67% Mixed HD / Chapter 272: 898 - 909

Chapter 272: 898 - 909

Chapter 898 - Appearance Of [Belief]

"Huh?" Han Jijyun was still immersed in his thoughts so he was surprised when Li Lanfeng suddenly gave him an unexpected order.

"I want everyone who is still alive in this base to know who is risking his life to save them! I want them to know who is fighting for them! The things our regiment commander does cannot go unnoticed." Li Lanfeng's eyes were burning with ambition. He must let everyone know who their savior was. It wasn't the reinforcements, it was the commanding officer of Base 013, the regiment commander of 250 Ace Mecha Clan, the leader of the Lingtian Battle Team, Ling Lan.

Han Jijyun felt his heart trembling. "Yes, I understand." Indeed, they couldn't let their Boss efforts go unnoticed.

Hence, all the screens in the base started showing the quiet ejection port instead of their enemies outside.

Just as everyone thought that the mainframe was malfunctioning because too much energy had been depleted from the protective shield, the ejection port started turning on.

"Huh, what's happening? We are not allowed to go out, right? Why is the ejection port turning on?" The mecha operators waiting in the mecha hold started creating a commotion. They made an application to go out but the JMCs rejected them because the commanding officer didn't allow anyone to enter the battlefield. The mecha engineers also ignored their request to equip their mechas so they could only wait in the mecha hold in frustration.

After Ling Lan left the command center, she arrived at the mecha hold in an instant. She saw Chang Xinyuan and Li Shiyu in front of the huge container. "I was expecting the two of you to be here."

Li Shiyu took out 10 agents and passed them to Ling Lan. "My brother asked me to pass you this." Three days ago, Li Lanfeng came to find him to pass Li Shiyu back the agents he gave him. At the same time, he asked Li Shiyu to prepare the agents he left for himself. He told him that Ling Lan might have a need for it in the next few days. Just like what he said, Ling Lan needed it now.

Ling Lan took the ten agents. As expected, Li Lanfeng knew her well. Even if he didn't approve of her decision, he still prepared everything for her.

Chang Xinyuan took out the control keys he carried with him and aimed the keys at the container. The container split up and revealed a huge mecha. It had been lying quietly in the container for all these months. No one knew that there was a frightening ultimate weapon hidden within the mecha hold of Base 013.

"[Belief], sorry to keep you waiting," Ling Lan said quietly to the mecha.

The mecha suddenly woke up from its sleep. Its eyes turned blue as it sat up instantly. It turned around and looked at Ling Lan. A robotic voice was heard, "Ling Lan, nice to meet you."

"I'll have to invite you to fight with me this time," Ling Lan said sincerely. Ling Four said that the mainframe of a god-class mecha was different from every other mecha. They were not just numbers and data. They had the ability to think, so they could be considered as intelligent entities.

"I understand. General Ling Xiao asked me to cooperate with you. Please don't worry." [Belief] opened its cockpit automatically.

Ling Lan entered the cockpit. Li Shiyu shouted quickly, "Boss, one agent can only last for one minute. With your ten additional agents, you can last for a total of 20 minutes. Don't forget about this." The backlash from a god-class mecha was so strong that even one nuwa agent couldn't help her to last longer than one minute.

"I know." Ling Lan touched the nine agents in her pockets. She had diluted one of the agents and made it into ten agents to pass to her team leaders so that they could use it whenever they faced an emergency. However, Li Shiyu didn't know about this.

Actually, with her capabilities, she was able to operate [Belief] for five minutes. This was the main reason why her father dared to pass [Belief] to her. In order to hide the fact that [Belief] was with her, she had no choice but to let her men ran a marathon. She placed [Belief] among the transport vehicles, and it was successfully transported to Base 013 along with the other ace mechas.

This god-class mecha was the reason why Ling Xiao believed that Ling Lan was able to last until the reinforcements arrive. He announced that Ling Lan was his son too because once Ling Lan operated [Belief], this fact would be exposed anyway. In that case, why not take the initiative to announce this fact and solve the problem beforehand.

With 19 agents and her own capabilities, the maximum time Ling Lan could operate [Belief] was 24 minutes. Ling Lan's gaze was resolute. No matter what, she must hold on for more than 25 minutes. This was the only way she could create an impact on the Hailiyan army and gain more time for the reinforcements to arrive.

The cockpit closed. The entire cockpit turned dark. Soon, images started appearing around her. She felt as though she was floating in the air with nothing around her. There was no control panel or control stick in the cockpit. The mecha could only be moved through the actions of its operator as well as the spiritual power control.

This meant that all the actions of the operator would be reflected back on the mecha on the outside. If the body and spiritual power of the operator was not strong enough, a single action might cause irrecoverable damage to both the body and mind. The operator might even internally explode and die. This was why no one dared to jump level and operate a God-class mecha. Even if they didn't die, there would be serious implications. The future of the mecha operator might be destroyed.

Most importantly, no god-class operator would be willing to place their ultimate weapon into the hands of other people. This weapon was something that could decide their life-or-death. Only Ling Xiao was willing to pass his life to his daughter. No one else would dare to do this.

Ling Lan operated [Belief] and stepped onto the platform. This simple action had already caused her to lose her breath, as she felt a huge pressure boring on her. She even felt her bones moaning and her muscles groaning.

Soon, the movable platform transferred [Belief] into the ejection port. The huge mecha body of [Belief] appeared on all the screens in Base 013.

The mecha operators and logisticians, even those injured and were lying on their beds, were flabbergasted when they saw this.

Ling Xiao's fame rose not long ago. The military promoted him greatly so every single soldier knew him and his god-class mecha [Belief]. Thus, when they saw this mecha, they immediately knew what it was.

"This is, this is…" They rubbed their eyes uncontrollably. They wondered if they were under an illusion.

In the end, they realized that it was not an illusion. It was the real [Belief]. Everyone shouted excitedly. Many mecha operators cried in joy. "It's really [Belief]. It's General Ling Xiao's [Belief]. We're saved. We're saved."

Hope came so suddenly. The strong soldiers who never shed a tear in the face of death all cried in happiness.

"No, this isn't right. General Ling Xiao is at the Federation. He can't be here." The mecha operators were elated but they still managed to maintain their composure and noticed that something was amiss.

If [Belief] appeared from outside the base, they could still believe that General Ling Xiao had come personally. However, it appeared within the base. Unless General Ling Xiao had arrived much earlier, he couldn't be inside the base. However, if he did arrive earlier, their situation would not be like this. The Federation would have taken control over Planet Haijiao a long time ago.

At this moment, a cold and familiar voice echoed through the entire base.

"[Belief] request to be ejected."

It's really [belief]. However, the voice belonged to the commanding officer of Base 013, the regiment commander of 250 Ace Mecha Clan, Ling Lan. Everyone was surprised and shocked. They were also puzzled as to why General Ling Xiao's [Belief] was in Ling Lan's hands.

"Your request is approved. Commander Ling Lan, we'll wait for you to come back." The gentle voice of a JMC sounded. It confirmed everyone's suspicion that the person piloting [Belief] was Ling Lan.

"I'll come back. At the same time, I, Ling Lan, the son of Ling Xiao, swear that I'll bring everyone back home." Ling Lan's firm voice resounded through the entire base. She explained why this god-class mecha appeared in Base 013.

This was the most powerful amulet that her beloved father gave her——god-class mecha [Belief].

Everyone now knew who was operating [Belief]. They also knew that Ling Lan was definitely not a god-class mecha master. She was jumping in levels when she operating [Belief]. The people at the scene were all mecha operators, so they knew the consequences of jumping levels. However, the consequences that Ling Lan would get was even harsher than normal as she was operating a god-class mecha.

Their commanding officer never gave up hope after all. He didn't want his soldiers to sacrifice needlessly so he stopped everyone from going out. Yet, he sacrificed himself to create a miracle for everyone.

"Regiment Commander Ling…"

"Commanding Officer Ling…"

"Regiment commander…"

"Commanding officer…"

All the people in the base looked at the cold and resolute face. They were touched as they exclaimed in their hearts. Some even started sobbing. Most of the ladies in the JMC office were crying furiously.

They were fortunate to have a commanding officer who treasured his soldiers and were willing to do so much for them.

Chapter 899 - Divine Punishment

The official countdown started. When the countdown ended, a small explosion was heard and [Belief] was ejected out of the base.

Outside, the mecha operators from Hailiya were frustrated after hitting the protective shield of Base 013 for so long. Hence, when the mecha operators in front saw a mecha being ejected out of the base, they shouted in excitement and immediately changed the direction of their beam guns.

They felt that this mecha was sent out to be killed. Thus, they didn't mind destroying this mecha in an instant to break the hope and courage of the people in Base 013.

Numerous beams shot towards [Belief]. The soldiers in Base 013 knew that a god-class mecha was invincible on the battlefield but when they saw this scene, they still felt worried. They were afraid that Ling Lan was unable to resist this round of attack.

"Activate Divine Shield!" Ling Lan bore with the pain from deep within her soul and decisively ordered [Belief] to activate its strongest defensive system, Divine Shield.

After Ling Lan shouted, [Belief] got swallowed by all the beams coming towards it.

"Ah!" The JMCs who were watching the battle outside covered their eyes in fright when they saw this scene. They didn't dare to see the result.

"Raise your head and open your eyes. Our commanding officer is fighting for us. We can't be afraid and shrink back in fear. If not, we are unworthy to be his soldiers."

