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Chapter 10: First class and shocking battle

I quickly when back to my room to write a letter to the Tonks. Hopefully, they already move my new family out of site. I get my books ready for class. On the way, I meet my cousins Paul and Saul making there to the classroom. Hey guys what did the Madame Pomfrey have to say? They tell me there good and we keep going to class. I told them that a teacher will take them to get there thing after school over for the day. Be careful when you out there I said to them. Looking around for the Professor all I see is a cat. I see Harry he was sitting trying not to laugh at me for looking for the Professor.

(Harry) "I was trying not to laugh at Roman. It is too funny to know that the Professor was in the room and he didn't know" Hey Roman what are you looking for?

I was looking for Professor McGonagall. I want to thank her for the help she gave my cousins. What so funny? "Then it hit me that Professor McGonagall was an Animagus." I look back at the cat and said, good morning Professor. We hear a loud noise as Ron came running in the classroom.

(Professor McGonagall) "It never fell that some students will be late for class." Transforming back to my human for I stand in front, Mr.Wesley. I see you're late for class Mr. Wesley can you tell me why?

(Ronald Wesley) I lost my way Professor it won't happen again.

(Professor McGonagall) See that it doesn't Mr. Wesley. I transfigure my desk into a pig and then back again while explaining how Transfiguration itself is some of the most complex and dangerous magic to be learned, and anyone who will get caught messing around with it will have to banned from the class. I want you to transfigue matches into needles.

"I had fun in Transfiguration class. History of Magic was boring. I did have fun in Charms and herbology. Defense Against the Dark Arts was going to be good. I had made up my mind to blast the Professor with my Purificacionem spell. When I hear fighting and yelling in the hallway."

<<<<Few hours Before>>>>

(Mad-Eye) "I was not happy when I got Dumbledore's owl. I was in the middle of getting Peter Pettigrew ready for court." Hello there Professor what was the big hurry for me to come? I came out of the Floo Network looking at him for some answers.

(Professor Dumbledore) We have a problem Alastor and it couldn't wait. It has been brought to attention that one of my teachers has been Possessed by a dark soul. I want you to handle it as fast as possible.

(Mad-Eye) I get on it witch Professor is it? Do I need back up?

(Professor Dumbledore) It is Professor Quirrell, he was the one pointed out by Mr. Black.

(Mad-Eye) I call in for back up just in case. "I sent an owl back to headquarters and head to where Professor Quirrell's class"

<<<<Back to the Present>>>>

"I was in shock looking at the two wizard fighting in the classroom. Watching them casting curses and protective spells. I can feel my blood boiling with excitement. Moving to get a better view and stat out of the way I see who is fighting. It was the Auror Mad-Eye Moody and Professor Quirrell. I got the feeling to cast my spell to help out the Mad-Eye. Seeing Professor Dumbledore nearby I head over to ask him if i should help." Professor, do you think I should help him?

(Professor Dumbledore) No, I think you should wait and see how it goes Roman. Alastor is a professional and he knows what he's doing. Why did you ask if you should help?

Well, Professor when I get around dark magic my magic acts up and hard to control. I have got better at controlling it but he has a lot of dark magic. So it makes me uncomfortable being near him. That 's why I told you about him so I didn't have an uncontrolled magical discharge.

(Professor Dumbledore) Will affect Alastor? What is your range of the spell?

I can do it from here but it takes all of my magic and I will be tried afterward. I can cover the whole classroom if I do that. No, it should not affect him, but it will break any curses on him. So do you want me to cast the spell?"He says yes and I get myself ready for the spell. There a lot of people around I just hope they don't too close." Purificacionem a bright light comes out of my wand and covers some of the hall and all of the classroom.

(Daphne Greengrass) What was that spell and why did it make such a bright light? Draco I'm talking to you hello. "I look at Draco waiting for an answer but he is in shock at what happened."

(Mad-Eye) Who did that? What's going on here Dumbledore?" Then I heard screaming? Looking back at my opponent I see dark smoke rising up from his body forming a soul. To my shock, I recognize the soul by his looks and voice. Voldemort, now I'm really worried. After Quirrell stop screaming he lays there passed out."

(Professor Dumbledore) Hello, Tom nice to see you again. "He looks at me then leaves thought the wall not wanting to face me in his current form." Ok, children please report to your respective houses and wait for further instructions. You head of house will address you soon.

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