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77.77% Empyrean App / Chapter 7: Testing

Chapter 7: Testing

Jaune stood on a rooftop he had discovered just earlier. Classes had just finished and he told his team that he would meet them later at the dorm. After that, he greeted team RWBY who seemed to be slightly miffed at his presence. He was also slightly confused at why Yang was staring at him with murderous eyes.

He wanted to question Ruby about it but the rest of their team dragged her away before he had a smidgeon of a chance.

Shrugging, he decided that he would have plenty of chances to talk. Because right now... he had priorities. Empyrean app style. Priappities?


Perhaps his headache after the super mode, affected him much more than he realized. He shook his head and sighed.

He needed space to work with.

Deciding to explore, he came across a door that lead to a staircase that lead to an empty roof. Yes, lots of things are leading into things these days.

In any case,

This gave Jaune two opportunities. First, clear his head from the after-funk of the super mode and secondly explore the functions of the Empyrean App.

Jaune couldn't simply just ignore this weirdly pompous application on his scroll any longer. He had been having suspicions about its functions and wasn't willing to just let it collect dust.

Because if....

If it was real...

Well, lets just say that things were about to get a whole lot more interesting.

Switching on his scroll, he clicked on the application. Its Icon was blue with several black glowing stars on it, as if signifying a different coloured night sky.

Immediately, he was greeted to a screen pop up.


[The Empyrean App has noticed that you wish to have some queries answered. This digitized form of cosmic energy shall answer your questions in the form of a tutorial.]

[Click <here> to begin]


Well... this is interesting.

Jaune couldn't help but to think that there truly was something special about this application. It was almost as if it could hear his thoughts.

Sentience? Perhaps an Artificial Intelligence?


Jaune felt a daunting curiosity engulf him. He had never been exposed to any sort of situation like this before therefore he couldn't help but want to explore the functions.

Jaune's finger hovered over the prompt, hesitating in his decision. He felt, instinctively, that his perception of the world would change in accordance to his action.

He closed his eyes in abject hesitation then opened them, clicking on the prompt message.

A screen popped up.




[Welcome to the tutorial of the Empyrean App, a monumental and Legendary, Digitally actualized, condensed and user friendly cosmic power.

Before we begin exploring the functions of this ability, lets start with a little bit of backstory.

The Empyrean App is actually the bridge that connects you to a cosmic power that comes from a higher dimension, borne for the purpose of growth in relations to its host, you, Jaune Arc. The higher dimensional energy that created the Empyrean App is known as the Empyrean Force.

Hosts of the Empyrean Force require time to be carefully molded to be able to harness its true power. Thus, the Empyrean App was borne.

A tool meant for your growth. Be it Mind, Body or even Heart and Soul. The Empyrean app covers it all.

Once you are capable of harnessing the Empyrean Force in its full might, you will achieve transcendence and be called an Empyrean among all beings.

Unfortunately, you aren't ready.

Not even close.]


"Well shit. That has got to be the most amazing bullshit I have ever heard in my life." Jaune muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Unfortunately... I think I kind of believe it."


[There are multiple sections for you to explore.








Pick one to begin]


Like a video game. Hmm...

Might as well start from the top.

Jaune clicked on the option of Stats, eager to his stats.


[Jaune Arc]

[Level 1]

[Title: (None)]


[Physical Statistics]

Constitution = 10

Strength = 10

Agility = 10

Mind = 10


[Supernatural Statistics]

Aura = 40

Psychic Force = 0

Mana = 0


[Stat Points = 0]


[This is your Stat Sheet. It represents your physical parameters in the form of numerical values. Your Constitution governs your stamina, health and general fitness.]

[Your Strength governs the amount of force your body can use at a given time.]

[Your Agility governs your Speed and your Dexterity.]

[Your Mind, governs your perception, intelligence and wisdom in making decisions.]

[Adults, on average, have an accumulation 10 in each stat]

"Huh... its the same as before but... according to my stats, Im bare bones average. Seems legit but... kinda daunting when I think about it." Jaune muttered, tapping his chin with his finger. "Wonder what stats Ren, Nora or even Pyrrha have? Considering how Yang was throwing me around like a ball, around 60? Hmm..."

Jaune paused, reading the next block of text.

"Supernatural statistics... my Aura stat is 40 but my Psychic Force and Mana are Zero. Psychic Force meaning psychic energy? Like Telekinesis and Telepathy?" Jaune combed his hand through his hair, wondering what Mana was as well.

"Those stats are Zero so... ill try to figure them out later, but why is my Aura so high? Is that natural among... wait, no. Pyrrha said that I have vast Aura reserves, most likely hinting that hers probably aren't as large as mine." Jaune guessed, scrolling through his stat page.


[Supernatural Statistics have an average of 3 for regular people. Huntsmen in general could have up to 50+ in Aura reserves though, those are the few rare ones who have survived till old age.]


"50 plus?! Thats... very close to my number.... which means that I'm a rare oddity. Hey Empyrean App, do you have a feature to scan other people's aura or something?"


