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Chapter 4

After I said those words, I immediately regret saying it out loud. Thomas stopped in his tracks and looked at me with a surprised look in his face and I can see everyone's faces in the room was painted in shock.

Yeah I bet it was shocking, I am shocked at myself. I have never in my life let my tongue slip in this manner, and what's worse I did it in front of Thomas. But I couldn't help it, he was being too rude, I agree I should have come up with some ideas but can't he be a little considerate, it feels like I have traveled 4 years back when Thomas was berating me for my incompetency as a newly employed straight outta college kid. Back then I swallowed all of his criticisms as part of the learning process but not this time.

"Do you have something else to offer? An idea perhaps?" Thomas says sarcastically

"No I don't have an idea but I know that scrapping up the Jonathan Key interview and replacing it with the run of the mill interview with actors who have yet to make an impact is a bad idea." I say firmly trying hard not to make my voice shake.

"I don't think its fair for the people who have worked hard on the interview to be treated this way, you also haven't given us a reason on why you want to scrap the interview that has already been done and edited." I say

"If you want a reason, then you should ask it to Jonathan himself, since he's the one who called me up and asked me not to run the interview. And since the magazine has to respect its interviewee's opinion, I as the editor-in-chief decided to scrap it." Thomas says this in a cold manner

"Oh" I say meekly, I kinds feel embarrassed now

"So if no one has any other ideas, we will proceed with the run of the mill interview even if it is banal." He shoots a look at me

"No you can't do that, you have to convince Jonathan to change his mind. Isn't the magazine in trouble already?" Riya suddenly speaks up. "Thomas, we have to publish the interview, this is the only way we can build up the confidence of the company directors in the company."

Thomas sighs, "I have already tried and even begged Jonathan to change his mind, he isn't going to change his mind. Just get back to work."

Something's weird Thomas is a perfectionist, he doesn't give up that easily and to think he is willing to put out an average main feature when the magazine is already in the verge of crumbling, this is so unlike him.

I look around the conference table, everyone's faces seems to reflect their worries as clear as day. I feel bad for them, it's only my first day of working here and to see all these depressing faces is making me feel bad that I can't do anything to help them. Unless...

"Let me do it." I stand up from my seat

"Let you do what" Thomas asks

"I'll convince Jonathan, I think I can do it. I know this is my first day and I haven't been of much help, but I can't just see my new workplace collapse even before I get a hold of working here. To be honest, I don't know much about working for a men's magazine but I believe it's not much different from working for a women's magazine when it comes to taking interviews. Stella must have transferred me here, because she believed I could be of help here and I want to live up that trust. So please let me help."

After I finish my speech, I can feel everyone's eyes on me including Thomas's. He rubs his chin and after thinking for sometime, he gives a subtle nod.

"Fine let's try it your way. I'll call Jonathan's manager to make an appointment for today, be ready." he leaves the conference room

Everyone turns to face me,

"Are you sure you can do this?" A guy in glasses asks me, I have noticed him just now but he's kinda cute. "You do know the future of the magazine rests on your shoulders, no pressure though." he grins at me and leaves

"Thanks, I guess?" I say

After Thomas's morning revelation I couldn't personally introduce myself to the other employees so I don't know how to interact with the other people. I just hope I am able to convince Jonathan and actually prove myself to the employees otherwise I don't know how I'll face them.

Two hours after the meeting Thomas calls me to his office and informs me to get ready to leave in the afternoon after the lunch break. As soon as the lunch break starts, Thomas and I go down to the parking garage and I climb into the passenger seat of Thomas's car. It was a nice and comfortable car but somehow I still felt uncomfortable because of Thomas sitting next to me.

We are meeting Jonathan at his house in a posh area where only people belonging A-list live.

"Before you meet Jonathan you need to know few things about him." He says to me

"Ok what is it?"

"He doesn't like people who try to get cozy with him, he's a straightforward guy and he likes his privacy. And..." he trails off

"And what?"

"And you might have to play a small role."

"Role? What kind of role? You did tell him we are coming right?" I am beginning to think that Thomas isn't telling me the entire truth so I press him on.

"What is it?"

"Jonathan is a very private person and I have known him since we were kids. He absolutely detests talking to anyone whom he doesn't know. So I told him that I want him to meet my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" I blink at him "Who's your girlfriend?"

He doesn't give a reply and it dawns on me. I look at him with my mouth open in shock.

"Don't tell me you told him I am your girlfriend. Why would you do that?"

"I just told you he doesn't meet strangers, this was the only way I could create an opportunity for you to convince him. Otherwise you wouldn't even be anywhere near him." He says to me with a straight face without taking his eyes off from the road.

I can't believe I have to pretend being Thomas's girlfriend. If someone had told me that I would be fired by Thomas on the first day and then I would meet an accident which would lead me to be hospitalised and then I would meet a charming handsome doctor who would then become my husband. I would have believed them first than to believe that I will have to pretend to be Thomas's girlfriend. This really is the worst. I can't believe this is happening to me.

"Don't get too happy, it's not like I am loving the idea of having to introduce you to my childhood friend as my girlfriend." He cuts into my agony and replace it with rage.

"Yeah it's not like you can ever find a real girlfriend." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing I just said that I would do my best as your pretend girlfriend to try and convince him." I give him a big fake smile.

After half an hour of driving on silence we finally reach Jonathan's house, more like a mansion.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah let's get it done with." I take a deep breath as I step down from the car.

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