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26.72% Mixed HD / Chapter 116: Chapter 1869 to Chapter 1876

Chapter 116: Chapter 1869 to Chapter 1876

Chapter 1869: The Incredible Sir Ji San

Naturally, Madame Yun was far less proficient in martial dao than Mo Wushuang, but that was exactly why she could make such bold predictions free from the restraints of logic.

Mo Wushuang rooted all of his speculations in logic, which limited his imagination. As a result, he never foresaw that Jiang Chen's cultivation would progress so quickly, ascending from great emperor to intermediate empyrean in only a few years.

It didn't seem at all plausible, but nothing was impossible when it came to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen called Mo Wushuang his brother, which showed his appreciation for the man. Mo Wushuang was dependable like Forefather Embittered Bamboo was. That was why he had always been generous with Mo Wushuang, prioritizing the expert whenever he had something good to share. That hadn't changed.

The Grand Ascension and a Crowning Empyrean Pill were of course gifted to Mo Wushuang. On top of that, Jiang Chen also gave him five empyrean decrees, two of which were intermediate empyrean decrees for future use.

Mo Wushuang would one day build his own faction and gather his own confidantes. The empyrean decrees would be the best tools to win people over.

In comparison, Wellspring and the Jiao brothers of Mt. Huai didn't receive any empyrean decrees, but Jiang Chen wasn't going to let them know that.

Still, they were given a Crowning Empyrean Pill and The Grand Ascension. Jiang Chen also gifted them each a weapon he'd looted from his enemies. He'd fought and killed many empyrean experts, which yielded him a good number of empyrean items and even a few demigod ones.

Mo Wushuang received a demigod level longsword, which he took an instant liking to.

The four men were the highest level cultivators in Sacred Peafowl Mountain at the moment. The resources they received would further push them forward, which was what Jiang Chen wanted.

Right after that, Cloudsoar Monarch reported back. "Young lord, every great emperor in Veluriyam Capital has gathered here and is awaiting your summons."

Jiang Chen clasped his hands and laughed. "Great! Let me see for myself how much the capital has progressed during my absence."

He was in a fabulous mood.

As expected, many more great emperors had emerged, amounting to more than a few hundred.

It wasn't that impressive compared to Myriad Abyss, but before his time, there had only been seven or eight great emperors. Now, after only a few years, the number had jumped by a great margin, a highly pleasing development especially since many of them were young cultivators. It meant that the capital had indeed grown qualitatively more powerful under his rule.

The older cultivators such as Emperors Coiling Dragon and Void had both reached half-step empyrean like Emperor Sabledeep, which made it clear how good a cultivating environment Jiang Chen had created for them.

Youths from each major faction were on the rise as well, which Jiang Chen was glad to see. He was especially thrilled that young master Ji San had emerged again with a cultivation close to reaching peak great emperor, soon to catch up with Coiling Dragon.

He was a step from ascending to empyrean. Even better, he was likely to make the breakthrough on his own without any outside help.

The dragon blood essence had stimulated Ji San's true dragon bloodline, which helped restore his heritage memory and stimulated ancestral characteristics to manifest in him. His dragon bloodline had grown significantly more potent.

"I didn't judge you wrongly, Brother Ji. You are indeed the pride of true dragon descendants. I believe you'll be a shining star in the human domain one day."

The one most pleased with Ji San's outstanding performance was Emperor Coiling Dragon. His family had started out as a mere clan, and only developed into a great emperor faction in recent years.

Some factions in Veluriyam Capital still disapproved of the Coiling Dragon faction, thinking they were on equal footing with other great emperor factions only because of Jiang Chen's favorable treatment. They believed the clan owed all its success to its good fortune and were very jealous.

However, ever since Ji San returned from his journey, he'd proved himself to the entire capital with his cultivation and character. Even those who were jealous had to admit the young man was on track to great success.

People had to be assessed with new eyes after a period of change. There was no denying that Ji San had earned his spot under the limelight.

Ji San was thrilled to be complimented by Jiang Chen. There was a time when the two of them called each other brother. Jiang Chen had helped him greatly during his rise to success.

"Young lord Chen, the best thing that has ever happened to me is you," Ji San said passionately. "We used to call each other brother, but you were more like a master to me."

Ji San wasn't going to keep calling Jiang Chen brother. There was too wide a gap between their status now.

Even Emperor Coiling Dragon called himself Jiang Chen's subordinate. Despite Ji San's usual disregard for formalities, he was going to address Jiang Chen with the utmost respect when powerful experts like Coiling Dragon deferred to Jiang Chen. The young master would only be attracting disapproval if he addressed Jiang Chen like they were equals.

Jiang Chen could read Ji San's thought from his excited expression. He smiled and patted Ji San on the shoulder. "Keep up the good work. You haven't reached your limit yet. Don't ever grow complacent. Remember, the true dragon bloodline is one of the most powerful bloodlines in the world."

As Jiang Chen's old friend, Ji San was of course going to receive his share of resources as well, but this wasn't yet the time to give out rewards. Jiang Chen patted his shoulder again and they shook hands.

That simple gesture was enough to make the other factions envious. Jiang Chen treated Ji San better than he did all of them.

