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60% One Piece: The New King / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: A New Island

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: A New Island

It exists many kinds of ships in the world of One Piece, and most of them are designed base on the classic sail design. There are huge varieties, like the Caravel a small ship that is faster and agile due to its size, though fragile. The Going Merry was a caravel.

Galleon a large, multi-storied ship with armed cargo. The Dreadnaught Sabre was a galleon.

Cruise ship A luxury ship meant for passengers to enjoy a sea-based voyage. The Orbit (the ship where Sanji was a trainee chef) was a cruise ship.

Raft a small makeshift boat with logs of wood tied together. The first ship the Blackbeard Pirates had was a gigantic raft.

Ark ( a very large ship meant to carry a huge number of passengers, usually meant for salvation purposes. Maxim and Noah are both

Brig sloop a battleship that relies on the skills of the navigator. The Thousand Sunny is a brig sloop.[7]

Submarine a watercraft primarily designed to operate underwater, running on engines instead of sails for propulsion. The Polar Tang is a submarine.

The Ship Skylar and company are in is a Galleon. A big Ship the size of two football field long and armed with many cannonballs. From that, Skylar could tell that the blood pirates were rich. But when he entered their Treasury yesterday, he was stunned, these people were not simply rich, they had more money than small and medium-sized kingdoms.

Plus the Ship itself is pretty imposing so even dumb pirates would not attack us and would instantly turn away to flee on sight.

That's just the exterior part of the ship the interior is much more stunning. The Ship was some kind of have that only the designer of the ship could wander around without getting lost. Fortunately for a Haki user, it was impossible to get lost so that was no problem for Shin and Skylar.

Given all the things that the last owner had, why would he attack a small village? Skylar could only think of only one logical answer, Greed. Only Greed can be responsible, we won't be going in-depth with the subject yet.

Anyway, there were also many big rooms unused so Skylar decided that they would be for training. Staying in the most luxurious room of the Ship, Skylar slept like a little kid but still woke up early to start training.

After cleaning himself he went out and woke Shin up who was sleeping next door telling him to wake everyone up before he went to his personal training room.

Finishing his own training, he directly went to the training room number 1 ( there are 20 training rooms in total excluding his and Shin's personal training rooms ) where everybody was waiting for him.

He casually walked in and saw everybody standing in lines like new soldiers that are about to face their first time in the hell called training. And that was exactly what they were going to face.

According to Monkey D Garp the best way to train someone is to break and reconstruct them continuously.

By breaking them he means to make them go over their limits continuously before letting them rest for a brief period of time.

Thinking of that, Skylar intended to use that. He knew that if they trained the people recruited efficiently and push his ideologies inside their heads, he can have and army of strong and faithful soldiers.

That's why he decided not to go easy on them, but he will only do the first training as a demonstration and Barry will do the rest. Right now even if all of them gang up on him they would lose without even touching his clothes. So the training matter will be left to him after this first practice.

Skylar doesn't know if Barry could really be trusted but what can he do? He can only leave to him and inspect from time to time to see if they're slacking off or not. Plus he needs to improve himself and he even has his personal training space where he won't be disturbed, how can he not use it fully.

Seeing that everybody is present, Skylar standing in front of everyone said in a low voice [ Gravity ×2 ] and suddenly everyone present felt like an immense strength was pushing them down and they all fell on the floor.

Having eaten the space space fruit, Skylar can control everything existing within the space. From the big things to the smallest molecules existing he can control everything and gravity is just one of the things he can control. Of course he still can't control molecules, he just started training his devil fruit power.

Plus he still like close range fighting the most so he will continue training his body.

Seeing everybody on the floor and only Barry barely kneeling, Skylar sighed 'They are really weak' he thought. He only increase the gravity of the room twofold and these people could not even stand up.

"From today onward you will come to this room everyday, no delay will be allowed and severe punishment will be applied" he said looking at everyone

"You will also workout under this pressure, don't worry you will get accustomed to it so get your weak asses that can't even win against an normal marine up and start training" he said yelling the last part as if to motivate them

""""AYE SIR"""" they all yelled in unison getting up one by one and started to do the workout assigned by Skylar.

In the eyes of Soldiers the training is an painful but great experience. In just a weak they felt that they much stronger than before.

Eventhough Skylar is only making them do basic hand to hand fighting training it is still making them progress.

The basics are everything in Martial arts without it you can't progress smoothly in the higher levels. Skylar was going to make them train the basics of hand to hand fighting for the next three month anyway before letting everyone specialize themselves in different fighting styles.

He already gave Shin his Sword back and the latter's strength progressed quickly, plus Barry is controlling the training of others smoothly so he can rrlax and do his own training.

As for the the marine captain captured by Shin, Skylar sent him back to the nearest marine base and told to do a report on them. He really needed a big bounty to be able to attract many people into joining him.

He doesn't really need strong prople since he can just refine them from his group of soldiers. Plus those thst he refined and trained himself will be more faithful and won't betray him.

As for the two old leaders of the blood pirates, they must be dead by now since they sinked them while they were unconscious.

Inside his training room Skylar just finished his training and went up in the deck where they made a hige Throne for him. As he arrived there he thought 'finally after three weeks on the seas we are finally arriving at an island, Plus this land looks lively'.

After some preparations they finally went off the ship and set foot in Karate island.

Giving eveyone chores to do, Shin, Barry and Skylar went on their own way searching for something interesting to do.

Walking through the city they arrived in they discovered that it is quite bustling here, there stands everywhere and people are doing business gaining and spending money. They even notice the presence of strong individuals.

Walking around the city Skylar saw a place that interested him quite a bit noticing that Shin and Barry looked at what their boss to watching and saw Two big word on the door of a certain building { Kurogane Dojo }.

King_Otaku_Nd King_Otaku_Nd

This is the fourteenth chapter, hope you like it.

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