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54.14% Mixed HD / Chapter 235: 588 - 596

Chapter 235: 588 - 596

Chapter 588 - It's Them!

When Ling Lan defeated a member of the Flying Dragon Special Forces, everyone was dumbfounded.

Ice Spirit, Crazy Warrior, and Divine Blade were suspicious of Ling Lan's recruit identity. They were also suspicious as to whether their opponents were really from the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

Of course, they knew that their opponent was indeed powerful. Ice Spirit and Divine Blade were at a disadvantage. Crazy Warrior had the upper hand but that was because Ling Lan injured his opponent's right arm at the start of the battle. If not, he would be in the same situation as Ice Spirit and Divine Blade.

Ice Spirit, Crazy Warrior, and Divine Blade were happy. With his abilities, Ling Lan could enter the Flying Dragon Special Forces. However, he chose to come to the 23rd Division. They were proud of their division. Not everyone wanted to go to the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

Ling Lan's performance inspired these three operators. They started attacking furiously. Those that were in a disadvantage managed to regain some of their stances. Crazy Warrior even forced Jiao Thirteen into a dire situation.

Only three people were not affected by Ling Lan's Dance of Death. They were Domineering Blade, Devil Blade, and Lin Five. Their battle had entered the crucial stage. Domineering Blade and Devil Blade wanted to defeat their opponent using this chance while Lin Five fought hard to change the situation around. They were all focused on their battle so they didn't have the time to notice anything else.

Domineering Blade was able to escape from his opponent's attack after he listened to Ling Lan and used the Chain Combo. He even allowed Devil Blade to find an opportunity to snipe his opponent, allowing them to gain the upper hand.

Domineering Blade had a sudden realization. Could it be that the Chain Combo was both a defensive skill as well as an offensive skill? Most people were distracted by its offensive power so they disregarded its defensive ability.

If that was the case, did it mean that other offensive techniques could be used as a defense too?

Domineering Blade got excited after having this thought. He wanted to experiment with his idea immediately. However, he still had an opponent he had to win against. His opponent was very strong so he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. He had to control his excitement and focus on defeating his opponent with Devil Blade.

Domineering Blade knew that Ling Lan must have known about the defensive ability of the Chain Combo. This was why he ordered him to use this technique just now. He didn't know if Ling Lan researched about this or he found out by coincidence.

Domineering Blade was right. The Chain Combo could be used both as an offensive and defensive attack.

Ling Lan didn't realize this herself. She saw Zhao Jun using the Chain Combo in the Grand Mecha Tournament to turn the tide around and realized its defensive potential.

She was enlightened. She experimented with many other techniques in the learning space and found out that quite a few of the techniques could be used to attack and defend at the same time. The Chain Combo was the most powerful dual usage technique. Its offensive power was as strong as its defensive power.

However, not everyone would be able to use the Chain Combo as a defensive technique. It required a lot of experience. The operator needed to predict the attacks of their opponent so that they would know how to defend against it. Only mecha operators that had activated their sixth sense would be able to make such predictions.

Hence, in reality, the risk was high when Domineering Blade used the Chain Combo to defend himself just now. But, Ling Lan remembered that Domineering Blade's ultimate technique on paper was the Chain Combo. Even if it was a cover-up, Domineering Blade must still be confident in his Chain Combo to write it as his ultimate technique blatantly.

Ling Lan decided to take the risk. She felt that there was only a 60% chance of succeeding but in the virtual world, this percentage was enough for her to take the bet.

If this was the real world, Ling Lan would not take the risk. It would be a life-or-death situation. Ling Lan couldn't play around with other people's life. In the virtual world, the worst consequence for her would be failing the mission and losing her chance to form a team. She could still bear with this consequence.

Domineering Blade wielded his giant sword and attacked Lin Five without any hesitation. He made up his mind that he would defeat his opponent today. Lin Five's beam shield was used up so he was in a worse state that Domineering Blade. If he made a mistake, he would suffer heavier damage. Domineering Blade knew this and attacked ferociously. Devil Blade's long-range attacks also gave Lin Five more stress.

The two of them wanted to force Lin Five to make a mistake under such huge stress.

Unfortunately, Lin Five was powerful. He was the top 5 within his battle team. He was the elite among the elites. A moment of failure could force him into a dire state but he would not be defeated just like this. He managed to survive after a round of intense fighting.

"Damn!" Devil Blade started to get agitated when he noticed Lin Five getting used to their combined attacks.

"Devil Blade, keep calm. We will do it slowly." As a captain, Domineering Blade was more patient. He knew that if they couldn't finish the battle quickly, just fight it slowly.

"But Ling Lan…" Devil Blade remembered that Ling Lan was fighting two opponents. Would he be able to withstand their attacks? This worry caused him to lose his patience.

"There is no need to worry about this. Ling Lan is stronger than we think." None of the Flying Dragon Special Forces members came to help Lin Five. This meant that their teammates, including Ling Lan, was able to hold their opponents back.

"What we need to do now is to focus on defeating him. This is the only thing we can do. We must believe in our teammates," Domineering Blade replied calmly.

Ling Lan had made her intentions clear when she told Devil Blade to help Domineering Blade. If Devil Blade wanted to help Ling Lan, they must defeat Lin Five. This was the task assigned to them.

"I understand!" Domineering Blade's reminder enlightened Devil Blade and he regained his composure. No one came to help Lin Five so their teammates must be working hard to fight their opponents. Hence, he must persevere too. He must trust Ling Lan.

The two of them were clear that their opponent was the strongest among the Flying Dragon Special Forces team. If they couldn't defeat him, they would not be able to win.

Devil Blade and Domineering Blade wanted to defeat the Flying Dragon Special Forces team badly. They wanted the Flying Dragon Special Forces to know that in this world, they were not the best mecha operators. The Elite Blade Battle Team was just as strong as them.

Domineering Blade waved his sword and attacked Lin Five again. His speed was slower and his attacks were less violent. However, every attack was clear and precise. The angle of the attack was also calculated accurately.

Lin Five became more serious. He felt Domineering Blade's attack getting slower but the pressure that he exerted increased tremendously. Drops of cold sweat formed on his back. If he was not experienced enough, he might have been hit several times.

The sniper which was cooperating with Domineering Blade became stronger too. He became calm and focused. Just a moment ago, Lin Five was unable to feel the presence of the sniper anymore. As compared to the frantic attacks just now, a silent Devil Blade was more frightening. He was like a poisonous snake waiting to give a lethal strike to its prey. If Lin Five made any mistake, he knew that he would be hit by the sniper.

Lin Five's back was drenched with sweat. He felt as though a knife was hanging above him, preparing to fall down and kill him at any moment.

Lin Five was in a dangerous situation. The high amount of stress would tire him out very soon. Once he got tired, he would make a mistake. Mistakes were lethal in a battle between powerful mecha operators. If he lost to these two people, he would be unable to face the Flying Dragon Special Forces anymore.

Lin Five shivered in fear as he recalled the terrible punishments his commander gave. He calmed down and said to himself, "Seems like I have to use my ultimate technique." He would be scolded by his commander for breaking a rule but it was better than losing.

When Ling Lan escaped from the beam shots, Xu Eleven's face turned pale.

