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7.69% ZeroNemeziz’s Wandering Mind of Stories / Chapter 2: The Valkyrie Angels

Chapter 2: The Valkyrie Angels

Mankind has grown so drastically far in the past millennium in constant fighting, colonization, and technological advancement. They even brought upon another tool which was later on weaponized strongly. They were first built to be a replacement for prostitutes and there wouldn't be girls selling their bodies out in the vast galaxy.

But then an Alien Species came invading without warning and care. They were called the Insectoids by human language as their actual names cannot be pronounced by their words or even by mouth. They came devouring every living creatures without stop.

Humanity fought back and many researchers of every faction sought ways to improve their technology is fighting back the Insectoids. Only one researcher thought about weaponizing the Angels which were supposed to reduce prostitution and rape.

The Researcher took 10 years to fully weaponize the Angels and arm them with their special weapons and armor. The Armor's appearance is questionable though, as it was skimpy and revealing. But didn't stop them from getting stronger and abling to fight back the Insectoids, though gets the males aroused...

Well, due to Angels who were renamed to Valkyrie Angels aren't able to strategic combat well and have to have someone command what their roles were, where they should be at, and such. The Galactic Council decided to set up an Academy for those who want to go into the combat against the Insectoids and fight with their Valkyrie Angels they were assigned with.

Though not it wasn't quick in advancement, they were able to slowly progressively push them back and retake what was lost. Over 10 years comes our protagonist who just graduated from the Academy and was sent to the Valkyrie Angel Factory Lab.

Dan Urliem was brought into a room with an A.I. in her holographic form.

[ Hello Commander Urliem ]

[ You're Presented with 10 Valkyrie Classes to choose from that'll be with you from the start ]

10 Different Images, 10 Different Classes, and 10 Different Valkyrie Angels with their Class. She explained each of the classes for Dan to get to know about what benefits and probably demerit in them.

[ Guardian Class ]

[ Her body was modified to be able to withstand high amounts of damage, draw enemies attention to her and her self recovery is unmatched as she can regenerate limbs and organs within minutes but do be reminded that Destroying the Head or Heart and being Evaporated will cause her to die ]

[ Blade Master Class ]

[ She's trained in the arts of every Bladed Weaponry and her speed unmatched among the Valkyrie Angels. Her body was also modified to hide small blades for quick up-close kills, along with given Magnetic Abilities to control assigned bladed weapons to manipulate freely and uncontrolled by others ]

[ Brawler Class ]

[ Trained in the Arts of CQC of various Techniques. Her Defense and regeneration are second and lower than Guardian Class, but they are much higher than other classes. Their attack speed is also second to Blade Master Class though only it's just being quick than being slow ]

[ Sniper Class ]

[ Marksman trained with fighting in long distances and provide support to the frontline. They're built-in with a Stealth System to turn them invisible from detection and their speed in movement is second to the Infiltrator Class ]

[ Operator Class ]

[ Also a marksman but they fight in the frontline and trained to be Masters in war or battles. Their overall stats are balanced but their average stats are pretty high. ]

[ Demolitionist Class ]

[ Trained to be masters in Explosives and Artillery. They're usually supported in annihilating large numbers of enemies than in a concentrated attack like the Sniper Class. ]

[ Infiltrator Class ]

[ Assassin and Hackers, supposedly trained to infiltrate bases but they mostly act like Assassin and they movement speed is unmatched among the other classes. They also got a Stealth System but with an addition of having a poison holder inside them that they could just inject some out to coat their blades or bullets ]

[ Mechanic Class ]

[ Trained to build and create all sorts of machinery along with also abling to repair things. Their arms were replaced with somewhat nano-tech as it could transform into any tools they would need in creating something that helps in battle. They trained in CQC and marksman for a bit but mostly in Machinery ]

[ Nanomancer Class ]

[ They are a bit horrific but they replaced them with Prosthetic Nano-bot Limbs that can shapeshift into various weapons and blades. They were trained in Weapon Arts and Marksmanship to assist with what can do various situations ]

[ Medic Class ]

[ Iconic Healers but what they do is more realistic and magical with their medical expertise and knowledge. They also have combat experiences to help in fights where fighting is more needed than just healing injuries. in combat they have various ways to do what they call in RPGs, Crowd Control ]

Dan puts aside the Medic, Mechanic, Demolitionist, and Nanomancer Class due to not being suited for being the only Class he would have at the start. Infiltrator and Sniper Class would be put aside as he didn't have Valkyrie Angel Team built yet. Brawler and Guardian were also put aside as they don't help in quick fights and would take things longer than it should be.

