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47.36% Rise of House Cason / Chapter 45: Selling the Basilisk

Chapter 45: Selling the Basilisk

Soon Azura returned and took Art and Cedric back to the surface. The others were standing there waiting for him.

"Thought you guys would have left by now." Art said looking around.

"Well it would be best if we waited for you." Ron said, looking at the ground.

Art nodded and made his way to McGonagall's office with the others closely following behind. Ron had his arm around Ginny, consoling her. Pushing the door open, they heard a scream.


Mrs. Weasley screamed and ran towards Ginny, hugging her tightly. Mr. Weasley was closely behind her and hugged his daughter as well. The twins stood by the fireplace and smiled brightly at Art.

They walked over and gave Art a hug, "Thank you."

Art hugged them back. "It wasn't just me."

The twins nodded and gave Cedric a hug while the pat Ron on the shoulders. They thanked Harry and joined their parents, giving Ginny a hug. Dumbledore was smiling behind McGonagal's desk while McGonagall was taking deep breaths, trying to steady herself.

"You saved her, didn't you!?" Mrs. Weasley cried, wrapping her arms around Cedric and Artland, who were shocked.

"Ron and Harry helped Mr. Weasley." Art choked out, finding it hard to breath.

She quickly gave Harry and Ron a hug. "How did you do it?" she asked.

"I think we would all like to know." Professor McGonagall said, finally calming down.

Harry started talking, explaining how he started hearing voices and that Hermoine figured out that it was a Basilisk and that it was using the pipes in the wall to travel.

"...and that's when Art and Cedric came." he said looking at Art.

Art nodded, "I placed a tracking spell on Harry and followed it."

Harry looked stunned and started looking at himself. Dumbledore gave Art a look before saying, "I think Ginny and Mr. Diggory need the hospital wing. You will find that Madam Pomfrey is still up."

Soon only Dumbledore, Harry and Art were left in the room. Harry placed the sword, Sorting Hat and diary on the desk.

"How was Voldemort able to come back from a simple memory? I haven't read about any dark magic able to do that." Art asked curiously.

"A discussion for another time." Dumbledore waved him off. "Art, Newt is in my office waiting for you. He wishes to speak to you."

Art was stunned but quickly nodded at him and left the office, leaving Harry and Dumbledore alone. He made his way to the office and found Newt pacing the office.

"Art! Are you okay? Where is the Basilisk?" Newt fired off, coming up to Art and looking him over. "I came as soon as I got your letter. I was away trying to help a college of mine."

"I'm fine Mr. Scamander. The Basilisk was killed I am afraid." Art said depressed.

"It's okay Art. All that matters is you're safe. It's a shame that the beast was killed." Newt said, looking at Artland with care.

"What should we do with the corpse? It is still in the chamber."

Newt let out a sigh, "We can sell some parts of it. Basilisk parts are worth a fortune on the market, especially the venom."

"Okay. I will take you to the dungeon, follow me." Art said, guiding him out of the office. Newt grabbed a briefcase and followed him.

Reaching the bathroom, Art tapped his wrist and Azura woke up. "Can you take us down there girl?"

She gave him a lick and flew off his wrist, growing larger.

Newt looked shocked before a smile appeared on his face, "Horned Serpents are amazing."

Newt and Art climbed onto her back and took off down the pipe. Soon they appeared in the chamber. The Basilisk corpse laid there in all its glory. The massive serpent was truly the king of serpents. Azura let out an angry hiss as she glared at the corpse.

"It must be a 1000 years old…" Newt murmured looking at the giant snake. "Such a beautiful beast… such a shame."

Art nodded, agreeing with him. Newt started to examine the corpse and looked at where Harry stabbed the Basilisk. "Looks like the sword pierced the venom gland, spilling some of the venom but most should still be there."

Newt opened his briefcase and waved the wand, causing the Basilisk to disappear into the briefcase.

"I will send you the money after I sell it."

