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33.33% The Family Change / Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Jimin's p.o.v

They all looked at me in shock, but also confusion. I looked down, because I expected this to happen. No one gets what I say, it's like what comes out is gibberish.

"You really want sister?" Yoongi looked at me with his caring soul. "Yes, yes I do." I said that with no happiness at all, only with the sound of, "I know what you are fixing to say is going to upset me" kind of way. "It would be cool having a sister to talk to, and besides, we would have a girl to protect." Hoseok said to the 3 of us, causing a smile to form on my face. "It would be cool to have one," Yoongi said, "but what if mom and dad disagrees on this?" I looked back down and played with my fingers. It was a very hard choice for all of us.

After a little while, we all talked about it and came up with a plan. It made me very happy to know we could agree on it together. "I'll try to talk to mom today and see if she is in a good mood," Yoongi says, "If it doesn't work, then one of y'all will have to talk to dad." I look at him confused. "What do you mean talk to dad?" Taehyung asked. "You know dad has a soft spot for us, you know he will do anything for us." Yoongi said, bringing my happiness up a little higher. Once he said that, the others nodded their heads, and left my room, only to have me and Yoongi in the room. "Don't worry Jimin," Yoongi said, "I will make sure you will get a sister, no matter what." He hugged me and I hugged him back. He then left the room to go back to his room.

Jin's p.o.v

I was starting to get a little nervous about the boys. They have been talking to Jimin for a while now. I put that worry aside and started to clean the kitchen after they ate and I ate. About 17 minutes later, I hear 2 pairs of feet running down the hall. I look in the hall to see hoseok and taehyung coming out of Jimin's room and went in their rooms to play. (Should I ask the boys what happened? Nah, I'll let Yoongi do it.)

When I finished cleaning the kitchen, I went into the living room to see what Namjoon was doing. "Hey," I said to Namjoon. "Hey. What's wrong, you look worried." I took a deep breath, trying to relax, and sat next to him. "It's the boys..." I quietly said. "What about the boys?" "Jimin.... he won't talk to me...and I told the boys to go talk to him. Only hoseok and Taehyung came out of his room, but I told Yoongi to tell me what happened." I look down at the floor as he rubs my back. "Hey, don't worry, if Yoongi has it in the bag, then you're ok." I sighed and put on a weak smile. "You might be right." "Might be??? I'm always right." We both start laughing.

It was night time and I sat in the living room for a while and watched comedy with Namjoon. I started to fall asleep on Namjoon, when I started to the kids yelling. "Oh my, what is it now?" Namjoon pauses the tv and looks at me. "I don't know, but I know that it's Taehyung and hoseok." I sigh, get up, and go to see what's the problem.

As I'm walking to their room, I check to see Jimin and Yoongi. I haven't heard a peep from them, so I was getting worried. I peaked through the door to see the two sleeping together in jimin's bedroom. I smiled and went in the bedroom. I went over to them and tucked them into the covers and kissed them goodnight before I turned the lights off.

I continued to walk down the hallway. I opened hoseok's door to see animals everywhere and pillows were on the floor. "What in the hebber gebbers of hereditarily is going on in here?!" Both of the boys looked at me, took their hands off of each other, and looked down with sorrow. "hoseok took the best role of our role play!" Taehyung whined. "What's the part?" I ask hoseok. "We were playing pirates and I chose to be captain, but Taehyung got mad." Hoseok rolled his eyes at Taehyung. "I want to be captain too though!" Taehyung makes a pouty face. "Well," I started to say, trying to think of something for him to be that is cool and fun. "You could be the captain's assistant!" Taehyung looked at me confused. "The captain's assistant? What do they do?" "They...uh...they help the captain out by telling the when a ship is attacking and if the captain needs help with something, the assistant would help." A smile formed on his face. "Ok! Thanks mom!" I smile and the boys continue to play pirates as I head back into the living room.

"Was the monsters tamed?" Namjoon ask when I come into the living room. "Haha yeah. Taehyung wanted to be captain, but hoseok was already captain, so I told him he could be his assistant." Namjoon smiled and I sat next to him. "You like doing this?" He asks me. "What?" "Being a parent. Watching your kids have fun, get hurt, get mad, etc." I nod and lean my head on his shoulder, soon or later falling asleep.

Yoongi's p.o.v

When I woke up the next day, I saw that I was still in jimin's bedroom, but somehow was in the covers. (Mom must've came in and tucked us in.) I got up gently, trying not to wake up Jimin, and went back to my room.

As I walk into my room, I hear someone call my name.

"Hey yoongi, did you get some good sleep?" I turn around to see it was Jin and I nodded. "I did. How did you sleep?" He smiles and hugged me. "I slept good. Now," he said as he got on his knees, "tell me what happened yesterday, what did Jimin tell you?" I look down and frown. "Is it something bad?" I shake my head. "No sir, it's just, I don't know how you would feel about it." He had a weak smile and lifted my chin. "It's ok, just tell me." I sighed and told him, "Jimin wants another sibling." He was a little shocked. "And..." "he doesn't want it to be a boy?" He looked at me confused face. "He wants it to be a girl."


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