Xu Eleven was devastated. Zhua Fifteen and him were specially trained by the Federation in their secret base. They were born with exceptional talents and their physical constitution was at [SS] rank. He knew that in their batch, there was another prodigy that had a [SSS] rank in both his physical constitution and his spiritual power. The Federation regarded him as the next Ling Xiao. No, he might be even stronger than Ling Xiao in the future.

They grew up together in the secret base. They had the best resources and were given the best gene agent. When they were 10 years old, they were given agents to activate their talents. Their instructors were all domain level and imperial level operators. There was even a god-class operator too.

They were taught to become the strongest mecha operators in the Federation. In the Scout Academy, the youngest child that entered the virtual world was 13 years old. In their base, they were allowed to enter the virtual world the moment their talent was activated. At that time, they were only 10 years old.

If a child didn't activate his talent when he was 10 years old, he would be sent away. No one knew where these children were sent to.

Chapter 589 - Ultimate Technique!

Xu Eleven, Zhua Fifteen, Jiao Thirteen, Wei Nine, and Ya Ten had successfully activated their talents when they were 10 years old. They stayed behind and underwent all kinds of training to speed up their advancement into different levels. They needed to reach high-level by 13 years old, become a special-class operator by 15 years old, and advance to ace level by 18 years old. If they didn't hit these criteria, they would be sent away.

Hence, when they heard that Qiao Ting became an ace operator in his fourth year in the First Men's Military Academy and was regarded as the next Ling Xiao because of this, they sneered. They had become ace operators when they were cadets in their third year of military academy. The [SSS] rank prodigy advanced to ace level when he was 15 years old and by the time he was 18 years old, he was an imperial operator. He was Ling Xiao's successor. Or rather, he was stronger than Ling Xiao. When Ling Xiao was at this age, he wasn't even an ace operator.

When they reached 23 years old, another challenge was given to them. They would be sent away if they didn't become a spurious imperial operator. Those that succeeded would be taken in by the Flying Dragon Special Forces and become an official member of the Flying Dragon Special Forces. They thought that they were the strongest batch of operators. They couldn't be compared to the prodigy but they could definitely win against everyone outside. They felt that only their seniors in the Flying Dragon Special Forces would be able to defeat them. They looked up to their seniors who went through the same process as them.

The Flying Dragon Special Forces would open its doors every 5 years. Mecha operators from outside could apply to the Flying Dragon Special Forces and they would select a few of them to become their new members. These new members were all famous people in their respective divisions. However, the first day they came into the Flying Dragon Special Forces, they would be defeated badly in a battle against the people already in the special forces team. After that day, these new members from outside would feel inferior to those that came from the secret base.

This caused the mecha operators from the secret base to look down on the mecha operators from outside. Whether it was Sky God or King of Hell, they would be able to defeat them easily.

However, now, reality slapped them hard in the face. Xu Eleven was unable to defeat his opponent even when he cooperated with Zhua Fifteen. Not only that, his opponent easily subdued them. He suspected that his opponent only took this as a game and didn't fight them seriously all this time. He only showed his true abilities when he realized Zhua Fifteen wanted to escape his blockade. One shot and Zhua Fifteen was defeated.

Who is he? Why is he so powerful? Is he the Sky God or King of Hell? Is he a famous mecha operator? Xu Eleven finally understood that he was just a frog in the well. There were powerful operators outside the Flying Dragon Special Forces too. He felt that only the number one operators in each battle team could defeat his opponent. In their batch, only the prodigy might be able to win against him. However, the prodigy must gain more experience first.

Xu Eleven got frightened by Ling Lan's operations and wrongly predicted her capability. He thought that she was much stronger than him but in actual fact, Ling Lan was just slightly stronger. She won over him because she had more experience.

By right, if Zhua Fifteen had cooperated with Xu Eleven from the start, they might have an advantage over Ling Lan. However, their grudges against each other prevented them from cooperating, giving Ling Lan the chance to attack them individually. When Lin Five was injured, they realized that they needed to work together. At that time, Ling Lan showed off her fake Dance of Death and scared them. Zhua Fifteen even broke down and offered Ling Lan an opportunity to defeat him.

Mecha operators trained in the secret base were powerful but there was a fatal weakness. They lacked experience. They were always the one in control so when they were at a disadvantage position, they couldn't control their emotions. Their mentality was weak.

Ling Lan didn't have much experience too but the bloodsheds and life-or-death situations she experienced in the learning space gave her some advantage over Xu Eleven and his teammates.

Wei Nine and Ya Ten realized that Zhua Fifteen got defeated too.

Ya Ten felt his heart dropped. He knew that the situation was against them. He decisively asked in the team channel, "Leader, I would like to use the ultimate technique."

There were members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces. They couldn't be defeated here. However, he didn't know if his leader would accept his suggestion. Their commander had prohibited them to use the ultimate technique of the Flying Dragon Special Forces. It was a terrifying technique.

The rest of the members heard Ya Ten's suggestions and felt elated and afraid. Xu Eleven felt hopeful again. If they were able to use the equipment and technique, he would have a chance to defeat his opponent. Even if he couldn't, he could last until his team leader come to help him. He would not be killed like Zhua Fifteen.

The four remaining members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces team were silent. They could feel their heart pounding against their chest. Would their team leader accept this suggestion?

At this moment, Lin Five had also made the decision to use the ultimate technique. Hence, he replied almost immediately, "I approve!"

The four of them heaved a sigh of relief. Besides Xu Eleven, the other people looked at their opponents with pity and disdain.

Ya Ten put away the gun on his left hand. He operated his mecha and took out something from below his waist.

"Clang!" Something fell out from his gun. Ya Ten raised his left hand and his gun changed.

There was no change in the barrel of the gun. But, at the gun pendulum where the energy block was supposed to be, a half moon object the size of a mecha's head replaced the energy block.

Divine Blade saw this strange object and felt an imminent sense of danger. What was this thing?

Besides Ya Ten, Wei Nine's weapon also had some changes. The giant sword in his hand suddenly split and became two swords.

As for Jiao Thirteen's mecha, numerous black holes appeared. Crazy Warrior could see the nozzles inside the black holes. His hair stood up in fear.

Lin Five dodged Domineering Blade's attack and leapt back. He made use of this time to take out another giant sword from his back. The two swords in his hand combined into a dual-edge sword.

Xu Eleven took out a device similar to Ya Ten. However, before he could equip it on his gun, Ling Lan had pulled her trigger. She felt that something was amiss so she fired a shot at Xu Eleven. A beam flew straight at Xu Eleven.

Chapter 590 - Ice Spirit!

Xu Eleven saw the beam coming but he gritted his teeth and didn't dodge it. He hastened his pace in equipping the device onto his beam gun. He knew that this was his only chance.

"Click." The device was equipped onto his gun.

At almost the same moment, the beam hit Xu Eleven's mecha and used up all the energy of the beam shield. Just as his mecha was about to explode, Xu Eleven forcefully operated his mecha and escaped.

Within the second that Ling Lan's beam shot hit Xu Eleven, he escaped.