Han Xuya was already the leader of the JMCs in Base 013. There were tears all over her face but she still opened her eyes wide and stared intently at the screen in front of her. She was afraid that she would miss a crucial moment in the fight. She shouted and ordered her JMCs to not be defeated by what's happening on the screen.

"That's right!" Lady Mei stood up firmly. She cried too but she continued looking at the screen. "No matter what the result is, we cannot let our soldiers averse from the sight of our saviour. We're JMCs who give assistance to our mecha operators."

Han Xuya and Lady Mei's words touched the hearts of the JMCs. They all stood up straight and stared at the screen. Even though they were all crying, they were no longer as weak as before.

They might have their own motives for entering the army, whether it was to use this place as a springboard to get a better life or some other intentions. However, now, these thoughts have disappeared. They had all become true soldiers.

The light that blinded everyone finally disappeared. A mecha with colorful lights all around it appeared in everyone's vision instead. The azure sky seemed enchanting under this lighting.

"It's the Divine Shield! It's the Divine Shield System of god-class mechas!" The soldiers in Base 013 started crying again. Today might be the day they cried the most after the day they were born. However, they felt that it was all worth their tears.

Because the Haliyan army couldn't break the protective shield of Base 013 after so long, Luo Qi led all the mecha operators from God-Killers and came to the battlefield from the back. When he saw the huge mecha with colorful lights all around it, his expression changed. "What's happening? Why is there a God-class mecha on Planet Haijiao?"

As someone who was highly likely going to become a god-class operator in the future, Luo Qi had a deep understanding of god-class mecha. He knew that the light came from the protective shield of a god-class mecha.

Ling Lan evaded the danger successfully. However, she was in enormous amounts of pain. She was familiar with this pain. This was the kind of pain she had experienced in her past life for over 20 years, but she went through the hellish training Number Five gave her so she managed to keep herself conscious. If it wasn't for her past experiences, she might have fainted by now. Ling Lan opened her eyes wide and shouted, "Activate Divine Punishment!"

"Request accepted. Divine Punishment activated." [Belief] cooperated with Ling Lan's spiritual power and activated Divine Punishment. Unfortunately, Ling Lan was not Ling Xiao. The strength of her spiritual power and body were different. Hence, she was unable to activate Divine Punishment immediately.

Behind [belief], a huge wing suddenly appeared under a flash of bright light. Another wind appeared after a while. Within a few seconds, six wings spread out behind [Belief] like a fan. Ling Lan was unable to open all the 12 wings of Divine Punishment. The backlash from the six wings had already exceeded her endurance level. Her skin cracked and blood seeped out of her skin, staining her protective vest as it continues to slowly spread through the cockpit.

The maintenance system of the cockpit got activated automatically. The blood that dripped onto the cockpit floor was cleared. To ensure that the mecha operator's operation wouldn't get affected, the cockpit would automatically clear all these unnecessary things.

The six wings started congregating energy. The wings got brighter and brighter. Luo Qi saw this and turned agitatedly. He hurriedly shouted, "Move away! That is a god-class mecha!"

'God-class mecha?' All the mecha operators from Hailiya heard what Luo Qi said. They looked at the mecha which had colorful lights all around it. The six wings behind the mecha made it looked like a god-class mecha.

Some mecha operators reacted quickly and immediately retreated when they heard Luo Qi's voice. Some confused mecha operators still remained in their position in a daze. They didn't believe that a god-class mecha would appear on a small planet such as Haijiao. If a God-class operator broke the Human Agreement and went out of their country, the other countries would have chased after him. This was an agreement that could never be broken.

The energy in the six wings reached its maximum. Ling Lan controlled [Belief] and aimed the six wings at six different directions.

"Dodge!" Luo Qi noticed that he was within the range of the god-class mecha too. He quickly operated his mecha and moved back as quickly as possible. He wanted to retreat out of the mecha's range.

Ling Lan gritted her teeth. She bore with the excruciating pain in her head and pressed the fire button. Six powerful light beams shot towards the Hailiya army. The entire area got lit up by the six beams.

Everyone felt that their vision was impaired for a moment, as the light was too bright. All they could see was white light.

Before the wings shot out the beams, Luo Qi closed his eyes and guided his mecha backward based on his memory.

The six beams shot in six different directions.

Luo Qi's speed was very fast. He finally moved out of the range of the beams but the residual force from the beams still hurt his mecha.

The left arm and the left leg of his mecha exploded. Luo Qi's mecha lost its balance and slammed heavily onto the ground.

Chapter 900 - Frightening!

As one of the best mecha operators in the God-Killers, Luo Qi managed to stabilize his mecha before it smashed onto the ground. He flew up again.

Luo Qi looked at the places where the beams went pass. Those areas were utterly bare with mechas. No mechas were able to survive an attack by a god-class mecha. They didn't even have the time to cry out before disappearing from the world.

What a frightening attack!

Luo Qi looked at the god-class mecha that was congregating energy in its wings again. There was now fear in his eyes as he wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth. The explosion just now severely injured him but it wasn't a huge problem. The most important thing was, he managed to save himself from the beam attack.

Luo Qi finally understood why god-class mechas were recognized by the country as the ultimate weapons. The power of a god-class mecha was on an entirely different level from an imperial mecha. Imperial mechas were powerful but if there were many ace mechas attacking it, it could still be defeated. However, in the face of a god-class mecha, no amount of ace mechas could destroy it. No, not only ace mechas. Even if imperial mechas were to attack it, the result would still be the same. They would all be killed by the god-class mecha.

The six beams disappeared and everyone regained their vision. The Hailiyan army realized that a huge portion of the mechas beside them had disappeared, leaving only dust in place.

The mecha operators from Hailiya looked at the mecha with colorful lights around it fearfully. The six wings continued spreading out behind the mecha. It shone beautifully as though it was an angel from heaven. No, it was a heartless god of death from hell who came to reap their lives.

The tip of the wings started shining brightly from the energy congregated in it. It almost blinded all the Hailiyan soldiers. At the same time, they felt a scary energy spreading from the tip of the wings. They didn't place much importance in the wings the first time so they didn't sense the energy but this time, they felt it.

"Run!" Someone shouted hoarsely and the Hailiyan mecha operators started escaping furiously. The entire army alignment collapsed. Everything was in a mess.

"Calm down, calm down!" Although some commanding officers attempted to control the situation, the fear and stress given by the god-class mecha had overtaken the minds of the mecha operators.

This time, the six wings of [Belief] adjusted their position and aimed at the escaping mechas. Blood was flowing down Ling Lan's mouth like a waterfall. She didn't expect the backlash from the god-class mecha to be so powerful. She only operated it for two minutes but she already felt that she was losing control over it.

'Father, since you said that I can handle it for five minutes, I can do it!' A cold light flashed pass Ling Lan's eyes as she pressed the trigger.

Six beams shot out again. The huge force swallowed all the mechas that were escaping frantically.

Two simple beam attack destroyed almost a thousand mechas. This kind of power frightened all the mecha operators from Hailiya.

Behind the Hailiya army, the commander-in-chief of the east zone shouted angrily when he saw Base 013 releasing a god-class mecha and killing many of their mecha operators. "How despicable of the Huaxia Federation. They broke the Human United Agreement and activated their god-class operator. I must report it to the military and ask them to send our god-class operators too!"

However, when he wanted to contact the military of Hailiya, he realized that he couldn't. They had not taken over Planet Haijiao so they couldn't activate their satellites yet.

On the other hand, the Flying Dragon Special Forces finally activated their miniature satellites.

"That's great!" Brain One and his men hi-fived with each other. They had been waiting for this moment.

"Search Planet Haijiao!" Brain One gave the miniature satellites the most important order.

The satellites started their search. The screen finally started showing the images on Planet Haijiao. The planet that they lost contact with for 20 days finally appeared again in their eyes.

Searching west zone one… no bases present.

Searching west zone two… no bases present.

Searching west zone three… no bases present.

Searching west zone four…

The debris of the bases, the pieces of mecha fragments, and the smoke in the air proved that the soldiers from the Federation were still fighting a moment ago.

"Damn it, we're too late." Jiao One punched the table in front of him in anger.

"There are no survivors in the west zone. There are no survivors in the central zone too." Brain One's voice got lower as he spoke. He moved the satellites to the weakest east zone without much hope.

"Beep beep beep. Detected a signal from one base. Searching for the base…" The mechanical voice captured all the attention of everyone in the starship. They got excited.

"Zoom in on the survivors!" Brain One shouted happily.

The image of the surviving base appeared on the huge screen on the wall of the starship.

A base with a protective shield around it suddenly appeared in front of them. The protective shield was still shining with light However, it was surrounded by the Hailiyan army. The entire screen was filled with mechas.

The people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces got agitated when they saw this. They immediately ordered the starship to move above the base.

They only had a glance at the base but the number '13' was on top of the base. Hence, they knew that this base was the sole surviving base of the Federation.

"No, they're not attacking. They seemed to be escaping." Brain One thought that the Hailiyan army was attacking Base 013 but when he looked at the screen carefully, he noticed that the Hailiyan army was in a mess. The mechas were flying around and banging into each other in a confused manner.

Most of the mecha operators from the Flying Dragon Special Forces had boarded their mechas. Once the starship reached the spot above Base 013, they would need to enter the atmosphere of Planet Haijiao. To reinforce the base as fast as possible, they must overcome the gravitational pull when they enter the atmosphere.

There were not many people left in the control room. These people looked at the screen carefully after hearing what Brain One said.

"What's that?" Someone finally saw an anomaly and pointed at the spot.

"Zoom in. Zoom in until the maximum." Brain One gave a new order to the satellite.

