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50% Harry Potter: Discarded Life / Chapter 7: A Troll & Oni

Chapter 7: A Troll & Oni

*Bzzt!* Christian fired a current of electricity from his wand. No spell, just raw magic converted over. As the light flared around him, it made Alex think of Palpatine. Not wanting to appear useless, Alex converted his arms to be covered in living metal.

*Creen!* The spell was quick and easy. One of the first ones he mastered. It did not originate in Harry Potter how ever so he needed to chant a little in case any wandering ears were about.

"Carne di metallo." Alex said. With a flex of his hand, everything was in working order. The strength of steel combined with the flexibility of rubber. "When going to the muggle world, we should totally catch up on the collection of comics."

"Already on it. Paid a courier to send the stuff when the first break starts." Christian sent the lighting towards the Trolls leg. It split into multiple strands as it moved. Burrowing a few inches deep causing it to rage. "I mean it is not like we have family to visit."

"Ok Sith Lord!" Alex said. Turning back, he watched as the Oni swung again. "Hah!" With his left arm turned to metal, he smacked against the blade and rode the momentum back. "Stupefy!" Alex flicked his wand and sent the blast towards the Oni's head.

*Pat!* The Oni rocked its head to the side and looked at Alex upset.

*Tap!* Landing on his feet against the wall, Alex pushed off and went back at the Oni. Wand waving in his hand as he insta cast.

*Pat, pat, pat, pat!* Several more Stupefy went out. The Oni's resistance was quite strong.

"Oohh oh!" It howled and charged at Alex with a fist raised this time. Alex jumped back and rolled to the side. He would not meet a charge with a charge. Not with the strength it showed and the cast time of his spells needed to be taken into account. "Ha ha ha!" It laughed as it cornered its prey.

"Crack!" The Oni's fist hit the wall as Alex sidestepped out the way. He moved only a few inches as he needed to be close for his next few spells.

His wand touched against the wall and pulled the concrete as if it were Play-Doh. Wrapping it quickly around the Oni, he pulled a little more of the now flexible stone to help bind it even more. Alex used his next spell quickly, now that the Oni was in place. He left the sword arm alone to see if he could get it in a bad position even further.

"Rah!" The Oni swung the sword at Alex and cut across the wall and down.

*Sccrrrch!* The blade scraped a gash all the way to Alex who ducked just a bit. It did cut his brow a little. Blood dripped into his clothing. Arms crisscrossed above him, Alex reached for the end of the blade with his magic and wrapped it up as well. Alex was happy the sword was slightly struck. But only by a few inches.

A bout of fatigue came over him from the distance just then. The enchanted stone of Hogwarts was fighting against his spells.

Hand grabbing the Oni's arm he made a little eye contact with it. "Shocking Grasp!" Fingernails in one hand digging in and wand touching a few feet apart, he unleashed the spell.

"Bzzzzzt!" A few hundred lines of magical electricity flowed back and forth. In a matter of seconds a brand formed out of singed flesh.

"Groooo!" The Oni howled in pain. The cry was short but powerful as Alex's felt blood drip out of his nose. The Oni's entire body bulged and grew in strength from adrenaline or something else. Alex was not an expert on the creature.

*Crack!* The Oni freed itself with unnatural strength. As if on reflex alone, it smashed the unsuspecting Alex into the ground.

*Crash!* Alex back folded into the floor. Instantly his protection spell was destroyed and his back hurt something fierce. A few bones were in places they shouldn't be. His left leg just looked wrong.

*Woom, woom!* The blood from his nails sunk into Alex. Spells that were inscribed on his fingertips were already at the work. The fingernails had the spell to help steal information from his target. Coupled with Linguistic Understanding, Magical Siphon's ability, and a few other spells, he took the language in instantly.

"Uggg!" Groaning from the pain was all he could do. Blood filled his throat and mouth. His ability went off with a mere thought. His back was healed instantly and his brain no longer rattled. 'Yeah need a spell to dull pain just a little more. So many combinations to try. so much time to try them.' Getting up, he looked at the Oni a tad bit upset. The smash was devastating and would have crippled him easily, with out the protection spell on his clothes death would have been in minutes. "Ugh I might kill you by mistake now."

"You.. can.. speak Oni?" The Oni looked at him. Alex just smirked and flicked his wand. "What are you.."

*Boom!* A blast sent the Oni into the wall. It still had the effects of Alex's previous spell. *Warble!* The wall moved like a ripple but still caused the Oni to feel some pain. It spat some spit out on impact.


