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50% The Girl who Caught the Sky / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Seeing the Sky Fall
The Girl who Caught the Sky The Girl who Caught the Sky original

The Girl who Caught the Sky

Author: KingDominik

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Seeing the Sky Fall

I remember watching the sky that night. It was cloudy but clear enough to see the stars, and the moon. I remember looking out my window, from the second story room, and seeing this girl run up the street. She seemed to be in a hurry, because she was sprinting and her breathing could be heard from up here. She stopped and looked at the sky, right under my window. That's when I remember, a shooting star flew by. It was has if the sky was falling.

That's when, I finally woke up. My alarms where going off like crazy. I live alone so no one is around to wake me up. At times I wish I could see someone greet me in the morning like they used too. I got up from my bed and walked over to my alarm, I place it on my desk because I have to get up to turn it off. That's when I realized I had about thirty minutes to head to school. I turned off the alarm and rushed out my bedroom. I ran into the shower and took what seemed like a ten minute shower, but it was really twenty five. I didnt even dry off my hair when I got dressed, it was all greasy and wet. By the time I headed out the door it was dry enough though.

Well I guess this is where I should introduce myself. I'm six feet and two inches tall or one hundred and eighty eight centimeters tall. I have long blond hair that I usually flip to the left. If you want the most accurate picture, imagine a Walmart brand Leonardo DiCaprio when he was acting for the titanic, and that's me, at least that's what a lot of people tell me I look like. Well anyways my name is Seth Adore, I am a junior in highschool, so I'm pretty young. I keep having these dreams of this girl who makes the sky fall, I always try to see what she looks like, but I've never been able to fully see her face, but if she was to walk in front of me, I would be able to recognize her.

That day I remember I got to school on time by a minute, thanks to the passing period. My seat in just about every class is always next to the window, and that's because I always ask my teachers for that spot, luckily they are usually understanding and let me, but through the years there are some teachers who dont let me, and I'm perfectly fine with that. I dont have a lot of friends, I am the person who no one knows about, someone who is unseen in the crowd, and I like it that way. Some days I wish I had friends to talk to in the hallways like everyone else, but I know that wont happen. I remember there was a new girl who walked into class late, not the best way to put on a good look. That's when I saw her. The girl who made the skys fall in my dreams. Her name was Lola, she had black hair like the night, and blue eyes like the ocean. To sum it off also she had a smoking hot body. The teacher set her right next to me, lucky me.

Class went on how it should have, quiet some laughing from jokes, a kid being yelled at for sleeping in class. It's all the same rhythm. That's when my routine changed.

Lola tapped on my shoulder with a smile and asked me "Sorry do you mind spearing me a pencil and paper, I dont have my supplies yet because I'm still moving in"

She was a little straight forward, but I mean hey, a girl talked to me. I just simply nodded my head and gave her a pencil and paper. Class ended about thirty minutes later when she asked me that. It turns out, we have every class together, and to top it all off we are sitting right next to each other in every class. She started talking to me after lunch that day, clearly she picked up on that we had all the same classes.

"Hey so it's pretty weird how we have had the same classes right? And to top it off we sit next to each other at every class. Can't be a coincidence." She started laughing a little.

Her laugh was really cute, like a kitten laughing almost. I responded back with "Yeah, no kidding. Let me guess we're gonna live next door?" I laughed and she laughed a little. I really shouldn't have said anything, because guess what, we live RIGHT next door. I never realized that the old couple moved out.

That day I remember I walked home with her. It felt warm walking with her almost like she was lifting a curse off my shoulders. She paused when we got to my door.

"Y-You live here?" She stuttered and looked at my house taking a step back.

"Hm? Yeah I do why do you ask" That's when I saw it. A shooting star in the daylight. The sky was falling down on my world, while her sky was growing.

"You're the boy who watches the sky fall, from my dreams!" She shouted excitedly. "Wow, I never thought this would be a reality, but I knew those dreams meant something"

She was very enthusiastic, but I knew what she was feeling, I was surprised has well. I was surprised to see that the sky was once more falling on me, but this time. The girl caught a piece, and was slowly rebuilding it.

(Hey everyone who is reading this! I'm King, this is the first time I'm writing something like this so dont be too harsh on me, but please give me some criticism on my writing, I would like to improve the writing on the story for everyone! If people really like the story so far, I will continue writing on either a monthly or weekly issue, but for now I will write when I feel like it)

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