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33.33% Saire Valid / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Inferno

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Inferno

Peering at the family stopping at an abandoned gas station on the side of a forest road, Sakura smirked and quickly dropped her leg as loud thunderous sounds echoed within the forest.

Soon, Sakura appeared and the family of few turned with shock and fear, quickly turn to delight and gasps as they saw a familair beauty riding from where they hade came from.

Slowing down in front of the two parked cars, Sakura shut lifted the break and smoothly got off as she raised two tanks of gasoline and dropped them beside one another as she then raised her peculiar set of black and white eyes.

"Apologies for leaving you abruptly. I surmised you will need gasoline thus, I went to scavenge some-"A sudden shock reached Sakura when Alyssa abruptly thee herself into Sakura. However, Sakura relcined to minimize the impact and let Alyssa simply hug her. "If I have made you worry, My apologies, young Madam. "

Sakura decided to continue her cover and let the group believe she was from royalty.

'Might as well, how else am I going to be able to stay beside my one true beauty. Hmm, this might be fun. '

"No, I-Its not that. You saved us and we now know how different the world is. We wouldn't habe made it a day had it not been for you, thank you! Thank you, Sakura. "Sakura held a gentle smile with glistening eyes as she then pulled herlsef together and held her stoic face. "Where did you go? Did you really leave to find us some gas? Really? "

"Indeed. It is as you say, Madam. I am unfamiliar with this side of the world however, I can prove my worth and serve you... If you'll have me that is. "Lowering into a bow, Alyssa blushes and quickly accepted Sakura into their group. Sakura was singing with joy internally yet, she only closed her eyes and nodded respectfully. "Then, I am now in your care, Madam Alyssa. "

Alyssa became jittery when she heard that Sakura would be joining them and staying by her side from then onwards.

After refueling, Sakura then walked the motorcycle around the gas station and returned as she then climbed inside the car and sat sandwiched between two pretty girls close her age. Sakura had taken the motorcycle in her space while she expressed that she would be leaving it behind.

Continuing forward, Sakura now bad a front row seat to the apocalypse with Alyssa by hee side... Or rather, with Sakura by Alyssa's side.

Closing her eyes, Sakura began protecting her conscious mind into hee peace where she found the few children that had already begun showing signs of aging as Sakura sent them to the Pavilion and mad either clear not to pass up to the second floor. Stunned by the mystical sight, they obediently listened and began working in their individual traits from which, Sakura had left countless books and ideologies in text form for each film them to read.

The studies ranged from war and politics to land development and the market system. Sakura had learned all of the materials in the short time span of a few days as her mind greatly improved since being reborn due to the Pavilion's permanent effects.

Returning to the car, Sakura saw three sets of eyes while the occasional glance from the fourth as she sat silently still.

Suddenly, Sakura frowned when she spotted another group further down the road. Sakura then decided to milk her persona and spoke in a low, gentle voice as she lightly opened he Reyes while her naturally flowing hair swayed in the car.

"The spirits tell me of another group far ahead in the road. They appear to be rounding up civilian... My spirits have warned me and I now relay their words to you, Madam Alyssa. "Sakura then closed her eyes once more as Alyssa held no hesitation to slow the car and pull off to the side and hide in the nearby treeline.

Soon enough, a massive convoy passed them by on the same road as Alyssa gulped at Sakura's mystical connection with the so-called spirits. It only deepened her resolve to never let Sakura out of he rsight as she wishes to know more about her mysterious new freind.

"Hey... How did you know that a large group was going to be passing by the road? "Asked Mr Hatsune as the four women only glances at Sakura who was politely standing behind Alyssa like a loyal maid.


Time passed and soon, the group arrived at an empty town. The eerie setting would make many turn backnor continue on their way, however, when they heard Sakura say it was safe, they believed her and went inside.

Filling up on supplies and food, Sakura was reviewing old footage from a few days ago and saw how the whole town was evacuated by their military to a nearby bunker. Sakura opened her eyes and told the group thebjew information and saw theirbeyes light up brightly.

Turning back into the road, they drove listening to Sakura's direvtions and after a few hours, they arrived at an outpost where other cars were lining up to enter into the bunker.

However, just as they were stopped, Sakura turned and stepped out of the car. She then told a small lie.

"If I enter, my image will be scanned and my family will know where I am. As well as my family's enemies and they will hunt me down as a bargaining chip. Thank you for your hospitality and for the kind trearement. I won't ever forget it. "Though the group wanted to stop her, they knew that her reputation and uknown status would cause for alarm.

Thinking it through, the best they could do was wish her good luck. Alyssa was the only one who was adamant about her not leaving. However, Emily soon convinced her it was for the best as they all knew Sakura had skill and help by an otherworldly source to aid her in her travels.