The area was zoomed in again and again. Very soon, a mecha with colorful lights all around it appeared.

"God-class mecha?" Brain One widened in eyes in shock.

Chapter 901 - Little White, Help Me!

The people in the control room looked at the screen in astonishment.

"That's General Ling Xiao's [Belief]. Why is it here?" someone exclaimed.

"Seems like our General Ling Xiao has passed his god-class mecha to his son." Brain One suddenly understood why General Ling Xiao was certain that their bases could survive until their reinforcements arrive.

"Is this fine? Isn't this breaking the Human United Agreement?" The member of the Brain team couldn't help but worry.

Brain One smiled at his man. He asked, "How are we breaking the agreement?"

The member didn't understand. His teammate beside him pulled him and whispered, "The Human United Agreement only states that god-class operators are not allowed to leave their country. They didn't say anything about god-class mechas."

"What's the difference?" The member was still confused.

"Isn't General Ling Xiao still in the Federation?" The team member looked at his teammate helplessly. General Ling Xiao made use of the rules perfectly. Even if the countries wanted to reprimand him, they didn't have any reasons to.

Finally, the person was enlightened as his eyes lit up. His teammate beside him nodded in satisfaction.

"Wow, our General Ling Xiao is so smart!" This person respected General Ling Xiao even more now. "Shall we inform the other teams about this?"

"No. I want to see how Jiao One and Lin One will react when they see the god-class mecha. Keep the satellites on them." Brain One was playful.

"Yes, leader." Everyone in the Brain team was excited, but Brain One didn't tell them his other concern. He didn't want the people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces to relax just because there was a god-class mecha on the battlefield, as General Ling Xiao's son was just an imperial operator but jumping levels meant that he couldn't last long, so they still needed to reinforce Base 013 as soon as possible.

The central command center on Planet Haijiao finally contacted Hailiyan headquarters after 10 minutes of trying. However, after reporting the situation to them, the people in the headquarters of Hailiya military told them that they couldn't activate the god-class mecha masters. The one that appeared on Planet Haijiao was just Ling Xiao's mecha, [Belief]. They've already confirmed that Ling Xiao was still within the borders of the Federation so he didn't break the Human United Agreement.

At the same time, they also ascertained that all the 12 god-class operators in the Federation were all still within their borders. None of them was sent out. So, if Hailiya sent out their god-class operators now, the Federation would be able to send their 12 god-class operators too. At that point, Hailiya could forget about taking over Planet Haijiao. They might even be unable to protect their own country, so they couldn't take this bet, as they couldn't afford the consequences.

The only thing they could do was to let an imperial operator (This was what they predicted) control the god-class mecha. However, no imperial operator had the ability to move a god-class mecha out of Haliya and towards Planet Haijiao. The imperial operator would explode and die from the backlash from just moving the god-class mecha. If they transported the god-class mecha over now, it'll be too late too.

An imperial operator would only be able to operate a god-class mecha for at most three minutes, so he would be unable to change the situation in the battlefield. The headquarters of the military of Hailiya could only hope that their army would be able to resist the attacks of the god-class mecha for three minutes and then destroy the last base of the Federation right after that.

The commander-in-chief almost threw the communicator when he heard this reply. 'Damn it, what do you mean by three minutes? That imperial operator has been operating the mecha for 15 minutes!'

"He must be using some secret technique. He has probably reached his limit already. I can't be scared of him. Victory will belong to Hailiya." The commander-in-chief mobilized his army again and sent all the military forces in the west to the east. He also ordered the soldiers in the east, who had destroyed the base they were assigned to, to move to Base 013.

"Let me see how long you can last!" A malicious intent appeared in the commander-in-chief's eyes. For the sake of Hailiya's victory, he was willing to sacrifice more lives.

Very soon, the commander-in-chief gave a vicious command. The soldiers at the back heartlessly shot the mecha operators who tried to run away from the god-class mecha. The situation finally became under control under such a ruthless move.

The Hailiyan army was forced to move forward again. If they retreated, they would be killed by their own comrades. They were also informed that the person controlling the god-class mecha was an imperial operator, so by right, he wouldn't be able to last for too long. When comparing the two choices, moving forward was a much better option. At least they had a chance of surviving if they moved forward. The mecha operators from Hailiya got motivated and started rushing towards Ling Lan fearlessly.

Ling Lan drank bottles and bottles of Nuwa agent. She bore with the excruciating pain and fought off batches and batches of enemies. This was a battle of perseverance. The person who gave up first would lose.

Ling Lan took another bottle of agent and drank it. She felt her pocket instinctively. There was only one bottle left. This meant that she could only last for another two minutes. However, there was still no sign of reinforcements. 'Is the Goddess of Luck shining on Hailiya instead of the Huaxia Federation?'

Ling Lan opened her eyes that were tainted with blood and shouted, "Little White, hurry up and help me!"

At this crucial moment, the only thing that could help her was Little White in its true form.

Due to the lack of food, Little White was kicked out of Base 013 by Ling Lan more than ten days ago. She let it survive on its own on the planet. Of course, Ling Lan didn't forget to remind Little White on its diet plan. She told it that it could eat anyone who didn't speak the Huaxia language. Hence, if you didn't want to be eaten by a monster on Planet Haijiao, you must first learn the Huaxia language. You could also learn the beast language that Little White speaks but… in the end, you would still be eaten. Little White wouldn't allow any animal who could snatch its love away from Ling Lan to stay alive.

At this moment, the small Little White was hiding in Haliya's food supply warehouse and eating the food furiously with its back hunched over. Its small body suddenly trembled. It raised its head and two fountains suddenly spurted out from its eyes.

Sob, my master finally calls me. She finally remembers to call me.

Little White's body disappeared in a blink of an eye. A few seconds later, it appeared on the battlefield.

Boom! The ground started vibrating furiously. The entire Base 013 felt the huge vibration. Everyone looked at the battlefield in shock. A scary circular creature had appeared there. It slapped the mechas that tried to attack Ling Lan with its multiple tentacles.

Chapter 902 - Attack Of Base 013

"That is…" The people from 250 Ace Mecha Clan looked at the familiar creature in surprise. That frightening creature was the one that gave them so many troubles during the land clearing mission. They remembered that their regiment commander had personally killed it. 'What is happening? Did our regiment commander show mercy on it and brought it back to the Federation? Then, he brought it along with him to Planet Haijiao?'

"What's that? It's so scary?"

"However, the giant creature seems to be helping us. That's good."

"I wonder who called it."

"Is there such a creature on Planet Haijiao?"

The other soldiers from the Federation didn't know what was happening so they were very puzzled. The people from 250 Ace Mecha Clan just kept their mouths shut, as they were afraid that they would say the wrong things in a moment of excitement. They mustn't tell this secret to anyone, because their regiment commander had sneaked this creature out illegally. They didn't want to bring their regiment commander to the military court.

By right, everything found during the land clearing mission must be handed to the military. Then, the military would then give a portion of it back to the mecha clan based on the agreement. The people from 250 Ace Mecha Clan believed that once they gave this creature to the military, the military wouldn't pass it back to them.

Only their regiment commander would dare to do something like this, but he did the right thing, sneaking this fellow back to the Federation. Now, this fellow came to help them before their reinforcements could come.

Li Lanfeng looked at the circular creature and relaxed a little. He had brought Little White out for a walk many times so he saw Little White changing back to its true form to eat. He knew that the circular creature was Little White.

From the looks of it, Little White was a loyal creature. It didn't hide at such a crucial moment and came out to help Ling Lan fearlessly. It was better than those reinforcements that were still not here. At first, Li Lanfeng had his qualms against Little White. After all, it was a powerful creature with not much intelligence and had a brutal nature. Who knew if it would eat its master one day?

"How long has our regiment commander been out?" Li Lanfeng asked Han Jijyun softly. He was afraid that he counted the time wrongly so he wanted someone to confirm it for him.

"22 minutes." Han Jijyun was focused on this point too. The people in Lingtian Battle Team knew that if a person jumped levels in mecha piloting, he wouldn't be able to last for too long. Han Jijyun looked at the screen worriedly. The huge mecha with colorful lights all around it was displayed on the screen.

Li Lanfeng stood up suddenly and said in a low voice, "I'll pass the base to you."

Han Jijyun's heart stopped for a moment. "What are you planning to do?"

"I can't wait for the reinforcements that are nowhere in sight. Our regiment commander needs our help now," Li Lanfeng replied calmly.

"But our Boss doesn't want any of us to go out." Han Jijyun appeared hesitant. He always listened to Ling Lan so he didn't know what to do when Li Lanfeng wanted to disobey Ling Lan's order.

"Han Jijyun, who's the acting commanding officer of Base 013?" Li Lanfeng raised one of his eyebrows and asked.

"You." Han Jijyun replied firmly. When their Boss left, he passed the command of Base 013 to Li Lanfeng. He was only supporting Li Lanfeng.

"Then, I've got the right to release a new order." Li Lanfeng pressed the button in front of him and his voice echoed through the entire base. "I, Li Lanfeng, acting commanding officer of the Base 013, will give a new order. Anyone who is willing to go out now can do so."

After he finished speaking, Li Lanfeng left the command center. Han Jijyun wanted to fight too but Base 013 needed someone in command.

Han Jijyun clenched his fist tightly and closed his eyes with a painful heart. When he opened them again, his gaze had turned calm.

"Everyone needs to make a choice. Li Lanfeng chose to fight alongside Boss. As for me, I choose to guard Boss's back and make sure that nothing happens to the base. Nothing must happen to the base!" The confusion he had during this period of time disappeared. He regained his confidence and became the calm and confident Han Jijyun again, as he had found his answer.

