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Prologue 2: This is Scary

"That's good, knowing some limits. I'll approve of your Customization tab. But the Shop will only sell the ability, not the skill itself. Did you forgot, work harder?" the man asked.

Like an epiphany, "Oh, yah I forgot. I only need the ability to train into skills, to familiarize with it. After all, what of my understanding of Skill and Ability is. The former is hard work while the latter is like a cheat. And not to be, literally like some sheep in the wolf skin. After all, there will be someone always above you. Deception is normal but you need to know when to use one, right Big Bro?" the attendant said sagely.

"Big Bro? Hahaha, because you called me that, you got 5 starting gifts. Normally, we will only give 3, 4 for some good reasons and 5 for better reasons. You happy, little bro?" the man said happily. 'Being alone all this time, even if there's someone like me in the universe. The fact is that the observable universe is like the well in 'the frog in the well'. The damn universe is too big to meet up some of them. Ugh.'

The attendant is a bit shock, "You're not mad or something, because calling you like that might be a bootlicking, and trying to gain some more benefits, no?" he asked doubtfully.

The man waved his hand while smiling. "No, you're still a kid in front of me, kid."

"Oh, yeah 'lived enough to traverse the observable universe' eh? By the way, Forgot our formalities. My name is Sherwin Montaniel. What about yours, Big bro?" the Attendant introduced.

"Hmm, Sherwin huh, new to me. What I mean is, my name and my kind are always and somehow named after Chinese and Japanese on your planet. And my name is Liang Sheng". The man introduced back. "And, Let's continue, your Status tab will be fine, but Let's put some 'hide and seek' thing, you game? " Sheng asked with a grin on his face.

'Moon Life', "Sure, why not? 'Challenge Accepted' As long as it's interesting I'll always be in the game for that." Sherwin raised two thumbs up in thoughts. "But first, can I change to humanoid now?"

Sheng: "Sure, Sure, what looks do you decide then? And after thinking, try to feel your... .... your... errr... body?" He looks away while whistling.

Sherwin: "Huh? Why-what's wrong? You're undecided to define what I look like?" mindfully confused and *click "Ne~... Big.... Bro~.... Do I look like shit?" he joked while laughing robotically.

Sheng: "NO!" slowing turning back. "of course...." in a low tone. "yes?" he whispered.

Sherwin: "..... So, that's why you guys called me or someone like me, THE SOMETHING!!!! ARG!!! Omae wa mou shindeiru, Run."

~~After a couple of minutes~~

"Why do we look like that?" Sherwin asked while trying to control the built-up rage.

"No reasons at all" Sheng said with a poker face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sherwin feels like a volcano on a brink of explosion.

"Err. Normally you will be like a miniature sun minus the degrees after you died. But because I'm the cause of your death, your looks will look like after your death too." Sheng explained nervously. 'Of course, who does want to look like shit? You, readers?'

"How did you kill me?" Sherwin sighed.

"Etou~ Since you like normal and simple. I will put it in that way. One of the space debris entered the atmosphere and big enough not to be reduced to nothingness while traveling in a couple of mach speed. *Bang *Confetti, and hit the very only you~ very normal right? Of course, I'm the one who's controlling it and to make sure not to hit someone too, see I'm super awesome~" sheng winked. "And now that's what you look like, mangled limbs, ribs punctured lungs, brain pulps everywhere plus parts of your skull, the heart is still beating somewhere in your body," 'maybe in your ass' he commented in a whisper. "Some bones crushed into powder, intestines flew in every way, in short, some meat paste and meatballs, here and there. Yup, looks like shit to me." nodding his head as if he is agreeing with some debates.

Sherwin was speechless, "Mother fucker, that's not the Normal for me you shit head. Did someone hit your head for the better? And I won't doubt them why they hit you." he facepalmed. "I want to look like Heneral (General) Antonio Luna when he was still under Maestro Intong before he studied in Ateneo Municipal de Manila minus the impurities of his physical body." he said.

~~ In a couple of centuries of milliseconds~~

Sherwin: "Ok, I'm done transfiguring." he said and raised his eyes to the front and saw an old man that looks like, "What the hell!? President Aguinaldo, You're fucking still alive?" He was shocked first changed to angry. "You! Motherfuckin Coward!, even tho I'm not the real Heneral Luna, I idolized him. Because of you, you being paranoid as if Luna will take your seat as a president you made an assassination for him. And what happ-" he was stopped but the intent to kill Sheng still in the air. (As if there's air in the Void).

Sheng: "Chotto matte kudasai! Esperar! Děngdài! Wait! Matsu! Chill ma'boy!" shouting while raising both arms as a surrender and make a stop sign for Sherwin. "I'm not Emilio Aguinaldo, Ok!? while you're changing to Luna next door. I searched for this man that you idolized. And read about his life or what you Filipinos found about him. Decided to transfigure to Aguinaldo and troll you a bit, ok? are you calm now?. 'Extreme fanboy of history! Or only for this Heneral Luna?' he thought while cold sweating. "Chillax~ Lil'bro. You good?"