Chapter 1870: A Blow to the Head

Coiling Dragon was immensely contented by the sight of Jiang Chen greeting and encouraging Ji San alone. Veluriyam Capital had many great emperor factions, but Coiling Dragon was the only one to receive special interest.

The young lord had chosen to converse with Ji San before everybody else. The brotherhood and bond formed through thick and thin was paying off.

The Coiling Dragon clan had transformed from a failing clan into a faction headed by a great emperor. Furthermore, their bloodline and ancestral memories gave them tremendous potential. For them, the sky was the limit.

Emperor Petalpluck's faction felt the worst about its current position.

Petalpluck himself was rather upset and sorry. Once upon a time, he had been inferior only to Emperor Peafowl, almost the rival of Emperor Shura.

Alas, his personality and character affected his value in Jiang Chen's eyes. Because he hadn't wanted to anger either party, Jiang Chen ultimately ended up leaving him be.

Now, the situation in Veluriyam was vastly different. Several people, including Mo Wushuang, had attained empyrean realm. Meanwhile, some of the other factions that were once below him were in the process of outshining him.

Compared to them, Petalpluck's faction was becoming more unnoticeable by the day. But what else could he do?

Veluriyam Capital was a lot stronger than in the past, undeniably so. If Emperor Peafowl were to see Veluriyam Capital now, he would be equally as astonished by the changes.

Jiang Chen looked around at all the surrounding faces, a smile apparent on his face. "You've worked hard these past few years, gentlemen. I see tangible improvement in many of you. However, this amount of progress isn't enough."

Not enough?

Everyone was taken aback at this.

"You must be wondering why I said that despite your increases in strength." Jiang Chen's voice was even.

"I couldn't openly talk about much of this before, but we're at the point where I must, regardless of consequences. Evidence from all over shows that the demons shaking free from their ancient chains is only a matter of time. If the races of Divine Abyss were united in the war effort against them, we would retain a good chance at victory.

"Unfortunately, boundary steles were erected after the ancient demon-sealing war for the sake of everyone's self-preservation, which limited the intermingling of different races. As an obvious consequence, Divine Abyss' strength as a whole has decreased since then. I can't understand why this foolishness was allowed to persist for so long. Imagine, my friends: if the demonic invasion were to occur a decade from now, how would the human domain defend itself?"

Jiang Chen had never openly spoken about the demons before now. The most he had done was tangentially mention them in passing. Now, he intended to sound the alarm.

Time was against them.

"Young lord Jiang Chen, is it really impossible to stop the demonic invasion?" someone couldn't resist asking.

"Yes. I believe it to be inevitable. Moreover, it is impossible for us in the human domain to improve ourselves to a degree that we can fend them off." Jiang Chen's tone was very firm.

Impossible? Everyone felt their blood chill. Indescribable fear filled their hearts.

The young man lightened the mood when he saw his audience's pale faces. "Of course, that doesn't mean we can only wait for our deaths. I made a trip a few years ago. Many don't know where I went, but I see no reason to hide it. Yes, I went to Myriad Abyss Island.

"The demons aside, even Myriad Abyss is stronger than the human domain by ten times over. If Myriad Abyss were to stand against the demons alone, it would need to be several times stronger still."

This was a very straightforward and visceral comparison.

No one found the name 'Myriad Abyss Island' unfamiliar. They all knew that it was a place very far from Divine Abyss, but technically still part of this continent.

Moreover, there were many rumors about the origins of the cultivators there. The most popular one was that of deserters from the ancient demon-sealing war looting the majority of the resources and tomes they could find, pilfering the human domain's wealth.

Still, this was the first time they heard anything remotely factual about the place. Before Jiang Chen, Myriad Abyss Island was a total unknown for the human domain. The only thing anyone had to go off of was legend and rumor.

"Many versions of the story about Myriad Abyss exist. I do have one thing to say, however. The origins of those who reside there aren't nearly as despicable as you imagine. Though most are indeed descended from deserters, its rulers are in fact heroic defenders of Divine Abyss Continent's safety."

Jiang Chen sighed softly. Clearly, he had strong feelings about the misunderstandings surrounding the Ten Divine Nations' sacrifices and contributions. He liked Divine Abyss Continent much more now.

Though this place wasn't nearly as strong as the heavenly planes he'd once lived in, the efforts of the noble men and women that fought on behalf of their homeland were respectable indeed.

Strength wasn't a necessary characteristic for admiration.

"Young lord Jiang Chen," Coiling Dragon suddenly spoke up, "Myriad Abyss has always been a very mysterious place. You must have seen some pretty amazing new sights on your trip. Why not share with us how strong the experts are over there?"

"How strong the experts are?" Jiang Chen sighed softly. "The strongest can sweep the human domain clean by themselves."

"What? By themselves? Against the entire human domain? How could that be? Are they gods, then?" Everyone was astounded by this revelation.

"Yes, they are. Gods, in the plural." Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

All ten of the sacred lands were safeguarded by a god. Moreover, many first rate factions in the nations – House Xiahou, for example – possessed the same.

These were the countable ones. Secluded divines were not included in the tally.

Myriad Abyss Island definitely had its fair share of gods in general. The places Jiang Chen had visited on his trip there had been few and far between. Even so, they'd left a very strong impression on him. The human domain simply couldn't compare.