Li Lanfeng's order sounded throughout the base. The mecha operators who stayed in the mecha hold had their fighting spirit ignited by Ling Lan's dominating fight. They shouted out loud. The mecha operators from 250 Ace Mecha Clan even cried in excitement.

As Ling Lan's direct subordinates, the mecha operators of 250 Ace Mecha Clan didn't want to see their regiment commander fighting their enemies alone. They wanted to fight with him side by side. Now, after waiting for more than 20 minutes, they finally got their wish. This kind of feeling was not something the mecha operators from other mecha clans could comprehend.

The mecha operators from other mecha clans stood up too when they heard this command and rushed to the mecha hold. Even their commanding officer was fearlessly fighting for any chances of survival. What right do they have to be afraid and hide in the base?

The soldiers of the Federation were the bravest and purest soldiers in the world. They would never shrink in the face of danger. The people that force them to retreat were normally those high-ranking officers who lost their spirit to fight. Actually, those people couldn't be considered soldiers anymore. They were just politicians wearing the military uniform.

Han Xuya, who was staring at her Boss in the JMC office, turned serious immediately when she heard this command. She wiped the tears off her face and shouted, "Sisters, our battle is starting!"

"Yes, leader!" All the JMCs stood at attention with their eyes shining brightly. They quickly got into position and guided the mecha operators out of the ejection ports as quickly as possible. This was their most efficient and perfect session ever, as not a single second was wasted on messing around.

Li Shiyu heard this command and looked at the time on his communicator. He turned and said to Luo Chao whose eyes were glued to the screen. "Luo Chao, we should start preparing."

Luo Chao retracted her gaze unwillingly. When she looked at Li Shiyu, her gaze was calm and cold. She nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

Luo Chao lowered her head and started preparing all the medical equipment and emergency agents. She never looked at the screen again.

After Li Lanfeng left the command center, he arrived at the mecha hold in a blink of an eye. To help Ling Lan as fast as possible, he used his domain.

Li Lanfeng knew that Ling Lan only called for Little White because she couldn't hold on any longer. Little White's appearance was enough to prove that Ling Lan had reached his limit.

Li Lanfeng had the same personality as Ling Lan. They never liked to pass their fate to things that were not certain, such as the reinforcements. Ling Lan believed in relying on herself. Li Lanfeng was not confident enough but he wanted to defy his destiny so he must take control of his own fate.

Hence, Li Lanfeng decided to help Ling Lan personally. This was the equivalent of helping themselves. As for the damn reinforcements, let them come whenever they want.

The moment Li Lanfeng appeared in the mecha hold, he saw his mecha operators in position. His deputy saw him and smiled. "Leader, I know that you'll come so I came here to wait for you."

Li Lanfeng boarded his mecha and started it instantly. He spoke on the team channel, "Team 06, let's go!"

Boom! A beam flew past all the tentacles and hit Little White's body. A hole was formed and black liquid started flowing out of it.

Little White screeched in pain. Its huge size caused it to be less agile than its small form. Hence, it was an easy target for the beams. It already had many injuries but this attack injured him seriously.

"Little White!" Ling Lan quickly moved her mecha in front of Little White. Little White's appearance reduced some pressure for her but she felt her heart hurt when it got injured.

"Little White, return to the base." She couldn't let Little White die here so Ling Lan decisively gave an order to Little White.

"Rawr…" Little White is not going back. Little White will stay with master. Little White wants to protect master.

Master brought me to eat good food and experience many interesting things. Master won't ground me from eating unnecessarily. I must protect this good master. Little White was pure. It would repay anyone who treats it well.

The pain ignited Little White's brutality. It started attacking the mechas furiously. Many mechas got hit on its vital spot and exploded.

Little White could fight with normal ace operators but it couldn't fight off the numerous imperial operators of the God-Killers. Fortunately, Ling Lan was beside it so she helped Little White to block all the imperial operators that tried to stop it.

"Regiment commander, we're here!"

"Commanding officer, we're here!"

"Commanding officer Ling, let us fight with you!"

Suddenly, Ling Lan heard many people talking to her using the Huaxia language. Numerous mechas from the Federation started appearing on her screen. There were people from 250 Ace Mecha Clan, the Evil Wind Mecha Team, the scouts team, Song Yiqing's 224 Mecha Clan, and some other mecha clans that she was familiar with but forgotten the names of.

Ling Lan suddenly felt energized. She bore with the pain and took the last bottle of agent. Then, she shouted, "Let's fight together!"


As her voice sounded, the mechas of Base 013 rushed towards the Hailiyan army. Ling Lan started firing her beams even more furiously. For a moment, the Hailiyan army had to retreat under their fearless attack.

Above Base 013, the starship finally reached its designated position.

Multiple mechas shot out of the ejection ports and flew towards the atmosphere of Planet Haijiao.

"Beep beep beep. Entering the atmosphere of Planet Haijiao soon. Collecting data. Please be prepared…"

All the mainframes of the mecha operators gave a warning. The heat caused by the speed of the free fall and the air current was harmful to the mecha operators. It might even hurt the mecha operators internally. Hence, it was forbidden for mechas to enter a planet directly from the atmosphere. However, to save more time and to prevent the Hailiyan fleets from finding them, the mecha operators had the take the risk.

Chapter 903 - Finally Here!

"20,000 meters from the surface of the planet. 15,000 meters. 10,000 meters. 8000 meters. 5000 meters…"

As the mechas got nearer to the ground, all the mecha operators from Flying Dragon Special Forces felt that they were going to die from the vibration and heat caused by the high falling speed. Those that had a weaker physique felt a pain in their chest. It was as though there was a fire burning in their chest. They also could taste blood in their mouths.

When they reached 2000 meters above the ground, they saw the protective shield of the base shining brightly. They also saw numerous mechas from the Federation as well as a huge scary circular creature waving its tentacles to attack the Hailiyam army. Its huge body made it an easy target for beam guns so it was already badly injured. However, it didn't back down and continued fighting.

The reason why it was able to stand for so long was because a huge mecha was standing in front of it, blocking every shot that comes its way. The mecha had a colorful light surrounding it. The six wings behind it emitted a powerful energy that destroyed enemy mechas batches by batches. The presence of this huge mecha caused the Hailiyan army to be cautious when attacking.

Jiao One and his team almost shouted simultaneously, "God-class mecha!"

Their dumbfounded expression was caught by the satellites and sent to Brain One. Brain One saved and downloaded it instantly. He waited for this moment for a long time.

"Fire phoenix!. It's General Ling Xiao's [Belief]." When they saw the fire phoenix sitting among the flames, they understood everything.

"Jumping levels in mecha piloting? Is he looking for death?" Lin One couldn't help but scold. "Move faster!"

The people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces were all stunned by General Ling Xiao's god-class mecha. Only two people were flabbergasted by another thing. To these two people, the astonishment Little White gave them was as great as the god-class mecha. When they were doing their mission on Planet Azure, they saw this huge creature before. It had helped them at that time and saved all the hostages. Then, it disappeared from the face of the planet.

When they went back to visit around, they had guessed that this huge creature might be a pet of the domain realm master who saved them. As for Little White, Mu Chaoran looked for it before leaving Planet Azure but he didn't manage to find it. He didn't know if it got picked up by its master or did it lost its way in the dense forest, making Mu Chaoran feel regretful for not finding it.

Now, when they saw this huge creature again, both of them felt that they had missed something. However, there was no time for them to think properly, as their battle was about to start.

The Hailiyan army finally managed to get used to the attacks by the mecha operators of Base 013. When they finally were prepared to destroy the mechas and takedown Base 013, numerous beams started shooting down on them. This attack came suddenly so no Hailiyan mecha managed to evade it.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Mechas from Hailiya started exploding in a ball of fire. Only the mecha operators from God-Killers managed to feel a sense of danger and moved out of the way quickly using their impressive skills.

Silver colored mechas appeared in front of everyone and the golden dragon on the chest of the mechas revealed their identity.

"It's the Flying Dragon Special Forces!:

"The Flying Dragon Special Forces is here!"

"Our reinforcements are finally here."

Their reinforcements… were finally here.

All the Federation's mecha operators had tears in their eyes when they saw the most powerful mecha clan of the Federation appearing in front of them. However, their emotions were mixed.

They were elated but they also weren't grateful towards them.

This was because they knew that their commanding officer, Ling Lan, was the one who helped them to remain alive until now. She risked her life to protect their lives. If not, even if the Flying Dragon Special Forces came, Base 013 would have turned into a pile of debris by now. They would have died the moment their base fell.

The mecha operators might even have some grudges against the Flying Dragon Special Forces. If they had arrived half an hour earlier, their commanding officer wouldn't need to pay such a huge price to protect them.

At this moment, Ling Lan had reached her limit. Little Four was screaming in fright in her mindscape.

"Rabbit, trust me!" Just as she was about to lose her conscious, Ling Lan heard Leopard's voice.

"Bring me home." Ling Lan said weakly.

The colorful shield around [Belief] disappeared, revealing a gloomy-looking mecha.

"Ling Lan has lost her conscious. [Belief] will enter automatic mode now." [Belief] couldn't sense Ling Lan's spiritual power so it took over the control of the mecha.

However, it could only do simple actions like flying and walking. No matter how intelligent the mainframe of a mecha was, these actions were all it could do. Even Little Four was only able to move the mecha when Ling Lan fainted.

Li Lanfeng watched as the Divine Shield fade around [Belief]. He knew that Ling Lan had reached her limit. Hence, he decisively led his team towards [Belief] and blocked the attacks coming towards it.

