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38.46% Dark Ascension / Chapter 5: 5 Choosing a Class

Chapter 5: 5 Choosing a Class

Four of the five figures disappeared, leaving only the fat man with a staff. "The images you saw, are often referred to as the 5 paths. The path of the beast master, the path of the mage, the path of the soldier, the path of the marksman, and the path of the assassin. "

"Every single person, every barer of a mana armament falls into one or more of these categories. As you have all made it through a special dungeon, you have proved that there is something special about you, and this has been reflected in two aspects. The first is the rewards you have received from the special dungeon, whether it is a skill, an item, or a cultivation method, this is something that. Belongs to you, and sets you apart from others with your class. This being said, it is time to let you all in on a secret, something that perhaps most of you have already guessed. Your mana armament is alive, you can see this through how you interact with it, as well as its growth through battle. In a very real sense you and it have a partnership, but in reality you are more like a host for it."

The short pudgy man looked around the gathered future students. A look of shock appeared on some faces, but the vast majority seemed to already have this information. The man nodded as he continued "This does not make you a slave to your mana armament, like I said it is a partnership. Your armament is useless without a host, and without an armament there is no way for us to combat the rising magical energies and creatures that have poured into our world. Several years ago, when mankind was first plagued with the increase if magical energy in the world, and the first assaults of these monsters, a group of young people had a chance encounter in an old ruin. It described a ritual that would give us a chance to survive, by partnering with the naturally occurring mana elements in the world. This ritual was widely distributed, and we called it the awakening ritual. From this partnership mana armaments were born. "

"Inside each of you, one of these mana elements, called sprites, have taken root inside of your inner world. They come in a few different types, weapons, elements, and pets. Regardless of the form, they are sentient, and non hostile. This being said, these sprites represent your path, whether it is as a mage, an assassin, a soldier, a marksman or a beast master. Your future path has been and will be decided by the Sprite inside of you. But this does not mean you have no choices, the skills you develop, and your second form of cultivation, provided you don't already have 2, are up to you."

"You should have all received a cultivation manual when you received your class from the special dungeon. This cultivation manual is unique to you, when you open it, it will display your stats, the skills you know, and any other cultivation methods you have. It is linked with your Sprite, and will show you how to advance based on it's needs. A second cultivation method, can be obtained for your own needs, to compliment what your Sprite needs, but this method will be called a passive cultivation method, and will automatically happen when you sleep, as long as you cultivate your sprites cultivation method. "

The man once again looked over the room, seeing the excitement in the new students eyes he began to speak again. "Ok enough of the boring stuff, it is time to open up your cultivation manuals. When you do it will display your stats, as well as give you options for which school to attend. The 5 schools follow the five majors, and the decision is one that will effect the rest of your life. As long as you choose one that is compatible with your sprite then there will be no issue in your advancement in the future. In the case of multiple choices, the top most suggestion will be the best choice for your sprite, and those following after will be secondary. Sometimes what is the best choice for your Sprite is not the best for you, so choose what is best for you, as long as it appears on your sprites list."

The man looked around, seeing that the kids were excitedly looking at each other. "One last thing, do not pick something that is not optimal just so you can spend more time with your friends. You can always connect to your friends cultivation manual for real time communication, even if you are thousands of miles apart. Choose what is best for you. Is there any questions?"

John's hand immediately shot up, along with several others. The man picked a young man at random. "Sir what happens if there is no results in our list?" The man nodded before looking out at the group. "This happens rarely, it means that the cultivation of the sprite is not dependent on any specific training, and any result that you choose would be fine." He called on John next. "Sir, do the schools offer sub training? For example if it was most beneficial for my sprite to be a soldier, but I have a long ranged weapon?" The man nodded. "Each of the five universities offers training for the other four specialties, however the training would not be as good as if you had enrolled in the university that specializes in it." All of the questions seemed to be answered by these two questions, and it was now time to open their cultivation manuals.

The students nervously opened their cultivation manuals. Their eyes filled with the underwhelming data in front of them.

<John Enders>

Host to level 0 firearm sprite (Alexander)


Lifting: 0

Power: 0


Speed: 1

Coordination: 0

Accuracy: 1


Defense: 0

Endurance: 0

Regeneration (health): 0


Mana : 8

Regeneration (mana): 1/minute

Perception: 1


<Silence> level 1

Increases speed by 1, lowers the resist in the air, increasing speed and lowering the sound a person makes.

<arcane eye> level 1

Increases perception and accuracy by 1. User in sensitive to the sight of mana, highlighting weakness in mana disbursement.


<Dreams of Arcane Energy>

Mana and mana recovery levels will automatically increase while you sleep. This is an exclusive passive cultivation method. Not compatible with other passive cultivation methods.

Recommended paths for Sprite:

1. Marksman

2. Assassin

3. Soldier

Recommended paths for Host

1. Mage

2. Assassin

3. Marksman


Mage? Why was his recommendation path a mage? And why was marksman number 3? After some thought the choices began to make sense, the passive cultivation method he had chanced upon was an amazing find for any would me magician. However he had a much better idea for his mana pool. Without hesitation he decided on his path, only to look over at Hera who seemed to be having a hard time deciding.

"Just go with what you feel is best, we swap contact info and stay in touch that way. " John said to Hera, who seemed rather unhappy.

"Yea, but you're the first friend I've made who doesn't judge me because of my parents. " she seemed to pout as she spoke.

"I don't even know your parents" John laughed. "Besides my future lies in a different class than yours, unless you have an amazing ability with projectiles."

"Marksman? I was for sure you would choose the path of assassination with your skills"

"I will minor in assassination, but the number one path for my armament is marksman, and it's in my choices as well."

"Surely assassination was your number one choice though?"

"Nope it was second for both, making it a solid choice for my minor."

She nodded, closing her manual. "Then I will choose the Soldier, minoring in beast master. "

With both of their choices made, the two exchanged their info, before proceeding to the recruitment area behind the stage. To their surprise the recruiters from the various schools were the very people that the mage had made illusions of earlier.

The large man's Gatling gun was no where to be seen, but that did not surprise John, as it was likely his armament. His voice was higher pitched than he would have guessed, but not uncomfortably so. "A marksman huh? Let's see what you're working with? Is it a pistol? A bow or a crossbow? Perhaps a throwing weapon?"

John summoned his pistol, the lowest quality ranged weapon available, but also the one with the most evolution prospects. The man nodded as he looked at the pistol. "The pistol has a high cost and not enough damage, making many think it is a worthless weapon. And it is. But it's TRUE beauty comes when you finally break into the soldier rank. It will begin to evolve into a unique weapon that fits your style. Perhaps an assault rifle, maybe a Gatling gun like mine, or the stealthy path of a sniper. This little pistol of yours is a great opportunity, if you can take it. "

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