"Such good luck." Ling Lan pouted with pity. If her opponent was just a little slower, the beam would penetrate the beam shield and destroy the mecha.

Since her opponent was willing to take the blow of her beam shot to equip his weapon, it must be a powerful weapon. She spoke in the team channel instantly, "The Flying Dragon Special Forces team is going to give it their all now. Be careful."

The moment she finished, she recalled that her team members were all powerful operators from the special forces. They were not her like her companions. They didn't need her reminder. Ling Lan felt a little speechless about herself.

She thought that no one would reply to her. However, a few voices replied in the team channel, "Understand!"

Ling Lan could differentiate them based on their voices. The confident voice belonged to Domineering Blade. The cold voice belonged to Ice Spirit. The slightly husky one was Crazy Warrior and the calmed one belonged to Devil Blade. The one that sounded unnatural was Divine Blade.

Ling Lan frowned slightly. "Little Four, give me Divine Blade's location."

"Yes, boss." Little Four didn't interrupt Ling Lan because he knew that Ling Lan wanted to fight this battle with her own abilities. However, if Ling Lan had any orders for him, he would still carry out the orders.

In a blink of an eye, a small window appeared on Ling Lan's left. Divine Blade and his opponent, Ya Ten, appeared on the screen. Their location was shown at the bottom.

After the members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces team finished preparing their weapons, they fired their ultimate technique together.

Wei Nine's mecha had an exponential increase in its speed. Within a split second, it appeared right in front of Ice Spirit. Ice Spirit was prepared for an attack but the unexpected increased in speed still caught her off her guard.

"Explosive Dual Dragon!" Wei Nine shouted in his cockpit. His hand speed reached his maximum and his fingers almost disappeared. Smoke started appearing on the control panel due to the friction between the panel and his fingers.

The two swords in his mecha's hand started spinning furiously as they struck towards Ice Spirit.

Ice Spirit instinctively wanted to dodge but she felt a strong force sucking her mecha to the ground. No matter how hard she powered up her engine, she was unable to move.

Ice Spirit didn't know why this was happening but it must be related to her opponent's attack. Since she couldn't run away, she had to defend herself.

Ice Spirit reached her maximum hand speed too. Her mecha grabbed her sword with both hands and made a weird movement. Then, she swung the sword at her opponent.

"Ice.True.Whirlwind Strike!" After many years of practicing the Whirlwind Strike, Ice Spirit had modified the technique and created a [SS] rank battle technique from it. This battle technique was more powerful than the original Whirlwind Strike. It was recognized by the military and she had the honor of using part of her nickname to name the battle technique.

Using her name was not the greatest honor. The greatest honor was the word 'true'. This word meant that she had understood the true essence of the technique and hence, her modified battle technique was able to unleash the true and ultimate potential of the technique.

Two powerful forces collided. The energy from the collision destroyed their beam shields. It exceeded the maximum resistance capacity of their engine so both their engines stopped working. Two mechas fell towards the ground. One of them slammed into the battle arena and formed a huge hole in the ground. The other mecha managed to activate its engine just before it reached the ground so it skidded and created a deep line.

Wei Nine was astounded. Luckily, his mecha's engine was modified. It managed to activate itself at the last moment. He didn't expect his opponent to tackle his ultimate technique with a basic [B] rank technique. What's more, his opponent succeeded in blocking his attack.

Wei Nine heaved a sigh of relief. At least his opponent got slammed into the ground. The mecha must be destroyed by now, right? He looked at the number of people remaining in the battle. There were still 6 people in their opponent team.

His opponent was not dead yet? Wei Nine was stunned. However, he regained his composure quickly. He believed that even if his opponent was not dead, she would be heavily injured. There was no possibility of her fighting with him again. He decided to kill his opponent to feel at ease.

Wei Nine had maximized his engine's capacity so he decided to run over. He operated his mecha and it started running noisily. Once he was 50 meters away from his opponent, he kicked against the ground and his mecha leaped up. He grabbed the double sword in his hand and aimed it towards his opponent's cockpit.

Ice Spirit felt blood in her mouth. She looked at the data in the mainframe and knew that she couldn't hold on for long. She forced herself to stay conscious because she was unwilling to be defeated just like this.

Since she was already here and managed to have such a long fight with the members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces, she must drag someone down with her.

The 23rd Division was a new division that formed not long ago. The members in the division came from various divisions but they all had one thing in common. They admired General Ling Xiao. Hence, their loyalty to the 23rd Division was as strong as the members of the other special forces.

Last time, when they went out to complete their mission, the soldiers from other divisions would jeer at them. They looked down on this division which was formed by members from various other divisions. This angered the members of the 23rd Division. They didn't want to lose to other people and didn't want to bring shame to General Ling Xiao too. They were unwilling to lose, even if their opponent was the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

Hence, when Ice Spirit saw Wei Nine coming down on her, she smiled. She cursed for the first time. Then, she used all her energy and gave her last order to the mecha.

Ice Spirit's mecha suddenly raised its legs. It managed to kick the two giant swords that were aimed at its cockpit. This action revealed the giant sword hidden under its legs. Ice Spirit grabbed the sword and stabbed it at Wei Nine forcefully.

Wei Nine didn't expect this change at all. He was not prepared for it so he couldn't react in time. All he felt was excruciating pain in his heart. The next second, he left the virtual world.

Chapter 591 - Everyone Won and Lost Something!

Wei Nine felt frustrated. He furiously opened the door of his login pod. The moment he stepped out, he saw a crowd of people standing in the virtual atrium. They heard the noise and looked over. One of the people in the crowd raised his eyebrows and asked, "Wei Nine, has the fight ended?"

Wei Nine pursed his lips and didn't reply to the man. The man read his dark expression and understood everything. "You lost!"

Wei Nine didn't deny it. He lowered his head and replied, "Yes, captain." The man that spoke was his captain, Wei One, of the Dragon Tail Battle Team.

"Zhua Fifteen came out before you. How many of your opponents died?" Another man beside Wei one asked Wei Nine.

Wei Nine shook his head.

"Are you uncertain or is there no casualties on the other side?" The man's expression changed when he saw Wei Nine's reaction.

Wei Nine glanced at Wei One. Wei One signaled that he could continue so he answered, "When I came out, there were still 6 people in the opponent's team." At the start, he was confident that he injured his opponent seriously. However, her last attack destroyed all the confidence he had. Now, he wasn't even sure if he did hurt her at all.

The other members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces let out a gasp in surprise. The opponent defeated two members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces without any losses on their side. What kind of monsters were they? They finally got to experience what it felt like to treat other people as monsters.

"Zhua One, do you remember what the commander said?" Wei One turned to the person who kept talking. He was the captain of Zhua Fifteen, Zhua One. No wonder he was so agitated. One of his team members was defeated.

"I wonder how our members are doing?" The other people in the virtual atrium were all captains of the other members. They were worried. They thought that it would be an easy game but from the looks of it, the Flying Dragon Special Forces team might be defeated. If this piece of news leaked out, it would be embarrassing for the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

Wei Nine looked at one of the captains. The captain immediately noticed his gaze and looked over. He said coldly, "Wei Nine, do you have something to tell me?"

