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47.05% Alexander Prince - Half Blood Potter / Chapter 16: The Sorting

Chapter 16: The Sorting

As we enter the doors we look around to see four different tables. One for each house is my guess. I hear Ron telling some other first year that he was told that to sort them they would wrestle a troll. Hmph how gulliable do you have to be to believe that. No matter how awesome that would be! Bookworm is telling some other person how she read that the ceiling is enchanted and read it in Hogwarts: A History.

"Harry. No matter what house we get into I want you to know you can come to me for anything."

"I know that Alex."

"Good also I would like you to try and befriend that Teddy Bear kid"

"You mean Neville. Why?"

"He reminds me of you. He seems to be really down on himself and lacking confidence, though I don't know why. He could probably use a good friend to pick him up when he is down."

"Alright I'll try and befriend Neville" I chuckle and I pat him on the shoulder

Well it's not everyday you see a old dirty hat being put on a stool and then have the thing sing to you. I can't remember the lyrics because I honestly found them horrid enough to block them from my memory immediately. Even if others in the room clapped to the song.

"Alright when I call your name come up and i'll put the sorting hat upon your head and you will be sorted" Said McGonagall. She unfolds a scroll "Abbot, Hannah" A timid girl walks up to the hat "HUFFLEPUFF!" There was cheering. The list went on "Granger, Hermione" oh bookworm if up. Seems to be taking a little while "GRYFFINDOR!" "Longbottom, Neville" Another Gryffindor, I thought he would be a puff honestly. "Malfoy, Draco" the hat barely touched his head before yelling Slytherin and he looked so smug about it.

"There hasn't been a witch or wizard that has gone bad who wasn't from Slytherin" Said Ron

"I disagree. Dork Lord Moldy Shorts recruited not only from Slytherin but also from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and it is said that his right hand man was actually a Gryffindor" Some people gapped at my rewording of Voldemort, others giggled.

"W-what that can't be true. No Gryffindor would ever go dark!" I shrug. If he want's to be in denial go ahead.

"Potter, Harry" Murmers started going around the room about how it really was Harry Potter and etc etc. Harry has the hat put on his head. It took almost five minutes before the hat finally decided on Gryffindor.

"Prince, Alexander" oh it's my turn now. The muggleborn students began whispering about me now, I am a bit famous in the muggle world. I take out my Hawthorn wand "Scourgify" I say pointing at the hat and voila it's clean

"Mmm why thank you. It's been a long time since someone had the decency to clean me" Said the hat

"No problem. I just didn't want a dirty hat to sit on my head."

I sit down and the hat was put on my head.

"Well well this is interesting indeed. Oh you have a lot in here and also a lot of darkness. Last time I saw someone with this much darkness in them he ended up doing terrible things. Maybe I should tell"

I smirk "You can't tell anyone."

"What makes you think that?"

"Simple. If you could tell then Moldy Shorts would have been stopped before he could do anything bad. Not to mention you can see into my head. You know that I have very little interest in ruling the wizarding world. In fact my darker side in only for my enemies and those who harm my family and friends, well other than the work I do with Luthor, Deathstroke, and Talia. That is just business. But again I only make the plans and gather the intel. I have no real desire to lead or conquer."

"Smart yes. A trait of a Ravenclaw. You are right I can't tell anyone what I find in another's mind. Let's see here. Loyalty yes you have it but only for those you deem worthy of it plus with your tendencies you may not do will with the puffs. Ravenclaw mm yes you are smart and you love to learn but you learn for power and to relieve boredom not for knowledge sake. Or perhaps Gryffindor. Oh you have a lot of bravery more so than a lot of people but you also think you wouldn't be good there due to your criminal activities yes they may look down at that and shun you. And Slytherin oh yes cunning and ambition you have a great deal"

"Oh let's face it. The only qualification for Slytherin house seems to be pure blood. Cunning and ambition only applies to the half bloods."

"Oh and what makes you think that?"

"Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy. I may have only had a brief encounter with them but they are neither cunning or ambitious. Crabbe and Goyle have as much cunning as this stool I am sitting on and the truly ambitious won't take orders from some pampered brat. As for Malfoy I have no doubt he THINKS he is cunning but he has very little. A cunning person wouldn't pick a fight in a room that outnumbered him. As for ambition I think he has his head too far up his daddies ass to even have his own ambition."

The hat openly laughs making the hall wonder what is going on "Oh then where do you think you should go?"

"Slytherin of course."

"Oh but won't that alienate you from your brother?"

"Not really. Some may say a truly cunning slytherin could hide among another house but I think the opposite. I think a truly cunning slytherin can be in Slytherin but convince everyone else that you, the sorting hat, made the wrong choice. Imagine them saying 'Why is he a Slytherin when he is so nice he should have been a gryffindor'. Outside the house I can be the perfect little student and make them like me despite being a slytherin and in Slytherin I can be the king who let's out his other side that the other houses can not see."

"I see. Well then there is only one place I can put you SLYTHERIN!" he yells out the last part and slytherins, ravenclaws, and a few puffs clap for me. Harry claps for me at Gryffindor table though he looks a little surprised I wasn't in Gryffindor with him. I smile reassuringly at him before I walk over to the Slytherin Table.

