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75% War Within Worlds / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Voyage to Kor bid (Part 2: Memories that were)

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Voyage to Kor bid (Part 2: Memories that were)

As the other heroes catch up to Korrin, Lapran looks around still not believing he's home in wonderment.

"Where are we"? Dobram asked.

"I'm not sure. It looks so, peaceful though". Korrin said.

"It's my home. This is where I started and have to fix things". Lapran exclaimed. "I just have to figure out how".

"Oh, well that explains it then". Korrin said.

As the heroes follow Lapran to his home, they start to get an unease come over them. As Lapran begins to approach the house and reach for the handle, he pauses and a flashback of how everything went when he left.

" Haha, serves you right. Maybe next time you'll think before..."

"Lapran. I can't believe all that's been happening".



"Lapran! Hey, can you hear me"? Korrin asked.

Lapran snaps out of his trance.

"Huh? What, what's going on"? He asked.

"Nothing. You kind of zoned out there for a minute. Started to freak me out". Korrin explained.

"...Sorry. I was daydreaming". He said.

As the heroes stroll down the countryside, Lapran began to look around and remember the good times he used to have with Lapran.

"My name used to be Braman. When did I decide to be called Lapran"? He thought.

After awhile, he begins to doubt hisself and his abilities to overcome this situation.

"Will I be able to handle it? What if I end up just like Lapran"?

he thought.

He begins to panic and breath heavily. His vision begins to blur and he starts to feel woozy.

"Hey, Lapran, is this you..." as Korrin began to finish, he looked back and saw Lapran face down on the ground.

"Lapran? LAPRAN"! he shouted.

A little later...

"My dear brother, what happened"?

"No one...I taught myself..."


As Lapran lays in bed, Korrin looks on.

"Um, I'm about to go and wander around and see his village. I'll be back after everything's secure". Dobram said. "Hopefully, there's some kind of lookouts, or strategical points we can use".

With that, Dobram exited out the house. After the door closes, Korrin and Prorid continue to look over Lapran.

"Sso, I'm alsso going to head out for a minute. Probably get ssome ssun while it'ss up". Prorid said.

"Okay, I'll just hangout here until you guys get back". Korrin replied.

Prorid gives a nod and begins to make his way to the door.

"Hey, Korrin"? Prorid said

"Yea"? Korrin replied.

"Everything'ss going to be okay, right"? he asked.

"Of course. Any minute now, Lapran is going to open his eyes, and then we'll continue our adventure". Korrin answered.

hesitantly, Prorid replied. "...if you ssay sso". then heads out.

Korrin looks back at Lapran and continues to watch him.

"Mom, don't... don't leave! Please. Don't..."! Lapran mumbled.

"He must have went through a tough situation". Korrin said as he lowered his head.

A few hours go by and the sun begins to settle. Outside, the previous sounds of children playing slowly began to quiet down, until all you can hear were the sounds of the adults at the pub.

"Funny, it went from laughing then screaming, to screaming and then laughing. It's like night and day on this world". Korrin said.

Just then, Dobram burst through the door, staggering as if he's been drinking all day.

"KO...RRIN, what'r..wht're..*hic* wat're you doing? huh? you should've, ben wit me. Hey, hey, hey, they have this clere wata dat makes everding, woozy". he drunkenly said.

He stumbles in and lands on Korrin with his arm around him. Breath stenching of alcohol he continues.

"Dey have this otha drink dat make your mou...mou... lips pucker up. Nuffin like back home".

Korrin replied.

"Dobram, you've been drinking alcohol and it's polluting you're mind. Are you even old enough to drink that stuff"? he asked.

Prorid shortly enters after that.

"Hey, Korrin! there'ss thiss posster all over town looking for a drunkard who ressemble....".

As he was about to finish, Dobram jumps on Prorid.

"Proprid! Whe have you ben? You wiuldve had a blas wit me"! he says proudly pointing at his chest.

"Never mind, I think I found who they're after". Prorid said.

As Prorid and Korrin try to keep Dobram quiet, Lapran begins to move as if he's regaining his consciousness.

"DOBRAM! GET OFFA ME"! Prorid yells.

"Prorid, you have to be quiet". Korrin said. "If we get caught, who knows what'll happen".

"Aww, c'mon guys". Dobram said. " Let's awl go swimmin'".

Just then Dobram stopped. As he tried to speak, the words escaped and nothing. Prorid and Korrin looked at each other and then back at Dobram.

"Um, Dobram. You okay there buddy"? Korrin asked.

Dobram looks at Korrin, gives a smile and a thumbs up and looks back at Prorid. Prorid smiles back at Dobram ,but then Dobram heaved and threw up on Prorid.

"Aah, aah....AAAHHH"! Prorid yelled. "WHAT THE FUCK"!

Dobram then passes out on top of Prorid, pinning him on the floor.

"Korrin. GET HIM OFFA ME"! Prorid said.

The two of them get Dobram off and Prorid heads out to get cleaned off. He slams the door while exiting, leaving Korrin, and drunken passed out Dobram, and an unconscious Lapran in the house alone. He chuckles a little and continues to look after, now two people.

Meanwhile outside....

"Bullsshit, bullsshit, bullsshit! Why me"? Prorid asks while cleaning off the vomit. "How did I end up with thesse bunch of cluelesss idiotss! *sigh* I guesss thiss iss my life now".

He begins to think of his life before meeting these three and how it was no better. Thinking to himself...

"At least I don't have to worry about my life being threatened everyday". he said

Just then a voice can be heard.

"How about just once and afterwards, you won't have to worry about it again". The voice said.

Prorid looks up and sees LAP-MIN!

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