Wei Nine didn't reply to him. He glanced at the people in the atrium and exclaimed in surprise, "Didn't Zhua Fifteen tell you anything?"

Zhua One replied indifferently, "Zhua Fifteen experienced some emotional trauma after the battle. He had been sent to the hospital to undergo psychological counseling." He prevented Wei Nine from sowing discord between two battle teams.

Wei Nine replied, "Oh, no wonder." He sighed and said to Captain Xu One, "Actually, Zhua Fifteen and Xu Eleven collaborated but they still couldn't win against their opponent. Zhua Fifteen was defeated by a single shot. Xu Eleven is left to defend himself… " He shook his head in pity to express that Xu Eleven was in a bad state.

Xu One and Zhua One turned green with anger. They didn't expect their team members to collaborate against an opponent. They knew the capabilities of their own team members. If Xu One or Zhua One took on the two of them, they would still require some effort before defeating them. Was their opponent as powerful as them? When did such a powerful battle team appear?

"Are they all newcomers?" Xu One asked seriously.

Wei Nine thought about it seriously. He shook his head. "No."

"Why do you say that?" Zhua One asked hurriedly.

"From the way they fought, they are very experienced. Their fighting style is sharp and clean. Leader Lin Five said that there was only one recruit." Wei Nine told them his analysis as well as what Lin Five said.

The captains heaved a sigh of relief. It was alright for newcomers to lose to an old mecha operator as they lacked experience. It was better than losing to a recruit.

"Beep, beep, beep!" The lights of a login pod turned red. The person inside pushed opened the door. His pale face told everyone that he lost badly. This person was Xu Eleven.

Xu One sighed loudly. After hearing what Wei Nine said, he knew that Xu Eleven would lose soon. He immediately sent Xu Eleven to the hospital and let him undergo psychological counseling. He was afraid that this match would totally destroy Xu Eleven's courage and confidence.

"I don't understand why the commander accepted this mission. Who are our opponents?" The captains got more curious when another member of their team got defeated.

This answer could only be revealed after the match ended. None of the captains left the virtual atrium. All of them patiently waited for the match to end. Their attitude towards this battle changed completely.

Ice Spirit defeated her opponent. She smiled when she saw one lesser opponent on her screen. The next second, she was out of the battle. She didn't go out of the virtual world but came to the atrium.

"You lost?" Senior Colonel Mi raised his eyebrows and asked her.

Ice Spirit smiled. "Mutual destruction."

Senior Colonel Mi laughed. "Good job." Because this was a battle against the Flying Dragon Special Forces, spectating this battle was prohibited. This was why Senior Colonel Mi waited in the atrium and didn't go to the spectator stand.

The two of them ended their conversation and looked towards the optical supercomputer in front of them. They wondered how the rest of them were doing. They waited in agitation for the next person to come out.

Very soon, someone walked towards them.

The battle in the virtual world was still ongoing. After Ice Spirit and Wei Nine got killed, more people started exiting the match.

Xu Eleven and Ya Ten used the same weapon but their endings were different.

Their weapons were a high-energy beam gun. This gun was five times more powerful than a normal beam gun. That meant that Ling Lan and Divine Blade's beam shield would not be able to withstand a shot from this gun. Once they got hit, they would be killed.

Ling Lan got Little Four as her cheat sheet so she quickly got the information about this gun. She knew that she couldn't be hit by this gun. Actually, even if Little Four didn't give her this information, she would not take the risk and attack her opponent. It was too risky. She needed to ascertain the impact of the weapon first.

Ling Lan had a lot of experience with long-range weapons so she knew that there was an effective range for each weapon. Once she got out of this range, the closer she got to her opponent, the less effective the attack would be. No weapons were invincible. Each weapon had it strength and weakness. The same applied to long-range weapons.

Xu Eleven was slightly weaker than Ling Lan in terms of mecha operation. His mentality was much weaker too. Hence, when he saw Ling Lan closing in on him, he panicked and missed his last opportunity. If he had stayed calm and fired the last shot, he might have a chance to win.

However, in the end, he died under Ling Lan's sword.

On the other hand, Ya Ten managed to grab the chance to fire his ultimate technique, Light Blockade. The impact of the beam reached its maximum with the help of the device. Divine Blade had no chance to dodge at all. He was hit and sent out of the battle.

Before Ya Ten fired his shot, Ling Lan gave an order to Divine Blade. She knew about the weakness of this gun so she told her teammate too. However, Divine Blade hesitated. His hesitation caused him to lose his opportunity to turn the tides around.

Xu Eleven and Divine Blade died around the same time. Hence, Ling Lan met Ya Ten and they fought with each other. The results were apparent. Ling Lan defeated Ya Ten and he became the fourth person from the Flying Dragon Special Forces team to exit the match.

Chapter 592 - 1 Versus 1

At this moment, Crazy Warrior and Jiao Thirteen died. Jiao Thirteen's mecha was filled with nozzles. Bullets shot out from all the nozzles. However, Crazy Warrior didn't dodge. He rushed forward and grabbed his opponent. As the bullets pierced through his mecha, he activated the self-destruct device in his hand.

This was the most tragic battle. It also showed how powerful the members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces was. Even as a newcomer, once he activated his ultimate technique, Crazy Warrior had no other way but to self-destruct and die with his opponent.

However, Crazy Warrior was not depressed. In fact, he was extremely satisfied with himself. He had been rejected by the Flying Dragon Special Forces before. However, he was able to drag a member of the Flying Dragon Special Forces down with him in a battle. He proved to himself that he was not any worse than them.

Lin Five's fight with Domineering Blade and Devil Blade ended the moment Crazy Warrior self-destruct. Lin Five got seriously injured but he still managed to defeat his opponents. Ling Lan just killed Ya Ten so she was unable to lend a helping hand in time.

When Lin Five took out another giant sword and combined the two swords in his hands, Domineering Blade knew that things were getting out of control.

Domineering Blade immediately rushed towards Lin Five. He wanted to prevent Lin Five from using his technique. Domineering Blade knew that for long weapons like this, he needed to shorten the distance between the weapon and him. The further he was, the more powerful the impact of the weapon.

Domineering Blade made the right decision but Lin Five was too strong. His mecha piloting skills were better than Domineering Blade so he knew what Domineering Blade wanted to do the moment he moved.

He controlled his mecha and retreated to the side. In a flash, he had distanced himself away from Domineering Blade. The modified mechas were much faster than the mechas on Ling Lan's team. No matter how fast Domineering Blade flew, he couldn't do anything.

Lin Five got the distance that he wanted and started spinning the long weapon in his hand. Domineering Blade felt the huge force coming from the weapon as it twirled in the air. He gritted his teeth and continued flying towards his opponent.

His opponent was going to launch his ultimate move. He needed to stop him.

"Dragon Head Flash." Lin Five raised his weapon and struck it towards Domineering Blade.

"Boom!" A huge sound rang through the combat arena. Domineering Blade felt numb. His mecha flew out the next moment.

Lin Five continued his attack after his first success. He wielded his long weapon and aimed it at Domineering Blade again.

"Bang!" Devil Blade saw the danger Domineering Blade was in and fired a shot without any hesitation.

