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53.22% Mixed HD / Chapter 231: 562 - 566

Chapter 231: 562 - 566

Chapter 562 - Medical Treatment!

Elder Sister Xu saw that Li Shiyu didn't say anything and believed that was him agreeing with her. She excitedly said, "Come, I'll go find the president with you." After that, she dragged Li Shiyu to go find the president to carry out her plan.

Perhaps Li Shiyu's performance in the past year was too good. Right when Elder Sister Xu spoke to the president about Li Shiyu needing wounded personnel to test out his recovery agent's effects, the president waved his hand and allowed Elder Sister Xu to create a list and give it to him…

Elder Sister Xu quickly wrote up a list of names. When she handed it to the president, he didn't even take a look and merely handed it to his most trustworthy department head, who was standing beside him.

Seeing this, Elder Sister Xu's heart skipped a beat. She had originally hoped to be able to add Meng Ziyun into the list of names while the president was busy and didn't have time to look at the list in detail. Now that the president handed the list to the department head, she felt that her plan might be foiled.

Those who were research subjects for new medicinal agents were all lower ranking officers or soldiers. Any officers ranked major or above were not given a chance, which was why Elder Sister Xu's list would not abide by regulations if it was thoroughly examined.

Right when Elder Sister Xu was feeling worried, the department head saw Meng Ziyun's name and smiled. He looked towards Elder Sister Xu and Li Shiyu with a satisfied expression, thinking that they were helping him get back at Meng Ziyun. He decisively gave the list to the president and said, "Li Shiyu's new medicinal agent has amazing recovery effects. I think Meng Ziyun will be very happy to receive the treatment."

He was even more capable than Elder Sister Xu in making sure the plan didn't fail and instantly spoke out the main point. Of course, he dared to do this because he knew how the president thought.

The president looked at Meng Ziyun's name and his eyes showed understanding. He nodded and said, "Indeed. Little Xu, Little Li, you guys have made a keen observation on treating patients that need emergency treatment. Not bad, not bad. Just prepare this list."

Meng Ziyun, didn't you say you wanted to recover faster? I'll give you a chance to do that as long as you can survive through Li Shiyu's methods of experimentation…

The president remembered the wounded personnel who were cured by Li Shiyu. Every one of them had cried for their mothers during the treatment. They had been sobbing with snot dripping from their noses. Even the toughest soldier who might not have cried while being treated would still talk about the terror of Li Shiyu after they had recovered. It seemed that Li Shiyu's methods were very terrifying… Even many soldiers from the army knew that within the division's hospital, they should definitely not offend the terrifying Dr. Frankenstein, Li Shiyu. Otherwise, they would become stuck between life and death.

The president's mood improved greatly and the expression he wore as he looked at Li Shiyu and Elder Sister Xu turned warmer and more comforting. He saw that his subordinates were truly clever, understanding how to sympathize with his troubles and immediately thinking of a solution. With this, he had to take care of them more in the future.

Alright, the president was also very annoyed at this troublemaker, Meng Ziyun. It was just that if he made a move using his authority, it would be picking on the lower ranks and would be bad if it got out. Thus, he could only endure it. Now that he saw Li Shiyu making a move, he would naturally give the green light and make it convenient for him.

Just like that, with all the powerful personnel in the division hospital banding together, Meng Ziyun easily landed into Li Shiyu's clutches.

Seeing this, Li Shiyu couldn't help but sigh. Everything was in Elder Sister Xu's favor. This meant that Lieutenant Colonel Meng brought all this upon himself. It was his own fault that he offended everyone within the division's hospital.

Meng Ziyun felt that the military nurses that came to his room today seemed to have a hint of sympathy in their eyes. Could it be that his wounds had worsened? Meng Ziyun was in a very bad mood. He wanted to find someone to ask, but discovered that the nurses that were beside him tending to him had run off somewhere.

"These b*tches, only knowing how to gossip. Not one bit professional. I'll definitely teach them a lesson." Meng Ziyun pressed hard on the intercom on the side of the treatment pod to get the nurse tending to him to come to him quickly.

After a few seconds, the door to his room opened and a young, handsome man wearing a white robe walked in with a warm smile on his face. Behind him was actually the nurse that tended to Meng Ziyun exclusively, the one he had insulted to the point of making her cry and disappear.

He saw the nurse peek her head out from behind the young man and glare at him viciously, following which, like a hamster, she retracted her head back behind the young man. This almost made Meng Ziyun's chest explode out of anger… "The nurses at the division's hospital only have this kind of professionalism. I'm her superior! Superior! She actually doesn't know to respect me. How could the 23rd Division keep such a clueless soldier? I'll definitely make her leave the division." Meng Ziyun felt as though he were going crazy.

Right when Meng Ziyun wanted to teach the nurse a lesson, he heard the young man speak in an indifferent tone. "Meng Ziyun, Lieutenant Colonel Meng. Hello, I am your physician, Dr. Li Shiyu. You will be in my care from now on."

"Hmph, the 23rd Division really is a sh*thole. They actually let a small kid be a physician. Get out, get your president here. I want to change my physician." Meng Ziyun's anger rose. He paid no mind to the fact that they sent a clueless nurse to take care of him, but even the physician was a teenager without any facial hair. This was definitely looking down on him.

"Change? Sure, if you don't want to recover quicker." Li Shiyu didn't get angry. He calmly turned off the medical records card's screen and was ready to leave with the nurse.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Meng Ziyun looked at Li Shiyu excitedly. He hadn't heard wrong, had he? This little physician said that he could help him recover ahead of time.

"I said, if you don't want to recover ahead of time, then go find the president to swap me out." Li Shiyu showed a faint smile. That smile made Meng Ziyun feel he was being attacked, but as luck would have it, other than Li Shiyu, there weren't any other physicians who dared to say something like this—not even the president of the 23rd Division's hospital.

"You're joking, aren't you?" Meng Ziyun immediately calmed down. He was naturally not an idiot as someone who managed to become a major.

"Why would I lie to you? If it doesn't work and you report me, I wouldn't be able to stay in the 23rd Division anymore. I'm not that stupid," Li Shiyu replied calmly, showing that he was confident in himself.

Someone was actually questioning Dr. Li. Hearing this, the nurse, originally annoyed at Meng Ziyun, immediately poked her head out and with an expression of disdain, said, "Dr. Li is the best physician in the entire 23rd Division. The medicinal agents he invented are many times more effective than normal agents. He also received a medal from the Flying Dragon Special Forces. However, Dr. Li idolizes General Ling Xiao very much, which is why he rejected the Flying Dragon Special Forces' invitation and instead applied to the 23rd Division. He also received General Ling Xiao's special order of not requiring evaluations…"

After the nurse said all this, her face became full of pride. It was as though all of this glory was received by her.

Although Li Shiyu was always carrying out missions or researching new medicines in the research lab, his legend had been gossiped about and become known by every one of the nurses in the division's hospital. Almost all of the nurses knew every detail. Additionally, Li Shiyu was handsome and friendly. He was very popular among the nurses. It could be said that he was the second person who they idolized most after General Ling Xiao.

As for the point about Li Shiyu idolizing General Ling, it was indeed said by Li Shiyu himself. After all, he had wanted to perfectly explain why he refused the Flying Dragon Special Forces' special offer and applied to the 23rd Division. He probably couldn't say that he went to the 23rd Division because of General Ling Xiao's son, could he…? Ugh, this would also require others knowing that General Ling Xiao had a son.

In the end, having no better excuse, Li Shiyu could only use General Ling Xiao. After all, General Ling Xiao was the father of Li Shiyu's captain. Having Ling Xiao bear the burden was the natural course of action.

"Flying Dragon Special Forces medal? Flying Dragon Special Forces special offer? General Ling Xiao ordered that an evaluation wasn't needed?" After hearing all this, Meng Ziyun's eyes shrunk inwards. He knew clearly what the Flying Dragon Special Forces medal meant, what the Flying Dragon Special Forces meant and what General Ling Xiao's order meant. They all meant that the young man had already shown talent in the military medicine major. He might have even reached the top-level, as he wouldn't have been able to receive the acknowledgment of so many people otherwise.

"Okay, okay." Meng Ziyun's mood was very excited. Perhaps, he really could battle with his comrades again.

"Do you still want to change your doctor?" Li Shiyu raised a brow and looked down at Meng Ziyun.

"No, I don't want to change anymore. Dr. Li, please treat me. I hope to completely recover in a week's time." Meng Ziyun didn't dare to argue with Li Shiyu, someone who had such a domineering tone. He even lowered his voice a bit. After all, all of his hope lay in Li Shiyu's hands.

