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The "Casual" *Plok

4000 meters above the ground, four individuals suddenly pop up and starting to fall at a very good speed.

"Nyaaaaaa! O-ojou!" the first individual to talk in the group but only one person who understands that. He is trying to 'swim' towards her Ojou, the first person, who's looking at the edges of the 'raising' grounds and lake.

"Shit!" the second contestant, err the second boy, who's face is shocked beyond belief and somehow relieved that they're only dropping from such heights and smiled joyously.

"Kyaa!~" the third human, sings with sophisticated voice while falling from heaven.

Those four are passing through some water vapors. (ok, fine) thin water membranes that were prepared for their landings until they splashed through the lake.

Two of them slowly rise and swam towards the shore and looked around while the girl with calico cat made sure first that the cat is safe.

"..... Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I thought I was gonna die....!"

She was relieved that he is alright. She put the cat into her head and move to the shore. When she reached the land she heard the two cursings non-stop.

"Who pulls this shit? Can't even summon people properly. And dropping me from the sky." the singer cursed.

The boy seconded, "Same same same, the game is not even starting and it could have been a Game Over already. Ptui." he spits out a strand of grass and continued, "It would have been better if we were put inside the stone or something like that before dropping like a bombshell."

"But you can't move after that, right?"

"No problem for me."

"I see, quite selfish aren't you?"

Both turned their backs at each other with a snort. And continue to wring the water out of their clothes. The swimmer climbs up and squeezed her clothes too.

She asked, "Where are we?"

"Don't know, maybe some idiotic King that wanted Heroes and summoned us to defeat or kill the Demon King. By the way guys, did you got some 'Hogwarts' letter, too?."

"That's right, got a strange letter, not 'Hogwarts'. Do you think it will be better if we got those you mentioned instead of those suspicious love letter? And don't address me that way. My name is Kudou Asuka. Pay attention to that from now on." she said while flings her hair and turn to face another girl who's holding the cat. "You there, your name is?

"Kasukabe Yo. Same situation as you." She replied.

"I see. Let us get along from now on then, Kasukabe-san. Finally, you with uncivilized and savage-looking appearance?" Asuka asks with one eyebrow raised.

"Wow, thank you for pompous self-introduction. I'm - as the appearance suggests, Sakamaki Izayoi. Vulgar, brutal and hedonistic; all that I need to be a hopeless person. Please follow the Rights of Use and Dosage Guidelines when interacting with me, Ojou-sama." he introduced with a proper bow of greeting.

Sakamaki Izayoi laughing cheerfully.

Kudou Asuka turning away haughtily.

Kasukabe Yo watching indifferently.

Calico Cat enjoying his ojou's petting petfully.

After introducing their selves. Izayoi got irritated and said "So what will happen now? Not helping us after the splashing game, not even explaining what's this 'Little Garden' that was written in that invitation, nor greeting us. Wow. That so Wow!"

"Indeed. Without any explanation, there is not much meaning to leaving this place."

"....I doubt that being overly calm in this situation is for the best either. There. Someone's there, smells like a rabbit?" Yo pointed in a certain part of the forest and tilted her head.

Asuka: "Oh, it was almost lunch when this thing pulled me back at the mansion and I'm a bit hungry so maybe we can roast and eat some meat."

Izayoi: "Somehow I agree with you. I'll catch that rabbit, wait." Said Izayoi laughing, but his eyes did not seem happy and he jumped from where he was.

'Ugya!' The rabbit behind the tree is cold sweating now. 'There's no 'seems'. They're literally a problem children. And they want to eat me!? Wa wa wa' Kuro Sagi is panicking, looking left and right. 'Where, where I can hide for a litt-.'


The tree that where Kuro Usagi is hiding was snap in half and some of part was destroyed and splinters flying away.

"Ohh. What do we have here? A rabbit that so big enough for the three of us, huh?" Izayoi said with an amused voice.

In retaliation to the unreasonable assembly they suffered, they turned a cold and menacing gaze towards Kuro Usagi. This made her hesitate for a moment.

"Do-Don't, three of you. If you look at me with a wolf-like expression, I'll die. Ee... Ee... From ancient times, loneliness and wolves are rabbits' natural enemies. So on account of Kuro Usagi's weak heart, I would be happy if you would hear me out peacefully."

"I refuse!", "Denied.", "I have to decline." said by three musketeers.

"Ahaha, not leaving me any time to say anything."

Said Kuro Usagi standing there defeated, still observing the three of them intently.

'They've got guts, that's a plus. To be able to say NO in this situation is quite something. Well, being hard to handle does seem to be one of their flaws.'

Kuro Usagi was acting like she was just fooling around, but she was thinking calmly on how to interact with the three of them.

Unexpectedly Kasukabe Yō appeared next to her and grabbed hold of one of Kuro Usagi's rabbit ears at the base.



And pulled it with full force.

"Wa-Wait a second! If it's only touching I would let you do it without a word, but I didn't think you would try to pull Kuro Usagi's lovely ears off on our first meeting! What are you thinking!?" said by teary Kuro Usagi as she's struggling to free from Yo.

"Sating my curiosity." Yo replied, 'So soft and smooth.' *pull *pull

"You can't do everything you please!" Kuro pleaded.

Izayoi: "Ooh, these rabbit ears are real?" This time Izayoi pulled on one of them from the right.

"....Well then, me as well." Asuka switched with Yo.

"Wa-Wait a momen-"

This time Asuka did the same from the left. Kuro Usagi's ears got pulled in both directions simultaneously and her inarticulate scream could be heard far and wide.


While they're playing some shenanigans. Up above the sky, a Dimensional Portal enough for one person to fit opened. And someone was kicked to fall to portal and started dropping too and he heard a voice saying "Gago!" echoed in the sky before the portal closed.

Sherwin: 'That was hurt. Ugh. So brutal in kicking. Where am I?' he thought and look to the left to the right, up 'This is sky, right?' and look down and zooming his eyes, 'Yup,... and are those the three problem children and... Kuro Usagi? Oh, the canon started already. How sad, I wanted to talk to Izayoi somehow while dropping from the sky... and why it took me so long to drop down?'

He is confused and after three seconds to realize, 'This isn't 4000 meters, this is 8000 meters! This is a scam! And there are no water membranes too! Shit! Status!' He didn't look at his full status and just focus at something.

'Body: 64(14+50)

Oh, still Medium-rank. but I wish this stats will still be enough to handle the burden of impact. Gamer's Body On! Let's do this!'

He stretched his limbs to lessen the speed of dropping and calculates the distance between his meat and the ground. Positioning his body and started to act as a professional skydiver. And took a dive and shouted, "Hero Landing!!!"


The four persons in the ground stopped at what they're doing because they heard the shout and the 'Plok'? The four thought, confused and looks around and their eyes stopped at the lake.


[AN: For checking]

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