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27.41% Mixed HD / Chapter 119: Chapter 1893 to Chapter 1900

Chapter 119: Chapter 1893 to Chapter 1900

Chapter 1893: Emerging From Closed Door Cultivation Once More

The suspended runes piqued a great deal of Jiang Chen's interest and passion.

Old Pill Glyph had recorded many methods of bringing them into being. Also included were several specialized approaches which were especially deserving of further research.

Each kind of suspended rune had a corresponding manner of drawing. The art was somewhat different from both etching formations and using hand seals.

It was a combination of the two instead. The method of creating the runes was similar to etching formations, which meant the runes possessed quasi-formational strength. Perhaps they were weaker than formations drawn on a grander scale, but they had unique advantages.

They could be completed in a very short amount of time and used to strike an unexpected blow. Moreover, they were extremely flexible and tailorable to the current situation. Sometimes, they could be combined with the terrain to create completely unexpected and unique results.

Jiang Chen was very enthusiastic about this new craft. He enjoyed starting out from the basics.

Right now, it was very hard to even start setting up the Great Formation of Heavenly Soul Confinement. There was nothing wrong for him to spend the time on cultivation instead. The more effort he expended now, the more he would have to rely on in a future fight.

Though he did have to start from the beginning, learning how to create suspended runes wasn't too hard. Somewhat more esoteric compared to etching formations, but not the end of the world. Of course, it was precisely because of its rarity that the technique hadn't achieved widespread usage.

Jiang Chen stayed behind closed doors for a very long time.

He reluctantly emerged only after a full year. In that time, he had reaped notable rewards.

"Now that I am sixth level empyrean and have studied the Sword of Genesis, I can easily crush seventh or eighth level experts. Ninth level ones… I think I've got what it takes to take them on too."

The young man said this thanks to his increase in strength, and not blind confidence. Everyone was overjoyed to see him emerge in such an awe-inspiring fashion. The outside world had remained mostly calm during his time away. However, news from the every corner seemed to show small changes taking place.

Since taking his place as the young lord of Veluriyam Capital, Jiang Chen had ordered annual propaganda of the dangers of demonkind everywhere in the human domain.

It wasn't that he wanted to terrorize everyone. He wanted to use the opportunity to raise the people's guards and make them wary of a possible invasion. He didn't want a rude awakening to take place when they actually came. It would probably be too late then.

Because of his repeated emphasis about demons, almost everybody in Veluriyam Capital was preparing for the resistance effort. The city was being built into both an offensive and defensive stronghold.

The good news its young lord had brought back after each of his excursions had improved the city's own strength considerably.

Today, Veluriyam Capital had far more empyrean experts than Mo Wushuang, Wellspring, and the Jiao brothers. Many of the other great emperors had gradually broken through one by one on their own time. By proxy, the Taiyi Skymender Pill acquired a famous reputation.

The human domain was very different from Myriad Abyss. If the pill could make waves in the latter, it would obviously garner even more of a reaction in the former.

Countless great emperors here had ended their lives without any opportunities for them to climb any higher. The appearance of the Taiyi Skymender Pill instantly changed this former reality. A new era was upon them; the great emperors finally had a new goal to aspire to.

Correspondingly, the overall strength of the human domain rose again.

Jiang Chen was pleased with what was happening. Unfortunately, there weren't that many Taiyi Skymender Pills in the end. He had a number of Taiyi Dragonscale Fruits still available, but he didn't choose to refine them into more pills.

Veluriyam Capital only had so many great emperors. He had planned distribution to them accordingly. The rest of the Taiyi Dragonscale Fruits were held in reserve.

There were countless other great emperors in the human domain, but most of them were outsiders. As such, Jiang Chen had already decided to only give one or two pills to the factions previously friendly to them to convey his attitude. As for the more lukewarm factions, he wasn't just going to give the pills away for free.

The Moon God Sect, for example, would be given a gift because of Xu Qingxuan.

The Celestial Cicada Court and the Great Yu Skysword Sect deserved compensation for their long-time support as well.

Any pills that remained would be auctioned off.

Jiang Chen had almost every answer required to reactivate the Great Formation of Heavenly Soul Confinement. He lacked for only one thing: spirit stones.

The activation of a formation of this scale would expend innumerable resources. If any one of the ten great ancient sects had shouldered the burden alone, it would have bankrupted itself.

In the human domain of today, everyone had to pay out all that they had. To dream that the resources would be collected any other way was absurd.

Thankfully, Jiang Chen had plenty of pills to sell.

Ten should be enough to elicit a ton of interest. He expected them to fetch exorbitant prices. Only then could he grab more spirit stones for himself.

The news of his intentions spread through the human domain very quickly. Every faction that caught wind of it mobilized: the first-rate factions were especially desperate, willing to give all they had for just a single pill.

The fact that a good number of great emperors here in Veluriyam Capital had broken through to empyrean stimulated their peers in the other factions.

Before this, great emperors had held nearly absolute authority. New information that the human domain could have its own empyrean experts – and moreover, that they could be manufactured! – completely shook things up.

The human domain at large was astounded and driven into a mad frenzy.

The cultivators stuck at peak great emperor for so long felt their spirits rekindled. They dearly anticipated the acquisition of a Taiyi Skymender Pill, that they might shake off their mortal shackles and ascend!

Chapter 1894: Natural Phenomena

The heavyweights could barely calm their pounding hearts when they heard the news.