The mecha operators from team 06 didn't need Li Lanfeng to give them any order. They immediately formed a wall of mechas and blocked the multiple attacks directed at [Belief].

They knew that the energy in their protective shield was not enough to block every attack but they didn't back down.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A few mechas reached their limit and exploded under the gunfire of the Hailiyan army. The moment a gap appeared, the mecha operators closest to them would step in instantly and fill up the gap.

Their commanding officer protected them just now. Now, it's their turn to protect him.

Finally, [Belief] entered the entryway of the base. Li Lanfeng heaved a sigh of relief, as he managed to send his Rabbit safely back to the base.

After seeing their people successfully defending Base 013, Brain One informed Qi Yaoyang about this news. Qi Yaoyang was currently having a brutal battle with the fleets from Hailiya.

Qi Yaoyang saw the news and his heart finally felt at ease.

He had no worries now so he used all the military force on his side and broke through Hailiya's defense. Their fleet finally entered Planet Haijiao and went to protect the sole surviving base.

Li Shiyu and Luo Chao were already at the base. Han Xuya saw [Belief] entering the mecha hold slowly from her JMC office and she rushed towards the mecha hold without any hesitation.

She knew that their Boss was heavily injured. He was probably on the brink of death. Besides Li Shiyu, the only people that were adept in medical skills were Luo Chao and her. Thus, she needed to go to the mecha hold immediately. She must contribute her efforts when her Boss was in danger.

Chapter 904 - Your Women

The moment [Belief] entered the mecha hold, the cockpit opened instantly. Li Shiyu hurried over and quickly climbed up the cockpit.

He looked inside and his expression changed drastically. He quickly shouted at the medics who were standing on hold, "Stretcher!"

Although the cockpit was able to clean its interior automatically, Ling Lan's blood still stained the cockpit, as she had lost too much blood.

With the mainframe of a god-class mecha taking over the controls, [Belief] kneeled down voluntarily when it noticed that there was something wrong with its operator, allowing the medics to carefully carry Ling Lan out easier.

Li Shiyu moved Ling Lan out of the cockpit and placed her on the stretcher. In the few seconds of carrying Ling Lan, it had already stained white gown blood-red.

Without waiting for Li Shiyu's order, Han Xuya and Luo Chao took out two emergency agents. The former tipped a bottle of agent into Ling Lan's mouth while the latter tried to inject another bottle into her body.

Ling Lan was in a semicoma so she didn't have the energy to swallow the agent. Luo Chao also couldn't find an undamaged blood vessel so she gritted her teeth and took off the needle on the syringe. She shoved the agent into Ling Lan's mouth and forced the medicine down her throat.

After one bottle of agent was finished, Han Xuya passed another bottle to Luo Chao. Luo Chao continued feeding Ling Lan the agent. After around five bottles, Ling Lan finally opened her eyes.

"Hurry up and send him to the medical department to bandage his wounds." The backlash Ling Lan had endured was much worse than what Li Shiyu had expected. Every single part of Ling Lan's body was injured, so he would need to clean and bandage Ling Lan's entire body before putting her into the healing pod.

"Yes!" Everyone carried Ling Lan's stretcher and ran towards the surgery room in the fastest speed they could manage without shaking the stretcher too much.

Li Shiyu looked at the protective vest on Ling Lan's body that was soaked with blood. He told Han Xuya and Luo Chao, "Hurry up and take off the clothes."

"Yes." Luo Chao and Han Xuya received the order and started taking off Ling Lan's clothes. They got the protective vest off easily but the shirts inside that were soaked in blood had dried up, so it got stuck to the wounds on her skin.

When they saw this, Han Xuya and Luo Chao suddenly stopped moving. They didn't dare to touch Ling Lan anymore, as they were afraid they would hurt her more.

"Brother Shiyu, what do we do now?" Luo Chao started tearing up. This was the first time she felt so helpless in the surgery room.

Only the three people in the surgery room knew how bad Ling Lan's injuries were. They couldn't imagine how Ling Lan endured the pain of her skin breaking and healing again and again. They also couldn't understand how she managed to continue operating the mecha for 25 minutes under this pain.

"Cut it up," Li Shiyu said coldly. He took a pair of surgical scissors and started cutting Ling Lan's pants. Every part he removed, more of Ling Lan's skin could be seen stuck to the clothes. If they hesitated now, it could only cause Ling Lan more pain, so they needed to act quickly.

After Li Shiyu's demonstration, Luo Chao and Han Xuya calmed down. They took a deep breath before taking their surgical scissors. Then, they start cutting the clothes too.

Ling Lan felt something weird was going on so she quickly opened her eyes. The unexpected movement scared the three of them.

"Boss, did I hurt you?" The fierce and fearless Han Xuya cried as she raised her hands high like a little girl.

Ling Lan shook her head to show that she was fine. She looked at Li Shiyu and moved her mouth.

However, her voice was too soft so the three people didn't hear what she said.

Ling Lan looked at Luo Chao. Luo Chao lowered her head hurriedly and placed her ears beside Ling Lan's mouth. She then finally heard what Ling Lan said.

She looked at Li Shiyu in surprise. She didn't know how to inform Li Shiyu about this.

"What did Boss say?" Li Shiyu frowned. Luo Chao's gaze made him feel that Ling Lan's words had something to do with him.

"Boss asks Xuya and I to handle the treatment from now on." Luo Chao finally told Li Shiyu what Ling Lan had said. She didn't understand why their Boss wanted to ask Brother Shiyu out of the room.

Li Shiyu's frown got deeper. He looked at Ling Lan and asked seriously, "Why?"

Luo Chao and Han Xuya were able to finish the cleaning and bandaging of the wounds but in terms of skills and ability, they were not as good as him. Why did Ling Lan make this decision?

Ling Lan had already practiced the Qi exercises for quite a while and finally regained some strength. She said in a low voice, "I don't want you to become the daughter-in-law of the Ling family."

Li Shiyu was astounded. Luo Chao and Han Xuya were dumbfounded too.

"That's the rule of my family. Anyone who sees my body, whether it's a male or female, will have to marry into the Ling family," Ling Lan said calmly.

Li Shiyu's face turned white. After a while, he gritted his teeth and left. He left the surgery room to Luo Chao and Han Xuya.

Ling Lan looked at Luo Chao and Han Xuya. She said helplessly, "Help me."

In the end, her secret was still exposed.

Luo Chao and Han Xuya had not regained their senses yet. When they heard Ling Lan, they replied in a daze, "Oh, okay."

They started taking off all of Ling Lan's clothes. Then, they finally understood why Ling Lan asked Li Shiyu to go out.

"Boss!" Luo Chao and Han Xuya were shocked, touched, and amazed. The reliable and impressive man whom they always admired was a female just like them.

"Help me." Ling Lan grabbed their hands and asked for their help again weakly. Luo Chao and Han Xuya understood what she meant now.

Luo Chao had tears in her eyes. She lowered her head and kissed Ling Lan on the forehead. Then, she looked up at the ceiling and smiled brightly, "Boss, I'll gladly be your woman and the daughter-in-law of the Ling family."

'Who says that a woman is not as strong as a man?' Their Boss will definitely become a legend. In order to witness the birth of this legend, she was willing to stay single for the rest of her life. She had no regrets about making this decision.

"Me too." Han Xuya smile with tears in her eyes. "As a monster who could operate a god-class mecha, how can you only have one wife?"

Ling Lan felt helpless. "The Federation only allows us to marry one person."

"Luo Chao and I can take turns to be a wife and a mistress." Han Xuya smiled. "I never want to leave Luo Chao in the first place, so this is perfect for us. We have to thank you for the proposal."

"Fine. Stop talking nonsense and help Boss clean her wounds so that she can go into the healing pod soon." Luo Chao turned serious as she interrupted Han Xuya.

"Yes, Mrs. Ling." Han Xuya stuck out her tongue and hastened up her pace.

Ling Lan knew that the two of them were trying to comfort her. They didn't want her to feel sorry for them. However, she still dragged the two sisters she liked the most down.

If she wanted to maintain this huge secret, more and more people would have to pay a huge price…

Chapter 905 - Live Broadcast!

Outside the base, the fierce battle was still ongoing.

By right, the God-Killers and the Flying Dragon Special Forces wouldn't ever have the chance to meet each other. However, since Hailiya broke the rules of the Human United Agreement, they managed to meet on a faraway planet, Planet Haijiao.

Luo Qi had changed into another mecha. He led his team onto the battlefield again and started a fight against the Flying Dragon Special Forces. Now, he understood why the Flying Dragon Special Forces was ranked second in the human world.

His opponent had a golden horn symbol on his mecha's arm with four numbers engraved on it. Luo Qi had never fought with the Flying Dragon Special Forces before but he knew that the smaller the number, the more powerful the mecha operator was.

This mecha operator should be one of the best within the Flying Dragon Special Forces. However, he was definitely not the best. Luo Qi wanted to find the most powerful mecha operator to fight with but on the vast battlefield, he didn't have the right to choose his opponent.

However, this thought disappeared after a while. As he was fighting with his opponent, he realized that his opponent was just as strong as him.

The people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces choose their opponents carefully. They all found their respective opponents from the God-Killers. For this rescue mission, the Flying Dragon Special Forces sent all of their elites. Besides some reserve mecha operators and those people that had to stay at the base to guard it, all the mecha operators in the base came out to participate in the battle. Therefore, they had more people than the members of God-Killers so those that were slower could only fight with normal ace operators. Soon, the attack from the Hailiyan army got completely blocked by the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

The members from the God-Killers, who had been ruling over Planet Haijiao for the past 20 days, finally got a taste of defeat for the first time in their lives. They kept retreating under the offensive strength of the mecha operators from the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

Little White saw its master leaving safely so it disappeared too.