"Okay, since you have acknowledged me, then I will immediately make arrangements for your treatment." Li Shiyu was also quick to act. He took out the medical records card once again. Li Shiyu turned on the virtual screen and began to confirm Meng Ziyun's condition.

"Physical constitution, level S? Then you could try the level S medicinal agent," Li Shiyu said after thinking for a second.

The nurse instantly trembled a bit after hearing the words level S medicinal agent. She had witnessed the terror of the treatments that used this medicinal agent. She actually pitied this annoying Lieutenant Colonel Meng and hoped that he would be alive in the end.

"Zhu Qing-qing, prepare the medicinal agent for a vein injection." Before the nurse could come back to her senses, she heard Li Shiyu begin to issue her orders.

"Okay, Dr.Li." The nurse, Zhu Qing-qing, was a bit excited as she immediately opened the medicinal agent case she had brought with her. She took out a vial of medicinal agent labeled with an "S", picked up a syringe and began preparing it.

After the medicinal agent was put into the syringe, Zhu Qing-qing walked beside Meng Ziyun. She smiled tenderly and warned, "Lieutenant Colonel Meng, please endure it for a second. I'm going to inject it now."

Meng Ziyun didn't see that there was wickedness under Zhu Qing-qing's angelic smile. He stretched out his right arm without any knowledge of it.

Zhu Qing-qing poked the needle of the syringe through a vein once, but then immediately pulled it out. She apologetically said, "Sorry, Lieutenant Colonel Meng. I didn't get the right spot." The little devil inside of Zhu Qing-qing began to bare its fangs and claws. This is what you get for insulting people. Now that you're in my hands, don't blame me for taking revenge.

Right when Meng Ziyun wanted to glare at the nurse, he saw Li Shiyu's expression with one brow raised. His face clearly said that if Meng Ziyun had any complaints, he wasn't going to get treatment, and so he didn't dare to get angry. If Li Shiyu really stopped treating him and he missed the time of his team's departure, he would feel terrible regret if his close friends ended up wounded or dead due to not having his protection… It was just a few pokes of needles, wasn't it? All of his muscles had been torn once and it hadn't been painful enough to kill him. How could he be afraid of such minor sensations of pain?

After stabbing the needle in 5 or 6 times, Zhu Qing-qing could no longer continue. After all, she had only been yelled at and the man hadn't really hurt her. She had already vented her grievance. After she calmed down, she felt that she had gone overboard and thus, she softly said, "Lieutenant Colonel Meng, thank you for your patience. I will finish injecting quickly."

After saying that, she accurately stabbed into the correct vein and injected the medicinal agent. In order to show her sincerity, she split the injections into parts in order to lower the pressure induced on the vein. After all, level S medicinal agents had strong effects. The veins and blood vessels wouldn't be able to get used it right away.

Zhu Qing-qing's sudden thoughtfulness made Meng Ziyun look at her in disbelief for a second. After all, Zhu Qing-qing was only just a new recruit who had graduated from the Nursing Major Academy. She still didn't know how to hide her emotions and her actions of revenge had been very obvious. Being a veteran, Meng Ziyun could naturally easily see through what she was doing. It was just that he didn't think that after 5 or 6 times, the little girl would hold back and feel regret. Meng Ziyun had thought he was going to be poked 20 to 30 times before this nurse would be satisfied. As expected of a new recruit, her pureness was a bit cute.

After thinking about all this, Meng Ziyun felt that he had gone overboard as well when he previously insulted this girl due to his terrible mood. In an apologetic tone, he softly said, "I'm sorry. I lost control of my emotions during lunch time."

Hearing this, Zhu Qing-qing immediately wore a big smile on her face, which signified that she had forgiven him.

After injecting the agent, Meng Ziyun suddenly felt extremely itchy and painful all over. This feeling wasn't just normal pain; it was itchy to his bones and also painful to the bone. It almost made him want to die.

"Endure it, otherwise the agent will not be completely effective and your wounds will not be able to heal within 5 days," Li Shiyu warned Meng Ziyun, looking at him with an unchanged expression.

Seeing this, Zhu Qing-qing turned around and looked elsewhere. She was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and tell Lieutenant Colonel Meng that the agent also worked even if he fainted and wouldn't lose effectiveness—this was just Dr. Li's way of torturing people.

Li Shiyu's words scared Meng Ziyun. He naturally wouldn't allow himself to faint and so he bit his lip to endure it. He barely managed to get past the first wave of the pain, but right when he felt a bit better, another wave of pain went through his body… If he hadn't felt that his body's condition was really becoming better, he would have suspected that Li Shiyu was screwing with him.

Although Meng Ziyun was happy that his body was indeed getting better, the pain of the treatment was still continuously challenging his endurance. Despite being one of the toughest people in the division, he still couldn't help but cry and sob. It wasn't because he wanted to cry, but because he couldn't control this subconscious reaction of his body… then he saw Zhu Qing-qing's stunned expression and became angry. He had actually lost his dignity in front of this little girl. "Ah, let me die!"

Alright, he didn't die in the end. However, after the treatment, he was like an ostrich digging into the ground, curled up in the treatment pod and didn't dare to raise his head. He was afraid to see the contempt in the nurse's eyes. He was a lieutenant colonel. He actually let a private see him in such a state. "Ah, let me die!"

Just like that, for all five days, every time Meng Ziyun was treated, he couldn't keep his cool. He had lost all of his dignity. Every time, he felt that he was being tormented to his death and yet returned from the underworld at the crucial moment.

After the treatment on the fifth day had ended, Meng Ziyun clearly felt that his body had recovered by around 70 to 80%. There were only some small parts that had small issues, but it didn't affect him from piloting a mecha into battle. That time, he really wanted to leave the hospital and didn't want to continue losing his dignity.

In reality, he didn't have any dignity anymore with the 23rd Division's hospital. The entire hospital knew that a lieutenant colonel with the surname Meng was scared of needles to the point of crying and sobbing like a child. As luck would have it, he couldn't deny it because he did indeed cry and sob due to the medicine's effects during the injections.

However, he still needed Li Shiyu's final confirmation to see whether he could leave the hospital or not.

Chapter 563 - Separation.

Li Shiyu examined Meng Ziyun carefully before closing the screen. He said, "Operator Meng, congratulations, you can leave the hospital now. I will prescribe some of my special recovery medicines to you. You will need to drink them for another three days before you recover completely."

"I still need to drink medicine?" Meng Ziyun asked in surprise. He had been elated at finding out he could leave the hospital, but before he could smile, he heard that he needed to drink some special medicine. He was horrified.

"Military Doctor Li, I know that your special medicines are precious. You should keep it for patients who need it more than me. You can just prescribe me some standard medication." Meng Ziyun immediately rejected the offer. He didn't want to experience that excruciating pain again.

Li Shiyu raised his eyebrows at Meng Ziyun's words. "Are you sure? You will need to drink the standard medication for one month. Also, you cannot get injured within this month. Otherwise, your past efforts will be wasted."

"I understand. Military Doctor Li, I promise that I'll protect myself this month and not let myself get injured again. Please just give me some standard medication." Meng Ziyun instantly made a promise. He was afraid that Li Shiyu would give him the special medicines if he replied any slower.

"I have already reminded you what to take note of. Do not push the blame on the doctors of the 23rd Division after you injure yourself again," Li Shiyu warned him.

"I won't." Meng Ziyun nodded his head profusely and smiled bitterly in his heart. He had already suffered the consequences so he would not do it again.

What happened was that in the five days he spent here, he built a good relationship with the nurse, Zhu Qing-qing, who took pity on him and thus told him the "truth".

Zhu Qing-qing told him secretly that he suffered so much because he offended the people in the hospital, which was why Li Shiyu was invited to teach him a lesson. She said that Li Shiyu was able to remove the pain during the treatment, but he purposely didn't do so for him.

The nurse was good at speaking. She hid some lies among the truth, so Meng Ziyun believed her entirely.

Meng Ziyun finally understood why he had to endure so much torture in the past five days. However, he knew that he couldn't take his revenge. Li Shiyu was an excellent military doctor so he might need his assistance in the future. It was better had to have a good relationship with him. Hence, Meng Ziyun swallowed his unhappiness. He couldn't let Li Shiyu feel that he had a grudge against him.

