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27.64% Mixed HD / Chapter 120: Chapter 1901 to Chapter 1908

Chapter 120: Chapter 1901 to Chapter 1908

Chapter 1901: Ambush Along the Way

Those from the Tritalent Isles were surprised when the Rejuvenation airbot stopped a few hundred meters from their location. They'd planned things perfectly.

Imperial Prince Huo's airboat would be caught in a fatal confinement as soon as it triggered the trap. They would then have a seventy to eighty percent chance of eliminating everyone from Rejuvenation without risking a single hair on their heads.

They were so close to achieving that goal!

Nonetheless, the failure of their original plan didn't make them lose composure. They had formulated several strategies and a contingency backup, which, unfortunately, involved defeating their enemies with brute force.

Tritalent had gathered experts from various local factions to set up a perfect ambush. Their number was at least three times as many as Imperial Prince Huo's.

Under these circumstances, if they ambushed and caught their targets off guard, the odds of a victory were over ninety percent.

"What a sly fox the imperial prince is, Commander Gao!" complained a frustrated man with one eye and unkempt hair. "Damn him for noticing the trap!"

The commander he was talking to was a burly, tanned man with short hair and sculpted features. He was Gao Kui, a senior executive in the Tritalent Isles and one of their strongest warriors. The ambush had been set up under his command.

Gao Kui scoffed, disappointed by the turn of events. They could've eliminated all their targets without drawing weapons. Now that the trap had failed, a fight was inevitable.

Their number put them gave them the edge in a clash, but there would still be casualties, and they might be more serious than preferred if Rejuvenation did something reckless in their desperation.

"Listen up, everyone!" exclaimed the commander. "Our primary target is Imperial Prince Huo. We have to kill that old fox no matter the cost. Chief Warden Ding is our secondary target. The rest can escape for all I care. Our operation will be a success as long as the prince is taken out. It's a great success if we can kill both the prince and Ding. I'll get you the rewards you deserve afterwards!"

His pep talk boosted morale; his men were pumped. Their numbers were many, but in an ambush the elites were the ones that mattered. The lesser cultivators were here to clean up the stragglers or serve as cannon fodder.

According to their analysis, there were only four true experts on Imperial Prince Huo's side, the prince and the chief warden being two of them. The other two were the prince's left and right hand men who never left his side.

In comparison, Gao Kui had three times the number of experts under his command. Twelve that could rival Rejuvenation's best. In addition, they had many more lesser elites.

With this set up, Gao Kui believed there was more than ninety percent chance that they could eliminate Imperial Prince Huo and the others.

"Take a good look at the route we're taking..." He pointed here and there on the map. "Remember, we'll assign two each to take on the prince's two bodyguards. They don't have to die, only distracted. We'll set another two to delay Chief Warden Ding as well. Then six are going to trap and attack Imperial Prince Huo. The remaining two from the twelve will be on standby, getting ready to help any team that may need help.

"Alright, let's assign tasks." Gao Kui started taking roll.

Imperial Prince Huo was their primary target. Naturally the commander would be leading that assault himself. The most powerful of the twelve elites would be with him.

Once everyone was assigned their tasks, Gao Kui encouraged, "Stick to the plan, and Imperial Prince Huo is deader than a doornail no matter how good he is!"

"Ready!" He gestured. "Take your positions and block off all possible escape routes. Let's trap them and shoot them like fish in a barrel!"

Suddenly, a man's explosive shouting came from the outside. It was Imperial Prince Huo, furiously cursing them out.

"Listen, you lying in wait! Only shameless weasels sneak around! If you're bold enough to go after Rejuvenation, show yourselves and let me have a good look at you. How ridiculous the world has become for losers and misfits to attack Rejuvenation!"

"Hmph, how foolish it is for a man about to die to speak so arrogantly!" sneered the one-eyed man standing next to Gao Kui.

"Keep your calm, everyone," Gao Kui spoke up immediately. He was experienced enough to know what the prince was doing. "Imperial Prince Huo is cunning. Psychological warfare is his specialty. Stick to the plan and don't let his words affect you."

His people nodded and exchanged glances before vanishing into thin air.

Gao Kui beckoned the others over. "Come on. Let's take a look."

Their numbers made Gao Kui fearless. He leapt into the air with his group in tow.

Right ahead of them was Imperial Prince Huo, followed by his two personal guards, and Chief Warden Ding, seemingly unprepared for any danger.

Gao Kui was ecstatic.

Imperial Prince Huo was courting death. The four of them had filed into a line rather than a battle formation. An ambush would be able to instantly kill two of them. The remaining two wouldn't pose much of a challenge then!

"So it's you rats." A derisive look shot out from Imperial Prince Huo. "Gao Kui, Tritalent's been waiting for this day for a long time, hasn't it?"

Gao Kui was surprised by how calm the imperial prince was. He laughed. "Rejuvenation has been in power for long enough, Imperial Prince Huo! It's time for you to surrender what you've deprived us of!"

"Surrender? To the likes of you?" With Jiang Chen as their backer, Imperial Prince Huo spoke with easy confidence.

Gao Kui gave him a feral grin. "The likes of us? That's right! In the past, we weren't in any place to challenge Rejuvenation, but you dug your own grave! Haha, if the aristocratic families from Polylore Divine Nation hadn't knocked you down a peg, it wouldn't have been as easy for us to knock you off your pedestal."

"So what?" the imperial prince said coolly. "Gao Kui, do you honestly believe you have us by the throat?"