-Over with Christian-


Christian ducked inside and watched as the Troll followed him. It smashed the entrance with ease and looked around. Seeing the first stall door move a little, it swung the club crashing downward.

*Wham!* The door and nearest toilet were destroyed instantly. It even took a part of the wall for the next stall with it.

"You are a rude thing!" Christian said as he walked to the remainder of the stall. "Sigh, it will be so difficult breaking you in." Wand raised up, and he used the first spell he had ready. "Befuddle!"

*Boop, boop, boop!* The yellow magic flowed out of his wand and hit the Troll.

"Waaa?" The troll looked around confused. It started to swing wildly for a moment in agitation.

Realizing that was a bad idea, Christian looked at the spilling water on the floor. With a flick of his wand, he splashed the troll in the face ending its confusion. "Waaaa?" Still, with the dumb look on its face, the troll tried to squish Christian.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" With a flick of his wand, and a pull towards its foot, the Troll fell back and hit its head on the opposite side sink.

"Okay now where are you Hermoine!?" Christian yelled. Running straight to the last one, he was happy she was at least looking at the floor underneath. Better than huddled in a corner. "We need to go."

"What are you doing here?!" Hermoine asked surprised. She already moved with Christian to leave the bathroom at least. "Ah, my wand!" Hermoine stopped and reached into the stall she was previously in.

"Saving your butt." Christian smirked. He turned back to see the Troll already getting up. "Shit! Should have got rid of the club first. Get in while I think of something."

Christian pushed her into the stall and crouched low.

"Raaah!" The Troll yelled angrily. Scrambling on the floor, the two moved furthur back into the last stall.

*Crash!* The Troll bashed the stalls and went after Christian and Hermoine. They were in the last stall preparing a spell. Well, Christian was, Hermoine was a tad bit freaked out. Not every day you see to monstrous creatures like this.

*Smack!* Christian smacked her across the face to get her attention. He did not want to die here of all places.

"Ok so you blind it and I will bind it. Understand?" Christian went over the plan again. "Hermoine, I came to get you to help take care of them. Not die here. If you cant do this spell, I will escape on my own."

"Right.. right." Hermoine answered. She grabbed her wand and got ready. She was shaking like a leaf. Which was to be expected. She was a child, whereas Alex and Christian were Adults now kids. They had been through a lot in their World and the bodies Rowling placed for them, had been as well.

"Ok it is getting closer... duck." Christian ducked down and hoped she did the same. If not, she was a goner.

*Crash!* The Troll smacked the stall they were in to pieces.

*Thunk!* Its club was stuck in the wall now.

*Crumble, crumble!* Trying to pull it free did not work.

"Luminate!" Hermoine yelled. Instantly a light enveloped the room. "Ah!" Christian grabbed her as he ran past the Troll which caused her to scream.

"Raahh!" The Troll bellowed as it was blinded. Christian sent a small blast of concentrated magic at the back of its legs. "Uwwwu." It cried as it bent back and fell.

"Petrify!" Christian yelled. Slowly, a thin layer of concrete formed over the Trolls legs and belly. It would not turn it to stone completely, but enough to slow it down and wear it down some more. "Ok.. ha..ha.. oh crap I am tired. Hope I have enough.. ha.. for this next spell."

"We should run." Hermoine said. Seeing Christian shake his head no, she was puzzled why not. "Come on!"

"Go ahead. The way should be clear." Christian said. "I doubt that Oni took out Alex. Run to your dorm room and if anyone asks, you saw nothing."


"No buts. If you can't fight, then run. There is no shame in surviving." Christian smirked. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a vile. Inside was a green liquid as well as a few particulates. "Bottoms up!"

"Stupefy!" Hermoine yelled and pointed at the down Troll's head. She put almost everything she had into it. Not looking at her handy work, Hermoine sprinted to the exit.

"Pat!!" The Troll head lobbed to the side and it looked damn near lobotomized as it hit the floor. Christian smiled and finished his chant.

"Bind and leave only a shadow behind!.. Falsa esistenza! (False Existence) I need to think Alex for this spell later."

*Woom wooom!* Out of his wand, a green and brown light traveled over the Troll. Slowly bumps appeared and popped off its body. It then turned and gathered into a giant mass. An exact copy of the troll appeared. Almost anyway. The color was off slightly.

I need to stop slacking on increasing my magic pool." Christian spent a little to much with the others having fun. As well as taking care of the magical creatures he already acquired. "Haaa cant let Alex know about this. He will give me a speech about how deadly this place is. Then again.. he is really the only one getting into trouble."

Christian caught his breath and went about removing the Trolls clothes. If it didn't stink so bad, he would not have had so much trouble.