The pills were to be auctioned!

Although tensions would run high and a wealth of spirit stones necessary to procure a pill, they were still ecstatic.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't intend to hold the auction himself. He'd reached a height where'd he'd at most make a brief appearance and say a few, quick words. The Sacred Peafowl Mountain would be entrusted with the responsibility.

On the day of the auction, figureheads of every major sect in the human domain came in person and with a large group of elites. It was clear that no one wanted to be left out of the fun.

Although Jiang Chen wasn't going to mediate the auction himself, he did make a public appearance to highlight the strengths of the Taiyi Skymender Pill, which completely changed how the sects viewed him.

When Jiang Chen had first become the young lord of the Veluriyam Capital, he had had a difficult time shouldering the mantle. It hadn't been that long since then. But he was a thoroughly changed man and had achieved great success. It was possible no cultivators in the human domain would be able to reach his heights in their lifetime.

The guests erupted into chatter.

"Young lord Jiang Chen has lived up to Emperor Peafowl's expectations. The emperor was wise to pick him as his heir despite everyone else obecting. The capital has prospered under the young man's rule and grown more than tenfold in power."

"Haha, Emperor Peafowl's keen foresight is indeed admirable. It's unfortunate that no one has heard from him over all these years."

"Perhaps he's passed away. That's not necessarily a bad thing. If he lives and returns, is he going to be in charge or the young lord? The capital will be worse off with either possibility."

"That's right. If Emperor Peafowl returns, he'll have to play an assisting role to young lord Jiang Chen."

"That's not necessarily true. If Emperor Peafowl still lives, he would've made great progress in his cultivation as well. Maybe his once heir will then become his enemy."

"That won't happen. You underestimate the emperor. He's always been the most far-sighted man in the human domain. He must have predicted today's situation. The old emperor will want to hand over the torch to Jiang Chen properly. He'll also be supporting the new ruler from the shadows. Out with the old; in with the new. Aside from Emperor Peafowl, not even any of the previous experts of the capital can rival Jiang Chen."

"That's right. Young lord Jiang Chen is the chosen one. Some said that Emperor Peafowl still lives. There are talks of him been spotted near the capital. However, none of the rumors have been proven true yet."

"It's difficult to know what is the truth. Maybe he's alive. I've heard that he simply doesn't want to return to the capital and risk upsetting the status quo. He's voluntarily surrendered his power to Jiang Chen to secure the young lord's authority."

"If that's the case, Emperor Peafowl's integrity is admirable." Speculations flew in the crowd.

Even the reclusive empyrean experts showed up at the auction with Old Crane as their leader.

Old Crane chuckled. "Geniuses spring from the youth, but the statement has never been more true when applied to you. Young lord Jiang Chen, you're going to ascend to advanced empyrean soon, aren't you?"

His voice was deliberately pitched like he wanted the entire world to know.

Even those traveling far to the auction could barely recover their jaws. Advanced empyrean? Was the old man for real?

Hadn't Jiang Chen been a great emperor? Only a few years had passed since his departure, and he had already ascended to empyrean and reached intermediate empyrean? Now he was going to break through to the next stage?

This went against all their preconceived notions about martial dao. What beast of a man was he to have progressed at such a ridiculous speed?

A bomb had been lobbed into the crowd.

Jiang Chen's appearance further boosted interest in the auction. Figureheads from different sects were determined to get a Taiyi Skymender Pill. The air was thick with tension.

The price of the ten pills continued to be hiked up until every single one of them was auctioned off at a ridiculous price.

The room buzzed with energy.

Even though the spirit stones earned in the auction was nothing compared to the amount needed to activate the Great Formation of Heavenly Soul Confinement, it wouldn't hurt to hold more similar auctions.

That gave Jiang Chen a new idea.

Perhaps he could travel to Myriad Abyss and earn stones in the same way. Given their far superior wealth, Myriad Abyss might end up surprising him.

Afterwards, when delegates from each faction still hadn't recovered from their excitement, extreme natural phenomenon suddenly disturbed the peaceful air some distance away.

In broad daylight, cracks of lightning split the sky, and rays of technicolor light hurtled through the air. A myriad of strange phenomenon struck the space like it'd become a celestial realm.

The sudden turn of events caught everyone off guard. They all whipped around to look in the same direction. No one knew what was happening.

A terrifying possibility flashed through their minds.

Could it be the demons??

Fear overtook them and spread through the crowd like wildfire.

"Shit, the demons must have broken through the seal! They're going to attack us!"

"The demonic invasion is coming! Is the human race going to go extinct? Is this the end of humanity?" There would always be pessimists in the world.

In contrast, Jiang Chen's eyes shone brightly as they focused on the distant sky.

The fearful speculations filtered through his ears. He let emitted a dragon howl and snapped, "Stop talking nonsense and spreading rumors! The natural phenomenon arose due to a powerful entity's ascension. Look at the tall waves of crimson clouds. The Vermilion Bird has ascended to divinity!"

Jiang Chen hadn't been sure in the beginning, but further observation told him that the Vermilion Bird had gotten the push of inspiration it needed and broken through the bottleneck. It'd become a true god, a divine level sacred beast! That was cause for celebration!

Chapter 1895: The Vermillion Bird God

Jiang Chen's confidence calmed the panicking crowd. The horrified fear permeating the air gradually faded.