"Split it with Cedric and Harry as well. They were a big help and deserve it." Art said.

Newt nodded and closed his briefcase. "Let's go. Dumbledore is probably waiting for me."

They made their way back to the bathroom where Dumbledore was waiting for them with Fawkes on his shoulder. "Newt, everything okay?" he said with a bright smile.

"Yes. It is still a shame the Basilisk was killed. Are you taking care of Fawkes?" Newt asked, eyeing the phoenix.

"Of course Newt." Dumbledore said, rubbing Fawkes' beak.

Newt gave the phoenix a close look before turning to Art, "Are you coming to live with me this summer?"

"If I am welcomed, I would love to." Art said with a smile.

"Good. Tina and I were planning to visit your parents this summer." Newt said, nodding his head.

Art said his goodbyes and headed back to his dorm. Fred and George were still with Ginny in the hospital wing. He crawled into bed only to be nudged by Azura.

"What?" he asked annoyed.

She licked his face and looked at him with her tiny blue eyes.

"You're hungry? Fine." he grunted, getting out of bed and headed down to the kitchen.

Many house elves were still working, cooking tomorrows meal or cleaning.

"Master Artland! How can we help you?" a house elf squeaked.

"Can I have some food please? Meat preferably."

"Of course! One second." the house squeaked, disappearing. He quickly came back with a plate filled with roast beef.

Azura's eyes shone as she started to devour the meat. The house elves shied away Azura.

"She is harmless. Just a little hungry." he reassured them, flashing them a tired smile.

The house elves nodded but still kept their distance. After three more plates of food, Azura was finally full and he went back to bed and fell into a deep sleep.

He woke up to Fred and George talking to themselves about exams.

"What the hell are you doing up so early?" Art said groggily.

"Exams are cancelled! Isn't that amazing!?" Fred said, excitement on his face.

"Who cares? Exams are a problem for you." Art said, covering his head with a pillow.

The school year quickly came to an end, with the petrified people coming back to life. The school was in happy spirits as Dumbledore was reinstated and Hagrid was released from Azkaban.

"Good to see you Hagrid." Art said, reaching up, patting his shoulder.

"Thanks Art and thank you for standing up to Fudge and the Aurors. I thought you were going to punch them." he laughed.

"Felt like it. What idiots." Art said, shaking his head.

Hagrid laughed loudly and talked to Art about beasts. The two shared a common interest. When Art showed him Azura, his eyes went wide and tried to pet her but Azura avoided him.

Art almost had to jinx him to leave due to Hagrid's enthusiasm. Escaping Hagrid, Art visited Cedric who was still in the hospital wing.

"You did a good job in patching him up Art. I barely had anything to fix but I still kept him here just to make sure. He can be discharged today." Madam Pomfrey said, praising Art's healing skills.

"I learned from the best." Art complimented her.

She smiled and left Art and Cedric alone.

"So we are going home tomorrow." Cedric said, looking down at his wand in his hands.

"Yes. Another year done. We are getting old, aren't we?"

"Almost seniors now. Maybe we should find girlfriends." Cedric laughed.

"Speak for yourself." Art shot back, "I have one."

"Really?" Cedric asked shocked, "You never told us about her."

"She goes to Beauxbatons. I am not sure if we are dating but I like her and I think she likes me." Art smiled, remembering that beautiful blonde haired girl, missing her terribly.

"Must be special if she can get you to make that face." Cedric teased.

"She is. Maybe you can meet her someday."

"I better, being your best man and all."

"Hahaha I suppose you're right. The twins might disagree with you though."

"Those bird brains? Hardly a threat." Cedric scoffed.

"You talking about us?" the twins walked up.

"Just saying how dumb you are." Cedric said, giving them a mocking smile.

"That's rich coming from the boy in the hospital bed." Fred scoffed, looking down on him.

The twins and Cedric glared at each other before erupting in laughter.

"Idiots." Art muttered but a smile was on his face.

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