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The "Casual" Morning

[AN: As fuck and I realized, 8 Chapters happened in one day inside the story. That's how 'reality' is. Just deal with it. But I really over worked that one day though, so I decided to timing your favorite buddy, Time Skipper, when to put him in the right time, in the right place. ]

The Next Day

July 15, 2019


Nishikinomiya House

Sherwin woke up from his beautiful dream, but can't never tell or remembered for what it is. He felt like someone that has been Obliviated.

As he sits up from his temporary bed of the guest room that Anna gave him for where to sleep. He felt this heaviness from his right side and saw that there's a lump inside the bed sheets as he looked over.

He pulls the sheet and revealed this voluptuous body of his girlfriend.

"Hey, sweetheart." he nudged her to wake up.

Anna's eyes trembles and open slowly as she saw him beside her bed and smiles happily. "Good morning, darling~" she greets and stretch her arms up.

"Good morning to you, too. And why are you here? I thought we already talked about this last night?" he asked as one eyebrow raised.

"Just want to sleep with you, but don't worry as I didn't molest you~" she teased and smack his lips with hers and got up from the bed.

Sherwin shakes his head from speechlessness. "Go, take a bath and I know you still have a school, right? I'll cook our breakfast as you change to your uniform."

"Okay, darling~" she said as she walk out from the room.

Sherwin fix up the bed and cleans the room a bit and gone downstairs to cook their breakfast. Same as yesterday night, searched from his library for breakfast that have the current ingredients. For a couple of minutes, he was done and waited a little bit as Anna shows up from her usual uniform and sits down.

As they eat, "It's really good to have that Gamer's Body of yours. Doesn't stinks, but a little gross. You're not washing your body. After my school, We.will.go.and.take.a.bath.ok? And turn off your GB as we wash your body."

"Oh, C'mon, it's not that bad." he snorts.

"No! Thinking about it while hugging you all night, it wants me to puke." she complained.

"Ok, fine." he rolled his eyes. "And before I forgot, here." he pull out a Skill Book from his inventory and gave to Anna. "That's a [★★★]-Low rank Skill Book: Basic Cultivation Breathing Technique, that I got from Records. I successfully tried to copy the Skill Book for as some thing stops me to create them from nothing. After we got to know what kind of body do you have, I will find another Breathing Technique that will compliment your body." he said as he continue eating.

[AN: If you saw some difference, always remember that all chapters are already like the latest chapter. As I always reviewing my chapters every changes or release of each chapter.]

"... ... But, how I will read this? Manually for me, but you can do it Automatically. That's a bit unfair for your girlfriend, no? And, it's big, wide and too heavy for me to bring it to school, darling~" she protests.

Sherwin facepalmed, "Ah, sorry. System. Create Party Name-". "Mr. and Mrs. Montaniel" Anna interrupts casually while still focusing on her breakfast.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Why? Do you have in mind to invite other girls too?" she glared at him.

"No... ... Fine. System. Create Party, Name: Mr. and Mrs. Montaniel. Invite Anna Nishikinomiya. Give her the Inventory Tab and Skill Tab. Enable Party Chat. There, are you happy now?" he sighed.

Anna stands up and walk towards Sherwin and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. "Love you, hubby!~" As she started to play with her Partial System. She puts the [★★★]-Low rank Skill Book, lunchbox and Sherwin's underwear inside her inventory as she's amazed at this System. She skips her steps while walking outside the house.

Sherwin was gobsmacked at her boldness for taking his underwear while staring at the door. "I'll be damn. I forgot about that and that's the reason why I can't find my underwear this early morning and my below is feeling cold today." as he shakes his head, he started his training plans.


Last night, the first notification he got from the park was called, [★★★,★★★,★★★]-Chaos rank Skill Creation. And he tried to experiment it to create skills that derived from existed Skill from Records when he laid down to his bed. But he only got was.


▄▄▄▄Blue Screen▄▄▄▄

You cannot use your [★★★,★★★,★★★]-Chaos rank Creation Skill for creating derived skills that came from your Records. As they already exists from your Shop.

Please buy them there, as you stated that you wished for 'hard-working' style to reach your goals, achievements, and powers.

• • • • •

This reminder will always show if your Greediness has been activated.

By your 'Casual' Casual System.



▄▄▄▄Blue Screen▄▄▄▄

For creating a [★★★,★★★,★★★]-Chaos rank Skill.

► You received 500 CS points.

► You received 2,500 Character Exp.

► You received Random Item Pack

► You received Wheel of Fortune, or Not? Ticket

• • • • •

►► Skill Creation [★★★,★★★,★★★]

►►► Cooldown: 9 days. 14 hrs. 31 mins. 17 secs.

• • • • •

From: Universal Space Army, Secretary of the Treasurer

Sorry for the inconvenience of the delay of your rewards as you know that the Communication Link is still unstable for the moment.

Thank you for your understanding.



▄▄▄▄Blue Screen▄▄▄▄

Congratulations! You leveled up to Level: 4 (1,000/1,600)

• • • • •

► You received 40 Unused Sub Stats



As he got his unknown rewards from creating his 'Near Death' Skill Creation Skill Book. He used the CS points to shop some goodies.


▄▄▄▄Blue Screen▄▄▄▄


• • • • •

► Cultivation


►► Titanium Grade Demon Body [★★]

►►► It was a training technique that had been casually written by the Saint Devil Sect's founder, an exclusive technique for the punching bags. Even if it was trained to the third level according to the manual after achieving the Titanium Grade Demon Body, it was still merely something the disciples could defeat in one shot with a weapon.

►►►► Price: 60 csp


►► Saitama's Training Plans [★★★,★★★]

►►► As it was easy as it seems to copy his Training Plan, but The Essence of Breaking through the so called Mortal Body is not that easy as it seems.

►►►► Price: 120 csp


►► Hachimon "The Eight Inner Gates" [★★★,★]

►►► Unlocking the eight specific Tenketsu on a person's Chakra Pathway System which limit the overall flow of Chakra within a person's body.

►►►► Price: 240 csp


► Items

►► Gravity Bracelets [★]-[★★★,★★]

►►► Maximum 10x Earth's Gravity Force for each ★

►►►► Price: [★] 20 csp, *5 for the current rarity for each ★ upgrade




Those are the things he bought since he decided to go full body force first, for offense and defense.


He open his Inventory and saw his items that he bought.


▄▄▄▄Blue Screen▄▄▄▄


• • • • •

Bags Tab*

► Random Level Up Pack (Lvl. 2)

► [★]-Copper rank Plain Sword

► [★]-Copper rank Plain Shield

► [★]-Copper rank Plain Bow

► [★]-Copper rank Plain Staff

► [★]-Copper rank Gravity Bracelets, x4

► [★★]-Low rank Titanium Grade Demon Body Skill Book

► [★★★,★]-Low rank Hachimon "The Eight Inner Gates" Skill Book

► [★★★,★★★]-Low rank Saitama's Training Plans Skill Book

► ?



He wore the four Gravity Bracelets on his both wrists and both ankles, and decided to customize them to be invisible and set them to 0.1 G-Force up to 0.5 G-Force, half of his body mass. That his current body can handle.

After putting his weights, he started to read and train according to Saitama's Training Plans. Plus it can help him to unlock the First Gate: Gate of Opening.

He decided to buy the Titanium Grade Demon Body even if it was against his will because he was sure, Anna and him will have a lots of physical fights. And as he clenched his teeth even if it means that his newly acquired Title: Masochist? will upgrade into unknown ranks. He thought that, 'This is for the future, No Pain, No Gain.' changed to training set clothes and he was gone outside to start his jog.


[AN: For checking]

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