Meng Ziyun left the hospital feeling depressed. He reminded his two brothers and told them that if by any chance they went into the 23rd Division's hospital, they had to display a good attitude and not offend the doctors and nurses in the hospital.

This experience made Meng Ziyun feel grateful towards and afraid of Li Shiyu. Whenever he thought about Li Shiyu, he would recall the pain and torment he went through. His body would shiver in fear uncontrollably.

"Ziyun, what happened to you?" Pan Jun'an was waiting for Meng Ziyun's reply when he saw his face suddenly turning pale.

Meng Ziyun regained his senses and took a deep breath to expel the fear from his mind. He forced a smile on his face and replied, "I'm fine. I just remembered Li Shiyu again."

Lei Yiming and Pan Jun'an exchanged glances with each other. They understood what Meng Ziyun was talking about. Ever since Meng Ziyun came out of the 23rd Division hospital, his temper improved and would not flare up as easily as before. Whenever he was about to explode in anger, they would mention Li Shiyu's name and his anger would immediately be dispelled. They were relieved at his change but at the same time, they were curious about what Li Shiyu did to Meng Ziyun.

"Li Shiyu…" Pan Jun'an purposely mentioned his name and as expected, Meng Ziyun shivered. Pan Jun'an laughed at him silently. He coughed to hid his smile and continued, "He probably won't be joining any battle clan. With his status, only a team like the Flying Dragon Special Forces will have the right to accept him. Also, even if he was willing to join other teams, the 23rd Division will not allow it. They will want him to serve at the headquarters of the 23rd Division."

Lei Yiming nodded in agreement. A military doctor was an important asset. Bigger-sized battle clans might be able to get a normal military doctor, but a standard battle clan would not have any doctors with them. It was already a privilege if they had a mecha operator who had previously learned some medical skills.

"As for Li Lanfeng, there is a high possibility that he will enter a team." Pan Jun'an grew serious as he talked about Li Lanfeng. Li Lanfeng seemed like an amiable and harmless person, but he was the one that always saw through the schemes of others. Many had tried to harm Zhao Jun before, but they were all stopped by Li Lanfeng. He was the reason why Zhao Jun was able to live peacefully until today. The two of them would most likely enter the same team.

"We will know the results soon," Lei Yiming said with a smile.

Pan Jun'an and Meng Ziyun looked at the young man on the screen who had a cold expression. They understood what he meant.

On the other side of things, Wu Jiong arrived at the spaceport of the 15th Division with Qin Yi and the rest of the team members. He got a shock when he saw a few hundred faction members there.

"Why are you all here?" Wu Jiong asked them in surprise. He thought that all the faction members would go to the 23rd Division spaceport to send their boss off.

A fourth-year faction member smiled and replied, "You have been taking care of us for all these years. We are grateful to you, so we definitely have to send you off." Wu Jiong had put in much effort and time into the Lingtian Mecha Clan for the past five years. He had gained the respect of many faction members. Not everyone liked the cold and merciless boss, so Wu Jiong had his supporters, too.

Wu Jiong was touched and his eyes turned red. He nodded profusely. "That is something I should have done. You all don't have to do this."

Another second-year faction member said, "Captain Wu, we want to join the 15th Division next time, too. You must take care of us when we join you."

Wu Jiong smiled. "Sure. If you all come to the 15th Division, I will definitely help in any ways I can." The 15th Division belonged to the Wu family. Wu Jiong was also someone important to the Wu family. Hence, if he wanted to help take care of someone in the 15th Division, it would not be difficult.

However, Wu Jiong chased these faction members away just like Ling Lan. He knew that these fellows had skipped their lesson to come here. If they hadn't taken any leave, they would be in trouble.

Wu Jiong smiled happily as he sent them off. His mood having brightened up due to their actions, he didn't feel it was that difficult to part with his boss.

When Wu Jiong finally stepped onto the military ship of the 15th Division, he saw someone unexpected at the corner of the ship and stopped in his tracks. The smile on his face disappeared.

"Ye Xu, what are you doing here?" Qin Yi saw Ye Xu and immediately questioned him in anger.

"I came to send you all off," Ye Xu replied calmly.

"Haha, send us off? Do you still have the face to send us off?" Qin Yi gave a sarcastic smile. He looked at Ye Xu with anger and sorrow in his eyes.

"I know that you all will not forgive me, but I still want to send you all off." Ye Xu's expression was indifferent. He didn't lose control of himself because of Qin Yi's attitude.

Qin Yi wanted to refute, but Wu Jiong stopped him. Wu Jiong looked at Ye Xu carefully. When they were still in their first year at the scouts academy, they had worked together to go against Ling Lan's team. Wu Jiong looked at him and suddenly realized that he had never understood this person despite having lived with him for 15 years.

Wu Jiong remembered in his second year in the military academy, he told his battle team members that he would register for the 15th Division. The 15th Division belonged to the Wu family so he had to go there. However, he didn't force his team members to go with him to the same division. If they didn't want to come, they could tell him and they would settle the necessary procedures in the morning.

Everyone chose to follow him into the 15th Division, including the vice-captain, Ye Xu. Wu Jiong trusted Ye Xu and felt that he would definitely join him. However, his feelings were hurt when Ye Xu requested to leave the team at the last moment just before the registration for the military. Wu Jiong was caught off guard.

Besides that, Ye Xu also took five other members. These were all core members of Wu Jiong's battle clan. Because of this, Wu Jiong's battle clan fell from a two-star battle clan to a one-star battle clan. There was a limit to the number of people in a one-star battle clan, so Wu Jiong had to put some members on the reserve team.

Wu Jiong hated Ye Xu. If he had submitted his request earlier, he would have had the time to fill up the empty slots and let the battle clan remain as a two-star battle clan. That way, he would have had the confidence to gain a position in the 15th Division the moment he entered and outshine all his other competitors.

However, Ye Xu had destroyed all these plans. He made it more difficult for Wu Jiong, who knew that his other relatives were waiting in the 15th Division to take him down a notch. His father couldn't do anything about this. He could only rely on himself.

Wu Jiong looked at the comrade whom he had worked closely with for 15 years. He retracted the sadness in his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Why?"

Ye Xu remained silent and merely stared at Wu Jiong.

"Ye Xu, it has been 15 years. We started off with a collaboration, but after all those years, I treated you as my real brother-in-arms. Please tell me honestly why you did this!" Wu Jiong shouted, pouring out all the emotions that he suppressed.

No one knew about Ye Xu's betrayal except for his own battle clan. He had stopped the other team members from revealing the matter to the rest of the people. Even his boss didn't know about this. Wu Jiong didn't want to make his boss worry. After all, it was an internal affair. Ye Xu's betrayal just showed how incapable he was.

"We have different goals." Ye Xu looked at Wu Jiong with a complicated expression.

Wu Jiong felt hurt by the reason. "Different goals? What different goals?" Wu Jiong laughed. "Is this all you can tell me after we worked together for 15 years? What goals do you have?" Wu Jiong ceased his laughter and glared at Ye Xu coldly.

"I will not bow down to anyone," Ye Xu replied.

Wu Jiong immediately patted his chest in anger. "I have never seen you as my subordinate for all these 15 years. If you wanted to be the team leader, you could have." When they established the battle clan, he had asked Ye Xu if he wanted to be the team leader. Ye Xu rejected the offer and said that he was not interested in the position. Why did it become the reason for his betrayal? Wu Jiong was unconvinced.

Ye Xu looked down. "I am not referring to you."

Wu Jiong narrowed his eyes. "You meant our boss?"

Ye Xu looked up at him sharply. "Yes. No matter how strong the battle clan gets, you all will bow down to Ling Lan naturally whenever he appears. I needed teammates who were not afraid of Ling Lan."

"That is why you left us?" Wu Jiong suddenly calmed down and stared at Ye Xu's face.

Ye Xu slowly nodded his head seriously.

Wu Jiong's eyes became filled with sorrow and he closed them. "Seems like we have different goals. It has been 15 years. Do you still think that you can win against Boss?"

"Why not? As the son of Ling Xiao, he will not have any future." Ye Xu's eyes were cold and ambitious.

Wu Jiong opened his eyes. They had turned clear. "Fine, fine. You have great ambition. I will not drag you down. I will wait for you to realize your dream." He turned and looked at Qin Yi and the rest of his team members. "Let's go!"

Wu Jiong and his team members boarded the military ship without looking back.

"Young Master 13, the military ship for the 9th Division is arriving. We need to leave now." A member beside Ye Xu opened his mouth to say this.