They implicitly trusted everything that the young lord said. They looked at the young man curiously, only realizing belatedly how wide the cultivation gap was, despite everyone occupying the same space.

Jiang Chen was bound for greatness. The human domain wasn't big enough to accommodate him, and he'd travel further and further away from the cultivators here.

"Young lord Jiang Chen, are the phenomena brought about by Senior Vermilion's breakthrough?" someone mustered the courage to ask.

All eyes focused on Jiang Chen, waiting for a definitive answer.

Jiang Chen nodded with a smile. "I can guarantee that it was the Vermilion Bird, and I'm ninety percent sure it has ascended to divinity. That's the only explanation for the scale of the strange phenomena."

"Divinity? Young lord, does that mean the human domain has our own divine protector now?"

"How thrilling that is! If we have a divine protector, what can the demons do to us?"

"There's hope yet for our race! The heavens don't wish for us to be wiped out!"

"Don't get excited just yet. The Vermilion Bird is no human. Only one of our kind can be truly loyal to us."

"Bullshit, you're just trying to stir things up. Everyone knows that the Vermilion Bird is young lord Jiang Chen's closest companion."

"Right. Your ignorance isn't funny. The Vermilion Bird is a kind and devoted ancient divine beast. In the ancient times, it made an oath to the Primosanct Sect and it guarded the sect's ruins with admirable persistence. The human race is fortunate to have a moral and loyal being like it on our side."

Over the years, news that young lord Jiang Chen had a powerful Vermilion Bird companion had spread through the human domain. The bird's ascension was absolutely worth celebrating. Humanity possessing a divine protector meant that the demons would be less of a threat.

Jiang Chen sighed. "This is no game. No god can single-handedly save a race or even a plane from danger. It's a good thing the Vermilion Bird has ascended, but don't expect it to fight off the entire demonic army on its own."

His tone grew harsher as he added, "Don't think for one second that the Vermilion Bird's protection is enough to eliminate the threat. Don't ever assume we can relax our guard! You're deluding yourself if you think so. Those from the ancient times knew how powerful demons are and how catastrophic their invasion would be. If you get careless, you'll see for yourself how much damage they can do to our world when they invade!

"Earlier, when you didn't know what was causing the strange phenomena, just the fear of demons was enough to render all of you helpless. Given your physical and mental fortitude, do you think you'll be able to resist the demons? And an attack is a very real possibility!"

No one dared to look up when Jiang Chen's piercing gaze swept through the crowd. They didn't want to be subject to his scrutiny.

Old Crane nodded and added seriously, "Young lord Jiang Chen has spoken my mind. The current human domain isn't prepared for a demonic invasion at all. Our future will be in jeopardy if we keep proceeding like this."

In the distance, the boundless crimson clouds above high expanded and inched closer to the Veluriyam Capital.

Jiang Chen laughed. "Senior Vermilion is returning."

He soared to the sky and and zipped towards the tinted clouds.

Excited shrieks pierced through the air. The Vermilion Bird couldn't stop its joyous exclamations. Jiang Chen moved to meet the bird and responded with dragon roars.

Another being took to the sky. It was Long Xiaoxuan, resting in the capital. His cultivation still exceeded Jiang Chen's at staggering seventh level empyrean, an important milestone for one of a true dragon bloodline.

The strength from his bloodline had grown powerful enough for him to recover his heritage memories, which enabled the dragon to continually stay one step ahead of Jiang Chen in cultivation.

However, Jiang Chen was confident that the odds of him defeating the dragon in a duel was over ninety percent.

Man, dragon, and the Vermilion Bird came together in the vast sky.

Jiang Chen laughed heartily. "Congratulations on ascending to divinity, Brother Vermilion. It's good news for both the Veluriyam Capital and the human domain."

The bird chortled happily. "It is indeed cause for celebration to ascend to divinity, but I owe a great part of my success to you!"

The bird spoke only the truth. Jiang Chen had helped it in many ways. Without him, it would never have gotten to where it was now. It might've faded out of existence back when it reached the end of its last life cycle.

Thus, there was no artifice in the bird's expression of gratitude to Jiang Chen.

The crowd of cultivators below could hear their conversation, but since man and beasts had been talking in the language of ancient beasts, they understood nothing and exchanged confused looks.

Jiang Chen led the Vermilion Bird to where the auction was being held in the Veluriyam Capital.

The bird morphed into a man and was welcomed by thunderous applause. It wasn't an attempt to flatter or curry favor, but a genuine expression of respect.

"Your hospitality is appreciated. For that alone, this spirit will do what I can for the human domain, if nothing else."

The bird had always been on friendly terms with the human race, and it owed its ascension to them. Therefore, its promise was genuine and heartfelt.

The crowd erupted in cheers, motivated by the bird's promise. The thought of being helpless before the demonic invasion had been a despairing one, but now they saw a ray of hope!

Chapter 1896: Returning to Myriad Abyss Island

Jiang Chen had kept the spark of hope alive for the human race. The Vermilion Bird's ascension further fueled the spark.

News of the bird's ascension reached all parts of the human domain in less than a day. Cultivators from around the domain left Veluriyam Capital still bubbling with excitement and brought the uplifting development back to their territory.

The Vermilion Bird sought Jiang Chen out after everyone had left.

"Young lord Chen, things aren't looking too good here," it said in a low voice.