Nodding, Alyssa hugged her one last time and in the slight moment, heard Sakura's seductive tone of voice. "If you ever want me... Just sceam my name and I'll appear... But you will only have one chance to summon me... After which, we truly go on our separate ways... My beautiful Madam. "Leaving Alyssa blushing after a light peck on her cheek, the world stood still as Alyssa remained frozen while Sakura disappeared into the nearby forest.


Near a large, unfinished building, a group of mercenaries stood in a circle as they stared with evil eyes at the group of young, bound women before them. It was the same large group from before that had passed Sakura by and within them, Sakura noticed that she wanted to test out her new abilities with a small army.

Teleporting behind the group of men in the same manner as before, Sakura sliced the three and their bodies soon hit the ground and she then disappeared from view. The sudden noise spooked the men and turned to find three of their own lying dead on the ground.

Taking up arms quickly, Sakura then appeared behind them once more and sliced as she held her stoic face while the many young women watched in fear. Dodging bullets like it was nothing, Sakura slid her blade between the rounds and spun as she then swung down her sword and sliced off the leaders arm holding the gun.

Swiftly thrusting her katana into the leaders chest, she then slid it back out and took out a small silo cloth as she then cleaned off the blood from her sword and sheathed it back into it's case. Turning, she then freed few of the captive women and stepped back. While the group of women were distracted, Sakura tilted her head and grabbed the hilt of her sword as she looked out into the distance.

'... Zombies. A lot of them. 'Seeing the indifferent expression, the group of women were eventually freed and before they coud thank Sakura, her words cut the that they were safe.

"What do we do? "Sakura turned to look at the large convoy of cars and trucks. Getting the general idea, the group of women borded a bus and made their way to the bunker Sakura had came from. Leaving a detailed map with directions, Sakura dissapeared beside the drivers side and the women looked around until the first group of zombies came into view further down the road.

Turning, they followed Sakura's map and found themselves at the bunker where they told them about the zombies and the exterminated group of scum all while praising a mysterious girl a katana and bright black and white peculiar colored eyes.

News spread throughout the bunker and soon, the large metal doors came to a close as they had to prepare for the passing zombie horde as there was a rarher large city not far from where they were.

Alyssa soon heard rumors about a familair sounding individual and gasped along with her family and Emily. They knew who she was but due ti what sue said, they held their tounges as a glint of pride was cast within Alyssa's bright blue eyes.


Sitting atop a large structure, Sakura watched as the passing horde was like a winding snake. The vague city shadow was seen as the zombies flooded out like ants from a colony to find food.

Her gaze shifted as she had tests of blood flowing slowly from her eyes. Sakura was constantly using "Gods-Eye" in an effort to find more survivors, preferably women. She had little success as there were none alive in the fifteen mile radius of where she was.

"Gods-Eye" was a vital ability yet, even if she could defect peoole who needed saving somewhere on the other side of the world, it would only be temporary as Sakura was only one person.

Turning her gaze up to the sky, Sakura laid back as she extended her slender hand into the air. The bright blue sky looked the same as always. Nothing like in most Post-Apocalyptic comics Sakura used to read in her past life, but clear and beautiful blue skies.

Turning to her side, she dissapeared and turned in her soft big bed as she was now in a beautiful cabin home as she had long since pulled the children back into her bracelet space and they now looked a few years older than Sakura. Tending to her as soon as the bell rung that suggested she was present, an ingenious way to alert them whenever their Goddess had returned.

When they saw her elegantly dozing away, they held back their gasps as they idolized her for saving them from a life of uncertainty and loneliness. Two new couples had formed from the eight. Even though they were all girls, they loved and cherished each other like no tomorrow.


Snapping back outside, three months had passed and Sakura was watching over Alyssa carefully. New factions had formed and Alyssa was not having any of it. The new faction had gained a lot of traction and soon, even the soldiers were getting worried a revolt would take place.

However, Sakura smiled from ear to ear as she heard a high pitched scream, calling for her name.


"Hah! Shut up and do as you are told-agh! "A bone shattering sound echoed within the bunker as a famialr gaze of black and white orbs engulfed the group of men with an immense blood lust that few shivered at the sight.

"S-Sakura!? "Emily shouted as Sakura seemingly appeared out of thin air and sliced the arm off the fat, chubby old man. Sakura swiped her blade and politely turned to fave Alyssa, bowed, and dropped to one knee as her clear, calm and seductive low voice echoed in the entire bunker.

"You called, Madam Alyssa. "The sight before them was easily mistaken as many believed Sakura was an Angel, while others thought she was some top-notch assassin. Whatever many believed, everyone could agree on one thing, Alyssa was someone nobody should mess with.

"T-That is all, you may go back and wait until I call for you. "Though Alyssa believed Sakura would not answer her a second time, Sakura bowed and in an instant, Sakura opted the assassin route as she threw down a smoke bomb and dissapeared into thin air.


The bunker had calmed down and no new problems arose. Many now went to Alyssa for gudence while others were simply curious as to who the girl called Sakura really was.

However, Alyssa was very protective over Sakura.

Until disaster struck.


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