"Zhou Ling? No, I should call you Ye Ling." Hatred flashed past Ye Xu's eyes as he sneered secretly. The Ye family was too strong. He was too weak to go against them and could only do what he didn't like. However…

Ye Xu looked in the direction Wu Jiong left and felt pain in his heart. Since he had fallen out with them, they would not be affected by him, would they?

"Since Young Master 13 is willing to listen to the Ye family and go to the 9th Division, I am able to use my real surname now," Ye Ling said with a smile.

He was a descendant of one of the Ye family servants. He showed great potential, which was why the Ye family changed his identity and sent him into the First Men's Military Academy to watch over Young Master 13. He had spent 3 years with Young Master 13 before gaining his trust, after which he realized that Young Master 13 had been hiding his true capabilities all this while.

Ye Ling belonged to the Ye family and would only be loyal to the Ye family. Hence, he told the Ye family about Young Master 13's capabilities. This was why Ye Xu was forced to change his application and enter the Ye family's faction, the 9th Division. This resulted in the falling out between Young Master 13 and the Wu family. Young Master 13 could only rely on the Ye family now.

Chapter 564 - Teach You a Lesson!

Ye Xu looked at Ye Ling once more, then said, "Let's go." He stopped speaking to Ye Ling and immediately took the rest of the people towards the 9th Division.

Ye Ling didn't get angry and followed them with a smile. After arriving at the 9th Division, Young Master 13 would realize that even geniuses would become useless without the help of family.

Not long after, all the warships had left their ports. This year's outstanding individuals from the First Men's Military Academy, whether it be Ling Lan or others, had all started on their new paths in life.

A warship was slowly approaching planet Southcrest's port.

"Wow, this is planet Southcrest, the headquarters of the 23rd Division. It's beautiful, like a blue feather in space." A young, enthusiastic and beautiful woman in the warship remarked in awe, wearing an extremely exaggerated expression.

Planet Southcrest wasn't like the other planets that had a round shape. It instead was closer to an oval shape. The planet itself emitted a bright light. From afar, it looked like the shape of a feather. This was how planet Southcrest had gotten its name.

"Oh~!" The stunned expression on the young woman's face made the others who were on the same warship laugh out loud. One of them, a bronze-skinned and muscular young man smiled and said, "Han Xuya, have you not looked through the information on the 23rd Division? Hmph, as expected, you're just a simple-minded fool acting like a human."

"Luo Shaoyun, what are you laughing about? What's wrong with me being simple-minded? But you're not so much better than me. Let's not make fools out of ourselves." Han Xuya glared at him angrily. Her words were sharp and counterattacked fiercely.

Han Xuya's words made many of the people beside her laugh. Luo Shaoyun could only rub his nose in embarrassment to show that he wanted to make peace with her. He had forgotten that this girl actually didn't care about his image in front of others and had no moral compass when she counterattacked.

Seeing that Luo Shaoyun had given in, Han Xuya lifted her head proudly. Right when she was about to throw a few more insults his way, Luo Chao, who was beside her, silently pulled on her to tell her to not go overboard.

Han Xuya then merely shot a ruthless glare at Luo Shaoyun, following which she continued to look at the large screen in the room, fully looking forward to their time in the division in the near future.

It turned out that this warship was picking up the cadets from the First Co-ed Military Academy. There were a few familiar faces in this warship. They were He Chaoyang, Luo Chao, Luo Shaoyun, Yuan Youyun, Li Jinghong and He Chaoyang. In the past, they weren't able to get into the First Military Academy, but still successfully got into the First Co-ed Military Academy. After five years of hard work, they didn't fall behind this time and successfully got into the 23rd Division, becoming a member.

Not long after, the warship docked at the spaceport and the cadets from the First Co-ed Military Academy all walked out. They listened to the orders of the soldiers who were on guard at the spaceport and walked into an atrium.

There were already many people in the atrium. They were probably from other military academies. Han Xuya's group found a spot where there was no one else and sat down, waiting for their next orders.

"The Third Men's Military Academy is over there, I think." He Chaoyang hinted at Luo Shaoyun to look in the indicated direction. At one of the corners of the atrium, ten or so people were sitting together. One of them looked very familiar.

Hearing this, Han Xuya turned around and curled her lips. "That's right, it's them."

In this year's Grand Mecha Tournament, as a special-class mecha operator, she had participated in the group match competition. She fought one match with the Third Men's Military Academy when they were trying to determine who could go to the finals.

Although female special-class operators were scarce, there were still hundreds of thousands of them. However, the fact that Han Xuya managed to advance to special-class in her fourth year was enough evidence that her talent in mecha piloting was very exceptional.

However, Han Xuya was almost certain that her hopes of advancing to ace operator was 1 out of 100. It should be known that the number of female ace operators in the Federation at the moment was less than 10,000. Compared to the millions of male ace operators, this number wasn't even mentioning. It seemed that in terms of mecha operating, females had a natural difference. Even with their current technology and medicine, it was something the Federation could not resolve.

Afterward, their group recognized a few more military academies that were ranked in the top 10. There were also some people that they couldn't identify, but they saw that these people were sitting by themselves. They were probably from the military academies that had low rankings. The number of people that could get into the division was actually heavily connected to the ranking of the military academy, as it represented the excellence of the cadets. Take their First Co-ed Military Academy for example; they only managed to get 30 people to join.

"I don't see Boss. Not sure when Boss and the others will arrive." Having looked through the entire atrium, Yuan Youyun was immediately discouraged at not finding Ling Lan and the others.

Hearing this, Li Jinghong laughed softly. "If Boss were present, the aura here wouldn't be this easygoing. We would have been able to feel it right when we walked in."

Everyone agreed with his words and this made the other comrades they had met in their military academy become curious. "Li Jinghong, is this Boss who you guys are talking about your captain?"

Although these fellows weren't the best at mecha piloting, they weren't weak either. Many mecha clans needed these type of members who wouldn't hinder the clan. The other clans had tried to get them to join, but these fellows all refused to tell the other clans that they already had a battle team. However, during the five years in the military academy, they had always been nomads within the academy and never activated a battle team's totem. This made many people suspect that this was all an excuse because they were going to find a strong battle team to protect them once they joined a military division.

Although that person asked this question, he had already known the answer. It was probably because Li Jinghong and the others would answer vaguely like they always did and not actually answer the question.

He didn't expect for Li Jinghong to actually immediately reply with a nod and a smile. "Yes, our boss is our captain."

Li Jinghong answer made these people become excited. One of them shouted with even more excitement, "Li Jinghong, quick, tell us, who is actually your boss?"

Seeing the surprised expression on their comrades' faces, Han Xuya and the others had proud smiles on their faces. In the past, they were afraid that they would be alienated by their classmates if they told them the truth because the two military academies were competitors. Now that they had joined the 23rd Division, they no longer had this concern. It was time to publicly announce the truth. Also, there were some capable comrades, who also didn't have a battle team, whom they wanted to introduce to their boss to join their battle team.

Li Jinghong proudly hinted at the others and then coughed. Right when he was about to speak the truth, he heard a sneering voice. "New recruits these days are really arrogant and actually dare to be so noisy here."

This voice made the expressions of everyone from the First Co-ed Military Academy change slightly. They turned around and saw ten or so soldiers, who had appeared in the atrium without their knowledge. They all gave off a slight malevolent aura. The smell of blood on the leader of these soldiers was so thick that even if someone was tens of meters away, they would be able to smell it clearly.

The appearance of these individuals caused the entire atmosphere in the atrium to become dark and cold. The cadets for the First Co-ed Military Academy couldn't hold out against such a strong aura and their faces instantly became pale.

"It's actually them." Seeing these people appear, the expression of the soldier on guard in the atrium changed slightly. He looked at the First Co-ed Military Academy's cadets with worry in their eyes, hoping that they wouldn't anger these people, otherwise they would be in big trouble. These guys were a bunch of demons that even veterans like him didn't dare to anger.

"Cowards," one of them said in disdain upon seeing that the cadets from the First Co-ed Military Academy were stunned by them.

"What did you say?" Luo Shaoyun's inner rage suddenly erupted and he angrily glared at that person with reddened eyes.

Luo Shaoyun knew they were in trouble, but before he could say anything, that man walked in front of him and laughed coldly. "I. Said. You. Guys. Are. Cowards!" He spoke very quickly, every word jumping out of his mouth one after the other. It was even more insulting than saying it all at once.

"Apologize!" Luo Shaoyun shouted angrily. As a man and as a soldier, he couldn't accept this kind of humiliation.