This piece of information was a blow to head of the cultivators in the human domain.

Chapter 1871: The Strongest Warning

"If Myriad Abyss has multiple gods, young lord, isn't that enough to defeat the demons?" someone couldn't help but ask.

To these cultivators, gods were practically omnipotent. If they existed, why couldn't they win against the demons?

Why was the young lord saying that Myriad Abyss needed to be several times stronger demons on even footing?

Were demons really that scary?

Jiang Chen became somber. "Sometimes," he said quietly, "a war isn't decided on the comparison of raw strength alone. If that was the case, the Divine Abyss Continent of eld was far stronger than the demons. Why did the demons end up ravaging the continent regardless?"

This was an excellent question.

The demons had been reasonably numerous in the ancient times, true, and had a sizable number of puppets to boot. However, compared to the natives here, they were perhaps only a third as strong.

Demons held the advantage in their race and blood.

The forces of Divine Abyss had been a pile of loose sand. They were conquered after being divided, unable to come together as a unified whole.

When they realized the necessity of uniting, they were already entirely separated. That meant they could only fend for themselves. Even cooperation on a smaller scale wasn't much good against the ferocious demons.

That was why the races had suffered significant losses after struggling to seal away the demons in the end. Many sects were destroyed entirely.

The greatest mistake the continent had made was not immediately unifying at the start of the threat. They could've used their numbers advantage to utterly crush the invaders.

"Old Brother Mo, why don't you elaborate?" Jiang Chen looked toward his old friend.

Mo Wushuang knew what the young man wanted to convey. "I don't know much about demons," he nodded, "but many books record their strength. Their myriad varieties have equally many different tricks. As a result, they're extremely difficult to deal with.

"We must stand united if we are to fend them off. Without unity, we can do nothing. That's not just an empty phrase! I think that in ancient times, the successful sealing away of the demons was due to the spirit of sacrifice.

"Every tribe and sect put down their differences and selfish intentions in the end, pouring themselves into the war effort against the demons. Many great men performed equally amazing deeds, giving us the long period of peace until today.

"Alas, it seems that we have not much longer to enjoy it. If we can't deal with the demons ourselves, every race here on Divine Abyss will be enslaved by the demons. Once they control a territory, there's no possibility of turning the tables then!"

Some of Mo Wushuang's words had instructed by Jiang Chen beforehand.

Veluriyam's young lord nodded. "You're right. Any territory the demons take is as good as irrecoverable, unless some traveling master decides to liberate his home with his own strength. Otherwise, such a change cannot be reversed. In fact, it might become a breeding ground for more demons in the end."

Jiang Chen glanced at Forefather Embittered Bamboo. "You are the forefather of an alien tribe, Embittered Bamboo. What do you think about the demons?"

The old savage was prepared. "I agree with Daoist Wushuang's point of view. We must stand together to fight the demons. Honestly, we savages only fight over territory and resources. The demons, on the other hand… that's a matter of species survival. The Embittered Savage Tribe will not give an inch in this matter."

Jiang Chen slapped his thigh. "Well said, Embittered Bamboo. For having said that, I can let you go back to your tribe right now and gather it together. You should also investigate the races surrounding your own territory to see how they're doing. Do you dare take on that job?"

"I can go home? I'm free?" Embittered Bamboo's eyes lit up.

"If you manage your assigned task, what reason have I to withhold your freedom?"

The old savage was overjoyed. "Wonderful! The races of Divine Abyss have a natural responsibility to fight against the demons. The Embittered Savage Tribe will never be their slaves, even unto our deaths. No matter the difficulty associated with all of this, far be it from me to refuse!"

Jiang Chen was well satisfied with this answer. "Ambitiously said! You may return to your people. Don't let me down!"

"My life is in your hands. You can count on it." Forefather Embittered Bamboo gave the young man all due respect.

"I'll wait for your good news then," Jiang Chen waved.

Everyone else was stunned when they saw the forefather walk out. Was Jiang Chen going to let him go that easily?

What if he came back to hurt the human domain?

Jiang Chen was completely at ease as he swept his eyes across his subordinates' faces. "Gentlemen, I'm guessing many of you are feeling lost and pessimistic right now. You may have no idea what to do from here. Still, I must cruelly break the news to you that our days of peace are about to be over. The seal on the demons is in the process of disintegrating. Maybe that will be in twenty or thirty years. Maybe it will take less than ten. Who knows?"

"Young lord, when the demonic invasion happens… how can the weak human domain stand up against the demons? Will Myriad Abyss Island really cross the great sea to come fight them? They didn't dare resist in ancient times, so how can we expect them to have changed?"

This was said by someone who had hopes for Myriad Abyss, but thought them unrealistic.

"Why rely on someone else when you can rely on yourself?" Jiang Chen shook his head disapprovingly. "Myriad Abyss has its own part to play in the war."

"Its own part?" Mo Wushuang blinked. "What is it, if I may ask?"

"Simple." Jiang Chen sighed softly. "Haven't you wondered how the demons were able to get to Divine Abyss in the first place?"


"What, it wasn't just coincidence?"