Its thoughts were simple. Since its master was not here anymore, it didn't need to endure the pain anymore.

When it turned back to its small form, half of its body was black because of its injuries. However, after waiting for a while, it returned to its previous white color.

Little White was smart. It was small but it would still be found if it stayed outside. Hence, it dug a hole furiously with its tiny tentacles and buried itself underground. It would come out and go back to the base to find its master after the battle ends.

In the universe, Qi Yaoyang stopped holding back so he broke through Hailiya's defense and entered Planet Haijiao. He also successfully reactivated two of their satellites.

"Leader, Lieutenant General Qi have reactivated two satellites successfully." One of Brain One's members received the news from Qi Yaoyang.

"Take over the controls of the satellites," Brain One replied. It would take a long while for Qi Yaoyang to find Base 013 using just those two satellites. They couldn't waste any time on waiting for Qi Yaoyang.

"Yes, leader." The team member discussed with Qi Yaoyang and got the control of the two satellites. The hackers from the Flying Dragon Special Forces were all at ace level so even if Qi Yaoyang didn't agree, they could break the firewall easily and take over the satellites. However, Qi Yaoyang was on their side so they asked nicely before deciding to be forceful or not.

"Leader, we have control of the satellites. Shall we broadcast the scene around Base 013?" The size of a normal satellite was huge. Hence, it needed some time before it could reach Base 013's vicinity. However, they could transfer the image they got from the miniature satellites to the normal satellites and use them to send it back to the Federation.

"Yes… wait." Brain One had a sudden thought.

The people from the Brain team quickly stopped doing anything, as they waited for the command of their leader.

"Send the footage we got from the start." Brain One made a bold decision.

"Huh?" The team members looked at him in surprise.

"We're unable to hide the presence of the god-class mecha anyways. In that case, why not show our people the exciting and proud scene?" Brain One was certain that Hailiya would have recorded the scene and send it to the United Nations. They would definitely use the footage to lodge a complaint against the Federation.

Since this was inevitable, why not let them be the ones who reveal the footage?

Everyone got excited by Brain One's words. Yes, when they first saw they god-class mecha, they were amazed too and adrenaline even rushed through their bodies at that time.

"However, General Ling Xiao will have a headache." One of the team members laughed as he spoke about General Ling Xiao's plight.

"Isn't that good? Our big boss has been waiting for this chance for a long time." He was groomed by his big boss personally so he knew the love-hate relationship between General Ling Xiao and his big boss very well.

At this moment, in the Federation, many people were waiting for the news from Planet Haijiao. They had been waiting in anticipation since the day the reinforcements were sent out. The military also agreed that if Planet Haijiao had not been overtaken by Hailiya, they would broadcast the battle live to the public even if there was only one base fighting for their lives.

The citizens of the Federation were unhappy that they lost contact with Planet Haijiao for so long, so they needed a broadcast like this to vent their frustrations to ignite the fighting spirit and love for their nation.

That was why all the screen in the Federation suddenly changed to the broadcast of the battle on Planet Haijiao.

Smoke and debris covered all over Planet Haijiao. Numerous broken bases and ruins of mechas could be seen. The corpses of soldiers and mechas piled up to the sizes of mountains. Blood stained the ground of the areas controlled by the Federation and those areas had the Hailiyan flag stuck on them.

"Are we too late?" The citizens of the Federation felt their heart dropped when they saw this scene as they all lowered their heads.

Some more emotional ladies even covered their faces with their hands and started crying. Some of the people watching couldn't control their despair and sobbed uncontrollably too. They were the families of the 200 million soldiers on Planet Haijiao. This scene dashed all their hopes of their sons, fathers, and brothers coming back alive.

Suddenly, the sounds of gunfire could be heard. They looked up in shock. A base with the Federation's flag was still standing in the midst of a brutal battlefield, but layers and layers of mechas from Hailiya were surrounding it.

"There's still a base. There's still a survivor." The entire Federation was elated.

"Where are the reinforcements? Hurry up and help them." The vast amount of enemies caused them to start worrying again. They were afraid that before the reinforcements of the Federation could arrive, this base would disappear.

"Why haven't the reinforcements arrive yet?"

"How much longer can they last?"

Everyone's heart dropped along with the brightness of the protective shield. Those that had a weak heart out took out their medication so that their heart could continue functioning properly.

"Ah, what's that?" The people with sharp eyes saw something weird with the scene.

"Zoom in. Hurry up and zoom in." Their wishes were heard. The image on the screen zoomed in. A huge mecha with colorful lights all over it appeared in front of everyone.

"God-class mecha…" Everyone gasped, as they were flabbergasted by the symbol of a fire phoenix dancing in a flame of fire on the chest of the mecha.

Chapter 906 - Ask In Reply!


"It's [Belief]!"

"It's General Ling Xiao's [Belief]."

"Did General Ling Xiao went along with the reinforcements?"

"No, General Ling Xiao appeared on Planet Southcrest a few days ago. Also, god-class operators are forbidden to go out of their country."

"Why is [Belief] on Planet Haijiao then?"

No one was able to think of an answer after thinking hard for a while.

"Ah, [Belief] is protecting the base."

The footage finally cleared up and all the citizens could now see what [Belief] was doing.

To protect the base from being destroyed by their enemy mechas, [Belief] stood on top of the base and attacked the enemy mechas with its six-wing beams.

"[Belief] is supposed to have 12 wings, right?" Based on what they knew, every god-class mecha had a signature god-class technique. [Belief]'s signature technique was Divine Punishment. Its twelve wings were the ones that would carry out this technique. However, only half of the wings were used. This made everyone confused.

"Could it be… someone jumping level?" Many mecha operators thought about this possibility. This could only be the only reason why the full potential of the god-class technique couldn't be shown. The operator hadn't reached that level of power yet.

By now, all the mecha operators started to respect the operator of [Belief]. Jumping levels in mecha piloting was the same as committing suicide. If you jumped levels below ace, you might still be saved by the skillful doctors of the Federation. However, from the imperial level onwards, jumping levels was the same as seeking death. With the current medical skills of the Federation, no one could save them. The people the jumped levels at this stage would have to lie in the healing pods for the rest of their lives. They wouldn't be able to stand up again. What's more, this was a god-class mecha that imperial operator was operating. That imperial operator must be using his life to defend the base.

[Belief] fought alone. Among the numerous enemy mechas, it stood at its position firmly without taking any steps back. The citizens of the Federation started to worry about the operator. They wondered how long the operator could last.

As time passed by, [Belief]'s actions got slower and slower. The heart of all the citizens tightened in fear.

They knew that the operator had reached his limit. The citizens were unable to control their emotions anymore and started shouting, "Where are the reinforcements?"

"Yes, where are the reinforcements?"

"Why haven't they arrive after so long?"

"What on earth are they doing?"

"[Belief] is not able to handle it any longer."

"Are we supposed to let our hero sacrifice like this?"



"Let the military give us a reply!"

"Let the three great marshals give us a reply!"

The angry shouts by the citizens were heard by the military through various channels. All the workers that were handling the broadcast got frightened by the anger and unhappiness shown by the citizens. Cold sweat was dripping from their foreheads. They didn't dare to waste any time and quickly reported this to their superiors. Then, they waited for their reply.

In the military, the Third Marshal was furious about the appearance of [Belief].

He slammed the table in front of him. "That bastard Ling Xiao caused such a huge mess for us this time. Inform the two other marshals. I would like to request for an emergency meeting."

Soon, he received replies from the First Marshal and the Second Marshal. Both of them agreed with the meeting. All the ten great generals of the Federation, whether they had retired or not, were invited to the meeting too.

On Planet Southcrest, Ling Xiao saw [Belief] appearing on the screen and frowned. He was worried. Ling Xiao knew that based on the current situation on Planet Haijiao, his daughter would definitely have to use the amulet he gave her. However, when he saw her using it, he still got agitated.

'I hope Qi Yaoyang can reinforce them in time!' Ling Xiao clenched his fists uncontrollably. For the first time, he hated his status as a god-class operator. If it wasn't for this status, he would be the one leading the reinforcements over. He wouldn't have to wait for news about the state of his own daughter on Planet Southcrest.

His communicator suddenly vibrated. He looked at it and smiled, but his smile this time was cold and sinister.

It was the invitation to the highest-level emergency meeting in the military. Ling Xiao knew what this meeting was for. The gentle aura around him was gone. His entire force of presence was cold, similar to Ling Lan's force of presence.

This meeting was held in the virtual world. The three great marshals and the ten great generals were on different planets so they couldn't meet each other personally in the real world within a short period of time.

Ling Xiao entered the virtual world and appeared in his seat through a special passageway.

There were 13 seats in total. These seats were for the 13 most powerful people in the military. They were the three great marshals as well as the ten great generals.

"Ling Xiao, we've been waiting for you. Please explain why your mecha has appeared on Planet Haijiao." The Third Marshal controlled his anger when he saw Ling Xiao and questioned him as soon as he saw him.

"When Ling Lan went on his mission to Planet Haijiao, my instincts told me that it would be a dangerous mission. So, after contemplating for a long time, I decided to pass [Belief] to Ling Lan." Ling Xiao replied calmly, "All god-class operators have the ability to foresee danger. This ability helped me to come back alive numerous times."