The two last options were Operator and Blade Master Class... Dan picked Operator due to the cost and versatility that an Operator has than a Blade Master.

[ You have Chosen Operator I see ]

[ Here is a List is Valkyrie Angels to pick from ]

Dan was given an interactive holographic list, each Valkyrie Angel listed has their Stats, Personality, Special Talent, and a few more listed on it to show each one has its value. Dan picked one that he found to unique to be in the Operator Class and quite powerful.

[ Valkyrie Angel Operator No.158724 ]

[ Strength: Gold ]

[ Endurance: Gold ]

[ Recovery: Silver ]

[ Speed: Silver ]

[ Intelligence: Gold ]

[ Personality: Quiet, Cold ]

[ Special Talent: Telekinesis ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

[ Please wait a moment ]

Dan waited and soon a wall opened up bringing out the Valkyrie Angel he'd chosen in stasis. The tube slowly drained of it's liquid and awakened her up. She fell onto the ground and steadily stood back up.

"Valkyrie Angel No.158724 reporting to duty!"

[ Valkyrie Angel No.158724, this one here will be your commander ]

[ Please equip the equipment presented ]

No.158724 went towards the Equipment Station that popped out from the wall. She stood in place when placing correctly, scanning her body, and starts attaching thin armor pieces. It created a black-white bikini piece, attaches metal rings on the calf, thigh, upper and lower arms. The attaches a visor on her face, just the eyes though. On her fingers were like metal claws and attached to the long flat wires that come together on the backhand then go towards the ring on her lower arm. On her feet were high heels that followed the color scheme.

That was the template, it starts to place small pieces of armor on her shoulders to back. Places a ring at the back and it would just float there not even touching but it's attached. Surrounds and attaches a black metal gem with an invisible string on her upper arm and thigh rings. Metal pieces surround her heels and they would attach onto each other when close enough, it reaches only up to her ankle. It ties her together like a ponytail and places armor pieces on her head to create a helm but leaves open the mouth and nose area, goes from the Shoulder armor to her entire head.

There were armor pieces that cover her breast area like a tube bra, armor pieces on her lower part stuck to the bikini, and has strings going from it to the one on her chest. It places what he recognizes as Gun Cores that are shaped as rectangular sticks on her hips. The Gun cores can form up to a pistol but with 2, can form an SMG, 3 for a Rifle, 4 for a Sniper Rifle, 5 for a stronger Sniper Rifle, and 6+ for bigger and stronger weapons. No.158724 has 6 on her hip, 3 on each side.

[ No.158724 is now Armed and Ready for combat ]

[ Your further Instruction are in your Q.C.D(Quantum Communication Device) ]

Dan nods and leaves with No.158724 out of the room and Factory Lab. Dan looks at his Q.C.D to find the instructions along with other details such as where he's going to living in during his time in the Base. His instruction was to be on stand-by, so he could just do other things while waiting for a mission to be assigned to him.

Dan went over to his room and saw it was like dorms, a bedroom with a kitchen and bathroom compacted together. Dan sat on his bed and looks at No.158724 whose staring at him.

"Do you have a name other than numbers?" Dan asks.

She didn't reply and just stays silently watching him.

"I'll call you Elise if you don't have one," Dan tells her and lays on the bed staring at the ceiling. Elise watches her commander slowly fall asleep, she looked around and finds nothing watching. She carefully straddles Dan and leans in for a quick kiss.

Dan wakes up from feeling something sensational on his lips for a second. Dan could see Elise towering over him, staring down on while slowly unzipping his pants. "What are you doing?!" Dan asks panicking.

"I'm providing a service," Elise says as it was an obvious thing. She pulls his pants along as she goes face close toward his unerect stick. Elise puts in his mouth and whatever she is doing is getting him hard pretty quick.

"Haa~," When it was fully erect, her lower piece retracts open and slowly inserts inside herself. Dan groans as she slowly paces in up and down motion.

.... afterward...

It was the morning dawn that they woke up, Dan was holding Elise closely even though he was a bit uncomfortable with the armor.

"Good morning" Elise sits up with Dan over to the bathroom... When all that was done, Dan received an order to come over to one of the Briefing Rooms. Quickly dressing up in uniform and dashes with Elise to the Briefing Room, taking around 15 minutes.

