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55.06% Mixed HD / Chapter 239: 620 - 624

Chapter 239: 620 - 624

Chapter 620 - Impending Danger!

Li Lanfeng finished speaking and looked at Ling Lan. He was nervous. He didn't know if he did the right things just now. Did he cause more trouble for them?

Li Lanfeng felt that he was in a parent teacher meeting. He hoped to gain the approval of Ling Lan but he was afraid that he would be criticized due to a mistake.

Ling Lan nodded. "Lanfeng's observation is very detailed. The situation is just like what he mentioned."

Li Yingjie agreed with what Li Lanfeng said. However, he still had a question. "Will the three ladies give up on us?" He glared at Li Lanfeng. He wanted him to solve the issue that he caused.

"Actually, even if Lanfeng didn't welcome them, they would still pester us in order to get what they wanted. They will only stop if they find a new target." Ling Lan told them the truth.

"Also, innocent young boys who just started interacting with women will not be able to reject ladies that proactively tries to seduce them." Ling Lan pondered for a moment. Since they couldn't reject them blatantly, they needed to seek help from the aunties.

Ling Lan didn't have the confidence in Li Yingjie. She was afraid that he would be unable to resist lashing out one day and fight the ladies. As a member of an elite family, it was reasonable for Li Yingjie to reject the ladies. However, as a young master of a wealthy citizen family, for him to reject the ladies blatantly…

Unless Li Yingjie had someone he liked, if not, no man would reject the seduction from a lady. Of course, he could be a gay too.

Ling Lan slapped her head to remove the dirty thoughts that she was having. She must be influenced by Little Four.

Everyone got a shock when they saw their boss slapping her head.

"Boss, what happened?" Lin Zhong-qing asked her quickly.

"Nothing. I just thought of a way out of trouble," Ling Lan put her hand down and replied calmly.

Li Lanfeng looked at her. He wanted to say something but decided against it.

Ling Lan turned his head and looked at Zhao Jun. "Zhao Jun, what have you observed?"

Zhao Jun touched his chin. "In the dance party, there were at least five different groups of people had their eyes on us."

"Three of them were the battle teams that took part in this mission with us." Qi Long continued for him.

"One of the groups was at the corner to our left. The other group was directly opposite of us. I don't know what factions they belong to and don't know if they have any relationship with the people we met in the dining hall. However, they just noticed us and didn't seem interested in us." Zhao Jun felt that these two groups were just reviewing all the customers on the ship and had no other intentions towards them.

"The princess didn't appear so the Whirlwind Battle Team and the Brave Warriors Battle Team didn't appear as well," Lin Zhong-qing added.

Ling Lan nodded slowly. That was what she observed too.

Li Yingjie saw people around him gaining the approval from Ling Lan. Only he didn't have any observation to report. He felt depressed. He realized that he was the weakest among the six of them in terms of disguise, observation, and crisis management.

There was nothing much to say about his boss. If he didn't know that this was the frightening Boss Lan, he would be fool by him too and would think that he was just a timid pretty boy who was harmless and needed protection from other people.

What was scarier was, even though he knew that Boss Lan was pretending, he still wanted to take care of him.

Li Yingjie was careless but not stupid. He didn't like how the three ladies looked at Ling Lan so when Li Lanfeng shifted their attention to him, he just listened and played along.

Zhao Jun and Qi Long looked more crude than him so when they entered the Feiyang Ship at the start, he thought that they would make the most mistakes.

But, from the looks of it, they performed better than him. One seemed to be a humble young boy and the other looked simple-minded but with a strong body. Anyone would let down their guards in front of them.

What angered him the most was, these two people who looked rough and simple-minded actually managed to observe and analyze what was happening around them.

Li Lanfeng was a careful and detailed person. He managed to find out the background of the three ladies easily. His friendly nature also allowed him to communicate and befriend everyone.

Lin Zhong-qing acted well as a cautious sidekick. He was low-key and harmless. He had better observation skills too…

All in all, Li Yingjie was heavily impacted by this mission. He started to feel that he was useless. His arrogance dwindled. He suspected whether he was as strong as he thought he was.

"Li Yingjie?" Li Yingjie heard Ling Lan suddenly called him and got a shock. He was in a state of self-doubt just now. If Ling Lan didn't call him, the consequences might be terrible. He looked at Ling Lan gratefully.

Ling Lan didn't know why Li Yingjie looked at her that way but she didn't have the interest to ask about it so she ordered, "Li Yingjie, I have a mission for you."

"Yes, boss!" Li Yingjie stood up instantly. The other four people were surprised at his obedience. Li Yingjie seemed to be forced everytime Ling Lan would give him a mission but everyone knew that he loved it in his heart.

"Form a good relationship with the aunties. You must make sure that they prevent the three ladies from pestering us." Ling Lan didn't want to spend time and effort scheming against the three ladies. Although she could find the mastermind behind them if she interacted with them, it had nothing to do with her.

Their mission was to protect the princess and make sure that she reached her destination safely. They were not here to find the mastermind of the assassins. Ling Lan believed in achieving a balance between resting and working. When she could rest, she would not work. Hence, she was not interested in doing things that were hard, tiring, and had no benefits.

She wanted to find her enemies so that she wouldn't be caught off guard.

In the Huaxia Federation, the Feiyang Ship met no obstacles. It was a smooth journey. Ling Lan and her friends became real tourists and had lots of fun with the aunties. The six boys left a good impression on the rest of their group when they tirelessly helped their tour group members to carry things. The aunties and their husbands treated the six boys like their own children so they discriminated against the three ladies even more.

The three ladies were unable to find any chance of getting close to the six young man so they had no choice but to change their targets. On the next stop, they finally found their new targets among the passengers that boarded the ship. Ling Lan and her friends were left alone.

After a few days of interaction, the six people from Lingtian Battle Team became a real member of the Shun Feng tour group. Sometimes, Ling Lan and her friends felt that they were really just tourists who came to tour the interstellar space.

An extravagant spaceship flew among the stars.

Ling Lan and her friends were currently in the dining hall. They looked at the big screen in the hall which was showcasing their current location.

They had been on the Feiyang Ship for 13 days. On the 6th day, the ship left the territory of the Huaxia Federation. Luckily, the three countries after that were in an alliance with Huaxia Federation so the journey was smooth.

However, Ling Lan knew that the peaceful days were over. They would be passing by a few neutral countries for the rest of their journey. Although these countries appeared to be neutral, they had actually formed an alliance with the enemies of the Federation.

Based on the information she had gathered, the news that the princess was on the ship had been leaked. If not, there would not be so many uninvited guests. Within these 13 days, they passed by four countries. Some passengers left and new passengers came onboard the ship. There were suspicious people among the new passengers too.

Ling Lan didn't know who was here to protect the princess and who was here to kill the princess. Who wanted to sit back and watch the fight? Who wanted to take action as fast as possible?

Feiyang Ship was passing by Yagulin now. As the image of the country appeared on the screen, everyone sighed. The country was not in a good state.

Yagulin was a country with many planets. However, due to the unequal distribution of resources within the country, civil wars would occur all the time. The image on the screen showcased the armies within Yagulin attacking each other.

"I didn't expect them to use intergalactic battleships to attack planets. That is not fair," A tourist said angrily.

In the peace joint declaration of humans, intergalactic battleships could only be used in planetary sector wars. One attack from an intergalactic battleship was powerful enough to wipe out a whole district. No one would be able to survive the attack.

"I didn't think that the situation in Yagulin was so bad." Some tourists sighed.

The tourist thought that the civil war within Yagulin had nothing to do with them. They didn't know that soon, they would almost be implicated.

A broken military ship slowly moved in the air. Only the front half of the ship was left. Luckily, the engine was located at the front part of the ship so it could still move. The ship managed to reach a planetary sector that was quite safe.

"Ji Lanluo, the oxygen system is malfunctioning." One of the soldiers on the ship gave a hopeless look. "We are going to die soon. I want to go home. I want to go home." Under the shadow of death, he broke down and cried.

The officer that was making commands in the control room rushed out and grabbed the soldier. He gave him a hard slap on the face.

Chapter 621 - Rescue!

"What are you crying for? We are not dead yet." The officer threw the soldier onto the ground.

"Check and see how long the oxygen can last," The officer calmed down and ordered another soldier.

The soldier was shocked by the violent treatment from the officer and froze on the spot. Another soldier immediately helped to reply. "Base on positive circumstances, there is only 1.5 hours left."

"Have you calculated the number of survivors?" The officer rubbed his face forcefully.