Once I sit down I have a large steamy muffin in my hand. One girl, i think was called Tracy Davis mentions it "Where did you get the muffin?"

I look down at the muffin and shrug "Muffin button"

"There's no such thing as a muffin button!" another girl beside Tracy exclaim. I'm pretty sure her name was Daphne Greengrass.

"Maybe Hogwarts likes me and gave me the muffin?" I say shrugging before I began eating the muffin which cause some exasperated looks on my fellow first years faces. Ron got sorted into Gryffindor and the last kid Blaise Zabani got sorted into Slytherin by the time I finished my muffin.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts!" Said a very old hippy with a long white beard up at the head table. I am sure that is Albus Dumbledore. If I wasn't positive I would get expelled for doing so I would punch him in the face for leaving Harry at the Dursleys. "Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you. Let the feast begin" With a flourish of his hands the tables were filled with foods.

"Could I get some chocolate milk?" A large glass of cold chocolate milk appears before me "Thank you" I could almost hear the house elf cry.

"So you are from the Prince household?" Asked one of the students. I nod

"I thought they were all dead"

"Well if they were I wouldn't be here."

"Are you a half blood?" said a girl

I shake my head "No technically I am a pure blood"

"How can you technically be a pure blood?" Asked another student

"Well a pure blood is any witch or wizard with two sets of wizarding grandparents, which I have, but my mother is a squib and my father is a pureblood" Many of my housemates sneered when they heard my mother was a squib.

"Then you are counted as a half blood not a pure blood. Hmph dare claiming to be a pure blood with a squib as your parent." I merely smile but inside I was filled with icy rage. Now there are two types of rage in my book. Boiling rage which is explosive, violent, and destructive. Then there is Icy rage which is calculating, plotting, vengeful.

A long tongue darts out from my sleeve and snatches a piece of sausage. "What was that?" Asked Tracy

"Oh that's just my familiar. Come on out Envy" From within my sleeve crawled a light yellow puffskein happily chewing on a sausage.

"Your familiar is a puffskein? Hah that's so pathetic!" Oh shouldn't have said that. Envy changes into a Black Mamba and hisses at the boy who mocked it. She would have launched herself too if I didn't talk to her through our link and hold her tail. I must say it terrified those around us though

"Envy isn't a puffskein. Envy is an Amalgi"

"What is an Amalgi?" Daphne asked

"It's an extinct species. Envy is the very last of it's kind. They can become anything they eat. Such as the Puffskein and this Black Mamba. It's ok Envy. Go on have another sausage" Envy hisses then turns into a puffskein again nabbing another sausage.

"So you feed it a puffskein and a snake?" Draco spoke up sounding incredulous. I think this is the first time he has even looked at me since the train. I guess Envy is much too interesting to ignore.

"Yes and no. Amalgi don't need to eat the whole creature just part of one. Such as puffskein fur or a black mambas scale. Then they extract the essence from the material and reproduce the creature the essence belonged too. I should warn you though that Envy doesn't mimic appearances but rather becomes what it turns into so it does have all the venom of a real black mamba."

"That sounds dangerous" Said Tracy looking a little nervously at Envy despite him being in the form of a fluffy puffskein

"Oh the Royal Amalgi are dangerous. Oh yes there are two types of Amalgi. The normal ones can only gain one trait of something they eat. Such as if they at a black mamba scale they would only be able to grow scales. A Royal Amalgi can take the form and traits of the entire creature. The first Royal Amalgi was so dangerous that ancient wizards exterminated the entire race of Amalgi"

"But if they were exterminated by Ancient Wizards then how do you have one" Asked Blaise Zabani

"Oh well. That's a secret" I say before nibbling on a piece of sausage myself. Conversation died about there which is good since the food vanished.

"Ahem. Just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. First years should note that the forbidden forest is forbidden" That seems rather obvious right? "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, our caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. Finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death." Seriously?! This is a school right? I can't be the only one who thinks having a floor, where if you walked into it by accident, you could die in should NOT be allowed in a school full of children.

Oh the school song. Another thing I need to block immediately from my mind oh look it's gone! "Ah music a magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!" Yep I am 100% Sure this old man is off his bloody rocker! Whatever he is smoking needs to be taken away and banned.

As we are guided to our common rooms one of the fifth years comes up and pushes me with his shoulder. He is an ugly bastard with crocked teeth and everything "You the ones sayin you is a pureblood. Bah a bastard son born of a squib has no right to be a pureblood let alone be in Slytherin" I Smirk a bit and smile a bit dumbly at the boy. He huffs then storms off. Now the others don't seem to want much to do with me seeing me as weak but oh they have no idea what they are dealing with! Tracy, Daphne, Nott, and Blaise all come over and help me up off the floor though. I guess I can count on them. Malfoy looks a bit smug thinking I am being put in my place. Oh if only they saw the viciousness in my eyes. Maybe they would act differently...

ShadowRose13 ShadowRose13

I know I have a lot of 'Adult language' in this fanfic. Is my warning notice right or do I have to change it? I might have to change it later on.

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