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Chapter 23: I Hate It That He's Watching Us

Ru Jin and the others found Min Ju and Han Lian in one of the glass cubicle.

There are only the two of them despite the glass room being big for 10 people. Han Lian have a shock expression on his face and a hint of exclamation escape his lips.

They cannot hear them but they can see them.

Min Ju looks neutral as she talk but Han Lian had the same expression.

Shock, excitement. That was he was feeling.

He never knew that Dragon would be a woman. A freaking woman!

"What? Can't a girl play games?" Min Ju playfully said and smirk.

"I didn't say that. I thought you're a man—we thought you're a man."

He said and turn to his computer. Min Ju also started playing.

Moving so fast as the wind killing the enemies in one single strike. Han Lian followed suit. Dragon always uses the same technique whenever they do the raiding.

She really is Dragon!

Meanwhile, three men sat on their seats working on their computer while the other one sat on a high seat on the second floor staring at the huge screen not far away from him.

"You still haven't found Dragon yet?"

"Boss, we cannot trace him."

"Proceed and keep searching."

The man rubbed the white kitten on his lap. Knitting his brows altogether.

It's been a year since he had

seen Dragon played after that International Online Gaming League.

"Boss! There's movement. Dragon is online! He's playing Soaring Darkness with Chaser!"

Chaser? I haven't seen him in a while. He must have hate me still for leaving the group and defeating them a year ago. He and the other members just like Dragon had not appeared on the game after for so long. They did not even appeared for the rewarding ceremony to retrieve their second place trophy, that's why Dragon and the others was forgotten in the gaming world and by the people who loves to watch them playing.

Now, both of them appeared? Are they going to enter the upcoming National Gaming League? If so, that would be interesting.

"Message Dragon now."


However, they would have never thought that their message would be rejected.

"Boss, he rejected it!"

"Keep messaging him until he finally gives in. I want him on my team, he's the only hope we had!"

"Yes, right away!"


"You're still the same. Always clearing everything." Han Lian spoke.

"I don't have money to spend diamonds here, you know that."

"Yeah, yeah. In the past, you always told us that you are so poor living abroad. That's why we always give you diamonds.However! Don't forget that you just buy a dozen of electronic devices and computers in one of the shop earlier! Who don't have money now?!"

"Just so you know, I wanted to slap all your faces with what I have." Min Ju look at him smugly and Han Lian scowl.

"How could you. You already kick my handsome face last night and you're saying you wanted to slap me?"

"That's different. That was for being an asshole to my friend." She sneered.

"I know the bet but I'm not a part of their game." Han Lian slump his shoulders.

He was there when his friends talk about their bet. If Ru Jin make Qin Wuxie fall for him and be his girlfriend for two years he'll get 5 million, plus be Su Mei's boyfriend. As far as Han Lian know, Su Mei has a secret sugar daddy. Helping Fu Huai trading company to soar.

He told Ru Jin about his girlfriend yet he didn't even believe him. Even confronting Su Mei in front of him to confess. But with one straight no of the girl, Ru Jin completely believe her without even investigating.

He had proof that day but Su Mei deflected that it was her father's business partner that she needed to accompany for lunch because her father was not around. What a liar. After that, Han Lian knew that Su Mei is being cautious. Because at that time, he was watching her every move.

Also, he tried warning Qin Wuxie but he was always getting block by his friends.

"Oh, right. I wanted to ask. How did you know I was Chaser?" He look at her straight in the eyes. And that's when he saw that her eyes are very beautiful and calming to look at.

"I saw you that day." Min Ju answered calmly. Not revealing the whole truth why she knows him. Truth be told, she first saw him when she hacked his camera, wanting to find out who was this vice captain that the captain trusted. At that time, Min Ju was still a member. She hacked all their computer camera, however, she cannot get through to the former captain named Ghost. So, she gave up.

"That day?"

"At the awarding ceremony a year ago." Min Ju focus herself in tapping the keyboard fast, eliminating all those she wanted to eliminate. Rejecting the messages that keeps popping up that really annoyed her.

"So you do came that day. Why didn't you showed up? And...refuse to receive the award trophy?"

This was the questions in Han Lian's mind.

"I want to ask the same thing. You were there and the other guys too. They even waste their time on coming to China but they didn't even climb the stage and receive the second place trophy." Min Ju execute her moves very flawlessly and a silver white light covered the entire screen.

Finally, she turn her head to look at Han Lian who was still staring at her intently.

"I asked you first so you should answer me."

Min Ju remain silent for a moment and then parted her lips, "Because it was a lose."

"When that bastard left our team you appointed me as the captain. You were the longest member and was closer to him but you didn't want to be captain. Instead, you turn to me. At that time, when the International Online Gaming League came up, I message Ghost that he'll regret leaving us. I said to him that we'll be number 1 but in the end we lost. Receiving that trophy will be a huge humiliation for me, especially when I saw that man smiling triumphantly."

It was a huge mistake for her in challenging him on who's going to be number one. It was a big humiliation that Min Ju endured. She love gaming and will always be. However, today, gaming is not the path she chose. It was music.

"But it was still great, right? We're so close. So close on reaching him."

Min Ju did not speak. She stood up and said, "Don't tell Ghost who I am." She warned.

"Why would he want to know the real life you? Hm?"

"Just saying. And I don't care if he wants to know who Dragon is. I hate it that he's watching us right now." She said storms off.


Who's the man? The Male Lead? or The Second Male Lead? or Just a supporting character??


Updates are only for weekdays. My weekends are study time.


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