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88.88% Dragonball X: The Ultimate System [Different Path] / Chapter 78: Future Self Unknown!

Chapter 78: Future Self Unknown!

Kayn arrived, but he couldn't help but feel surprised about the change in events. However, he felt that this would happen due to his presence and him messing around with a few things. Kayn was certain that Cell had already arrived from the future and was hiding underground somewhere.

On the other hand, Trunks was supposed to appear a year later, but he had come earlier than when he was supposed to. It was currently Age 764, this was supposed to be the time he would come, but he had come last year.

'I guess this only gives me time, huh.' Upon appearing, they were now in front of Goku's house.

Raditz was outback training with Gohan, while Chi-Chi was inside of the house. Goku walked right up to the house door and walked in with Vegeta, Kayn, and Turles following him.

"Man, I'm starving after training with Raditz and Gohan..." Before Goku could say anything more, they heard Chi-Chi yelling,

"Gohan, it's time to come inside and study, enough with that training stuff; this won't get you into a top school!" Chichi hollered out of the window.

"Study? Who hell needs to study!?" Raditz hollered back, this was ridiculous.

"Ah, come on Chi-chi, he wants to train." Goku arrived and heard her yelling, but who couldn't hear that?

"No! He got to go outer space to fight or whatever, now it's time for him to study!" Chi-chi didn't relent.

"How about a split between both, these are hard times and more enemies are coming to attack us every so often. We can just balance out his training and studying, what do you think about that?" Kayn didn't want to get in between them, but he didn't want this Gohan to go to waste.

"Kayn, you're back?" Chichi squinted with a bit of surprise, but that was only for a few seconds.

"Haha, a Saiyan who has to keep his head in a book, what is our race coming to?" Vegeta shook his head, it was simply unthinkable for a Saiyan to be reduced to a bookworm rather than combat. If anything, they could be used in other fields, but having their head's stuck in a book all day, that was utter madness.

"Vegeta, this is none of your concern!" Chi-chi pointed a spatula at Vegeta, which caused him to knit his eyebrows. Vegeta didn't say anything, if he didn't know she was a human, he would have mistaken her for a Saiyan long ago.

"Well, I suppose if the world is in danger, I guess." Chi-chi seemed on board with the balance between both.

"It should be so, the world was attacked recently, we need more hands and he's a Saiyan for the task. I'm not trying to take away from his studies, and surely I don't Gohan to be an idiot, but he's already a smart kid."

"Ah, studying is so boring, say, Kayn, do you want to spare?" Goku randomly asked.

"Dang it, just a second. I'm trying to convince your wife here." Kayn whispered.

At that moment, Raditz and Gohan walked into the house. Raditz was topless and sweating, and so was Gohan, who appeared to be happy.

"Ah, Uncle Kayn!" Gohan spotted Kayn and called out to him, he wanted to hug Kayn but was told that he was too sweaty to be giving him a hug. Kayn felt a little weird being called an uncle, he couldn't imagine being called a grandpa later, as he shivered at the thought.

"Ah, Raditz and Gohan, you both have improved a lot." Kayn commended the two, they surely have grown.

"Yes, I wouldn't have believed it, but Saiyans can reach insane heights over time. I've been training drastically during this time...and...ahem...other things." Raditz coughed at the end but didn't say anymore.

"Oh, this is the first time I've had so many guests at once, everyone, have a seat." Chi-chi seemed excited about the visit of so many people.

"This house is a little too small, how about I give you guys 2 million Zeni to get a bigger house or something?" Kayn felt like there was no way for him to live in this house, how do they do it?

"What?" Chi-chi was stunned, was Kayn rich?

Before Chi-chi could say anything more, she spotted Turles, and her mouth opened wide from shock. She pointed her spatula at him, but couldn't find the words to express herself.

"Ah, Kakarot, so this is your mate? She nags a lot!" Turles had been listening in but he stayed silent until now.

Moments later, everyone had taken a seat. Chi-chi was moving around a lot, she was cooking up a storm around the kitchen.

"*Grumble Grumble* Damn it!" Turles clenched his teeth, he was pretty hungry right about now.

"So, you guys destroyed King Cold's army and his other son, right? What exactly happened afterward, what did that mysterious Saiyan say?" Kayn wondered.

"Ah, that Saiyan, yes, you stared at me a lot and it was getting annoying," Vegeta said and continued. "He mentioned something about Androids and he even gave Kakarot some medicine for his heart."

Raditz scoffed. "That kid was looking at me and Nappa like he had seen a ghost. This was definitely so with Mother and Father, he seemed really impressed with our power as well." Raditz recounted the guy's look of shock upon seeing them.

Kayn was surprised, why would he be shocked? 'Shouldn't he have done the same thing up until that point, why would Trunks be surprised about them?' Something wasn't adding up, did he himself fail, did something go wrong? In all honesty, he wasn't expecting to see a future Trunks because was here to stop bad things from happening.

Kayn had many thoughts, where did he go wrong? He wasn't sure, but he would find out once he had met this Trunks.

"Hmm, Chi-chi, are you pregnant or something?" Kayn nonchalantly asked.

Chi-chi nearly tripped on the spot hearing those words, her face was as red as an apple. Kayn wasn't sure until he focused on her stomach and confirmed that he was indeed right!

"H-how did you know?" Not even Goku knew this, but Kayn had found out. Kayn knew that Goku and Chi-chi would get it on once he got back, which would lead to the birth of Goten later, so this question was a little random at first.

