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Chapter 4: Introduction of Gifts

My legs hurt from walking, this guys are able to walk for a whole day, are you kidding me?

"You seemed worned out Mikael"

"No, I'm fine, no problem Edward"

Yeah, no way I'm fine we've been walking for a whole day, the sun's setting, what kind of legs do you guys even have?

"Let's rest for now, it's getting dark anyways"

Thank you for speaking Daenerys!


We've set camped for the night.

"Well then, time to set up some fire"

"I'll chop up some wood then"

Edward bringed out his axe, his axe had a red crimson color,like blood. It seemed it was really important to him.


Status effect: Strenght enhanced

Endurance enhanced

Bonus effect: Vitality enhanced

Weapon type: Assault

Breathes in


He's strenght is really impressive

"Hahaha here you go Mikael"


"Then I'll start looking for food"

Wait, what? Daenerys actually looked for our food, she went out and hunt. She took her bow and she went right away. I thought she was just someone who had a royal blood vibe. I guess looks can be decieving huh..

We waited for Daenerys to comeback

"Whats with Daenerys?"

"Ahhh, well I don't think I can tell you this, but let's just say she doesn't talk to much"

Yeah, I already know that, thanks for that Edward, a really reliable information.

"Hahahaha it seems you're unsatisfied with my answers"

It seems you're a mind reader now.

"She's actually from a royal bloodline"

See I knew it, don't underestimate an Otaku like me!

"They left Daenerys in care of father Heith to protect her"

"She's really kind in her own way"

Now that's pretty sad. Her parents left her huh...I guess it's for her own good, but protect her from what?

Well that's enough for now.

"I see"

Edward just smiles, turns away, and looks at the campfire.

"Sorry for waiting"

Holy crap, she's actually good at hunting.

"Three rabbits for each one of us, nice job Daenerys! You've hunt extra too for tommorow huh.."


We cooked it on the campfire and we've waited for it to get cooked.

Somehow it's really tasty, I guess because the meat was fresh, or because it was because of Daenerys.

Well enough thinking for the day, we have another death march tommorow, my legs hurt anyways.

Hmm...What's this? It's really warm..

I've woken up and saw Daenerys healing my legs

Spell: Heaven's Hand

Effects: Restores endurance and health

"I knew it, your legs were hurt"


"Hahahaha, Mikael you should have said you couldn't walk, I could've carried you"

Yeah right, you're strong allright, damn that strong body of yours.


"It's alright, now it should be good"

"Thanks Daenerys"

She looks away and seemed flustered

"No...No problem"

"Hahahaha, Daenerys what's with that reaction"

"No-none of your business"

She went ahead and lay down and she slept.

Morning arises, we've got another journey ahead of us.

We've set out, got ready and we went ahead to continue our journey. With the leftovers last night

"This is still tasty, awesome!"

"Hahahaha, I know right!"

Finally after a long journey, we've arrived at the city of Paradius.

It excites me to see people, people with cat ears, tails and other demi-humans!

This place is an actual heaven for Otaku's

I guess this is really an another world, where demons and other races co-exist.

Wow, what a big building this is. An actual castle!?

This is a school for paladins huh...

We've arrived on the lobby and a lady talked to us. Greyish hair, dog ears and glasses? I'm guessing she is a teacher here.

"Greetings new students from the church of father Heith, he informed me that three gifteds will join us"


"Hahaha yes, nice to meet you teacher!"

"He...hello there"

"Now don't be shy and follow me inside"

There's alot of people here, it's so damn crowded. I guess it's not just us that was tasked to save the world. I wonder if I'll see another cross worlder like me.

Some small lady with a long coat came out from the back of the stage and she started a speech.

"Greetings gifteds!, I am your principal and one of the gaurdians, Marie Frey"

She's tiny but seems really powerfull, now for sure, if I talked to her knowing she's a kid I'm dead for sure.

Well I'm kinda nervous.

"Everyone here is one of the chosen that will save the world and free the world from Estrarossa"

"From this day forward, you shall live here until you graduate and become renowed Paladins of Paradius"

"Goodluck and may Aether guide us"

After that speech, the teachers and upperclassmen guided us to our rooms, I guess women and men's room are separated.

"I guess we'll see you tommorow Daenerys"

"Ye-yeah, see you tommorow"

"Hahaha, don't be sad Daenerys, you'll see us tommorow anyways"

She's really shy I guess.