"Did you discover something new, Brother Vermilion? The current human domain is a hapless group of easy prey. If demons do break through the ancient seal and invade in droves, we're not ready to fight them at all. Countless lives will be lost and utter devastation inevitable."

"I haven't made any significant discoveries. The lord of celestial demons fled to another domain, but the seal you restored still stands, which tells us he hasn't come back yet. However, I've been making the rounds in the different territories and noticed a good number of unusual details. I believe a large scale invasion will break out soon, likely in eight to ten years."

Eight to ten years?

Jiang Chen sighed inwardly. He knew the bird wasn't the sort to exaggerate the danger. That meant his earlier calculations had been too optimistic. The Great Formation of Heavenly Soul Confinement could deter demons, but he had less than a decade to reactivate it.

His heart sank with the enormity of the task.

Should an invasion break out, he couldn't imagine how the human domain was going to defend itself from the race known for its brutality in the heavenly planes.

"How much progress have you made in activating the formation, young lord?" asked the bird.

"I've accumulated less than twenty percent of the resources needed. I'll have to go to Myriad Abyss for the rest." Jiang Chen sighed silently. He'd never felt such a heavy urgency before.

He could very well walk away from the demonic invasion with his family and let the human domain rot, but he wouldn't allow himself to. He'd promised Emperor Peafowl and the seniors in the Six Palaces of Heritage. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he abandoned his kind. His conscience would be forever tormented.

He had to return to Myriad Abyss Island. The great formation had to be reactivated before the invasion!

That was the only way to change the fate of the human race, or the domain would fall in the first wave of the demonic attack.

The great formation could keep the demons out and make them advance in a different direction. Even if they did end up sweeping through the entire Divine Abyss Continent and returning to the human domain, it would be a very long time before they were back, and the human race would have some breathing room.

Hearing that Jiang Chen was leaving for Myriad Abyss again, his family was saddened, but didn't try to convince him otherwise.

This time however, Huang'er wasn't going to be left behind. "I'm going with you, Brother Chen."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and didn't turn her down. Huang'er had ascended to empyrean realm. Although she was still at the initial stage, she was strong enough to keep herself safe even in Myriad Abyss.

Besides, the two of them had been weathered life and death together. It made him feel more grounded to have her by his side.

Dan Fei wasn't jealous. She knew how important Huang'er was to Jiang Chen. She blinked away the tears brimming in her eyes and choked out, "You're meant for greatness, my husband. Neither I nor our daughter will weigh you down. I only hope that before you venture into any danger, you'll remember you have me, our daughter, your parents, and other family members to come home to."

Jiang Chen was deeply moved. He knew everyone, from his family to the entire human race, depended on him. Their survival was his responsibility. Without him, his family would fall apart. He was more useful to them alive. Therefore, he had to protect himself no matter what.

Jiang Feng and Xu Meng teared up upon hearing that their son was leaving again.

His father bid him farewell with a simple, "Be careful, take care of yourself" and a pat on the shoulder, brief and concise as a typical father would be.

Meanwhile, Xu Meng reminded him again and again to be on his guard and not be reckless with his own safety. She hadn't been a mother to him for long, but she genuinely cared about him. He listened intently to whatever she said.

"Father, mother, don't worry. I've never forgotten about second brother. I know without saying that I need to keep an eye out for him. The heavens will keep good out of harm's way."

His younger brother was Xu Meng's biggest regret in her life. She'd never forgive herself as long as he remained missing.

Xu Qingxuan wasn't as sentimental. She grinned at Jiang Chen and Huang'er. "Big sister Huang'er, I hear that there are sixteen famous beauties in Myriad Abyss. You have to keep a close eye on my brother."

Huang'er smiled slightly back. "I'm not going to. If your brother is charismatic enough to bring all sixteen of them back to Sacred Peafowl Mountain, I won't object to that at all."

"For real?" Xu Qingxuan asked dramatically. "You're too generous, sister-in-law! Won't you be jealous?"

"Of course I would be," Huang'er said with a wise smile. "However, there are more important things to do than to be jealous. Besides, your brother's focus is on the greater world. How would any of those beauties catch his attention?"

Jiang Chen and Huang'er didn't linger after saying their goodbyes. They beckoned to the Vermilion Bird and Long Xiaoxuan and prepared to leave.

The eight brothers of the Primordial Stone Golem Tribe, loyally defending the sacred mountain all this time, called out to Jiang Chen. "Young lord, would you mind taking us with you this time to see the world?"

The simple-minded eight brothers were eager to try their luck in Myriad Abyss upon seeing the amazing progress Jiang Chen had made during his time there.

Chapter 1897: The Rejuvenation Isles Curry Favor

Jiang Chen laughed as he gave the eight stone golem brothers a once-over. "Just do the jobs I give you the best you can. As long as you work hard, I assure you there's a bright future ahead of you."

Though the golems were somewhat deflated, they didn't dare disobey.

Jiang Chen set off once more for the Celestial Cicada Court.

He utilized the transportation formation there to arrive on Winterdraw again. He had experience traveling in both directions now, and his confidence in the formation's ability to take him between the two realms increased as a result.

This trip was much easier than his last.

Lu Che and the others had taken good care of the island while he was gone. Yan Wanjun, on the other hand, hadn't yet returned from his visit to House Yan.