"Are you still holding out hope that Rejuvenation will turn things around? Imperial Prince Huo, the good fengshui in this area makes it a decent resting ground. Accept your fate!"

With a wave of his hand, the cultivators came out of hiding and locked down the area.

Chapter 1902: The Tables Turn In A Second

Twelve advanced empyrean experts arrayed themselves in a circle, completely surrounding Imperial Prince Huo's airboat. Their formation was clearly premeditated and well-practiced.

Gao Kui radiated disdain. He considered his prey with a diabolical smile. "Imperial Prince Huo, do you think you left the Rejuvenation Isles without anyone knowing? We've kept a close eye on you these past few days. You were hard to track, but your carelessness finally showed through. We've picked up your trail in the end. What do you think? Is this a good place for an ambush?"

"Not a bad place, all things considering." The imperial prince smiled coolly.

"A fine burial site, wouldn't you agree?" Gao Kui's deep hatred for Rejuvenation was undisguised. His tone was filled with violence and rage.

The imperial prince nodded. "Yes, yes. A very good burial site."

"Then let me send you to hell!" Gao Kui brayed with laughter.

"Oh? You were talking to me? You must've gotten something wrong," Imperial Prince Huo protested with an air of seriousness. "I do believe this is intended for you."

Gao Kui blinked, then roared with laughter. "You're very funny even on death's doorstep, Imperial Prince Huo. Do you think you can possibly escape?"

"Escape? Who said I wanted to escape?" The imperial prince feigned astonishment. "Did I say anything like that?"

His acting was incredibly realistic. He turned to Chief Warden Ding for exaggerated confirmation.

The warden returned his question with a brilliant smile. "No, sir," he shook his head. "Indeed, I'm wondering that myself."

Gao Kui's fury instantly ignited.

Imperial Prince Huo and Chief Warden Ding were bastards through and through! Why weren't they panicking, even though they were obviously about to die? Why weren't they cooperating?

For a brief moment, the situation became mildly absurd.

"If you insist on being stubborn, Imperial Prince Huo, you can repent your sins in the underworld!" Shrieking, Gao Kui waved to the other men. "Kill them! Kill them all!"

Imperial Prince Huo sneered. Suddenly, there was a different shriek in the air – the sound of a bird's cry. A crimson light pillar pierced the sky.

The Vermilion Bird's ferocious form blotted out half the firmament. A slight bit of energy was released into bloody, biting currents, surging towards the cultivators at the front.

They had barely a moment to react before being swept into the flow. The Vermilion Bird shook its wings a little, consuming them into its radiance.

Not to be outdone, Long Xiaoxuan's draconic body moved as well. His gigantic claws grasped two nearby experts by their midsections.

Two shrill screams later, his victims' bodies souls were utterly crushed by his Claw of Crushed Mountains and Rivers.

Jiang Chen jumped into action himself as well. The Holy Dragon Bow channeled his draconic energies into two arrows that soared at different targets.

Though he was sixth level empyrean realm, his combat strength was far greater than that. He could take on even ninth level empyrean experts head-on with ease, much less snipe them at a distance with his bow.

The Holy Dragon Bow, coupled with the draconic energy from a son of a celestial emperor, was capable of inflicting injuries on gods. Advanced empyrean cultivators were easy prey.

Pop, pop!

Two crisp noises later, two ninth level empyrean heads exploded like watermelons. They died on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, nine cultivators on Gao Kui's side had died.

Only three remained: Gao Kui himself, the one-eyed man with a mane of hair, and a cultivator near the back.

Gao Kui couldn't believe his eyes. His comrades were falling all around him. Was he dreaming?

His head went blank with shock. "Commander Gao, let's get out of here!" the one-eyed man shouted. "They have powerful experts with them!"

Alas, their reactions were far too slow. The surrounding space was already locked down by a cloud of fire.

No matter where they headed, a hell of flames awaited them. The scorching temperatures singed their souls before they could even approach.

They could only return to their original location. There was no more arrogance in their eyes, just terror!

The tables had completely turned in the blink of an eye.

Imperial Prince Huo was profusely exuberant. He had finally made the correct decision, and it was already paying off! Young lord Jiang Chen had instantly reversed the situation!

No matter what kind of fighting would take place later between Rejuvenation and Tritalent, the death of twelve advanced empyrean experts would significantly reduce the strength of the latter!

Such a huge loss irreparably damaged Tritalent's military capital, which would force a reevaluation of the differences in strength between the two rival factions.

This moments-long battle had completely changed the war, as well as the Rejuvenation Isles' fate.

Gao Kui felt entirely the opposite as the imperial prince. He was more than terrified; he was abjectly lost and despairing. He couldn't understand how all of this had happened. Hadn't they been on the verge of killing Imperial Prince Huo?

Who had the imperial prince managed to petition? He hadn't even caught how the enemy had slain his comrades.

The fighting had taken place in a flash. Mighty beings had showed their strength on the battlefield by reaping the lives of his men.

Gao Kui had no delusions left after that convincing display. The entities he was fighting against were too terrifying. He wouldn't have a chance to run.

"You were right about one thing, Gao Kui. This place is a perfect gravesite for you lot." Imperial Prince Huo was exercising a victor's right. His tone and mood were completely relaxed.

Gao Kui was absolutely ashen. "Imperial Prince Huo, who did you invite?!" He screamed, glaring in the prince's direction. "I've lost, and I don't expect to leave alive. Can you at least tell me who I lost to, so I can die with some understanding?"

The imperial prince sneered. "Why should I tell you? I'd prefer you to be ignorant."