"There are 421 survivors. They are in the two starships at the front of the military vessel."

The smallest military vessel had 2000 people. For a middle-sized military vessel like theirs, there should be at least 4500 to 5000 people. Only less than 10% survived.

A few soldiers cried as they remembered their brother-in-arms. They were lucky that their enemies bombed the back of the ship instead of the front. If they did, there would be no survivors at all.

The officer's expression was complicated. He waved to his confidant and whispered into his ears. The confidant turned pale. He whispered back. In the end, under the threatening glare of the officer, he nodded his head stiffly.

The officer patted his shoulder. Then, he turned to the other soldiers in the control room and said, "Send the distress signal."

This sentence sparked hope in the frantic soldiers. The distress signal was sent out but in the vast galaxy, it was difficult to find an interstellar cruise that would pass by them.

Time passed slowly. One hour passed by. Nothing was spotted on the radar. Everyone turned hopeless. They might die here and become a speck of dust in the vast galaxy.

When the officer saw that there was only 30 minutes of oxygen supply left, a malicious intent appeared in his eyes. He nodded at his confidant.

His confidant swallowed his saliva when he saw his superior looking at him. His heart pounded furiously and his hand started shivering.

If he had a choice, he didn't want to do this. However, it was a command by his superior. He must listen to him.

He looked at the 400 soldiers on the screen with his bloodshot eyes. He closed his eyes and pulled the lever. The oxygen supply to these soldiers were cut off.

Very soon, someone realized the change in the control room. One of the soldiers exclaimed in excitement. "There is an abundance of oxygen in the control room." He saw the oxygen supply increased from 30 minutes to more than 10 hours."

The other soldiers in the control room saw hope again. "Did the oxygen system start functioning properly again? This is good!" Some soldiers even cried uncontrollably. They were unable to handle the sudden surprise.

One of the soldiers wanted to send this good news to his friends in the starship. He changed the screen in front of him. However, all he saw were people gasping for air and falling to the ground in pain. Some rushed towards the door of the control room and tried to force the door opened.

This scene caused him to jump. He shouted in fear, "Senior officer, the starship…"

"Boom!" A punch landed on his stomach. He fell to the ground in pain. He could no longer continue his sentence.

"Ai'er Beili, cut off all images to save power," The officer stood beside the soldier that was lying on the ground and ordered his confidant in a cold voice.

"Yes." "Ai'er Beili immediately shut off all the screens.

The soldiers in the control room looked at their officer with different expressions. Some had fear in their eyes while others looked lost. Some understood what their officer wanted to do. However, no one dared to say anything.

"We need to live. No matter what crimes we have committed, we must live for the sake of the 4867 soldiers on the Aoluo Ship," The officer said in a cold and vicious tone.

A few seconds later, one of the soldiers shouted, "I will follow Captain Ao Duo'er."

The other soldiers regained their senses and shouted, "We will follow Captain Ao Duo'er."

Captain Ao Duo'er revealed a satisfied smile. He looked at Ai'er Beili. Ai'er Beili glanced at the soldier that was lying on the ground in pain. He reminded the Captain Ao Duo'er, "Captain, Luo Mo was just agitated. He didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive him this time."

The captain looked at Luo Mo and smirked. He waved his hand to ask Ai'er Beili to bring him away.

Ai'er Beili instantly went up and held Luo Mo up. He brought Luo Mo to the restroom which was beside the control room. He sighed and said, "Luo Mo, this is a lesson for you. Remember to control your temper next time. The captain hates people who screams and shouts."

Luo Mo raised his eyes. They were bloodshot. He begged Ai'er Beili. "Major Ai'er Beili, you must save them. Please save them!"

Ai'er Beili looked surprised. "Luo Mo, what happened?"

"There is no more oxygen in the starship. It must be the captain. If not, there would not be so much oxygen in the control room. The captain sacrifice his 400 comrades in order to survive. He is a criminal."

Ai'er Beili got a shock. Luo Mo grabbed his hand. "Major, only you can save them. Stop the captain. Please stop the captain."

"But, if the captain survive, you survive too. Are you going to give up this chance to survive?"

Luo Mo was firm. "If my life is built on the death of 400 brother-in-arms, I rather die with them. At least I will not feel remorse…"

Ai'er Beili patted Luo Mo's shoulder in satisfaction. "Luo Mo, you are indeed a strong warrior of Yagulin. I am proud of you."

Luo Mo shook his head furiously. "No. I am just doing what I…" He suddenly grabbed the hand that was strangling him. However, Ai'er Beili was at the peak of refinement. As a soldier that just advanced to manifestation, he was not Ai'er Beili's match at all.

Luo Mo got weaker. In the end, he stopped struggling. Ai'er Beili looked at the dead Luo Mo and snorted, "I didn't want to kill you but you seek your own death. Even if I want to, no one in the control room will want to share they oxygen with other people. Little brat, before you reincarnate, remember that the most important thing is your own life."

Ai'er Beili carried Luo Mo's corpse and walked to the rubbish processing equipment. He threw Luo Mo into the equipment. Very soon, after the equipment processed the corpse, Luo Mo would became rubbish in the galaxy.

Ai'er Beili went back to the control room. The captain looked at him. Ai'er Beili nodded. They quickly shifted their gaze away.

The control room was silent. All the operation soldiers were looking for signs of life around them. They all knew that they elongated their life from half an hour to more than ten hours. If no starships or cruise ships pass by this area within the next ten hours, they would still die.

Twenty minutes passed. A soldier suddenly shouted in excitement, "We received a foreign signal source a moment ago."

Everyone in the control room cheered when they heard this news. The captain's eyes lit up, He immediately said, "Increase the range and search for the source of the signal. Send out a distress signal every 10 seconds."

"Yes, captain!" Everyone started working.

On the Feiyang Ship.

"Captain, we received a foreign signal source." One of the surveillance personnel immediately reported to his superior.

"I understand. Try to see what it says." His superior gave him a reply quickly.

"Yes," The surveillance personnel replied.

"Also, don't call me captain. Call me leader. Remember that." His superior added on. They were on a cruise ship now. They shouldn't be using military terms.

"Ah! I understand!" The personnel was enlightened. He muttered the word 'leader' to himself a few times. He must remember this. He didn't want to get punished when he went back.

To make up for his mistake, he worked harder and finally managed to decode the signal. "Ca… Leader, it is a distress signal."

His leader tensed up and asked hurriedly, "Where is the location?"

If no military vessels or cruise ships passed by, the ships in distress rarely got saved. Hence, all the countries came up with a joint declaration that no matter which country they were from, whether they were military vessels or cruise ships, once they received a distress signal in the galaxy, they must save the ship.

"I am still searching." The personnel said dejectedly. The signal source was too faint so he was unable to trace its location quickly.

As time went by, the signal got stronger. This meant that the location where the signal was coming from was in front of the cruise ship. The cruise ship didn't need to go off its assigned path.

"The location is confirmed. The assigned number of the signal is decoded too. It is a starship from Yagulin."

This news was passed on to the captain of the Feiyang Ship. In the captain's room, two people sat opposite each other with a recreation game placed on the coffee table in front of them. It was a game with a long history——Chinese Chess.

The energetic man who was around 40 years old moved his 'Pao' on the chessboard and said, "Let me see where you will move your 'Che'." He was the general manager of the Feiyang Ship.

Another 40 year old man was sitting opposite him. This man looked more fierce. He was the captain of the ship. The general manager saw that the captain was pondering so he asked casually, "Are we really going to save the Yagulin's starship?"

"Do we have a choice? The human race made a joint declaration on this. If someone found out that we ignored their distress signal, Huaxia will be condemned."

"If you don't want to save them, no one would know." The general manager shook his head. He had worked with the captain for a long time and knew him well. "Tell me, what plans do you have?"

The captain shrugged. "What plans can I have?" He took his 'Xiang' off the chessboard and blocked the opponent's 'Pao'.

The general manager's focus was brought back into the game. He touched his chess piece and thought about something.

"You want to fish in troubled waters?" The general manager seemed to understand what the captain wanted to do. He frowned. "The commander wanted us to help the six battle teams. If you do this, you are creating trouble for them."

The captain smiled. "You are thinking too much. Those six battle teams might have to thank me instead. I gave them an opportunity to clear some of the suspects away."

He didn't like those unknown factions who take his ship like the backyard of their house.

The manager sighed. He knew that he was going to get busy soon. The captain said it as if it was extremely simple. However, he would have to clear up any mess that the captain make so that everything would go according to plan.