The former was overjoyed to see Jiang Chen, though he paled a little when he saw the Vermilion Bird nearby. Clearly, he was daunted by the terrifying aura the sacred fowl emitted.

Cold beads of sweat rolled down his back. The Vermilion Bird had attained godhood!

The cultivator's eyes were filled with solemn respect.

"Anything happen in Winterdraw while I was gone?" Jiang Chen chuckled. "News from the outside, perhaps?"

"I've gotten no notable news from the outside world," Lu Che replied hurriedly, "but Winterdraw itself has been relatively peaceful. Rejuvenation's imperial family comes to offer obeisance on a regular basis. All in all, they're very courteous about it."

Jiang Chen wasn't surprised that this was so. As a second or third rate faction, Rejuvenation clutched desperately at any straws of upward mobility.

Several years back, it had invited a number of Polylore's young scions for a trial solely to flatter the more prominent nation's people in power. It had suffered heavily thanks to that disastrous event.

But that hadn't eliminated its ambitious desires. After the imperial family found out Jiang Chen was the heir to the Eternal Sacred Land, its members began to have new designs.

The young man's martial prowess had spread far and wide to every corner of Myriad Abyss. Though Rejuvenation was in a remote place, it had heard about him just like the rest.

Therefore, it had a burning wish to curry favor with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't hate these people for their designs. In the world of martial dao, a mindset like this was common. Despite Rejuvenation initially causing him some trouble in its attempt to lick Polylore's boots, the experience had actually turned out to be something positive.

Without it, how would he have gone into Winterdraw's core? How would he have gotten his hands on information about the Great Formation of Heavenly Soul Confinement without obtaining Pei Xing's relics and heritage?

Sometimes, there really did seem to be a hand of destiny directing life.

Because of all this, Jiang Chen wasn't particularly hostile toward Rejuvenation. Furthermore, it was possible that he could outsource some of his desperate need for resources to his neighbors.

To speak of the devil was to summon him. Just as he was considering this during Lu Che's briefing, Imperial Prince Huo and Chief Warden Ding arrived on his doorstep.

"Are you going to see them, young lord?" asked Lu Che.

"How did you deal with them the last few times they came?" Jiang Chen chuckled.

"They've brought gifts every time," Lu Che responded seriously. "I accepted the gifts, but haven't let them inside yet."

Jiang Chen nodded. "Well done. You have acted as a good subordinate should. If you had allowed them to come in, that would've been unbecoming of your station."

"As is my duty," Lu Che inclined his head in hurried deference.

"Alright. Tell them that I've decided to see them face to face." He saw no reason to refuse a source of willing extortion. He didn't have that kind of chance every day!

Imperial Prince Huo and Chief Warden Ding had come to Winterdraw several times already. Unfortunately, they had left disappointed each time.

Yes, they'd managed to give away their gifts, but the protector of the island had always told them that young lord Jiang Chen wasn't there. Neither man had ever been granted an audience.

It was upsetting, to say the least.

They had come to try their luck once more. That young lord Jiang Chen was actually here and willing to meet them was utterly astonishing!

Both men were beyond flattered.

They had a certain degree of prominence and cultivation in their own right, but didn't dare flaunt a bit of pride before Jiang Chen.

"Greetings, young lord Jiang Chen."

Indeed, they were the perfect image of respectful humility before him. They raised their heads only after bowing, contemplating the legendary genius who stood before them.

The fates of the Eternal and Martial Sacred Lands had been altered because of him. That alone was enough to spread his fame far and wide in Myriad Abyss Island.

Jiang Chen's expression was cool. A slight smile hung on his face as he gazed at Rejuvenation's imperial prince and chief warden. His lingering eyes made them slightly uncomfortable.

"Haha, hello. I daresay neither of us expected this little reunion here on Winterdraw Island." The young man chuckled.

"Reunion?" Imperial Prince Huo traded a confused look with Chief Warden Ding. They couldn't understand what Jiang Chen meant.

Jiang Chen smiled slyly. He tapped his index and middle fingers against the table, continuing with an even voice. "I used to be one of the trial cultivators here on Winterdraw, prey for those Polylore geniuses. Maybe you've forgotten me by now, hmm?"

The imperial prince and the warden both shivered. The nightmarish past they had adamantly wanted to forget resurfaced with an incredible suddenness. They returned Jiang Chen's look with bewilderment and turmoil.

Then, something clicked. Both men instantly turned as pale as a sheet. They had remembered something almost simultaneously.

"No need to be so tense. The past is in the past. Plus, I found it a reasonable learning experience about the harshness of things here. A rare, rather different kind of trial for my martial dao career." Jiang Chen really didn't hold a grudge any longer.

Chief Warden Ding drew a sharp breath. "Young lord," he asked in a low voice. "Are you… the one who gave the houses of Polylore so much trouble? … Jiang Huang?"

Jiang Huang, Jiang Chen…

The two men from Rejuvenation finally understood.

Chapter 1898: Visiting Intentions

If Jiang Chen was just some ordinary cultivator, Imperial Prince Huo and Chief Warden Ding would've flipped the table on the spot after learning the truth. Alas, the young man before them was the young lord of the Eternal Sacred Land and had an illustrious, almost perverse history in battles.

They could only feel a deep astonishment and helplessness. There was no room in their hearts to even think about vengeance.

Once upon a time, they had gnashed their teeth at Jiang Huang's name. Once upon a time, they had raised the bounty against him again and again in an effort to capture and publicly execute him.

