A bright sunny day on the fields of Radem. Four children were playing outside on the fields, one had powers while the others were getting on it. Her name was Cheery, a girl who has the ability of telekinesis and can transform to another person without being caught. While they were playing, they saw a black shadow swallowing Radem. They immediately escaped and went to Hawkins leaving their parents behind. There they met Eleven, a girl who also has telekinesis.
Cheery: Hey. What is your name?
Eleven: El, short for Eleven.
Maddie: Oh really? Eleven? Ridiculous name.
Eleven: Mouthbreather.
As Eleven said that, the two boys Jeffrey and Winston laughed to the highest point.
Maddie: What are you laughing about?
Jeffrey and Winston: Nothing.
Eleven: What is your purpose here?
Cheery: We saw a big shadow swallowing up town Radem. We thought about staying here.
Eleven: Where are you gonna stay?
Maddie: Yeah, where?
Cheery: Still haven't figured that out.
Eleven: I know this place where you can stay.
They all walked to Mike's house then to the basement. Mike and the others were shocked to see Eleven with new people.
Mike: Are those your friends? New ones?
Eleven: Yes and they came from Radem.
Will: Radem?
Cheery: Yes, Radem.
Dustin: Is that the place where all weird things happen?
Lucas: Yeah. Ive heard about it.
Cheery: We went here to Hawkins because a big shadow was swallowing up Radem.
Will: The demogorgon is back.
Maddie: The demo-what?
Will and the others: The demogorgon.
The Demogorgon was back as a bigger one, and is hoping to get its revenge.
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