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Prologue 1: The Something and something

Universe 101, Milky Way Galaxy

Star System, SolSys

Earth, Philippines

Metro Manila, Las Piñas City

July 13, 2019

10:20 AM

A man, the attendant of the printing shop sitting in front of his desk, waiting for some customers to come and decided to make a story about a man with a system because he's bored. (Of course, he's a beginner for story-making.)

'Hmm, systems huh?' *tap * tap. He thought while his fingers continues to tap on the desk while he keeps staring at his monitor.

'Maybe a story about the man who's been killed in acciden – Nah, boring, too common. Then how about the man who's writing a story casually then suddenly died?.... Bullshit, what about the reasons why he died?..... Fuck reasons, the Universe is wide; the Universe doesn't need reasons. But, 'we people do', "hahaha," he laughs, 'I'll stick to it then. Let's be unreasonable.' And he started his typing…..

What he doesn't know, someone above heard his thoughts and his story became….. his.


(ᵔᴥᵔ) 'Hehehehe. That's right, fuck reasons… Hehehehe'. An unknown man above grin and made some preparation…. 'Nah. what preparation?' *snap.


Void 101

For a very long time. 1 second specifically.

'... What the? Why I can't see? Temporary blindness again?' The attendant thought. 'But I can't feel anything… ugh, even my bo-…dy? Eh? In the past, it's temporary blindness and now I loss the sense of touch too? What the fuck is this!?' and he's panicking.

"Calm down boy." An unknown voice resounding in his darkness.

'Oh, a customer? ' "Wait a bit, sir. Got temporary blindne-" he stopped. Something clicks on his mind.

"Who's there!?" he shouts, "I remembered I'm just sitting behind my desk, in front of the monitor and I'm sure this isn't the shop. Can you explain what's happening, please!?" the attendant replied in fear and cautiously while trying not to panic but failed because the man with him might be the reason why he is here and there's something he wants from him, and for the sake of that (4th)something, his life is in the man's hand now. And he think billions of reasons why this is happening.

He continues but only in thoughts, 'And somehow, my mind is free? I mean, my mind feels like floating, (the 5th) something like…. mortals body limit is not applicable now? Doesn't have a sense of time…. too.' He suddenly stop talking in his mind and realized something to the 6th power.

"Hey, bro, this isn't funny, fucking all senses are in loss? What in the fucking universe is this? I can't feel my body, even the smell, sight, and hear. Anything. Yeah, I'm fucking pretty crystal clear sure for the 7th time of something in this darkness, that I'm not in my shop now! There's no sound of vehicles, voices of people chatting outside, and… this isn't the feeling of something you heard a sound or a voice..… So this is, in, my, mind?" he keeps blubbering and slightly shouting like some mad scientist until he remembered he's not alone anymore. "So? Care to explain what you know, mister?" He asked. trying to be brave but he is nervous, he feels rage, but fear too, and the crazy thing is, he wants to know what is this shit. After all, he's a bit nerd but not to the point of being neet.

[AN: No harm means, guys.]

"Hehehe, why ask for reasons, boy?" the man asked.

"What do you mean, sir?" attendant replied while trying to be the Doctor Strange next door, thinking all the possibilities.

"What do you mean 'what do I mean?", I mean you thought that "fuck reasons" right?" man clarified while smirking.

"Yes, I thought that but who in the fucking galactic federation doesn't want an explanation.for.what. Of course, if you count that this blubbering of mine is for me while the question is for you. Please, answer me... " he tried to glare at the man but failed to do so because somehow, he doubts what he is now. And the feeling of fear lessens because of the voice somehow friendly, yeah somehow he felt that, but not letting his guard down fully.

"Ehhhh. but you seem having fun back there, no?" man tilted his head.

'Back there?' he noted.

"Yes I have but it's different for me, in this situation. If you know what I mean." 'why do I feel some shenanigans will happen?'

"Fine. the reason while I killed you is - "

"Wait, killed? You killed me? Ho-how? No, no, I mean WHY? Why the fuck is that? I thought-" rage builds up. The man interrupts too.