And yet, when the man they'd hated for so many years appeared in front of them all of a sudden, they despaired to find that they no longer even had the courage to keep on hating him.

The atmosphere froze for a few moments in awkward silence.

Jiang Chen broke that silence with a smile. "Gentlemen, if you're interested in retaliating for any perceived abuses, I'm game anytime."

"Ah, not at all," Imperial Prince Huo shook his head briskly. "I think we were partially in the wrong back then as well. We didn't know that you were on the premises, young lord Jiang Chen, and suffered by not taking into account your incredible ability."

The imperial prince had obviously abandoned all ideas of taking revenge.

Chief Warden Ding laughed weakly as well. "I didn't particularly agree with the idea of the hunt from the start. I didn't know that you would be present either, young lord. You truly distinguished yourself from the chaff… such is the will of heaven!"

"Yes, yes, the will of heaven." Imperial Prince readily agreed.

Jiang Chen smiled coolly. "Your explanation is sufficient. Let bygones be bygones!"

The two men were quite pleased and delighted to hear that Jiang Chen would no longer press them for being wronged in the past.

The converse would never happen, of course. For Rejuvenation to seek action against the young lord of a sacred land was tantamount to suicide.

Even Jiang Chen's Vermilion Bird could raze the Rejuvenation Isles, much less the rest of the Eternal Sacred Land. Moreover, many first rate factions wouldn't dare draw his ire given his current position, much less a second or third rate faction like Rejuvenation.

Having possessed significant authority in both lives, Jiang Chen was used to taking careful measure of the situation.

"I hear you two have come to Winterdraw often as of late. What? Are you still not over the loss of this place? Do you seek to interfere in my affairs?"

The question caused the two men to break out in a cold sweat.

"This is a huge misunderstanding, sir. We came so many times solely to visit you and express our admiration for your sacred land."

Jiang Chen knew that Rejuvenation had always wanted to court the Ten Divine Nations' favor. Its relations with Polylore was a classic case study in catastrophic failure.

"Enough with the empty words. Tell me why you've really come here," he declared coolly.

"That…" Imperial Prince Huo scratched his head, laughing with some embarrassment. "We promise that we have no designs on Winterdraw. However, after hearing that you were the expert residing here, we wanted to build a good rapport with you… and possibly, seek your protection."

"My protection?" Jiang Chen blinked. "The Eternal Sacred Land's, I assume? But that's so far away from here. How do you propose that to happen?"

His lack of outright refusal excited the two men.

"Distance isn't a problem," Imperial Prince Huo replied quickly. "Your name is very well known everywhere in Myriad Abyss, young lord. A single visit would be enough to induce awe in the various surrounding factions. They wouldn't dare disrespect us anymore, much less covet our holdings."

"Covet your holdings? Why do you say that? If I remember correctly, I thought you were one of the stronger ones among your surrounding isles?"

In fact, Jiang Chen remembered it to be the pinnacle of its nearby peers.

Imperial Prince Huo smiled wryly. "Yes, that was the case before. But now, Rejuvenation is in a great deal of trouble. Because of the Polylore affair, several of its houses came to protest and disturb us. We've suffered significant losses in manpower and resources. Accordingly, our neighbors have begun to get… ideas about us. Currently, they see as an easy, tasty morsel. Since we're hated by Polylore Divine Nation, there's no way we'll get any help, so…"

Chief Warden Ding let out a long sigh. Clearly, the straits they were in burdened all Rejuvenation's executives.

Jiang Chen burst out in laughter. He didn't usually pay attention to the day-to-day affairs of minor factions. After he left Rejuvenation several years back, he hadn't paid a mote of attention to it. Why would he have any interest in its flourishing or survival?

Compared to the Ten Divine Nations, it had nothing to draw him here, much less keep his interest. But it did seem that Rejuvenation's sorry state was actually related to his past actions. He looked back at the imperial prince and the chief warden with a half-smile.

"So, let me confirm this. You came to visit to seek my personal protection, yes?" Jiang Chen inquired comfortably.

"Indeed. We aren't hiding anything else." Imperial Prince Huo was smart enough not to deny his motive. He knew that any fake moves before an expert like Jiang Chen was pointless. It was better to be honest.

Chief Warden Ding, on the other hand, looked at the young man with some anticipation. He had heard Jiang Chen soften, which gave him some hope.

"We're hardly relatives or friends, Rejuvenation and I. If I cared about it, we technically have some enmity between us – though I did say that's water under the bridge. Still, offering you my protection… don't you think that's a bit too far-fetched?"

The two men from Rejuvenation wilted. If they didn't know that Jiang Chen and Jiang Huang were the very same, they would've wished for something far more.

But that knowledge led them down a different path. Only the most optimistic would count on a past enemy to extend a helping hand.

However, Jiang Chen's tone took an unexpected turn. "But to put it another way, we really only got to know each other after we clashed. I have a very important mission right now that needs a lot of spirit stones. If you can figure out anything to help with that, I don't see any reason why Eternal couldn't offer some backing. Furthermore, I can guarantee that the factions that want to cause you trouble will leave you alone voluntarily. If not… then I'll teach them to!"

Chapter 1899: Transaction

Neither man had expected Jiang Chen to change his mind so suddenly. Both were exhilarated at the turn of events.

