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100% Poems of a fallen girl / Chapter 16: Exploitation x-th time

Chapter 16: Exploitation x-th time

One funny story from a very strange girl.

Once upon a time there was a small girl, who grew up with stories about dschinns.

Her life till she was around 20 was by far not easy, very traumatic truth to be told.

She suffered a lot and sometimes visited the psychatry.

I met her there.

Such a sweet and nice girl I thought, people can be so cruel I thought.

We met another strange and funny girl there but that is a story to be told some other time.

Anyways, the sweet girl and me- we exchanged contact information before I was discharged, me very happy about gaining another friend who will hopefully not exploit me like some other humans.

Well, it started quite okish. I gave her my adress too incase some emergency happens and she has no one to turn to. Hoping for her to never need it naturally.

Two nights later, she called, said she needed a place to sleep for one night,said she fleed from the psychatry because something happened. Said she didn´t have enough money for taxi, walking to me would take 1 1/2h, she has no cigarettes. Said she´ll tell me personally.

Me feeling distressed since I was and still am a very broke girl in various aspects, so me not having even 1 dollar bill to pay for taxi or cigarettes, since I already finished smoking my cigarettes family handling my monetary issues, giving me small pocket money any other time...

To defend my family- they endured quite a lot with me, they just being strict since I am regarded a compulsive hoarder and shopaholic- me basically a lost case. I just paid for a small meal and my pocket money was gone six hours before she called me.

Fine, still, I worried over that sweet girl waiting for my answer in the middle of the night, in such a potentially dangerous situation. Worried about what happened that caused her to literally escape in the middle of the night. Worried if she is okay.

I called her back, told her, it´s okay, come, but me not having money or cigarettes.

She explaining that she is almost at my door. Me puzzled.

How did she pay the fucking taxi if she had no money? Me worried and clueless.

She explaining. A story inside a story:

She had to sleep with two girls in the same room, so in total they were three in one room. Apparently there was a possessed woman in the room she was assigned to. She waking up in the middle of the night and seeing the possessed woman standing beside her bed and folding her arms apart...she being scared, the docotors and medical staff not believing her, she too frightened to sleep in the same room with her, she escaping. She telling the taxi driver about it, he saying if you are a good person you will give me back the money you own me. Here is my card.

Extremly creeped out, me believing her and feeling touched about the taxi drivers good nature. Feeling distressed about her traumatic experience.

Hmpf, now the show starts.

She coming inside, looking at the provisory bed I made with blankets.

Me telling her that she can sleep there, she suddenly saying:

"Sorry, I decided to stay awake the whole night. I´m leaving early in the morning."

Me not thinking about her gaze no more. I cast my small unhappiness away.

" Can I shower? Can I put your make up on? Can I brush my teeth?"

Sure don´t worry, sure, well..sure...

Didn´t think twice, I said yes, gladly. Me not wanting her to feel uncomfortable, trying to be a good host and friend.

"Can I borrow some clothes? Not this style, I prefer something like a belly top with long full sleeves, do you have a skirt for me also?"

Me kinda unhappy with her requests, still I said yes.

"Can I borrow your mouth wash? Do u have a tanga? I only wear tangas (for the clueless ones, a tanga is a small slip like underwear kinda thing with almost no fabric. ) Ohhh, do u have straps and a bra as well for me?"

Now me looking at her with big eyes, me thinking she can´t be serious...

One moment of silence, one moment of giving her time to say it was a joke...

Fine, in the end, I just couldn´t refuse and said yes painfully.

Since I usually throw brand new things to my friends after buying them, and hoarding lots of stuff, I gave her two sets of new eye lashes (magnetic ones and ones with glue), tons of used make up (from prominent brands), a pair of sun glasses, an almost brand new really expensive lipstick ( cough, Estee Lauder, yes, I´m that shallow, money doesn´t grow on trees and nope, I still like to give my friends and family presents), some used and new accessories, and other small things. I actually held it in, telling myself that I shouldn´t scare her off with too many presents...that I don´t know her so well, etc.

Why do I remember so well what I gave her as presents? Because she made me frustrated very much and I regret giving her stuff as soon as she left my place.

Normally I don´t count presents I give or remember many of them. ( I am not that shallow, sorry to disappoint) But if I can´t remember stuff I gave to other people during around 5 hours, then my brain must be made of cheese. well, my brain IS made of cheese but u get the point...

Read, my dear readers, please read further about what occured.

We talked a lot of things, she retelling me what happened at the psychatry. Possessed woman, waking up, beside her bed, turning her head 180 degrees. Since police is searching for her, she turned off her phone for fear of them tracking her down but later in the night being able to chat with her friends via whatsapp and facebook, well well.