Lin Five paused his attack and swept his weapon towards the bullet. An explosion occurred in mid-air. Lin Five had stopped Devil Blade's attack with his weapon.

"Devil Blade, move!" Domineering Blade shouted in fear in their team channel.

Devil Blade got a shock. Before he could understand what Domineering Blade meant, a huge explosion sounded beside his ear. Pain rushed through his body and he became unconscious.

After he slowly regained his consciousness, he saw Senior Colonel Mi, Ice Spirit, and Divine Blade looking at him with concern. They all seemed agitated.

"Did you lose?" He heard them asking someone.

"No. Mutual destruction." A happy voice answered them. Devil Blade turned his head. Crazy Warrior was standing beside him. He must have exited the match around the same time as him.

"What about you?" Senior Colonel Mi smiled when he heard what Crazy Warrior said. He turned and directed his question at Devil Blade.

Devil Blade shook his head. He didn't know what happened. All he heard was Domineering Blade asking him to move. Before he could react, he died. He was still in a daze.

Senior Colonel Mi's expression changed. He wanted to probe further but other person appeared in front of him.

Domineering Blade wore a gloomy expression. Senior Colonel Mi felt his heart dropped. "Did you lose?"

Domineering Blade nodded helplessly. "Yes, I wanted to self-destruct and kill my opponent at the same time but he is stronger than me." If Devil Blade didn't fire that shot just now, he might have died long ago. The Flying Dragon Special Forces was indeed a place filled with strong people. Maybe he should go in and take a look.

Domineering Blade was considered a powerful existence in the division. There were very few people who could compete with him. Hence, if he wanted to upgrade himself, he either had to go through more life-or-death experiences in the battlefield or find someone as strong as him to have a fight. During the fight, he might find the opportunity to breakthrough. This was the reason why the powerful mecha operators wanted to enter the Flying Dragon Special Forces. This was the place where they could improve their skills.

Devil Blade saw Domineering Blade and sounded his query. "Domineering Blade, why did you ask me to move just now?"

Domineering Blade gave a bitter smile. "I was close to him so I saw what he was trying to do. The explosion that occurred when he stopped your bullet blocked your view. He made use of this chance and took out his beam gun."

"Isn't he operating a close-combat mecha?" Devil Blade had a look of disbelief. If he knew beforehand, he would have made the necessary precautions.

"His mecha has been modified. It is hard to predict the nature of a modified mecha." Domineering Blade sighed. No matter what, Devil Blade's oversight caused him to lose the battle.

"However, I got the chance to use my ultimate technique when he was focused on you. Unfortunately, he was stronger than me so I lost." Domineering Blade smiled. "However, he was heavily injured too. If Ling Lan doesn't make any mistakes, he could take him down."

Domineering Blade knew that only Ling Lan and Lin Five was left in the battle arena now. He felt that Ling Lan would win.

"Can Ling Lan do it? He is still a newbie," Divine Blade said worriedly.

Domineering Blade gave him a curious look. "Newbie? He defeated the person that killed you."

Domineering Blade got killed after Divine Blade so he saw Divine Blade's fight when he replayed his match.

Divine Blade felt humiliated. However, it was the truth. Domineering Blade would not lie to him. Divine Blade felt his face turning hot. The opponent that killed him easily was defeated by a newbie.

On the contrary, Senior Colonel Mi was elated when he heard what Domineering Blade said. If they won this match, no one would laugh at him when he returned to the Bladed Special Ops Team.

No one spoke after this. They waited patiently for the final results.

After Ling Lan killed Ya Ten, she wanted to rush and help her teammates. But, she noticed the change in the numbers on the right screen. It had changed from 4:2 to 1:1

Was she the only one left? Who was left in her opponent's team? Ling Lan remained calm. She minimized the screen and saw the broken mecha that was floating in the air.

Chapter 593 - Who Is He?

Although the mecha was broken, Ling Lan could still recognize it as the one that fought with Devil Blade and Domineering Blade. It was the strongest mecha operator in the Flying Dragon Special Forces team.

Ling Lan felt pity. She thought that with the combined strength of Domineering Blade and Devil Blade, they would be able to defeat this person. However, when she remembered the ultimate techniques and weapons the members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces used at the end, she didn't blame Domineering Blade and Devil Blade anymore.

Ling Lan flew towards the broken mecha. Once she was within the range of attack for her beam gun, she stopped and aimed her beam gun at her opponent.

To defeat Domineering Blade, this person must be strong in his close-combat skills. Thus, Ling Lan didn't want to give him any chances of closing in on her. She was not afraid of losing to her opponent in a close-combat battle. She was worried that her opponent might self-destruct and kill her in the process.

Ling Lan was a cautious person. She knew that if she was in her opponent's situation, she would aim to die together with her opponent. She would not allow herself to leave the battle as a loser.

She felt that her opponent must have similar thoughts too. It was safer to keep a distance between them. Ling Lan was confident about her sniping skills. If she was unable to snipe a heavily damaged mecha, she should go back to her learning space and study everything again.

Lin Five noticed that Ling Lan was keeping her distance and sighed loudly. He knew that he had no chance of winning the battle. The Flying Dragon Special Forces had lost this match. But, he was unwilling to just leave like this. He pressed the speaker button and his voice rang through the arena. "Sir, please wait for a moment." He felt that this person was strong enough to be called Sir.

Ling Lan raised her eyebrows. Her mecha was unaffected by the interference and continued to aim the beam gun at her opponent.

As expected of an experienced mecha master. Once he entered the battle, nothing could distract him. Lin Five thought about this and decided to give up. He smiled bitterly. "I would like to know who you all of you are? Which battle team are you all of you are from?" If he could, he wanted his captain to have a match with this team leader. This match would definitely make a name in the history of the Mecha World.

"This was just a mission for the formation of a battle team. You are the examiner. You should be clear about this." Lin Five waited for five seconds before a cold voice replied to him.

"I know. I just didn't expect someone as powerful as you to appear in this mission," Lin Five said in a depressed tone.

"I didn't expect the members of the Flying Dragon Special Forces to be my opponents too. It surprised me," Ling Lan answered him calmly. She felt lucky that her team members were strong. If not, it would be hard to predict the results of the mission. Ling Lan felt that if she met this person at the start, the situation might be different. She might be at a disadvantage.

"If I guess correctly, the newbie must have a huge background. If not, people like you would not help him." Lin Five tried to get information out of Ling Lan.

Ling Lan was stunned for a moment. Wasn't she the newbie? Ling Lan understood that her opponent had a misunderstanding. An idea flashed through her mind. "Yes. The newbie has a huge background. He has a good father." This was the perfect opportunity for her to create trouble for her father.

As expected!

Lin Five had a sudden thought. The newbie's father wanted strong mecha operators to help his son passed the mission but his enemies didn't want that to happen. Hence, the enemy looked for the Flying Dragon Special Forces and asked them to stop his plans…

Ling Lan remembered something as her opponent kept quiet. She might not pass her evaluation even if she won the battle. If she made the other party angry, he might fail her.

Ling Lan felt nervous. She said, "Since we have reached this state, let me ask you. Did the newbie pass?"

Lin Five regained his senses when he heard the question. "According to the newbie's performance, he failed."

