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86.2% The Way We Were / Chapter 25: The Unexpected

Chapter 25: The Unexpected

A couple of weeks had passed, and Kagome still couldn't bring up the nerve to tell her mate. She tried her hardest to act like nothing was wrong, but she was clearly failing since Sesshōmaru kept shooting her inquisitive looks throughout the passing days.

The time was slowly running out for the teen, and she could feel the weight on her shoulders. Kagome knew that she would need to tell him soon, though not today. Already the day had started crappy for the young mother. This morning, she had woken up with a sore back from sleeping the wrong way in bed, then on her way to the bathroom, she stepped on a rogue toy leaving the teen in an even lousier mood.

Currently, the newlymates were walking to club activities when her yōkai gently pulled them into an empty classroom.

"What is going on with you, Woman?!" he demanded, arms folding over his broad chest while his golden eyes bore into her stiff form.

Of course, it had to be today of all days. She wasn't ready, not yet. Couldn't he have left it alone? "I don't know what you are talking about." She countered, gaze sliding to the whiteboard over his shoulder.

He scoffed loudly, clearly not believing her. "Do not try to deflect. Tell me what is wrong. Are you having regrets?" demanded the yōkai once more.

That drew her attention back to the demon in front of her. Was she having regrets? What the hell? Of course, she wasn't having any. Why would she, especially with how happy she was? "What? No, of course not!" yelled the tiny woman, hands moving to her hips as she glared up at him.

The distracted couple never noticed the shadow of a certain silver-headed eavesdropper standing outside the closed door as their discussion continued.

A snort left the dog demon while a hand ran through his silver locks. "Then what is it?" He asked, confused as to what it could be then.

"I'm pregnant!" she blurted out, gaze closing as soon as she said it.

It was then that Inuyasha burst into the room, eyes blazing with anger. "What the fuck?!" He screamed, causing the small teen to jump and whip around. "You're pregnant!" the half-demon demanded while stepping further into the room.

Sesshōmaru grabbed his mate and gently pushed her behind him. "This does not concern you, Hanyō." Snarled the older yōkai, not pleased to see his younger sibling. He was getting sick of the half-breed sticking his nose where it didn't belong. Enough was enough.

"Fuck if it doesn't." Inuyasha spat. "When you up and leave, I'm going to have to step up to the plate." He slapped at his chest while glaring in disgust.

"I will not leave my children, Mutt!" barked the inuyōkai, slamming a fist against a desktop.

The brow of the hanyō crinkled in confusion. "Children?" He repeated, then turned his focus back to Kagome. "What the hell is he talking about?!" Inuyasha commanded, clearly wanting her to explain.

Before Kagome could, Sesshōmaru beat her to it. "Kagome and I already have a son together, brat."

"How is that fucking possible?" asked the half-demon.

Sesshōmaru resisted the urge to reach out and smack his little brother. "We had a relationship before dating this year. Obviously, Brat." He said with a sarcastic drawl.

His gold gaze lit up when it hit the hanyō, then they narrowed and slid to the quiet teen. "When you disappeared, you were pregnant with his bastard?!" a snarl of disgust ripping out of him.

How dare he call their son a bastard?! Malakai is a child! What the hell is wrong with this demon? "Do not call him that!" she shrieked, her blue eyes simmering with untold anger.

"That's what he is, isn't he?" Inuyasha continued all the while ignoring the visibly shaken teen and her growing anger. "So will this one as well. He won't mate you, Kagome. Father has been speaking with colleagues about arranging a mating. Sesshōmaru here is destined for a yōkai mate, not some human." The half-demon sneered, obviously trying to plant some seeds of doubt. Ha, the joke was on him since she had been there and done that. Now he just sounded like a jealous twat.

The truth be told, Kagome prided herself for her patience, but the damn yōkai was starting to wear it thin. She was going to say something, but Sesshōmaru began to rip into the half-demon. "Do not lie to my mate, filthy mongrel!" he barked aggressively, dropping his cool demeanor and unintendedly spilling the beans.

"Mate?" The half-demon questioned, glancing between the two. His face, turning a shade of bright red as the older yōkai's words sunk in. "You are fucking mated to him! You know how I feel about you and that asshole. How could you do that?!"