Jiang Chen smiled coolly. "Coincidence? That's far too simple. Every plane has an orbit and axis. Usually, it's difficult to get from one plane to another… unless there's a problem with the heavenly axis that happens to expose that plane's coordinates. So it was with Divine Abyss Continent: the deviation of the axis has revealed us to offworld adventurers, who have taken the opportunity to attempt to plunder us."

This particular piece of information completely turned the relatively ignorant crowd's worldview upside down.

The heavenly axis? Planar coordinates?

These concepts sounded too distant from them, and yet strangely accessible.

If the demons came in because of the deviation in the heavenly axis, that meant stronger bandits from different planes could venture in as well!

Chapter 1872: The Interchange of Rise and Decline

Everyone in attendance tensed.

They'd been slow on the uptake, but it now dawned what it would mean to the Divine Abyss Continent for its coordinates to be exposed - in addition to demons, there could easily be invaders of other races.

Emperor Coiling Dragon inhaled deeply. "Young lord, since the coordinates of our plane have been exposed already, why haven't there been any powerful invaders since the demons?"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "Why do you think?"

Coiling Dragon thought for a while and blurted out, "Can it be that Myriad Abyss has been guarding the continent?"

"The ten sacred lands, to be exact. During the ancient demonic invasion, each of the sects fighting in the war sent part of their forces to Myriad Abyss with their heritage and established the ten sacred lands. They have been defending the gap to the continent against offworld invaders since then."

The room fell silent. Everyone was shocked by the tale. They'd always considered Myriad Abyss to be home of deserters from the ancient war.

"Then what happened to the deserters?" Mo Wushuang asked curiously.

"Apart from the ten sacred lands, there are many other factions in Myriad Abyss, most of them composed of descendents of those deserters. These factions make up the bulk of Myriad Abyss' power. Some time ago, they staged a collective uprising, attempting to topple the ten sacred lands. However, they lost."

Jiang Chen briefly explained the political order of Myriad Abyss.

"Myriad Abyss suffered great damage in the rebellion. It was difficult enough for the ten sacred lands to deter the offworld enemies before, it'll be even more difficult now. Things don't look good for the continent as a whole." Jiang Chen's tone was grave, but he wasn't exaggerating.

Within the continent, demons lurked in the dark, ready to launch an attack anytime. Outside the plane, various adventurers had been trying to invade.

If a powerful foe emerged from offworld, it'd be a threat to the continent's very existence.

There was every reason for them to be pessimistic.

A heaviness hung in the air after Jiang Chen spoke. The human domain had been a frog at the bottom of the well, ignorant to the reality of the world.

The great emperors especially, felt they had reached the peak of martial dao and the human domain at large, but in truth, they were nothing in the vast world.

Apart from the demonic race, Myriad Abyss was far more powerful than the human domain. There were divine cultivators there! And yet, the human domain had believed great emperor was a cultivator's peak before the Order of Wind and Cloud emerged.

How pathetic.

Jiang Chen could read the heavy mood. "Reality may be cruel, but don't be too pessimistic. Before the Order of Wind and Cloud, many didn't even believe great emperors could ascend to empyrean, let alone that empyrean experts resided in the domain.

"These biases stem from a lack of understanding. Although the human domain has fallen from its past glory, reaching empyrean realm isn't an impossible dream. I believe more and more empyrean experts will emerge in no time. Our martial dao will enter an age of rapid progress. Once the ancient spirit veins break through their ancient seals, everything will revert back to normal. The human domain will return to its peak in the ancient times."

There were many factors leading to the decline of the human domain.

The most important one being the toll that the ancient demonic war had taken. Resources had been exhausted and spirit veins depleted. Many major sects and racial heritages had been moved to Myriad Abyss, resulting in the deterioration of the human domain.

In addition, many of the major sects from the ancient times had sealed off their sacred lands and heritage, knowing the demonic war would be disastrous. The Ancient Crimson Heavens Sect and the Primosanct Sect for example.

If the heritage of the ancient sects were continuously excavated, they'd naturally take root in the human domain and flourish. Even if the domain couldn't be restored to its past self overnight, it'd gradually grow stronger.

What was more, after a couple hundred thousand years of rest, a large portion of the spirit veins had slowly recovered.

Even the martial dao world followed the law of nature. There was an ebb and flow to the natural cycle. Nothing could stay at its peak forever, and nothing would be in decline indefinitely.

As the son of the Celestial Emperor in his past life, Jiang Chen had formed a deep understanding of the patterns of heavenly law during his millions of years in existence.

In his opinion, the human domain had hit rock bottom and was naturally going to rebound after a long period of time.

In fact, it had already started to rise. Since Jiang Chen's emergence, the collective strength of the domain had improved significantly.

The Veluriyam Capital, for example, had been ruled by a few great emperors with Sacred Peafowl Mountain taking the lead. Now, the mountain was the sole ruler with countless powerful cultivators in its ranks.

Empyrean experts like Mo Wushuang and Jingzhong Hui had also emerged.

Even Forefather Embittered Bamboo of the Embittered Savage Tribe had become the mountain's servant. That was something no one would've even dare dream of before Jiang Chen's time.