Very soon, the Feiyang Ship found the broken starship and saved the remaining 25 people left in the central control room. When the 25 people from Yagulin boarded the Feiyang Ship, they broke down and cried. They managed to escape from death.

A few of the Yagulin people who knew the truth felt pity towards the 400 soldiers. If they knew that a cruise ship would pass by within half an hour, they would have taken the risk and their brother-in-arms might have survived.

"We have sent people to investigate the forsaken military vessel. There is no information on the ship at all. The people from Yagulin are very cautious. They didn't leave behind any information for us to understand them. They destroyed all their documents." The general manager told the captain about the information he just received. "However, the soldiers in the two starships didn't die from an attack. They died from suffocation. We suspect that the oxygen pipes had malfunctioned."

The captain's hand stopped in mid-air. "Inform the people guarding them to be careful. If they notice anything amiss, don't catch them. Just move away from them.

"What happened?" The captain's order caused an alarm to trigger in the mind of the general manager.

The captain gave a bitter smile. "I might have brought unnecessary trouble to everyone on the ship."

"Huh?" The general manager was stunned. Their captain was not someone who would regret his actions.

"Ask them to investigate the central control room. Was there an abundance of oxygen inside?" The captain reminded him.

The general manager quickly contacted his subordinates. After a while, he answered the captain with a dark face. "They tried their best to repair the optical supercomputer of the military vessel. Although it is not confirmed, the oxygen in the control room could last for more than 8 hours."

One lacked oxygen while the other had ample oxygen. There was definitely something amiss.

Very soon, the staff members on the Feiyang Ship received an order.

"Be aware of the people from Yagulin?" Ling Lan touched her chin as she thought about this message which Little Four obtained by hacking into the optical supercomputer of the Feiyang Ship.

Before she could arrive at any conclusion, the next message that Little Four sent her cleared her doubts. If it was her, she would send out the warning too.

Chapter 622 - A Hero Saves the Damsel!

Feiyang ship continued to fly while they contacted the government of Yagulin. When Yagulin government knew that Feiyang ship had saved the Yagulin troopers who managed to stay alive, they were instantly grateful to Feiyang ship's staffs. The two parties agreed to meet up at Yagulin's Planet Mona sector. Yagulin will be sending a military warship to bring the twenty-five survivors back home.

Of course after doing such a favour to Yagulin, the Feiyang ship was given a promise by the government of Yagulin. In the future, Feiyang ship would receive protective services from the Yagulin military whenever it flies past the Yagulin's sector. It could be predicted that as long as there was no change in the power structure within Yagulin's government, the Feiyang Ship would be able to move about smoothly within Yagulin's sector.

In about 18 more hours, Feiyang would be able to arrive to the sector where Planet Mona was located. The entire ship seemed very quiet. More than 90% of the passengers and crew members were in deep sleep. Although there wasn't much difference in terms of night and day, everyone still moved about and rested through their habits based on their biological clocks.

In between the third and fourth floor, a storage room was temporarily cleared out. Yagulin's twenty-five survivors were staying in this room.

Ai'er Beili suddenly held onto his stomach. He looked nauseated, with drops of cold sweat running down his forehead. Very quickly, his mouth began to foam and he fell to the floor. The captain's expression instantly changed. He immediately slammed on the door and yelled, "Help, help!"

The door was quickly opened. The two staff members who were guarding the door saw the scene inside and instantly turned pale. One of them immediately darted into the room and placed his hand on Ai'er Beili's neck.

"Little He, I'll take him to get medical help immediately." The person that spoke lifted up Ai'er Beili and walked out of the room.

The door was closed once again. After around 3 minutes later, the captain suddenly bent his body with a painful expression on his face. People beside him quickly supported his body and said with panic in their voices, "Captain, what's wrong?"

The captain pointed towards the door while he was in agony. Everyone understood and the person closest to the door slammed the door again.

The door was opened once again. There was only one staff member now as the other one who took Ai'er Beili had not returned yet.

"Our captain is in trouble. Please help him," the troopers screamed. The staff member suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Help… me… please…" the captain said while in pain.

The staff member hesitated for a second then connected to his superiors, "Leader, they have people here consecutively needing emergency medical attention. Elder Brother Yao had already taken one person and now only I'm left. What should I do?"

"Take the person who needs emergency medical attention to the treatment room first. I will send some people down there immediately." the team leader knew the urgency of the situation and gave an order.

"Yes leader."

The staff member motioned to the troopers from Yagulin to hand their captain to him then he locked the door.

The storage room returned to peace and quiet once again. After a while, one trooper was worried and asked, "Do you guys think the captain and that staff officer will be in trouble?"

Everyone was silent. After a short while, a voice rang, "They'll be fine," said one trooper whose expression was optimistic but dark. It was as though he sneered with a hint of arrogance.

Little He took the captain into the elevator. The treatment room was on the first floor. Right when he got to the second floor and was about to keep going down, Little He saw that the door that was originally closed on the second floor was now open.

He hesitated for a second. Right when he wanted to go out and take a look, the captain suddenly coughed severely. There was actually a little bit of blood trickling down the side of his lips. Seeing this, Little He was becoming more concerned. If something actually happened to this captain, they wouldn't be able to give Yagulin a good excuse. Thus, he stopped himself from wanting to take a look at the second floor and continued to bring the captain down the elevator…

On the second floor, Ling Lan and her team were in their room. Ling Lan, who had her eyes closed this entire time, suddenly opened her eyes and sat up silently.

Ling Lan's movement surprised everyone else. Qi Long, Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng all sat up at the same time. Li Yingjie and Lin Zhong-qing was only slower by a second.

"What's wrong Boss?" Qi Long asked softly.

Ling Lan thought for a second and laid back down, "Nothing, just go to sleep. When we wake up, the show will start."

Qi Long and the others looked at each other. None of them knew what Ling Lan was going on about. However, they knew that if Ling Lan didn't want to say it, they wouldn't be able to force it out of her no matter how hard they tried. Thus they all laid back down, but they no longer wanted to sleep.

For Ling Lan, although she wasn't out of her room, the situation on the outside was being broadcasted to her by Little Four. It was all within her control.

Li Lanfeng glanced at Ling Lan with a thought provoking expression. He then laid back down and not long after, he actually fell asleep…

"You pig!" Li Yingjie looked down on Li Lanfeng for being in such deep sleep. Qi Long and Zhao Jun both laughed as though they had understood something. Soon, they also relaxed and actually went to sleep.

"Sh*t, they actually all fell asleep. Are they not even the least bit curious of what Boss Lan meant by the 'show will start'?" Li Yingjie thought to himself in dismay.

"Just go to sleep. Boss said that we'll know when we wake up. That means there's still some time before it happens. Since that's the case, we should use this time to rest up to be able to better handle the situation…" Lin Zhong-qing who was sleeping on the top bunk with Li Yingjie on the bottom bunk yawned and said. After not even three seconds, Li Yingjie could tell that Lin Zhong-qing had fallen asleep as well.

"All a bunch of pigs!" Li Yingjie felt depressed. His head was filled with the 'show' Boss Lan had mentioned. How could he fall asleep?

After around three hours, Feiyang's emergency alarm suddenly rang and instantly woke everyone who were asleep.

The five of them instantly opened their eyes and sat straight up.

"The show has started?" Qi Long said with excitement in his eyes.

Li Lanfeng picked up the jacket he had hanging on the side and began putting it on. Zhao Jun jumped down from the top bunk, put on his pants then finished suiting up.

After around two to three seconds, everyone had already put on their clothes and looked to be full of energy. Only Li Yingjie opened his reddened eyes and looked as though his entire body was going to wither and die.

Ling Lan was the slowest. She was getting ready to put on a relaxing jacket. Before she put it on, she glanced at the others coldly. She then pulled out half of her shirt to have it appeared outside of the jacket. Everyone else instantly had a realization and immediately made themselves look as though they scrambled to get dressed. After hearing a sudden alarm, these guys were actually able to make themselves look spiffy in such a short amount of time. It was clear that this was something normal students wouldn't be able to do.

Not long after, a person appeared on the screens in all of the passenger's room…

"I'll give you all five minutes. If you people don't gather on the 4th floor ballroom within five minutes, Feiyang ship will go 'bang' becoming space debris in this sector. And you lot will stay here forever just like the ship," Ai'er Beili said with a huge smile through the screens.

At the same time, all the doors of each room were opened…

However, many people did not step out. No one knew what awaited them if they left their rooms. At the same time, there weren't any people outside of their rooms forcing them to leave. They of course would not want to leave.