Gao Kui was as white as a sheet. His lips trembled and he couldn't stop shaking his head. Evidently, he was stuck in the throes of despair.

Suddenly, he howled in exasperation, pouncing in Imperial Prince Huo's direction like an arrow in flight.

Chapter 1903: A Display of Might and Awe

Gao Kui knew he was about to die. He wanted to take Imperial Prince Huo with him to the underworld.

So sudden was his attack that the imperial prince and the chief warden were both caught off guard. If Gao Kui was allowed to get near them and self-detonate, he would unleash incredible destruction.

It was hard for empyrean experts to defend against their fellows' suicidal techniques. In fact, suicide attacks were the most dangerous kind in their duels.

If someone chose to ignore any danger to themselves, they would inevitably become significantly more dangerous to others in turn. Only an expert that could overwhelm them would have no reason to fear.

Gao Kui's sudden charge sent Imperial Prince Huo into a panic.

"We go together!" cackled the Tritalent expert.

However, his ideas were cut short by a golden wall that had spontaneously materialized into being. The barrier completely cut him off from the imperial prince. No matter how hard he hit it, he could not get through.

Gritting his teeth, Gao Kui soared into the air in an attempt to get a different angle.

When he did so, however, a golden bell was waiting for him.

It opened its maw like an ancient consuming beast, ravenous enough to swallow up even the heavens and earth.

The bell smashed into Gao Kui, ringing with dragonsong. Potent energy radiated from the bell in the form of an immense pillar of light, enveloping its victim within.

Gao Kui was like a rabbit in a cage, entirely unable to escape no matter how hard he tried.

Jiang Chen stood in midair with stern majesty. His Evil Golden Eye opened wide, firing ray of consciousness into Gao Kui's own eyes.

"Know your place!" There was a faint authority in his voice that naturally invoked awe in others.

Nearby, the Vermilion Bird was rather amazed. It had seen countless human experts from ancient times until now. Even so, even the ancient leaders of humanity could only equal the youth in authority. This Jiang Chen was a natural leader of the highest caliber.

He was more used to being in power than practically anyone else the bird had seen!

"That humanity would have a genius like him nowadays… I suppose there is a reason for the human race's long standing vitality." The sacred fowl was shaken.

Though it had attained godhood, it didn't lord that achievement over its companion. It knew well that Jiang Chen would reach the same level someday soon.

In fact, the Vermilion Bird believed Jiang Chen to have much more future potential than itself. The young man's capacity for achievement was immeasurable. Perhaps he would walk where no genius has walked before, and work miracles the world has never seen!

Something strange began to happen.

The arrogant Gao Kui's fierce expression turned to helplessness and despair. His body hardened bit by bit, until his expression and extremities became totally frozen.

He had become a statue!

Imperial Prince Huo and his men were positively astonished. Had he been turned into a statue by a mere look from Jiang Chen? What scary ability was this?

The imperial prince's heart pounded. He'd always thought Jiang Chen's strength to come from his prominent status and his partner the Vermilion Bird.

Though Jiang Chen was certainly a genius himself, his strength hadn't been greatly perfected yet.

What he saw though, proved those assumptions naively false.

With the abilities he'd shown so far alone, Jiang Chen could easily cause a great deal of trouble for Rejuvenation without taking the Vermilion Bird at all into account.

His archery skills and his ocular skills seemed inescapable. The imperial prince wasn't sure he would've been able to escape Gao Kui's fate had their places been switched.

He exchanged a relieved look with Chief Warden Ding. They were lucky to have made the right choice in more ways than one. If they hadn't sought a compromise, making an enemy out of Jiang Chen was absolutely suicidal.

Jiang Chen was no longer the same man as Jiang Huang the fugitive!

He was a force to be reckoned with anywhere in the Ten Divine Nations, much less among the lesser factions.

The two left behind were even more clueless. They tried to run, but were caught and crushed by Long Xiaoxuan with little resistance.

The dragon was seventh level empyrean realm, and his draconic heritage allowed him to fight as well as a peak ninth level expert.

Taking down two seventh level cultivators was more than easy. He utterly outshone them in both power and speed.

Gao Kui's twelve-man ambush squad had been fully wiped out.

Even Imperial Prince Huo felt like he was dreaming. He knew that Tritalent would no longer be a problem after receiving young lord Jiang Chen's patronage, but he hadn't expected such a smooth resolution to his problems. Rejuvenation's life-and-death issues were trivial affairs for the Eternal Sacred Land's young lord.

The imperial prince stirred with thoughtful emotion. At the end of the day, strength decided standing. Currying favors was only going to get them so far.

Jiang Chen glanced at Imperial Prince Huo. "I killed them, so I'm going to take the things they've left behind. There's no problem with that, I trust?"

"Of course, of course. They are your spoils, young lord," came the hasty reply. How could Imperial Prince Huo possibly want to dispute ownership? "Let me send out my men to collect the belongings for you," he suggested thoughtfully.

The battlefield was tidied up in a few quick moments.

"Let's keep going," Jiang Chen remarked with a collected ease. "And while we have time, tell me what factions Tritalent has managed to garner as its allies. How many experts are there, approximately?"

Imperial Prince Huo was gleeful. "After suffering this devastating defeat, the Tritalent Isles will be severely hurt. We might be able to take advantage of this by quashing Tritalent itself. Everything will be solved then!"

"Well, then let's follow that plan." Jiang Chen nodded.

He lacked understanding about second and third rate factions in Myriad Abyss, but according to some common sense, the twelve dead empyrean experts would've been the majority of Tritalent's higher end – plus a number of other factions' as well.