Though Emperor Peafowl was well-respected in Veluriyam Capital, no one could deny that Sacred Peafowl Mountain had made substantial progress under Jiang Chen's leadership. Not even Emperor Peafowl himself could deny the truth if he was here.

Jiang Chen's words made the despairing cultivators feel a little better. It was true the human domain had been improving over the years.

"Young lord Jiang Chen, is it really possible for the human domain to recover to how it used to be in the ancient times? I hear that every first rate faction at that time was led by at least one divine cultivator, and sometimes even more. Gods weren't the rare exceptions in the human race."

Jiang Chen smiled and answered with a question, "Do you think no human will be able to ascend to divine realm in the future?"

Could there be another human god?

Jingzhong Hui laughed and said in a bright tone, "I've done a lot of research on the ancient times. No genius was talented as young lord Jiang Chen even then. Why would you think our young lord isn't going to become a god in the future?"

Everyone was surprised. Could their young lord become a god?

It suddenly dawned on them that Jiang Chen's cultivation had reached a height beyond their expectations.

Chapter 1873: Astonishing Good News

Wellspring chuckled and cast an admiring glance at Jiang Chen. "My eyes aren't as keen because of my age, so I didn't dare jump to conclusions. However, the young lord's cultivation has definitely surpassed mine by a great margin. Given the amazing heights he's reached at such a young age, is it really impossible for him to ascend to divinity?"

The others started. How high was their young lord's cultivation? They only realized then that they didn't know the answer.

Nevertheless, Jiang Chen's presence was terrifyingly strong. Even they, the top cultivators of the human domain, felt the pressure of someone far superior to them. This wasn't something anyone could fake.

Old Crane had been informed about Jiang Chen's cultivation, but the cultivators in attendance were still in the dark.

Mo Wushuang laughed heartily. "Young lord Chen, your cultivation is always an enigma. The answer we know now won't apply in a few months. Since we're all here, would you mind satisfying our curiosity?"

Jiang Chen didn't intend to hide it. He smiled slightly. "I'm one step away from sixth level empyrean."

Sixth level empyrean?!

As experienced as Old Crane and the other empyrean experts were, even they took a long time to recover from the news. Here, most cultivators were at great emperor, apart from a few exceptions. In their mind, empyrean realm was a dream they could never reach.

Mo Wushuang and Wellspring, who'd ascended to second-level empyrean, were already untouchable in their eyes. They were the stars, a goal to strive towards for the rest of their lives.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen was one step away from sixth level empyrean after only a few years! It felt like a story out of the books.

Emperor Coiling Dragon couldn't contain his excitement. "Sixth level empyrean? Heavens, young lord, if my memory serves me right, you only just entered great emperor when you departed, right? The rate at which you progressed at is unbelievable. We all pale in comparison."

"That's right. It's… almost out of the realm of possibility. Young lord Jiang Chen is known for being an extraordinary genius. I only know now how true the statement is. Even every cultivator in the world combined can't rival half your talent."

"The human domain is immensely fortunate to have you."

"With your talent, young lord, you're bound to reach godhood in the future and grace the human race with your existence. You'll become a symbolic figure!"

Everyone was in high spirits. The human race had stubbornly persevered through the ages only because of geniuses whose talent astounded the world. Every time the human race was in danger, great heroes would emerge to save the day and deliver the fate of humanity.

This era belonged to Jiang Chen. He was the genius the human race had been waiting for since a couple hundred thousand years ago.

Anticipation washed away their pessimism. They had thought the human race couldn't possibly make a comeback, but now they believed there was a ray of hope - Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen met their hopeful gazes head-on and responded at a deliberate pace, "Everyone, a couple geniuses do not a prosperous time make. Everyone has to work together to build our future. The human domain is weak now, but that's fine. We can change that. I've brought something with me from Myriad Abyss that can make you stronger."

Every pair of eyes lit up with anticipation. What was Jiang Chen referring to?

Mo Wushuang and Wellspring had received the best gifts from Jiang Chen. The others, of course, looked forward to what their young lord would give them.

Jiang Chen swept his gaze through them. "I noticed that some of you are at peak great emperor or half-step empyrean, but struggle to make the breakthrough. I'll help you overcome that bottleneck with what I acquired in Myriad Abyss - the Taiyi Skymender Pill. It can bridge the gap between great emperor and empyrean."

The Taiyi Skymender Pill!

Jiang Chen had a good number of the pill in his possession. He'd kept some for himself when he refined the pill for the Eternal Sacred Land.

Then he'd been permitted by the venerated forefather to take some Taiyi Dragonscale Fruits from the sacred land's vault due to his contributions in eliminating the rebellion.

More importantly, he had been gifted more fruit for helping the Martial Sacred Land defeat the rebels. He now had an abundance of ingredients to refine the pill.

"Every peak great emperor will be given a Taiyi Skymender Pill today," announced Jiang Chen.

The crowd perked up.

Jiang Chen was quite known for his pills in Veluriyam Capital. The Pinecrane and Longevity Pills, followed by the Emperor Supremacy and Ascension Pills, were all highly praised for their quality. Even the pickiest person couldn't spot any problems with Jiang Chen's work.

A pill from Jiang Chen's hands was the guarantee of quality.