This shout made the expression of the soldier on guard instantly change. He quickly pushed down on the button for reinforcements, hoping that he could stop a murder from happening.

A loud "Boom!" sounded out.

Luo Shaoyun was sent flying and struck against a chair with a great force. The man who spoke mocking words lifted up his fist and blew on it softly. With disdain, he said, "In the division, you talk with strength."

He slowly walked towards Luo Shaoyun, who was now spitting out blood. He bent down and patted Luo Shaoyun's face softly. He smiled and continued, "This is something you have to learn, punk. If you don't have this kind of strength, then you should just tuck your tail between your legs like a good boy. Don't shout so loudly or you'll die. You should thank me for teaching you such a valuable lesson."

"Bastard!" Luo Shaoyun's eyes were red with anger. His right hand formed a fist and threw it towards this man.

The man lifted his hand and caught Luo Shaoyun's fist. "Berserker? This innate talent isn't bad, but unfortunately, your strength isn't enough. Even if you go berserk, it won't have any effect."

"Bam!" The ground suddenly cracked and dust flew into the air. Han Xuya slowly stood up. Luo Shaoyun was no longer lying down at where he was previously. Behind Han Xuya, Li Jinghong was holding Luo Shaoyun; they had already safely returned among the First Co-ed Military Academy's cadets.

The man who attacked Luo Shaoyun had already stepped away from his original position. He looked at Han Xuya and laughed. "Innate talent: Violence. I didn't think that this innate talent would actually appear on a woman. How very interesting."

"The fastest Thousand Li Astral Projection. Not bad. These new recruits all have pretty good innate talents." The group the attacker came from immediately saw through Li Jinghong's method for rescuing Luo Shaoyun and their eyes instantly flickered. They hadn't cared initially, but now they were very interested.

"However, you men are prepared to hide behind women?" The person who started the fight provoked them.

"Here, there's no gender difference, only comrades." Han Xuya shouted. Immediately after saying that, she pounced on the man and hurled a fist towards him.

"Bam!" The man didn't dodge and met up the fist with a fist of his own. The two fists collided fiercely. Han Xuya held on for a few seconds, but was then sent flying. She smashed into a chair with great force.

"Xuya!" Luo Chao screamed.

At that moment, many people from the First Co-ed Military Academy pounced on the man and attacked him.

The man didn't panic and kicked everyone away with a whirlwind kick. Merely one move had defeated half of the First Co-ed Military Academy.

Han Xuya crawled back up, wiped the blood dripping from her mouth and shouted, "Everyone, attack together."

The opponents in front of them were definitely within the levels of Qi-Jin. As they were still in the Refinement level, they couldn't even go against them and could only use numbers to compensate for it.

Han Xuya was the first to charge forward. This time, everyone in the First Co-ed Military Academy made their move aside from Luo Chao, who was a non-battle member.

"Bam, bam, bam…" Everyone was sent flying to plummet into the ground and were unable to get up for some time. At that moment, other than the man who attacked Luo Shaoyun, another man appeared amidst the battle.

"What are you doing?" Seeing that his comrade was disturbing his excitement, the man that attacked first had an expression of discontent.

"The captain said that if you're done playing, then immediately get back to the team," said the person who stepped in late. He also knew that these new recruits couldn't bring about any trouble for his comrade, but he had to listen to his captain's orders. That was why he made his move.

"Man!" The other man spat on the ground and then angrily prepared to head back; however, coincidentally, the direction that Han Xuya was sent flying in was exactly in the way of his return path.

As he walked past Han Xuya, he saw her spit out blood while glaring at him angrily. His mood that had changed for the better from venting became violent once again. He raised his leg and ruthlessly kicked towards Han Xuya. He was prepared to send this annoying roadblock flying…

"Bam!" His kick was blocked by someone.

"Luo Chao!" Han Xuya shot a stunned look at Luo Chao, who was standing in front of her. This shy girl who always hid behind her, Luo Chao, the little sister she always protected, was now actually using her body to protect her.

Luo Chao had crossed her arms and managed to block the kick. Even if the opponent hadn't used Qi-Jin, the kick itself had already injured her.

"Sh*t, these little bugs are all looking to die, huh?" They came toward him one after another and he couldn't wipe the floor with them. The man's heart that was angry and frustrated to begin with, grew even wilder at that moment. He immediately lifted his foot, added the force of his Qi-Jin, and ruthlessly kicked towards Luo Chao…

Seeing the situation, Luo Chao's expression changed. She knew she was in trouble, but she couldn't retreat as Han Xuya was heavily wounded and behind her. Thus, she bit her lip and crossed her arms to prepare to endure the kick.

Seeing this, the soldier on guard couldn't help but close his eyes. It was too late. There was really going to be trouble.

The subordinate's captain saw this and only raised one brow, but he didn't stop his subordinate from committing the violent deed.

"Bam!" Right when that man's kick was about to hit Luo Chao, it was blocked by another kick.

Luo Chao raised her head and her feelings of grievance immediately emerged from inside her. Her eyes become reddened as she softly cried out, "Big Brother!"

It turned out that the kick that blocked the attack in a timely manner belonged to Luo Chao's twin brother, Luo Lang!

"Little Sis, take Xuya and back up. Leave this to me." Luo Lang's eyes showed a hint of killing intent. He hadn't expected to actually see his own sister almost about be badly hurt by someone upon entering the atrium. The force of that kick was definitely enough to have made his soft and beautiful sister lie in a treatment pod for at least 6 months or more.

The man who attacked saw that someone else had appeared, someone whose looks resembled that of the young woman who got in his way earlier. As he was unable to successfully let out his anger, he became even more livid. He didn't even hesitate and threw a punch at his opponent. This punch almost used all of his strength. At that moment, he had gone full throttle unlike in the beginning when he had kept some strength in reserve.

"Bam!" Luo Lang met that man's punch with his own fist and intercepted his opponent's attack.

The Qi-Jin within the two punches caused the chairs around them to topple, creating an empty circle with a radius of 30 meters with nothing in sight.

Chapter 565 - Monstrosity?

"Qi-Jin? I didn't expect that I would be able to play with such an interesting toy right after returning to the 23rd Division." The soldier who crossed fists with Luo Lang licked his own lips in excitement as his eyes gleamed with bloodthirst. Having been provoked, he felt as if he had returned to the bloody battlefields and the killing intent in his heart became thicker and thicker.

Luo Lang's level was exposed in the blow he exchanged with his opponent. The soldiers watching who all had malevolent auras couldn't help but wear solemn expressions on their faces. They hadn't expected for there to actually be experts of Qi-Jin among these cadets that had just gotten into the division. Normally, cadets who became experts of Qi-Jin during their years in the academy would them become people whom the division would focus on nurturing. Knowing this, they knew they couldn't go overboard unless they wanted to anger the division's main commander-in-chief's department.

Right when they wanted to stop all this, one of them saw that their comrade had blood in his eyes. They immediately yelled, "Captain, it's not looking good. Lu Wei may be going berserk."

They were killing machines of the division. Once they moved out, they would spare a single soul. The result of killing too many people made them somewhat all have psychological issues. For example, every time they came back from a mission, their moods would be extremely violent and everything would seem annoying to them. If they didn't find something to let loose, they wouldn't be able to recover.

The veterans of the division all knew about this type of situation. Even if they happened to be unlucky and was met with them looking for a fight, they would just endure it. Otherwise, if they really angered them, they would be looking to get harmed. This was also why the soldier standing on guard didn't say anything when they came looking for trouble. He wouldn't be able to reason with them and even the division commander-in-chief's department would turn a blind eye to what they did. After all, this was all caused by the post-traumatic stress from the mission. As long as there weren't any severe outcomes, the higher-ups would just allow it. Now because of this, these fellows were considered a dominant group within the division and normal veterans would not even dare to provoke them.

It was just that these soldiers met up with a group of new recruits. Never having felt frustration, they would naturally not endure this kind of humiliation and insult. The result of them lashing out was that they would be beaten up ruthlessly. If it was that kind of result, then everything would just pass, but after being stopped over and over again, it would provoke these soldiers who had mood swings. Once they went berserk, they would not listen to anyone and could even commit murder.

This was also why that soldier that spoke earlier felt that the situation was becoming worse. If Lu Wei really went berserk, the handsome young man that stopped him might disappear from this world.

Right when that soldier wanted to move in to stop the fight, their captain put out his hand to stop him. "Liang Qiao, wait."