He was greeted with 4 other Commanders with their Valkyrie Angels and our Rank A Commander whose briefing the mission. To know the Rankings for Commanders of Valkyrie Angels are: F -> E -> D -> C -> B -> A -> AA -> AAA -> S -> SS -> SSS -> Master -> Grandmaster. Each rank gives pretty good rewards especially another free choice of another Valkyrie Angel. While the Valkyrie Angels themselves have their own ranking which is: D -> C -> B -> A -> S -> Angel Queen -> Angel Empress -> Angel Goddess -> Divinity. Valkyrie Angels start at D and their growth depends on the potential is shown on their stats and when they completed their training. As for why their Rank doesn't go up during their training is due to their mind or consciousness is sent into a virtual world to be trained and their real body is stimulated according to their training and experiences in there.

"I see everyone is here now." Dan sits on one of the seats around the center table. "I'll introduce everyone here so you'll know who you will be working together with."

On-screen shows the picture and bit of information on one of the people. "Isaiah Rosiama, the same age as the rest of you and everyone one of you guys graduated at the same time so your ages should be around the same....." He starts explaining about feats and his chosen Valkyrie of the Guardian Class.

Then it goes with Marshall Abadance, Alisha Clarence, Aizal Mareifi, Denis Genmil, and then Dan Urliem. Marshall has a Nanomancer Class, Denis with Demolitionist Class, Aizal with Operator Class, and Alisha with Sniper Class. The group was tasked with attacking an Insectoid Outpost, they've just settled down and started to producing Troop Class Insectoids.

"Your equipment will be in your Transport Vehicle so move out!" ""Yes Sir!"". They ran out of the Briefing Room and ran towards the designated transport. It was a large mobile vehicle, almost the size of a 2 story house. When they got in, they went into the Changing Room and wore their Battle Equipment. They wore Class D Exosuits and their variation corresponds to their expertise, Offense, Defense, or Support. Dan wore a Class D Offensive Exosuit which is colored Black, Grey, and Red. They're colored the same for Class D Exosuits but their signature colors for variation are Red for Offense, Blue for Defense, and Yellow for Support.

Dan retracted the mask as he grouped up with his teammates. They discussed where each of them would be placed. Isaiah would be placed at the frontlines as he's a Defender along with his Guardian Class Valkyrie Angel. Marshall, Aizal, Dan, and their Valkyrie Angels would be the attackers while Alisha with her Valkyrie Angel and Denis's Valkyrie Angel would be in the backline supporting the frontline in reducing the enemies they would face. Denis would be also an Attacker.

When they reached their destination at a certain distance, they went into a formation and went forward. Dan held onto his rifle running towards their target, he looked around to see what environment he's going to be fighting in.

Suddenly, they were ambushed by Troop Class Ambusher Insectoid. The backline group took some distance while the frontliners clashed with the Ambusher Insectoids. Dan and Elise went behind a tree for cover and shot a barrage of bullets, Dan and Elise try to reduce the spendings on bullets and try to make their shots worth it.

Dan and the rest continue deeper and deeper, encountering a semi-horde amount of enemies. There were times they were overwhelmed by numbers but they pursued onwards no matter the numbers against them. They use Skills against the numbers and they succeeded multiple times. Though interactions with Denis has been excruciating due to his trash talking and terrible to talk with. He was like an Arrogant Bully who thinks he's better than everyone and doesn't care about anyone. He even sometimes went out of line and the team had to waste more bullets to save him and Denis doesn't even give thanks to them and ignores them thinking it was just nothing.

Isaiah was a nice quiet man and endured Denis's Actions. Aizal wasn't able to handle Denis and argued with him, Alisha stayed quiet and watched how things go. Dan ignored them and just went forward, he held it inside himself and wanted to get things done.

By the time they got to the Outpost, it was dawn. They ate their snacks and went for a frontal attack. Denis's Valkyrie sent a barrage of explosives bombs into the Outpost and it was quarter destroyed and mostly on fire. Most of the bombs then went for the Insectoids who're more gathered up together.

The Battle went on until Midnight, the group was exhausted and injured, even their equipment was tattered. A ship came over and they were quickly carried into the ship healed. Dan slept and wakes up in a Military Hospital. He was then told to meet up with the Rank A Commander who gave the briefing.

Denis went into the Briefing Room and the Commander starts talking. "I have been watching your group and I find a few of you worth being promoted. You, Dan, have been promoted to Rank E, you've been given the chance to get additional Valkyrie Angel and allowance of 100 Bucks a Week. So get to the Valkyrie Angel Factory Lab now, then wait in your room for further instructions."