"Damn, isn't this family growing a little too big?" Vegeta's left eye twitched.

"Wow, that's amazing, another kid I can train!" Goku was also excited.

"*Gasp!* I'm getting a sibling!? Is it a boy or girl?" Gohan almost jumped out of his chair in excitement.

"It's a boy," Kayn said bluntly. Kayn was speechless, Goten was going to be born earlier than intended, but it wasn't a big deal for him.

"Is it really a boy?" Chi-chi didn't even know its Gender. Kayn simply nodded with certainty. This led Chi-chi to start dancing as she was cooking.

"Ugh!" Turles shook his head but didn't say anything, he almost said 'Can you guys shut up so she can cook!'

"After we eat, we begin our training, Turles. Raditz and Bardock can show you a few things." Kayn contemplated, he couldn't take his mind off the thought of his future self, what happened to his future self!?

"It took you long enough to come around, what were you waiting for? I hope it wasn't for a red carpet to be rolled out to you!" Raditz immediately attacked Turles when he was given a chance.

"Raditz, you've certainly have grown more confident now that you've awakened the secrets to the super Saiyan power, but you're not the only one who can do this!"

"You're right, just about all of us can transform...but you!" Raditz smiled mockingly before stretching his arm into the air.

Turles only scoffed but said nothing in return.

"Hmm, he looks just like you, Goku. Is he...your bother?" Chi-chi hesitated a bit and asked. He looked just like her father-in-law and her husband!

"I don't know, actually, but you have to ask Raditz or Kayn."

"No, he isn't, that goofball isn't our bother." Raditz didn't even give her a chance to ask before he quickly cleared up the misunderstanding.

"You guys are really getting on my nerves, every last one of you!" Turles raged, he was getting sick of being mocked.

"Relax, take a joke already, you'll achieve greatness in time." Kayn laughed and said.

Chi-chi soon brought the food over, but Kayn was surprisingly not hungry, he still had plenty of food on his ship left as well. This only made the rest of the Saiyans around the table happier, as they ate his share without hesitation.

"Dang it, this isn't enough, I need more!" Turles and Raditz said in unison.

"Yeah, you guys are right!" Goku felt deprived of food, it just wasn't enough.

"Okay, follow me. You guys can eat the food on the ship." Kayn quickly got up and went outside.

The ship that he had used for traveling had spawned someways away. The door opened and everyone boarded the ship.

"Chi-chi, you can take the rest of the food out of the ship and use it later. With you being pregnant and all, you must have quite the diet; this is especially so with it being a Saiyan and all."

"Right, right!" Chi-chi nodded in surprise, but she was really grateful about this. Vegeta was no different from the rest of the Saiyans, he walked into the ship and tossed some capsules out with already cooked food.

"Looks like I'll have to up everyone's training, I have a bad feeling." Kayn wasn't worried about defeat, but he had a feeling that these Androids would be stronger than their original selves. This was mainly because Cooler and King Cold had appeared. This was no different with the many Saiyans on this planet, so getting any of their blood samples would further improve the Android's strength from the originals. Kayn no longer had to worry about having his blood or DNA taken for use.

"I can only wait and see," Kayn mumbled.

"Huh, did you say something?" Chi-chi heard Kayn's mumbles.

"No...It was nothing." Kayn kept looking at the ship where Goku and company had gone into thoughtfulness.

Goku and the rest of the Saiyans, including Gohan stayed in the ship for about 20 minutes eating before coming out full. All the while, Kayn was talking to Chi-chi about Gohan's training and study schedule.

Chi-chi agreed, but with a bit of reluctance.

"That was the best food I've ever had, and I've eaten many types of foods from many planets across the galaxy!" Turles couldn't believe food could taste so good, it was something worth staying for.

Kayn almost added... 'and eating other races after killing them as well' Saiyans, in fact, ate other beings they had defeated in battle, it was truly nasty in Kayn's book, but most Saiyans thought otherwise.

"It's time to head out fellas, it's still high noon and the perfect time to train. Chi-chi, I'll leave this ship to you, if you can't handle it, then I'll send some little helpers over(Saibamen) to assist you."

"Uh, okay." Chi-chi nodded as Kayn walked over towards the group. She could see Gohan smiling amongst the grown men, he seemed happier these days. Chi-chi sighed and asked Gohan to come over and help her bring the food from the ship into the house; if they could fit it all inside.

"Actually, I'll send some little guys over, they'll help you build a large shack to store your food or something. Then, I can send some people out to rebuild your house to make it bigger with far more furniture and space."

"That would be great!" Chi-chi's eyes went wide from joy, this confirmed to her that Kayn was rich!

"Awe, I have to stay?" Gohan said in a downcasted tone.

"Gohan, your mom is pregnant, you can join us after you help her bring the food in. I'll bring some helpers over and quick as possible, you've met them before." Gohan knew "who" he was talking about, they should be of good use as helpers.

"Hmm, where are we going?" Goku wondered.

"To Kami's lookout." They still had yet to bring Dende to this planet to take Kami's place, so the Dragonballs were still trash.

"Alright, I'll take everyone. Everyone, all aboard!" Goku said jokingly. Kayn put his hand on Goku's shoulder and everyone else connected as well. Goku waved at Chi-chi before his face turned serious as he focused with his fingers on his forehead.


And just like that, they were gone...again.

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