Imperial Prince Huo agreed readily to the demand. "Rejuvenation has its own supply of spirit stones, as do our surrounding islands. Recently, our main opponent has been the Tritalent Isles. Tritalent is especially rich in spirit stones. In fact, that is the cause of our biggest dispute.

"An archipelago between us produces them in abundance, and we both tout ourselves to be the rightful owners. As you might expect, the situation is rather pointed."

"The Tritalent Isles?" Jiang Chen had only a vague impression of the name. Myriad Abyss was far too large for him to do better than that. How was he supposed to know all the smaller factions by heart?

That aside, an abundance of spirit stones was good news.

"Young lord, Rejuvenation has had those islands for several centuries now. It's only recently – well, with the affair that put us in crisis, you know – that Tritalent has dared come forth to rob us of our rightful holdings. If it was just them, we wouldn't be concerned. Alas! Tritalent has gathered a number of other factions together and incited them to action against us." Imperial Prince Huo was positively incensed on this subject. He felt that Rejuvenation was being taken advantage of by a lesser entity.

Alas, what could they do against the pressing Tritalent isles? They could only make concession after concession, but there was barely anything left to cede.

If they backed off anymore, they would totally lose control of the territory.

It was at this time that they had heard about Rejuvenation's occupation by another, hence Imperial Prince Huo's anger when he came to figure out what was going on. The fact that Eternal's young lord Jiang Chen was the one who had taken up residence here had doubled their troubles.

However, some smarter individuals in Rejuvenation immediately proposed giving away what was unrecoverable. They could thereby make his acquaintance as well as that of the Eternal Sacred Land's.

Was finding a patron not more than enough return for merely Winterdraw Island?

This line of thought had brought Imperial Prince Huo and Chief Warden Ding continuously back. They wanted to see the legendary youth in person.

Alas, they were turned away time and again by the response that he wasn't actually here.

Despite the perpetual disappointment, they nevertheless came back time after time to try their luck. To their surprise, the young lord was here this time!

Only after meeting him in person had they found out the delicate relationship that Rejuvenation and the young man had had in the past.

Jiang Chen largely understood what the two men were here for. His expression remaining cool, he swept his eyes casually across the prince and the warden's faces. His teacup clattered down on the table.

"Out with it. What kind of help do you want from me?"

"Are you really so kind as to help, young lord Jiang Chen?" Imperial Prince Huo was overjoyed.

"Help, yes, but not out of kindness. Territorial and resource-related disputes between factions are incredibly mundane, and the Eternal Sacred Land cannot possibly interfere in every instance. Furthermore, there's nothing illegal about what they're doing."

Jiang Chen spoke the truth. A sacred land couldn't interfere in the affairs of ants. To do so would be discourteous. If he was to be mobilized himself, he would need sufficient payment.

Imperial Prince Huo knew well the value of relationships. He wouldn't have tried to build one with Polylore way back when, otherwise.

He instantly followed up. "If Rejuvenation can receive young lord Jiang Chen's protection, we will gift half of those islands' profits in perpetuity to you and the Eternal Sacred Land. As a token of our admiration and appreciation, you understand."

The imperial prince was willing to go to great lengths to appease a powerful backer.

"You said those islands are rich in spirit stones? To what extent, hmm?" Jiang Chen inquired coolly.

"I haven't an accurate estimate of exactly how much there is. Those islands are hard to develop, and there's a lot that hasn't been dug up. It would be a shame if Tritalent got its hands on it. They're just a bunch of barbarians! What do they know about excavation and mining? The spirit stone vein will be wasted." Imperial Prince Huo looked rather pained as he said this.

Jiang Chen smiled coolly. He wouldn't trust completely everything that came out of these people's mouths.

Still, he understood what the imperial prince meant. As long as he offered Rejuvenation his protection, he would have fifty percent claim to the archipelago's spirit stones. This deal was entirely at no cost to him.

He didn't care about the so-called 'Tritalent Isles' one whit. If they were weaker than Rejuvenation once upon a time, what could they be worth?

"Who controls the island chain right now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"As of right now? We do. However, Tritalent has declared war on us in order to wrest it from our hands."

"Have the islands always belonged to Rejuvenation?" Jiang Chen probed curiously.

Imperial Prince Huo shook his head. "In Myriad Abyss, things change hands very quickly. The islands weren't ours once upon a time, but that doesn't matter now. What matters is that we are the current owners."

"Haha, I suppose that's why Tritalent thinks it has the right to fight you over it. How are you planning to decide this little conflict?" asked Jiang Chen.

"A gentlemanly duel would mean three or five rounds with our respective experts in the ring. A craven bout will probably mean a chaotic brawl until the winner is decided."

"Which do you prefer?" Jiang Chen smiled.

The imperial prince shook his head. "The imperial family is divided about it."

"Why fight then? I'll smooth things over for you." Jiang Chen clapped. "Go tell Tritalent that the islands are mine now."

"Huh?" Imperial Prince Huo was astonished.

"Don't worry, I have no use for the islands. Half of the spirit stone vein will be mine though. How about it?" The young man gazed piercingly at the imperial prince.

Imperial Prince Huo traded a look with Chief Warden Ding, heaving for breath. After a moment, a resolute look entered his eyes. "It's decided then!" he nodded.

Chapter 1900: To Speak Is To Spring Into Action

The Rejuvenation Isles was clearly at its wit's end. Normally, fifty percent of anything was a shamefully unacceptable term.