(Bucks is similar to USD but the value has risen and there is no Pennies or Coins)

Dan salutes and leaves, but before leaving, he asks "What about my Valkyrie that was with me?"

the Commander replies "She'll be with you in your room by the time you get there as her injuries weren't that serious."

Dan then leaves for the Valkyrie Angel Factory Lab.

[ Welcome back Commander Urliem ]

[ I been given notice of permission to gain another Valkyrie Angel ]

[ What Class would you pick? ]

"Another Operator Class" The A.I. then passes over the list. Dan skimmed through the list and looked at the stats and Special Talents. He discarded many from the list and came up with only 3 Valkyrie Angels. They had 3 Special Talents that Dan would like to have in the team. [ Thermal Vision ], [ Hostile Detection ] and [ Shadow Magic ]. Dan thought about the many situations that these Special Talents would help him the most and not just special. Though [ Shadow Magic ] is pretty out of place in being in the Operator Class, he decides to put that away along with [ Thermal Vision ] as it would help with finding where lifeforms are while [ Hostile Detection ] can detect enemies.

[ Valkyrie Angel Operator No.439851 ]

[ Strength: Gold ]

[ Endurance: Gold ]

[ Recovery: Gold ]

[ Speed: Gold ]

[ Intelligence: Gold ]

[ Personality: Serious ]

[ Special Talent: Hostile Detection ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

The event went along similar to Elise and she wore the same equipment as Elise as they were both Operators. The Difference is in Appearance, of course, Elise has Silver hair and Blue Eyes while No.439851 has Fiery Red hair and crimson red eyes. Though they were made to look the same, their appearance has deviated and gained their unique looks, but it didn't go off too far.

Dan interacted with her during their walk to his room and he finds that she was a bit serious in what she does. Dan later named her Eleanor and she accepted it. In his Room, Dan finds Elise sitting on the bed staring at him the moment he entered.

"So you're his first Valkyrie Angel" Elise nods and Eleanor smirks. She pushes Dan onto Elise and quickly strips him, Dan was surprised and wanted to say something but Elise closed his mouth with her own. Elise pushes him onto the bed joins with Eleanor his licking and sucking his stick.....

..... Imagination~ .....

Looks at the ceiling with two girls cuddling by his sides. "*sigh* Is this gonna happen all the time when I get a new one?" Dan looks at the 2 by his side and sighs once again. "I don't think I can handle if I get anymore..."

Eleanor opens her eyes and smiles "Well you should be prepared for the future and grow that stamina to last long." Elise nods a couple of times. They rested on the bed for a bit and went cleaned themselves up.

Going forward on time, Dan spent his time on the Training Stimulation and Team Exercise with his Valkyrie Angels to keep their bodies in top shape. Dan learned a few things from them and they learned a few things from him, it was a great experience for them and it was the first kind of feeling they gained from being with Dan all that time bonding with him.

Dan was soon sent out when they thought he was now ready for another mission. It was a Solo Mission so he and his Valkyrie Angels were the only ones on the mission. They had to just go eliminate small groups of Insectoids that are getting close to any towns or cities on the planet. There were times he could go off-world and onto another for missions. The only times to get Missions in Space was getting reaching Rank B Commander then he would be ready.

The past few months, Dan accomplished great feats for being a Low-Rank Commander. Dan was now a Rank B Commander, the 3 Additional Valkyrie Angels are Alice, Melena, and Beatrix.

[ Valkyrie Angel Medic, Alice ]

[ Strength: Bronze ]

[ Endurance: Silver ]

[ Recovery: Silver ]

[ Speed: Platinum ]

[ Intelligence: Gold ]

[ Personality: Shy, Hopeful ]

[ Special Talent: Short-Distance Teleportation ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

[ Valkyrie Angel Sniper, Melena ]

[ Strength: Silver ]

[ Endurance: Gold ]

[ Recovery: Bronze ]

[ Speed: Gold ]

[ Intelligence: Gold ]

[ Personality: Calm, Thinker ]

[ Special Talent: Bullet Time ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

[ Valkyrie Angel Guardian, Beatrix ]

[ Strength: Gold ]

[ Endurance: Platinum ]

[ Recovery: Gold ]

[ Speed: Silver ]

[ Intelligence: Bronze ]

[ Personality: Hot-Headed, Serious ]

[ Special Talent: Dreadnaught Fortress Body ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

Unlike Elise's Auto-Fire Rifle and Eleanor's Burst-Fire Rifle, Alice holds a Dual Semi-Auto Pistols, Melena uses a Heavy Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle, and Beatrix holds a large gate shield with a heavy gun lance.