Her eye began to tick when she realized where this was going to yet again. How many times did she have to tell him that she did not want him romantically? "Yes, I mated him. I love your brother, and he loves me. I've told you before that I only feel friendship, and yet you still do not listen!"

"Listen? You're the one not listening. You're mine, damn it! Mine, mine, mine!" screamed the hanyō, stomping his feet childishly and pulling at his silver mane.

Sesshōmaru had enough of this foolishness. Why his father hadn't put his foot up the younger yōkai's ass was beyond him? "She is MY mate, half-breed, and you will cease this ridiculous behavior at once." ordered the inuyōkai, straightening to full height as he spoke to the unruly demon.

Snorting loudly, Inuyasha took a step forward, clearly unaffected by his older sibling. "Don't think you can tell me what to do, Asshole." Sneered the half-demon and beat a fist on his chest. "You're not my alpha!"

Sesshōmaru took a purposeful step forward while looking down his nose at the hanyō, his chest expanding to full capacity. "I am an alpha, pup, and something you will never be. Back down, Inuyasha. This is a fight you will never win."

"Fuck you, you fucking prick!" spat the half-demon coming even closer to the couple.

"Truth hurts, little brother." Taunted Sesshōmaru, not caring if it antagonized the pup. It was time they had a little chat the yōkai way.

The provoking set the hanyō off, and he flew at the older yōkai causing him to bump into the tiny female, who stumbled harshly into a desk. Her breath caught as her back came in contact with the wooden table. A great pain emanated from the spot hit then radiated across her abdomen. 'Shit, that hurt.' She thought as one hand rubbed her back and the other her stomach.

"This is all your damn fault!" Inuyasha screamed as they wrestled for control.

The older inuyōkai slammed his sibling onto the teacher's empty desk and held him tightly by the neck as his attention turned to his mate. "Kagome, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Whispered the rattled teen, not bothering to tell him that the ache in her back had suddenly gotten worse. It must have hit that sore muscle, she reasoned.

"Good. Now go to club activities, and we will talk later." Replied the inuyōkai, motioning his head towards the exit while his grip tightened around the flailing hanyō's neck.

She didn't want to leave them. What if the fighting got worse? Plus, she couldn't leave him to deal with Inuyasha on his own. He was her friend, after all. "But…" started Kagome, only to be interrupted by her mate. "Go, Mate. I will handle this. My brother and I need to have a chat." A smile that she'd never seen slid on to his sharp features. It was predatory like, and she knew her idiotic friend was in a world of trouble.

The young mother seemed to hesitate at the doorway but hurried out when her mate loudly barked at her. "Go!"

All through club activities, her mind was on the brothers and nowhere on the tasks at hand. By the time it was time to go home, Kagome had discovered that Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha had been caught in the throes of an all-out brawl and had to stay until the mess that they made was cleaned up.

Since her ride was in detention, she took the bus home with Sango. All the while, the ache in her back was slowly starting to get worse and now seemed to radiate around both sides. She mentioned nothing to her best friend. All she wanted to do was go home without any more drama.

When she stepped through the door, she greeted her mother like usual and neglected to inform the older woman of her current health predicament.

Now Kagome was going about making supper despite not feeling any better. Nervously eyeing the clock the later it got, the more the teen worried for her mate. What was taking him so long? Had they made that big of a mess?

A hand came up to rub her throbbing back and sides to try and massage what she believed was a knot. Even with pain relievers, the ache was definitely not getting better, and it was starting to worry her.

Shaking off the growing anxiety, the young woman set down the plated food then was about to go back to the counter for more when a sudden gush of fluid flooded her panties and spread quickly through to her yoga pants. She shakily reached down and felt the wetness bringing the digits back to the forefront, now coated in blood. 'Oh Gods.' She frantically thought, bearing down on the table when the pain increased. Something was very wrong.

A noise to her left caught her attention, and her blue eyes swung to the toddler who had escaped his play area and had cautiously approached. "Mama." He said, tightly holding onto his dog plushie as his innocent gaze took in the scene.

Kagome could see that the pup was getting agitated by the minute and tried to will down her panic, not wanting to scare him further. "It's okay, baby. Mama's fine." Reassured the teen, her mind calculating her next move. She needed her phone to call for help but wasn't sure if she could make it to where it was. "Kai kai honey. Get Mama's phone." She softly urged the small child, pointing to the side table next to the couch.