"Sigh, stop interrupting me, please? And what I am saying is you died because... *drumrolls ... *bang *confetti ... no reasons at all. Fuck reasons! Yeah! Hehehehe."

(╯`Д´)╯︵ ┻━┻

"This is bullshit. and you changed the 'killed' to 'died'. Why~, You are so Awesome!~." he complained. "Yes, fuck reasons. but I said that, WE.PEOPLE.DO!!!!!" he continued.

"I'm awesome, I know right? Deal with it. So back to the topic. So, I killed you with no reason at all, no maybe there's one"

"Shameless, and I'm being sarcastic not praising you, dammit! So what's this "one" that you're talking about would be?"

"Because you said 'Let's be unreasonable.' So..... Why I shouldn't be too? and ta-da~! there you are~"

"Fuck this shit I'm out!" he quit rage.

"You can't my boy, remember you are DEAD, Dead, ead, ad, d~" *Soprano to Tenor

"Sigh~ So what now, my dear killer, O'God of shamelessness? By the way, what am I now, I mean, there's no sense of sight, smell, touch, hear. Yes, somehow I can hear you but it's different, it's like physically to mentally, yep, something like that, for the fucking 8th time."

"Hmmm, you forgot the sense of taste."

"Oh.NO.YOU.SHIT. what in the fucking sense the taste will be used here? Lick the darkness,?"

"Oh, I'm here."

And if the attendant still got his eyes it will be big enough to be normal chicken eggs. "GRAAAARGGAGHHH, You're gross! While I don't hate gays and lesbians, but I'm straight, OK!? So stop that sad face for now!? Even I can't see you I had this feeling what you're doing!"

"Oh, sad, so sad.... You're pure soul now, but I won't say soul tho. You will be called like that when you're in the normal processing of reincarnation and transmigration shit. For Now, I said FOR NOW, we call you, or some like you, The SOMETHING, for the nth power."

"Wha- WHAT! What the fuck, The Something, why's that? It feels like an evolution of The Thing in Fantastic Four. What am I, a pokemon? godammit!"

"Oh, because 'Soul' is already basic, common, whatever, mentally boring that's why we voted for the new things like you. After all, if you lived enough to traverse the observable universe, words will be boring too." he smiled again. "And yes you can be The Pokemon or Zoid too, for the matter of fact, ma'boy." he continues.

'We? He's not alone or the only one of his kind, huh?' he thought.

"No Shit Sherlock, you said FOR NOW. And The Something. It means I can be who/what I decided to be later, I mean, why you killed me and the ability to change to something for the Matter of Fact but in a reasonable range, right?"

"Yup, yup, naysuan(Nice One), Genius!~ Right, only something, not anything. Let's say, what if you decided to be the humanoid of the Akashic Record? Aka, himself will pull your very existence to nothingness in very very slow time while in the void zone, Hehehe."


"Fuck, what genius, I am not, maybe wise, just a bit. HAAAAA. Fuck for the unknownth power. And that's very... simple, but fucking scariest of all torture. By the way, can you feel the pull or some like?" he whispered in the end. Just like trying to be secretive.

"No, but you will see your very existence that will be pulled into pieces to nothingness, not feel. It's like you're watching your very self to be erased and Aka will give you the very complex mind setting scared to be erased.... Thrashing,... trying,... to get away from His clutches... to hide from Him,... looking back while running... tripping in uncountable times... and trying to crawl even if it's so slow... just to make the gap between you and Him widen... facing the floor... stretching your limbs to the fullest... trying your best to stand... to continue running... and you look at front... and suddenly... you will see the face of... Kuchisake-senpai smiling at you brightly... minus the happy feeling, of course. Something like that. Hehehehe." the man said, with changing his voice in each comma to comma, like narrating some scary shits while smiling like a madman. *clap

( .^‿ ^.)人(.^‿ ^.)

Somehow they agreed in one thing.

"That's bullshit, the epitome of one for that. Asking for some OP things than the person you're talking with and the very person that will give you powers. -greedisgood 99999999999. Not even knowing or asking who/what is the highest being first, Hehehehe. As if your level in masochism is already in god rank, and asking for more beating." the attendant seconded. Showing his dark side too.