"But!" Concern showed on Liang Qiao's face. He was afraid that Lu Wei would lose control and do something that he would regret.

"It's alright. That new recruit won't be so easily defeated," said his captain breezily.

At that moment, the cadets from all the military academies were all very angry. When they saw Luo Lang, they were overjoyed. They knew that they weren't on the same level as these soldiers. No matter how angry they were on the inside, they still had to endure it.

However, they saw that only Luo Lang appeared by himself and immediately began to worry. They were hoping that others from the First Men's Military Academy would quickly come out, as Luo Lang alone would definitely not be able to go against these bastards.

Those of the Third Men's Military Academy were also very anxious. One of them quietly asked their leader, "Elder Brother Wu, he might have some trouble if it's just himself. Are we going to make a move afterward?"

The expression of the leader, Elder Brother Wu, changed immediately. In the end, he bit his lip and said, "Watch and see how the situation plays out. If the guys from the First Men's Military Academy don't get here on time, we'll fight for a bit."

As cadets from the same military academy and as fellow new recruits, they all needed to stand on the same side and not let these veterans humiliate them.

"Got it, Elder Brother Wu." Those from the Third Men's Military Academy prepared themselves in silence. If the others from the First Men's Military Academy didn't make it on time, they were going to move in and assist Luo Lang.

Luo Lang quickly felt the change in his opponent's aura. His face became stern and he carefully put his guard up.

The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds. Suddenly, they moved simultaneously and disappeared.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The two of them clashed many times in mid-air. Their fight was extremely fast. Those who had poor eyesight couldn't see their movements clearly. These people could only listen to the sound of their punches and kicks colliding.

"Eat my fist!" Lu Wei shouted, punching towards Luo Lang with great force.

Luo Lang wasn't scared and met the attack with his own fist.

"Boom!" The clash of their Qi-Jin coated fists suddenly exploded outwards. This time, because both of them used all their strength and didn't hold back, the large force instantly sent them both flying.

Lu Wei smashed onto the ground and uncontrollably slid a few meters backward. He stood right up after doing a handspring. At that moment, his appearance wasn't as handsome as before. Other than the dust on his face, there was also a small trail of blood coming out of his mouth. The clash just now had dealt him internal damage.

On the other hand, Luo Lang had turned his body and held himself up with his two hands right before he was about to hit the ground. Using the force from his two hands, he flipped, landed firmly on the ground and stood up straight. Although Luo Lang felt his blood boiling, he wasn't actually wounded internally. In this fight, he was stronger than his opponent.

Seeing that he had been injured by a new recruit that he looked down upon, the common sense in Lu Wei's mind disappeared. His eyes showed the colors of a berserker. He angrily shouted, "Bastard, die."

After saying that, the muscles in his right arm suddenly expanded and his sleeve was instantly ripped. Before anyone could say anything, he had already vanished. In the next second, he appeared in front of Luo Lang. He swung his large right arm ruthlessly towards Luo Lang.

"Stop!" Shocked, Liang Qiao immediately leaped forward. He hadn't expected that Lu Wei would actually become berserk to the point that he would use their special forces battle team's ultimate technique. If this attack didn't kill the opponent, it would at least render them half dead.

However, another figure suddenly appeared in mid-air and stopped him from interfering.

"Bastard, move." Liang Qiao grew angry and punched with great force at the figure.

"Bang!" Two fists clashed. Liang Qiao couldn't control himself and took a few steps backward before managing to stand firm on the ground. He looked at his opponent with a stunned expression. The punch that he had angrily thrown out had 80% of his Qi-Jin behind it. He didn't expect the opponent to take all of it and even send him staggering backward.

While Liang Qiao was stopped, Luo Lang saw that his opponent's attack was coming his way. He still kept a straight face and took in a deep breath as his right hand trembled a little. His sure-kill technique, Level 4 One-Inch Punch, silently took all of his body's Qi-Jin and met with the ruthless attack from his opponent.

"Bang!" The loud sound almost broke the eardrums of those who were present.

After the shockwave from the clashing between the two Qi-Jin hits erupted, the large force made everyone who was watching the battle uncontrollably take a few steps back. The only people who could stand firmly within the Qi-Jin were those tough soldiers, including Liang Qiao who was stopped earlier.

After the Qi-Jin dissipated, the person in front of Liang Qiao finally spoke. "See, the two of them are just getting to the fun part. If you make a move, they will be angry."

The person was wearing the 23rd Division's uniform for new recruits. His smile was very happy-go-lucky, as though him making a move was actually because he was afraid that Liang Qiao would try to do some good that would actually lead to a bad outcome.

Liang Qiao wasn't fooled by the other's smile and narrowed his eyes. "Qi-Jin."

Although Liang Qiao looked like he was calm, he was actually quite surprised. There being one recruit with Qi-Jin was already very rare. He didn't expect another person with Qi-Jin would appear. It seemed that there were many monstrous individuals among this year's new recruits; otherwise, how could one or two of them all have Qi-Jin?

Following the clash between Luo Lang and Lu Wei's fists, the two of them did not seem to have been hurt. Right when Liang Qiao wanted Lu Wei to stop, he saw the latter suddenly fly backward in mid-air. Lu Wei spat out some blood uncontrollably onto the ground. Right after, his body smashed onto the ground and because of the force he hit the ground with, he stopped after rolling uncontrollably for a few seconds. This time, Lu Wei didn't stand up.

Luo Lang slowly lowered his fist and stood up straight, a trickle of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Although he had heavily wounded his opponent, the opponent's ultimate technique was also very impressive. It had actually directly injured all of his organs. Fortunately, his situation was much better than his opponent's. At least he could still stand and could still fight. In comparison, the opponent had dropped to the ground and no longer had any ability to fight.

Luo Lang used his hand to wipe off the blood on the corner of his mouth, then slowly walked towards Lu Wei and bent down. He looked at him teeming with anger and asked, "Which leg did you use to hurt my little sister earlier?"

Lu Wei didn't answer. He merely looked at Luo Lang with his bloodshot red eyes. He was like a ferocious beast, wanting to rip off the flesh from his opponent. However, being heavily wounded, he couldn't move an inch.

"Was it your right leg?" Luo Lang asked coldly. "I'll break it. Luo Lang's little sister is no easy target to bully."

After saying that, Luo Lang raised his right leg and ruthlessly kicked towards Lu Wei's right calf.

"Impudent!" Lu Wei's captain's eyes flashed red for one second. He instantly disappeared and reappeared beside Luo Lang, following which he kicked to meet with Luo Lang's kick.

Luo Lang's expression instantly changed. This man's aura exceeded the level Luo Lang could endure. It was not possible for him to take it on directly. However, Luo Lang didn't give up on his revenge and continued to kick towards Lu Wei's calf without any care about the repercussions it might bring.

"Bam!" Suddenly, another muscular leg appeared and blocked the captain's kick.

"Crack!" Luo Lang ruthlessly kicked Lu Wei's calf and instantly broke his leg.

The one who intercepted the captain's attack was a short-haired and cool-looking individual, who wasn't smiling in the least and actually looked menacing at that moment.

The individual slowly lowered his leg and calmly said, "Your opponent is me."

"Qi Long, you almost arrived late." Luo Lang felt a bit dissatisfied seeing that someone had come to him. Their boss had told the three of them to come together, but Qi Long had actually arrived later than him and Xie Yi despite being the strongest.

"Better to come on time than early," Qi Long replied calmly.

In reality, he had already arrived a while ago. It was just that his boss had ordered him to let Luo Lang have a good fight to let out his anger, as Luo Lang would definitely go wild if he didn't vent, what with him having a sister complex.

"Who are you people?" The captain saw through Qi Long's capabilities and his eyes couldn't help but narrow. The other was at the peak stage of Qi-Jin, only lower by himself by a small fraction. He was so young yet his physical skills had actually reached this level. It seemed that he was the strongest in this group of new recruits.

"I'm a former cadet of the First Men's Military Academy, now a new recruit of the 23rd Division, Qi Long," Qi Long answered calmly.

"And you?" The captain looked towards the new recruit who had intercepted Liang Qiao.

"I'm a former cadet of the First Men's Military Academy, now a new recruit of the 23rd Division, Xie Yi," Xie Yi answered with a smile on his face.

The captain looked towards Luo Lang. This seemingly soft and weak youngster was actually as merciless as them veterans. Who had developed and nurtured these recruits into such monsters?

