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Chapter 7: Cpater 7 - Line

"Hey! It's you again. "Sakura stood at the edge of the massive crater, holding a change of clothes that would fit the woman's curvy new body. "Thanks again, for giving me a drop of your blood. I am forever in your debt. "

"What exactly happened? "Sakura held her emotions from showing on her face as it was a pre-set habit yet, it did not bother Sakura in the least. "Who or what are you? "

"My name is Cheir'ka. As for what just happened, I have awakened sooner than I had calculated. You are a mysterious being to have accelerated my transformation by fifty years. I am an Eora. My species have been on the decline for many millennia. However, in our last desperate attempt from war, we shot to the stars in different directions in hopes that one of our harvesters would make landfall in a remote, livng planet with a suitable atmosphere. "

"So, you are essentially going to enslave all of mankind and build your new world here. "Sakura stood indifferent as she had her space, which was her own personal universe if she included the impossible vast lands that were unique to her pavilion to hide in should war be the case.

"Well, not quite. I may have landed here, but this is no way a suitable planet for the few kin I carry in my ship to live in. I mean this in no way to disregard your race-"

"No, we are pretty much incapable of peace. Your claims are valid. "Sakura tried letting the mood lighten yet, she felt worried in her heart for Alyssa, Freja, and all the others still struggling to survive.

"No, no. Please, little Human. I mean no disrespect. I am not going to harvest this planet as it only has a few dozen decades left of life. Quite possibly, in the next century or so, this planet will be a scorching desert with no means to sustain any forms of life. " At her words, Sakura's heart sank as she did not know the shocking revelation as in her previous life, she was born only a few years from today yet, in closer observation, the world a few years in the future began to undergo drastic climate changes.

"Are you certain, will Earth really be devoid of life? "Looking into Sakura's eyes, the woman nodded lightly as she confirmed her worst fears. "... Sorry, I have not spoken my name, I'm Sakura Hajime. Pleasure to meet you Lady Chier'ka. "

"Oh, how plesant. Thanks to you, I was able to return to my form... Well, in your species form that is, but my original form nonetheless. "

Sakura then spent the whole afternoon getting to know Cheir and discovered that her galaxy, the Milky Way was actually just a tiny speck from where she came from. Various forms of life exist in other galaxies and millions of undiscovered planets are now being used as bargaining chips for the more powerful empires, organizations, and even celestial bodies as war was a constant in space as were territories.

Sakura tried to take it all in but, failed to breach even the surface of what she had known. There was a whole universe full of mystery, most of which could be said to rock the foundation of Human understanding.

As it stood, Earth, and the solar system it was in were in the far boonies of the universe. None bothered heading into the Milky Way as there literally was nothing there to gain compared to other star systems. Much like a vast darkness or a hole, nothing was in the Milky Way. Which is why Earth was a rarity as Cheir surmised that life was brought to Earth by some terraforming, intelligent species that were traveling and became lost at some point and had run out of fuel or something happened that caused them to settle on Earth.

Sakura didn't know how to process all the information yet, she understood that the world was not going to exist for much longer in an average human being's lifetime.

Added, Sakura had already begun drawing up plans with a few Imortality pills that Sakura spent a full decade gathering in her space for one floor alone, as she thought how to best make use of. Sakura was patiently going to go and decide on whether she would offer them to Alyssa and Freja as well as a few people of their choosing yet, even Sakura knew how dangerous and life altering such a thing was.

Even with the immortal bracelet she had on that stopped her from aging, it would only work if there was a considerable amount of energy rooting it in place. 'Wait, it that's true, can't I just anchor it to the pavilion? '

Sakura closed her eyes and soon, the pavilion became her new anchor as she gasped and smiled lightly inside. 'It worked! '

Turning to Cheir, Sakura offered her a pill and without much hesitation, she took it and swallowed it. Folowing a golden light, she then calmed down and turned to face the sky as a bright, beautiful smile painted her face.

"With this, I can now end the cycle of letting my people die of age. I was the 9th thousand chosen to tend to my vessel and all her crew. With this, I can find my people a new home no matter how long it takes... Do you know what that means, Sakura, I don't have to pass on the torch to the next unfortunate soul! Thank you, thank you very much, Sakura. I, Cheir'ka will hereby swear my loyalty to Lady Sakura Hajime! Till my last dying breath! "

"Uh... "Sakura was still struggling to understand what exactly has happened today yet, she shrugged her shoulders as she saw nothing wrong with simply going with the flow.


Outside the bunker, Skaura had arrived with Freja and her small group as she was intent on letting the others know about the future.

Once inside, a hard-boiled man slammed his fist onto the makeshift conference table in the dining hall.

"Are you sure we can trust a word she says?! I mean... For crying out loud, she said an 'ALIEN' told her! "Alyssa was not in the least bit skeptical as she trusted Sakura fully.

"Whether who her source was, it is clear that she has warned us ahead of time. I, for one, stand behind Sakura. "

All eyes soon turned toward Sakura. Suddenky, she faked her lips and spoke.

"Well, if you don't believe me, I understand. However, this is the end, the REAL END, of the planet and it's fast approaching. I doubt anyone will survive no matter how thick these steel walls are... In a few years time, I will have a functioning starship made with the aim to take humanity into space, with the help of my 'Alien friend'. Those at least still living will be welcomed and be made ready to take to the stars. I have said my piece and have already uploaded this information to the world. "


Everyone held their breath as even the most hardened veterans felt the strain in her voice as she was just as scared as everyone else. The message was displayed everywhere and included the secret underground bunkers with the rich and useless. Many scorned that she was lying while others were on the fence as a very few powerful groups began making their moves toward their Eastern Hemisphere.

Turning the last chapter of humanity's last days on Earth, Sakura set forward with her aim toward connecting Humanity with the rest of the galaxies outside of the Milky Way.

Thus, began the start of a new age, with her single handedly guiding mankind toward the last and the beginning of the frontier... Space.


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