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66.66% Alazar / Chapter 2: Chapter 2.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2.

T/N: Actually I changed the name, Malik into Theo, sorry for the inconvenience.

A/N: This is the story from (Malik) Theo's POV.


Theodoric POV.

Today, I left the guild in my subordinate's hand and went to the lake in the forest near Pedestrell City to go fishing. I put my fishing rod, lure and my favorite sword inside my magic bag (the flow of time in this bag is different, the things that put inside won't rot or age).

Now that I thought about it..

I rarely go fishing, but for some reason I felt like going fishing today.

When I reached the lake, suddenly I felt the presence of other people here.

In the past, I used to be a decent adventure so I was pretty good at detecting people's presence.

I looked behind me to make sure I was not being followed and proceed carefully.


And then I saw, a girl with a silky long smooth black hair was murmuring something to herself as she scooped the water from the lake and drank it.

I cannot see her face clearly because she was facing the other way but her outfit was strange, I never saw that kind of outfit around here.

In Alazar, black hair was really rare, if there was a person with black hair I surely would had noticed.

Perhaps was she a traveler?

She seemed to be alone, I think it'd be hard for him to travel by herself with such lithe body.

Maybe a magician?

I was curious so I called out to her.

"Huh? Someone's here?" I nonchalantly said.

Now I could let my presence out and approached him.

I saw the girl stiffen her shoulders as she turned her body around when she heard my voice.

She was very beautiful.

Her waist length black hair looked amazingly delicate. 

Her big slightly upturned eyes looked so innocent and pure. 

Her slightly pink tinted cheek added a slight of bashfulness in her expression.

Her small lips that was slightly wet with water was really enticing.

I had lived for 42 years and had seen lots of beautiful people but she was one of the most beautiful person I had ever see.

With that alluring face, she looked at me and tilted his head.

I was utterly mesmerized.

"Umm…" He started.

Of course the lass would had feel bothered, I was blatantly staring at her.

I didn't want her to feel scared so I introduced myself to her quickly.

"It's okay, I'm not a suspicious person, lass. My name is Theo. Theodoric Cleva. I'm the guild master from the adventure guild in Pedestrell."

"A-ah.. My name is Kate. May I ask where is this exactly? Pedestrell? Where is that?"


Kate? What unique name.

But she didn't know about the adventure guild?

Was she a sheltered noble's daughter?

But she didn't even know about Pedestrell City…

This lake was really close to Pedestrell City, the next closest city would be the Imperial City but it'd take 3 days by foot to reach it and 1 day with horse.

"Kate? Umm, right now we're in a forest by the Pedestrell City."

"Actually, Theo-san I was sleeping in my house but when I woke up suddenly I ended up here?"

And she told me how she didn't know how she get here.

When she woke up, she suddenly was already here?

Maybe this was fate?

It'd be nice if we were fated together..

"I don't quite understand but I guess you're lost, huh? Anyway are you hungry, Kate?"

"A lost child? I guess I am. Thank you for the offer! *grumble*"

I chuckled as I looked at her expression looks like it was very embarrassing for her!

She looked like a small animal, so adorable! I accidentally let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry. My house is not very far away from here.

I restrained my walking speed so I could walk in the same pace as Kate. She didn't look like someone who was used to walk in a forest.

She was barefooted too.

But it was normal I guess, to not wear shoes when you went to sleep. Afterall she did say she was suddenly transported here.

She seemed to have a hard time walking, even though I already tried to restrain myself, I guess the difference in our size was simply too great.

I was afraid she would be full of scratches by the time we arrived at my home.

As we walked to Pedestrell, I had finally understood that she was from the other world.

She told me she was from xxxx. (I think I've heard another other worlder said they were from xxxx as well.)

What surprised him the most was about the fact we use swords and magic though.

But still, her eyes.. Now that I looked at it properly, his eyes was so black! Not even a hint of grey, his eyes was pure black like an onyx!

There was no one in Alazar that had such jet black eyes like Kate did.

And it seemed like Kate was speaking the language from her original world. But to me, I heard her speaking in Alazar's language.

Well I didn't really get it but it was a good thing that we could communicate properly.

Kate was surprised with my age as well, she thought I was waaaay younger than I actually was.

Me on the other side, was equally surprised that she was already 18 years old!

The legal age in Alazar was 18 years old for both men and women and to be honest, Kate didn't look like 18 at all instead she looked like maybe 15 years old at most. I think she is mad at me for mistaking her for a child, she is so adorable...

It seemed like all otherworlder looked younger than they actually were and 165cm was considered as average in the other world.

The average height in the other world was really short, huh.

Kate was shocked when I told her I was slightly below average in Alsar even though I was 198cm tall.

The average height for female in Alsar was in between 170-180cm, compared to that, the 165cm Ren didn't look like an adult in the slightest.

We talked about a lot of things that I didn't realize we finally reached Pedestrell City. I held Kate's hand gently as we walked to the gatekeeper.