"I'm a former cadet of the First Men's Military Academy, now a new recruit of the 23rd Division, Luo Lang." Luo Lang glared at the captain angrily while introducing himself. If possible, he would have wanted this captain to pay a price as well. After all, he had let his subordinate act freely and made his little sister and comrades get hurt.

"I am the captain of the Sting Special Forces, Lian Shaojing," Lian Shaojing introduced himself proudly. "You injured my team member, so you must pay a similar price." Killing intent flashed through his eyes for a moment. In reality, he had been provoked by the continuous fighting of his members. Being somewhat berserk, he wanted to get some blood of these youngsters on his own hands, which would fill him with joy.

"Holy sh*t, he's the captain of the Sting Special Forces? We're in trouble now." After hearing Lian Shaojing's self-introduction, all of the new recruits all knew that they were in trouble.

Every division had its own team of special forces. There were many official battle teams in the special forces' team, but the ones who had their names known to the public were a total of eight battle teams. The rest was very mysterious that even those in the 23rd Division weren't certain how many official battle team their own division's special forces' team had. Furthermore, the special forces had 12 substitute battle teams. Once these substitute battle teams met the demands of the special forces, they would level up and become an official battle team.

Compared to the mysteriousness of official battle teams, the information on the 12 substitute battle teams was more well-known. There were names of 8 battle teams. The veterans of the 23rd Division all knew that all this information wasn't considered a secret for people who were interested in the 23rd Division. However, even if they were substitute special forces battle teams, they were still the division's extremely merciless killing machines. They were people that normal battle teams looked up to.

The Sting Special Forces was one of the twelve substitute battle teams and they were also ranked third best battle team. In the past two years, they had gone on many dangerous missions and killed countless enemies. Many people predicted that some time afterward, they would become one of the official battle teams.

Even these military academy cadets had heard of Sting's legacy. Offending them meant that the cadets would be unable to move freely in the 23rd Division. Everyone was concerned for those of the First Men's Military Academy.

Luo Lang and Xie Yi exchanged a look. Right when they wanted to get closer to Qi Long and face Lian Shaojing together, they were intercepted by Lian Shaojing's team members.

Right at that moment, a young man clumsily ran into the atrium. He saw Luo Lang and Xie Yi become surrounded by people from the Sting Special Forces and immediately yelled out angrily. "Shameless. You guys want to gang up and attack?"

He looked around and quickly picked up a broken chair leg from the ground. He swung it a few times with great force and yelled, "I'll join too."

"Chang Xinyuan, fighting isn't your thing." As a cool voice rang from behind him, Lin Zhong-qing and Han Jijyun slowly walked in from the front door.

After they walked in, 200 or so people also flooded into the atrium. They were the recruits from the First Men's Military Academy. Not long after, the 200 or so people had surrounded those from the Sting Special Forces.

Seeing this, the captain sneered at them. All these recruits who had only reached the level of Refinement would not be able to go against his battle team, no matter how many of them there were. But suddenly, his expression changed and he looked at the door with great surprise.

A cool-looking young man had appeared at the door and his cold gaze focused on Lian Shaojing, making him feel as though he had been frozen in place.

Chapter 566 - Teaching Him a Lesson!

As this young man appeared, the entire atrium turned as cold as ice and those whose physical skills were at low levels began to shiver.

The cool young man slowly walked closer towards the center of the atrium. With every step he took, Lian Shaojing could feel the pressure in his heart increase by one-fold. He was surprised and terrified because he discovered that he couldn't see through the young man's power level.

"Who is he? Why does he make me feel afraid?" On the side of Lian Shaojing's forehead, droplets of sweats were trickling down to his face. It didn't drip to the collar of his uniform, but he didn't wipe it because his intuition told him that if he moved, danger would be upon him.

Ling Lan walked past Luo Chao and Han Xuya with her eyes focused on them. Her originally cold and heartless gaze instantly became somewhat warm as she said, "Luo Chao, Xuya, we were late."

These words made Han Xuya become uncontrollably red. As for Luo Chao, these words made the feeling of grievance well up from inside her and tears instantly poured out from her eyes.

When Luo Chao saw her older brother Luo Lang, she could still hold in her tears. However, after hearing Ling Lan's apology, Luo Chao's strong-willed heart collapsed.

"Boss, they bullied us." She decisively relayed the situation to her boss in the midst of tears.

As long as their boss was here, no one would dare to bully them. Even if some dared to bully them, they would be ruthlessly taught a lesson by their boss. From when they were very young, Luo Chao had believed that Ling Lan could do anything.

A warm hand patted on her head softly.

Ling Lan naturally knew the truth of the situation. Actually, right as they were approaching planet Southcrest, Little Four had already connected with the mainframe of the planet's spaceport and immediately found Luo Chao, Han Xuya and the others. This was also why Qi Long, Luo Lang and Xie Yi were able to arrive at the most dangerous moment.

Ling Lan turned around and looked at Lian Shaojing. Her eyes were cold as she said, "Don't worry, I'll teach them a lesson. You'd better watch closely."

Luo Chao wiped her tears with her hands and nodded. "Okay, Boss!"

Ling Lan walked towards Lian Shaojing, one step at a time. Although the one who had injured the others had his leg broken by Luo Lang and they had taken revenge already, Ling Lan still felt that it wasn't enough. If it wasn't for the person in front of her allowing it, how could her comrades have become injured and wronged?

Once Ling Lan left their side, Han Xuya quietly poked Luo Chao. She narrowed her eyes and said softly, "Boss is going to take revenge for you."

Hearing this, Luo Chao jumped and her entire face became bright red. She suddenly realized that she had been acting cutely towards their boss! This, this, this, was too embarrassing for her.

Luo Chao felt deeply embarrassed and didn't dare to raise her head, while Qi Long, on the other hand, immediately moved back to make space for Ling Lan after seeing her walk towards him. He bowed slightly and shouted, "Boss!"

This shout made Lian Shaojing's expression change slightly. He didn't expect that the youngster who was at the peak of Qi-Jin wasn't their strongest member. This other person was definitely stronger to have been able to become that youngster's boss. Could it be that this boss of theirs had reached the late-stages of Qi-Jin, just like himself? Or was he perhaps a Domain master?

Right when this thought flashed through his head, it was overruled by Lian Shaojing himself. The record for the youngest Domain master in the Federation was never broken by anyone. It seemed that the other party wasn't a Domain master. He was, at most, likely in the late-stages of Qi-Jin, the Great Perfection level. It was around the same level as Lian Shaojing himself.

Lian Shaojing had never thought that someone would advance without registering. He believed that breaking records represented the glory of every soldier in the alliance and that this sort of joyful information had to be told to the public.

He would never have thought that Ling Lan maintained her neutral behavior because of her gender. Ling Lan didn't allow herself to behave too over the top, cause everyone to notice and expose her real gender. Also, liking to keep her trump cards, Ling Lan wanted herself to have as many trump cards as possible. Thus, there was no way she would actively expose her real level. She always pretended to be the prey and prey on the predators.

Of course, she couldn't pretend to be the prey this time. There were too many underlings around, thus she could only upgrade and become a large predator. Even so, Ling Lan still had to pretend to be a normal predator's pet and make all others forever unable to know her true power.

Lian Shaojing's mistake in estimating Ling Lan made him understand a bit. The fear he had when he first saw Ling Lan had dissipated by quite a bit. Staring at Ling Lan, he laughed coldly and asked, "You're the boss of this lot?"

Ling Lan calmly answered, "Indeed."

Lian Shaojing pointed at Luo Lang and said, "He broke my team member's leg. What are you going to do about it?" If the other knew how to behave, he would be willing to break one of their legs and then let them go.

Hearing this, the corner of Ling Lan's mouth showed a hint of disdain. She calmly pulled on her sleeves with an expression that showed no care for Lian Shaojing and asked, "What about it?"

Ling Lan's attitude immediately provoked Lian Shaojing and anger erupted from inside him. He angrily smiled and stated, "You guys must pay it back in blood."

"Pay it back in blood? Heh. You let your team member loose and injured my men. What do you say to that?" The killing intent in Ling Lan's eyes flashed for a moment.

Lian Shaojing smiled slyly. "Well, who told them to annoy my men. Since you guys have entered the division, you all need to know how to survive in the division."

"Everything is based on strength?" Ling Lan raised a brow. She remembered that this was something Luo Shaoyun, the person who attacked first, had said.

"That's right. As long as you're strong enough, you have the right to teach lessons to others." Right as Lian Shaojing stopped talking, he threw out a strong punch that he had prepared beforehand.