"Huh?" Ling Lan frowned. Which person's performance are you referring to?

"A team mission requires cooperation and leadership. However, the long-range mecha operator could hardly look after himself. He didn't lead his team." Lin Five answered Ling Lan with respect. "I saw the fights at the start. You were the one who ordered the two mechas to attack me and injured one of my members to reduce the pressure on your team. You were also the one who held back two of your opponents. This gave your team an advantage over us."

This person was the reason why his team lost so miserably.

The long-range mecha operator? Divine Blade? Why did they think that Divine Blade was the newbie? Ling Lan was puzzled.

It was not really Lin Five's fault that he made the wrong judgment. When he knew that his opponent team consisted of a newbie and 5 other experienced mecha operators, he naturally took the weakest one as the newbie.

Divine Blade didn't display his abilities much so he caught Lin Five's attention. As for Ling Lan, no one would expect the newbie to appear more powerful than the experienced mecha masters.

"What if I want him to pass?" Ling Lan would not accept his answer. If the other party was not willing to pass her, she would tell him her true identity.

Lin Five wondered if this person owed the newbie's father a favor. Would he be in any trouble if he couldn't complete the favor? Lin Five admired strong operators. This mecha operator in front of him was a strong person. He didn't want him to be in a difficult position. Hence, he said, "If you want him to pass, I will pass him."

"That would be good. I owe you a favor." Ling Lan put down her beam gun. She got what she wanted so there was no need to kill her opponent anymore. If she really defeated the Flying Dragon Special Forces team, her father would have a hard time explaining himself.

Ling Lan thought for a while and send a request to draw the match.

Lin Five was touched when he saw the notification. He didn't expect his opponent to spare him even when he had the upper hand. A draw was better than being defeated. It saved him from humiliation and his commander might go easy on him when punishing him.

"Thank you senior! My name is Lin Five. Can I add you as a friend?" Lin Five said gratefully.

"Accept the request and we can talk about the rest later." Ling Lan had to reject him. If he knew her real name, he would be able to find out who she was. Once Lin Five realized that he was fooled by her, he might kill her.

Lin Five was disappointed. However, he knew that powerful mecha operators wouldn't add friends so easily. He pressed the accept button in a depressed mood. Before he left the virtual world, he passed the newbie.

"Lin Five, what is the result?" The minute Lin Five opened his login pod door, he saw numerous eyes staring at him.

He kept quiet for a moment. He hadn't thought about how he should answer them.

"Are you mute? What happened in the end? Hello?" Zhua One grabbed Lin Five's clothes and questioned him fiercely.

"Zhua One, Lin Five is my man. Don't be too harsh on him." Lin One pulled Zhua One's hand away. He looked at Lin Five and said calmly, "Tell me, did you lose?" Lin Five's expression told him that the result was not good.

"It was a draw." Lin Five looked up and finally replied to them. The senior wanted him to help him. He must not expose him.

Lin Five dared to lie because he knew that there would be no records for this battle. Even if their commander went into the Mecha World to check, he would only find the written document of the result. In order to hide the location of the Flying Dragon Special Forces headquarters, they hacked the system when they log in for the battle. Hence, they couldn't film the match.

The images for their match would automatically delete once they left the Mecha World. There was no way they could retrieve it. Only Lin Five knew the truth. If he didn't want to reveal it, no one could expose him.

Everyone felt relieved at the results. They thought that Lin Five died together with his opponent so they didn't suspect him. Only Ya Ten looked at him curiously. Ya Ten felt that even with Lin Five's strength, it would be hard for him to kill the person who defeated Zhua Fifteen, Xu Eleven, and him.

Ya Ten felt that that person would never give Lin Five the chance to self-destruction. However, he was already out of the match so he kept his suspicions to himself.

"That means that the newbie passed the second mission." A loud voice rang behind them.

"Commander." Everyone tensed up. They didn't expect their commander to appear.

Lin Five got nervous. He didn't know if the commander would expose his lie.

"Tell me about the newbie." The commander asked Lin Five about the newbie.

Lin Five looked at Ya Ten. Ya Ten understood him and replied immediately, "Commander, his long-range attacks are not bad but I can handle it."

"What about his level?" The commander continued asking.

"He should be an elite ace," Ya Ten replied firmly. He took quite some effort and had to use his ultimate technique to defeat his opponent.

"Seems like he took some effort to raise this person." The commander relaxed a little. He finished his queries about the newbie and asked, "Zhua Fifteen, Xu Eleven, and you were defeated by the same person?"

Ya Ten nodded seriously. "He is very strong. Extremely strong."

"Which one of us can defeat him?" The commander continued.

Ya Ten looked at his captain and then glanced at the other captains.

"I see. This person has the capabilities of our captains." Who is he? There was no one like this in Ling Xiao's division.

At this moment, someone ran in hurriedly and saluted the commander. "Commander, we have found him."

"Who was it?" The commander raised his eyebrows.

"Sky God——Qi Yaoyang!"

Chapter 594 - Framed?

"So it's him." The commander said, "When did he leave the Mecha World?"

"He has not left yet," the person replied.

Everyone felt enlightened. Lin Five was excited. Was the person that defeated them Sky God, Qi Yaoyang? He was the most powerful mecha operator after the 13 god-class mecha masters. Lin Five didn't feel shameful to lose to Qi Yaoyang. Qi Yaoyang was known as the invincible bug of the battlefield.

The commander thought about it. He felt that only Qi Yaoyang had the ability to defeat the newbies on his team. Although Qi Yaoyang specialized in close-combat and not long-range attacks, it didn't matter much at his level. Qi Yaoyang was probably good at both but one of it was just stronger than the other.

"He showed you mercy." The commander saw the embarrassed expression on Lin Five's face and instantly understood what had happened. Seemed like they owed a favor to Qi Yaoyang.

"This will be the end of this matter." Since they had found the leader of their opponent's team, there was nothing else they could do. The commander felt that he should have a nice discussion with Ling Xiao and Qi Yaoyang later.

"Commander, who is the newbie?" Zhua One saw that their commander leaving so he instantly shouted out his question. He was curious about the identity of this newbie.

The other captains turned their heads when they heard him. They were curious too.

The commander sneered. "How would I know? However, you all can just keep a lookout for the battle team that just got formed today." The newbie must have a huge background. After all, he was able to get Ling Xiao and Qi Yaoyang to protect him. It was not difficult to find a person with that huge of a background in the military.

The commander was saying the truth. Ling Xiao only told him that he needed his help to assess a newbie. He would not interfere with their decision on whether the newbie passed the mission or not. It was up to them. The commander wondered why Ling Xiao was so relaxed at that time but now, he knew that that general had planned everything ahead. Such a sly fox.

The commander felt frustrated. He went through many sufferings after he met Ling Xiao. He remembered that he was able to enter the Flying Dragon Special Forces because Ling Xiao rejected their offer. However, Ling Xiao pretended that he did it for him and asked him for many favors. What a despicable fellow!

Ling Lan left the battle arena after the decision to end the game in a draw was made. The moment she entered the atrium, she saw Senior Colonel Mi and her teammates staring at her with anticipation. They asked her nervously, "What is the result?"