"I know, right? Soooo let's go back to what we're talking about... I killed you, you have benefits for it tho. No limits for wishes but be reasonable, for Akashic Record's sake, if you don't want to be erased for eternally. Even if we said we will be unreasonable, just do it."

"Sigh, ok then, system only-"

"Eh, why Only?" the man asked.

"Duh! I'm not finished yet, so don't interrupt me. 'Deja Vu?' As I said, System ONLY. Of course, I'm one of the modern era boys so I'm comfortable with visual numbers. But, what I want for the system is To Be casual or normal as they say but I like to call it Casual. I mean no scheming bitch of an A.I. pulling behind my back. And I need it to be soul bound of something like that but not traceable because some skills have soul skills. And let my system have the Status, Inventory, Records, Skill, Missions, Shop, Craft, Setting and lastly Chat. Oh, forgot the 'lastly' I need Customization too, I mean I can organize, design, add and delete something in my system, of course, editing to become OP suddenly is not in my list of likes, that's boring for me. Even Saitama worked hard for his powers and don't forget, for that powers, he became lonely, some emotions gone, not for good but just locked inside of him, and became bald."

"Hmmm, your good, I like you." the man smiled at him.

"Damn, I'm straight. Stop that smile of yours, it's scaring me, dammit!" attendant shivered to the whole soul of his and to the highest level because he can't see the man he was talking to and maybe already behind him, beside or in his front, 1 step away.

"Next. let's go for specification,

STATUS: Stats based on a Combination of all games on Earth plus Movies, Books, Animes, and Light Novel Statuses, I can share it or show it to someone I trust. etc.

INVENTORY: 1000 Slots with 999 stocks of the same item. It can be upgraded/expand via Shop. etc.

RECORDS: Gallery for some Sight Shot, that will be my one of starting skills later. Library for recording things such, skills, for details on how to obtain it. Movies/Story Books/Anime/Manga/LightNovels for entertainment. Book for cooking, alchemy, concoction, taming, etc. Files of information about someone, for assassination, information selling/trading, medical purposes, etc. After all, I don't have abilities such as eidetic memory or photographic memory, maybe somewhere in a run later I might have them. etc.

SKILLS: Just basic function details of the skills, it doesn't need to show the whole details of the skills like the book because my Library exists for that, etc.

MISSION: Main & Side Quests, Hidden & Random Quests for points in exchange in the shop. Have a ranking/grading system. etc.

SHOP: Like Status, a combination of skills, abilities, bloodlines, items, beasts, etc. from Movies/Story Books/Anime/Manga/LightNovels. I'll add later because I might remember something on my life run later. etc.

CRAFT: Can access Library for Blueprints of items, pills, etc. to create them manually or automatically, Only, after reaching a certain level of crafting, etc.

SETTING: Can access the GAMERS Mind and Body - can be turned Off and On - For Audio, I can make a list or download some music from the internet of my Original Planet Earth with self updating for new released songs. And that's only I can do with the internet thing if it's possible, if not then download all the Songs on Planet Earth and I'll do the sorting. And Graphics, I can adjust to Low and High Quality - if I want to censor or see the highest details for visualization like carnage/brutal killing/massacre so I'll be the one who decide when to confront the unfair and cruelty of reality of life. Add the Save/Load setting, etc.

CHAT: I have the ability to create a Chat group. Can Invite, and kick a member. References are all characters of Movies/Story Books/Anime/Manga/LightNovels. And lastly can search and request to join from Group Chat Admin or Creator, etc.

CUSTOMIZATION: Just like I said, to organize, add, delete, design my system Hud and something like that.

Limitation: Cannot edit shop unless I remembered things to add in it, Mission - same, etc.

And my system will be named the "Casual System". Simple, and normal. No eight-grade syndrome. That's all for now, sir." he explained.


etc. = means it can be edit later or soon


Nauubusan na ako ng Inglés. Arestuhin niyo na to, tang ina naman o! Sige na! Rápido! Ingles-inglesin mo 'ko sa bayan ko, puñeta! (I'm running out of English. Arrest him already! Damn it! Quickly! Damn your foreign tongue.) - Antonio Luna

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