"Bam!" Two fists collided and all the others stepped back due to the ensuing shapeless shockwave once again. A clash between individuals in the late-stages of Qi-Jin was much more powerful than that of the mid-stage level.

Luo Lang and Xie Yi had also taken one step back due to this force. Qi Long was proactive and retreated beside Luo Lang and the others. He didn't want to stay too close and accidentally get harmed by his own boss.

"Late-stage Qi-Jin, Great Perfection." Lian Shaojing's expression changed slightly after he felt the energy from the clash between Ling Lan and himself.

As expected, the opponent's level was the same as his own. He even felt that the opponent's energy was thicker and purer than his own. Even though they were at the same level, there would still be some differences in terms of energy. This attack seemed as though they were on par with each other, but in reality, his opponent was stronger than him. It should be known that he had attacked first and the opponent had attacked to intercept his punch. The active attack that was blocked by a passive attack made it very clear.

After feeling that he might actually lose to this new recruit who was standing before him, the blood in Lian Shaojing's eyes became thicker and thicker. There was the look of a wild beast in his eyes.

Right at that moment, a battle team that was on duty in the spaceport rushed into the atrium. It was the soldier on duty who had asked for them to come to the atrium. This team saw the people inside and instantly cried in agony internally, while their captain hated the situation even more and almost bit his own tongue off.

It was the Sting Special Forces again. It was this bastard Lian Shaojing again. Couldn't he just return to headquarters in peace? Every time they would make a scene at the spaceport area. They were only this arrogant because the battle team on duty in the spaceport couldn't do anything to them, weren't they? The captain of the battle team on duty wished that he was also a master in Qi-Jin and at the Great Perfection level. That way, he would have been able to ruthlessly teach this bastard Lian Shaojing a lesson.

Although the captain on duty couldn't teach Lian Shaojing a lesson, he still had to keep the new recruits safe. He could only force himself to lead his team member to rush to the battle between the two sides.

Right at that moment, five or six people suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked his path. He narrowed his eyes and saw that it was actually some new recruits. These guys were Gao Jinyun's group. They didn't want the battle team on duty to disrupt their boss' fight.

"Move out of our way. We have to stop the fight immediately, otherwise everyone in here will be in danger once Captain Lian loses control," shouted the captain on duty, wearing a pale expression at seeing the wild beast within Lian Shaojing's eyes.

Did these new recruits not know that the reason why they were rushing to stop Lian Shaojing's fight was that they wanted to ensure everyone's safety?

Being knowledgeable about the Sting Special Forces, this captain knew the capabilities of the captain of the Sting Special Forces very well. Once Lian Shaojing lost control, there most likely wouldn't be anyone at the spaceport that could stop him. In the entire 23rd Division, only the physical skills instructor at headquarters, the special forces commander and several captains of the official battle teams had the ability to stop a berserk Lian Shaojing. It was just that if they waited for reinforcements to arrive, it was possible that most of the people here would have already died.

Unfortunately, his words didn't move Gao Jinyun and the others. Gao Jinyun firmly replied, "Please wait a moment, Senior Officer."

"What are you waiting for? If we wait any longer, that new recruit is going to die." How many blows had been exchanged? He hoped that Lian Shaojing would be merciful and not kill someone.

"Die?" Gao Jinyun's expression became odd, as he had actually never witnessed anyone hurt his boss before. He pointed to the center of the atrium to indicate to the captain on duty to watch the fight.

The captain on duty couldn't help it and just watched. He was immediately dumbfounded by what he was seeing because the situation was very different from what he thought. That new recruit wasn't being completely destroyed by Lian Shaojing. Instead, it was Lian Shaojing, who the captain on duty thought that no one could defeat, who was at a disadvantage.

What was happening? There was actually someone among the new recruits that could go against Lian Shaojing?

The captain on duty was in disbelief. He turned around and looked towards the new recruits, who were all standing calmly. It was as though this scene was very normal for them. It seemed that they knew what they were doing when they stopped the captain from going in to stop the fight. It wasn't just the new recruits being impulsive and wanting to be heroes or something.

The captain on duty thought about it, calmed down and was no longer in a hurry to stop the fight. The captain on duty was very happy that he was able to see Lian Shaojing make a fool out of himself and even take it up the ass. He was very willing to give this new recruit a chance to do that.

Lian Shaojing's situation was going from bad to worse. He couldn't understand it. Even if the quality of his opponent's energy was better than his by a small degree, it was impossible that his opponent was capable of rendering him helpless to do anything. But no matter how much he attacked or changed his moves, he still couldn't get out of the bad situation his opponent had put him in.

He fought with frustration. This type of frustration made him anxious. The color of blood in his eyes became thicker and thicker and his eyes became redder and redder. At the very end, both of his eyes were full of rage.

Seeing this, Ling Lan's lip perked up. It was time.

"Awooo!" Lian Shaojing suddenly howled. As his uniform suddenly burst off his body and his entire body became extremely muscular, he charged towards Ling Lan.

The expression of the captain on duty changed instantly. Lian Shaojing had actually gone berserk and used a restricted military physical skill, which increased the energy of the entire body by five-fold. Once that new recruit was hit by this attack, he would at least have all his bones and muscles shattered if he didn't die from it. Even if he underwent surgery, in the end, he would become a disabled person.

Right that moment, Ling Lan, who was facing Lian Shaojing all this time, suddenly vanished. In the next second, she appeared behind Lian Shaojing and stood back to back with him.

It was as though Lian Shaojing had lost his target and was stunned in place. He stayed in his charging position. After a few seconds, he slowly turned his head to look behind him. His expression now was perplexed and somewhat afraid.

"Bam!" Ling Lan raised her right hand and snapped her fingers.

Lian Shaojing's body suddenly began exploding with countless lacerations forming on his body, following which he fell to the ground with great force. Immediately, the ground around him was painted by his own blood.

"Captain!" Seeing this situation, Lian Shaojing's team members were all in dismay. They didn't even think and all jumped towards Ling Lan, wanting to take revenge for their captain.

However, they couldn't even get close to Ling Lan. Qi Long, Luo Lang, Xie Yi, Lin Zhong-qing, Han Jijyun, Gao Jinyun and other captains from the First Men's Military Academy all moved forward. Following this, all the new recruits of the First Men's Military Academy moved forward and attacked them all at once. Even Han Xuya and the others who could still move joined in and ruthlessly pounced towards the rest of Lian Shaojing's team.

Their boss had once said that normally, they should fight advantageously when they had the chance. Since they had the power in numbers, then they had to use it to the best of their abilities and not waste it. Everyone of the Lingtian Mecha Clan might not listen to their instructors or captains, but they definitely had to listen to their boss' words.

Not long after, overrun by the sheer number of people, every member of the Sting Special Forces had all "died". All of them were lying on the floor lifelessly.

The captain on duty was terrified by the ruthlessness of these new recruits. These guys weren't new recruits. Their mercilessness wasn't less than any veteran. His worry in the beginning was definitely a mistake.

However, because he was afraid that the new recruits might not know their bounds and commit murder accidentally, the captain on duty immediately led his men to stop the fight. Unfortunately, the new recruits were just getting excited from the fight and weren't easy to stop. They couldn't even squeeze into the crowd and was thrown out by the new recruits.

Chang Xinyuan shared a similar treatment because his ability was too weak. Although he wanted to join in, he would still be squeezed out by the others before he could squeeze in. This made him very annoyed. At that moment, he saw his boss standing on the side and coldly watching everyone engaging in a group fight. He immediately had a thought and quickly found a chair that was still somewhat intact in the rubble, and happily brought it over to Ling Lan.

"Alright." A cold voice rang in everyone's ears. It was as though everyone in the First Men's Military Academy had received an order and immediately stopped moving. They turned around and looked towards their boss.

Chang Xinyuan walked beside Ling Lan and put the chair beside her. He obsequiously patted the chair and said, "Boss, the chair is very clean. Please take a seat."

This scene made everyone very angry. How could they have forgotten to serve their boss? Sh*t, that chance was taken by that bastard Chang Xinyuan.

Seeing this, Ling Lan was speechless and she felt herself becoming increasingly more like the antagonist of a story. However, as she didn't want to disappoint Chang Xinyuan, she calmly sat down.

"Since everything has been resolved, we'll wait for the arrangements of the spaceport," Ling Lan calmly instructed. "Now, everyone find a seat and sit down."

After Ling Lan gave the order, the sound of chairs being moved around echoed throughout the atrium. Less than one minute later, everyone had already found seats and sat down.

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