Ling Lan shrugged. "It is a draw."

"Mutual destruction?" Senior Colonel Mi asked again.

"Why do I need to do that?" Ling Lan raised her eyebrows.

"If you don't defeat your opponent, how can you pass? The people from the Flying Dragon Special Forces always look down on outsiders…" Senior Colonel Mi suddenly paused. "Did you pass?"

"Yes. I pass!" Ling Lan asked him to check the notification on the optical supercomputer. When Lin Five passed her, Ling Lan immediately received a notification.

"She passed." Domineering Blade and the other members of Ling Lan's team realized that they received the notification too. However, they were too focused on waiting for Ling Lan just now so they didn't see the notification.

"That is good. That is good." Senior Colonel Mi was elated when he knew Ling Lan passed. He instantly told General Ling Xiao the good news. He knew that General Ling Xiao was waiting for the results of the mission too.

Beep, beep! Ling Xiao received Senior Colonel Mi's message. He felt complicated. He was happy, worried, and proud. He pondered for a moment before sending an order to Senior Colonel Mi. Then, he called someone. "Big Brother Yaoyang, sorry to keep you waiting."

"No problem. I just watched an arena combat competition. Young people these days have bold thoughts." Qi Yaoyang's laughter came from the other end of the call. "I have not entered the combat hall for more than ten years. I managed to get many inspirations today after watching this match."

"I am glad that I didn't waste your time. I just wanted to tell you that Ling Lan passed his second virtual world mission."

"Not bad. Did he get recognized by the Flying Dragon Special Forces or did he defeat them?" Qi Yaoyang asked curiously.

"It was a draw." Ling Xiao smiled happily. Even his eyes were smiling.

"Draw! The Flying Dragon Special Forces must have felt humiliated. I think that Cang Lang would come and look for you soon." Qi Yaoyang wanted to laugh at Ling Xiao's plight. Cang Lang was not an easy person to deal with. He was also happy that Cang Lang got humiliated.

"Yes, he will come and find us soon." Ling Xiao purposely emphasized the word 'us'.

Qi Yaoyang felt his heart dropped. "Ling Xiao, did you scheme against me?"

"Why will I? For the sake of your son, you should think before you speak. You can log out of the virtual world now. It is not good for a Lieutenant General to stay in the virtual world for too long." Ling Xiao continued smiling. Before Qi Yaoyang could reply to him, he hung up.

Qi Yaoyang was certain that Ling Xiao framed him for something. He just didn't know what it was. What did he mean by for the sake of his son? Was he threatening him?

Chapter 595 - Physical skills!

Senior Colonel Mi's eyes lit up in anticipation when he received Ling Xiao's order. He turned around and said to Ling Lan, "Ling Lan, the two virtual missions are over. The third mission will be held in the real world."

Ling Lan told him her guess, "Since I have been tested for my solo abilities as well as my leadership, the third mission probably has nothing to do with a mecha. Theory is too boring so it will not be tested. That means that only physical skills is left."

Senior Colonel Mi nodded. "You're right."

This young man was a strong and intelligent mecha operator and his physical skills reached the domain realm too. He was born to be a captain. The more Senior Colonel Mi looked at Ling Lan, the more he liked him. He wanted to get Ling Lan into his special forces.

Unfortunately, he needed to make sure that Ling Lan's entire team was strong before he could let them into the special forces. Senior Colonel Mi controlled his urge and decided to give Ling Lan two more years. If Ling Lan's team managed to hit the criteria of the special forces, he would invite him in. For the sake of Ling Lan, he was willing to lower his expectation for his team members. They only had to pass. They didn't need to excel.

Ling Lan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard what Senior Colonel Mi said. She was confident in her physical skills.

"I wonder who my opponent will be this time?" Ling Lan looked at Senior Colonel Mi and wanted to get an answer from his expression. She saw the smile and anticipation in his eyes. Her heart stopped. "Don't tell me that my opponent is you."

"You are right. However, there is no reward for guessing correctly." Senior Colonel Mi teased her unexpectedly. He rarely teased anyone.

Domineering Blade and his other team members got excited the moment they heard that their commander was going to fight. They hurriedly asked, "Commander, can we watch the match?"

It was a rare opportunity to watch their commander in action. They were all in the Qi-Jin realm. It was an honor for them to watch a battle of such high caliber. They did not want to miss this opportunity.

Senior Colonel Mi hesitated for a moment. He looked at Ling Lan. After all, this was concerning about Ling Lan's secret.

Ling Lan nodded nonchalantly. In her second mission, she had already revealed her true strength. She didn't mind revealing more to them. She trusted Senior Colonel Mi since he was sent by her father. Even if things got out of hand, her father would help her solve it. This was the advantage of having a father who was a Regiment Commander. She could do things without any worry.

Senior Colonel Mi felt grateful. A fight between two domain realm warriors would benefit Domineering Blade and the other four people greatly.

However, in order to protect Ling Lan, Senior Colonel Mi reminded the five people. "Only the five of you are allowed to view the match. Do not call anyone else."

The five people were disappointed. They were planning to ask their comrades to come.

"Don't be greedy. You all are lucky enough to get this opportunity." Senior Colonel Mi couldn't help but smile when he saw their expressions.

They were indeed lucky. Out of more than 300 people, Ling Lan chose them. They were powerful but not irreplaceable. Through the match today, they managed to gain many insights.

Senior Colonel Mi believed that if they befriend Ling Lan now, they might be able to gain even more benefits in the future. Ling Lan was Ling Xiao's only child. He would definitely be Ling Xiao's successor. If the five of them took care of their relationship with Ling Lan carefully, they might be able to even benefit their next generation.

Everyone left the virtual world and came to the training dojo of the special forces.

Ling Lan looked at the excited Senior Colonel Mi and felt frustrated at her father. He loved to give her powerful opponents, whether it was in the virtual world or in the real world.

Ling Lan had reached the domain realm but she felt pressure and a sense of danger from Senior Colonel Mi. She knew that he had reached the domain realm too and was even slightly stronger than her. If she had a choice, she didn't want to fight with Senior Colonel Mi. It would be a hard battle.

However, Ling Lan would not back out. Since it had been decided, she would do her best. This was her fighting principle——no fear, no retreating, no bullying.

Ling Lan was surprised when she saw the training dojo. She expected it to be like a battle stadium with an arena and all kinds of high tech gadgets protecting the area. However, it was just a vast stadium with high walls surrounding it.

There was a dilapidated door leading to the training dojo. The door was rusty. It was so old it might break if someone kicked it.

Ling Lan recalled the broken warehouse where the login pods were. The headquarters of the 23rd Division was shabby. It was like an abandoned military base.

Senior Colonel Mi smiled when he noticed the puzzled expression on Ling Lan's face. "You saw through it?"

"Yes. It looks old but I believe that only people who have reached the domain realm would be able to destroy this door." Ling Lan touched the door and understood what was going on.

"Ever since the First Men's Military Academy was attacked by our enemy, all the military bases strengthened its defense system. Some hid their bases while others built protective covers over them. We decided to make it looked dilapidated so that even if the enemies see it through their satellites, it would just seem like a normal old military base," said Senior Colonel Mi.