"Shu-shut up"

"Here you are, this is your room"

"Thanks alot, teacher!"

This is a really good room, it has alot of space on it and it seemed really high classed.

The bed's really soft and bouncy, I could sleep here for a whole day.

"Hahaha, this is a nice bed, right Mikael?"

"Yeah, well then goodnight Edward"

"Yeah goodnight, I wonder if Daenerys is allright"

"She's probably shy to talk to her room mate anyways"

"Yeah, I could see that situation very well"

"Hey Mikael, wake up allready!"

"Ye-yeah five minutes more please"


"That hurts you idiot"

"Hahaha I know, stop sleeping and let's get ready"

Yeah yeah, enough already, guess I'll go and get ready then.

Our uniforms are already here huh.., guess they prepared it very well.

"You look good Mikael"

"I know right, you also look good Edward"

"Hahaha thanks!"

"Well we should go now and eat"

On the way to the cafeteria, we saw Daenerys walking all by herself.

"Hey goodmorning, Daenerys"

"Go-goodmorning Mikael"

"Hahaha you seem alone Daenerys, we'll as expected"

"Shut the hell up"

"Hahaha she got pissed, sorry sorry"

"Edward you idiot, hahaha"

Woah! What's with this cafeteria it's so huge!

I guess it's really necesarry, there are many students who are trying to be paladins anyways.

This food....It's great!

"Time for classes I guess"

"Wait, where's our classroom anyways?"

"Lets look for the bulletin board"

We've looked for the bulletin board and checked the list of students and their classrooms.

"That's nice we're gonna be in it together!"

"Hahaha, Daenerys won't be alone"


Well she seemed really happy about this.

"Shall we go then?"



The classrooms atmosphere was really tensed. I guess that's expected from the first day of classes. Everyone is nervous.

We'll sit at the top I guess, the three of us together is fun afterall.

"We're just in time huh"

"Yeah, glad we could make it"

The Teacher walks in the classroom and makes an introduction by writing his full name at the board.

"Freed Exavier"

"I am Freed Exavier you're teacher, until you graduate here. Allright enough introductions for me, you're all gonna die anyways"

What a pessimistic teacher!

"Allright one by one, you'll introduce yourself upfront, starting from the bottom to top"

We'll introductions are fine, we're all in the same class until we graduate anyways"

Well the first one was a guy and he seems nervous

"I..I am Theodore..Ni-ni-nice to meet you..everyone"

Nice job, hanging in there man.

The next one was a girl and she seems allright and she's excited for some reason.

"My name is Astrea, I wanna become the strongest Paladin out there, Nice to meet you everyone!"

What an introduction.

Allright another girl, she seems pretty sleepy

"Nice to, I'm Shera.."

Well she was sleepy I guess?

And a guy introduces himself, I'm getting a different vibe from him

"What's with the introductions anyways, what a pain in the ass...sigh..let's get this over with, just call me Shuu"

Man, what a pain in the ass listening to you.

I guess I'm next, off we go then

"Hahaha, goodluck Mikael"

"Go-goodluck Mikael"

"Right, thanks you two"

Well Daenerys and Edward cheered me on, so I guess it's gonna be allright.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mikael, nice to meet you"

Well that was over in a second.

"Okay, next"

I see, Daenerys is next



I went back to my sit and watched Daenerys do her introduction

"Hahahaha, look she's really flustered isn't she, well she'll make it somehow"

"Yeah, she can do it"

"He...he..hello..everyone...I'm Daenerys, a..pleasure you"

Well she managed it somehow...

"See, you can do it afterall"

"Glad it was over"

Well Edward is next, but he's an enthusiastic idiot so he'll be just fine.

"Hahaha, hello everyone, I'm Edward, nice to meet you guys!"

"Now that introductions are over, everyone raise their hands and clap for themselves...yay.."

Ughh...this teacher.

"Now then..everyone, change into your p.e uniform and follow me to the gymnasium"

Gymnasium? What now? Well just follow teacher, I guess..

"As you can see there are six dummies"

"Try to bring them down with your gifts"

Our gifts huh.. Allright then let's do it! This is the first time I'm using my gift.

"Okay first up Theodore"


Well, I guess he's always nervous huh..

Allthough, he has a gift, I'm excited to see it.