Just Tritalent alone probably didn't have that many advanced empyrean experts.

Chapter 1904: Rejuvenation Royals

With the ambush taken care of, their way back to Rejuvenation was wholly uneventful.

In a few hours, the airboat had returned to the core Rejuvenation island, where the imperial family resided. That family fell short in comparison to that of Eternal Divine Nation or even the Bluesmoke Isles.

The core island had its own unique charm. However, Jiang Chen didn't particularly like the atmosphere in Rejuvenation. There was a distinct lack of an established foundation.

Nonetheless, he wasn't here for a tour, but to acquire the spirit stones the imperial prince had promised him. It'd facilitate his plan significantly.

Meanwhile, Rejuvenation was boiling in anxiety.

The imperial family had received a secret report that the Tritalent Isles had gathered a group of desperados to attack Imperial Prince Huo.

Unfortunately, the imperial family couldn't afford to send any reinforcements. The aristocratic families of Polylore Divine Nation had killed many of them in fits of unreasonable rage and robbed Rejuvenation of a great fortune.

They were too weak to respond to the ambush. The imperial family debated among themselves and couldn't agree on a rescue plan.

Some were in favor of rescuing the imperial prince. Others were against it.

The emperor was naturally in favor of a rescue mission. He and the other supporters knew very well how important the imperial prince was to the imperial family and Rejuvenation at large. If he died, Rejuvenation really would have no more talent to be found within its borders.

However, the opposition had a solid argument as well. Rejuvenation had a great shortage of manpower. If their experts were further spread thin, it'd be easy for their enemies to divide and conquer.

What would they do if attacked while part of their cultivators were away for a rescue mission? They had enough difficulty defending their territory as it was. They'd fall easily with only part of their forces.

If imperial prince was truly Rejuvenation's hope, he would overcome the challenge and survive. If he didn't, he wasn't the savior they were looking for.

The two sides clashed furiously and prevented a decision from being made. Just as they were stuck in a stalemate, Imperial Prince Huo returned, alive and well!

Rejuvenation rejoiced at the good news.

The opposition didn't feel embarrassed at all. They believed they'd been proven right. Since the imperial prince was the true savior of Rejuvenation, it only made sense for him to return safely.

With the prince came shocking news.

They'd assumed the imperial prince must have evaded the ambush, or the ambushers must have targeted the wrong location. That was the only explanation for his safe return. However, according to his words, Tritalent had end up attacking, and had deployed a staggering number of twelve advanced empyrean cultivators!

Everyone in Rejuvenation worried and feared for their home.

They wouldn't have believed the imperial prince had survived such a scenario if he wasn't standing before them without a single scratch! It defied common sense for the imperial prince and his companions to come back uninjured.

"Your Highness, an intense fight must have broken out if you encountered that large group of advanced empyrean experts. Why does it seem like neither you nor Chief Warden Ding has gone through a fight? Those from Tritalent couldn't have let you go out of the kindness of their heart, could they now?"

Many believed that the imperial prince might have exaggerated to make himself look better, which was exactly what they had to avoid in current times. Any misinformation could lead to them misjudging the situation.

Imperial Prince Huo smiled easily. "I understand why you'd be skeptical. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been there myself. However, the ambush did happen, and the one in charge was Gao Kui."

"Gao Kui? He's hostile to Rejuvenation. Why would he let you off the hook?"

"Let me off the hook? No, he did no such thing. He launched an attack without so much as a warning."

"Then how did it go…?"

Imperial Prince Huo chuckled. "They're dead! All twelve of them!"

"They're all dead?!"

None of them believed his words. What a blatant lie! It was impossible for the imperial prince and his companion to eliminate all twelve advanced empyrean cultivators. His party didn't even look like they'd been in a fight!

The story was more unbelievable than the most fantastical fairytale. Unstoppable laughs of incredulity burst forth.

"You said they all died, Your Highness, but how? They couldn't have killed themselves out of shame, could they?"

"You're putting words in my mouth," Imperial Prince Huo retorted calmly. "They were killed, and it was a quick death. They all died in only a few breaths of time."

"A few breaths of time? Well, Your Highness, that… sounds a little surreal. If Rejuvenation is that powerful, we wouldn't have..."

"Did I say we were the ones who killed them?" Imperial Prince Huo questioned coldly, his gaze sweeping over those who were antagonistic to him.

They started.

Imperial Prince Huo didn't spare another glance for them and instead bowed to the emperor. "Royal brother, I have wonderful news for you!"

The emperor perked up. "What is it, brother? Let's have it."

"I've found Rejuvenation a great patron!"

"Patron?" This elicited another round of surprise. The emperor was curious as well.

"What patron?" asked the emperor. "Tell me."

The word patron conjured some traumatic memories. Many were reminded of the whole ordeal with Polylore Divine Nation. That was why many of them harbored grievances towards the imperial prince.

He was the one who had brought in Polylore Divine Nation, which had led to a series of unfortunate events.

"Imperial Prince Huo, why would you seek someone to be a patron again? Haven't you learned your lesson yet?"

"Haha, speaking of patron makes me think of the nightmares that Polylore Divine Nation brought down on us."

They mocked and ridiculed the imperial prince, making their stance against the idea known. They also knew that most in Rejuvenation shared their sentiments.

Chapter 1905: Setting the Tone

The atmosphere grew heavy.