Emperor Coiling Dragon was thrilled. He was close to reaching peak great emperor, while Ji San was at half-step empyrean.

If Ji San could get his hands on a Taiyi Skymender Pill and ascend to empyrean at such a young age, a brilliant future would be awaiting him.

The peak great emperors couldn't be more excited. Despite their cultivation, none of them believed they could ascend to empyrean. That would require the blessing of heaven, which was a golden ticket one chanced upon rather than earned.

Not everyone was lucky like Mo Wushuang and Wellspring. Not everyone was blessed by the goddess of fortune. But then opportunity had fallen into their lap! Every peak great emperor would receive a Taiyi Skymender Pill today!

Chapter 1874: The Awareness One Should Have

Jiang Chen took in the reactions of everyone around him. He had expected that this piece of news would deliver a shock to the human domain.

He saw the disappointment in the great emperors' faces, especially those who hadn't reached the peak of their realm. "For those who aren't quite there yet, there's no need to be sad," he smiled faintly. "As long as I have the materials, I can make the Taiyi Skymender Pill en masse anytime. You can come get one from me when you do reach peak great emperor."

All the great emperors were overjoyed at this, their expressions extending into wide grins.

"Not just you, but your house, clan, faction, sect – whatever. As long as someone reaches peak great emperor and has been approved, they will have the right to receive a pill as well."

"However," Jiang Chen's tone shifted, "I'm not giving the pills away for free. All of you here today, remember this: if you take one of these pills, that means you have the ability to break through to empyrean realm. In fact, you will have a ninety percent chance of succeeding. With great power comes great responsibility. I hope you're mindful of the fact that you will henceforth become a pillar of humanity and must fight on its behalf. You cannot shirk your duties, no matter when they might call upon you. If you can't accept this, you should leave immediately."

Jiang Chen's tone was cool. "Maybe you're feeling lucky. Maybe you think you can fool me later on by not doing your best. To that, I can only say this: if you want to be a fence-sitter, you'll only die faster. No one can preserve themselves in a demonic invasion.

"Your petty trickery and schemes will become meaningless. Demons have never needed human traitors as allies, only slaves and puppets. Unless you are willing to be pressed into that kind of service, your only choice is to shoulder the burden of humanity and fight." His speech was quite grave.

Everyone sobered up. They could tell that Jiang Chen was far from joking.

"I'll take a pill then," Coiling Dragon chuckled.

"My hatred of the demons is unending," Ji San grinned easily. "I can take a Taiyi Skymender Pill as well."

As Jiang Chen's staunchest allies, they'd stayed by his side through thick and thin. No one could doubt their loyalty.

"I've been loyal to Veluriyam Capital and the human race all my life. I swear that I will never betray humanity or compromise with the demons!" Emperor Void volunteered.

Many followed his lead. They were all smart enough to know that they had no other choice in the face of the oncoming invasion.

Enslavement by demons would be something that bound them for perpetuity. There was no reason for them to join the demons. Therefore, none of them hesitated at all to make their guarantees.

Jiang Chen accepted one and all. He gave out as many Taiyi Skymender Pills as were required. He'd never thought of keeping them to himself. One of the most urgent things upon his return was to distribute these pills.

The peak great emperors who received these pills were uniformly exuberant. The value of the pill far exceeded their expectations.

Each pill was an opportunity for someone to ascend to empyrean realm. It was an opportunity that these people probably wouldn't have gotten naturally for the rest of their lives.

"Young lord Jiang Chen, words can't describe how grateful we are. You've toiled so much for the benefit of the human race. We would be craven curs to betray your trust."

"Indeed. We will use our strength for humanity's sake as long as we live."

"We shall follow your orders to our last breath!"

These people wanted to posture a little after receiving the Taiyi Skymender Pills. More to the point, their expressions were largely genuine.

Even Emperor Petalpluck was deeply moved after obtaining a Taiyi Skymender Pill. He had always been rather ambiguous before, much like a fence-sitter.

Because of that, he had been sidelined significantly over the years. Getting this amazing chance to break through to empyrean realm was nothing less than serendipity.

Petalpluck felt mildly embarrassed when he considered his attitude from before.

Regardless of how cold-blooded he may have been, he had to admit that Jiang Chen was more magnanimous than he could ever comprehend. The young man was someone that could only be looked up to.

It was a blessing for Veluriyam Capital to be ruled by one such as this. If Emperor Shura had won the ultimate authority, what would've happened then?

There were quite a few who thought the same way. Undoubtedly, they had a great many exclamatory remarks. The years that Jiang Chen had ruled in Veluriyam had changed this place drastically.

They hadn't even dared think about an opportunity to achieve empyrean realm before, and yet these pills were so numerous and widespread now.

What did that mean? It meant that Jiang Chen didn't consider these pills very valuable at all.

He had more than enough clout and wealth to easily make gifts of these valuable pills. In other words, he had risen higher than any cultivator in the human domain.

Jiang Chen wasn't simply the lord of Veluriyam Capital, but the human domain as well. Who could threaten to dwarf him in his realm?

No one whatsoever!

Even the hermit empyrean experts couldn't shake his position. Jiang Chen was so youthful, and yet he was about to break through to sixth level empyrean.