Even for an heir of the sacred land, thirty percent was more than sufficient.

Rejuvenation had been backed into a corner and was looking for any solution it could.

If it didn't, it could only wait for Tritalent to gather its forces and rob them of the islands in dispute. It was even possible that Rejuvenation's fortunes would decline irreparably as a result.

Blood in the water tended to attract sharks.

Though Rejuvenation was reasonably wealthy now, it wouldn't take long for it to be torn apart by rabid predators looking for a piece of the pie.

Jiang Chen was a principled individual. Fifty percent was extremely generous terms, and he saw no reason to take further advantage of the troubled duo in front of him.

He gave them a reassuring glance. "I won't stay for much longer on Winterdraw, so let's make this quick. Shall we embark now?"

Imperial Prince Huo was elated. He hadn't expected Jiang Chen to be so swift and decisive.

"If we get out of this safely, Rejuvenation will never forget your aid, young lord Jiang Chen. If you need anything from us in the future, may your word be our command."

"Let's go."

Jiang Chen didn't have any time to listen to flattery. He was more interested in the spirit stone veins on those islands. If the veins were especially rich, that would sate a burning need.

He had only a tenth of what the Great Formation needed right now. Perhaps this opportunity would make up another thirty or forty percent of the total.

If this paid off, gathering the rest would be a lot easier.

Lu Che and the other cultivators were a little disappointed after hearing Jiang Chen was leaving very soon.

"Winterdraw is my stronghold, is it not?" the young man consoled. "I will visit frequently in the future. In fact, its importance will rise a great deal soon enough. Don't slack off. Take good care of the island, alright?"

"As you wish, young lord." Lu Che was very accommodating. His life was in Jiang Chen's hands, and the future leader of the Eternal Sacred Land would provide them with incredible prospects in any case.

They were having a hard time now, but they needed to endure.

Jiang Chen left Winterdraw on Rejuvenation's airboat, which sailed through the sky back to its home. Winterdraw wasn't far from Rejuvenation. After all, the former had belonged to the latter in the past.

All throughout the trip, Imperial Prince Huo was the image of humility and servility.

The young man knew that the prince behaved this way only out of necessity, but saw no reason to make this plain.

At one point on the flight, Chief Warden Ding suddenly came to the ship's front. "Your Royal Highness," he declared seriously, "there seems to be an ambush up ahead."

"An ambush?" Imperial Prince Huo's expression darkened. "Have you investigated fully?"

"Not yet. Our scouts can't get too close for fear of unduly disturbing them. However, I suspect that the ambush is from Tritalent. Perhaps they know about your departure from Rejuvenation and plan to attack Your Royal Highness on the way back."

Imperial Prince Huo was one of the most important members of royalty in Rejuvenation, a man second only to the emperor himself. Furthermore, he was trusted and respected within the chain of authority there.

His death would strike a serious blow against his faction.

"How many enemies are there?" the imperial prince inquired in a low voice.

"No concrete news yet. If it is Tritalent, though, they're sure to be here in droves. I think we should be careful."

Imperial Prince Huo smashed a fist against the table. "Will these bastards' ruthlessness never end? Hmph, they took advantage of us when we were down before, but with the young lord on our side, any further aggression will be suicide!"

The young man could hear the imperial prince's desire for him to step up.

Jiang Chen smiled a little. "We'll deal with them as they come. I'm sure Rejuvenation has suffered at the hands of Tritalent several times already. Shall we dish out some retribution?"

"How? This humble prince defers to your judgment." The imperial prince bowed.

"Easy. We just crush them." Jiang Chen's tone was cool.

Crush them?

Imperial Prince Huo exchanged an eager glance with Chief Warden Ding. If young lord Jiang Chen was going to take to the field himself, what would Tritalent amount to?

The rebels of both Eternal and Martial Divine Nations had been composed of first rate factions, and yet they'd suffered grievous losses at the young man's hand.

Tritalent had been inferior to Rejuvenation until very recently. The former had merely taken advantage of the latter's weakness in light of misfortunate events to stir up a storm.

Moreover, Tritalent only amounted to anything because of its alliances with its even weaker neighbors. A solid blow would absolutely devastate this unstable coalition's morale.

"Open up the airboat. I'm going outside to take a look." Jiang Chen waved.

He led the charge out of the vessel, then leapt onto its roof. The Vermilion Bird and Long Xiaoxuan flanked him.

The sacred fowl and dragon by the youth's side exuded a stunning aura that dazzled their spectators. The imperial prince and the warden found the incredible sight rather unrealistic.

Jiang Chen used his God's Eye to cover the entire expanse before him. His gaze pierced through the mists into the valley ahead. Lush forestation covered both sides of this valley, radiating an air of antiquity.

Suddenly, his consciousness detected something around the valley itself. A faint smile curled at his lips. There was something odd in the airspace just above it. The air currents flowed with an obvious sliver of killing intent.

It was a trap! A dimensional formation that would trigger as soon as the airboat entered.

"Stop." Jiang Chen waved once more.

At the speed they were going, they were on course to stumble in very shortly.

The airboat decelerated as soon as the order was given. It halted right before the suspicious patch of space. Imperial Prince Huo and Chief Warden Ding weren't about to let Jiang Chen be the only man in the vanguard. They charged ahead with their own forces, making a big show of their stalwartness and loyalty.

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