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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 [The Visiting Editor Shigure]

'That was exhausting... It sucks that I had to go back earlier because of my editor...'

Honoka sighed whilst she collapsed onto her bed after coming back from the summer doujinshi event.

*Ding Dong*

"That must be editor Shigure..."

Her apartment's door bell rang making her get back up and see who rang it.

A woman with short elf ears, black hair and blue-colored eyes wearing a black business suit with matching black shoes was standing in front of the door of her apartment holding a envelope that had numerous ammounts of paper stuffed into making it look bloated.

"Sorry for suddenly coming over."

She bowed at Honoka due to the sudden visit that she made on that day.

"I-It's fine, I wasn't really busy... Come on in." she answered in a uninterested manner.

'I hope she doesn't find out that I was at a doujinshi event...'

Honoka replied nervously trying to hide the fact that she was actually somewhere else a little bit ago and not at her apartment since that would probably get her mad since she was supposed to be planning out the story for the next volume of her light novel by this time and not messing around.

Honoka's assigned editor Shigure sat in the living room area of her apartment and opened the envelope that she was holding revealing what the contents of it were.

"A manga artist is interested in adapting your light novel."

Honoka was caught off guard by this announcement that Shigure made as she sat down on a sofa parallel to where Shigure had seated down.

"W-What...? Hold on, Who's the artist that's gonna be working on it?"

Honoka inquired now interested in what Shigure had to say to her.

"I-It's still in the planning stages so-"

'I've only just released my fifth volume... How is it getting a adaptation already?'

Honoka couldn't believe how fast it was for her light novel to get a adaptation of some kind and couldn't help but make a dumbfounded look on her face.

Shigure cleared her throught and continued: "I just came over to tell you."

She got up and turned toward the door leaving the said envelope behind on the coffee table in the middle of the room with Honoka who didn't get more time to ask her more about it.

"Hah... Well, I'm not really complaining..."

Honoka sighed as she got up to take a shower after spending some time outside in the scorching summer heat.


It was now evening and Honoka had already started to write her plans for the next volume of her light novel in case her editor tells her that the sales quota for her work had been reached and she has to release another volume.


Her smartphone rang as she started doing the planning for the next volume of her light novel distracting her almost to the point where she lost concentration.

It was Yuuki once again sending Honoka a message via private messaging on the chat group app.

"Hey Honoka? U still awake?"

"Yeah, What's up?"

"Well, there's gonna be a cosplay photoshoot that we admins/moderators have arranged and i was wondering if you were interested in going."

Honoka who was already busy because of her job as a writer had to make sure that she had free time first so she asked: "When is it and what time?"

"It's this sunday and the it's gonna be at Kyoto, but we'll all meetup at the station at 2PM."

Honoka thought for a while almost falling asleep in the process due to how tired she was...

'There's still around a week before Shigure tells me the results for my light novel...

I should probably go to get some inspiration and for the fun of it.'

Honoka replied to Yuuki saying that she's gonna be going before continuing on the drafting for her light novel.

'I wonder who the artist that'll do the adaptation of my light novel will be...'

She couldn't help but imagine how this artist is gonna be and if she's gonna like the art style of this said artist or not.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot to post on my SNS account."

She quickly got up once again and took a picture of her newly made costume which was just hanging on a hook on the wall and quickly posted it on her SNS account with the caption: "Coming soon cosplay".

"And... Done."


The sounds of notifications from random people on the SNS app that she used made her phone ring a couple of times as those people pressed like on her post or commented on it.

"Ok, That's enough messing around! Time to get back to work."

She picked up her laptop that she uses for writing and began to work on her light novel once again...

The sounds of the keyboard's keys being used was the only sound that could be heard in her small apartment that she's currently living in.

"Now all I have to do is do a few changes then I'm finally done with my draft..."

With a loud yawn she finally finished the rough draft of her light novel's plot line and went to bed for the night.


Her smartphone rang the following morning when she was about to go to the convenience store to buy her breakfast as she opened the door of her apartment, she took out her smartphone that she put in her hoodie's pocket to check the notification that she had just gotten in cast that it was something important and not some text message spammer trying to scam her.

The notification was from the chat group app notifying her that a new message had been sent to thechat group.

"Good morning everyone!"

The message was from Azuki this time around and not from Yuuki who usually sends morning greetings everyday which Honoka found a little bit weird but she decided to not look into it since it was kind of stupid to do so and instead returned the greeting and placed her smartphone in one of the pockets of her hoodie once again and continued walking the streets of her neighborhood with the hood of her hoodie up like she always does whenever she steps outside to protect herself from the sunlight.

"Followers: 300"

"Finally a decent ammount of new followers."

Honoka grinned stupidly as she saw the three digit count on her followers of her SNS account as she sat down in the living room area of her studio apartment.

[To Be Continued...]

SoraNekohime SoraNekohime

Kinda hard to balance the chat group aspect and Honoka's personal life... But it's fun to work on this webnovel so far since I actually do some cosplay.

-Next Chapter [The manga artist is a...]-

UPDATE: Chapter 9 is now 80% done

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