This prospect alone excited his audience. A leader like this gave them hope for victory in the oncoming invasion.

Emperor Sabledeep received a Taiyi Skymender Pill as well. He was as overcome as Petalpluck had been. He had been tricked into the Order of the Wind and Cloud by a promise of an empyrean opportunity from its late head, but Jiang Chen was the one to deliver, all these years later!

"Young lord Jiang Chen, I hear that a great formation served to crush the demons' fortunes in the ancient demon-sealing war. Is there a possibility that this formation may be repurposed for our use?"

Chapter 1875: Formation Needs

Sabledeep was a wise man. He always considered the most profound of topics, and his intuition and intellect were unrivaled among other great emperors.

He had also done plenty of research into the era of the ancients as well. Thus, he was aware of the Great Formation of Heavenly Soul Confinement – though not in nearly as much detail as Jiang Chen.

Veluriyam's young lord didn't expect such insight from Sabledeep. "That formation gives humanity a ray of hope," he smiled. "If it can be reactivated, the first wave of the demonic invasion may well be cut short. In fact, it might be able to allow us to avoid the main assault altogether."

"Oh?" Everyone's eyes lit up once more.

"Easy to say, hard to do. Even in ancient times, the formation was a very large-scale project. In our current time, resources and manpower are both lacking. It is definitely quite difficult to reactivate the formation."

"No matter how hard it is, can't we pool absolutely every faction's resources and make it that way?" Someone couldn't resist asking.

Jiang Chen shook his head. "Resource-wise, the human sects added together might not be enough to fuel the formation. In fact, I am rather sure of that. As for manpower… I'm afraid I would say the same."

"If the formation can't be used, what point is there?" Some became downcast at this.

"Is the formation really that expansive and expensive that the whole human domain's resources pooled together isn't enough to restart it?"

"Indeed, ancient formations tend to be exorbitant in cost."

Everyone cast their gazes toward Jiang Chen in anticipation. They hoped the young lord would provide them with some good news.

"Compared to ancient times, the human domain of the present is less than a twentieth of its former glory. The ruins of many ancient sects are also still sealed away. If we can find a few of these and unearth the heritages within, the resource problem might be resolved. Even if we can't, Myriad Abyss may be able to provide the same. I merely worry whether there's enough time left."

For Jiang Chen, time was of the essence. Without that limit, he could take a few centuries to collect all the materials. Unfortunately, the demons wouldn't wait for him to get the work done. Instead, he had to seize the day and use every moment efficiently.

He had an understanding of the formation on a technical level already. The knowledge of the Ancient Crimson Heavens Sect, Earth Bodhisattva Sect, and Master Pei Xing had been combined into a harmonious whole.

The formation could be activated with only a little bit more study.

This was a re-activation, not a rebuilding. If he had to set up this formation from scratch, the amount of resources and manpower would be even more absurd - probably three times what he currently needed.

Re-activating a formation was a lot simpler. The formation didn't need to be constructed, etched, or otherwise constituted on a fundamental level. If he could find the formation's nexus, he could easily use its principles of operation to bring it back to life.

Still, the material cost of doing so lay before him like an immovable obstacle.

The human domain couldn't possibly afford such a large expenditure. Jiang Chen knew the extent of Veluriyam Capital's vaults, and very few other sects in the human domain matched its wealth. Perhaps there were none at all.

This was the basis of his declaration that the human domain couldn't reactivate the formation, even if it pooled all its resources together.

"Find the ruins of the ancient sects?" Ji San's eyes lit up. "A good suggestion, my friend. The human domain was a wondrous place in the ancient times, and the deserters couldn't possibly have carried everything off with them. There should be many things that remain, sealed away in places unknown. Without clues though, is it really possible to find them through any method other than good luck?"

It was as Ji San had said. Ancient ruins were extremely rare.

Jiang Chen's forays into the Ancient Crimson Heavens Sect and the Primosanct Sect had been entirely due to fortune.

Humanity of eld had resisted the demons with an alliance of ten great sects. This alliance had included the Primosanct Sect, the Earth Bodhisattva Sect, and the Ancient Crimson Heavens Sect. Each and every member had contributed almost all of their resources without question.

The master of the Veluriyam Pagoda had once been a great leader of humanity as well, hence Jiang Chen's incredible expectations for the Six Palaces of Heritage.

The young lord believed that the palaces contained the greatest secret and heritage of the Veluriyam Pagoda. The structure had been built by the ancient leader of the human race, and was still protected by six powerful guardians. It wasn't a humble place.

Master P'eng, Venerated Skysoarer, and the Grand Marquis were legendary characters. The opportunities they had provided Jiang Chen were invaluable still.

What did the latter three palaces hold then? Surely, their protectors and treasures were even more brilliant than their predecessors?

Myriad Abyss was more powerful only when compared to the current human domain.

In the ancient times, it had been a very different story. Back then, Myriad Abyss had begun only as a branch of the grand tree here on the mainland. The things that remained hidden here in the human domain were worth looking forward to. The ruins of ancient sects especially held spectacular rewards.

There was a reason the Six Palaces of Heritage remained at the top of Jiang Chen's mind, and why he had rushed back specifically to challenge them after Myriad Abyss's urgent affairs were dealt with.