"Oh my. Looks like my words were not taken seriously. What should I do?" Ai'er Beili's expression became frustrated. He suddenly remembered something then smiled once again, "I put a little something on the second floor. Since no one believes me, I'll just let this little something to introduce itself to everyone."

Right after, an explosion erupted causing the entire ship to shake uncontrollably. Thick smoke and fire began to spread through the second floor. All the lights on the second floor instantly stopped working.

Feiyang's self protection system had activated. The sprinklers automatically sprayed out water and the backup lights were turned on. Even though it wasn't completely dark, the entire second floor was filled with thick smoke. All the passengers began screaming and yelling.

At that moment, Ai'er Beili's expression suddenly changed again, no longer smiling, "That was only to greet everyone. If you lot keep taking your precious time coming out, I won't give you all a second chance."

The second floor were mostly regular passengers who were all terrified. Everyone darted out of their rooms in terror and went for the fourth floor.

In the control room, Feiyang's captain's complexion was pale. He looked at the person sitting in front of him and said, "You people must have gone mad. You actually set up such a terrifying explosive on a cruise ship."

The other captain, who was originally supposed to be in the treatment room, shook his head, "No, no, no, that was only a way to make sure you all listen to our demands. If they had listened to us at the very start, we wouldn't have detonated it. You should know that TNT is really difficult to acquire. I also felt really bad for wasting so much just like that."

The expression of the captain of the ship looked grim. He didn't think that these people actually boarded with an explosive weapon used thousands of years ago. As luck would have it, only this type of weapon was impossible to be detected by modern technology. What was more terrifying was that someone was willing to put his life on the line and had something as terrifying as explosives in his luggage disguised as cigarettes and hide it inside the cigarette box.

Not only that, these people also actually had an imperial level hacker hidden among them… This caused the captain of the ship to have a hole in his plan. The situation was now beyond his control.

On the third floor, Senior Colonel Meng Shangyuan saw what was happening and frowned, "Trouble!".

"Captain, what should we do?" his team members saw him frown and all looked towards him.

"Let's go to the fourth floor first and make our move once we have the chance." They were part of an intergalactic adventure group. Faced with a situation like this, it would be wrong if they didn't make a move unless they weren't confident and couldn't help but let the situation play out.

The 1st Division's Senior Colonel's Iron Curtain Battle Team wasn't the only one who wanted to make a move. The 13th Division's Lieutenant Colonel Kang Jiayan's Startup Battle Team (also part of the intergalactic adventure group) and the 17th Division's Lieutenant Colonel Wang Anzhong's Immortal Battle Team (part of the intergalactic smuggling ring) were also preparing to make a move.

"Your majesty, what should we do?" Inside the quarters of the princess, the 3rd Division's Senior Colonel Mu Youyun's Whirlwind Battle Team (part of the princess's royal guard) along with the 9th Division's Lieutenant Colonel Qian Jialin's Brave Warriors Battle Team (part of the servants and chamberlains of the princess) had both arrived next to the princess.

Prince Gulibaduo calmly looked towards Senior Colonel Mu Youyun. "Please help me Mr. Mu." In order to avoid exposing them, Princess Gulibaduo call the two captains by their surnames.

Mu Youyun calmly replied, "We will see how the situation unfolds. If it does not threaten our safety, then I suggest we just watch how it unfolds." Making moves blindly was not an option. Additionally, there were too many unknown powers among them, Mu Youyun didn't know whether this incident was aimed to the princess. It was never wrong to observe first before making a move.

Qian Jialin was in agreement with Mu Youyun's suggestion. Princess Gulibaduo saw that both captains had the same thoughts and understood. She then took everyone towards the fourth floor.

The people who had already arrived on the fourth floor were ordered to put their hands behind their heads. Almost no one dared to do anything to resist because of the threat of an explosion.

The people on the fourth floor were not limited to Feiyang's passengers. A portion of the survivors from Yagulin, who were originally watched by the guards, were also on the fourth floor. Under their captain's orders, they began to watch over these passengers that had gathered up. There were a few who went to check the second and third floor to see if any passengers were trying to escape.

As for Feiyang's staff members and guards, they were stuck on the first floor. Feiyang's mainframe had already fallen under the control of these hijackers. They closed off important passages and tunnels which made the staff members and guards unable to move up to try and control the situation. This was why Yagulin managed to take control of the ship with only a small number of people.

Ling Lan saw this and realized that these survivors from Yagulin were preparing to take them as hostages in order to negotiate with the Feiyang's captain. Once the Feiyang's captain had given up, the hijackers would then talk about a ransom with Yagulin. In short, Ling Lan and the others needed to keep up their roles as hostages until the very end. If Yagulin was to agree to the hijackers' demands, it would be possible for them to escape. If they didn't agree to their demands then maybe everyone will become sacrifices for this incident…

Ling Lan still decided to watch from the side. The only reason she was so daring was because she could still diffuse the situation. Also, she did indeed want to know how many were on Feiyang who took an interest in the princess.

With a decision in mind, Ling Lan squeezed into her tourist group a bit more and pretended to be terrified. Her behavior made a few mothers in the group had expressions of worry. The mothers moved aside a bit and hid Ling Lan and her team behind them. Some people were softly comforting Ling Lan's group. They were afraid that they were too terrified and would do something impulsive which in turn could cause something bad to occur.

On the bridge of the ship, the captain of Feiyang said depressingly, "What do you people want us to do if you made the passengers gather up together?" In order to be sure of his passengers' safety, he had no choice but to agree to their demands.

"Cooperate with us. We don't want to go to Yagulin, we need to go to Duokaba." the leader of the hijackers gave his demand.

"That's not possible. Duokaba is not on the course of our flight," the captain of Feiyang denied immediately.

"Then let's see who can keep this up longer," the leader of the hijackers said nonchalantly.

The captain of the ship squirmed worriedly and his finger randomly tap on his table. The leader of the hijackers sneered as he saw that the captain was panicking. As expected of a captain of a cruise ship. These captains that used their family connections to acquire these positions were all useless.

On the screen of the ballroom on the fourth floor, Ai'er Beili was smiling at the crowd of people who had bent down with their hands on their heads, "Very good. I like children who listens. As long as Feiyang's captain satisfies our demands, we promise we won't harm any of you one bit."

These words made many regular passengers had hope in their eyes, but those from the third floor showed expressions of disdain. Those words could only fool the common folk. No one knew what these crazy terrorists could end up doing. This was also why the people from the third floor were waiting, otherwise with their capabilities and power, they wouldn't cooperate with the terrorists.

Right at that moment, a bookworm-like young man suddenly raised his head and asked, "Are you guys planning on changing the course of the flight?"

Ai'er Beili looked towards the direction of the hostages in surprise, "Looks like there aren't only just dumb people among you."

"Feiyang won't allow that." The young man shook his head and said.

"What do you mean?" Ai'er Beili asked while smiling.

"If they agree, you all will be less likely to live," responded the young man in a calm manner.

"We are not that easily killed," said Ai'er Beili as he shook his head. "We are soldiers."

"No, you people are executioners," said the young man with disdain. "In order to acquire power, you lot repressed citizens who opposed you. In what way are you people worthy to be called soldiers?"

Ai'er Beili frowned. His smile had disappeared and what showed was bloodthirstiness and killing intent, "Kid, something shouldn't be said…"

"Isn't that right though?" the young man raised his head with pride. "You think controlling Feiyang will let you do whatever you want?"

Right when Ai'er Beili wanted to respond, his expression suddenly changed. Then the video on the big screen became blurry.

"Little Four?" Ling Lan asked Little Four.

"It's the imperial level hacker making a move," responded Little Four. "Of course to be able to have an effect this quickly was because I silently helped them."

"Do you know who it is?" Ling Lan asked.

"I know. It's this person." Little Four took a screenshot of the ballroom and enhanced it for Ling Lan to see. Ling Lan then discovered that the person in question had his eyes closed and those around him were cleverly surrounding him. This cut off everyone's line of sight from seeing him. If Little Four didn't survey the ballroom from every corner possible with zero blind spots, it was possible that Ling Lan would also be fooled.

"A passenger from the third floor. The data indicates that he's called Luo Chengwen. He is the second son-in-law of the Federation's Yun family who owns franchises of various malls." Little Four showed all of the information about them within these past few years. The mountain of papers almost buried Ling Lan at the bottom.

"Little Four!" Ling Lan glared at him coldly.