Sherwin snorted, "Tch, yeah, a bit. But I'll make sure to space-time travel on the day back in Cabanatuan on 5 June 1899. Why this bitch of the mother fucking Aguinaldo decided to assassinate Luna. And of course, I'll try to understand both sides. Let's stop this. And Big Bro, " he says while his smile is twitching plus the raising eyebrows.

Sheng: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll change now.", 'Scary~, is this really my...' his thoughts were pushed into the back of his mind while changed into Tony Stark plus long hair, waist leveled. "Is this good?"

( !  ̄- ̄)

Sherwin: "Good, don't pull any shits like that again, please. Let's go back to my system now if that's all or more explanation?"

Sheng: "Ok then, Some of your statuses will be hidden until you reached some sort of requirements and they will show at your screen, but they're common, right? Then let's put it to the next level, you need to be in the right place, at the right time, Instinct will be the life-changer for this, not the stat of Int or Wis. do you get me?"

Sherwin: "Oh, that will be fine. Seems easy but it's not, that's Instinct that we're talking about unless I was a soldier or living my life with reapers surround me all the time."

Sheng: "Good, now for your Inventory, why limits for it?" he asked.

Sherwin: "It's already damn big, oh, now you mention it, I'll create some sort of sorting tab inside. Like Materials, Quest Items. etc."

Sheng: "Damn your Customization. Oh well, I'll trust you with it, because you keep talking and talking about the word "interesting" as if you're one of us, really bored in life. You put limits, it's like a goal in the life run of yours, lil'bro? "

Sherwin: "Yup, even if it's in life and death situation, I will be fine. If it's time to die then I die but it doesn't mean I won't play with them to death. It's either you die or I die." lightbulb pops up. "Ne, Big bro. why don't we create some Chat Room and Lobby Room? We can meet up in the Chat room but not with your real bodies but mind bodies. Like a mindscape with multiplayer mode? And for Lobby room, it's for you and your peers, you guys can apply for it, from leisure time to play some reincarnation shit or the likes. I know you guys are lonely in this universe and just go to some planets with sceneries but what I propose is why not go with some bonding even if it's not with real bodies?"

Sheng: "Oh, Little Brother! ( T^T) you're already concerned and worried about us! What a good lil'bro. But it won't raise your starting gifts ok?" put some drama face. But grin at the last words.

Sherwin: "Tch, didn't breakthrough in his defense."

Sheng: "Hmm, Records will be fine. As long as it didn't upgrade into Aka, you will be fine, it wasn't me who has that thing. Otherwise, he will hunt you down tho. And, maybe me? Fuck, don't ever evolve that Records as the same as Aka-kun, with the function of recording Soul Lifelines, Soul Existences, Soul Memories, etc. ok?" shivered. "He will hunt me too because I'm the one who approved of that Records of yours" scared a bit for just thinking it.

"Missions is fine, Skills and Crafts are both good too. And I will add another hidden function for both Skills and Crafts tabs for more interesting things. Settings, for Gamer's Mind, as it is the deciding factor of your human emotions. Once it's On, you're in pure thinking, idealizing, theorizing things, etc. Intelligence and Wisdom, Understading and Insight will be prioritized to function. In Off, pure Will, and Emotional relative stats will be prioritized. For Gamer's Body, once it's On, Health Points will be Enable and your body will be digitalized and died if the HP point turns to zero, no limping as you're not in a mortal body. While Off, your mortal body will be good as meat rations if you die, and HP is disabled. In Audio, it will be fine as long as your system didn't recognize you hacking on the internet to chat with your past relatives, friends or acquaintances. You can download your desired songs. In Graphics, a big NO. If it's gore or too much then faced it real time. No babysitting Lil'Bro. Hehehe. Save/Load will be fine, but you need to have a mastery in Time Energy and understanding of all kinds of Time Paradoxes in Time Element, so the Time Management of the Universe 101 will give you a Time Pass and won't kill you and determined as a Bug of Time. And for Space Element, not that strict as Time Management, all you need is mastery and understanding of Space Energies of Space Element. And will be given a Space Pass to Space Jump from Galaxy to Galaxy and Star Travel from Star System to Star System. And of course, those Passes had a grading system too. But for now, I won't explain those. Since you didn't have Eidetic Memory or Photographic Memory, this explanation will be in your Records under the Regulations Act of Universal Management Law. Good?" Sheng explained with acting to ease some tensions earlier.

Sherwin: "Good." he nodded.

Sheng: " And lastly but not the least, your Chat System Tab. You only need to be approved by at least one 3 Supercluster Major General Rank at Universal Space Army of Peace Federation and one Secretary of Defense of the Universe 101 to access the Inter-dimensional Communication and securing that you won't be the reason of Cluster Wars because accessing the communication to other lifeforms in the Universe - You know, discrimination shits and the like, same with God-Complex shit attitudes." he smiled widely and brightly.