Chapter 1876: The Final Preparations

The meeting in Sacred Peafowl Mountain rejuvenated Veluriyam Capital. Almost everyone came away with something out of it. Those who didn't receive a Taiyi Skymender Pill had Jiang Chen's promise; they would get their share as long as they ascended to peak great emperor.

That gave the great emperors in the capital something to look forward to, as well as motivation. Even those at emperor realm were significantly incentivized.

After the meeting, the Vermilion Bird cackled. "Don't you still have a good number of empyrean decrees, young master Chen? Why didn't you give them out?"

"There's no need at the moment. These are principal descendents of the Veluriyam bloodlines. They have the potential to ascend without refining a decree."

"Heh, but not everyone does."

"True, but Taiyi Skymender Pill will give them a boost. If they can't seize that opportunity, then that's their fate. I've done the most I can."

Jiang Chen had indeed given them enough help. He'd never intended to take anything from the human domain. The only reason for taking on the mantle of the young lord of Sacred Peafowl was because Emperor Peafowl's personal charisma. He simply admired the former ruler for the latter's character. He'd never wanted any power.

Then, the sense of duty had prompted him to take on more and more responsibilities and obligations until one day, he realized he'd become inseparable from the fate of the capital and the human domain. They'd become part of his flesh and blood, embedded into his life.

If the human domain was destroyed, he'd be able to survive, but what about the others? What would happen to his parents, wife and daughter, dao partner, and confidantes?

What about his numerous close friends in martial dao?

Their lives were centered around him and Veluriyam Capital.

He wasn't who he'd been when he'd first reincarnated. He could no longer live his life with disregard of the strings attached to him. Every decision and action must be made with careful consideration of the greater good.

"When do you plan to enter the Six Palaces of Heritage?" asked the Vermilion Bird.

"These next couple of days," responded Jiang Chen.

"Ah, then do so quickly," said the bird. "I'm going to the Primosanct Sect for the next few days to check if the boundary steles have been damaged. The escaped ruler of the celestial demons will always be a potential threat."

"Aren't you going to try to reach divine realm in closed door cultivation?"

The divine bird was one step away from ascending. It could make the breakthrough any moment.

"That'll require an inspiration that can't be forced. Closed door cultivation may not be the best approach. I can feel the moment getting closer, and I want to wait and see what will give me that final push. It's a forgone conclusion that I will reach godhood."

The bird was optimistic. It was happy and thrilled that it had a chance to achieve what it hadn't been able to reach in the ancient times.

For descendants of the four divine beasts, reaching divinity meant becoming immortal. Naturally, the bird was highly excited.

That was why it was so devoted to Jiang Chen. The young man had turned its fate around in ways words couldn't fully describe. The bird had evolved and risen from the ashes!

That was no exaggeration. In fact, it was somewhat of an understatement.

"Be careful," reminded Jiang Chen. "Demons are a cunning bunch. Be on guard and don't fall for their traps."

The Vermilion Bird was powerful enough that Jiang Chen didn't have to worry about it, but there was no harm in being cautious.

Jiang Chen returned to his residence once the bird left. After returning to Sacred Peafowl Mountain, he didn't actually have a lot of time for his family. He had too much to attend to every day.

His parents were here, as were his wife, daughter, friends, and disciples.

The tragic couple Jiang Feng and Xu Meng had been together ever since their reunion. They seemed to be making up for lost time. Their only regret was the son who was still missing.

Jiang Chen was now the ruler of Veluriyam Capital and the leader of the human race. Everyone depended on him for their livelihood.

Xu Qingxuan was constantly by their side. She was considerate and extraordinarily talented. With Jiang Chen's help, she improved quickly, making her the brightest existence among the youths.

Both Huang'er and Dan Fei were respectful to Jiang Feng and Xu Meng and treated the elders with great care.

Then there was Nian'er. She spent time with her grandparents everyday and was her lovable, adorable self. The old couple was living the dream life.

"Chen'er, you're meant for greatness. There are many things that are beyond my judgement, so I don't intend to intervene. However, you must remember to protect yourself no matter what you're doing. Don't forget that your family depends on you. The entire Veluriyam Capital too. There's a heavy weight on your shoulders." Jiang Feng wasn't one to preach, but he couldn't help giving his son this reminder.

Xu Meng looked at Jiang Chen with caring eyes. "Your father is right, Chen'er. You are meant for greatness, but even so, your safety comes first."

Jiang Chen knew his parents were worried about him. He chuckled. "Don't worry. Your son is more scared of death than you two believe."

Xu Qingxuan snickered. "I don't believe you, brother. I hear that you encountered great dangers and took a lot of willful risks to find my sister-in-law in Myriad Abyss."

"Where did you get that from? Your brother is fine. What dangers are you talking about?"

"Haha, you're still denying it! I admire you for that, brother. You're the greatest man in the world. I'm going to find a dao partner like you, who will take any risks and do anything for the woman he loves without so much as a frown."

Jiang Feng sighed softly. "I've heard as well, Chen'er. You and Huang'er will follow each other to the end of the world. I support you for that. If a man isn't going to fight for the woman he loves, what good is an empire that he's built for himself?"

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