Some didn't refute Imperial Prince Huo to out of considerations face, but his words did hearken back to some nightmarish memories of the past. If these so-called patrons were actually reliable, would Rejuvenation have fallen so far? They were naturally opposed to any mention of another after what they'd gone through.

Furthermore, they hadn't approved of the imperial prince's insistence on finding another.

However, his expression gave no sign of worry. He glanced lightheartedly at the emperor upon the throne.

"Royal brother, I've toiled on behalf of Rejuvenation these past few years. Yes, there've been some mishaps of fortune here and there, but I'm sure that I've obtained an opportunity for us this time. This patron is a hundred times more trustworthy than any we've ever had before. The ambushers from Tritalent were as if children who'd just learned how to walk, annihilated in the blink of an eye."

"Who is it, pray tell?" mused the emperor.

"His name has been one of the hottest topics here in Myriad Abyss as of late. In fact, he single handedly changed the course of the rebellions in both Eternal and Martial Divine Nation."

"Do you mean… the Eternal Sacred Land's young lord, Jiang Chen?" the emperor was stunned.

"Indeed, royal brother. None other than he!"

The mood in the room instantly shifted when the name was uttered. Those who opposed immediately found themselves having a change of heart.

Those who'd been neutral before felt their eyes light up.

To all of the people here, Jiang Chen was a living legend. The young man was truly above the clouds, and no one had any delusions about actually being able to reach him. Many in the wider world idolized and looked up to him.

When they'd found out that Jiang Chen had taken over Winterdraw, no one had dared suggest seeking justice, much less attempt to regain the lost island.

They had never fantasized such a character would have any relationship with Rejuvenation at all. Could someone as meager as Imperial Prince Huo really gain the young expert's favor?

Or was he just making everything up?

The emperor drew a sharp breath. "Good brother." He looked with heated eyes at Imperial Prince Huo. "This is an important matter. Please do away with any exaggeration. In the past, didn't you say you never got responses to your presents? Young lord Jiang Chen has always been absent from Winterdraw, has he not?"

"When have I exaggerated before, royal brother? Rejuvenation was lucky to finally catch the young lord actually on the island. In fact, I met him myself."

"Oh? Did young lord Jiang Chen agree to help Rejuvenation?" The emperor was very pleased.

"Yes. However, I decided on my own accord to give half of the spirit stones on those islands to the young lord." The imperial prince saw no reason to conceal the fact. It wouldn't stay hidden for long regardless.

The atmosphere turned a little odd after his statement.

"No wonder the young lord is willing to help. Imperial Prince Huo is certainly generous with the emperor's assets. That's why you agreed to it so easily, no?"

"Haha, what a spendthrift."

"Imperial Prince Huo, your prodigal nature will one day cost Rejuvenation everything!"

Imperial Prince Huo's expression darkened. Chief Warden Ding, who'd been silent until now, stepped in angrily to defend him.

"You bunch of windbags, why didn't you step up when Rejuvenation was under threat by Tritalent? Where were your solutions then?

"The imperial prince finally finding a patron to rid us of Tritalent is a wonderful thing, but now your opinions are supposed to matter? Let's be honest: without outside support, how long do you think Rejuvenation can last?!"

Chief Warden Ding was extremely indignant. He'd been involved in the matter from beginning to end and knew the amount of stress Imperial Prince Huo had had to shoulder.

He wouldn't stand for derision and mockery now that a solution had been found.

These people would never be reliable in a time of need, but were incredibly quick to oppose anyone that did make themselves productive.

A mediator stepped forward. "Your Majesty, Chief Warden Ding is right. Without something to change our situation, we wouldn't have been\ able to keep those islands for long. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that they would've fallen into Tritalent hands."

This was the undeniable truth.

The emperor nodded. "You were correct in your decision, good brother. Rather than have Tritalent take away all of the spirit veins to enrich its coffers and strengthen its armies, why not give half to young lord Jiang Chen? We retain the remainder while winning a long-term favor. Making friends with the young lord of the Eternal Sacred Land is much better than financing the enemy, doesn't everyone agree? Does the matter even warrant any consideration?"

The ruler's attitude was very clear; his subjects didn't dare voice any contrary opinions.

They couldn't come up with an alternative solution anyway, even if they tried, much less when just flapping their mouths.

Someone quickly changed the topic. "Your Majesty, I wonder if young lord Jiang Chen agreed simply because he was in a good mood? Will he really follow through on his promise and help us resolve the Tritalent problem?"

Everyone looked at Imperial Prince Huo again.

"Young lord Jiang Chen always makes good on his promises," the prince replied coldly. "I'm sure you've heard about what kind of person he is already. Back during Eternal Divine Nation's rebellion, he wasn't actually at the sacred land, and yet returned to it out of a sense of duty without regard for the dangers there. He eventually became instrumental in actually quashing the rebellion. Do you think someone like that is likely to be the dishonorable sort? If even he isn't trustworthy, who is?"

"My loyal subjects, my wise brother has done something well this day. Rejuvenation requires a patron to rise. Young lord Jiang Chen is blessed with great fortune. Even if we had given the islands to him entirely altogether, so what? If we can follow in the Eternal Sacred Land's shadow, what worries would we have about our future?"

The emperor's vision saw further ahead. He knew that just a little boost from young lord Jiang Chen was enough for Rejuvenation to jump several rungs up.

If they announced right now that the young man was the Rejuvenation Isles' protector, the other surrounding factions would froth at the chance to ally with them!

Chapter 1906: The Tritalent Isles

The very appearance of Jiang Chen in Rejuvenation made the choice easy. Given the latter's circumstances, a powerful patron was something it desperately needed. The young lord of the Eternal Sacred Land was indeed an ideal choice.

