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100% PEACE / Small skit
PEACE PEACE original


Author: _Teena_

© WebNovel

Small skit

Well if you're looking for a happy story about sugar and spice and all things nice this is not the place for you. What I'm about to tell you could probably destroy your faith in humanity so it's not too late to stop reading.

For those of you who decided you'll deal with the horrors of this story I'm not responsible. (this skit has been written in proper stage performance format)


1. Sam

2. Sam's friends

3. Sam's parents

4. 2 soldiers

5. 3 enemy soldiers

6. Two important officials

7. 4 soldiers (2 accompany each official)

8. 3 News reporters

9. Cameraman

10. 2 Narrators

(only the narrator and the news reporters have dialogues the other characters just act accordingly)


Narrator 1- What is peace? Why is it important? How do we attain it? These are some questions all of us think about when we read articles about wars and surgical strikes.

Narrator 2- Well to be honest these are the questions that even the wisest people in history could not find answers to. But now we are a step closer to attaining this dream of world peace than we ever were.

Narrator 1- Our ancestors waged many wars to obtain power which caused massive destruction to all the nations. Countless lives were lost and millions injured.

Narrator 2- Today we will be telling you about one such incident.

Narrator 1- This is a tale that goes back to the days when nations fought over trade routes. The nation that controlled the trade routes dominated the trade.

Narrator 2- In a small tribal village that lied close to the border of the battlefield lived a small family. They were poor but happy. Until...

Narrator 1- Hey! Don't start the story from there, tell them what's going on right in front of our eyes first.

Narrator 2- Right! Sorry. A young boy named Sam was playing with his friends, but the ball they were playing with was a bomb!

Narrator 1- It blasted causing massive destruction. News reporters gathered from all around to cover the news.

News reporter 1- We are at the sight of the bomb blast. With me is camera man Mikhail. View the entire story live on xoxo channel exclusively.

News reporter 2- There are about a thousand casualities here. The police is keeping details about the incident confidential. This place is swarming with ambulances.

News reporter 3- According to our sources a child was used as a human bomb! The enemy strikes but had to sacrifice hundreds of their men for the cause. What will be our next move? Will there ever be peace after this bomb blast or will the war prolong?

Narrator 2- Well now let us tell you about some of the events that led to this day.

Narrator 1- In the village on the borders of the battlefield lived Sam along with his parents. The soldiers from both sides used to visit the village quiet often asking for provisions or to recruit people to join the forces.

Narrator 2- One such day two soldiers broke into their house thinking it was abandoned and started collecting the provisions in the house. They suspected someone to be hiding in the house and became alert.

Narrator 1- Sam's dad decided to get out of hiding and talk to them but they shot him before he could say anything.

Narrator 2- Sam's mom was overcome by grief and she tried to attack one of the soldiers but she was killed. Upon realizing that the people they had killed were ordinary villagers the soldiers tried to convince Sam to come with them to atone for their sin.

Narrator 1- Sam fled from the house. He was drowned in pain and agony. Orphaned by the war, he yearned for revenge.

Narrator 2- As though his prayers were answered by the devil himself Sam bumped into enemy soldiers who nourished the hatred inside him and convinced him to become a human bomb, invade the enemy territory and activate the bomb!

Narrator 1- The enemy camp was not very far from the countryside so the people on both sides sustained severe damage.

Narrator 2- After such intense damage the nations decided to sign a peace treaty. They will now be sharing the trade routes.

Narrator 1- It's actually sad that it took countless sacrifices for them to make a simple decision of sharing the trade routes.

Narrator 2- If this decision was made before there would have been no war at all and none of the innocent children would have been dragged into it.

Narrator 1- The seeds of war planted years ago no longer exist. No more children will have to face the hardships of war.

Narrator 2- The countless wars humans fought over the years to satisfy their greed will never be forgotten. But the craters they formed will heal eventually and the future generations will learn from the mistakes of their predecessors.

Narrator 1- Peace is a dream which will become a reality when the endless cycle of hate is broken and people understand each other better. We are the future generation and we need to make a choice now; to preach love and attain peace or to nurture hatred and fight wars. There are no shortcuts.



_Teena_ _Teena_

It's a fictional story about the bitter side of the world we live in and the hardships of war.

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