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Chapter 9 [The manga artist is a...]

"I finally have a thousand followers on my SNS~ And the sales quota for my light novel has been reached too~"

Honoka hummed in her apartment as she had just checked her follower account and at the same time her hands typed away on her laptop working on the first chapter of the new volume of her light novel.


Her smartphone had just received a message making her stop what she was doing and grab it, and it was from her editor Shigure...

"The artist that wanted to adapt your light novel wants to do a meeting for you to discuss the adaptation."


she quickly replied not even thinking about anything else beside the discussion on hand, though something about the whole thing was a little suspicious to her.

"Thursday, here at the publishing office at around the afternoon."

I thought she was going to say sunday...

She let out a short sigh before grabbing her laptop to start working on the first chapter of her light novel.


On a train on the way to the publisher's office...

I thought I was gonna oversleep or something... Luckily I got an alarm to wake me up...

Wearing her lolita dress once again and a parasol in one hand and a backpack on her bag, she made her way to the nearest station from the publishing office a station at a time.

This is making nervous... What if the artist isn't someone that I can get along with easily...? What do I do then...?

Honoka worried as her stop was coming closer and closer as the time passed, anxiety and nervousness got a hold of her feelings making her heart beat faster than normal... Along with the sweat that dripped down her back from the humidy of the fully-packed train that she rode, it also gave her a uncomfortable feeling as a result.

As she attempts to force herself to endure a little bit longer until the train got to her stop the announce for her stop- shibuya station where the publishing office is just across the street from it.

Finally... I can finally get off...

She made her way out of the station in a steady pace with sweat still dripping as if she was melting like a piece of ice and got to the publishing office within just ten minutes of walking from one of the exits of the aforementioned station.


The elevator doors opened to the floor where the conference rooms were and she was spotted by her editor immediately, beckoning her towards one of the doors.

"The manga artist is just about to arrive, we'll wait for her in here in the meantime."

Her editor Shigure stated with a teacup containing some tea which she placed infront of Honoka and another one that she placed infront of the seat that she was gonna be sitting on.

So the artist is a girl...

Honoka didn't say anything and just took her smartphone out of one of her hoodie's pockets and just started messing with it.


After waiting for five minutes, the door of the conference room swung open slowly with a girl with curly hair with some of it braided on the right and real cat ears on top of her head along with a tail pocking out of the backside of her clothes, wearing a sailor uniform style dress with excessively long sleeves which had fully covered her hands making it look like the dress was too big for her and a man that looked like he was middle-aged wearing a black business suit with a matching blue necktie.

Shigure immediately gotten up and greeted the two with a handshake before they both got to seat down across the table inside of the room.

Is she the artist...? She looks like a little kid...

Honoka couldn't help but stare at the very young looking girl in front of her with eyes full of curiosity and confusion.

In response to her staring the young looking girl said: "I may look like this but I'm actually twenty three years old."

She titled her head with a smile as if she was just joking.

Honoka got up from her seat and exclaimed: "Y-You're how old??" With her eyes round as marbles opened wide to the cat humanoid's statement.

"Sit down, Honoka. We're about to start."

The humanoid merely just laughed at her reaction as Honoka quitely sat down again after being told so by Shigure.

What the hell...? She looks way to young to be in her twenties... There's just no way... But then again... I've been alive for decades so this shouldn't surprise me...

Her thoughts were all over the place as she tried figuring out how this girl that she's sitting in front of looks so young...

Her thoughts continued to be like this as she answered questions that were about how that girl which had the name Koto as her pen name would go about certain scenes like the fight scenes, comic relief scenes, and many others.

Her phone which had been set to silent mode was also vibrating every few minutes as they discussed from the notifications from the chat group app on her phone.

Their meeting ended after a really long back and forth when it comes to answering between Honoka and Koto, along with their editors.

As they were about to leave the said room Koto went up to Honoka and whispered: "I'm a cosplayer too and part of the cosplaying chat group." before she said: "Nyahah~☆"

All her whisper did was just make Honoka even more confused, but this time it wasn't her appearance that got her confused.

But instead it was the fact that she was a member of the same chat group that she was in...

She probably saw the selfie that Yuuki took with me without asking me first from that time when we went to harajuku...

Now that the meeting was over she was now finally able to go back home.

[To Be Continued...]

SoraNekohime SoraNekohime

UPDATE: Chapter 10 is now 60% done

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