His golden eyes widen in understanding as he repeated the word. "Pone."

Some relief washed over her while nodding her head. "Yes. Get Mama's phone." She urged some more and watched as Malakai toddled off to hopefully retrieve her cell.

Seconds later, the young yōkai came rushing back with the communicative device. "Pone." He said, waving her cell about in his chubby hands.

Trying to keep the scene a calm as possible, she gently cooed at the anxious toddler while taking possession of the device. "Thank you, Sweetheart." She then dialed her mate's number, hoping he would answer.

It rang several times, causing the wounded teen to silently plead. 'Please answer the phone. I need you, Maru.' Another surge of pain ripple through her causing the teen to grit her teeth to stop herself from shouting aloud. Shit, it was getting worse. 'Pick up, Maru. Please pick up.' She silently pleaded once more.

The relief was immense when his soothing voice cut through with her name. "Maru!" she sobbed into the phone, suddenly forgetting to keep calm.

"What's wrong?" He said, his tone indicating that he was now on high alert. She could hear what sounded like Inuyasha in the background, but it was too muffled to know what he had said. She tried concentrating on the mumbling but ultimately gave up as the pains started to become longer and stronger as time went on. "It hurts," she whimpered when another sharp pain radiated along her back, then across her abdomen, and more liquid trickled into her underwear. "and… I'm bleeding." She tentatively revealed, not wanting to freak him out any more than he already was.

There was a large rumble on the other line before her mate spoken yet again. "I will be there soon."

Her head dropped to the cool tabletop, and she attempted to breathe through the pain. "Okay." She whispered into the receiver. "Please hurry." Implored the young mother, then set the cell on the table with a heavy sigh.

A tiny hand grabbed at her yoga pants and lightly whimpered. "Mama." Said the anxious toddler.

"Ssh. Baby." She said as her hand came off the table to run her fingers through his soft hair. "Mama's okay." Reassured the hurting woman.

It felt like forever when the door burst open, and her mate rushed through with his younger brother in tow.

"Pup; Mate." Sesshōmaru called out as he spotted his son huddle close to his mother while she leaned over the table and peered up at him with a relieved gaze. "Maru." she uttered, sending him a pained grimace as the twinges continued.

Inuyasha slowly followed, his gaze scanning his surroundings before landing on his small human friend. "Fuck. That's a lot of blood, Sesshōmaru." Pointed out the half-demon, his brows furrowing in concern.

Sesshōmaru ignored his brother and quickly picked up his son, releasing a calming rumble. The toddler responded with a tiny rumble of his own before his father passed him to the gawking hanyō. "This is your nephew, Malakai. Take the pup. He should not see this. Do not make me regret trusting you with my child." He threatened before scooping up his mate.

Inuyasha scoffed, eyes-rolling at the threat. "Ain't nothing going to happen to him. I swear. Now go. She needs help!" He watched his brother nod then rush out the front door.

Inuyasha turned to the child in his arms. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? "Shit. Okay." It had been a long time since he had been around a toddler, especially one that was his nephew. "Hey, there, little man. I'm…" he lightly scratched his scalp and carried on. "your uncle Inuyasha."

The small yōkai whimpered and reached out to the door. "Mama?" he cried, wiggling in his uncle's arms to be free.

"Hey, kid. There, there." He said, awkwardly patting the pup's back. "She'll be okay. Your dad will take care of her." 'He better.' thought the hanyō as he continued to soothe the inu pup. All that blood hadn't looked good. It was never a good sign when your pregnant. He hoped Kagome would be okay and silently prayed to the gods above. He might be mad at the situation, but he never wished any harm to come to Kagome or her pregnancy. Inuyasha didn't know what else to say until his stomach grumbled. "Hey little man, you hungry?"

Malakai turned away from the door and glanced at the table full of food. "Hai." The toddler said as he patted his stomach and pointed to his mouth. "Eat."

Inuyasha laughed at the tiny yōkai's antics. Man, he forgot how funny toddlers could be. They would eat then he would put the pup to bed so that he can clean up the mess. "Well, we certainly can't let this food go to waste, now can we." joked the half-demon, his gaze sliding to the front door for a split second before pulling his attention to the table to dish them out a large plateful to share.

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