"He-here goes"

Gift: Loyalty of the Flames

I see, flames huh...

"Fire spear "

He formed a flame spear on his hand, that's pretty cool, but it seems his hand is slowly burning, side effects of his powers I guess so.

He throw's it causing the dummies to burn.

The teacher was just observing, I guess he's a pretty good teacher in observing, such focus.

"Nice job Theodore, nice job not burning yourself and staying alive, Okay next"

Please bring back my praise, you don't deserve it afterall.

The dummies were repaired instantly, what

regeneration power. Next was Astrea

Gift: Praised by the Sword

Sword magic huh, she summoned a sword, It's also very cool, Huh..what's this she seems really excited. It's like when she trigger her gift, her spirit is fired up as well, what a scary opponent then.

"I'll show you what I can do!"

She jumps in slashing the dummies in one slice, so powerfull.

"How's that teacher!?"

"You're strong allright, allthough you're pretty excited to die out in the battlefield"

"Okay, next!"

Shera's next, I guess she also has a gift even she seems pretty sleepy all the time.

Gift: Protection of the Moon


She completely fell asleep, what a sleepyhead, wait what's this, it seems somethings coming out from here body.

A knight? Protecting her I guess.

The knight rushed in, the dummies were cut and diced, so powerfull I wonder if its defense is stronger.

"Did i fell asleep again?"

She doesn't know what happened?.. I guess when she's asleep, her knight will do the work and she'll wake up when the knight will come back to her body, huh..

"Goodjob Shera, I'm jealous of that gift, I could sleep while someone looks after you guys"

"Ehh..what are you talking about teacher?"

"Nothing..Okay, next"

Next is Shuu, now let's see, he's lazy allright.

"Really? sighs.. why are we doing this teacher?"

"Shut up and show me your gift"


Gift: Faith of the Dark

The darkness envelops around him and the darkness were sent out like a wave and the darkness ate the dummies, quite terrifying to be eaten by the dark.

"Okay we've found an edgelord here everyone"

"Sigh..may I sit now?"

I guess I'm next now

"Okay next, step up front Mikael"

"Hahaha goodluck Mikael"


Guess it's time I use father Heith's gift to me,

He gave it to me when we left the church.

"Mikael, here..use it well my boy"

"It was left here by someone a long time ago"

A katana?

"Long ago there was a swordsman who were just like you, he was not from here and he had a wonderful gift. I guess it's time you use it"


Effect: Dexterity enhance

Stamina enhance

Weapon type: Assault

Gift: Loved by the Wind


I closed my eyes and felt the wind surrounding my body and sword.


It was a really fast slash that the dummies were split in two in a blink of an eye.

I've dashed in, slashing the dummies in two.

Allthough I can't control my gift very well.

My lungs hurt, I feel like it's gonna ripped out from my chest and my legs can't take it anymore if I use it more than three times.

"Nice job, but you seemed worned out"

"So..huffs..sorry teacher"

"I see, you can't use your weapon and your gift at full potential yet"

Next is Daenerys I wonder if she's gonna be allright. Knowing her she's gonna be all fine.

"Okay, next!"


Gift: Calmness of the Moon

It's like she was a different person, her eyes was full of concentration

The targerts we're moving faster and faster and she hits it one by one!

"You're really good Daenerys"

"Tha-thanks teacher"

"Okay, next last one Edward"

"Hahaha right teacher!"

Edwards next huh..

Gift: Mercy of the Goddess

I've heard from father Heith, when he was young he had a really frail body, he couldn't even walk nor stand. He was bedridden. One day he got out of his bed and he became a really strong child.

He slammed the dummies with his axe and destroyed it along with the ground.

"Hmm.. I see"

Teacher was impressed then he called us all over and told us to line up.

"Okay, everyone nice job not dying"

"Anyways...yawn...Class is ajourned"

Well then class is over, as we head back, I can feel that we're all tired.

"Se-see you guys tommorow!"

"See ya, my classmates!"

"Yawns...goodnight everyone"

Well after all that we head back to our rooms and Daenerys went back with Astrea and Shera. Shuu and Theodore went back to their room, they're roommates I guess..

"Hahaha I'm so tired Mikael"

"Yeah me too"

Guess I'll eat supper and sleep for now.

Tommorow's gonna be another day of hell anyways. Sleep is the best medicine afterall.

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