Alice's armor is much lesser and is more like cloth than metal armor, but it's Fabric Alloy. Melena's armor is a bit less than Operator's Armor but it has more gadgets like a grappling hook to reach high grounds. Beatrix's is more heavily covered in armor but there is some skin revealing spots here and there.

Over the past few months, the joint Military of the Galactic Republic decided to name Dan's team, Dan was told to give a name that would represent his team and Dan picked out, Dark Gold Assault Squad and Dan given his logo and armor patterns he wanted in the future. The Leaders all agreed to his request and had permitted to forge his Armor Designs for his Team in advance due to the potential they see in Dan. As to how hard it is to make Custom Equipment was that Dan had to be at least reach Rank S Commander to do it.

When making the Armor in the Valkyrie Angel Armor Forge Center, he found many erotic pieces and templates to create their Armor. The first thing Dan noticed was that could only create 1 Armor Set for each Class than just making Different Kinds of Armor Sets for a Single Class. Due to being only given Low Custom Equipment Clearance, he could only use Lower Grades to make the armors.

It took 3 full days for Dan to complete the Armor Sets as he first needs to make the Template Design first then on top of that were gadgets so he had to modify the template a little or a lot to get things fitted. Then on the next step was to lower the number of materials used as there isn't an unlimited amount of materials that can be used to make Valkyrie Angel Armors as there are tons and tons of Valkyrie Angels being created so there must be a budget to make them. The Last step was the Coloring and making the armor look unique. Dan used a premade Pattern he made during his time in the Academy.

The Guardian Class Armor was designed to be similar to a Draconic Armor but due to material budget, to turned to be skimpier. Guardian Class has 3 Types of Weapons which was Heavy Lance, Glaive, and Axe. Dan manipulated the Design on the Heavy Lance that the handle would be inside itself upwards and the Lance itself would attach to their hands. Since Lances were designed more on piercing and impaction, using as she's punch could give more Impaction and penetration with the force they would try to bring out. It also has a Spinning Function to penetrate deeper, but in return, it would lose the function as a Gun, but he had a way to give Guardian Classes a way to attack in a distance, which was a Grenade or Mortar Mode on the Shield, 2 Buttons would pop out those barrels but there has to be a condition to using it perfectly. Grenade Launcher barrel would only pop out when the bottom side of the shield was pointing somewhere and not at the floor unless it's Glass then it would pop out. Mortar Mode would come out when the bottom side is stabbed into the floor, then the Mortar would come out, the lowest it could go was 60 Degrees.

Blade Master Class was simpler as the Class was designed after the many Swordsman in history and stories. They had 5 Weapon Variations, Single-Edge Long-Blade, Double-Edge Long-Blade, Dual Swords, Heavy Sword, or Dual Gunblades.

Brawler Class was a bit simple as it was similar to Guardian Class but it has to be Lighter and Diverse. The Weapons were Gauntlets or Claws, Dan added more features in them for his designs.

Sniper Class another Simple easy design and he had the ideas on how to make them ones he wants them to have. Their main weapon Choices were Heavy Sniper or Light Sniper and their Secondary Weapons were SMGs or Pistols.

Operators are the same as their unique additions. Though Demolitionist Class was a bit harder than what he had expected, but he satisfied with what he got.

Infiltrators were like Assassins, so he designed them that way with the additions of having some things to get into places. Their Weapons were Pistols and Hidden Blades, Dan was happy with the amounts of Hidden Blades he places around.

Mechanics were even more Difficult than Demolitionists as it took him an entire day to finish, their skillsets were difficult to figure out as he needs what he should put in to benefit the Class which took a lot more thinking than need.

Nanomancers was unexpectedly easy to do as it was mostly on the limbs then onto the few armors on the flesh. Along with some gadgets, they didn't have any weapons as their limbs are the weapons.

The medic class was somewhat difficult he got it right. Their weapons were SMGs and Pistols for backups. They had a unique tool called Injector which shoots a projectile which was a syringe that would automatically inject what it contains into the target.

Dan had his Valkyrie Angels get their new equipment and they looked cool with their new equipment on them. While Dan just has a Class C Offensive Exosuit, though does have his design on it as the paint job.