"Alright, only this one is useful." Little Four shuddered and immediately took back the mountain of papers. In the end, he left only one piece and gave it to Ling Lan.

"Yun family…" This family was a small family in the Federation. They had some power but were not significant. Why would an imperial level hacker hide within such a small family? Ling Lan didn't believe the data that said he joined the family because of true love.

"Who was the young man that was bold and reckless just now?" Ling Lan continued to ask.

"The Yun family's first generation's seventh son. Self-proclaimed, the Second Sherlock Holmes, Yun Feiyang," replied Little Four.

"Could it be that Yun Feiyang knows that Luo Chengwen is a hacker?"

"He knows. He just doesn't know the real level of the hacker. It's possible that everyone in the Yun family don't know about it too." Little Four said without certainty. After all, the Yun family had just fallen into his sights. While being a hurry, Little Four could only see the data on the surface and did not know anything deeper.

"A while back, was the imperial level hacker who attempted to take control of Feiyang's mainframe, him?" Ling Lan asked.

"Yes, without a doubt. He's the only imperial level hacker on the ship. I remembered his scent." Little Four sniffed to show that his nose was very sensitive and could not be mistaken.

Ling Lan rolled her eyes and instantly smacked Little Four's head. Remembered his scent? Little Four actually made himself to a dog?

"Little Four, put the Yun family under full observation and surveillance, especially this Luo Chengwen." Ling Lan made a decision. No matter what the hacker's intent was, Luo Chengwen and the Yun family had been registered under her list of people to be cautious of.

The image on the screen was still blurry. Seeing this, Yun Feiyang suddenly shouted, "This a chance, let's go!"

Many silhouettes suddenly jumped out beside the troopers and instantly struck down the 10 or so troopers down onto the ground.

Although Ling Lan had her head down the entire time, she still knew everything that was happening because of Little Four. She knew that three disguised groups in the adventure group and the smuggling group had made their moves. Of course, other people acted as well, including the people Ling Lan had discovered earlier along with a few regular passengers who had some capabilities. This was also because the troopers from Planet Yagulin were too weak, thus giving these regular passengers the courage to fight.

The situation on the fourth floor was temporarily under control, but the real danger hadn't been resolved yet. If the control of Feiyang's mainframe was not taken back, they would still be the enemy's playthings. After all, in deep space, if the passengers wanted to survive, they had to rely on Feiyang ship.

Everyone stood up. After temporarily been given back their freedom, everyone looked at the large screen, waiting for the final result to appear.

Finally after tossing and turning, the large screen returned to its original state. This time the person that appeared on it was no longer Ai'er Beili, but a refined middle-aged man smiling towards everyone.

Yun Feiyang was overjoyed, "We've regained control."

Right after he finished speaking, everyone instantly jumped and cheered. In the crowd, Ling Lan's expression changed a little and immediately held down Qi Long and Zhao Jun who had slow reactions.

At that moment, two people suddenly stood up and two strands of silver light flew out from their hands. The silver light flew towards the princess who also had an expression of joy and terror at the same time.

Yun Feiyang also saw this. His expression changed instantly and he jumped toward the silver lights while shouting, "Quick, dodge!"

One silver light was blocked by Yun Feiyang. He groaned and fell into the crowd. The Yun family's guards panicked and yelled, "Seventh Young Master."

"Ding" Mu Youyun tossed out a coin and shot down the silver light. At that moment everyone could clearly see that the strands of silver light were small knives. One of the knives had a coin stuck onto it.

"Our Seventh Young Master is wounded. Who's a doctor here?" shouted the guard from the Yun family while everyone still hadn't recovered from the surprise of the knives.

The knife had cut through Yun Feiyang's right arm. The wound had blood pouring out and instantly bloodied his sleeve.

Seeing this, Princess Gulibaduo quickly said, "I have medicine for his wounds here." She immediately ordered her servant to take the medicine over. After all, he was wounded because of her. Princess Gulibaduo was very grateful and didn't want him to be hurt.

The medicine was very effective and quickly stopped the bleeding. Yun Feiyang's face was pale but comforted the guard beside him, "I'm alright. If everyone's alright, then that's good enough."

The two assassins were already caught by Mu Youyun's team members. Unfortunately these two were loyalists. Seeing that they had failed, they didn't hesitate to suicide. There wasn't any hope for Mu Youyun to acquire any information from them anymore.

"A hero saving a damsel in distress?" Ling Lan frowned. "Trying to get on the princess's good side? Get close to the princess? Or other plans?"

"It really is troublesome," Ling Lan thought to herself. She discovered that it was now impossible to silently guard the princess and complete the mission.

Yun Feiyang's move made him have the chance to get closer to the princess. However, for someone who Ling Lan did not know whether they were a friend or a foe to have the opportunity to get close to the princess made Ling Lan worried about the princess' safety.

Chapter 623 - Destruction!

Of course, in the ballroom, the princess' area was not the only place that had some activity. Other places had some activities as well. Ling Lan was certain that these activities were the other three battle teams using this opportunity to clean out the people they had confirmed to be a threat…

However, this had nothing to do with Ling Lan's group. They were the most common out of all commoners in this incident. However, the three ladies who were a problem were not affected by this incident. It seemed that the behavior of these women and the threat they imposed did not warrant the other battle teams to consider them as actual threats.

Not long after, Feiyang's guards got to the fourth floor because the control of the ship was taken back by Yun Feiyang's uncle-in-law. The guards quickly took control of the situation. Although the second floor had taken some damage, it did not damage the ship too much as it was very sturdy.

Inside the captain's quarters, the leader of hijackers saw his confidant who was on the screen disappeared. He sighed as he put his hands up to show that he was surrendering. He said to the captain, "You win. I didn't think you actually had an imperial level hacker here."

The captain looked at the leader of the hijacker with an expression of disbelief. His expression didn't brighten up but instead became gloomier.

"Looks like he isn't one yours." The leader of the hijackers saw through the captain. He laughed bitterly, "You're so lucky."

"I'm almost always lucky, but I never depend on luck." The captain responded calmly.

The leader of the hijackers' expression changed. His originally calm mood changed slightly, "You… were actually faking it just now?"

At that moment, a person appeared on the big screen. He was the operations manager of Feiyang, "I thank the Yun family's help in this matter. The control of Feiyang has been recovered back. We will immediately clean out the rest of Yagulin's forces. Everyone please cooperate with us and temporarily stay on the fourth floor to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

"I didn't think that Feiyang would actually have an imperial hacker on the ship." The leader of the hijackers saw the person on the screen and realized that he had probably fallen into a trap.

"Actually, your trump card was always under our control. It was just that we needed a chaotic environment, so we just played along." The captain revealed the truth.

"No wonder that we were so lucky that we would be able to hear your staff members talk to each other about how you have proof that I sacrificed 400 soldiers to save my own skin. You forced me to make a move for my freedom." Yagulin's forces' leader finally understood why there were only two people guarding them. Even when one had left, there wasn't a new staff member that replaced him. In the beginning, he thought this was a cruise ship where all of its safety procedures were incomparable with warships. Now that he thought about it, it was only the captain making it easy for him and his people which gave them the courage to cause a scene.

Yagulin's forces' leader sneered and laughed. In order to survive, he sacrificed 400 soldiers in cold blood. The captain and his crew however did not hesitate to sacrifice their own staff members to create chaos. They didn't even care about the passengers' safety. In reality, these people were just as cold-blooded as him.

"I didn't think that you would actually be willing to sacrifice two of your staff members and the safety of the passengers…" Yagulin's forces' leader said mockingly. If the captain had turned a blind eye, then he didn't have to walk down this path of no return.

"Sacrifice?" The captain laughed. "Those two are at the peak of Qi-Jin aren't people that your little confidant, who has only just reached Qi-Jin, could kill."

Since he was certain the enemy was up to no good, why would the captain let his own soldiers to give up their own lives? The two people who were responsible for watching Yagulin's forces seemed very easily dismissed, but in reality, they were the strongest physical skills instructors on Feiyang. They were experts in assassinations and also knew how to pretend to be dead. If their enemies weren't Domain level experts, once these two had their guard up, even experts of similar level wouldn't be able to kill these two in one hit.

The captain's words finally made the leader's expression changed from his originally calm expression. He didn't think that his plan this time made him a chess piece to be used in someone else's plan and at the same time completing his enemy's plan perfectly. In reality, it was someone else's plan altogether and he himself just performed very poorly.