In fact, many in the Rejuvenation Isles knew of Imperial Prince Huo's previous attempts to court Jiang Chen's favor.

They had merely chosen to laugh rather than hope. They didn't believe the prince had a chance, nor that Jiang Chen would stay for long in a place as insignificant as Winterdraw.

Given both of these points, the prince's chances of success seemed miniscule.

But life was just that strange sometimes. Against all odds, Imperial Prince Huo had brought young lord Jiang Chen in the flesh.

This was amazing!

If they could build a strong rapport with young lord Jiang Chen, it would mean far more than winning against Tritalent. Rejuvenation's future development would depend on it.

After the emperor decided their direction, there was virtually no opposition.

"Good brother, has young lord Jiang Chen already arrived in Rejuvenation?" asked the emperor.

"Yes. I've settled him into Spring God Park. After this assembly, royal brother, you can go meet him yourself. It is good for us in the lesser factions to take a humbler stance."

"Absolutely. We should like to visit him personally." The emperor wasn't a rigid person. He didn't dare put on airs before Jiang Chen by requiring the young man to come see him.

To do so would be entirely ignorant.

When court concluded, the emperor and his brother immediately headed for Spring God Park.

This was especially true after the emperor heard about Jiang Chen's hair-raising feat of cutting down twelve advanced empyrean experts in almost a single instant.

That number comprised of a majority of the main forces of all the hostile factions around them. How had they died so easily?

With this event, Rejuvenation finally understood the difference between the Ten Divine Nations and themselves.

Outside Spring God Park, Jiang Chen received his imperial visitors with an aura of perfect courtesy. He made no mention whatsoever of what had happened on Winterdraw.

The emperor was quite pleased to see the young man's manners and magnanimity. He had been afraid that Jiang Chen would be a tyrannical man, wont to accept benefits without working for them.

In person, the young lord seemed extremely reasonable. This made any ensuing negotiations and discussions much easier.

"Your Majesty, you must agree to Imperial Prince Huo's earlier promise. Once you do, we may consider the matter settled," Jiang Chen stated matter-of-factly.

"Of course, of course!" The emperor hurriedly answered. "Why shouldn't we give half of the islands' ownership to you, young lord Jiang Chen? You are much preferred over the Tritalent brutes."

"So you're agreed?"

"I am!" the emperor declared decisively.

Jiang Chen smiled before standing up. "Come on, then. Let's head for Tritalent Isles."

His frankness caused the other two men in the conversation to exchange a confused look. But they were used to making hard decisions quickly, and immediately realized what was about to happen.

"Good brother, you're in charge of everything related to this operation. Gather together the troops and follow behind young lord Jiang Chen. We must crush Tritalent until they have no strength or will left to make trouble!"

"You don't need to bring too many men," Jiang Chen smiled coolly. "In a war between two nations, taking out one's leaders will suffice. Why put the populace in harm's way?"

It was better for the leaders of the rival factions to settle their differences at their level. Large-scale fighting would only lead to unnecessary loss of life.

He was uninterested in arbitrary slaughter.

"Well..." the emperor was a bit hesitant.

"If you trust me, then leave this entire matter to me," Jiang Chen stated coolly.

"Of course! Of course I trust you," the emperor hurriedly affirmed. "Good brother, listen to young lord Jiang Chen's every need. Bring however many he wants you to."

It wasn't their place to repudiate Jiang Chen's words.

"How many should we bring, young lord Jiang Chen?" Imperial Prince Huo ventured.

"A dozen or so is more than enough."

In actuality, Jiang Chen needed only a single guide. He didn't mind giving Rejuvenation a feeling of participation though; a few extra audience members was no issue.

The emperor was mildly perplexed when he heard the young man's surety, but the imperial prince tossed him several meaningful glances.

The prince knew Jiang Chen much better than the emperor, and moreover had witnessed his abilities in action. The young lord of the Eternal Sacred Land was much stronger than they could ever imagine.

Thus, the prince would support the young lord even if the two of them went alone.

The emperor trusted his brother greatly. Seeing the prince thus and then thinking of the young lord's reputation, he nodded without another word of protest.

Imperial Prince Huo was very efficient. He began to gather the men immediately.

Not all called were advanced empyrean experts. Out of the eighteen, only five were. The rest were only mid empyrean realm.

Even so, most of Rejuvenation's elites were here. Much of the remainder was left to protect the imperial family and the capital of the isles.

Many shook their heads when they saw the scant numbers of the attacking force. What could a handful of people do? Tritalent was no slouch. Could they really be beaten by such a ragtag bunch?

The emperor saw them off personally, and waited until the group disappeared into the distance before returning.

Jiang Chen's mood was completely calm. He didn't make himself too familiar with anyone from Rejuvenation, instead up an aura of distance and mystique.

After leaving Rejuvenation, he turned to Imperial Prince Huo. "We go to execute the enemy's leadership, not to slaughter their civilians. Give me a list of threatening individuals among Tritalent and their allies. I'll handle them for you."

He didn't want to kill too many people. If Tritalent was amenable to doing so, he would be happy to resolve the conflict without bloodshed.

He wasn't interested in asserting his dominance under the Eternal Sacred Land's banner.


The Tritalent Isles received the bad news almost immediately. Gao Kui's ambushing force had been completely wiped out!

The faction and its allies were paralyzed with shock.

They hadn't been ready to hear about something so awful. Failure had been a possibility, but only the kind that allowed Imperial Prince Huo to escape.