When returned to his room which has changed as he was now a Rank B Commander, there was more room for him and his Valkyrie Angels. His Valkyrie Angels forced on an orgy which in the end tired the hell out of him. Supposedly it's his reward for equipping them in new and better equipment.

Later on, Dan starts to have conflicts with other Commanders in the Military Base. The antagonist against him was Denis unsurprisingly with how his Attitude is. Sooner or Later Denis Challenged him into Commander Life or Death Arena, the Winner gets to Steal the Opponent's Valkyrie Angels and their Life is to be Forfeited. Dan had no choice but to accept it as with how Denis was, he would be a great hassle and bother in the future.

So Denis and Dan fought each other, it was easy to see who won. Denis was someone who had wealth and power from the beginning and never worked hard for something, he was spoiled and never improved his skills or talents which lead him to be worthless. As to how he got in, it was through connections that he got into the Military as a Valkyrie Angel Commander. For Dan though, he was from a poor family and then into an Orphan, he worked all day, trained and studied everything he could, managed to get into the Academy for training future Valkyrie Angel Commanders, and then became one. With his skills, he got to where he was.

After Denis's death, Dan gained his Valkyries, it was just 3 of them: a Demolitionist, Guardian, and Medic. From their stats, personality, and class, he named them Barbara, Maranda, and Marine.

[ Valkyrie Angel Demolitionist, Barbara ]

[ Strength: Gold ]

[ Endurance: Silver ]

[ Recovery: Bronze ]

[ Speed: Silver ]

[ Intelligence: Silver ]

[ Personality: Quiet, Explosive-Fanatic ]

[ Special Talent: Enhanced Agility ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

[ Valkyrie Angel Guardian, Maranda ]

[ Strength: Silver ]

[ Endurance: Gold ]

[ Recovery: Silver ]

[ Speed: Bronze ]

[ Intelligence: Silver ]

[ Personality: Kind, Stubborn ]

[ Special Talent: Enhanced Constitution ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

[ Valkyrie Angel Medic, Marine ]

[ Strength: Bronze ]

[ Endurance: Bronze ]

[ Recovery: Silver ]

[ Speed: Silver ]

[ Intelligence: Gold ]

[ Personality: Motherly ]

[ Special Talent: Life Aura ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

Dan frowns how low their stats were but he was able to raise them if they were given proper training. While Dan was preparing the 3 newcomers, a danger comes after Dan's life as Denis who he had just killed was from the Genmil Family, secret members of the Scarlet Hive, a Hidden Organization who sought for absolute control. It was also a lustful organization with how they work, they brainwash people into doing what they want and they got many people in various places. Even in the Galactic Republic's circle of representatives. They even have control of the Valkyrie Angels as a fail-safe when one goes against them, through an Organic Control Chip that is transplanted into them when they are born.

Dan spent the year training the 3 newcomers to raise their stats. Their progress is satisfactory and the Orgy Celebrations or Rewards are going to be even more draining, so Dan increased his exercise regime. Dan has gotten more muscular and handsome.

Dan became more famous with how fast he accomplished his Missions. He reached A-Rank but was promoted to AAA Rank through the evaluations on his performances on every mission given to him. Dan had more access and now wore Class A Exosuits.

But as he was on his way to the next mission, his Valkyrie Angels suddenly turned against him pointing their weapons at him. Denis's Father comes walking in laughing and clapping as if he had won. He starts talking like some iconic villain and even gave out the name of the organization and their work. This brought a smile to Dan and calls out "Failsafe BGAS1529603, Alpha Voice Code: I.M.T.H.E.M.A.S.T.E.R.H.E.R.E" His Valkyrie Angels start letting out Electrical Currents everywhere tasing everyone and even the Valkyrie Angels start spazzing.

Dan was unaffected and watch everything play through. Dan had made this in secrecy as he was a very cautious man. He watched how every Valkyrie Angels brought into the room drop onto the ground the moment he heard something explode or shatter. Dan killed every survivor and gathered the Valkyrie Angels at one place and stared at them as he waits for them to wait up.


When Dan saw the signs of the Valkyrie Angels waking up, he waited for a few seconds before they finally fully awaken.

"Finally, I thought it was gonna take an entire day for you girls to wake up." Dan's Valkyries walked towards him and asked what had happened as they suddenly 'blanked out' before knowing what had transpired. Dan tells them what he has recently learned and they were surprised that they were secretly in the hands of terrible people.