"Theo-san who's that child? She's soooo cute, introduce her to me please !" One of the gatekeeper called out to us.

"Nope, no way!" I vehemently refused.

Kate was a stranger and she didn't have any identification paper on her so the gatekeeper was wary of Kate but I was the guild master of this city, I had high authority in here so we managed to get past the gate checking easily.

"My house is not that far anymore, stick close to me so you won't get lose. Okay, Kate?" I called out to Kate who was looking at the city in confusion and astonishing. And didn't notice the hungry stares that they give her as I glared at them

I guess she got overwhelmed. She didn't reply to me but I didn't mind it.

I felt like a father protecting my daughter from bunch of hungry wolves as we walked toward my house.

We were apart by 24 years afterall.

Back when I were young, I used to play around and never got attached to anyone.

I guess it would be strange if I were to suddenly come into the town with a daughter in tow.

"Sorry, I haven't prepared anything since I didn't plan on receiving guest today. Please take a seat anywhere you want while I make some tea for you."

We arrived at my house and ushered her to sit wherever she wanted.

"Ah thank you. Please don't bother yourself with me."

She was a really well mannered and nice kid.

While she sat, she tried her best to looked around secretly, so cute!

Really, anyone seeing this wouldn't have guessed he was already 18 years old. He looked so adorable!

I put the mug filled with steaming tea in front of him, but he didn't take it. I heard this was what people from the other world drink, but maybe I was wrong? Did she hates tea?

He felt me staring at him, he looked like he was having an inner turmoil but, after a few moment he finally lifted the mug with both of his hands and blew at the tea to cool it down.

"Ah! It's tea! Delicious!"

His face lighted up at the taste of familiar beverages.

"I'm glad you like it. Actually this 'tea' was brought by an other worlder too, like you. People will feel more at ease if they experience something familiar to them, right? I hope it will calm your nerves."

"Ah.. yes.."

I was glad she liked it.

I guess the drink in Alazar suit her taste perfectly.

Next, I should try to give her some food to see whether it suit her taste or not.

It'd be really bad if she hated the food here..

She would've feel depressed if she kept eating the food she didn't like.

I felt really relieved seeing her gulped the tea enthusiastically.

Now that she had calmed down, I tried to talk to her about otherworlder again.

"Kate, the thing that I told you before, about other worlder, do you understand it now?"

"Umm, when I first heard it I'm feel skeptical afterall to me, you seem to be speaking my language. I thought I might be dreaming but the pain, the thirst, the tiredness after walking, everything is real. After seeing the city, it finally sinked in. I guess I am in other world now."

Wow, it was amazing that despite being faced into unknown world she can assessed the situation calmly.

Seemed like she was good at adapting in any situations.

"It's okay to take everything slowly. I've met a couple of other worlder that hurt themselves because they were confused and overwhelmed when they first came to Alazar. Actually it even surprised me that you can even stay calm in this kind of situation."

"I am confused but I have no other choice but to give up and just accept it, right? I'm really blessed to be able to meet Theo-san from the start, thanks to you explaining things to me, I can let the reality sink in."

She said that while smiling so sweetly with a blush on his cheek.

"Ah well, you're actually my type, of course I would be willing to help."

But she was too young to be my companion so that kind of relationship seemed unlikely between us.

"Pardon? What did you say?"

"Nothing! Don't mind it! Anyway, you're welcome to stay here while you get used to your new life. I live alone anyway and I have lots of empty room for you."

"Eeeeh? To trouble you anymore than this.. I will look for work that provides a live-in space for their employee, please I would feel bad if I were to intrude on you."

Wow, she was very high spirited.

But it was dangerous to live by herself in an unknown world.

What if she was attacked by bad people? Or get mugged?

"You really are very high spirited huh. Well there's an unspoken rule that the first person that found an otherworlder are required to take care of the otherworlder until they settle down. After all it's not everyday you find an otherworlder. So don't mind it."

In the first place no matter which country, the first person that found an otherworlder were required to take care of the otherworlder until they settled in.

But that way, if the first person that found them was an evil person and tricked the otherworlder, everything would be literal hell for the otherworlder.

Though the otherworlder can go to the government office to report it and the criminal would be subjugated accordingly.

There were some cases where people tried to commit fraud and said they were an otherworlder even though they were not but there was various way to confirm whether they were the genuine deal or not.

The process was rather tedious and the result was precise so the fraudster often got caught eventually.

I also added, "And the people from the other world is much much smaller than the people in Alazar. Kate you look like 15 at most or maybe 12 years old! Even though you look like a child, you look really seductive! You're bound to get in trouble if I were to left you alone. That's why, it's okay for you to stay here until you settle in."

No good.

Even though he looked like a 15 years old, but the way she talked was so mature.

Well that was given because she was actually 18 years old.

But still, to talk like an adult despite looking like a child.. The gap moe was too unbearable! So sexy!

"Se-seductive? I don't really understand but if there's such unspoken rule like that, for now I will be in your care."

Thus, it was decided that Kate the otherworlder will stay with me for now.

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