The other generals nodded at Ling Xiao's words. They were not a god-class operator but they knew that the more powerful they get, the stronger their ability to foresee danger.

"Even if that's the case, you still can't let your son enter the battlefield with a god-class mecha. This is breaking the rules of the Human United Agreement. The Federation will be condemned by the entire United Nations. This might even cause the 29th Intergalactic War." The Third Marshal shouted angrily, "You'll be the sinner of the Federation. You'll the sinner of the entire human race."

"Marshal Yang, that accusation is pretty heavy. I can't bear it." Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows. " I would like to ask what part of the agreement did I break?"

"The Human United Agreement states that any operators higher than the ace level cannot appear on the battlefield. God-class operators are not allowed to leave their countries…" The Third Marshal stopped talking suddenly. He turned and ordered his adjutant, "Pass me the details of the Human United Agreement."

Chapter 907 - Proud!

Soon, the adjutant found all the relevant documents for the Third Marshal. The First Marshal and the Second Marshal just sat calmly on their seats as they watched the scene unfold itself.

As the Third Marshal continued to flip through the documents, his frown slowly disappeared, turning into a smile on his face as he said, "Although you didn't break the rules this time, the responsibility of a god-class operator is stated here too. You need to think of a way to shut the United Nations up."

He was furious just now so he forgot that there was a difference between god-class operators and god-class mechas. Now, after calming down, he had to admit that Ling Xiao did a pretty great job of reading between the lines.

In the Human United Agreement, whether it was the broad framework or the detailed clauses, nothing was written about god-class mechas. There was nothing to state that god-class mechas were not allowed to enter the battlefield. However, it was written that a god-class operator must be responsible for all the implications created by his god-class mecha.

This clause also forbade all imperial mechas from undergoing any modifications and disguising themselves as lower-level mechas to enter the battlefield. Once such a thing was found out, the Intergalactic United Nations would severely punish all the offenders and the United Nations' status of the offender might be removed too. This would mean that the offender's country would be alienated.

This clause appeared because many countries noticed that a portion of the mecha operators had the ability to become an imperial operator but they purposely suppressed their ability and didn't register themselves as imperial operators. They continued operating an ace mecha in the battlefield. Many countries were afraid that their enemy would use this loophole to send in their imperial operators so they added in this clause to prevent these hidden imperial operators from entering the battlefield.

After what Ling Xiao did, new clauses would most likely be added to the Human United Agreement. The appearance of god-class mechas would be officially banned from battlefields. In the past, everyone thought that no imperial operators would be willing to seek death and jump levels to operate a god-class mecha. They also didn't believe that any god-class operator would pass their god-class mecha to other people too. Plus, no country wanted the Human United Agreement to cover everything perfectly. Hence, they covered their eyes on certain loopholes. Ling Xiao was thus able to make use of these loopholes.

Ling Xiao smiled at what the Third Marshal said. "This is the job of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It's not something we have to consider." 'This was what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was supposed to do, right? If they couldn't even handle a small thing like this, they should all just be fired.'

As someone who managed to become the Third Marshal of the military, he was not an unintelligent person. He appeared forceful at the start because he was afraid that an Intergalactic War would ensue which would put everyone in the Federation in danger. Now, when this fear was cleared, he agreed with what Ling Xiao had said. This kind of matter should be passed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Actually, the Third Marshal targeted Ling Xiao so many times not because he had something against Ling Xiao. It was because their way of doing things and their beliefs were extremely different. This was a clash of two different beliefs and ideals.

The Third Marshal represented the pigeon faction that advocated peace. They didn't want to start any unnecessary wars so the decisions the Third Marshal made was to prevent wars from happening and decrease the casualties. Ling Xiao belonged to the eagle faction. This was the main power behind the First Marshal too. This faction believed in overpowering their opponent with force. Any country that dared to provoke them should be punished by force. The people in this faction never like to take a step back.

For the past few years, the First Marshal's eagle faction took over the military. This was why the Federation was constantly in wars.

The Second Marshal was in the middle between the two of them. He was the lubricant between the two factions. The three factions balanced each other out and made sure that the military's decision wouldn't be too tilted towards a certain faction, allowing the military to move on stably.

"Old Yang, since you have nothing against Ling Xiao's mecha being there, let's talk about the next topic." The First Marshal noticed that Ling Xiao had settled the Third Marshal so he stepped out to proceed with the conversation.

"I'm just worried that Hailiya would throw all rules aside and send their god-class operators out. Then, they would push the blame to us," The Third Marshal revealed his worry.

"They won't. They have only two god-class operators. They won't dare to take this bet," the First Marshal replied with certainty.

He had just received news that Hailiya had not sent their god-class operators out. This meant that their opponent understood the Human United Agreement well and knew that they couldn't send their ultimate weapons.

The Third Marshal looked at the First Marshal and pursed his lips. Just now, he realized that he had accidentally stepped into the trap made by this sly old fox. The First Marshal wanted to call for this emergency meeting too but he didn't. He made use of him to do all the work.

"Since we've confirmed the existence of Base 013, we need to discuss sending more reinforcements and preparing our retaliation." The First Marshal finally revealed his true intentions. His old and aged eyes lit up brightly. A purple smog-like killing intent could be seen swirling around in his pupils. "The war on Planet Haijiao has been ongoing for many years. It's time to end it.

Then, he explained his plan of retaliation.

"I agree. I agree…" More than half of the ten great generals agreed to the plan. They were all from the eagle faction.

Ling Xiao raised his right hand too. He replied firmly, "I agree!"

'Those who dared to harm his daughter must pay the price!' Ling Xiao didn't plan to let the Hailiyan army off from the very beginning.

The Second Marshal calmly looked at the First Marshal. Then, he raised one of his hands. "I agree."

Since the Second Marshal had stated his stand, it meant that the plan of retaliation was going to be in motion soon. The Third Marshal raised his hand unwillingly too. 'This happens all the time. In the end, everything will go according to the First Marshal's plan.' The Third Marshal felt the distance between the First Marshal and him again. This distance was not something he could catch up with just by working together with the Second Marshal.

While the higher authorities within the military initiated the plan of retaliation, the citizens of the Federation suddenly saw a huge circular creature appearing and helping [Belief]. They also saw the mechas from Base 013 coming out and protecting [Belief] fearlessly. Everyone was touched by these soldiers. At the same time, they were angry that the reinforcements were still not there. They cried as they saw the soldiers from Base 013 sacrificing themselves one by one to provide [Belief] a safe pathway to the base.

Where are the reinforcements?

"It's the Flying Dragon Special Forces," someone shouted excitedly when he saw the silver dots in the air.

Numerous silver mechas flew down from the sky. All the citizens of the Federation raised their arms and shouted in happiness. They were happy that the Flying Dragon Special Forces finally came. They were also proud of the soldiers of Base 013 who managed to persevere until the arrival of the reinforcements.

Soldiers of Base 013, you're all the heroes of the Federation. We are proud of you all!

Chapter 908 - One Person!

In the orbit of Planet Haijiao, Qi Yaoyang finally broke through the defense of the Hailiyan army and reached to the position on top of Base 013. The starship hovered above Base 013 and many ace mechas started getting ejected out of the starship.

The huge amount of reinforcements allowed the Hailiyan army to realize that their plan had failed. They lost to a god-class mecha that shouldn't appear on Planet Haijiao. That god-class mecha allowed Base 013 to survive until the arrival of the reinforcements.

When the command center of the military on Planet Haijiao received news that their starships didn't manage to stop Qi Yaoyang, they knew that they had failed. They sounded the alarm and ordered all the Hailiyan soldiers to return to their base to wait for the new command.

To fight off all the Hailiyan soldiers, the mecha operators from the Flying Dragon Special Forces had to fight for two hours. They were all exhausted in the end.

They were welcomed with great fervour when they walked into Base 013. After all, if the Flying Dragon Special Forces didn't arrive in time, Base 013 wouldn't be able to still stand. Base 013 wasn't able to attend to Qi Yaoyang's army but they were still able to squeeze out a camp for the Flying Dragon Special Forces. Of course, the people at Base 013 didn't want to admit that they did this because they were extremely curious about the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

The Flying Dragon Special Forces thought that the logisticians and JMCs of a small base on a small planet like this were definitely not as efficient as their personal logisticians and JMC. However, to their surprise, they were as efficient as the logisticians from the Flying Dragon Special Forces. They were even faster in certain areas of work.

After the people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces changed into the normal military attire provided by Base 013, they went into the base. They experienced a different kind of atmosphere in the base. Firstly, the mainframe of Base 013 was very advanced. Its ability was on par with the mainframe of the Flying Dragon Special Forces which had undergone many generations of modification by the Brain team. Before the people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces could open their mouths, it gave them the map of the base and even welcomed them into Base 013.

All the various districts in the base were segregated clearly on the map. They knew exactly where they needed to go if they wanted to get certain things.

They came to the living district and saw many soldiers on duty. The logisticians from various departments were doing their jobs. Everything was in order. Everyone had a calm expression. They didn't seem elated that they managed to survive. It didn't look like a base that almost got ruined after more than 20 days of fighting.

What the people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces couldn't get used to was the looks from the logisticians. They seemed curious about them but their eyes were not filled with admiration. Those indifferent stares made them feel as though their Flying Dragon Special Forces was just a normal mecha clan.

"Is it because we haven't been out for a while so people have forgotten about us?" Someone finally voiced out his concern.

"Hmph, do you think that you're a superstar?" The commander of this mission, Jiao One, gave that person a glare.