"Fog!?" Hermoine said. She stepped into a large cloud of fog or mist. She could not really tell. "Alex, where are you?"

*Bwoop!* A path opened leading down the hallway. Seeing it was an exit and not hearing anything else, Hermoine left to get help. No way would she leave Christian to fight the creature by himself. Since he said Oni as well, she did not want to leave Alex alone with it either.

As soon as she made it out, the area changed again. Slowly the corridor was covered in a denser fog that blocked one's eyesight completely and was thicker than quicksand. "K have 4 minutes till someone arrives."

*Woosh!* Instantly Alex turned into a large snake. He could see, unlike the Oni thanks to the use of his spell. He moved across the ground quickly and wrapped around its legs.

*Crack!* From the strength of his coil, the floor cracked a bit. The side of his underbelly was hard for some reason. Almost armored even.

"Ooohh!" The Oni howled like a monkey. It would not go down without fighting however. "Ohh ohh!" It hands grabbed at Alex's midsection. Trying to get a good grip, was more difficult than the creature thought. Alex kept moving as he continued to coil around it.

"Hisss!" Alex could feel his blood boiling. His instincts telling him to crush the life out of the creature. Crush the life out of his captured prey. But he resisted it. Now that he had done the transformation himself, he could feel the control it gave to him. If he hadn't fought it so much, he would have never have to go through the aches and pains before. Something to think about later.

"Not.. want.. die.." The Oni said. Alex had coiled around to its front and had been staring at the Oni in the eyes. He kept his gaze even with it. A bit of pity flashed in Alex's eye before he dismissed it. "Please.. no.. kill."

Alex gave a nod before tightening his hold around its neck. Somehow he knew just the length to hold it to cause it to faint and not die. *Thunk!* Dropping the Oni completely on the ground, he changed back and started the next step.

The leathered clothes were removed and the weapon was pulled to the side. Seeing the naked creature, Alex paused. His nostrils flared as dark magic left the Oni and entered him via his tear ducts. It was a protection charm he had set up on his body. It should not have activated just then. Something he would need to work on later.

*Fwish, fwish!* With a wave of his wand, the Oni was duplicated into two. Unlike Christian, the creature was an exact copy. *Woom!* With another flick of his wrist the Oni was pulled into a small pocket dimension. The duplicate however was left out, as Alex used magic to dress it.

"What a weird thing you are. Your breasts are so flipping massive to. You could feed a nursery with those puppies." He thought it was a guy before. Alex just stared at the Oni breasts. He wanted milk really badly now. As well as some cookies. "Eh what the hell is wrong with me?!"

He would have been even more surprised that his eyes changed to a snakes briefly when he thought of milk.

"Yoh you finished out here?" Christian called.

"Yeah." Alex pulled the fog in by taking a deep breath. "Haaa!" Quickly the entire area was devoid of the fog. All that was left were the signs of battle and a down Oni. "Ah, my clothes spell is messed up. Alex's clothes were facing backwards on his body. With a simple flick of the wand, it was taken care of. "Much better. So you fixed the bathroom?"

"Pft hell no. Man, I am tired. I think I ate to much earlier." Christian smiled. "Are you going to fix.. the.. never mind." Slowly Alex was waving his wand and muttering a few spells. He looked exhausted but kept on going anyway. "So you didn't have it easier either?"

"Hmm, it was fun. But killing would have made things easier. I do not recommend getting hit by the things." Turning, Alex pointed his wand at the crater his body made and fixed it. "Really need to upgrade my defense spells already."

"Yeah..." Christian shook his head and smiled at the Oni. To study one would be amazing. He couldnt wait to get started. But before he could think on it anymore, the teachers came around the corner with Ron, Hermoine, Harry, and surprisingly Draco. Seeing the angry McGonagall, Christian nudges Alex. "Hi.. you see.."

"Headmaster's office.. now!" Professor McGonagall said. "All of you!"

"Welp with that attitude, you can fix this stuff yourself." Alex stopped his spell weaving and walked over to Draco. "What's shaking homie?"

"Homie? What does that mean?" Draco asked.

"Hah, it means friend. Why are you out here?" Alex asked as they walked. They were escorted by Professor Flitwick. The Dwarf did however keep looking back at the down Oni. "So Christian how much trouble do you think we will get in for saving our fellow students lives?"

"Oh trouble... nah we should be fine." Christian answered with a smile. He was wrong. Very wrong.

FrozenTide FrozenTide

Alexander Slytherin Ravenclaw II

Abilities: Linguistic Understanding, Controlled Regeneration, Magical Syphon

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