"You're more ruthless than me. In order to create chaos, you actually let us set such a terrifying explosive like TNT. I really do regret it. If we really could blow up a few people, I would really want to see your face after the fact." Yagulin's leader bit his lip and said.

The captain heard this and raised his eyebrows, "Do I need to change the expression on my face? Isn't this incident created by you? We just need you to be responsible." The captain said with confidence. He would just use Yagulin's forces as a shield without suffering any repercussions.

The leader from Yagulin finally couldn't control his anger. He howled and pounced towards the captain who was just a few feet away from him. He didn't lose yet. As long as he took down the captain, he still had a chance.

"Bam!" the leader from Yagulin was struck down hard onto the ground.

"I said it before. You never had any chance," said the captain while looking down at him in disdain.

"Domain! Who the hell are you?" The leader from Yagulin discovered that his peak level of Qi-Jin was actually not comparable to the captain. Only Domain experts could counter his attack. Why would an average cruise ship have a captain of this level? This didn't make any sense.

At that moment, the captain's door was finally opened. The guards who were blocked off outside rushed in.

Seeing this, the energy in the captain's hand exploded and instantly wounded his now fainted opponent. Then he stood up and said, "Take him to the heavy surveillance and guard room."

"Yes captain!" The team of guards quickly took away the leader from Yagulin.

The captain sat back into his seat and connected to the operations manager, "Is the situation under control?"

"Yes, with the Yun family lending a helping hand, we were given a chance to ambush them and was able to take them down in an instant." The operations manager had an expression of worry, "Who knew that Ai'er Beili was an imperial level hacker and didn't give us any chance to make a move." This was also why the staff members had missed the TNT explosives and let the enemy successfully detonate the explosive. Although the captain was very calm and collected when he spoke with the leader from Yagulin, in reality, he knew that for some time the situation was out of their control. It was just that he couldn't let the enemy know the truth in case it weakened their own morale.

"What's the situation with the princess?" asked the captain.

"The people from the Yun family performed well and possibly drew the princess's attention…" said the operation manager with a serious expression.

"What about the four star battle teams from each division? Don't tell me they didn't use this opportunity to make a move." The captain asked again.

"They made a move and used the opportunity to capture a few suspicious individuals. They definitely did clear out a whole group. I think Feiyang will be quiet for a while…" replied the operations manager as he smiled.

"Guess they're not stupid." The captain snorted coldly.

"You're still mad that the mission for protecting the princess was taken by other divisions?" The operations manager knew the grudge the captain was holding.

"The Federation clearly knew that we were able to do it, but the commander still wanted to find six four star battle teams… In the end, it was still our plan that gave them the courage to clear out those suspicious individuals. Isn't it shameful for the four star battle teams?" The captain was very wicked.

The operations manager decisively stopped speaking about this topic. His captain had resentment towards the four star battle teams. After all, his battle team had been stuck at three stars for a whole decade and still didn't have any hopes of advancing. This made the captain lost hope in them and was even green with envy towards four star battle teams. The only thing the captain didn't do yet was to fight these battle teams to vent out his anger and frustration.

After 10 hours, Feiyang's side and Yagulin's side finally met up. They handed over Yagulin's survivors and terrorists to Yagulin. Feiyang's side also told Yagulin the real information they had discovered about the Yagulin's warship along with the terrorism and hijacking committed by the survivors of Yagulin's warship. Yagulin's side was very apologetic about these series of events and promised that they will give Feiyang a satisfactory answer to the incident…

Of course, everyone knew this was all just diplomacy. After all, Feiyang wasn't Yagulin's cruise ship. Yagulin didn't have the responsibility to protect Feiyang.

Feiyang continued to fly. After clearing out a group of suspicious individuals, the people who had malicious ideas towards the princess obviously lessened by a lot. This also made the five battle teams around the princess breathe a sigh of relief. They now began to watch Yun Feiyang trying to woo the princess everyday. This scene added some delight to their long and arduous journey.

One day, Yun Feiyang came to the princess' quarters. He carefully examined his attire and posture then pressed the doorbell.

In an instant the door was opened. It was one of the servants. His bulky and manly face showed a hint of impatience. If he didn't have a cleaning tool in his hands, people would definitely mistaken him for a guard and not a janitor.

"You again?" The servant looked at Yun Feiyang's scrawny and weak body in disdain and didn't welcome him. In the servant's eyes, the princess must marry someone strong. Yun Feiyang wasn't even qualified.

Yun Feiyang was very patient. Even if the servant didn't welcome him, he still had a smile on his face and asked, "Is the princess here?"

Before the servant could answer, a pompous voice rang, "Hey, it's the idiot who doesn't know his place and trying for someone way out of his league."

The servant didn't welcome Yun Feiyang from coming to look for the princess initially. Now that he saw someone else had come, he crossed his arms and watched the two of them coldly.

Yun Feiyang heard this voice and couldn't help but shout, "Sh*t, this guy again."

The person who spoke was called Ma Rao. He was a rich descendant with a decent background. His father was in the intergalactic reselling business and had some connections. However compared to elite families like Yun Feiyang's family, it wasn't even worth mentioning. He and Ma Rao didn't have any grudges against each other. It was just yesterday in the ballroom, no one was sure whether it was Yun Feiyang or Ma Rao who had bad luck. When Yun Feiyang walked past Ma Rao, he suddenly twisted his ankle and fell onto Yun Feiyang's back.

It was obvious that Ma Rao wasn't prepared for a situation like this. When Yun Feiyang bumped into him, Ma Rao fell face first onto the ground. When he raised his head, his nose was gushing out blood. He also had some tears run down his face from the pain. Compared to his cocky expression from before, that pitiful look made everyone in the ballroom laughed out loud. He hated Yun Feiyang from then onwards since he made a fool of himself in front of everyone.

Afterwards, as long as the two of them met up with each other, Ma Rao would mock him. Then, after Ma Rao discovered that Yun Feiyang wanted to ask the princess out on a date, Ma Rao would try to do everything he can to stop Yun Feiyang.

Yun Feiyang sighed. He turned around and said, "Ma Rao, what do you want?"

Ma Rao raised his head and said with pride, "Nothing. I just don't like perverts like you."

Yun Feiyang was very angry. He had already apologized. When would this Ma Rao be satisfied and not watch him so closely? Yun Feiyang knew that the princess was a chance for a different life for him. If he actually returned with this beauty, not only would the Yun family be under his control, in the future, whether military or politics, all would go smoothly for him. As long as Balaya remained as Huaxia Federation's ally, no one would dare to make it difficult for him, the son-in-law of Balaya.

Additionally, the princess was very beautiful and indeed made him feel like he was in love. However, he was only in love with what the princess could give him. Any man with a little bit of ambition wouldn't be able to refuse such temptations.

Ma Rao was without a doubt someone who was unreasonable. Yun Feiyang didn't want to speak to Ma Rao in front of the princess. He could only turn and leave. He was prepared to go back to his uncle-in-law and discuss how to take out this irritating Young Master Ma…

Seeing Yun Feiyang leave helplessly, Ma Rao lifted his head up high and snorted coldly. He looked towards the servant at the door. Their eyes met, but only for a moment. The servant then closed the door silently. To him, Ma Rao was a stranger. As the princess' servant, Ma Rao didn't have the status for him to give Ma Rao any good expressions.

Ma Rao's mood instantly brightened up after he disrupted Yun Feiyang's plan. He whistled as he slowly walked back to his own room.

Since an explosion occurred on the second floor, Young Master Ma Rao completely rejected the idea of staying on the second floor where he deemed to be very unsafe. His five followers helplessly agreed to upgrade with Ma Rao to live on the third floor. That was why Ma Rao could discover Yun Feiyang's plan so quickly and take his revenge.

Ma Rao and Yun Feiyang's quarrel was pretty much known to everyone living on the third floor. After all, the face plant and bloody nose on the fourth floor was a huge scene. Almost every passenger knew that two of them had become enemies after that incident.

People were very enthusiastic regarding the quarrel between these two. The people wanted to know who would win this battle of wits… Intergalactic travel was too boring, so the passengers couldn't help but find interesting things to pass the time.

Right after Li Yingjie went back to his own room and closed the door, his arrogant and pompous behavior instantly changed, "Boss, can I not do this anymore?"

Li Yingjie was certain that the incident with him falling face first onto the ground was created by the Boss. Otherwise, how could he not be able to dodge Yun Feiyang? It was clear that he could easily dodge Yun Feiyang, but yet at the most crucial moment, Li Yingjie suddenly had no energy and was knocked away flying by Yun Feiyang and landed hard on his face… Oh my god! His image as a descendant of the Li family was ruined.