A young major walked up and scanned the people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces. After a while, he found his target and walked towards Jiao One. He saluted and smiled. "Hello, Senior Colonel Jiao. I'm the head of the logistics department on Base 013. Your place of residence is ready. Please follow me."

Jiao One saluted back and replied calmly, "Thank you for your hard work, major." This major was young but he still recognized his status with one look.

The major guided Jiao One to a certain direction. During the journey to their destination, he always walked half a step behind Jiao One and when there was a need to change directions, he would remind Jiao One before Jiao One could even ask. This kind of thoughtful service caused Jiao One to have an extremely good impression of this major. Finally, they reached the prepared place of residence of the Flying Dragon Special Forces. The major gave an apologetic look. "Senior Colonel Jiao, there are currently too many people in the base so we're only able to squeeze a small space for you. Please accept my apology."

"No, we're already satisfied to have such a comfortable place to rest after the battle." Jiao One knew how difficult it was for Base 013 to give them this camp. On his way here, he noticed that almost all the camps were packed with people.

Jiao One entered the camp and noticed that everything was very clean. It didn't seem like they had cleaned it on short notice. They must have been cleaning this place up daily. It seemed like from the start, Base 013 believed that they wouldn't be defeated.

Jiao One saw the major leaving so he shouted hurriedly, "Major, I would like to meet your commanding officer. Can you arrange for that to happen?"

The major's smile froze when he heard this. His smile slowly disappeared and he revealed a sad expression. "I'm sorry, Senior Colonel Jiao. Our commanding officer is heavily injured so he is still in the emergency room."

"Ah!" Jiao One was shocked. 'Shouldn't the commanding officer of a base remain in the confines of the base? Why is he injured?'

"Am I able to meet the mecha operator who operated the god-class mecha?" Jiao One wanted to know if Ling Xiao's son was the one operating the god-class mecha or did Ling Xiao make other arrangements.

The major didn't reply. He only shook his head.

"What about the regiment commander of 250 Ace Mecha Clan, Regiment Commander Ling?" Jiao One changed his way of asking.

The major continued shaking his head.

The short-tempered Jiao Six saw this and got irritated. "Why aren't you allowing our leader to meet anyone?"

The major glanced at him calmly and replied, "Because he is talking about the same person."

Everyone from the Flying Dragon Special Forces was dumbfounded by the reply. They had guessed that the person who operated the god-class operator was Ling Lan but they didn't predict that she was the commanding officer of the base too.

"Will he be fine?" Xu Thirteen felt sympathetic towards Ling Lan's condition so he asked in concern.

"Our commanding officer will definitely be fine," the major replied firmly.

"That's true. That's true." The members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces nodded awkwardly. They, of course, didn't hope that anything would happen to the hero who used his life to protect this base.

The major bidded farewell to the people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces. Once the major left, everyone pounced on Xu Thirteen and beat him up. 'Damn it, do you know how to talk? We are in other people's territory.'

Mu Chaoran stood behind everyone. He suddenly sensed something and looked at the entrance of the camp. His expression instantly changed and he rushed out at his greatest speed.

Tang Ningyu, who stood beside him, got a shock. He turned around and just like Mu Chaoran, his expression changed. However, he still remembered to inform the person beside him before dashing out madly.

Lin Zhong-qing came to the entrance of the camp and saw a ball of white jumping towards him frantically.

Lin Zhong-qing hugged it. He saw tears in Little White's eyes as it screeched pitifully.

"What's wrong?" Lin Zhong-qing asked it curiously.

Little White continued howling. Unfortunately, Lin Zhong-qing couldn't understand what Little White was trying to say.

Chapter 909 - I'm Dead!

At this moment, Lin Zhong-qing heard a hoarse and nervous voice behind him. "May I ask whose pet this is?"

Lin Zhong-qing turned around in surprise. He saw that it was from an excited major from the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

Little White froze when it heard this voice. It turned its head stiffly and looked at the direction where the voice came from. It hoped that this was just an illusion.

Mu Chaoran saw Little White looking at him. That pair of innocent and teary eyes were just like his Little Brother Shaoyun's. 'It's really Little Brother Shaoyun's Little White!' Mu Chaoran's eyes turned red. He remembered his Little Brother Shaoyun again. The regret he felt would forever stay with him.

'It's really him!' Little White hugged its head with its tentacles and cried out in lamentation.

'Ahhhhhh… I am found! This time, master would definitely steam me, cook me, fry me, stir-fry it, and even salt it. I am definitely going to die!'

'What should I do? I still want to live!' Little White's little brain worked furiously. It was thinking about how it could escape this crisis.

Little White suddenly squeaked and lied down on Lin Zhong-qing's hand. It pretended to be dead.

Lin Zhong-qing looked at Little White's poor acting and his eyes glinted. He replied, "It belongs to one of my comrades." He was not lying. Little White belonged to his Boss.

Lin Zhong-qing watched the person's expression carefully when he spoke. He wanted to find some answers from it.

"Whose is it?" Two voices sounded out simultaneously. Lin Zhong-qing saw another young lieutenant colonel walking over while looking excited too. The major asked the same question.

Tang Ningyu looked at Mu Chaoran and controlled his excitement. He continued asking, "Can we meet him?" They hoped that their Little Brother Shaoyun had fooled them and he was the other spy whom they didn't manage to find. They would rather let this be the truth than have the truth of him dying on Planet Azure.

Lin Zhong-qing lowered his head to hide the vigilance in his eyes. 'Why are the people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces so interested in Little White's master? Are they friends or foes?' Before he understood this point, Lin Zhong-qing didn't want to expose his Boss.

"This little fellow belongs to me now." A gentle voice was heard and a major suddenly wearing a silver mask appeared behind Lin Zhong-qing.

"Li Lanfeng!" Mu Chaoran and Tang Ningyu's heart dropped. Their hopes were destroyed. Their Little Brother Shaoyun was really dead.

Mu Chaoran laughed at himself for still not giving up. 'Why did I still remain hopeful that I am able to see my Little Brother Shaoyun again?

They knew who Li Lanfeng was. His arrival in the Central Scout Academy on Planet Azure attracted the attention of every student and teacher, giving them the chance to sneak into the secret headquarters in the forest.

"How should I address you?" Li Lanfeng smiled and asked them.

"You know us?" Mu Chaoran raised his eyebrows in astonishment.

"Didn't we meet at the Central Scout Academy? My memory is very good." Li Lanfeng explained how he remembered them. "I can't address the two of you as fellow students now, right?"

Li Lanfeng's explanation made them remember that they had met him before.

"Tang Ningyu from the Flying Dragon Special Forces."

"Mu Chaoran from the Flying Dragon Special Forces."

Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran introduced themselves briefly. Then, they pointed at Little White and said, "Major Li, this fellow is the pet of one of my good friends. Can you give it to me?" Mu Chaoran was still unable to talk about Pei Shaoyun's death.

Li Lanfeng picked up Little White by one of its tentacles and shook it furiously. He smiled. "You mean this fellow?" 'This is what you get for creating trouble for me!'

'Painful! Dumbass Li! How dare you mistreat me like this. When I meet my master, I'll take my revenge.'

Little White didn't dare to expose itself so it bore with the pain and didn't move.

"Yes, it's called Little White." Mu Chaoran answered firmly.

"That's right. It only reacts when I call it Little White. It ignored all the other names." Li Lanfeng's words confirmed Little White's identity. Mu Chaoran was elated. With Little White accompanying them, they would feel much better.

"Then…" Mu Chaoran looked at Li Lanfeng in anticipation. He hoped that Li Lanfeng would agree to him.

"I picked it up on Planet Azure. It was hugging me so tightly so I had no choice but to bring it back to 250 Ace Mecha Clan," Li Lanfeng replied indifferently. He wouldn't let these two people meet Ling Lan. For some reason, Li Lanfeng felt that these two people were dangerous. Thus, he wanted to prevent these two people from seeing Ling Lan.

"If it's willing to go with you, I will not reject your request." Li Lanfeng appeared nonchalant. Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran were delighted.

'This little bastard. How dare he question my loyalty to master.' Little White jumped up and banged its head on Li Lanfeng's hand.

"Little White, come with us." Mu Chaoran looked at Little White and gave it a gentle smile.

Little White shook its head. It jumped onto Li Lanfeng's shoulder and turned its back to them. It appeared as if it didn't recognize them.

"Little White, I'm Meng Shaoran," Mu Chaoran shouted dejectedly. After Little Brother Shaoyun death, Little White didn't recognize them anymore.

"Little White, I'm Leng Hanfeng." Tang Ningyu stepped forward and shouted with a cold face. His aura changed back to the cold aura he had when he was pretending to be Leng Hanfeng.

Little White turned around and looked at them. Then, it looked back instantly. Mu Chaoran felt bitter in his heart when he saw its resolute attitude.

"It looks like its not willing to go back with you." Li Lanfeng said with pity, "I don't like it but after spending some time with it, I have developed some feelings towards it. Since its not willing to go back with you, I'll not force it. I'm sorry."

Li Lanfeng nodded at Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran. In the next second, he disappeared. He had left with Little White.

Lin Zhong-qing bidded farewell and left too. Only Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran remained standing there with a dazed expression.

"What do you think?" Tang Ningyu asked in a low voice.

"His answer made sense. I shouldn't be suspecting him but I think that his appearance on Planet Azure was too much of a coincidence." Mu Chaoran's eyes lit up. "Plus, that huge circular creature appeared on Planet Azure too."

"I also think that it's too coincidental." Tang Ningyu agreed. Coincidence happens all the time but this coincidence was too unnatural.

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