As for Gao Kui and his men coming to harm, that had been entirely inconceivable.

And yet, the experts that should have had a decisive upper hand had been annihilated instead. None of the twelve advanced empyrean realm cultivators had managed to escape!

Chapter 1907: Seized With Panic

The Tritalent imperial family was gripped by panic.

Gao Kui had taken half of their elites and the best of the neighboring factions to ambush Imperial Prince Huo.

All twelve of the advanced empyrean cultivators had been killed in one fell swoop. The lesser cultivators hadn't even been able to get close enough to see how Gao Kui and the others died.

That was the most terrifying.

Powerful enemies were terrifying, but powerful unknown enemies, even more so.

"Everyone, speak your mind," the emperor said. "Do you have any clues as to how our men were killed? What are your theories?"

He couldn't maintain his calm. So many elites had been killed so suddenly. If news of this got out, Tritalent morale would plummet. Moreover, the loss of the twelve advanced empyrean cultivators was a serious blow to their collective strength.

That was cause for real panic.

He wasn't alone in that sentiment. The aristocrats who had been in favor of waging war against Rejuvenation were stunned as well.

"Your Majesty, their deaths are very suspicious. This subordinate suspects they weren't killed by Rejuvenation."

"I agree. Everything about this is too outlandish. Rejuvenation doesn't have the power to do that."

"That's right. We've been their neighbor for a long time. We know what they're capable of."

"How about we conduct an investigation first? I don't believe that Prince Huo and Chief Warden Ding could kill Gao Kui and the other advanced empyrean experts, especially not when Gao Kui had the initiative."

The emperor scowled. No one had provided any constructive ideas. All they had was hot air.

"Everyone, I'm asking for your ideas. What do we do next? No matter who killed Gao Kui and his people, Tritalent has suffered a serious blow. Are we still going to wage war against Rejuvenation?" This was what the emperor was debating.

"Of course we are, Your Majesty," someone piped up immediately. "We've worked so hard to get to this point. If we back down now, everything we've done will have been in vain!"

"That's right. If Rejuvenation is capable of killing Gao Kui and his team, they wouldn't be where they are today. Gao Kui must have encountered some powerful senior and offended them by mistake. That's how they ended up dead. It has nothing to do with Rejuvenation."

"Your Majesty, we mustn't give up. Even if we can't occupy all of the island, we have to at least lay our hands on half of the profits."

Despite the unforeseen casualties, a greedy light still shone in the eyes of the Tritalent aristocrats. They felt that the potential gain from occupying the islands was theirs and refused to give it up.

However, there were still some voices of reason at court.

"Your Majesty, the morale is high and this subject shouldn't rain on everyone's parade. However, Tritalent's future is at stake. I must make my point. We no longer afford to fight with Rejuvenation for the islands. If Gao Kui's death has something to do with them, we must think about how we're going to protect ourselves."

His words attracted immediate backlash.

"That's ridiculous, Zhao Situ! You're making our enemies seem more powerful by putting your own people down. No one believes that Rejuvenation can kill Gao Kui! If they've always been that powerful, why would they suck up to Polylore Divine Nation? Why would so many of them died at the hands of Polylore's nobility?"

"Seconded! Rejuvenation can barely protect themselves, let alone bother others. This is the perfect opportunity for us to make a move. It's now or never!"

They viewed Rejuvenation with utter contempt. Even after the deaths they couldn't explain, there was still no change of heart. They just didn't think that Rejuvenation was capable of such a feat.

Zhao Situ laughed ruefully. "You can refute me all you want, but our existence is at stake here. We must be careful."

"Haha, Zhao Situ, your ambition has wilted in your old age. You're too timid now to make decisions for our nation."

It was true that Zhao Situ wasn't a young man anymore, so he didn't take the rude remarks personally.

He looked at the emperor with great devotion. "Your Majesty, it is my duty to speak my mind to you. My opinions may not necessarily be the truth, but they're worth considering."

Deep down, the emperor agreed with Zhao Situ to some degree.

The ambush had failed spectacularly without so much as a clue to what had happened. It didn't make sense for it to be a freak accident unrelated to Imperial Prince Huo.

"Your Majesty, why don't we send a delegate to test Rejuvenation? If they're willing to share half of the spirit stones with us, we'll talk."

The emperor considered the idea. His train of thought was interrupted by footsteps rushing into the palace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Imperial Prince Huo has entered our territory with a group of experts. They are close to our core island and are less than three thousand miles from the imperial city!"

The emperor started. "What?!"

The news exploded like a spontaneous crack of thunder in clear, blue skies. The greedy Tritalent nobles were sent into a frenzy.

They were no fools. They knew what it meant for Imperial Prince Huo to break into Tritalent with his people - he was responsible for Gao Kui's death! Rejuvenation had gained the power to fight back and turn the tide!

Nerves stretched taut and the atmosphere became tense.

"How many people does he have with him?" the emperor calmed himself enough to ask.

"In response to Your Majesty, according to the scouts, there are only twenty of them, but they're all elites!"

"What? Twenty?" Their panic gave way to befuddled surprise.

They planned to take revenge with only twenty people? An invasion force of just twenty? Was Imperial Prince Huo alright in the head?

Even if all twenty of them were advanced empyrean cultivators, there was a big limit to what they could do. Besides, it was impossible for Rejuvenation to gather twenty advanced empyrean cultivators!

The emperor relaxed somewhat when he heard this latest update.