[Analyze ability can be bought in Store .]


"Analyze? How does the ability work? Does it show a persons stats within the app itself or does the information get downloaded into my brain or something?"

[Check store for details]

"Huh... the Empyrean App seems to be governed by some sort of AI. But it seems that its capabilities are slightly... well, they aren't amazing. Why is that?" Jaune tilted his head, scrolling through the app into the next section.

The thought faded away from his mind as he clicked on the Skills Icon. Three skills greeted his eyes.




[Sword Mastery Level 1]

[Shield Mastery Level 1]

[Hyper Cognition Level 1]


"There it is again. Except... there's a new skill?" Curious, Jaune clicked on the icon of Hyper cognition. An information bar popper up.


[Hyper Cognition Level 1]

-An ability that enhances over clocks the user's brain for a short period of time, giving enhanced perception and superior prediction capabilities. Massive headache will accompany the use of this ability.

Duration: 30 Seconds

Cooldown: 1 hour

Cost: No cost


"Wait... wasn't this... yeah. This ability was the one I used against Yang during the fight. Hyper cognition is aptly named though the headache isn't very nice." Jaune cringed remembering the sharp pain he had felt after his fight.

"Forget it. Its most likely that my body will either get used to the headaches or it will fade away as the skill levels up." Jaune nodded before looking at his other skills.



[Sword Mastery Level 1]

-Your skill in wielding a sword


[Shield Mastery Level 1]

-Your skills in wielding a shield



"Sub par text flavor but it makes sense." Jaune glanced over everything one more time before taking another gander at the menu.


"Huh... there is... only customization of the colors and texts of the App. Great. Moving on."



Jaune paused looking at the screen before his eyes.

Slowly his eyes began to widen in disbelief. The amount of perks that had appeared were literally infinite.

[Page 1,2,3...∞]

"Oh boy... that's... interesting. Lets... just look at the first few."



[Fast Learner]

-Every skill is learnt 5x faster.

Cost 1 Perk Point


[Prodigy of weapons]

-Proficiency in weapons of all sorts will automatically be compounded to level 2. Leveling weapon proficiency is easier by a factor of 10,000%

Cost 3 Perk Points



Think about those two perks. 5+10 in learning speed. Which meant just by weapons alone he could increase his speed in learning by 15x. Not to mention other skills.



[Commune of elements]

-Your body is natural hub for elemental spirits to rest. Each spirit which chooses to reside within, grants extra affinity with that element

Cost: 5 Perk Points


[Dragon Blood]

-You have the vitality of a dragon and can access Dragon skill trees.

Cost: 6 Perk Points



Seriously, what the hell did that even mean?

Those were the tame ones.

Jaune couldn't help but blanch at the ones which were truly crazy.



[Immortal Vitality]

-Gain an enhanced healing factor the lower your Aura is. If your Aura breaks, gain a body that can heal any wound within seconds. Cannot recover from atomic disintegration.

[Immortal Soul]

-Your Soul has reached the mortal limit and broke into the threshold of immortality. Can manifest soul into the living world, affecting reality on a small scale.



God, what Jaune would give to be able to have those kinds of abilities, unfortunately, a person could only dream.

The title menu was also pretty simple. As Jaune accrued more titles, he would gain bonuses in certain actions. Most titles were passive although some included special skills.

Jaune currently only had a single title


[Aspiring Hunter]

-When facing Grimm, all damage +10%

-Critical Strike chance +10%


It would surely help in the future when he was faced against insurmountable odds. But that was all in the future. Now, Jaune had to focus.

"Store. I wonder what function this will give me...?" Clicking on the icon, he was brought to a page where things seemed.... odd.

"Well shit. And here I thought the perks were broken." His eyebrows raised as he read the first thing that popped up.


[God Force]

-Your have achieved the peak of possibility and impossibility, merging perfectly with the Empyrean force. You are dauntless, immortal, undying and unbound by death. Grants Omniscience and Omnipotence.

Cost: 1,000,000,000,000 Emp coins.


"Okay... this... has to be fake. There is no way this is real. I call bullshit." Jaune sighed and put away his scroll.

Jaune could maybe potentially believe that perhaps there was a chance to gain an undying body as he had discovered from repeated explanations by Pyrrha that Aura, when used right could enhance a person's physical capabilities.

It was only temporary though, or at least it should be. Aura was a source of energy. And when used up, it fills back up but at the same time... it was... limited...

An epiphany hit him.

"Oh. My. God. I have an Aura stat. I... can... increase it..." Jaune muttered, his mind in a slight daze. "If-if the app can increase my aura to a point where it regenerates faster than it depletes... I'll have infinite energy."

Jaune could only stare at the distant sunset from the rooftop.

Damn it, he needed more proof!

Erinies Erinies

I'm feeling lazy to proofread, if you find grammar that u want me to correct just message or some bs.

Oh btw, should i add my Instagram, you people who enjoy this story can follow me for absolutely zero reason?

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