Dan looked at the 10 Freed Valkyrie Angels and asks them. "What are you girls are gonna do now?" They looked among each other and they nodded and tells Dan. "We're willing to follow you as among the Rules given to us when our Commander is killed, we were given the choice of following another Commander or be Terminated."

Dan thinks about and answers, "Very well, how should we do this? I'm pretty sure I have through some papers to get your girls officially be under my ownership."

"That's through some political means, while for us Valkyrie Angels, we just do some ritual we only know." "ok? What do I do?" The girls looked at Dan's girls and nodded at them and they nodded back. Dan's girls held him in place and removed his armor until he was naked while the Valkyrie Angels took off what had on. Their so-called ritual was through intense sex. Took Dan all day to go through all the girls, Dan asks in the end if they wanted to take off the piercings but they declined as it was aesthetic pleasing between the Valkyrie Angels as it was like Jewelry they can show off on their bodies so Dan didn't anything more and left it alone.

Dan continued his mission and had the other Valkyrie Angels to take care of the ship. Dan quickly did his mission and returned to the Military Base, he carefully registered the other Valkyrie Angels without attracting too much attention. He gained their stats from the A.I. and was surprised they were quite in high-level stats. He named each of them and they were happy.

Sniper Classes: Salene and Catherine

Brawler Class: Grandine

Nanomancer Classes: Miranda and Lissandra

Infiltrator Classes: Mia, Olivia, and Charlotte

Operator Classes: Amelia and Isabel

They each wore their Armor and preferred weapon and he looked at them amazed by how his group has grown so quick. Dan trained himself to be stronger as there are many possibilities of stronger people out in the Galaxy that could be a threat to his well-being.

Years went by quickly as many conflicts have happened to Dan and they in return strengthened his group stronger and stronger. He was now a Grandmaster Commander at a somewhat young age under 30. Many start finding Dan was gonna be an uncontrollable element in their current and later plans

While Dan himself finds that the Galactic Republic itself was gonna be a threat to himself and just leaves saying it was a mission while he was escaping from their control. Dan went on his adventure with 32 Valkyrie Angels by his side.....

Well, this gonna be far it's gonna go. Everything further will be in your thoughts or probably in your dreams. It's been fun writing this and hopes you don't be overacting on the mistakes I've made.


Down here is the just all the details planned/built for this story, They were like templates...

Commanders: F -> E -> D -> C -> B -> A -> AA -> AAA -> S -> SS -> SSS -> Master -> Grandmaster


Rank F: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel

Rank E: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, +100 Bucks per Week

Rank D: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, +500 Bucks per Week

Rank C: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 1,000 Bucks per Week, Class C Equipment Clearance

Rank B: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 5,000 Bucks per Month, Class C Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Advance Equipment Clearance

Rank A: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 10,000 Bucks per Month, Class B Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Advance Equipment Clearance

Rank AA: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 25,000 Bucks per Month, Class B Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Advance Equipment Clearance

Rank AAA: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 50,000 Bucks per Month, Class A Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Advance Equipment Clearance

Rank S: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 100,000 Bucks per Year, Class A Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Low Custom Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Purchase Permission

Rank SS: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 250,000 Bucks per Year, Class S Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Mid Custom Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Purchase Permission

Rank SSS: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 500,000 Bucks per Year, Class S Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel High Custom Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Purchase Permission

Rank Master: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 750,000 Bucks per Year, Class S Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Peak Custom Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Purchase Permission, _________

Rank Grandmaster: Additional Free Valkyrie Angel, 1,000,000 Bucks per Year, Class Divine Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Divine Custom Equipment Clearance, Valkyrie Angel Purchase Permission, _________

Valkyrie Angels: D -> C -> B -> A -> S -> Angel Queen -> Angel Empress -> Angel Goddess -> Divinity

Stats: Iron -> Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Platinum -> Diamond -> Godly

[ Valkyrie Angel (Class), (Name) ]

[ Strength: ___ ]

[ Endurance: ___ ]

[ Recovery: ___ ]

[ Speed: ___ ]

[ Intelligence: ___ ]

[ Personality: ___ ]

[ Special Talent: ___ ]

[ Skills..... ]

[ Weapons Mastered... ]

[ ... ]

[ Guardian Class ]

[ Blade Master Class ]

[ Brawler Class ]

[ Sniper Class ]

[ Operator Class ]

[ Demolitionist Class ]

[ Infiltrator Class ]

[ Mechanic Class ]

[ Nanomancer Class ]

[ Medic Class ]

Scarlet Blade reference

Their incredibly sexy characters and that commander thing who would be you controlling the girl/character

Guardian Class with large shield and Lance

======< Plots >======

1. 3 Factions | 5 Organizations | 4 Hidden Organizations/Societies

Factions: Galactic Republic | Solar Moon Empire | Merchandise Alliance

The Galactic Republic is the gathering of hundreds of representatives who hold great Influence, Power, and Assets. They seek to benefit themselves and little into their united power as a faction. The amount of Representatives that more than hundreds and their numbers grows with the number of powerful people enter the Faction.