"Creating an illusion for our enemies." Ling Lan understood him.

"Yes." Senior Colonel Mi sighed. "We have too many enemies. We need to make the necessary precautions. Don't look down on this place. This military base is not as simple as it looks."

Ling Lan nodded. Little Four said that all signals were blocked here. Only a certain signal could be used in this base. This was to prevent hackers from hacking into their systems and exposing the location of the base.

They walked into the training dojo with the door closing behind them. No one else could enter the dojo now. Senior Colonel Mi told Ling Lan that the walls were protected by electricity. If anyone tried to climb over the walls… they would die from electrocution. Even if they didn't, they would still be heavily injured.

There was no protective equipment in the training dojo. Senior Colonel Mi told Domineering Blade and the other four people, "Stay further away. If you all cannot handle it, leave the dojo. Do not push yourself."

The five people looked at each other. They had reached the highest-tier of Qi-Jin realm. As long as the commander didn't use his domain realm power, they would be able to handle it.

They thought that Ling Lan was around the same level as them. Hence, if their commander wanted to assess Ling Lan, he would not use his domain realm power. If he did, he would immediately knock Ling Lan out.

They never expected it to be a domain realm battle. When they realized this, they almost died from the energy created in the battle.

Ling Lan walked into the dojo. She stepped on the hard floor and said calmly, "This place is good. It feels like the real battlefield."

There were all kinds of protective shields around an arena. The effects of each move were simulated by technology. That made it seemed fake. Ling Lan was not used to it. She was satisfied that Senior Colonel Mi brought her to this place.

"Seems like you feel the same way as I do. The arena feels fake. I cannot fight to my heart's content there." Senior Colonel Mi admired Ling Lan even more now.

Physical skills were not meant to be simulated. It was meant to be used in a real battle. It could kill you. The power of physical skills were enormous. It was not something that could be simulated by technology.

Chapter 596 - The Last Move!

While the five people on the side wondered if they should go nearer, they realized that the atmosphere between the two people in the center was getting tense. The entire training dojo was engulfed in a nervous atmosphere.

Divine Blade swallowed his saliva. He was shocked. "They have started fighting."

The other four people felt it too. Crazy Warrior and Ice Spirit were stunned. Domineering Blade exchanged a glance with Devil Blade. Only they knew what each other was thinking.

"Only someone in the late-stage of Qi-Jin would be able to emit a force of presence. Ling Lan didn't win over Lian Shaojing based on luck. He won by his skills," Ice Spirit said with envy. Physical skills were a natural barrier for women. No females had ever achieved the domain realm before.

Domineering Blade's eyes lit up. The collision of the force of presence between the two people aroused his fighting spirit.

All the cells in Crazy Warrior's body were asking him to fight. He licked his lips in excitement. He turned to Domineering Blade and said, "Domineering Blade, once the commander and Ling Lan finish their fight, let's have a match."

It had been a long time since any one of them had a physical battle. They had almost forgotten what it felt like.

Domineering Blade looked at Crazy Warrior straight in the eyes. "Sure."

Domineering Blade was always stronger than Crazy Warrior so he was not afraid of Crazy Warrior's challenge.

A strong gust of wind blew and a piece of dried leaf floated between the two people.

"Poof." The dried leaf hit something and turned into dust. The wind blew and the dust disappeared. No trace was left behind.

"Their force of presence had turned sharp." The five spectators were dumbfounded. The force of presence coming from the two people in the match was greater than anything they had seen. They started to doubt whether they could handle such a force if they were in the match.

They knew that they couldn't.

"Ling Lan, at our level, it is useless to have any pointless fights. Let's just use our most powerful technique." Senior Colonel Mi didn't have the mood to waste any time.

Ling Lan replied coldly, "Suits me." Ling Lan didn't want to waste her time too. Her companions were still waiting for her to form her battle team.

They reached a consensus. Their force of presence increased yet again. It reached a critical point.

Domineering Blade and the four other people were forced to the ground because of this enormous force of presence.

Although Qi-Jin and domain realm was only one rank apart, they were two different concepts. It was like the difference between Xiantian and Houtian. Houtian domain masters would not be able to handle an attack from Xiantian domain masters.

Domineering Blade forced himself to raise his head. It took him much effort. He had a look of disbelief on his face. "Domain realm!"

He didn't expect a recruit to have reached the Domain realm. The Domain realm was the ultimate goal of all soldiers. Domineering Blade looked at Ling Lan strangely. Everyone thought that all the geniuses went to the Flying Dragon Special Forces. However, this prodigy was in their 23rd Division.

Domineering Blade finally understood why their commander warned them just now. Domineering Blade looked at the other people. They were all forced onto the ground and had a hard time breathing. However, they still persevered. No one wanted to leave. They knew that this was a precious chance for them. Even if they got injured by the forces from the two people, they wouldn't leave.

"Absolute Ice Blockade!"

"Critical Wind Point!

The two people used their strongest domain skills without any hesitation. The two domains collided into each other forcefully.

Ice appeared on Ling Lan's side while a tornado formed on Senior Colonel Mi's side. It attempted to destroy Ling Lan's ice barrier while Ling Lan's ice barrier was trying to freeze the giant tornado.

"Bang, bang…" The domains knocked against each other violently. The area between them became dangerous for anyone below the Domain stage. No one could step into each other's boundary.

The entire training dojo shook from the force of the collisions.

The force implicated the five people watching the match. All of them vomited out blood. The force alone was enough to cause them internal injuries. They couldn't imagine what kind of pressure the two people in the match must be experiencing.

"I must defeat him now!" Ling Lan felt the endless energy coming from Senior Colonel Mi's domain. She decisively chose to release all of her energy. The ground on Senior Colonel Mi's side started to freeze. His tornado slowed down too.

Senior Colonel Mi glared at her and shouted, "Don't even think about it." He used all of his energy to attack the ice. The tornado started spinning even faster than before.

"Bang!" A huge explosion occurred. Ling Lan and the commander got thrown off their feet. They flew a few meters in the air before landing on the ground. They took a few steps before stabilizing themselves.

Ling Lan vomited out a mouthful of blood. She was still slightly weaker than Senior Colonel Mi in her last attack. Hence, Senior Colonel Mi was able to defeat her.

Senior Colonel Mi's face was pale too. However, he seemed to be in a better state than Ling Lan. At least he didn't vomit any blood.

"You innate talent is ice," Senior Colonel Mi took some time to catch his breath before he said.

"Yes. It is unfortunate that I can't buff up my mecha with my innate talent," Ling Lan replied indifferently. She would not tell him that she had another innate talent, Profound Insight. She knew that the people who had two innate talents all became normal people in the end. No one ever became a powerful soldier. This made her realize her own uniqueness and thus she hid her other innate talent even more carefully. Luckily, it was hard for other people to notice her Profound Insight.

"Ice is the hardest water-type innate talent to control. It is the most powerful one too. You must treasure it." Senior Colonel Mi was speechless when he detected the dissatisfaction in Ling Lan's voice. Come on, this innate talent had led you to the Domain realm. What else do you want? If Domineering Blade and the other four people heard what you said, they might strangle you. This was something they could never achieve.

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