Sherwin was gobsmacked by that information and speechless in another couple of seconds before his brain gears got back to work, "Wow! just for the Chat tab, I need to talk with very big hotshots." sweating profusely.

Sheng: "Nah, they are friendly, lil'bro. Don't worry, they won't eat you alive." he smiled like the Tanya the Evil.

Sherwin is staring at Shengs face like he was studying some ancient hieroglyphics. "Hmmm, That's good, yeah, the Military won't eat you alive. Humm, you're right. As if! Ptui! You're talking about them as if you're playing Rock, Paper, and Scissor with the mirror."

Sheng didn't say anything about it, "Hehe. So, your system is already good for you?"

Sherwin: "Sure, What else I can do about it? Except for my Customization Tab, of course."

"Then, where and when you will go?" Sheng asked.

Sherwin: "Hmmm, Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? It will be a good start, I think. And put me at the same time when those three problem children will be transported in Little Garden."

Sheng: "And when I thought you want to go to the Military/War Genre World since you like Antonio Luna." his eyes blink for a little bit of confusion.

Sherwin: "C'mon, maybe after 3 to 5 World Transfer, I'll go to Tanya's World. Hehehe" he Smirked.

Sheng was shocked. "Fuck, you really what to go to that world. Why?"

Sherwin: "Tanya's cute, and I wanna know her personal view for human emotions and she's really lazy as fuck. We know Tanya has no choice since some lowly Faith God shit is in her ass biting her. And another one, what will be her expression when I say there are other lifeforms outside of the planet. And lastly, maybe I can persuade her to join me for creating some group to have fun for now. Maybe later, to know each other and help each other's asses from their problems."

Sheng shrugged, "It's up to you tho, so last and but the least. What are the other four starting gifts that you want?"

"As I said earlier, First is the

► Casual System

► Soul Bound Ability Sight Shot [★★★]

►► Taking all variations of functions of the current camera, video camera, and relatively ocular things in the modern 'old world'. Can update itself after experiencing, knowing the more advanced functions of said ocular thing. But, with only 170 degrees maximum peripheral vision as I'm only a Human.

► Enable Will and Comprehension stats and put to High-rank

► Put Body and Mind at maximum adaptability you can give me after I got my first World Transfer

Ugh.. don't know what will be my last..... Ohhh!~ I remember something, hehe.

► Soul Bound Ability: Karmic Eye [★★★,★★★]

►► Enable eyesight to see karmic points of the sentient individual life form for the current lifetime and overall soul lifetime."

Sheng's eyes were gone widen and madden for Sherwin's Last gift wish. "Y.o.u-"

Sherwin: "Chotto matte kudasai! Esperar! Děngdài! Wait! Matsu! Chill ma'boy! Oops, I mean ma'bigbro." 'This is really the Deja Vu Movie' he thought nervously.

"" Sheng is evolving into Sadako while moving slowly to Sherwin.

"Eeep! Wait! Let's be specific here big bro, I said ONLY Enable eyesight. so ONLY I can see the Karmas of other people, not to control or manipulate their Karmas!! Unless it was mine!" Sherwin shouted while closed eyes, stepping back, trying not to see a higher being Sadako, trying not to be reached by his hands. 'This is bullshit, Sadako was already scary down there (in Earth). Now, there will be evolved Sadako high here because of me?' He opened his eyes slightly and saw Sheng's hair is getting longer and longer. 'Oh, Shit, Sadako + Kayako, man version. That's awesome!' *slap 'You're crazy Sherwin. Stop thinking, stop thinking, no, I'll just think, 1+5+6*5-2-6/4*5=... I' don't know! Fuck!' He stopped thinking of it then open his eyes slowly, trying to see what happened to Sheng.

Sheng is smiling brightly like some kind of Guanyin. "Oh, I see. Why don't ask first, you moron lil'bro? Oh, I don't mean that, just an idiotic mindless creature below than zombies intellect." Sheng moved fast and silently at the back of Sherwin and kick his ass.


"Do you want us to die? *hit* no more reincarnation *hit* or transmigration shit. *hit* It's good that *hit* Aka's Intelligence, *hit* Wisdom, *hit* Understanding, *hit* and Insight *hit* is so high *hit* that we *hit* didn't get erased *hit* in the *hit* blink of some Pulsar Star.*hit*" Sheng stopped for a while panting, and he fling his long hair into his back.

A second later, a Dimensional Portal opened beside Sherwin's body. *hit*


Sheng kicked Sherwin to the Portal in fit of rage and shouts: "Don't go back here! or don't talk to me later in the Chat until you got High-rank in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Comprehension Stats! Gago! (Stupid!)" and he closed the Dimensional Portal, flick his robes, turned back and move to unknown.


"Dugo at pawis. Kailangan nilang tumalon sa kawalan." (Blood and sweat. They have to jump into the abyss.) - Antonio Luna

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