Hello. My name is Miko. Well Miko Tenki. I was born in a world where 85% of the population have amazing supernatural abilities. The first case of this was a baby born with the ability to radeat light. Not long after hundreds of reports of people with super powers or "quirks" popped up around the globe. And with the rise of our superhuman goverment came the rise of villians. Not long after the uprising of heroes.
My quirk is called 'Weather Manipulation', meaning I can control the weather. My dad's quirk is 'rainy day' meaning he can make it rain on comand. My mom's is 'future gaze' she can see into the future. My family is nothing speshile. We're middle class. My mom is a phychic, my dad's a local weather man.
Since I was about three years old I've wanted to be a hero, like my hero All Might. Sadly he retired, and a new hero steped up to fill his shoes. That hero was Deku.
I was picked on and bullied for my parents. I was told the best I could be was a weather woman, or a farmer. It crushed my dreams, but I'm pretty stubarn so I didn't listen but I always had a sinking fealing those bullies were right. But I never gave up!