Solar Moon Empire is the Strongest Factions among the 3 due to their goals lead to one thing, which the betterment of the Empire. They have one Leader whose Emperor or sometimes the Empress when the Empress is more satisfactory to the leader of the Empire.

Merchandise Alliance is the Gathering of 6 Organizations that specializes in their Trades.

-Emerald Medicine Corps Specializes in the Medical Area

-Versatility Forge Specializes in anything related to Metal

-Hyperion Tech Specializes in the Technology and Programming

-Alvin's Farms Specializes in Farming/Food

-Maximillion Enterprise Specializes in the Weapons, Exosuits/Armor, Ships, and anything needed in War/Physical Conflict.

-Happy Entertainment Specializes in the Media, and everything that brings Entertainment, even brothels.

Versatility Forge, Hyperion Tech and Maximillion Enterprises are closely working together in what they need and profits from it. Versatility Forge provides the Materials, Hyperion Tech makes the Softwares and Electronics, while Maximillion Enterprises makes tools of death and protection.

Alvin's Farm and Emerald Medicine Corps help each other as the Alvin's Farm can help with growing the Herbs or other things for Emerald Medicine Corps to make their things.

Happy Entertainment asks help with the Hyperion Tech for their technological expertise for Virtual Technology and games.

Organizations: Church of Virtues | Shadow Assassin Guild | Blood Massacre Cult | Believers of The Old Gods | Mercenary Guild

Church of Virtues is pretty obvious but they're actual people do good things and aren't corrupted. They Believe in their Gods and they don't believe in just one god but multiple. They welcome every culture and gods, but they don't welcome any meaningless deaths such as Sacrificing Lives for the Gods. They follow the many Virtues, even Chasity, but it's only for those who're Official Members of The Church of Virtues.

Shadow Assassin Guild the main hub for every assassin out there in the Galaxy. It also has various Agencies who have their Assassins which they don't mind but keep in track of what they do as they have the Ethnic work they want to keep so they could have many customers coming in asking for something to be done. They are willing to do anything as they have a ranking system that lets only low ranking assassins to do simple tasks while Master Assassins do hard tasks like assassinating a Representative in the Galactic Republic.

Blood Massacre Cult, a group of bloodthirsty terrorists who seek the joy of blood. They even go far into doing Cannibalism which makes them targets of every, factions, and organization.

Believers of The Old Gods is both a Cult and Church, so it's both a bad and good organization. They worship terrible gods of the old times and their appearance is even incredibly terrifying. But what they do isn't big like what the Blood Massacre Cult do, but what they do brings intention that people want to stop it, like them trying to bring the Old Gods into their realm.

The Mercenary Guild is a simple group of people who would do anything for money. But they don't anything related to Assassination as Shadow Assassin Guild does that. They don't want to have a conflict with them.

Hidden Organization/Societies: The Order of Corruption Hunters | The Golden Syndicate | Scarlet Hive | Lone Cross Crown

Scarlet Hive has infiltrated many places and is in control of many people through their Brainwashing and Bodily Modifications. They are even in control of every Valkyrie Angels through Organic Control Chip implanted in them by their Brainwashed People. ( Reference to the that one Hentai Manga that brainwashes 2 women in each of its different series )

Golden Syndicate is a group of people who seek help Humanity become true rulers and would eliminate every Race that would get in the way of the Human Race in becoming Rulers.

Lone Cross Crown is part of the Solar Moon Empire and was created by the 1st Emperor to protect the Royal Family and help make the Empire greater and greater, even if it's already powerful than the other factions.

The Order of Corruption Hunters, it's the gathering of people who deeply hate corruption and injustice. They seek out powerful figures or just find signs of corruption through media, they look if it was justified then they put it aside but it shows signs of corruption, then they go for the assassination. They even make it look like it was an Assassin from the Shadow Assassin Guild to hide the fact that they exist.

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