If she really scared of police and being forced to go back to the psychatry and sleep in the same room with the posssessed woman why turn her phone on if she really scared police is gonna track her GPS???? Or why telling me before I even asked that she gonna turn off her phone because she scared??? I didn´t even bother asking and just took her word for it.

Gurl, if u can tell lies to ur closest friends on the phone, I believe you can also lie to me to get what u want. ( This distrust is a huge improvement from my side, because I tend to believe everything people say to me, even if they say the sky is green, I would believe.)

And suddenly adding another detail about the possessed woman without the mentioning of a detail you mentioned before?????

Still I believed in her goodwill towards me.


Me flushing out and desinfecting sugo glasses and turning them into drink glasses, since throwing them out is considered wasteful to me, me not thinking twice, not thinking that I am gonna get judged by that supposely sweet girl over the drink glass I´m giving to her with water inside it.

She suddenly randomly looking at the glass, not drinking even a sip from it, telling me

" I´m moving back to my parents so I have a lot of tableware, pick some."

Well, I´m a big bad girl, so I didn´t appreciate her gesture but instead felt insulted.

I explained to her that I really have various other tableware and I don´t need any, but thanking her nonetheless for the kind thought politely.

She indirectly knowing my nature and using words to make me act in a certain way, like picking up her cell phone which was just in the bathroom even though she was nearer to it.

Fine, I still thought she was still a nice girl.

" Can I borrow net stockings? ( I loved them, I was saving them up) Can I borrow some pair of shoes? preferably some that match the style of clothing you gave me."

WE DON`T EVEN HAVE THE SAME SHOE SIZE OR BODY TYPE. How can she ask me ( me a bit skinnier than her, she got great curves and a little extra weight) to borrow clothing and shoes that don´t even fit her????????????? But she pressed herself to fit into my clothing, everything looked kinda tight and pressed her feet into shoes two or three sizes smaller than hers???? SQUESSED her breasts into several cups smaller bra than hers...

WHY gurl, why???

Still, even though she tried on several high heels that absolutely didn´t fit her shoe size she didn´t give up until we found a pair of high heels that kinda not but kinda yes fit her. ( two sizes smaller, that also fit the style of clothing that I lent her)

Still I somehow could understand that she wanted to look good when facing the psychatry again, so I endured and endured and tried to be understanding.

But that girl didn´t stop there.

"Can you give me a jacket that suits this style? Not this one, the other one on the left side, the black one, yes, this one."

MY FAVOURITE jacket of all times. I didn´t want to give at all, but it suited the style of clothing I gave her so I compromised with half a broken heart and said yes.

I gave her two plastic bags for her to get all the stuff I gave her( in the beginning she came to me with her slippers, and bed clothing, only having her phone with her.)

"Can you give me a bag instead? Preferably that black backbag over there."

Fine, I still thought she was nice because beside all that we talked quite nicely.

But in the morning she just had to go to another friends place because she didn´t want to disturb me any longer ( Can u give me a mask? Preferably a black mask if you have - long silence, and still I said yes) and I went with her to the bus station.

Halfway there she had the nerve to say that her feet hurt from the high heels.

GURL, why borrow stuff you don´t really fit in and still insist on wearing this and that and in the end complaining to me about the choice you made??? ANd expecting me to go back to give her another pair of shoes, preferably suddenly the black boots I recommended her in the first place??????

And u had to sit on a bench and wait for me to get them for you??????

That was the moment where I really started to get upset for real.

I was pretty annoyed by then and she really just had to pick a phone call and tell her friend loudly:

"I am gonna go to another friends place now, yes, I totally changed my style, nobody is gonna recognize me at all. etc."

Insulting my style of clothing as something which will make you gonna look unrecognizable??? Are we suddenly living in the world of superman, where KLark Kent just only has to wear glasses as his disguise??? Gurl, u choose what you wanted to wear from my clothing, from underwear, net stockings, straps, skirt, top, jacket, shoes, bag, makeup, accessories, sunglasses, nail polish, etc to even a fucking mask. ( THe full backbag was just presents, the things she wore on herself were borrowed from me) YOU were picky about what I gave you and complained to me and still I was nice to you. I gave you even stuff and then you dare to even talk openly about how MY clothing will totally make you unrecognizable??????

Who do you think you are?????

Now I don´t know how I can get the stuff I lent her back from her. ( Actually she can have everything beside my all time favourite jacket and the Boots)

SO my dear readers, do you have any ideas? Am I too rude to her? Am I overreacting?

What do you guys think?

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