When Li Yingjie thought about it, he would uncontrollably have tears build up in his eyes. However, he didn't dare to disagree with his scary Boss and could only do what he was told to do.

Ling Lan was looking through the data of Yun family. When she heard Li Yingjie's words, she didn't even raise her head and replied, "No!"

Seeing Li Yingjie's depressed expression, Li Lanfeng smiled and comforted, "The six of us can stop him from getting close to the princess. And the only person who would not cause any suspicion to arise is you. Your performance just now was perfect. Keep up the good work."

Since they sent him to do the job, they also needed to praise him… and Li Yingjie was someone who liked hearing praises the most. Li Lanfeng would of course do something that Li Yingjie liked and then have Li Yingjie continue to work under Ling Lan.

Li Yingjie's thoughts were very simple. Although Li Lanfeng hadn't known him for a very long time and was able to grasp what Li Yingjie liked and didn't like by 70% to 80%…

Even though Li Yingjie behaved as though he didn't care about Li Lanfeng's praises, the smile that was becoming larger and larger clearly showed the level of joy he felt.

Li Yingjie looked at Ling Lan. Li Lanfeng's compliment meant nothing. Boss Lan's praise was more important…

Ling Lan felt Li Yingjie's burning desire and looked up…

Ugh, this expression of looking for comfort and praise made Ling Lan's lips twitch. Li Yingjie, what happened to your cockiness and pride?

"Of course!" Ling Lan finally gave in to Li Yingjie's puppy eyes that asking for affection and spoke these words. Then Ling Lan saw a long tail come out from behind Li Yingjie and it began to wag crazily…

It was possible that she had read too much of the information Little Four had provided to her. Her eyes were becoming blurry! Ling Lan calmly stopped reading and gave herself a reason for doing so.

After flying for two days, Feiyang finally left Yagulin and arrived at a somewhat more peaceful country -- Odin Country.

In Odin Country, Feiyang will be stopping in Planet Kachi. The scenery on Planet Kachi was very nice and was a first-class planet for humans. However, these weren't the reasons why Planet Kachi was known throughout the galaxies. The only reason Planet Kachi was very well known among the world of the humans was because it had one of the four natural phenomenons. A planet with rainbow rain.

Anyone who wanted to see the rainbow rain would have to travel to Planet Kachi to see it. Compared to other natural phenomenons that can be seen on multiple planets, the rainbow rain was one of a kind and was something humans pursued. During the times of the year when the rainbow rain was abundant, Planet Kachi would have thousands of tourists visit. And the only reason Feiyang Ship came to Planet Kachi was to let the passengers see the amazing rainbow rain.

Princess Gulibaduo was also very interested in the rainbow rain she had yet to have a chance to see. Even if she knew that going outside would be very dangerous, it still wouldn't stop her from have such thoughts. Thus all the battle teams began to move about to make sure of the princess's safety in the time that they stop at Planet Kachi.

Compared to the other three battle teams who needed to find reasons to go outside, Ling Lan's didn't have such difficulties. After all they were tourists who traveled this far for the first time and would of course not miss out on a tour scenery like the rainbow rain.

At dawn, Ling Lan's group stood back to back and met up with the rest of the tour group from Shunfeng Tour group. However after arriving at Planet Kachi, the six of them requested for free time. Tour guide Zhou repeatedly reminded them about the time they were gathering. After Ling Lan's group nodded and promised their return, the six of them finally left the large group…

The six of them quickly arrived to the lookout point the princess had booked beforehand. The lookout point was actually a penthouse garden in a five-storey building. The princess could sit in the garden. Most importantly, she would not be bothered by anyone and could fully enjoy the beauty of the rainbow rain.

Of course Ling Lan's group was not as lucky as the princess. The place Ling Lan and the others had booked was south of the princess' penthouse by one kilometer, a six-storey building. The penthouse didn't have a luxurious garden but only a flat concrete roof. After they re

ach the top, they would have to check and guard this direction in order to make sure there weren't any threat to the princess while they watch the rainbow rain.

The other three battle teams were responsible for the other three directions. Their distance from the princess was around the same as Ling Lan's group. They were all in buildings that were as tall or a bit taller than the one the princess had booked.

Chapter 624 - An Attack!

The lookout point wasn't very high, the scenery wasn't the most beautiful and the view wasn't the best. However, for the princess' protection, Mu Youyun in the end chose a lower storey building to make it more convenient for him and the other 4 battle teams to hide around the location. The natural beauty of nature was indeed necessary to watch, but safety was also a factor that needed to be taken into consideration.

Qi Long and the others were like tourists, walking around here and there as if they didn't know where they were going.

When they arrived to the location Little Four had chosen for them, Ling Lan discovered that it was actually a half-abandoned factory. The new factory was moved to another location. The old location became a temporary warehouse and only had an old security guard at the front…

Ling Lan observed it for a while. The buildings around here were old and short. This location was where a city was located a few centuries ago. There weren't many people living in the area and it can even be said that it was somewhat desolate. It wasn't even comparable to the sight they encountered on the way to this location where there were skyscrapers in the new city. That location was full of life with roads that were filled with people.

This old area was about to be demolished and rebuilt. Many inhabitants had already moved into the new city. The ones who remained were seniors who couldn't leave their homes in such a short period of time. This was one of the reasons why the old area seemed like a desolate wasteland.

However, the lack of people had its advantages. If there were actually people preparing to attack the princess, they wouldn't have crowds of people to hide in. If these people made a move, they would be immediately be discovered.

After confirming that this half-abandoned factory didn't have any surveillance cameras, Ling Lan led her teammates past the sight of the old guard and darted into the factory. Afterwards, they chose the tallest office building within the factory and climbed up to the roof.

There was a terrace on the roof. They then opened up their backpacks to take out some pipe-like materials. After some clanking and clunking sounds, the six of them were finished assembling their own firearms.

Ling Lan put together a long range sniper rifle with a range of 1500 meters.

"Boss, do you think that those people will make a move this time?" Li Yingjie asked as he finished assembling his weapon.

Ling Lan lifted her sniper rifle and pointed it towards a far distance away to finalize calibrations. Hearing Li Yingjie's question, she replied, "They will. This a good chance for those who want to assassinate the princess. They will definitely not miss this chance."

"Will they be coming to our side?" Li Yingjie asked again.

"Who knows. They could come from any four of the directions. We just need to be responsible for our side." After calibrating her weapon, the sniper rifle had reached the peak of its performance. Ling Lan put the sniper rifle on the side.

Lin Zhong-qing, who had also finished assembling his weapon, saw Ling Lan's action and immediately took out a high magnification scope from his backpack and gave it to Ling Lan. Ling Lan used it to look at the surrounding areas and tossed it back to Lin Zhong-qing.

In reality, with Little Four surveying the area, Ling Lan didn't need a scope. The entire area of the old city was within her mindspace.

Not long after, the princess and her group had arrived to the lookout point they had chosen. Ling Lan also saw that the other three battle teams had also reached the other three locations.

Ling Lan and her group sat on the roof silently. After 10 minutes or so, the sky that was originally clear as far as the eye could see, suddenly had countless red clouds form. In an instant, the blue sky was dyed blood red…

"Crash!" Thunder rumbled in the sky. The lightning was in different colors,colors such as purple, red, blue and even white. These different colored flashes of light shot down from the sky. Under the cover of the red clouds, it actually felt ominous, as though the lightning was alive. It was as though it wanted to be embraced by the people who watched it from the ground. While terrifying, it simultaneously made people drunk with its odd beauty.

Ling Lan and her group all had sturdy mentalities. Even though lightning shot down beside them one after another, the six of them didn't move an inch. It was as though they were six lifeless statues.

If people thought that one of the 4 natural wonders of the world was just a light show, then they would be wrong. When the colorful rain dropped from the red clouds, under the sunlight, the colors of the rainbow lit up the sky. Ling Lan actually felt as if she was in a fantasy world. It was like a dream, beautiful enough to make a person never forget it in their lifetime.

Although the rainbow rain was beautiful, it was still just water. Ling Lan opened her palm and caught the rainbow-colored raindrops. It was sparkling and transparent, just like a rainbow colored gem that was filled with life as it rolled around Ling Lan's palm.

"Boss, it's so beautiful!" Little Four said dumbfounded as he was also in awe from this dream-like scene.

Ling Lan looked at the raindrops on her palm. Suddenly she tilted her hand and the rainbow colored raindrops trickled down her palm and fell to the ground. The raindrops shattered and splashed up some rainbow colored drops from the ground, releasing its final radiance.