Chapter 1908: Refusing to Repent Until Failing Completely

The emperor was flabbergasted. "Everyone, what do you think Imperial Prince Huo is trying to accomplish by bringing only twenty people with him?"

"Why should we care, Your Majesty? Twenty people isn't enough to achieve anything! Even if they're all advanced empyrean cultivators, it's impossible for them to fight all of Tritalent. This is our home ground. We can easily eliminate all of them. Besides, we also have help."

The others nodded. Even Zhao Situ began to doubt himself. If Rejuvenation was here to take revenge, they would've sent a proper army. Twenty wasn't enough to do anything substantial, no matter how powerful they were.

What was more, Tritalent had gathered many allies from the area. They were all in the same boat. If a war broke out with Rejuvenation, the neighboring factions wouldn't stand by and do nothing, due to their vested interest being at stake.

"Your Majesty, perhaps the imperial prince is here to negotiate?" someone suggested.

"Surely not! If he's here to negotiate, he would've sent word beforehand rather than just break in."

"But if he's not here to talk, what else? He can't be here to kill us, can he? How much damage can those twenty of his possibly do?"

"Is it possible that Rejuvenation has deployed an army, and these twenty are vanguards sent out to forge a path?"

Still, twenty was too little even for an advance party, especially since Tritalent's imperial family held the territorial advantage and had formations to protect them. There were also a group of powerful experts defending the isles.

Only a fool would force an attack given the circumstances.

Many of Rejuvenation's top experts had been lost in the wake of Polylore's harassment. They couldn't afford to launch an attack now.

"Your Majesty, Imperial Prince Huo from Rejuvenation has reached the outer sky of the imperial city with his people." A second group of scouts brought back updated news. "He demands for Your Majesty to meet him in person!"

That halted all discussion in the room and resolved their suspicions.

Even the densest mind could tell the imperial prince wasn't here to negotiate. Otherwise, he would've sent an invitation for a civil meeting and resolved the conflict through diplomacy.

Instead, he'd specifically named the emperor; he was plainly here to stir up trouble.

The officials' faces contorted.

The more hot-headed ones cried out, "Your Majesty, since the imperial prince insists on courting death, we should grant him his wish!"

"That's right! He dares challenge us on our doorstep? Perfect timing to destroy him! That'll save us the time and effort to chase him down!"

"Please give the order, Your Majesty! We're willing to lead the charge against the experts from Rejuvenation." They plainly hadn't given up on defeating Rejuvenation.

Zhao Situ hurriedly cut in, "Something isn't right, Your Majesty. It defies common sense for Imperial Prince Huo to bring so few people with him and boldly demand a meeting. He's an imperial prince, which is no match for you. He's clearly taunting us on purpose. Please be cautious, Your Majesty."

The war hawks naturally wanted to solve the problem by fighting. The enemies had come knocking on their door. It only made sense for them to eliminate the enemies once and for all.

However, Zhao Situ also had a point. It didn't make sense for someone as cunning as Imperial Prince Huo to come all the way to Tritalent Isles just to get himself killed.

It was something worth considering.

The emperor thought pensively. "There's no use speculating wildly. Be prepared and follow me to meet the famed Imperial Prince Huo. Let's see for ourselves if he's here to wage war, or sue for peace. If it's the former, we must be ready for a fight. If the latter, we will argue for half of the profits from the islands. That's our bottom line. Does anyone disagree?"

The emperor had made his final decision. Even the war hawks weren't going to argue now. They knew Tritalent didn't have the power or confidence to claim the islands.

Zhao Situ opened his mouth but didn't say anything. His lips twisted into a wry smile.

He wanted to remind them that Rejuvenation clearly weren't here to bargain away half of their profits. Besides, Tritalent had lost twelve advanced empyrean cultivators. The emperor was in no place to negotiate a deal with Rejuvenation.

But he knew if he played the devil's advocate again, he would offend everyone and even the emperor. He couldn't risk that.

The emperor took his subjects' silence as confirmation. "Alright, ready yourselves. Come with me to meet the imperial prince!"

Although Gao Kui and the others were dead, Tritalent had recruited more experts over the past few years. Many of them started out as wandering cultivators. They had joined Tritalent to earn more spirit stones.

As a result, Tritalent had been developing rapidly. They wanted to make use of Rejuvenation's decline to become the ruler of the region. The emperor had a group of elites under his command.

They marched outside the imperial city with ferocious energy. Encircling the city was a powerful defensive formation. With that and the good number of elites on their side, Tritalent's morale was high, unfazed by Rejuvenation's actions. What did Imperial Prince Huo really think he could do here, huh?

"Which one of you is Imperial Prince Huo?" rebuked an imperial expert in a booming voice. "His Majesty the Emperor has come to grace you with his presence. You should've been prepared to formally greet him!"

Imperial Prince Huo smiled faintly when he heard the voice coming to him in waves. "I am Imperial Prince Huo of Rejuvenation. The only one deserving my respect is the emperor of Rejuvenation."

"Arrogant bandits! You dare disrespect us in our territory? What a group of barbarians you are!"

"You're just an imperial prince! Do you think you're in any place to challenge His Majesty's authority?!"

Imperial Prince Huo laughed, his voice creating a vortex of air that swept through the sky.

"Stop wasting our time and tell your emperor to show himself! I have some matters to impart to you!"

"How dare you, scum!"

"You better watch your tongue before His Majesty, Imperial Prince Huo!"

Imperial Prince Huo gave them a half smile. "Tritalent has been inferior to Rejuvenation for thousands of years. Do you still not understand where you stand with us?"

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