Ling Lan released her aura. Her clothes that were originally soaked by the rainbow colored rain instantly became dry and could no longer be soaked. Anyone could see that there was a layer of shapeless aura around Ling Lan's body. The rainbow rain couldn't even touch her body.

"What's the point of it being beautiful? These droplets would in the end return to their source. The so-called rainbow colors were only clothes given to them by nature. They are still transparent by themselves," Ling Lan said indifferently.

Ling Lan had already seen through that it wasn't the rainbow colored rain that had different colors, but it was a combination of different elements in nature. These combination coincidently made the raindrops in this place into a fantasy-like scenery. In reality, it was the eyes of humans that were fooling themselves.

Ling Lan's words made the others all stop and thought deeply. They did the same as Ling Lan. When the rain drops fell on them, the others all released their aura and separated their bodies from the rainbow rain. The six of them seemed as though they were sitting in the rain, but in reality, the rain did not touch them and did not get wet.

Right at that moment, Ling Lan's expression suddenly changed, "There's movement!" She was the first to set up her sniper rifle and pointed it towards one direction.

The other five dashed to their positions in an instant. They all picked up their weapons and pointed them towards the direction where the movement was detected.

"Unknown attackers have appeared in all four directions." Lin Zhong-qing used the high-magnification scope and told everyone what he was seeing. "Their uniforms and weapons are similar. Pretty sure the attackers are from the same group."

"There's around 20 or so people from each direction. There's 1,2…20,21…24 at our location." Lin Zhong-qing counted all of the people and frowned. He didn't think that there would actually be so many attackers at their location.

"Prepare for battle." Ling Lan held the beam gun in her hand and ordered coldly as she watched the attackers get into her attack range.

"Roger captain!" The others also aimed at the attackers and silently waited for them to get into their attack range.

"12 o'clock, the location parallel to us, Startup Battle Team has begun firing." Lin Zhong-qing, who was responsible for looking out for any changes in the situation, said immediately. "They've scattered!"

The 24 individuals that were approaching Ling Lan's group's, suddenly scattered and some of them moved to a few blind spots.

"Startup Battle Team's attack exposed the fact that the princess is surrounded by a defensive perimeter. This made the attackers realize and know about the defenses." Ling Lan didn't feel that it was a surprise. If the enemy didn't react, it would be considered odd.

It had to be said that the defensive position Little Four had chosen was perfect. Even if the enemy seemed as though they had hid in a blind spot, Ling Lan could still see them. It meant that, the spots that the enemies deemed to be blind spots, were actually not blind spots. Ling Lan could still find a chance to snipe them.

Finally, the enemy entered within the range of the sniper rifle. Ling Lan decisive ordered, "Fire!"

Six bullets of the reaper shot out from the six barrels. Six people silently fell to the ground. The people around them were all horrified. However, the death of these six let other people know that there were enemies around this location.

The moment Ling Lan's group began to shoot, the Iron Curtain and Immortals Battle Teams, who were responsible for the other two sides, began firing as well. This action made the enemies understand that there were multiple groups protecting the princess and not just her royal guards…

In an office building 3 kilometers away from the princess, a few people were standing in front of a window. One of them was very young, around 25 or 26 years old. The others were all middle-aged. The young man took out his binoculars and observed the distance. Then he put it down and said, "We have acquired most of their information."

He tossed the high magnification binocular to his assistant and walked back to the front of a long table. The long table was actually a screen. This screen showed a bird's eye view of the three dimensional model of the old city area.

He pointed at the locations where battles had begun, "Here, here, here and here, all of their defensive forces. If we want to get close to the princess, we will have to get past their defensive line."

"Did you get a good look at their defenses?" asked one of the middle-aged men.

The young man replied, "They're probably people disguised as passengers of Feiyang. Only this way, they would have been able to set up a defense perimeter at this location."

The middle-aged man was very satisfied with the young man's answer. He nodded and continued, "Did you get any information on their identity?"

The young man pointed to locations on the table. The images of The 1st Division's Meng Shangyuan, Senior Colonel Meng's Iron Curtain six-man battle team (intergalactic adventure group), 13th Division's Lieutenant Colonel Kang Jiayan's Startup six-man battle team (intergalactic adventure group) and the 17th Division's Lieutenant Colonel Wang Anzhong's Immortals six-man battle team (intergalactic smuggling group).

"After sending our forces in a several times and in addition the information our hackers have gathered, these people are probably here to protect the princess. Whether they are actually adventurers taking a mission or have other identities, that is unclear," replied the young man confidently.

"Right, there's also this." The young man touched the screen once again and the image of Yun Feiyang appeared. "It's possible that the Yun family is also one of the groups protecting the princess."

"In that case, how do you propose we complete this mission. Our client is already pressing us and wants us to give them good news by today," another middle-aged man suddenly interjected.

"Our forces on Planet Kachi are only suitable for finding a weak point and exploiting it. I believe we should keep these three points busy and make them unable to move from their locations. Then we gather all of our forces to concentrate our attack in one spot…" The young man told everyone the plan he was thinking.

His words made all of the middle-aged individuals nod in agreement with their expressions all showing a hint of admiration. The young man smirked. After he finished this assignment, the position of Huaxia's youngest CEO was undoubtedly going to be his.

The young man decisively pressed down on a single point on the table then ordered, "Begin the assault!" The point he pointed at was the location they were preparing to attack.

When Ling Lan finished off a second person, Ling Lan put away her sniper rifle and sat there silently while watching the situation unfold below her. It should be known that the five people Ling Lan had brought were all merciless people. Not even one minute had passed, they had already taken out ten people. Including the two people Ling Lan had taken down, the opponents instantly had their force decreased by half. Ling Lan believed that even if she didn't do anything, her team members would have been able to easily take out all 24 people.

In that case, why would she waste her energy. Of course Ling Lan wouldn't admit that snipping like this didn't pose a challenge to her and she only stopped because she lost interest in it.

Not long after, the 12 that were left over were all taken out by Ling Lan's team members. Ling Lan and the others of course didn't think that the situation was over because the first group of people were only responsible for scouting them out and were just cannon fodder. The real battle was coming up. The opponent had already scouted them out more or less would immediately send out stronger forces towards them.

They had arrived!

The six of them, who were already prepared, their eyes twitched a bit. In their lines of sight, countless of silhouettes appeared. Compared to the previous opponents who were trembling with fear, this group of individuals were quite agile. In a short amount of time, Ling Lan and the others couldn't find a chance to perform a one-hit kill on these people.

Ling Lan's sniper rifle was already locked onto one of the silhouettes. The opponent's movements were relaxed as though he was on a walk. However, the rhythm of his footsteps made Ling Lan understand that this person was indeed an expert in physical skills.

Ling Lan calmly watched that person. She still believed that as long as he was human, no matter how strong, there would always be a chance for him to make a mistake.

Surprisingly, the chance came to Ling Lan faster than she had originally thought. Ling Lan didn't hesitate and pulled on the trigger. In that instant, it seemed as though that person felt the shot and looked towards her direction.

"Bang!" Ling Lan's shot had missed! No, she didn't miss, but rather it was the person who was standing at the previous location suddenly disappeared. Ling Lan's eyes were like radars, scanning the area. She wanted to find the location the person had hidden towards. However, she discovered that she couldn't find the opponent's location. It was as though he had vanished.

"Not good!" Ling Lan's warning alarms in her head were ringing crazily. She immediately put down her sniper rifle and jumped down the roof.

As she jumped own, in the next second, Ling Lan had completely disappeared.

Around 700 to 800 meters from the roof, a bang was heard. Then two shadows appeared out of thin air and were immediately knocked apart from each other…

After backing up by three steps, Ling Lan stopped her body. She looked coldly in front of her. A middle-aged man also took a few steps back as well. The surprise and fear on his face didn't disappear yet. It seemed that he was surprised by Ling Lan's age and capabilities.

"Domain?" That person showed a hint of anxiousness, but quickly became steady.

Ling Lan didn't answer, instantly pounced towards him and gave him another heavy punch.

"Come on!" shouted the middle-aged. He clenched his right hand to met Ling Lan's attack with his fist.

"Bang!" The two of them created a shockwave and instantly created a vacuum of space where the rainbow rain was blown away.

The strong Qi-Jin force pushed the two of them backwards once again. This time, having prepared beforehand, the two of them only took a short step backwards and managed to disperse the energy from the shockwave on their bodies.

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